jTW IN-CITY SEI WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JULYO. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS DAILY TINEL. t - - Vve Action ji-ei Crisis. TROUBLE. ARGUING THE CASE. LARGE BLANKET MILL IS 10 BE TELEPHONE RATES. FIVE ARE KILLED. Of Rus-! Lawyers In Norris Trial Mak-I ru- ing Speeches Before The j Jury Today. LOCATED IN WINSTON-SALEM S ON ...i h. the Case Will Probably Go to Jury This 1 . 4dCL.-u "J , - rc-' . , ... PJ3.C.1 I" " Further CHATHAM .MANUFACTURING COMPANY TO LSTAHLISH BIG CONCERN HERE. Hearing Before Corporation Commission Not Yet Finished. Mine Explosion In West Vir ginia Injures Two 1 Others. ' ' 4 A A Il'l' A'1 : tvill In" : : by til'- eiie-s ' i . ..en I r crisis , ;; poiil ,i ;,-.,sant e-i: lunik ttneiit. on .as lnani- , the Foll.iw- ve-t er as ::a i il' riiiiniit of i liii'lalur- ;,;.-!,:' Pres.-.) K, ji.: . Fi:wjiig a .Kit f :lu- Publishers' ;.it:u;. lit!' ctors ycsti r- ie.- araounf , li t li.il . ,,: ,! " A. Macllae had ,!j..;;!.s UK-rest in Hie J 1!. S'.i.m'. pi v-ideut ; n I'tcian . ilisi'isetl (if ah:,!! j. , : ; t 1 v uae them : : :',r la:i ! I 'i;-;ru-ii. - j r ll;.ri. i am! John ,v,-:v el i-i dil'ectm s tn Tla- !n,:i: ii iiitaiiiniotls- p; A. Mi l!.. i- -.-iil-iit. n.j: M-i"ta, ami gni .'!.' '.i ii if re-i,',.-.i,!, :,!. iiinl Measurer. m; that 'In- Publishers' , aluix 'ines- -!':! :'ii uih iuiiiovc :i, !,i till:,- a- il: -filed. Afternoon. Defense Did Not intro duce Any Evidence, Contending Thai State Had Failed to Make Out a Case. (.Special U. The Sentinel.) RALEIGH. .Inly 211 Tin- Inking .of testimony for, the prosecution in the ease against M. T. Not 1 is. proniii.i'1,1 Kaleigh merchant, chained with hut 11 iiiK a farm house owned by h;s wile so she could colieci I lie insurance, was concluded last afternoon about. 1 o'clock. Judge Webb declined a. motion by the defense 10 dismiss ihe case 0:1 the ground that the state had not made a case stiong enough to go to the jury. The defense excepted and decided to gf to the jmy without int roaiicini' evidence. .Indue Wumuck opened argument for the defense and K. S. Spiuiil fol lowed for the stale. Today t licit aie speeches by Col. .1.' W. Hinsdale. R N. Siinnis and Solicitor Armisleud Jones lot the prosecnlion and by Col .1. C. 1.. Han is. S. (1. Ryan and .1. X. Holding to, the defense. The case will probably go ti, ihe jury late this afternoon. This and Tlie Elkin jMill Already In Operation Will Have A Capital of S330.000 Mill Here To Be Located In The! City on The Alocksvllle-Charlolle Railroad And Will iM inufacture Woolen Blankets--Will Be Valuable Enter- Al prise For Twin-City. Accountant from Atlanta. Ga.. Testi fied In Behalt ot Bell Company Last! Evening. Other Evidence In the Matter tc Be Presented Tomorrow.) Th. Chatham ManLfactunng Core pany, which now operates a large woolen null at Elkin. ins increased its capital to $35O.03G and will estab lish r big factory here, at an earl t S" i.il t The Sent in. I 1 IUI KlCli, .hslv :'" I. as: cm nil:.' lei-on Maiip.n. el Alhii-.ta. :i on ,:,i, Maud as a witness tor the tvinth-t-u ltel; Co. in lb.. teU ('i.iii heating , - , bdot. file c-,,! hor.itio'.; c.iniiiii-s.uii president ot the North Carolina Rail- . ' , ., and te-iitied that a- an cu;l aicnnu road and Mr. G. T. Roth. They re;,a, ma,,,, ., (A,ul!na' urn el the recoyizt.rl as business men of , boohs ot the hiilep' iident T m plione unusual ability and have the conte'('o, t ' Ashrvllle. ju denct ot all.' si li.'loie it win! r:io place to t i out of busiec-.s I'd. I ittl.i t u lt. it corno, at am ui:,t found The new enterprise will mean much;,,,,,, ,.lsi f j, (..ir fl fo, Winston Salem. Not only will it busitii s.s and for i esidem:ti I '.