IN-CITY DA ILY-SENXINEL. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY-19. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ear iiir i DEFENSE Insists on Insan But Tho Son Obstinate. Dclcinmicc) That Not P!Md Insanity. Motion to Compel Old Turn Over Papers In I ford Hartr.iigc to Be fcr-row. , , , !',, I-,. I jv 1:1,. Wmn till' ,i ,. .si;.'iii" colli ' v, III fill IIU'V si. HI,'! Il"t '"I'" i. i ! ap Thau all pap.'!'' iliiT, reuces !,, ?U.ei: TIUIW. IliS ; i,vci I'.ic luittne : i- iiMij' plain. ,,- is deter-13- In' should fin be-,..!,- ninl tight - !, .-her is ciii;ill ir he examined as in ,, ic-ciigiiKcd ,r.:,,ji:." iii cast'. n,,;l;ei "ami iclut.jve. ,li ! n-k for the j (. n,;. .-iilil t CX- r Tliavv or hib lie;, lit 'llif.s move ;;:l f l!;i ilis't rict ,'ny ilkely Ik' suo- son Reversed. SUITS AGAINST THE Jonathan P Doiliver. linn i li,i ' fr.l il dec: supremo sioll in I n;..i!:iit writ of 1 lit- Thaw's nttor )' district attorney mil taking further : ',ts except ill i' ii. fcialaut. There 1:' ainl ihe counsel ain-.rr.nv to submit i- I'Xpi-Ctl'll ll'CXt Ily publishers' Press.) NEW YORK. July i:t. it became known today that the suits brought against the ring leaders- ot the Mc Curdy management In the Mutual Life- hy tltlstees of, the Company will lie. dropped. The suits, which were ID-might by Peabody or the Standard Oil management, were instituted lat winter against Robert H. McCurdy. as former general manager of the 'company and against C'luis. II. Hai 'nioud and Co.. in hiding- l.ouis A. ThibaiiK. son In law of tho.cldcr Mc Curdy. The international policy holders' committee says the decision of the trustees to drop the suits substant iates the claims of the committee made at the time that the suits were not instituted for prosecution in good faith. One of the members of the policy holders committee salit that there were seveial members of the present board ol trustees who feared it suits were pressed against Me Curdys the defendants would turn on the trustees and tell some Inter esting tales. City Publishers' Press.) NKW YORK. July 111 Justice Ulaucliard in the supreme .court to day discharged from custody Burton W. Gibson, a lawyer held by coronci Tuesday night at the conclusion of in- (uest into the death of Mrs. Alice Klnnan. found murdered on th:1 xnrli of her lesidence in the Bronx ihe night of June X last. Assistant Dis trict Attorney Train, addressing the justice, said that an error had been made and that he had no objections to (he prisoner being discharged. DOE LICENSE TAG T IllllS in a U.iin Wnirii. A:in- ('(. lias' been I to ili another ii"w t" i Limit to the !:ce' (Hilled hy nrnipU'il by Melllellts, il) -iinir as on the iii-ii l,y Mr. mi it will he now in. pi :TII, Ti.v 'ti.riak, , " ), Ni i-:; I-, II flolll : I'-'llli,. il .K c.y iei'X'keii U h, :. : 'I u ,', I'iess.l i juij 'Imcks are ro ll' Mexico, UX-s- A street b track. IS. t "in Soroio. n at Winkler ib tin- plaster ni"l to walk ;i was rising 'liirds of th,. cracked and ' !"' "! X'-.Ui l.ilierli "I iod u .. i ... I,.,' 1"'''- I '. He,- ueek. - '''' IHirehased lef-rot in the llti' Publisher: Press.) WASHINGTON, Jul) P'. The president, iccently ran across a para gtaph in a New York paper which told how a Richmond. Va.. man had found a Chicago dog license tag in a can of wiener wursts. The president carcf ullv pasted the clipping on a large sheet of paper and forwarded i: with v letter to Commissionei Nelll. who is largely responsible for the present agitiHion over meat prodacts r.ndeinealh the slip the president, had written in bold loiters: 'Respectfully mil prayerfully referred. (Signed) T. Roosevelt " LEADERS ARE KILLED (ily Publishers' Press.) LEXINUTON, Ky, July III. N readied iiele today from Iit5i Clock. Kloyd county, that. Dick llall and John Thoruberrj'. noted feud leaik'is, had been assasinated as lh rode along a lonely mountain pathway. (Special to The. Sentinel.) RAUilGII, July III. Chief of Police l.ouis Shell, of Belhaven, . C was shot down in cold blood today by a negro named Eli E. Bern, whom hp attempted to arrest. Shell may die. I he negro escaped. Officers are on hia trail. - EST 3T 1 1 . v il t J Eugene Hale Senator from Mai -A vN Senator from Iowa. I WTNESSE5 A Evidence In Bell Telephone Hearing Still Being Submitted. Probable That All Testimony Will No' Be In Before Tomorrow Even ing When Argument by Counsel Will Begin In Proceedings ' Before Corporation Commission. ..