TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 18. 1906 YEAR. PRICE 5 CENTS t M RnFR CASE WINSTON-SALEM AMD plication For Pro- Jon VS1H Cjrd Tomorrow. knee This Writ Is Attorney And ....... ;.rt Will Be nu,m Evidence Agamsi for Insanny Probably Be n.strict aking Application on Wouli lien. lister. ORK. J'.v :um i ('"U!1M' : prohil'iii1"' :if,irli' a'n! i a. aid ill Press.) lv 'The hear suprcnie court for maw restraining sratid Jur' ,U'le;i''" i.i m Morning uiun nr L SEND n Today's Raleigh News and Obser ver pays-a'high compliment, editor ially, to Winston-Salem and her band concerts. Editor Daniels says: . The city of Winston-Salem, the population of which consists entirely of hard-working, progressive: people, who give very little day-time to" the pursuit ofleaF.ire, has. made a de parture in the way of civic improve ment which should commend lneif i the other busy cities of the State. It I has- iscognized the rights of those who are busy the livelong day and its duty in the premises and has turned its attention to relieving the mono tony of their lives by the introduction of elevating amusements in the even ings after work hours are over. Visl-j tors who have had the good fortune to be in the Twin-City on Tuesday and revenue Friday nights come away with praises ! moved for the first attempt in this line the evening concerts. By popular sub- ,.o..,i isciiptiou of the people a magnificent t ui v ii. ... h , 1. Alain Internal Reve nue Office. Secretary Shaw Telle Statesville Citizens Special Representative Will Come to North Carolina Soon And Report Relative to Proper Location for Main Office. Winston Salem'r Chances. ft .mi Washington tt says that a committee citizens railed on Sec Treasury Shaw yes'er- ODDER SPREADS k items ennui He Will Consider Location of Revolutionary Movement In Russian Poland Growing. Is A dispatch State papeis" ol St.ttoville reran of the In Several Placet Recently Violence Hat Occurred. In a Number of In itancei Revolutionists Have At tacked Soldiert And Citizens. Other News from Poland. IM STATE CAPITAL (Special t.. The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, July IT. The- Firemen's Furiii Insutance Corporation, of San Kraneiseu, was. licensed today lo busl news in the Stat, the general agent being W. J. GrisweJI, i.f Durham. This company succeeds the Firemen's In surance Corporation of San Francisco which formed the new corporation In order that the old cotporaiion might wind up its losses in the great earth quake disaster without sacrificing lis genera! btlslnes interests. Judge Purneil of the Federal Court RESULT IS FEARED. Action of The Russian Dounp May Kindle Revolutionary Fire Afresh. By Publishers' Press.) VR'VVl 1..K- lw" A.l.!. ......stlf . u ill i i 1 1 . I 1". .1 . . .... .... ed lure from Cuicow. Austria Hun-irieard argument In the case of Scheie gaty. are to the effect that atiarch jectady Trust Co . vs. the Cape In RtiMlan Poland Is Inci easine' and i Power Co., of Fttycttevllle, and Resolution of Douma Opposing Gov ernment's Agrarian Policy In Strong Terms. May Lead to Fresh Trouble, as It Is Distinctly Revolu tionary In Its Nature. (By Publishers" Press ) ST. PETERSUl'R;. July 18. The LVni-lprcg generally attaches the greatest n,.i.. Importune to the resolution Intro duced yesterday lu the doom eon- day and asktd that' the main internal I !ft vUUci lii-in this "WW .....i inn five minutes tn ; ne oiuc whom after his dis til,, attorney ,'th V rase :mr .Imfee Olcutt s in in. liiotU-r. accompanied by u.iii-v' nisler. a; tne i tv ., i. the fit st visit of sic- uisee bis. attest. Shaw ' would be sent to North Carolina soon i a'L... . ban ;1 has been equipped (and there isl'o investigate the situation. j '"" !i, ...,-, W 1 .1.... 1....I .l,.n. ,.k..i..i .. ..... ..... ....... l 'Jin m-ilpi miiL iii iierm n m.iit fh. ,i. . , ,....,..JcelverSlili. oi cha. H n. Kln .n.i V. demiilng government agrarian com ...v. i.n .iuuiuii. .i iv . inf. - . '-.. in,1,in,1io .i iiii.rU nf .I. ui.-.iutiini.. ..iiniiit.., hv ih.. inoweu. v ounsci tor ine rower in. office for this district be '.ir.-,u' , -ivl.n ' land C.rav and Morgan, the Unseat to Statesville. ..Secretary I At Nikelaieff a band attacked the (stockholders, reptesented to the court stated that a special agent (cashier ot a sugar factory in the ho dearth of tnusieians in 'that musical center, there being four bands there) i and this band' two evenings in the week renders a well-selected program i ' I it might is in HIS JQ ' WIFE IN MEXICO? Asj.