fWlN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 21, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS IE IS SUBMITTED Two Other Officials of Bell Telephone Company Tes- tify In Hearing. ! St. I i!lK' It Seems Likely Now That: Reinstated French Officer Is The Jury Will Fall ! Made Knight of The Lc To Agree. , . gion of Honor. At Any Now. IE EVIDENCE NO VERDICT IEI IDE HONORS 1160 N illS EASE EO DREYFUS Sec- frot" 3 ,ec Co I' II river Eight Honrs in Government Tlit' Cluirge. B? F:lcd And Ihe ;iiy P.H'ti.- -it Is! Case W.ii Be Attains! I IE ncjayed ei Government l'g( Ct- j , I I .ah ii li-,.-; Hi in H n Ore Clu'.ter. leiii- '-'M'f 0f "'UIP ... ,,. Firemen Tnal. the Cue of Them Gives a Detailed Report ! 6t the Gross And Net Earnings of; the Various Bell Telephone Ex -: ch3nc.ee In This State. (Special to The Sentinel.) I I! Ai.KIHll. -lulv- . 21-One of l'i' i, ;ii ii i s of 'lit' lu'iii'iiiK bciujr p. v . i i (In. cnnifiiiiit. against t In.- South ini t! II Telephone (.tiiiiitt; was the tx-i a.niuatiou of O.slrici S u ri n't -n i S-!i t 1 V li. Sipl'll- illill i-JO'ini . 1 1 1 M ( 1 1 Hnv v , 1 1; o la 1 1 it of Atlanta. Mr. Speir pav ii Rf.'iMM'al staiini-ut olilm nun; i'.ciiirnt ol the coiiipany's Imsi ia North Caioliiia mid jh- rules ive.l in lixiiK rates fur 1 -xchar.u Iwrsis where eoniict,itiou does, urn .liter in.- In connection with tin- i x:i ri : : t: :i t it n i ;if Auditor Hoxiy a'Tmiuli. r ol lalia'au lai . nuMs weie filed. One shown the value of 'ctpiipmcni in Mnreii, I'm:,, was , $i;s.".!i.",!I.;;ii fur cxclianKc iiciipiii.-nt and $T! IT,. 1 1 for loin; li.-ia::ce (oil lints, ninkini; a lotal of :W..iil.7l. lif 'March, 1!mh;, $?!."., "iIm.'ii for exchange equipment ami Mill. 722.27 for lull lines; loial. $1.- i:.v.2:.i;.!i7. The slntoitient 'shows, average in vestment for tht. ear $72u.7mil.n,1 xehatiRe property. $:'. Is.l 1.24 I..U j.i.ip.-1'.v. lotal $i.iM;v.x;!r.i::t. Kx cli;iui:c ej-yss earnings for the- ycui. 5 1 S2.-5!t.1 I : toil Kinss eaminss for y r $iM.',IS7.i: total. tL'.Vl.i-IOI. lieiieral fxpe,iii. $:!i;...!''.i.7i uM-t.itiKK Ajieiisi s $i;i.hS2.!iil; tnaiulciiniict ex peast f!i7,!!Hl.:!(i;. total. $P.M;.r.72:!. lievcnue balance $.i:i.t;7.-!.!'2. Kale of ! eainius on average invest nieiu .". cent. In ll;e. course of the hearing Mr. H.ixov, -eneiul auditor fn; the Son ill- Ml Hell its; the Co., tiled a statement show arninss and expenses ,v ex .-hniities in North Carolina for tlie Mar eniliiiH March '!!, I'.nui, lielnn lenlly a ihlailei! altowins; of the first :anal .-taie'ii.-nt tiled. Notable Ii ii -'if Ii exc-ii;i:ii;es follow: ' Davidson. tutai revenue, $1 ,.7.1ii.7i : '.ot:il expense. $1.7M.M; ik t loss. $17l.i- (le'iMioi o. to:a! tevi mi . $ I ::. ol. ",.:;:!: total expense, $S.7-ii.ln; net n-ventie, : i,. Cli 7.1 xl n.-.le.no. total iotai expense', revenni $:mi.;:,.: ; net i,2r,.:,2. II am ttitul 1 evea-ue, $a.ii'.t::.i:i ; $2, net ',::l ..x ;:iw,ll Mi. o IV. total '?' V;- 1 1 ::.:! : 'o!i;l evpi. 21. 