THE r.ViN-CiTY DAILY SENTIN-L. 'A'lNSTON-S ALEM. N. C JULY 1 CZZ3 C 1 j rx r l Mill ii -ii - -" ifT w 1 ,', 1 i iz ;r.i c:u: HE u it:e: S f l; Kr.'a;. an.' t-..i.i. ' .Si:.; r::i has ii tile ciu D Our Ice Cream IctlM'litll filial r Is advertised by its quality, purity and superior merit. LEARN THE WAY TO SIMPSON'S n ..... I ' - - "' " I '' ' " T "! 1 - - ,-. - , - j : f 1 " Jennings' Cafe. Caters to the best peoplt Everything up to date PERSONAL NOTES. 1:;m it-tiiruej from has returned fr.un P. K. Crcer. came In this afternoon I,. P. -Matthews, of Polmlexter, was: went here today. David M. Pet: y went to Idols yes terday afternc.m H. E. Jenkins 1 r-(t this morning; on r. business trip. J. 1,. Ludlow came i.i this morning from Columbia S. (.'. . Mrs, J. II. Sutttnfk-ld left this af:er noo." fur Madison. I). H. Marsh left this morning for .Martinsville and Dativille. C. L. Wilkin.-' hi, of (iieenvillc, N'. C, was In the city Inday. J. It. Wulker win! Springs this morning. Postmaster J. W Tutsi Town, wan here o.dav. It. V. Price will iikiIm trip to Atlanta tomorrow. Thomas liarber, Jr., left last even ing for the west, in j urt of the stale. W. M. lle:id'leu. who lias been hi Salisbury, leturiiei! lo the city this morning.- .;- MaJ.-.r J. K. Alexander is visit 'use: his ,old home in tin eastern tho State. to Moore' of Old a business tt H. T:i: Bnlf..r! fit). Va .1. T. .leliiiiuK.-1 Moi si.';, Spsiiig. la t!iis i-siie tha Boston Shoe Co. lel'.a ot its special sale on low cut shoe... W. Barrel; Taylor, Jr.. who has bun to David fi College, came in !hi:s afte! IX. all. Httjeii Ij.wry. of Kerners-viilt . was in the city this afternoon en-: cute :o Hnral Hall. - I H I ' ry, who livca in Surry! ca.:t. was hi-;-( today enronte- tii ladiai.-ipali;:. Ind. ' C. M. (Iiiflitb. who ha3 been spend-! sr.. hi.- varatif-n at Ckmir.j;, , r.- j turned to tie. citv this afternoon. I M:s. Rufus SpaugJi and childen I tr Ava'on this afternoon tui v!Si Mis Uiiviiit'i'u l.rnlhi.l- f II I Hegc' " ' ' ' ' ' I Misj May, who has been; to Greensboro, vltiting Mrs. A. H. Kimiaii. return! 1. to tha ' city this j uttt: sa.o;;. II. K. C. Hsyan:. city Ps'.in;-. c.f the Charlotte ()!.... rvi-r, was la tin- c)iy j this aftet mior.'. He went to t!i et J?.:s-lt;rs- on the 5:111! traits. f Mr. mi I Mis. '. J. Sws-.-.i-osi. ;!' Atlat.:a. (la., esisiic In this utteisu.aa and are t!ie Kinsts of Mr. am! Mis. V. A. .:Mii.--.;i. on Fourth stse.'t. J'.is ,rMi:'lie Miller anil llrown, of Ml. I'lla, n: lived in tl: Jetty thin siftt i r. -.on and wiil : the w ;,h Mis. K. 11. Klird. on Broad streel. Misse.s M.irie Csiwan, ot 'ick; jurfr. an-;; Kmm.i lUinard. of Ashe- 1 JJ OF ALL the meV1 ad ,: up r.e " i""'i:srirj 'I'.'A-.' AN EFFORT To Pt'I.L Ti ki.i I have used S. S. S. qu;-, . .. ., recommend it as the best i..',,, I am a machinist" by trieb- an I so run down that by 10 o'cli.o pletely exhausted, aiul it i-..s I could pull through the bai.iucf S. S S., however, all tins h is a; vigorous man, abundantly sum appetite has been whettW i.p my sleep is sweet and rlrii!n it has purified my blood a:: I : cannot speak too hiifhiv o! Vorr 817 W. Broad St., Columbus u' t'l'dlTEl "wt-wemynl U'iyio: '. . '"I tia? N - ' :Si y'rt!ifv ' ::.-.: . A. !. MONTQ, SHE FOUND IT THE B! Mi-- :ile. nt lived iii the city tliis after noon and art the Rirtsts of Mrs. U. J, Reynolds oil Fifth street. Getting Better All the Time. Is what many of osir customers t,-ll in si.eak::., o the service, at the part of.t'liiiiax Barber Shop. We are !?IaU that oar efforts lo give the public a C. H. Cowles, county, at JaniiaryInftt-ni - , dt Inaction en .tied t. , (Jreensboro ' r of T. T. Best, vs. r ,, . , , , , of Wilkeslioro, s(ient turning home! District Attorney A. K. Holton went ilt'1'-'- barber service havt lieen np- to Charlotte last, ninht, returning this pi t'Ciutt't ami we can assure the pub afttrniKTi ! l;c that w have spared no time or expt s.i:.o;. to give, to the people of "Win-ston-Sa.'em a barber shop wcosid to i:(.:ii ia the State. We art indeed Kiatcfiil for tJie very liberal patronage accsded tiiis shop daring the fiit six ITltiK.llS since unite;- t!u lil-i uik tv m. iert last evening. , Hsement and we ra.i a.