(Special to Tho Sentinel.) RAI.KI'IH, July 111.-The hearing if the petition against the Southern iell Telephone Conipani befoi'u the oi potation commission simpLi dras red its length along today without eatures ol even onlinary Inteirst. t looks now like the examination of vitiK'Bses will not be. concluded bo ore tomorrow evening. Then there vill have to bo the .hearing of the iigument of counsel. The entire morning session lasted intll 2 (.'clock and was taken up with leneral cross- examination of F. C. Taplcmiin. general manager of the lome Company, of Henderson, by Secretary of Slates Crimes. Me said n reply to queslions toilai Ihal nulli ng in his company's contract with he Bell Company would prevent heir connecting with another lino irovided that company was in evary .vay equal to anil In mechanical har nony with the equipment of the IHI loinpany. I ft I E I President Takes A Day Off And Goes With His Fam ily On a'Picnic. Several Members of His Family Ac company Him. Secret Service Men Did Not Accompany ths Party. Other Notes from Oyster Bay. ( Hi- Publishers' Press.) OYSTER BAY, July 19-President Roosevell is taking a day off. He left Sagamoie Hill early this inornliiK with se i 'i al members, of his family after telephoning Secretary l.oeb he would not need Ills services until eunlng. It Ik understood tho presi de nt and family have gone, for a pic nic on the shore of the Bound and as they did not take any swret service men and 'other retainers they w ill he plarlically lost to the world until such a tlnii- as it please them to re turn. No alarm need he felt, over this fact, however, for It. Is a foregone coin lu.-ion that were an emergency suddenly to arise l.oeli would very soon get in comiuiinlcallon with the executive. . rHrnnmiTii nnnnni n 1 1 1 1 U l V I U U I U 1 1 II I u run. ii .1 . I UIIU I I II UUIIUU lW I Interesting Statistics In Su perintendent Speas's An' nual Report. Thir Report Shows That Good Pro gress Was Made In Public Educa' tion In This County During the Past Year. Some- Exceedingly In teresting Figures. arty statistical The report of .Public lit is I e(j 11 i I ed nii!einl"ir, t! County Supei iuliTi'ieni i strnctioii Spcase. whli Ii 1 to siibmil to Ihe suite h if public inslnieiiiiii, slu school : el Kors-vlh to he i:i a I. condition. Then ha. been a ie 'mpiovi uieiil maile dm ii ; I '' wciv a nionl lis The tuial eiiioilneii: liuiiim oast liar was .M7. o this in ll'.ll being crdon-d chi all" n. una. a'd In eked past the iiiIk-1 The Hllil l'i- I " IVTTil'.'.l i:1 11-n )f the mill U'SSillll idvancei,' The value of. II l-,.i fr )U lit v i .'It 1 1 o 1 1 . ' .- f'-" 1 he coloii d. iii.i I schools. Evei.i last session, ivel'e elected eliailea. ill TlWied . IlKUililll. Si veill 1 ran on! ckIkis : W ( . l-'l Ige ol the lllte ( III. , i Ills: I't.lui ed, I'.' Ill white ji'ii:i- c jirntno!"') "Iiihuk a .i Of 32,000 IS AFIRE ST. (Hi Publishers' I'KTKKSBl'Rt: r 1 1 f : j hi a I $::.x.;: - w liit an lg ,1 tola; Oi .-clioiii via-' llieie ;i hd 2H n l''f i a i-ll- riu ( :U ill lliv Ih lillTl! sell' v ' lleri ai( wi'h -ut--i: IH IMH- b -i el rtlie nlii iiviln mil liiiee illie in. i una; ii Ion. inc: ' 1 in si i.i I -iv ti-f-.:;;: ol tin- .-lie seven eli tiienla- The Hveraue ;eiui -lis'rici . wa I"" i'.av I'..-. e !'T !:'; '' lopilia' ior o ' a--- ' ban Th ;ic an- nual ie ipiinii , livi ol the-' Ia-,:.L !-.. jcniiii'. In the .Ml ii'--;:)!:'-.- while I here Hie ii; in :!..- II n negi-i The tola: poi poses is : "' l:oi: devoted '' Tll' ie aie tw, sp in the coiiutv. Oil' uuo ::ild:-d dining ib' The school census show.