-ville Citizen reports cte coi.thtiwtion ol the mar JuMpliine Hood to J. C. the liiigus Lord Douglas, hrjiigh lite medium of con iafi.rmatiiiu received by C Pri chaid. The Citizen :y dun Judge I'ritchard's iiifiMiiwtii.iii t.-.mblish this ;t aisj slatis that the two Mexico in January and ret)- till, U'tn, letivlug I hero relj- ,;illiii iii Mexico is Ftia- imii, iiii.iit!y a Milan pi ace. uv M-eliis to have been l-.wt ri. at; ami wiiniau left there. Friiiliarii has exerted him- tigh liit- medium- of the stale il ,uj i,:her ageiit'll1;-!, lo , Hm il, and the information ij 'ii him establishes 'he In ol Mi-s iloi.d with the bigaini-i, wlu.m . site mar- cw ihf.a, l.a., a short time date when 'ie- was in his in .i-xiei(. (t in possible short time the complete In i am; i! t.iils which comes I'l'i'ia.ii'il inaj he published." 1 I'll who was- tit -Barber's Junc- l' r-iay, tul.s The Sentinel met the two Misses l.yerly, par.-nts, hivther and sister 'ally murdered in their home IliKllt. ' Sadies, wh are vorv ni a detailed story as to 'lid alter finding their ''d.'' saiil Hie ppiitlp. ateii :hat tears came in !" U-tfri:i;g to the heart- lory. iiiaufhiers went with nm and f-d another friend the Kent camiiM' tt.oi littio !''!'." Ci ill t i 11 1 1 : .! tin. -itiott :le tirl fit-i .H.-iinri .; , uinl tlQltcu f-!""i .u.d other "f 'lit- liuin, t,. f-u nie miir thrui in pa: hid:,. me still stopping ,h" ""Kh'x'rs. Fears Ui.U tl,ov ,viu. c(,nBpse C';r n':M!fl will be affHPtert aniii l :i i Ill.H -v w t(T. Jtd that out houses. see if they is. This was men could ex- 't'lough which PIIEETI iDinHnni it III. i I . ""'''""'V Press.) ... j ; : ' for hoid it! '. : ''"tblage of 1. ::,;., ui Washington ni.v ;m It Ifm-raiiim in t-: - -St. I-.--JJ,; It'iiun 11 A'ia l:,'tll ; '! !h H Im ' Il '-t.,r,d, B, it-r. ot slaves lie- l'"ntinuiug about 111 'I"' inakinir of iil be the gen - u-i.jU at. tH. con. Wiiadreiinial Negro "-j'iaK and Educa-J- tli" nam,, given to 11 "', ''"r.grcss having ,:,"-t With dele- r me south it Is w"'n ten and flf. s will he here. i!l take part in Uuer T. Wash ,NV t'iimou. Key . "'''Z '- W. Arnelt, Wa.ter.s ;id V. "Kisier of tieustny. corectjon with the above it be stated that ii gentleman who position to know what lie Is bout says that, if the proper made, the main office can ficent court house. A band-stand has i bo In ought to W instou-Salem. He been erected above Which appears In suggests that the tobacco manufactur- incandescent lights, facing the lawn mh thilof insP'rin music upon the beautiful talking a'J "s.'f' square surrounding Forsyth's niagni-Uffon is ttteet and after seeming JO.imm) roti lilts escapeif. At (ireukoff a nuni- ! ber of i t olutioiiist s stormed the Catholic church, during services and in the fight which followed between ilhe revolutionists and nienilurs of the congregation two peron.n were klll;-d i and fort injured. the word "Welcome." Four strings of incandescent lights stretched from the top of the court house to the tele phone polls on the curbing, together with four arc lights, make the square a scene of beauty. The band is dressed in brand-mew white duck uniforms and the instruments are of silver and new. On last Tuesday night it is said over three thousand people turned out to enjoy the evening, many of them being children. Gaiety, pent up during the work hours of the day. broka loose in its innocent form, everyone was relieved of the cure of business and all went home with the bright side ot life looking them in the face. Life is almost worthless In a city without something to relieve I lie awful strain of the busy 'man. lu some cltjes clasnes .of amusements- are allowed, which do not elevate, but degrade. The people of Winston-Salem are too honest, too religions and too patriotic to promote such. Music inspires, elevates, and this first, at tempt at departure fmm the hum drum of city life is exceedingly com mendable. Let. oltlep comniiiiuities profit by tho example. ers atJtl other business men here de mand that the office be biought to the city; wheie the great bulk of bus iness for this district is transacted. A committee, could either be sent to Washington or confer with the special agent to be sent to this State. I GREENSBORO, July IH. It was reported this morning that Mr. John Maltip.n, a car Inspector for the