71. Ii;::.-;e-l .i!8l eVi,i ;i:i:,'i.i;,'. Itoekll" !'! i'Xp el levelljie, $l7.M2.i:'i; net loss. loi lipe. 'I -re vpe $l!i.2t,7 Vol a I re J2::i Ml; .-.am, ns , emu net $:!C.S2: l'l'Vi'llll". $ls;i..",:,: rcM'aue. Jilii.'i.l", ; revenue, $2ii'.i.ii2: .revenue. Slal -sville, total feveliue, '"titl cxporse.' $:;t;i.tiv.'; net JSI22.I7. I.ai'i'-.'iilnn t, total revenue t'tal expense, $:',77."i7: net $227. 'Di. - Kibson, tolal revenue. otal I'xpeiise, $22.'i.!Ml; :!!. ml. Keliisville, total rev ot a expense, $.",.li.,2.2' total line, ; n- i;.2Hi.::; i revenue. "I. Us. II. Salisbury , total revenni ?i2.7:;i."r,; i:i i la.-s. 'ola! expeil $I2,H27.n7 5 1 He. ,12. .Selnta. lotal levenue. $ 1 .;: 1 total expanses, $2,l:!.ti2; ilt lo.- Spi ucer, total revolt m;,. $i,1W.r.i: ! t " i i-- t , . i. ; : 1 ' "' I Winston Fire Department, who was re- Association at recent convention in Efihu Present Secretary of State Who Is. T,o ALIENISTS SAY II IS Some Retained By Former Judge Olcott Express This Opinion. However, the Man Who Killed Stan ford White Insists That He Is Not Insane And Lawyer He Recently Selected Is Trying to Get'Papers In Case from Judge Olcott. Illy Publishers' Press.) NK.W YOKK. .Inly 21. The effoi: of Thaw's counsel. Clifford Hail iii!;e. to obtain ail papers in the case from fm met- .ludu1 Olcott, whose law linn a ilisniiss.'d b Tliaw because H as its inn pose to enter the in sanity plea ns the 'defense, have InviiHlit out. run fact, that jtllciistB re tained by Olcoll have made no writ1 I ten lepi.ri. Sliouhl .litdsc Mcl.eati older 'Oh on on Monday to turn over all papeis lo llarttidite there will he ::o i"i'onls fioin aiieiiNis: No secret iuaili ol tile fact that alienis ia'w . is- insane, : hat as those al leiainer ot Mr. s lohl Olcott ienists Thaw. Olcott tlial Tl has annoiinceil an now under I lie eld, an? inad wnen their written reports I hey will not pass oil t of his possession. The repot t that lhoe was yi osi i atiKi no-iit between Thaw, and Ills mother was dispelled this Itioiniui; when tin- latter, with her daughter. Mis. (leoiiie Carnesie. visileil llarty 'I'haw in the Toinhs. Tluj drove In an e neiiif wife er: 1 a- hiills.itu 1 1 oin -vi ' s. a"' is home on Lou.. Island, Thaw's iriived al the Tolnb about the tare ;i ml joitnil the family I siillte i parly ELECTION OF A CHEF MAY BE DEFERRED i Allle till llefl man S:e-i iinu Smith ' has re from an extendi 'I phasiiie Dip. II" eolutuiltei ( ialloway , eominittec is ehairmau ol Itn- P'tice and as soon . a Mi . It S. anollter ineinher of the n't urns - Iroiii i i-'uv ei . where he atl. ntiid the ame in,. .,:'. tin, Hiatal l.ed-'e ol Ilteil ks. a i may K iiieeiiiiB of the board or ato'i m be fitlh A to elec! a clilil ol p.ui". Some si,;. . however, that as t!:e !-'; lar i e ottoii "I .citv otrt-ial.- con;, s 'dl on tin. (iist Thursilav. ii, Sept'-mbei. ;lie seleeiion of a chief may be de fine! until 'that lime. Acting Chief Thomas says In is' nut makinu any active li'-ht f''.r '.he im.