-i.ire all that W. 11. Bagley, of the News and Ob- i:;hing will be left ui.:lui;e that would serve:-, was in the .city . yesti rday, i tend i.i better or improve our facili- I H. ! r spending Dinglehe -f, of Stasesvilie. i lew Iriusv in the city COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to an order of Superior Court of Forsyth special term, I!in-. in 11, Jones, executor K. -A. Grillith, administrator of li. E. Mclver. Mattie Mclver. Elizabeth Mc Iver and II. It. Iver, 1 shall expose at public auction for cash, on Monday, VJuly 2". 190C. at 12:50 o'clock p. in., at the couithouse door in Forsyth ! leaving in the afternoon. county, Winston, X. C, the following) Mrs. A. !. Mis-dek and two chil- descrlbed property, to-wit: jdrrn left this morning fur Mt. Airv i'i Two lots of land lying near Winston visit her sistn- Mrs John shby It. Old Town townslnp. Forsyth conn- M,g j T Hi' . (i,v,,iml,,; wim V I ' uik MtMivii mill Hon intn nil ' U .-.,v en. ,w....... .i,o.h..,...ui ,, , viKililO! t,S Ul-.I.- U:- Ipaugh, returned home las' evening. I .Mrs. W. .1. Swauno:i, . of Atlanta, who has lieu visiting J! vs. W. A. . I Wilkli:, on Fo.nlh stru t, went lo Hii i-enshcrc last evenlns. .1. P. Walker, of the cents oti the plat of the liiku Best property as Lots Nos. twenty-two (22tand twe.i-ty-flve (25) which plat is duly recorded In the office of the register of dei dsi of Forsyth county In Book 'M of deeds oi pagt? ia, hiiu ior inner uesei ipi.on see Bald recorded plat This the 14th flay of June. 190C. LINDSAY PATTERSON. Coninilsslon-er. Morgan & Cuthrell, Tin and cornice work that i atanda the test. Galvanized '''sky lights thej ,are the best. If its hot air furnice work -, we do the beet. Morgan & Cuthrell; I C Prompt shipment to all points. CM. THOMAS 6 CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. No Better Time to Paint No Better Time toDecorate ... "Get the Best W. H. CLINARD. furnisli- ing department of the Meyers-West-bsook stoie, has returned from sev eial weeks' vacation, spent at Ashe vlllj and Statesville. Rev. M. C. Fields, of Climax, was hire today, tnroute to the western part of tho county, to visit his former parbhlsmefs.' "We was pastor on the Korsytft circuit a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. (',. Patterson, of Birmingham. Ala., who have been visiting Mr. Patterson's parents. Mr. and .Mrs. R. A. Patterson, at East Bend, returned to the city last even l"K. ' AmoB HuIk, money order clerk at the posioffiee, went to Walkottown thin niorniinjj In response to a mes Mige i cpnrtlng that his mother, who has beet: III for a week or two, was niiicr; worse. IK.-- o: ss rvn-e al any time. . SAM HCTCHIXS. Prt'pKeti.r Climax Barber Shop. '.a the '...ifiia it as '"-M'pesired B3je: poor, !; now wsyion: il;y Fubiishetii' Press.) BOISE; Idaho. July' l!v ('apt. Wil liam Yates, oi tho Fourteenth Cavalry who yesteiday suffer. 1 a fractured skull h bi ir.g thrown from his hoise, d-'ed this inoiu-sig. Captnit; Yates was a native of North Carolina. Big Matting Sale. Rosen-bachcrV, big three day mat ting sale was launched yesterday and is on today with a big crowd of eager buyers attending. The sale will close arter tomorrow. At this sale you can secure a saving of from one-third to one-half. Cut prices on all low cut shoes, frank (J. brown. ffc pj two-piece suits now $3 25. Joe Jacobs Clothing vo. .The ingredients that enter into S. S. S 1 : !, it.i ii.. , uuiiu a.iiu piciaiiiijj iiiciu so iuul tncy ll'ili:: every part of the body, make it the greatest of all Um'- remedy PURELY VEGETABLE while it is n-,t tite overcomine that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailiiientsu. .n- warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourish:-, in perfect condition during the depressing .summer months that are to ; Spring is the season wuen most every one needs a tonic. It is nature's time for renewing and changing; and as everything puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, and all respond to Spring's call to purge and purify themselves, there is a great change also takes place in our bodies.. The blood eudeavprs to throw off the poisons and accumulations whicb have formed in the system, and been absorbed by it, from the inactive winter life, and calls upon every member to assist in the elimination. The system is often unequal to the struggle, the appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, the spirits are depressed, and a general run down condition is the result. Then the body must