( lurnish employment to a large numbe'r'!1-"1"' service Hte company had losi 1. .. ...,i. , a -.:'.mh a )-a. f... the eais. A Mr " " " ,Mcl.. o,! bad n fiortunity foi the development of then,,, same tunc Davi:- school, site. A modern factory ; (,heep raising industry in the country Utle nnd" his buildiiuj will be erected and neat ''around the TwinCitv. Also the new'1""11 'ho-e In houce;: for the operatives, of -whom Concern will be an effective factor in ! !',.' '"" ,. , . 1 I ae tlikl.', 11I :es:lliioi. will cull there will be a larae number, will also . advertising Winston Salem fo, its;,,,, ,,,(W w,. ,,. .,,,, .,m, ue uuiit. 'prodL-ctc will co to all parts of thelclliel 1 11 i,i 1 1 -i 1 and- oilier otlbeis of I date. , Tin factory i to be located on the Mocksville and MooresvilU radrord I nea, the trestle this side ot the od They Are Eipected to On Also. Gasoline Lamp Leads to Explosion With Horrible Results Details of the Catastrophe In Dmon Mine. I I v - I', "all-lit 1 I'te I I'd. I "KKlKi.lv V Va . Jul 2-A a 11 suit td an exp'tuti'in of Ks In lhon miac at Huuer Is-st nlKht 0 v miners, w. ie kill. , an., two Injured -. sinimsiv ib will ill.' The men bad Marled ibiwn the shaft III a le.tliil when the explosion ruinr, lilowiim r'leui out ot t lie bucket to Ihe lioltoiii of the hbaft A Kaftiline lump w a. tt.i eaii- -. iade an . a!uii,.Hiin at for the ci't ol Ashe lit'iiles iinly iliffeicd Ihe w il iii'ss I M anpii: I W OFFIISip.uk clearings in (Special to The Sentinel.) SAN Kli.VNCISCO. .lillv III. I'er lutis noi!hiiiK shows ilie business ac tivity of the cily under its Karb of ashes like the fimes from the banks. The Chronicle for July Sth prints the DANK CI.KARINCS. Tilev Show An Improvement Last. Yiar. Over The factory here will manufacture ; world and will make Winston Salem a woolen blankets on a large scale. The household name in many places. Chatham Manufacturing Company has! Winston Salem ir going forward .ilreadj established a world-wide repu-imore rapidly than ever before and I tation in the manufacture ot these one ot the best evidences of the con i blanket; and the factory here willjfidence that business men have in the j enable the company to increase its future of this city is found in the fact trade to immense proportions. that they are investing money-here in The Chatham Manufacturing Co., ; business enterprises to a larger ex which ir the nucleus of the enterprise, tent than ever before. The new war established by Mr. A. Chatham woolen mill will be an Important fac and from small beginnings has grown, tor in the further growth and develop lo large proportions and to be one of ment of Winston-Salem and the fact the best known manufacturing enter -that such an enterprise is to be es prisee in North Carolina. The busi-tablished here must be