(TWIN-CITY DAILY . SENTINEL. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 17, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS Joseph W Babcock. s S IDT IHSIRL THAW SAYS HE ALVADOR THUS COMPLAINTS OF i is e S VICTOR CHARGES HEARD (, on -Motion To Indictments For Lvnching. Considering 'the Laws t,.ect Ana a -M3de by the Defense Is Any Time. .loTho.S''!-:i!uI.) ju.v i;.As announced fcr. was l-7 ' ' " ; jt, jn cas- M alleged di::s ;"l;"n of lle" .. :,i,Mtiunts fcasli !" p , jh;; a' 1" l,l',l)Ck : prvntMi if it had authority ptescnt lie ,; rtplit i- have, if as i:,.,t nia.it' up 'your ..,! coih.m:. To this aii!: "I have my convic- Li, npt-n l,i a change ot Ms f,ita''-il- by strong si.t". Iiiils' Shaw, jl!, Bt'iincu. said: "You to expense picas at ' CiT.-ii! " expense." For a.- said jjiat justice .:,'v he hail in Anson L ;ht.' ili-l'.-mlant's counsel wMx conbl pet -jus- pi; ii ii ufcoimt of news- . and sentiment no jns- xp:nl in Union coun- w sai'l: ticiuieincn, i am rule fiiuilly on this ques- t. Duelling is ine mosi : riiinv ami the most ,1 I said eunuch to tilt' ytsti'!ila fur t hr in to ih- ,:i.b. I am nut Here to I: i- iii t fur judges to Tin- ;ii': uf ltw:! gives the ijjht to ti t ti i s case ju , ('(!. is mitt connection being con- imlfii' Shaw said: i case il! lie The act of r.io:; '. Tin longer Wi)HM-il 111.. iUt "My Riven U a these it is i. ' are nut here to Tln'J ale passed by the. bib!' atl liii doiilit these a' varianci with coininoii .- right .In try these cases I'iniiiiv is considered, mil!lit l,i he expressed 'a'litcs. 1 ;..ave the mat r. Solicitur. for purposes m :. 1 will not an- I'Pisiiin as yet." 'lut-imi is expected LI S nqunlified Japanese rants Got In United atesLast Year. Immigration and Naturali- i Report? Showing That er Evaded In Good Many J-Other Notes About. Im- Ptt&lHT' Press.) RON', July 17,-That i ,,i)a'!i.sL, lavt secilre() i'."-s country l,y intrigue 1,7 fa'Mi!K heen proven :'';r".in f . , f Reiterates Statement That He Will Not "Stand For" This Defense. However, Mrs. William Thaw And Attorneys Seem to Think Insanity Plea the Best for Her Son. Impor tant Conference This Afternoon. Former Counsel May Be Re-En-gaged. (3y Publishers' Press.) SEW YORK. July 17.--Pending an important conference at live (his afternoon between Mrs. William Thaiv. her personal counsel, Louis A. Delarteld. and former judge Olcoit the situation in the Thaw case Is filled with uncertainties and various possibilities. Mrs. Thaw, mother of the prisoner. has Indicated that she desires that ' the law linn of Black. Oicott, Grubcr! and Bouynge bo re-engaged to deteini he.- son. Friends of the Thaw family say the Thaws believe the. best solution of the whole case to he to have Thaw declared Insane. The prisoner, how ever, sticks fo the contention thai he is not insane-. Writ of Prohibition Granted. Later. John B. Gieason, one of Thaw's attorneys, was granted a writ of prohibition in the supreme court this morning, restraining the district attorney and the July grand jury from taking any evidence as to the killing of White. The writ also restrains the district attorney and grand jury from issuing any subpoenas in connection with the matter. , An order was also issued, directing the district attorney and the grand jury to show cause to morrow why they should not by re strained from any further proceedings in regard -to the killing ol White as affectiiif; Thaw. ' A special to the Greensboro Tele gram from Rockingham,- Richmond county, announces the death yester day of Postmaster I)i,g, of that. town. The telegram' states that Mr. Long is the man reported to have been struck by a female waitress with a soup bow! In the dining room of l he Ben bow hotel in Greensboro, while the Republican Stato convention was In session last week. The girl alleged that Ihu man insulted her. The Tele gram says it, made diligent, effort, last night but failed to find the physician who dressed the man's head after he was assaulted. Anyhow, those who witnessed the assault, and saw the wound, said it. could not have proven fatal. The Greensboro paper hears that Mr. Long died from other causes. fitfl, OAKLEY KILLER WALLAC ,.," ,. '"""i.inzattoii after i ' ''stwwu into the sub-r"1''.'