have assistance it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Peiug inade entirely from roots, kerbs andbarks,tit does not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on tie J which contain Potash or some other harmtut mineral ingredient. to derange thestoa; digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage S. S. S the stomach and digestion aud assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish or?ans, aci the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration, i gives an appetite aud relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can fis selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring fjs at any other season. It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any otherr and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purifies the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition,. is causing their trouble, as i for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and tit 1 .1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 11 i 1 i. - AAA nnrivr.. .' enuorseu oy me. ueht peouie uu ovei Lite couuuy o o o, int. UtiLAitai V TONICS. It is necessary at tins time, when -the system is depleted and weakened a: point, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the conditio! S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the M of Spring the system will he so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affect! the season will not be ielt as warmer weather comes on. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, A TLAHTA, ;T .SPRING Tl on two occasions I have u: e i s. line results. 1 can -heart:! uiuuu puiuier. was troui,..l w.thlipv'-K. -." S. S.- 8. My appetite. vh:.-i helped. I can eat auythi.nn I w all impurities and made rich ana vr,,,'ls ,,,'; 1 ....... .wv. r n ."u 1-..-..U1 ior it. . i js.. iviain s?t., prmftlela, o. MRS. Q. T: Farm for Sale or Exchange. About 73 acres, with new buildings, about, one mile from Winston. Kor cash or city real , estate. Address Farmer, care Sentinel. Heuway embroidery silks dosing out saio Hill stock.- Sledge i.s offering special 'euts to furiiitutB buyers. lie at induce- Take a day off aud no .on the excur sion to Mount Airy July 20. Hound I rip only $1. Siik:;. velvets and dress kooiIs how at your own price at Hill's old stand. We please th Hard to plcate. Climkx Barber Shop If you lire looking for bargains you will find everything bargains at clos ing out sale Hill stock. He sure to go on excursion to .Ml. Airy Friday. July Mb. A protracted meeting will begin... at Maple Springs- .M. P. chinch at II o'clock next Sunday. The pastor, Kev. E. .0. l.owdermilk, will be assisted by Hev. J. u. Williams, of this city. Ail goods still going at In-low cost at closing out sale W. I,. Hill stock. SJ.Nissen Co. A Crrd to My Friend ft i r tiuii: ' lis of solicllaU my -friends in iioili town uf and t'liini hII s-H.inns nt f'Ml sytii I liine dicalfil in flit:; for s!n KIT. ...ilij.-(! totUlfti I): -inocr.;! ic ftmiiiy- .s! set-onl U an a rccoiLiiu i.iI:.iio:i .-.n. 1 it1' teim., and;t Tha-:K;:::: :' ',rt s;i:poi: in ',, it COIll ilill.-ii.c- 'if I in w?, V')ii: !-r iii"'"1 f ! iCNKY LKi" ii. -I kill JOHN N. AMBLER. CIVIL AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Water-Power, Water Supply, Sew rage, Development of Suburban Property, Street Work near Win tton During the Summer. Camp Near Pltt o Store on Shallowford Road, R. F. D. 1. Paving Brick Send in your order promptly Winston Brick & Tile Company. GEOKOE P. PELL Attorney at Law. Qry Block. WlnHn-vSalem FOR RENT. 7 cool and airy lvonis for otllces or hpd rooms, next to Hotel Kinzetulorf. Modem co u v u n '. e i iet s . FOR SALE. Ixit remnant lumber cheap . II. MOW. i .,,,, .,i , Pic ; t-1 1 IIOTA h.Tr P. r- n A r-. , . n l I ti.'! . ' ,!.;! i , i - i - '-'-i-'" it ntrHminD " - : I v -X ',-. - i aSft. . P , -,'-.'.'Bf"Satei, ' ' 1 hiU: ,1", "A - '.. '- kt - ' i . - 1. ' m i- : .1 r r".. ir; '? "V m y:-:k-- I ': '"'"vV- ' , . X, I -IIjr ' ; ; . ' O . " - ! ' , - - ' ' ' ' 'NOR-M CFWDCP SCHOOL- j I 'I j,- ':r,l . , " - h- ;..-... -:. ' vltNw(W ' ! " ' ' ' " v ' ' ' , - WEST FND jCSRVOETO SCHOOL. ; v - - ( - - (.j "'y. "V'' f . " - f-' - - 1 b, - . - .- rm: ' i' - . s'--, ; c ...,'. - v.,- ., ' : .:. ' '-3--:cHOr3l.'. -- ... .- .. -, , .

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