a source of lest ha: been conducted for several j gratification tc all who are interested years past by Mr. A. Chatham and his : in the progress and development of son, Mr. Hugh Chatham, who is alsojthe Twin-City. Ihe Hell Co wii examinations an i.'i.irv of Stale whom the compl auiinaiioli is In I be examined, The ' b.'ini; made b See .1 llnan Crimes, In aint on w hit Ii tin' ex inn ma'ile was bled. tlftiui Int i si if the lediicllon of $l..",il foi 1, sidence and iuer,., phoui s,-i:( . . lali 1 01 S to bus T P:;1:::-!!'-!:.' l'r -- j ;T''l .hi:.', L'aT.he -1 was i::' nun 1 lllis nioni nllrimrsi r'-citiliy fotind "!j'i:ii.K !! ion of .ilm :;-:"i-i act. Tin olliceis iii"i;(:i:; 1 , ('iiinpaity ll.i'li.- M 0 ;i ! 1 fact 11 ii iijjt a-li'il niii gtillty ami were s-W' iiiIh-i I !., wi'hdiaw . !iV 1: iia:::, 1-. kk: :i: Ji It. -I'.' J'ress ) ;. I iai ,y Thaw ;'ll'l" ileuiaiids .i;'' !iial in older i'- ot W.iMe.. It is ' '!''"' will he '' :'''(-pi a plea of ''f l iee ft 1 Mill ''' I:- lliat lieeze. ' I ".!. til U.S. are sellers. . Willi one day cut out for a holiday. Ihe hank cl, 'minus of San Fianciseo for Ihe week endillM July 7 show an improvement over those of the cor 1 )oini hit; wti'k in l'.b1", of $:l.n!C,, 1ST, 20. the to'al for Hie week lieins hbii.usi. 112. its Hgniiist $:!u.:iMT.- .'iij..",l last year. The statement of Iliad. -t reel's published on Saturday, v.liich makes ils" coniparativ,' table fiul 011 Thursday, showed $:',, I IT,a'J2. but did not. present the percentage of increase, probably becau.-e the com piler thought t'.i.'re must, be some mistake. lint there is none. San Francisco is lumiminj,'. Its business, as the. re sitll show:-, received hilt a very ti'in poiary check. II is still ha'ndlini; the iiiini 'rise (iiaiitity of products pro duced in the couiitrj tributary to it. a lid' the merchants in the vast and I'd Hie couiitrj surioundiui; it still find it the best place in which in buy their slocks, In shoit. San. Francisco is the same old tradiiiR renter in every particular, except thai its business men are not so finely housed as form erly, but even that apparent draw back will soon be overcome, if those whose work it is lo build up cities do not stand in their own lisht and !' tard improvement by diseoiiiafiitii; on ti rprise. DEIIH OF OLDEST (Ilv f ublisbers' Press. I HOSTOX, Julv 20. Dr. Sopbrenie Fleicher, oldest'' w'oinaii physician in this country nnd probably in the world, is dead at her home al Cam bridge after four days' illness.- She was expecting to celebrate her hun dredth birthday anniversary Septem ber I I'll. " ' ' ,' !!' ' ": !l't"n by your , ' '!; -M in Salem ' "t'.iAV n-hi; I w.-SlWii III amnnsi i tjT' irfesl'f II I 1 1 bnsittess mail. and. will .make a , ,. . ?".rvs';-.i A I . r'i . ti&Vf) WW in Ciii'fotd coimtt I'ostmastei t I ll' 11 land Chief Clerk lilll I on ' llR.I scene,' .r ), liiacklniin in miikitm r.nif . Mr. nnd M ifflW,. 1$ 1 eon:, lv :-oiid for the si.il- '!:.! :'"-li"d lltilll ..jj-- . j man. he timhi U would ! a i;,f.s I'h.lad.-lphia ' ..-jar 4 I . 1 .. .-, .. c...i.. ci.-.o nei'i Ada in- ' : : -A ' lilursiianc' of his pl'-.me.lo do t,t; It' : .1 i I 'I colli to .deee Mlacklnirn 10 -m-i W V j ,.:,. Clettn ami Huttia t- -b, I V, . '-.t J s. L .1 t' , balance ot ' he ' a m pa -' ' - I , .