- .Wilts assisting f ve made iarKe sums of l in !"R ''""'mission"' for r""l executive, officials. (Special to Tho Sentinel.) STONEVILLE, July 17 Last Sat urday night, just across the Virginia line. above Price, George Oakly shot jWallage Gibson with "a pistol. The wounded man died yesterday. It is claimed that shooting was accidental. Both men are reported to have been drinking. The section In which the shooting occurred has a bad reputa tion. One or more distilleries are said to be operated there. was in the --Tilay afternoon. f!M Jfy is nsSis,iBg in a ""K Madison this 1 t'1 luli"K a few a ' altenioon for J"r- H,'ve,,,:!(.ll(.r.s B(sy l- ,., ''l:et'ni.n for a Kat" 'Mrk,',s i the - " J i t If y the '." (.re mixed V.'n'-'1,--I'lula- "it to gf.t the ""'Kress as it Istlmms. Discussion In Oouma. (Hy Publishers' Press.) ST. PETERSBURG, July 17. Tho question of making an appeal to peo ple, of Russia on subject of agrarian affairs was discussed in the douma to day and called forth exciting donate. Professor Kousmin Karahoeff made an effective speech in which he em phasized the responsibility resting upon every deputy for hJppenlngs of recent weeks. The speech made a great Impression upon all Douma members. fg v'" ; -v : ' ' ! Sd Says Report of Fighting Received In New YorK City Today. This Report Says Salvador Hac Won Every Battle That Hast Been Fought Against : Guatemalans Salvador Hac Lost About 700 Killed And Guatemala 2800. tl!y I ubllshers' Press ) NEW YORK. J til v 17. The details ..t .1... .!..(... 1. . , .. i,i uie ukii'iiik ueini'i-n viilHUUUlli.lo and Salvailoi Ian tioops has reached ibis city from Sail HaUailorlnti sources. Salvador. It Is stated, thouah il! prepared for ar won every hattie. The lighting was Corporation Commission Con- sldersJThose Filed Against Ben Telephone Co. unusually hand for Central Americans as can be seen from tho casualties. Salvador Inst about 7oi kllhM and IliMI wounded. The Guntauialiuis had l!SiMi kiiled and "'.too wounded. General Kogaliln, it Is staled, killed while on a leconiiollerlng and while u : ii ; n aimy was trip a mile In advance of tils lie had hut llfty men and Prominent Member of Congress. PAN-AMERICAN CONFERENC IEXISTENGE OF E 1 ICE T 0 T It Will Assemble Saturday In; High officials of Department City of Rio Janeiro. ! of Justice Discover An Brazil. Promise', to 3e the Most International And Significant Gathering of Am ericans Ever Held. Important Mat ters Are to Be Considered at Con ference. (I!y Publishers' Press.) W ASHING TO ,.i uly 17. - What promises to he the most international gathering of "Aini rieans ever held will assemble Saturday of this week it. Rio .lauoiro. Delcpttes will be present from practically every coun try on this In Mii.-.pheri' and the meet ing will he .known as the third con ference, of Pair Anierrenn U'.'piib'.l'oN. While tile object of these conlei nci'S is primarily to promote gomS fieling and I'rietidiy relations and increase commerce, mailers of world impor tance engross much of the attention of this congress. ' It is significant, in this comieclion. that. ,all countries participating will later be , represented in many cases by the same delegatex at the second pi-ace conference at The Hague. To pel ml! thN It has been arranged that Rio Janeiro meeting will adjourn by September first whcllxr. the business has been finished or not.. Alleged Combine. They Think This Trust Has Head quarters in New York And Branches In Practically Every Large City of the United States Proposed War faro Against This Trust. ' liy Publishers'. Press.) WASHINGTON, July It .That, a national be trust exists, with head (punters iu New Yil1!'"nnd branches in practically every large city in the United Stales, Is the belief of high ofliciails ot the Department of Jus tin. It is said the matter lias been cali, d to the attention of Attorney General ..Moody