South ern Railway living at Pomona, had died as a result of an accident while undjr a car Monday night. Investi gation proved the rumor of death in correct, but Mr. Maiden is very low, and his condition precarious. Monday night he was under a "dead" car slanliing on a side track at Pomona yards, and there was no warning light, as required on the car. Another car was "bumped" on the dead car, and Maiden was very badly bruised tip ami Internally injured, his escape front immediate death being thought miraculous. (By Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON. July IS. Th( Guatemalian minister is advised by cable from his government of the ap pointment of three peace commission ers awd secretary to commission. They will go aboard tho I'nittd States cruiser .Marblchead tomorrow at San Jose. The minister has also been advised that armistice between Guatemala and Salvador went into effect this morning. TELEPHONE HEADING CONTINUES (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, July IS. Tho Southern Bel) telephone hearing was continued li.foru the corporation commission today, the morning session being taken up principally with examination of General Manager Gentry, of At lanta, as to difference ot expens.i of telephone and telegraph service. Slow progress was made. Several days will he required for tho hearing. ARE BROUGHT HOME John Graves and Ffed Mock, sons :il A. L. Graves, and William Mock, respectively, left home Monday and went to Greensboro. The fathvrs of the youths heard that the boys were in the Gate City and Deputy Slieriiff J. T. Thompson was employed to go aftH- them. The officer returned last night with the runaways. Mr. Thompson bad no trouble in locating I he boys.' They liad spent all their money, but had seemed em ployment and would have gone lo work this morning. Fred and John claim that they just went off to see "the sights." It, Is presumed that they will remain at home and "lie gooiV for sume time at least. Tho Gnensboro Telegram has thl report of the boys, telling how they wore found: The boys arrived here Monday af ternoon and begaif a hunt for work. They did not find anything they wanted to do, and having some money with them, went to a hoarding house im tho night. They were out eaTiy yesteiday nvirnlng and applied for a iit sWred work at. 7!i cents a day In a bobbin factory here. They intended to go to work this morning had not their lltllo game been nipped in the bud. The parents of tho boys learned that they came to Greensboro and Mr. Thompson, who is a friend of the families, wa-s asked to come after them. After a search of several hours aided by the local police, the boys were located and carried to the police station-, where they tarried until the evening train for Winston. The boys did not. seem to object to going back home. Both were well dres,sod, polite and' courteous in manner, ' evidently being brought up in good families. During the time fho hoys were at the police station several people had occasion to visit the chief's office, and their eyes would naturally turn to the boys who sat lu oposite corners of tile office, and they invariably askfVi: "Wiiat have you got them, for?" Be ing appiised of 'he .nature of the charge upon which they were held, they would drop down in a chair and begin to contrast the (inference, in tne bovs now growing up and their time, when the boys not (Special to The Sentinel. ) GREENSBORO, July It. In keep lug with his record In political as well as business matters, Blackburn Is said to have had something of a fall ing out with both Harris ami Grant, who really furnished the funds for his spectacular campaign for the chairmanship. He Is said to have un mercifully criticized Grant for' not being able to muster u single Black burn supporter to the State conven tion from Wayne or Wake counties except himseli. On tho other hand Harris, who It seems had really been led to believe that he it was who was to be chairman, was reported as leav ing here "hot" over the suggestion, whatever, from Blackburn of turning his forces over at any lime, but pro posing to take Harris's votes on the first balot. Rumoi, well authenticated has it thai after, a stormy Interview wltli Blackburn Tuesday morning and finding, the real object of using his name to carry the extreme western counties from Adams, Harris sought ex-chairman Rollins, proposed an armistice, offering to turn his force to