-Hh-i;. "" ju.sl statiditiK on his metils. Il elei'l of course , lie would a. l '"' othei avow :l candid. lies an- 1'i.ii.K M el n C . 1'ia'i and W- T I'"1' ' i --Di-assisiin I hi la d i vv 1 1 1 pi ! I ovv a' i, ("lav Lilly, who has In c in a liieelite-' a' .il.oli.-oi!, I : , ihe ci' 'his afi'-i noon a, each at both seuiei - telle t;ie I'ilsl l'.'sli tiiiiil. clinic ; - Ph., W. T. ! who' 'ami mart itioni h a-o. ' pas ,o:o ye-te! day . ;'li,.iii aa i X'elllb W lilts I! urn i.l ilea; iiiis ,,d lliroiiL'li WIlH: i run! I: iota XIC! ;l; mt II' le i Willi.::, tl..: e.X i a $1 Vll W'nstou ',' 12: '"' venue ? S.-l!el;i It. ,! evie n u2.12. , e li O li..--'U expl a- ."IS ("eail'U'e. tai exie ns t,,:,n i r.V''. ,:,! 'e $.17 ,la( .$22 Ci. I iiie oul, to'al evpeie i, -venue Root. Visit the Panal Canal' "Zone Soon. PRESIDENT GQMPERS Tl ;kjtocked out bv the rain storm. ... , . ,. t , .,1 Mrs. It. I) Kills, of HoariiiK Klver, (Jilef Executive of Federation jwem t Mocksviiie this art-moon, of Labor On Political Situations Will Issue Proclamation Monday Urging Labor Men to Stand -Together And Vote Against Any Can didate for Office Who Is Opposed to - Or Indifferent - to Demands of Labor. I llv Publishers' Press.) WASH'Ntri'n.V. July 21. -Monday the American Federation of Labor, tlilouxh President (rompers, vyM issue a political proclamation to the work iu.nmen of America, ihhIiik ilK'ttl to act as a .unit unainst the election of candidates for nlllce who are tin fritijidlv in IndilT-iein lo the intcifsts of o,"ruir.ei luhor. The federation has two million voters on Its tolls and an winking hum! in love with '.(Mi.imiii members of the III ot herhood o Trainmen, iuclndilij; condili'tors, eiifiineeis and llienien. (lumpers and many othei labor leaders will nn Ihroimli-oiil' tlie country ' makiiiK apeeche Will see s III k t, the disliicls of tliosi , defeat. I hev (Spec RALKKil K. lillliel, rultiiri' at. i ial lo The Sentinel. I I, July 21. --Secretary T of the state board ol "Ki i 1 Ciuaior II. II. Brlmlcv of the .tLi'i' liiuseuni. who lire to have in'chai"- wo;k or KettlnK up the ex hibit of N'iiHi Carolina lesonrces to he sen' v. iih a knockdown exhibition iioiisc oil 'he ciicuil of N' fails this- fail have just Knclund I returned from 'a nip in it) New -!ii!:i.ili the principal points! 1 where these fairs, I ii ml are much pleased I nnk as to ihe oppor-1 is for advert IsitiK the j nitane, II is expected i are to be Ie ' with the o"! (unity laeti: State io adv hat inv :iaiiiii,.s will be sent to dov ernor , i so visit each of the falls to which noes and tiie North Carolina that he will accept. xtiiD'i inereny furl her an iihiim I lie state in tne le will deliver. The stale iii. culture is providiiiK Hie liiepaiini; the mute exhibit I -ii 1 1 m en i ofllclals will have addi esses hoard ol noaus for and the '. chari:, of T TO SELL (Special to The ( M.KHill, July 21 litiio ! 