- th Press.) July 1!!. A lelegiani leciived here fioin Hamaia ,ays that l he entire town of Syzran, with ihMv-twu iIioiishiiiI Inhabitants, fli the gov ai inni nt of Siinblsk is afire. The Inhabitants are fleeing toward Samara and Sainton'.' WANTED, WELL DRESSED MAN. He Har Committed Two Robberies on a Southern Railway Train. , 1ASHKVII.I.E. July IS.-The hpeclal jlet. eiiyes "iii the employ of the Ashe , v ili-J iliv ; -Ion of the Southern Rail way ar- looking for a well dressed stiangei who., on- Monday afternoon, committed two daring robberies on board a Southern Rallwav train. Tin fit robbrrv occurred between I.akr T'.xawav" and HeiKlerKonvillc. when a hand bag lelonglng to a ladv pa.-Si'iim i was stolen while the lady ilr i lit for a few tnlllilti K from e.!' The second rohbei y occur liiii'lr afiiiwnrils on the train i 1 : iidersoliv ille to Aslleville ii the siTanger snatched a hand 1 1. -nil the train. Tile handbag allied $1.. Is belie vi d that the Strang t Is e name individual that operated at ie, a,l i e.'.oi Is. in this section" ol the ate last year. i'lcAI.KKiH, July in. - A b-ltei re ;v'd today hy Private Secielai v 'Al i'.'T'iii fiolu (ioveruoi Cleni:, who is Miding a while a! Atlantic City for lib needed let iind lecieation. Is i in effect thai his health Is vc-.'.v . :in('li impiovci! and he s I noroiighlv i hjo Int. his trip, (hi wilies that In ,sill lie heie to resume executive In' h e .lull -'.'i m 2". ,oe li.'.i.',,; while childien ol s( bool age i Hi- iuihI disirictH. and l.:i;,:: in Aii:sioii. Tin- rural enrollment was and the average daily atten dance in lor , schools wan 1. 91! I. Tlu aviiage motitfily '(nilarv of uai" male leaehers was $:!" ami vv as he, :'( 111 n vh. I: I ,1 STATE CAPITAL (Special to The Sentinel ) HAl.EICII. .Inlv l'.l - A chaite, js issued todav foi tin- Middlc-ex Ui'ml Co.. of which C . It. Harliee. E. 11. Bar bee and John l'. Diewrv are the in- coipoiatois. Tim capital Is $.'5,H'i"- authorized and $i!,0'mi Midscribeil fin the pm pose of ib'Vt loping (lie town of Middlesex, a new station on th Raleigh and Pamlico Sound railroad !!7 miles from Ralflgh. . Slate Chairman Spcncci II Ail.niia siH-ut the da in tin fit Inventigat ing the situation bh to the Raleigh postniaftership. All of the candid m-s hud eoiiferences with him as dld-lhe frleiKls of each one. Howcvei. the chali iiiiin left tills aGleruoon witho-il committing hliuseli as to who he would reconiniend for aiioinlnicnt. which Is to be matin, veil sikiii now The slate chaliinaii also met while here J. II. Cameron, chairman of the Republican party In Richmond county wilh reference to the possible sue cessoi to Pctinasler l.oug who died at Riickingliam a few diivs ago. Thin is another poslotlice for which it is now ut lo the slate chairman to name an Incumbent now. SENTENCE DF EN 01 SFD Commission Investigating TTio Port Arthur Surrender Reports. , Thir Russian Commission Rtcom mend: That Death Senttnc B Im posed on General Stoemll. Milder Sentence foi On of Hit Officers. (Hy Publishers' Piths.) ST. PETKHSIU lid. July- PJ Th commission appointed to Inipilrs Inlu the surrender of Pint Arthur hi llled Its H Mirt. The cominlsslon pio pne that (ieinial SliH'ssel, who was in coiiimaint during (he siege, bfl ln tenced to death and that (iencril Peak, a liieiuher of Stoi ssel's staff, who urged Ihe sum-lidcr, be con- 1 1! in iu i tu iwcnt) veins confliicincnt ic ganevs AROUND THE CITY. Deputy Collector S. l- Shore, of with tonsilllls . . The wholesale houses lepoil trade good for this season. Editor C. O McMlebael. of Ihe Mad ison Herald, was here thlb afternoon If. E. pries Is expected homo to night from a business tiip to New York. Another band concert will be given on the court house square to morrow night. Ciller Clerk Kemp P. Battle, of Hotel Phoenix, Is coiillned to Ills room Yadkin, wai- hern today. The county pension board will meet again on the Mist Monday In August to close lip theii report to I In state board. The Sentinel would like to have reports from all of the wheal tlmsli era In Kois.vth showing the total amount of grain .threshed this year Mr. C- I. Heard', a uallve of this city, who lias been with the Yadkin Ripple for nonie lime, has accepted a position wlt.h Ihe