a third man, if Rollins would ar range w ith, Adams to have ills forces go that way. " Rollins Is "reported" to have spurned the offer, assuring the "Governor" that after what had hap pened he would see him In h- first. The general Impression here is that the politicians on both sides of the political family quarrel, have been monkeying with amiable and likeable "Governor" Harris and have for the past three years played him and his money to a finish. That he has been liheial is well known and that he sup tlons is well known, and that his sup ported Blackburn's campaign from Greensboro and Ashevllle by newspa per loans and tiy endorsement of per sonal papers for money borrowed, is generally credited. Tho rnlx-up was not. made plain by any means at the State convention. IS. HARTJE TESTIFIES (IK Publishers' Press ) PITTKbVrg, July 18. Miss .Ida Scott, this morning proved to he a star witness for her 1ster. Mrs. Mary Scott Ilartje in the divorce suit instituted by the latter's husband. Augustus II. Hartje. Miss Scott wan en the wiinecs stand for the greater poition of the forenooiv and picked thos ofiont a number of letters figuring in tne milv 'case as liavinK neen written on in.- staved with "dad until they were ot age, but worked week in and week out. In those days, they said, the bovs were required to work instead of loaf around the street corners, and when they were grown they were men of character and principle. They then counted the number of boys of their knowledge who had left the parental rixf and strayed to different parts of the country during the last few days. i ci. r 1 -va:.. r. a 111 '"'"l in 'J-. nf Ben- ' '''''d a position as '; K: W. O'Han ' ln Pharmacy 'Ins year. He M ' hi ''.v t. ant "K t.'r "II'D'e INT THE P Before Supreme Court WASHINGTON. July is. The case of Abe Strauss hao reached the supreme com t of the I'niied Stales Straus; was agent for the Cot.tiu'-nui Tobacco Company and- was charged .in, w.Uiii ci-Haiti kinds of tobacco to a dealer under the stipulation the latter should not sell to .iwiler He was Cotivicletl' JlTiO. Today a writ of error with Ih esuprt me court. stat ionerv belonging cither to herself or one of her slsteri. She swore I hat Annie Lutz. a maid, had been given thin kind of letter paper and that she wrotit letters quite frequently. At torney J. Scott Ferguson, ot Hartje's counsel, said at ' one. -point of testi mony that It. may be proved that Miss Ida Scott wrote the addresn on the envelope. If this Is proved It will contradict the testimony of experti" that have testified for Mrs. Hartje. iiiiv other and wa fined liied (By Publishers' Press.) ST. PETERSBURG. July R-The czar learns from Russian officials In Warsaw that revolutionaries plan t" make an attack simultaneously n all consulates, tinir object being to cause intervention of powers. Woman Committed Suicide. WASHINGTON, July R-Gi-orgia N. Williams, clerk n treason tiepat tn.ent. was found in .'ma i linents this morning .. ...iiiu.r nine count ctid with K;l 'her'nx'Uth. ! spondency is ip;- ' to'Cu the cause of the act. Mrs the J.-.el W illl Ill 'He oast ulth "'". f Raleigh, I liarnmni- . ...n ;l ,M', as considered ,'. '' as he was ' i iv t.. ii.- - ... ....... -ii... hi tic,!,,,. ' I sh i on people In Forsyth laneu u ""i. The listers Many Failed to List. ' books made out by tho lax show that a large number of tneir Don Cliarlofe. Lawreny, cot tn tlsr. linist, arrived noon and will Kirhaidfcin'H oifiiivi r.i. of composed of Kat! Von pianist. I- "lis N- ltaM '' and ln.ii-' Richardson, v lo in lb" iCltv tills ai'er fnrnUli music at the reception to be given t.nis ew Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reynold.-,. nltig by th,. i . i. ' ,,ln"ient of t,,r filiation. These will ',Hj' . I double faxed, if not prosecuted. be The condition of Miss I.uia ! ' sick for several """ She .s i"'" who hi as been ri main:: about lo be ni. (Special to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO. July is. Mayor Murphy heard five cases agaitifct thf Southern Ratiwav yesterday for viie lating tho city ordinance against the blowing: of whiles within the cor porate limit of the city. He iin pose,i a fine of ten dollars In each case, fhe lailwav company taking ap peals to the superior court from the declslon. that over Iton.iMiti had been expended on the plant, the ilume is complet ed, the toll lines up and the machin ery on hand ready for