1 flu trusiei s IV Slate I'lilversily held a se . of 'he executive office ot (lov- i.. f ; 1 in ii and passed i , solutions ..ns: io. Hie sale of 'art-'" bod.'e- of ,s In Kustirn Catolina. whieli it is ii .I'd have passed to tin- I tilveixilv , ,cheie. LitiL'iition over ihe ttan ,!!s Is expei l,-i and t:e trustees I tun make public Ihe location ot eopoity Involved. WAKE FOREST ACCEPTS THE OFFER OF 537,500 tSplT.ial te, fhO.Sel Uliel.) K l.i:i;il. July 21. .Th.' -t:u-tee I Wake Forest College ;-n annual. s' ..i at the exec it: rve, olliee He- National Kduc .liotial ,n io conn Unite J.'.7.-7"'l to ,Aliie!,t of the college nov , ie'-'e i !) i'si s 'an ad. Ill iotiiil , liec.riiber 1 lien. ,1 Hov ssocia- 'he I'll l.i! the .,1.0 Twelve Men Who Are Sitting on Case ct Prominent Raleigh Man Charged With Burning Farm Houte in Order to Get Insurance Aik for Further Instruction!; from Judge. (Special to Tlie Selltlll 'It KAl.KICIl. .luN 21 T.i? liny In he iiTal of M: T, Nortli. a piomluuul ! liiei e'ianl heie, tt ho is chill v.x'A with" IniiiiiiiK a farm lumsi- near heie in older to net the Insurance, took the, obe -AfX tilsht at lyTrciock and still iinahle lo HKi'ee, At tills afternoon .laili;e Welti), iplest ll tlie Jiny. lead to evidence It Is .iinilerstooil thai a unlikely- 1 o'clock , at th.' re : t hem I he AROUND THE CITY. Tlionin Wain i Hal her l.a-lter Jr.. i: eallle 111 Ihe city in this afti i- Clei k Transoii l et in ned Irom Moon 's Spiinus. Mis. .1. W. Shipley and II i sti-i day Hie ilaiu;le let- are ai Vade Mecnm. .1. II. Sparuei. of Cri'i'iisboio, tnaile a business trip to -Klkin. today. Uaibee Printei y. - Pronipl uess and IkooiI material and cooil wink. I - I e lllilll eoueeil OISI lllklli i,n P. A. Wilson went to Walkertown 1'iis afternoon to visit Mr. N. I). Sill II va ti. C. C Kilmers lunik, of , Weill Ii) he firm of Hook and Charlolte this after noon. The manuttrtni lit hopes to open The Wiustonja next Tuesday or Wednesday. Mrs. John A. Savior went to Mocks'- ville this ufteinoon to visit Mis. V. 11. Nay lor. Ml . and j Miss Lizzie1" l.i licit, of Hickory, i the sliest of Mrs. Charles Pcni'V- She ai lived this altei noon. Tin' litsi car load of watermelons received here this season from Kant em CurolliiH ciime in todny, W. L. Crews, T. .1. Kllis and A. C. ('(iinatzei, ol Advuncc, who have been to Moore's Spi iiiR.i, returned home today', Hev. K. P. Meiidenhall went to Aviilou this .itn i n n ,n He will liteiich hI the .MoiiiVliin clilll'Cli there toinoi low, The polsyth llillemen ;n Kettinu ready o, ko into camp with Ihe Klt'sl IteKlnient, at Moiehead City next inoiilh. Mrs, I), 1 1. Sheili.ni and dauuhU'i. Miss Louise, who have been lure fol a week or so, relumed to their home at Mt. Airy (his iiflenioon. In discussing WlnslonSatili' proniess this afternoon, a proii,',ln , citizen pledlcted that the 'I'wlu-Cl'y. In live years, would have a population of Ht.umi. Mi's. A. It. ILt-'h, or (lieein boro, who has been to itoatioke, ii i ! i v-u In the city