personally by District. Attorney Jerome, of New York. No s'eps have been taken to attack this liusl i xcept in the District, of Columbia, whoie. the oflleialK of the American lee Company are under In dictment for entering Into an unlaw ful agii iinent. In control prices in .the district. The district attorney hero Is of be em to be partm ten-! UNIQUE DUEL 6 EI tl!y Publishers'. Press. I GENEVA. Switzerland. -.Inly- IT. A due! of unsiial nature with fatal ter mination has been fuiighi i,e,n Como. Both di;,'ilists wete deaf and .Iji.uib and their seconds were similarly afflicted. The duel t""l. place m the fore.-,!. The duellists I'm d a: Uml tive paces and one fell de,,d. the opinion that if the trust Is to e:i,,i i'c'ie.illy attacked il will have New York and that , the De nt Justice might take an In Mich proceedings. Accounts Short. . WASHINGTON, July 17. the ac counts of the late Major George A. Bartlett, for 25 years disbursing of ficer of the treasury department, were found to be Ilili.SOd short. The Fidelity 'and Deposit. Co.. of Balti more, his bondsmen, have been noti fied. Bartlett died last. February after a long illness. Mr. J, M. Haithcox, of Winston, who attended the State firemen's meeting- In 'Asheville, slopped in States Vilie Thnrsdav niirht. with his sister Mrs. S. A. Plyler, ami went to Trout man Friday to visit relatives. States villo Landmark. Dan- iu the ig on a tir--'-Tliey 1, i-nd any Kind of manner, ml have li.ni olios,.. Tailoring Firm for City. Messrs. Gitlirieil and Paul, ol vilie. Va.. have, rented rcuns I handsome ln-w Tise bni'diii; Main street, ami will enieiiie' a class tailoring esta hlislin.ei: , . will open (or hin-lix-ss August will be prepared to mak, clothes in a satisl'ac;r Messrs. Giflltlch and I larir, i vnerience in their and have been ,is-o ia'ei! n , ot wide lepmatiolf. That th a good busin s in i tr-.m 'beginning go, s' rithoiit say left vesterday- for Dam 111, . will return in a P w d their plans for the " estahlishnieii' Death of Dr. Chas Dr. Chai ; M" ii,::i a proniie.eiit ,li -irlu inoiid, Va'.-. S. in. lai nil ness of five we, !,s. by his wif.i no'l til' mains w. n- s nt !'i met,,. S ed win the coll Hey i. hull!'' the- i were col lei de,-: till I hi - OIK. Ill hl.lli-i inn -ri'.i rk 1. I". Reynolds return I'tioou from Asheville, liine.-.sed the transfer of revenue otlleo to the new v., i-oh-. Mr G III UIIL' him. o. 11 Brown. Mr. it his commission wi'ii linn.- Ill, savs that, all or ,!d iv! ks. tb ld deputies, etr., i, eiiiiiniishioned. The new I , , i "ia'n-' all of I ho men to inl and tiia1 if they were competent , hi', I be . retained, otherwise) would luiwi to step down and officers with him and every man of them was killed. Advices stale that Regalda and his men gave a good ac count of tliemsvAt's beforn they were exterminated. After the main force came up and routed the Guatemalans more than tiou dead Guatemalans were found on the field. In that hat tie Salvador captured the Guatemalan artillery. The result of this tight was that Guatemala "asked for peace but Salvador- refused. Two armies are face to face awaiting peace developments. Deputy Sheriff Hutchlns received a telegram this morning from Mayor W. S. Lluville, of Kernel svllle, ask ing him If ho could bring his blood hounds to that town on the Id: 5(1 train, today. It was near time for the train to Ie,ve when tho message waa, deliver ml -U Deputy Hutchlns, therefore he dirt not go. Mayor Lluvillo gave no explanation as for what purpose ho wanted the office i a fid Ills dogs. Parties coming in from Kerneisvllle this afternoon said they had not heard of any trou ble. Since the blowing up of tin; major's officii and calaboose by dynamite there has been much discussion be tween the two factions, which have existed for Kome time. One of these wants the mayor and chief of police to resign. One citizen reXirts that there have been several small dyna mite explosions since the mayor's office and calalnxise were wrecked and the opinion . was expressed here this afternoon that Mayor Lluville had a clew to the guilty parties and wanted the bloodhounds to aid him In capturing them. Deputy ilutchlns pref ts a guar antee that he and his Cogs will not be blown up before he eutcis the gates of that town. LARGE i'-p, iO'V, Wl I M t. lie W ,1 '.