installation so that i liu receivers If continued should be directed by the court lo complete the plant which Is to furnish electric power for the 'operation of the Mg Fayetlevllle cotton mills and other en terprises and that to have a receiver sale of the Incompleted plant would mean that it would be sacrificed at fifty cents on the dollar or less. In fact, they charged that the whole pro ceedings against the company was an effort on the part of the Electric Bond and Share Co, which holds some of the bonds of the Power Company to get possession of the plant for a son,.' judge Pumell made an order as to the completion of the plant be fore sale but intimated that he would take the matter under advisement and probably have receiver's certifi cate isMued for this purpose later. The counsel lu the case were ii. A. Forshee and ex-Judge Womark for the Power Co., ami Gray and Morgan and Shepherd and Shepherd for the Schenectady Trust Co. HOTEL KLEPTOMANIA. An- Women Principal Offenders, And nual Cost of Loot It Heavy. From New York Press1. It Is the fashion In our modern hotels to write of f Iii.ihhi a year a the loss for silverware and rhino taken by guests In the couts of 12 months. Many porsoim will have souvenirs of their- visit to New York, and take spoon, knives, forka, and any sort f Hinall ware they can, silp In their pockets. Tho craze has grown ho that the big hotel men now purchase cheat) hardware, for the use of" transient kiipIM, but the figures of lots ruir up In three of the city hotels to the $2),tM)i) mark. The women art) blamed for this wort of theft and th proof seems to b;! against them. Probably tho best known hotel man in the city nuid to me: "We know It Is tho women who take the stuff, ami many of l hem are New Yorkers. When there la a big dinner at the hotel attended by women as well as me.i), we use a special set of spoons aiiid otfier tableware made at little cost and stamped with the numo of our hotel. We lose one-third of them but the cost. In late years Is figured In the dinner at so much per plate. Tho spoons don't cost us 0 ceiilit each and are not much lo look at after one night's use. The knivcH and fork are worth than 16 cents. When we have a dlrwier exclusively for men we put gKxt plate on the table and don't lose 2 per cent of It. The good table service is cut out at the mixed dinners. ' "Our greatest loss In the tran sient out of town trade. One-half the women must have a souvenir of tho St. Regis, the Wiildoti. or the. Holland House. They aeem to think a trip to New York is a failure nnlesH they havii a few prizes to show, Many women change about at the hotels so as to' have a collection of odd pieces. They don't mind showing their country friends the loot they have won li New York, It Is not re garded as theft, but ait a smart fad, and 1 hifve jet to hear of one woman denouncing the practice. On the ocean steanmhlim hla souvenir busl nesH has grown out of bounds On one trip of a New York liner to this ultlii one-half the butter platen and oire-thlrd of the spoon were out of service before Sandy Hook an i cached." muulqule s-t at Illegal act. The view la taken, that the revolution la noth ing less than an appeal to the nation on, part of the douma agwliiin: minist ers a rut crown. It is conceded on all irliKs that the retoiutlon Is almost certain to art a a revolutionary measure. Speakers who dUcusscd the resolution yesterday llkswli recognized the resolution helm revolutlonan In its nature. Thl coniiA'tion Is att;nlficant. The resolution was Introduced to! lowing shuttering of hopes for constitutions! ministry. Conservative papers today take the stand that thu appeaJ to the people Invites fresh outbreak of revolution and express greatest alarm for the liiturc. It Ih reported that the government will dissolve the douma. If appeal Is published. MeivsugCH have been pour ing in today on the minister of In terior, giving- details of widet,pre(l agrarian disorder which ro. to have broken out In every part of the empire. Indescribable horrors have been peipctrated on nnmeroue victims. STAMP OFFICE IS Tbo revenme i.'amp office, which has be'ni closed for nearly a week by u clmnge in collectors, was ropenl today. One hundred and fifty pack age) of stamps came In this morning from Asbevlllo by registered D)ll. Stump Clerk Reynolds and his. assistant, Mr. Nlsuen, will bt kept busy for several days as the tobacco manufacturers