-.vT'S' tVi X V- I i.he '.i.hlh lii.-Tiet a.:il rut: ti..- ,-lt.' :vAv3m ,M:tJ ! :,i, t!,e,e foi. Il'aekl.iirt, ; .ia V 1 I ,,, ,:,.h,-' V f- '.rjf ',.' I.l'"1 ;. , , ,.,. b:s ' 'IV II tfii. a ne.il " ' " .. .', , . liji'Mi 1 eotit.tv S.,'u:'ht ''::.; ei,. :- : (Special to The Sentiniil. I CKFKNSIIORO. July 2n.-The new aeist maslei here. Hon. H. I). Dinis las will take. chaiRf of Uie iiowofflcp ititurday. Yeslerdav . lie forw arili il lis bond for $2:i,uiui to the department ind to.lay announced the appointment of Mr. S. A. Ilodxiu as his chief assis tant. Mr. lloi:,in lesides hen , is at uresenl al walk in the business office ! the Industrial News, has been a -ichoo teacher, but for t!,'.- past sev tu! years has been holding some ;illd oi a feili nil ufliec, his last I'll! -aioyme'iit in that line lo'i tin in Collcc or Duncan's ullice in Itnieieji. Air. loduin will succeed Charles II. Ilnr .0:1, who sprang his atlidavit on the 've of the primaries here' and of the 'epublifan Slale convention, that stale Chaii inan Adams had told him 1'- would see to it that IliaekbitHi would not be elected lo CuilKri ss I'roiii ill 11 KiKhth district. This' state ment was denounced by Ju ine Adnnis is soon as he heard it. as a damnable lie." ami it is said thai when Presi ieiii It iii.-ev-li was dutifiilh made aware of Hie contest waned nj lilaekbui!!. I'ostmaster Cienn ami his cbii'i assislani H111 ton lo defeat Ad mis. be "in the name of decency." ieciiit,;ieiy named Adams' man, R. I ), 'I lunulas, foi the poslntastershii on Monday, following the pulilica' imi of he alliiiavil or lliiilon oil Friday, aiid be ctfoit of lliirton to .net to Adams ;,, ihe Cuilfonl ( my convi-niioii Satunhiv when Adam.- was slaanht--rul bv .the Ulackbiiru-CIeun llepnb- licait conilunatiou ol Hie countt- 101 lowiltu tin'- hiimi iatlon id the slate chairman by hein' d.-feated in his eity primaries Fiiday. The new as--isiailt- heiotm's- "to 1 1.- quaker .per--uiisioil or l:iluii in 'be Coiml.t. Win tlt 'i his appoifiim t:t will mollify : he Quakers, who have be n dis posed to t, i-l out : IIRi'd at I be treat ment act'onled to the foiuiei nominee ,' the 'mre.-ideiit. I'rol. ('mis II. Kraiei. b,y the charges pie.ured his piitate c::arae: -i by .Indue Duuulas and I'ostmaste, t.ieni:. :eniaius to he seen. Ml. Hoiiuin is a maul business man. and.wili .ii liopiilai- am' 'flieient oflicer. A sarcastic IC'iiublicaii of ofitilieat .'icumeti. made a in ee-tion 1 1 1 i moruinu. while ,i;.-nis ,x ll.e oilleoille of 'he lXW'ilh wianule. He said Mint .in v.. w ol '! I nt f ; -,t iieimmu 1 1 iiiinpn- lot i.,at .,. ! in Cnl'fotd county . ostlliasiei and Chief Clerk Bui ton' had liiacklniin in makitiK 1 T The pioKiatn for the semi-weekly band colic, 11 lo be given touiht up pi'tirs . L( low.-. The feat me lonliiht will be natbiiial airs. March I.icnienant Sautleniaii. Ko-eukiaus - March-S, 1. II. A.- Hall. ' Waltz "Sancta laicin." lioscolli. Medley .Ovel I ill e Soul he( 11 Melo dic.. H', ",-. Two Step -"Mexico."--Coie and aohnsnii. 1 Si ;c:iaib .- Waves of Meinoi ies.-j Hlaitchard Part II. .March - Kellirn of Ihe Foily Seenth K"Uitneut .- -liry am . Two Step My Hilly -4,lo Medl.-i Ov.