TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL. r SBs MURDERED 111 III B'S JUNCTION EARLY Tdf.j WINSTON-SALEM,. N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 14, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS frIY HIS WIFE AND ONE CHILD KILLED THEIR HOME BY UNKNOWN PARTIES. Harry K. Thaw Very Anxious For Her Arrival In New York. C MOTHER. OFFERS SERVICES. MASONIC TEMPIE. CIII FOOD RIOTS I When She Getr Then Further Step. in preparation ot His Defence Will Thaw Called Today But Latter Was Vid Seriously Injured and Will Die-r-Crime Was Probabl Be Taken. Mrs . I HR,twecnOne And Two O'clock This Morn-1 r "cKte- f'f,,, viftims Were Murdered House Was Set Afire. No' Allowed to See Thaw .J- I 1.1 It. .... Awakening Twouwer uuuyi.iei 5 up ouurs. wno : By wire , tk som-md. 'i. ( 1.- .Mis nan v May kiiizic. actress aini personal .1 1 .. 'i-i, ..... ... . .-..uM DonMnn Full lnvPMlna11nn...Mnrh . . . ' "- ""' " ..rll ,n -.nt Ulihl., . .mesne ment' -Victims weil-Iiiuwu auu uiymy icapeueU;as f. . t Thoir ParsiiK' Rnnm and WitnftQArt L. . OI'K- -n it .--m, M DOWn IU ,4"v" vwu)K. maw., ,1 I., Mi L sight-Three Negro Men and One Negro Worn- Roosevelt " Volunteers To Aid, Will Be Handsomost Office Scarcity of Rice And Consc- In Settling (Hiatdmala-. Salvador Dispute. Building In North Carolina. quentRiseln Price Cause Suffering. Mexico Fogle Bros. Co., Contractor. Hope to Complete It In Ten Monthi. A ' Review of the Plans. Work to Be j gin at an Early Date on the Modern ! Structure. I JUNCTION, .July. i0!t horrible tragedies in if this coumy oci.u..- ition this morning. Be- Vours of one . ana iwo tnown person or persons me 0f Mr. Ike Lyerly, a farmer, while its occu- jsietp, killing Mr. Lyerly, three of the youngest tiy, Janie. John and the Uhce, their ages ranging i twelve years, rents and the three chil ling in the front room floor, there being two Jerj sleeping up stairs, unmolested and were the si-o'se and flames tie criminal or criminals fe to the house. The two ted the stairs to awaken nd mother. On reaching ey beheld a most appall- tieir father and mother It younger children being leds. cold in death. Their crushed and their faces kd. Wageous efforts the two iers, . Mary and Addie, 6 respectively, managed dead bodies from the itinguish the flames. Then the nearest neighbor's, rber's, and told the story tragedy, fg no officers of the law Mr, R. R, Millikin, train ft duty at that hour, was promptly dispatched the sheriff at Salisbury, who ?nce to the scene with and a posse, of armed bunds were also sent InSalem t0 assist in the t guilty. "own whether the deed led by a white man or tt there seems to be no identity of the criminal 'eabouts. f7 W3 a most hiahlv 9 I n and well connected conceivable that any one anything against him to see 1 iw was nut r.a!i-.,..l as she 'had no permil anil ilu. .,-'.l..ii refused id deviate from th . rules. Mrs. Thaw consequently made her visil ti) several inel' hlls,laltl hnrt as Miss Mackenzie waK waiting tor her to reiurn. ear was i T is ,,,,,. , , i i-i i . ' . . ' ".' -""".-. mi' ,11- louriu. juuiiiiic kciiy was louna on;ria (if is mother .. , lw and breaking the skull in pieces. .A portion or his the floor and badly burned about the lower extremities and a wound about the scalp penetrating the brain and substance of the skull crushed on the ngni side. Mrs. Byerly was found lying on her! right side in the bed with her right' foot resting on the floor with her left Augusto Vietdl Kaisci in la. hand from the bed as if about to arise therefrom, her left ear being cut in two and skull in vicinity' of the ear being crushed and about one inch back from the root of the hair on the vertix an ensized wound two inches long penetrating the brain, probably I made with an axe. - Coroner Dorsett is obtaining all the evidence possible and will return a verdict some time this evening. Bloodhoundc from Winston-Salem and Salisbury arrived at 8 o'clock this morning but could do no good in find ing any trace of the criminals on ac count of the fact that so many people had thronged around.' Three negro men and a negro woman, namely, George Erwin, Jack Dillingham and Mitchell Graham and his wife, upon whom broad suspicion is cast, have been arrested and lodged In the