have not been ab) to ship any ot their product since the office waa closed. Thurti will be a rush for uinvM for soneral day. Justice to the Spider. , From tho lxinilon Globe. The spider la not uwially credited with amiability of turn per, and m the proofn brought forward by A. M. L calllmi lu Lai Nature of It tnaArnl affections are the more liiteremine:. The ' species concerned I one whloli make Ii ws and web In ears of oats. The neflaV of one was broken open, the mo! her laken out, am) ail Other Hvldet put In. The latter on entering looked around, and at ofieo began to close the entrance. When the mother spider i brought back, the usurper trie to defend her self, and they exchange blows through the openliux. Thfn the mother tfit around1 the nest and finite another entrance, and the umirper trie to es caiie She Is forced, however bf the oilier lo retire again Into the wet. Making a third attempt, while the mother is abwnt again, the uwurper escapes, though hotly pursued. . As suring herself that her enemy has re ally gone, the mother enter the nest, and afier awhile begin to close the opening. The usurper is then piaret on the nest three limes, and always retreat In haute. A spider, It thus appears, will readily accept another ne1. but will not 'Wend It as she would her own. if, however, the usurper- has had possession of the mt for twenty four hours, she will not leave it voluntarily, and will de fetrd It vigorously against Its truo owner. A spider kept from her nest for eight day doe not try to re cover It, nor allow any Inlereirt In it. (Special to The Sentinel ) RALEIGH. July It. The wlttiefses for the prosecution In the trial of M T. , Norrls, charged with thbiirulng of a farm hous for tiu' Insurance, began this morning. -The trlaN will require all the week. Date of T,Hal( Changed. 1 Governor Glenn has changed the date of the sp'-Hal term of Rowan county court for the trial f the alleged murderers of Isaac Lywiy an-i family last. Saturday, at Barrier's Junction, from July 3u, the date first et. Judge H. K. long wir, trp the case August (1. The change Is nec essary to give time for the commis sioners to selwl u grand jury. the same. , Cap!. H. L. senger agent, say, was in Vernon for the the- city ttavelllng pas Southern Rail this afternoon, After Guilty Parties. A telcphoHw message fiom Kerners vlile to the Greensboro News sas: As result of the continued promisc uous shooting ami disorderly conduct that tins' followed the recent blowing up with dynamite, of the calaboose and major's irfflne. here. Mayor Lin- v i 1 ; ha telegraphed to Winstonfor iieputy Sheriff Hut( bins .to coin.; a! once with tils famous wood houii'is. No person or property has been lie JurKl slmo. tho ilrsl. explosions, but 'ho niglitl) shooting and di-ordri) conduct has terrified a largo portion Bower With the Democrats. It apiK'urs that tho report published it )ear or more ago lo the effect that X CongTCMiman W. H. Hjwer, ol Caldwell county, had gone over to the Republican was a mistake. 'It Is an nounced that Mr. llower attended and took an active part In the Demo cratic county convention hrtd at I-tiolr of Motiday. Trts convwMlon etil-n-vj'fl It N. Ilackctt for Congress and F. M. Hlrriinoio. for Fulled State senator. - The Hentliiel was advised several weeks ago that Mr. llower was one of Mr. Hiukett's warmest, suppfjctere. Funersl Service This Morning, The funeral service of the late H. W. Shore, who diel Monday aftr- ' noon, was conducted this morfilns; at lu o'clock from th Home Moravian rhuivh by Rev, K, H. CroslaiHi, ss nisted by Revs. .1 tf. (iewell, Stmple and Bt-iiiM'i k. followed by the Inter men! In the Salem graveyard. The pall bearers were Dr. Frei Pfohl, W. J., R. A. and W. T. Kpaugh, G.-o A. Boozer and i. L. Pattervm The floral offerings werj profuse and beaut II ill. A cillzen of Kertieriville, who was here today, report that his town an exceptionally qillef UkI night. Hi; did not evein hear a dog bark or a of the inhabitants, and the authorities I rooster crow. He Is persuaded to tie are taking active reiK to run downll-ve that thu report that Deputy the gulliy persons. J 11 ut '-ti itit sns-goluw down with tils t . . bUiil-houruls had a g'xl' effect dpon "Gns" Reich left this afternoon the. dynamiters and those who have on a "slelghl of hand" exhibition tour. 'been .firing pistols at night.

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