-'! t iii f - 'All Asahei'Mahl Setenade The Heioine's Sheimaii Wall- Inspiration,- Miller. March -Tenth UeKlllient .-- Hall. ily rii'l st till- it (is 1 si in will be In leispeis'd w;lh some national airs Mackie Hils."-- I'rayer- 2 CENT MILEAGE LAW ARGUED Attorney for Railroads In Hearing Before Virginia Corporation Com- ! mission Alleged That the Law Ii Unconstitutional And Impractica . ble. j RICHMOND. Va , July tx-Thc state coipoiation commission met heie today 10 leceive the aliswei of the Atiantic Coast Line Railroad Company as to why il should not comply with the Churchiiiah Iwoceul mlleuHe book law, 111 relnllii.n the answer Attilrmy Mcllwalne, who has been relailieil liy the railioad companies in Viivdnia to conlt st the act, broimht out, junoim other objections, the conllici of flic bill with sections 52 anil If.U of tin constitution ol Vlrulnla nnd with ai; tide 1 of the act ol Cohkics (loveru ir.K inter stale ttallic, and said that lis practical value Is considerably lessened by Ihe fact that its practical eiiloicement would compel the rail road coin ia 11 it's to keep at all mm bins "an infinite number ol an infinite vailetv ol Hckets." Mr. .Mcllwalne entered Into arxumeui of the ens,, taking the sections In the answer and showing the biaring of each, together vtiih uiimeioiis opinions and authoil lies on tile subject. . Atloiiiey Cenfial Anderson lilod a reply' on the part of the stale audi made 111 guiitcnt I hereon, seeking to draw a distinction be tween the Michigan case and Jbe glnia case, The. heal Ing was not eluded. Vil con Tile stall :lCllt by 'l esidelll Colll- ;es, ,,f Hi, I'edeiallon of I iibor, lli.it le and the fed. ralimi wen lesponsi foi t in- il. feat of Congressman I!!. iridium .,r ill t biiiinianship ol the Repubiiiaii pant in Noilb Catoliua cane- as lm siiipilsi' to the union la bur h'ip. id sbeille, sayn Ilie I'aKt lie '.News', Init-il Is not undet'Sloinl bow tills claim can b reconciled with ti e tact 1 tuit 11 ' labiu union man wan hem, I to expiess mi) opposition U Ml lilaeklell II Flolll plolllillelll III! ion nit-11 In Aslievllle the Ashevlllti pa per Ii in ils that union iicopic will lilt, year cut K.iiue ice III polltlCH III evelV ougi 's.donal district 111 Ihe I nlled stale,-. Il ts said Ibal labor will IhU all be n iiononin'cd factor In ixillile ind Hun in evcly congressional ills ilct where u nominee ol eiltier party s bo-lile lowaid oIK.lliled lli'joi lb.' labor vole will he last aKUlllsl the audi, late. I If paiainoiint linerest III his- sett ion of the country, however, s the st .1 1 e in 111 from leading union men that Mi. Kitchin and bis oppo tent, whoever he may he. will shortly ic ,'i-kc 1 to.dellne their Uttlltnde lo vard eel tain lliliortiiiit (iientloui hat hate 1,1 do with labor, and Hint Ipiui the aiixwi'i of these quest lout till hugely lb pclul, lhi.e llliloll men .ay, win tier 01 not ihe one cumu late or the other will receive the snp 101 1 of the labor union men. It Is aid that Ihl'ic i iii'ttt 1, 111 s among otb--I v wilt bt proponmli d : I Do to i fatof an c:isiii-liom work lay"" "J-h ton fa vol ihe eneliiHiou of 'kinese and td her tleap fotelgii labor fi inn the Cnlled States :" "'- What Is yoin posliiou rcbiilvo ( tlllnt 1 'glsl.ition?'' The S'liilne) also hears thai the socialist