county jail at Salisbury, pending investigation and further developments. Graham, a negro man apparently 40 years r age, is stated to have made some agreement with Mr. Lyerly in the fall as regards a piece of land. Graham, failing to con form to some condition, was ousted- and ordered to give up all his interest and it was only a few days ago that this negro, it is stated, made the re mark that "Mr. Lyerly had cut his wheat, but would never live to enjoy any benefit therefrom.". It is also stated by Graham's wife that for the past few nights her husband and the other two negroes, who have formerly worked for Mr. Lyerly, "plotted'' at the well after bed time. The state ments will probably be corroborated by reliable people. Excitement is intense but as there is not definite proof as to who the guilty -parties are and the people of Rowan county are law-abiding citizens it is not thought that violence is inevitable. Mr. Lyerly and family have long resided in this section and are a most highly respected and honorable peo ple, , , The'funeral and interment will take place from Unity church- tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Went Over on Special. The first reDort of the horrible mur dered outrioht inriL.. . , i j ?j , " uci ui mi. diia lYlia. laadi, uciiy auu 1 . Alice, wounded lone child, near Barber's Junction w$s V -ht"3 n Chance ,or received here by telephone about 4 "e for ,Ch,'d s skuli was o'clock this morning. Deputy Hutchins Lr'tJtl and iG rest-was requested to come at once and I J"d ail " 'S StMI alive : bring his blood-hounds. He left at six leave the house and never heard him come back: that she knew her hus- iband, hei son and Dillinaham were going to ' kill somebody, but did not know whom, and that her son left home toon this morning, and "that the officers could not get him. In the .j meantime her son was caught trying to board a freight train. When the officerr arrived at Graham's house, about six o'clock this morning, they found the woman washing, theclothes being in the pot boiling. The clothes were taken from the pot at once, but if there had been any blood stains on them they had boiled out. All the ap parel in the pot was found to be men's underwear. The negro Dillingham had told sev eral negroes in the neighborhood that he killed a farmer near Roanoke some time ago. He had been at Bar ber's Junction for 15 or 20 days and Wednesday Mr. Lyerly discharged him for cruelty to his horse. Assure Presides Diaz, cf That He Will Co Operate With Him If It J3ecomec Desirable. In Order That Differences Between These Two Central American Countries May Be Settled. Bv Wli-p tr, Tti Sntitinoi OVSTKIt HAY. .Iu!v . I I. I'r.-i.l. nt Uoosevtv !:., i.-i.,;,.; i,js tl til - Cos to I'i.K.icttt l, a. i,f !Aieu. ti st-ttli' t!,c Miiialililt- iM'tweeu j'.aiur ami iiiai.:ni.ii, and 11 is ..i.-;.iir,y that Sasali: ; llii! ttiil a-.'-aj" ' Ihtuw as the iii'iTiiHUiHuil -a!:.!!- f juaro. Aittue um!iT uniois from tin- irrsl dent. Kt-v't'tary u.Nnla irei l'lt-sid ill Ilia I hat the I nited Starts Hood icaily ;o -,or mm- with him in !tHri- building, si ttlin (he iliflVivru'es nt his Ositrall After caredilH Aim i i( an ui ililini I Sei'ivtarx Root di,i not aniiK'.imv ill; l.U off.'r t.' 1'ii'Sli! -in il;u what' St;i In Thursdays i--sMe ol 'I In- SeiiliuVl it was aauoiiiHrd ihai ', li.- onli,u-t fur tlio m w .Masohic leiuido ,m olliri' IniildiiiK l'i ';i a ai di l t.i Uu Knlt' l!n t'o . of ilu- e;:v. S- cr,il lariin I'oliliai tiliK til in - pioi enli d m o iosa!s hut till' lowest hid was iiiiith' by Kiiftli' 11ms. I'n. and lliis, oj wi!h the spli'iiii'd ivp'l' a! ion of roiH't'in, seeiind for them til" tract for North Carolina's handsomest fcitement prevails 'th a posse of food-hound, here, armed are scourina I'd making every possi "P'ure the guilty party. F Persons Killed, "".details and develop- assassination of the ' near thi. place early ""cd to be that nnl 'e and little son F i be, lrie wa: ll.nkt... ' sported. fsPondent Possible medical ln9 rendered. The aseep with the h just return- Corona, r, ktti I. "UI 5CII P Salisbury at n "e!'d'd On his !,...:. irn .i. r'B"wiion luntrv i. "a nad The dead ,in8 altoaeth.. .. UISTI JlOl about ",ca with . the them partially i, ase of rr-cr, ,u. Me from