Mocksvlllu Record. The Retail MorohnnU' Asix-iii-(Ion has fitted up an office over the postofflec Ji lid established a bureau of Inhumation. Two Indy cleika are in rhaige. The Republicans, like "liter Rab bit," are "ly In' low and saying not hiii" about who they will iioml uate. for the various count) offices, They have a few aspirants. A rumor Is run cut to the effect that a big land deal Is about to be closed on Soulhside for a big liianil facturliiK enterprise. The Senlltiel hears that II will likely go through. Mrs. Payne, manager of Vade Mccum hotels-, phoned to the city to day for another huge range and for permission, to use Mr. Tlsu's cottage. She haa Ihe largest crowd ever at aiKi Mecuin. Messrs C. E. ami .1. M. Crews, two prosperous farmers residing three miles east of the rily. raised l.hl'j busliels of wheat this year. It wai grown mi .Mi acres, an average of 20' bushel to the acre. Eight of the above yielded SlVj bilshclr, to the acre. Excursion to Mt. Airy. The excursion lo Mt. Any toinor low will leave llm union passenger station at 7:15 a. in. Reluming, will leave the Granite Clly at .V.;;n p. tn.. arriving here about 7:!!". Tlckels. the price of which will be fl nn, can be secured from menibeis o the com mlttee at the station tomorrow morn lug. Those (k'siring feserved seal tickets wilt he charged 'l'i Cents cxtia. I III i iibllsliei s' Press.) NKW YORK July PJ-Wln-n Ik sleiiinei Kansas City arrived at iUr antine this morning from Hiivaunih It was learned that Waller Olinond, a wen known lawyer of Atltnu, wtv lost ovcrboaid Weilmsilay moiiiliiK. July 1Mb The captain and offlccri failed to make any. report o( the losx ot Oiuiond on the arrival at quarantine. EIGHTY POLISH ' PEASANTS KILLED (He PilblLdieis' Press.) WARSAW. July la.'-Prlvalil tele gianit received from 81. I'etentiurl slate that the iIimkooiiK' had at (m ill il II ie,rei fill m -ellilg of peilKHUlk III the village of K'irhoiokH, killing eighty . The iliagiHiiis (lied aeveral volley,: Into tint crowd, bonltlos chrg III', wllh drawn aworda, m. - : V ' Claim Only 250 for Blackburn.. A friend nf ConRressiuaii IJIack burn kayii the .IteimlillcHiia r wily cluiuilnK a uiujmlt) of 'ijn for Iflni over Ills opponent, "Dick" IlackOlt. They say that Spencer and ti Ism ft cciitlvv i (iti.niltlce have reviewed thu situation ciiiefulli- ami dechU'd that his re clii'tloii s by no nieiina cer tain. They riali.i that If lh Ienio cials of the Klglnh illstilct vols tills war llaikett ll( win by a large majority. Orphanage Plcnle. The mi ii on I Baptist Sunday M-liool and oinliiiiiage nlclilc will be held St Clement Grove, Mockavlllr, Thursday, July 2i. Gov. R II. Glenn le on til l program for an address, hut he writes a friend lu re toning (bat he finds h" will not be able to meet !h engag- mint. Mr. A H. Kllei has been imWud to tepii'seiit the governor on this oc casion. Band-and Promenade Concert. ' The Junloi Reel Team of the Kaliiil fli. dipailmenl will give a baud and promenade conceit at . the Hllem Square Hiiluiday night of this week. The music hy die Boys' Hand will hn la special feature.. TIhi Junior Kjfl I T H in now has II ineltllieis and car- l ies lli'iil feet ol Ikisc. - In political elides It belint talked that Bacbelo! John" Waddull would like to have Ilia llciiiorrHtlc noinination for the state senate., Tim haa served' two term in th houso of repreHculifllvc e.nali teaeher; Tlo'ie w i re ! J I i '.'1 I ill S:i!i T7. . IMI While illlteiates lie nil al "Hist i Iris lat of coloted sellools le are ii,::i. pupils of lax riu :':::i!l'-- It ', 1 1! Mill' s. filed fo: a': ttlioUl't ..II i Is is SI '" ';' 'at of the. d'.ti ast " a th ' ( I'lie -censiis ,mi ! Inil tin 'a' race Pi ihe i:-tilcts and I mi in Winston. The total lural en iioilli.en! was plu.'i. and tho average i.iily :i'U iidance Tin. Twenty seven 'e.ohers aiv employed In the rural U'li-ired sclieo'm. The aveiag nioirth- ';. e.ilaiy of colored li-niheiit wa. '. K'S.Hl!; female, U'k The report la signed by nienitiers jof the county board of cducstloii, If ' Philander C. Knox. Senator frjm Pennsylvania.