will iioike an elToit Ii) se. :uu the union laboi vote In Korsvlh bis fall. Willi" the labor union ue not vei y numerous In this 'enmity iievcrthi iesv Hieie nie iiifliiy. union linn 111' Wtusioii-Salem. A lliajollly of the raliioad men living here are union men as well as innuy carpeiilers stone cut tei h, machinistM. pilnlert, hi Ick ma-otis, nnd other lines' ot hade. PERISR IN EIRE BOYCOTT IF CERTAIN D.S. i (Hv I'ubli-herji' I'ress . I'K 1 IlKSHITKi, July 2u- A ill:. fioni Samara savs bundled:- (it wei.. lost iii a II ii' wbicb de tiie town of Syzran and that men suspected of tin- Inceie were lynched. Tii1' town is ( Ilv Publisher;,' Press: I Sl'li;TOX. Julv 2o.--Through al F '. Ilapan. of Nottingham, and. the report has reached the d: pai'inent that every lisul pro- "O" marked 011 it ls boy least In ceilain parts of Ilapan sH",iks' for Notting seciired hl ' informal Ion boycoit from a "luinc firm" the goods. Tbeie Is now 110 Cali foi canned m als. 1 lean, domes! jc or colonial. ST palel lives I r.t roy ed j evci al dim ism j a In ap of 1 iiins. Relief Is i to the starving- liihabii'aiil.- Ii'dng sent Knu st'ati duct it!i cot t,i. a 1 (Initial, d ham , H about the deaiinc it. absi eitlle,- Alii - -Mrs."S. T. Davis enterlaiiled last evening at her home on Spline sti.eii lb honor ol Iter guests. Missis Oia llagby and ltes!e Crav.-r. of Yadkin count;.-. POSITIONS IN THE I IK Pllblil'lier,,' VfU I WASMIN'ITO.S. .1 ill v 20 -Hpi-eliil iiidm 1 11 1 nl i. al'' being held out by Cncle Sam iii onli-i lo piocure cletks for Philippine mm vice His big i'in pioi an nt liuteini known ns civil ser vice eoliiinissioii has Jnsl Hiiiloilliceii thai wive,, or swei t hearts of appll-caiit-, for such positions may also be examined lor teachers' salaries Phil Ipplue (deiks gel $12011 a year (it the. stall Teiclieis are paid from Ivill r- 1 old ihe consul. Sui'-.s ol can saunon have much declined also. American fiesli beef (mm ,1:;' houses shows no decline',.' 1:1 says, but bo increase d any -1 ; Is noted; - Similar ropoilx are' in:- on American canned hulls and: ' gi tables. In coiiciii'ilng Ills report j 'he depattineiil. Mi. Iliipan pieilictsi :..it liroliabiy some of the. canned ! e at trade ol Ihe I'nited States with j : i at Hiltaiii will be permanently.! il'-preselilal ive ol ihe colonic 1 :e making the tno.-t of Hit. o,p,:,!-l ;ilv In exploit llieii own canned .odiicts. ho xavi. ! .. W. II .Cluiaid have a t tip ot t wo wei kv and Atlantic fin Mi Wood run", who has Sniings. retiuiii'd to moining. been to; the ety j R. 10 :d today wiiliam '-T., Jerome Uiitrict Attorney, New York. Mr. and Mis. Ugbtl'l letiltll' erf loti, which the tit niui.iil him ligiual recomiii lUSIIIl'Ss ,.f ihe cite and of three fourl.'is I lie Republican ' tive committees. liuhl ihe Douglases cet I, be hesid lo complain, f' -et t be exalllple. ill I he pte i-iit. Trai.sou and 1 Iron, Mooiesi etc. id, et l ad fin in ior, at. d that hl..j mint inn was h:iek"i men nnd in-' H id ions by 1',e I'-ldotseUiet.t , of the ii.'-ndnis of Hi and emu, t i-x''eii. In t :o- eveni of a i inly 1,1 not ' II Ihey have ) a-i a- in the Hi- " 'i it I III 1 V ' mif i jr k III I cdward M ,1Di F. Dunne. r, Chit n,n.

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