aii '-tie. . "Wan crime. '"at i ,pl rainer. Wife, a Id ts. . ' uM"sta, aae , wounded daugh C 'yina " the in r,k. " rom, ' " side hi. n"d lace lying Wl'n blow on ratlnfl the ear o'clock on a special, consisting of an engine and one coach, carrying his two dogr with him. Deputy Hutchinr returned with his dogs on the afternoon train, arriving at 2:15. He reports that one of the negroes had been arrested when he arrived at the Lyerly home. The crowd gathered there prevented the blood-houndr from doing any effective work. The Forsyth deputy had an in terview with the wife of Mitchell Gra ham and she gave him information which led to the arrest of another negro, at whose home was found a pair of trousers on, which were con siderable blood, apparently rubbed off of the man's hands. The story told by the Graham woman seems to implicate Graham an dtwo other negroes. Deputy Hutchins says that the weapon used by criminals was an axe. It was taken from the wood pile and after the crime was thrown under the porch. There was much blood on it. The negro woman further told Mr. Hutchins that after she retired last night she heard her husband, who was in the next room, get up and Reward of $350 Offered. RALEIGH, July 14 Governor Glenn this morning received a telegram from R. A. Millikin, telegraph operator at Barber's Junction, to the effect that early this morning an unknown per son entered the home of Ike Lyerly, one of the most peaceable and respec ted citizens, and murdered Lyerly, his wife and three youngest children, all sleeping on the first floor. Then the murderer set fire to the house and fled.' The smoke and flames awoke Lyerly two eldest daughters up-stairs and they rushed down in time to get the bodies of their murdered parents, brothers and sister out and save from burning. No clue to the murderer has been found but citizens are scouring the country now. Millikin appeal ed to the governor to send at once bloodhounds. Orderc were issued from the gov ernor's office for sending hounds from the penitentiary but it was found that the institution has only two young and untrained ones. Besides they are at this time on the Halifax county State farm. Although unable to pro vide hounds a proclamation was promptly issued from the governor's office, offering a $350 reward for the arrest of the murderer. This action war taken by Private Secretary A. H. Arlington, Governor Glenn being now at Atlantic City. arlio'! the I'nitnl ill event of 111,, sit mole acltTO" Ihil it i the "off.'r of cmi(i ollires" is snseep- ihlo of very bi.iad interpivta: Ion and may mean anything limn the friend!) i'on.-iilei itiit plans present! c sxeial well Known aiehittets a coiiiiiiin, o adopted tin ies would take plans prepared ,l llook ami Uocerv I ;i in Ii-(':iiiiIi:k ;of Charlotte. iia.ii i stood that: ti... 1,1,11. i.. .1 it,.. !.. u .,f direful studx and desiKii liud in uddi tion to" the architei'tuiai de'taii, the It Is Stated That In Some Parts f China the Food Question Has -co'ne a Moet Serious Onty Re-rt by United States Official. Hv Wlri t. Th Srnllnf. WASHINGTON. July K.-1W 1 lots have broken out sinonn ntiv in China on account of partial failure ot n I- crop anil IiIrIj prlron it which ,this staple- article of fotJ 1 Uclnit ilield, CoiimiI (iencral Kolgcrs at 'Shanghai touched upon thin subject i'le.1 ; in his lati'Kt official communication ro Rovei nmeiit. He satd the price had alliioot doubled, following the great floods In llunati and other Ki'cat lice KmwInR prnvlnc. Dwilcru, he added, have taken advantagH of the scarcity and prospective) nhort (top to add an abnormal profit, Th Chitii. so as a result arc turning to foreign fihiilntuffs for relief. foritful of llui American boycott. They r n porttil to be bu.lng American flour that thl eon- of 1 lee expression of good-will to seiidini; lo.niatter of leutal lesmis was RUeu a the scene of hostilities a I'.eet of bat U'teat deal ol eon-.ideiation. :li ships and an invading aimy. The 1,1 M'caklny of the. building .esier president, does not' believe, however, 'lay Mr. ('has. ('. Hook said: that the present Ceimal American "With a frontage of d feet, a d.-pl b fuss will involve the Cnited States In "f m a'11' tow.