- I, h t t; V woi It,,- v. lo a query Mr. Reynolds the impression prevails at that the collector's offlc !.:!o! be moved to SUtesville. Brown staled emphatically that pioposeil to tun tlii" office and Id spi ltd most of his time. In Ashe- unti! it is definitely determined lie. the office Is to be permanently ated. Of course he prefers to have at Slatesvllle, where he owns a iinifiil home. ,. Va.. and pe McAnnally. !. of M ell 'i - i: ,1 (-l,i!,, M. id-Hi I ' , Horrible Death at North Wilkesboro Yesterday. Afternoon; His Head Crushed Veteram. to Arrange for Picnic. North et Camp wii' t"" ' t ,v. at ii i-'i-l',"l, ' ,m ;': noon to discuss and .rra annual picnic at N - '' month. A full atlend.n.e. Live Advertiser Here. St. Elmo Massi'tigaie, o( Atlanta, I'Kldeiil of the Maxeiigale AdverHs g Agency, which ranks among the lemoM agencies in the advertising old and is the largest advertising ',,-ney iu the South, sp.enl tills after ,n ill the city, Mr. Mas.seogale milieu the l,'irg,-r advertising con-,(!-, for gi-:i, ral publn !') glvTi out this city and '..line of the largest the country. The Coca Colli adver log h plac, d liy Mr. Ma-sengale el thi- is getieially cot:c iled to be e best. a,lvettis.-t article on the at bet todaj . Gross Earnings of Railroads of United States Over Two Billions. This Was for Year Ending June 30 Increase of About Ten Per Cent Over Earnings For the Previous Year Number of Miles of Railroad In United States. ' (By Publishers'1 Press ) WASHINGTON. July 17.-According to preliminary report of inter state commerce commission tho gross earnings of railroads of the United States, covering approximately l!l'.),- ooo miles, will probably show for the fiscal year ending Jinn. Ho an inciease of ten" per cent, over $'.i'7::.ouo.ooo earned In l!lo.V This will prove the banner year for American railroads. Bell Company Hat Attorneys at the Hearing' Who Contend That P res ent Rates Are Not Too High Complaints Were Filed by Secre tary of State Grime. (Special to Tho Sentinel ) RALEIGH. July 17. Th North Carolina " . CuiiuiU.. Commlttalon dvvoled several hours today to tin hearing of testimony and arumtrt lit the matter of complaint flU'd ar Secretary of State J. Hryan Urlm against the Southern Uel! Telephone Co,, In which he demand that tho maximum charges fot telephone, ser vice In Hits State be fixed at ftva cents per minute for tho first five minutes and two and one-h!f cant per minute for time In excess of Ova minutes for long distance toll service and 11,'," per mouth for residence arid VIM per month for buslinwe stations in local exchange service. He charged that he had been charged 76 cent a for a seven minutes' talk to Grimeslnud ami an uipially high rate to Washington, N. C. charges that ha Insisted are unreasonably high. The hearing today was Riven over almost entirely to evidence and argu ment on the part of officials and at torneys for the Southern Bell In de fonse of the present rates. Col OrlinM was present but took no active part In the hearing, relylu on the com plaint he had previously filed In de tail with tho commission. Counsel for tho Southom Bell are AC. Buxton, New York; Hunt Chip ley, Atlanta; Clement Manly, Win ston Salem; A. B. ,Anrirews, Jr., Ral eigh. BesldcH thesfl there were pres ent Mi J. N. It. Horey, auditor; Geo. .1. Yuiidt, engineer; Chauucy Smltk, superintend, -ul of ioll truffle, and M. B. Hplcr, dlKtrlct. superintendent for North and South Carolina. ' These officials mailt statements Iu defense of the present rates of charges made by the Bell, the gist of the defense being that the present toll and station charges are us low as is consistent with good business, that to reduce them lower would be lo coufiscati.ii their property lu violation of the constitution of the l!nlte4 Slates, thut tho