-iinc Kit feet above auv serious work. He is of the "' sidewalk line, Wlilstuii Salem will, opinion thai as soon as tin- particKl" twelve montliH. lie leadv to show in the unpleasantness learn that It is. 'he handsomest olliee hulhlliig In the the desire of both Movieo and the; State. I iiit.'.l State ; Hint thev emu.. i I here Is iio.ofllcc liillldilig in the nne terms and that unless they do the) stand a good show ot roe- iving a wholesome spunking they will speed ih tiuit( their war talk ami lay down their arms. Miss Kathleen Smith went to Char lotte this afternoon to visi: her aunt. Mrs. .1 A. McMillan. TRIAL NEXT WEEK Spi cial to The Sentinel, KAl.KiCll, .Inly I I. -The trial of tweiity-on'e alleged lyncher, prom I li eu I farmers ami hu-dness men, will begin Morilay at Monroe', I'nlon ronn iy, Tor tlie Isnchint; id' a white man named Johnson for the killing of his brother-iii 1,'iw, a few monlhs ago. (Ireal iuessure is being brought to bear to aiqull lite defendants. The case was removed from Anson county, tho scene of the lynching, at. the. re qtRSt of tlie defendants. t HAS BEEN ARRESTED Bv Wire to The Sentinel. t'TICA. Y . .Inly I I. State that will compare with It, in points of beamy, convenient t. light, veniilat Jon and substantial const ruc tion. . . "After inali'iial In gins to a 1 rive on tlie site the woik will he (al lied on at a rapid tlie inteiior steel slip poiteis will all be liiieil ai the shops and will be quickly put together as soon as didivernl. There is Ho dnubt hut that the contractors can llnlsh thw ildtlldiiiK 'within ten monlhs if they cult get prompt,, delivery of the building mateikah'. "One of ih.'jnost attractive featim s oil'lho exterior will be the granite ha so effic!. The basenient, which will be sevetal feet above the side walk and ulso all of the Hist ' slor , Including a heavy cornice over the first story will he built of .Mount Airy granite. The enttuuee wili have, six large, round Ionic columns with niasslvii plinths. The columns will be lb) Inches In diameter, cut from one pleco of stone, The balance, of the building w ill be I I'liniiii il in gi unite with a Hue quality of plessed litlck as a venter to the- main walls The poli.shed plate glass will give the exterior a lone that will be very at tractive. .'No' building In the State will have as much plale giass as this one.. The enhances, both Irorti Trade sired ami Koiitth street, will be broad laud elegantly linished with In ass band liailx. wrought Iron h.iln - Chester stnide, marble base inel 'teini..o' Gillette, of Coinlianil. companion of Miss (itaee Brown, who was drowned in Dig Mix, so lake his!.. -Thursday, was arrested today in Hie Adii ondaclis. Il is be!:, n il (;:!l' Nc threw the girl Into the lake. u autopsy is being held today t.i .si e it there was a motive for the crime Tear.her for Eighth Grade. giadeil school hoaid has (li.cied Th as teacher of on' tho ciglnh grade school. Mr. .1. II Mocksviiie. who of tlie divisions ot at tlie wi',.1 end Clemeuf. Jr., of wa.-. all Itollor graduate of T" 1 in: t v Colo L'e tlt1V-tt. Mr. Frederick Atchcr, of Chapel Hill, a gradual'' of the Stat the teaeher eiect of 111, of this grade. floors. On account of Ihe ceiling of tlie basement being lour feet above the sidewalk line 1 In basetiu'ii: .offices will be almost as disliablc as those on the first Hoof. I lie eievalor w in be a modern electric passenger el -va tor. with special attachment for car ryitiK heavy safes and fill nil me to the upper llodrs. It will hate a capacity ot from luuo to abim pounds and will havn sleel guide wajs, safety catch anil ornamental wrought iioii giianlh on each floor. The steam In-atlng plant will be of the v.-:y In -t and will lie of the Webster system, which assures a unlfoiiii ti ti'i"rature In Un building. A high pressuie steam pump ami them Is certainly, It 1 mild, Hi'.iti'i consumption of this article. I, M. C. A. GLEE CLUB: TI The Y. M. C A Rlet? club In hout ready to take up another tnonth'H woik in voice trnitiliiK. Next Mon day night will be the last rchftanti of i'ie first term nud the members tui well as I'lofessor llouxhloil OXictld special Invitation to all their friend who have bi en thtnktng alout. enter ing fTTe "class to meet with them Mon day. Tlie new book, which, contain tlie jolly college dotigs, ho well liked h 1 he young men, have arrived ud In a few lessons the club will Iki able to sing to their heart's content Whan It come to HliiRltiK these, songs. Prof. Ilouglitun h one of tho Iwya Od eniers Into the spirit In a way tluU li Inspiiing and helpful. Tho boys of Hit' association ' IH take their wtH'kly ogling noxt Tue Oay, leaving tho association at . 10 o'clock and eating a camp fire luncli afier, tho InvlKoiatltiK walk. Homo go In for a swim, some fluli whlln o:lnis ramble throtigll the woods In search for relic. Tho boys arc alwiiys under thu care of tho physical (11 recto,-. Mis, l.tila for Coiutub brothei. Mi. rniver.sity, Is lin the boiler room will he kepi in con other division : stunt operntloii. ... The lighting will I be conibilialiou, gas and elect ilc, and . 1 1 in? chandeliers and fixtures, are to Yoiltit left this afternoon I be of "old brass" in kei dug a. S. C. to visit her with ihe hardware and bioning of Winglieid Young. - ' - -1 jthe ladlators, so that ail expo- -d linetal work will have the same tiuish In selecting the Mulshing- woods the Igieaiesl care will be lised to secure ! inati t ial . so as to gel liie Ik-sI effect,-, jin sUilning ati'l waxing the surface 'Until oak and pirn- will bo used In llliilshing the building ' Th" odiees j will be of ar,otis sizes, rn as to be jsuilable for any bmdiioss or profes Ision , Ul ol Hie llo'iis, !; eluillng liic bas,ment. w-l be iisi d for ollices. x jcept tile fiflll inesrUlillil' lloors. which are to lie uned bv the Masonic 'nidge. The main iode room will be 1 lu.i;0 feet and l!i feet, high and wiil Salem Reel Team Returns. The Salem Hand Heel Company rv tiiini'd from Ashevlllo this afternoon. The boys made u fine showing lit both the slate and Inter-btato ruCi'Jt at Aslievllle. wlnnltiK second prU In tlie grali reel race, also neeoiid prize lit the lStt yard Interstate race. In thin race there wt ro twelve or fifteen com panics, amotiH which were rraok iiiim from Alabama, South CaroHna, (bsitgla anil Louisiana. In Ihe ta,Ui riiccH the Salem lis were hand leappeii by the association making a ruling on 1 lie track, contrary to tho rides goveililtiK the reel races a laid down In statu association proceeding uiul exactly contrary lo the way Jn which ibe Salem team had practicodi 1 he 1 aces. Neverthelnfts tho team made a very credlUblo liowlng, win ning secotid money hi two races of three, entries. !: V, Memlehliall, of Cltimmonn, was in the city this afternoon en route to Mt. Airy. (' , H Watson came noon from (iteeifslioro. In this alter- Tboinas Harber. Jr., came In thin afternoon from Wrigtituvllio Iltaeh. Mi-s .Mil Otlrtllh, of Cloiiimon. wlir, lias 1 n visiting In Thonuwrlllo am! Oreensboro, airlved In the city this afternoon. Thoinas I.. Farrow, Jr., csnifl lu 'have rolling partitions to the left so, Mils artei noon, as to make it L'u feet latg.-r !t (!es,i "1 j ;A balcony will also be a sp.'clal ileatuie of'iiiis room. Tie- 1 i'V;!l a'so.lo I I be special l-'oonis for the i;i i,.,s chap I jteis ami commamb 1 ies and a b.'ii.iuc: Mr and .Mrs. M K. Mol singer went ICikiii this afteinoon. ; ro mi I pl'-tc. w ith "M'chcii. pjintr;. . Colli- Moiitit. Sunda V Sheppanl went to Rocky Va,, this afi'-i nwu Ui spend 1 I,. C O Hrien cJiine In this afternoon, 'from High Point. A H Killings Filer wi'iif to 1 his aft.ernooii. Vado' Mecttm 1 Joseph G." Cannon. Speaker of National House of Representatives. i ('has. .Jones and Ilea white cat peu'i r, whili !lho new Tiso biti.ding 011 Vlaln sli.e! ,tlli-. iifll IlllXII. at t.'ltee o'cloi t. go! jinto a row and Jones sino u Spaiksoti 'tho bead wi'h his hamii'ier. Ii.oikii.g Ihim down and indicting an na'v j wound, ' though it 1 not con.-edcM l iserions, Jones, whi sit! lend"! e.d to lone of the .officer. a !(, Itoiib.e stari.-d by Sparks InsXing upon him takit:g a dunk -Jon' s i, f ,-M and Sparks liegan abusing him The ntn w iil be heard b May 01 K.r'ot; Mon day aftertiooli. Chariis (lanes returned to the. cltr Siinru: two i,ih aflet noon from Asbevlllfl. at work in - W Hl'e , H Leak went to I-akavlll tliU noon. .! (I tl'IO.'i. S ittenlieid came In this af'T- W. I. Harper i.i. afleiiKou. Went to CillUlllOIlM If i' -coKt more moiiev to utitoko than to do It. it 'would be easier to swear off ; ,