company owns Jont7 part of the line to Washington abd Grlmeslajid and therefore la not lindar their control. And that Col. Orlmea Ik not and has never asked to be a subscriber to the Hell and therefore has no ground or right to file the complaint that ho has. Tho company claims, too, that, theirs Is largely an Interstate business tho commission! having no Jurisdiction over such amli, that much if the long distance toll business In Hh Stale Is partly over lines not owneu" by the Southern Hell, that the Hell ffo. has only traffic ar- Taiigemetits with such connection lines and acts purely gs agents for theso companies In collecting their part of thu toll charges, the ralea being fixed by such owning com-pnnlen. it is a notable fact in this connec tion that the corporation c.omrn!ion In their last ntintial report to ()ov- eror Glenn declared that the authority given tho commission over telephone companies and the regulation of their rales Is very meager and that addi tional legislation by the legislature was necessary before the commission . could accomplish much In this direction. CONCERT TONIGHT Mr Heti S Barnes, who has le-en prescription cb-rk nt O'llanlon's dnig i store for the past three years, has jiesigmd lo-i position aiid associated Jhlriisi'lf witli tl. Vaughn Crutr-hfield ('o,. wholeii. drug and . grocery house. This company now employs ipiite a number of nten and Its bus .i.e.. . is constantly growing. i, P -There will he a lawn party at I'liaMint Kidge school hoire for the '.it, fit of the Sunday school S.iiur evening. Jil'y Z There will be niisie by a, good hand. i r-r-, Tilt,:,, ir i, ' "' '"day of a "''i.t' which oc 1'1,' shor,, -j-PHtpr-'i'lrvey. rolnrf,,! Ii polls s head crushed ' from ;i 11 arvey was ".'tgon. J,, at. tempting to throw one over a wheel of the wagon he was knocked down. His head , was knocked against another pole while the one . that he as attempting to unload fell against Uis head, knocking his brains out, Harvey, who waa unmarried, was from Cleveland. N. C. He was thirty odd years of age. Harris and Callihan Declared Not Guilty Of Marctrm Murder By Kentucky Jury Today The program for the free open air concert to be given tonight appears below, professor Crouse's daughter, Miss Mildred (.'rouse, will give cor net solo, "My Sweet Elaine," by Keeker. Part I. March Leona Mackle, March Fort Day ton. SulU. Waltz- 'Thclina." Miller. Overrule-"Old Gold." Helta. Cornet, Solo My Sweet Elaine. ' Keeker. (Miss Mildred Crouaa, KllolCf ) Two step filxlii Girl Lamps. (By leljllent ) Part II, Man b Coppers on Parade" Cle men". Two Step Since Father Went to Work --Cahlll. Overt m-Selections from Stephen Foster, Bey er. . Waltz Forest park Tbnmaa. Two Step "Petir piper," Henry. Waltz Song -Only a -Message from Home, Sweet lloine O'Hare. Program subject to change. Two Killed In Fire In Pittsburg (Pa.) Hotel; Many Thrilling Rescues By The Firemen IB) P e.l:-'' '' I " 1 BKA'l'TYVILI.K. Iv . July -1' j,j ju the trial of llame. il.ni , The 14 :i!,(i , I'M. lilOM Tlie I By Publishers' I'rcM ) P1TTSBUKG, July 17 Two men are (P-ad and three badly Injured us result of a fire i-arly- this morning in Park Hotel on Hom- stn-t and.S'-eouil Is venue. The dead are .lame Conway, of the city hoard of heaPh, suffocated, and "-, . Paul Connor, hotel maanger. who fell Callihan for the Marcum shoot- jthriiutth " a Hf net into which he after being out twenty -two min-1 J, imped, receiving injuries fnun returned a verdict of not guilty. which he died two hours later, The ptisoiiers were discharged. injured are Sergeant A'lolpli . Mctz, burned about head and back; Police man James lAwler, badly hurt from jumping; fireman William Maltell, s.cal,ef, - The (lie originated from a gas Jet in the rear of hallway and the whole rear portion was In flames before dla ooicre.l Kseape was wit' off by windows on the second and third 'floor: from -which police and firemen 'made several heroic nueues. i 'Hi,- building was damaged to the extent of $12,wo,

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