this af'eriinon. lo speiul .Sunday hen: 'Willi- lot luolher. Ml. C. V. Patterson. (). L. liar riiii;er, ol Charlotte, and a lepresenlatlve of the iiianiifaelnrei s of tlie Franklin automobile, were loie todav, leavliiK this afternoon lor (1 leeushot e. The proti acted riieetliti; will . he- Eln at Maple Springs M. P. church to - mor row. The pastor will be assisted durlriR the romliiK week by Hev. -I. I Williams, of this city... .t,,.,,), .;ieobs ntnl Chas. Peiirv in e In New York IiiivIiir -a lame slock of Roods for the Jacobs CloHiluK Co. Mr.l'ake cliiii'.e of tils clothes. llefon! Mitcobs w ill spend some time In th o,,i. M i . I'eiu v will n I urn next week'. j ('apt. W. L. SlacK has gone lo ! llurliimtoii tn sec Ins lather, who is 'III. In his-absence ('apt. .1. ('. 'I'homas 'conductor id Ho' tliloui;h freitih1 f.oni , h'ie to ( Ji ee), noro, is in chaise ot Ji i run. .... .VI VI .! III,...-., l,-,,,l ..... ...II..U e ' " ftom Winston, Ilev. J. A. Hopkins will ; lii'ttlii a riiei tln'4 lomoirow at 2 p. in j 'fiiei,. will .be iitearhlni: also at Si p. in and cou'iuiiiiii; duilnn 'ho i.IkIiIs ' !of next wei k I j W ','. M.I.er win, loi. ,een fi,r v : i ;a! lalhi ! ek- al III- b. dsele ol his Mi W, F, Mil!i i. of Si'o.im. Who died t Ills Week. - Will ret in n lo Texas- loxt ee, where he Davids foi tin- (. .1 Ki viiold.s Tobnci o Com party - The two v, in-old danuliter of Ml II l.nnirlev died at the home of Hie father on Marshall s'i-i, Salem., yes ii'tdav i vi'tiinii The fo ni l :t I service ;ih conducted Ibis afternoon by Di. in the ,l!:r, vm. The lijerrrieni w.'cs ii j Lib, rty urn v e aid. .- Mt Ai thur A. Kothroi k and Mis.- Fa time II. IdiL'e. Thru persona"..-, i ilf Mr Lewis were -.lav at tin le II A. and Mrs. .iii.i. d In m.n First Haplisi Plow ri o!ti( ia' liolhioc'. will K tmt.ii II , on board vviCi Mr, .1. ,l Libert y k! t eel, Salem j )f. . 1. I.. llollbs, pie.ldeti! of1 (luilfoid Collide, nriived In lie- ci-1 , tils iilternoon and In con, pur I County Kiipeiliiienijeiii Spe.i, ' out to Lew s v Hie. w h. ii' I): . j delivers an durational :idli i arret noon He will advis. if.e w :i.:i went liohbs s. lies.. e people t lOH M. , ' J I (J vote for a spec;: Icicle... tlieii a.liool . and litlc. .Qfhcially Decorated -With the Cron of the Legion at the Place Where Twelve Years Ago He Waa De graded. Commanding Officer Em bracer Dreyfue In Name of Preel dent of France. i llv Publish! i k' I'rum . , t'ltl. .Inly 'l - Tlie iMiiifeiilim of luniors npoii hievfus .is cutlli'd nut IhK afternoon when the ie Instaled is'ofllcer as mail IuiikIiI of the leKioll of lion. n ,l tin' Kcole M tliltill . while he was derailed twelve yeai.H , jU.no. Itieylns appeatril IIiIm Nileriioon veitliel ISjeatliiK the new iinitoim of a I'riMK'li lliujor and til the piCNeiice of tr.iopH :wuk oflle!.iil ileein nteil Willi lll cross of the h K 1 1 1 1 The coimiiaiidiliK ol :lieer llieii embraced Ihcv fn-. In lh 'Inline o -the pi eidl III of Fiaiie TREATY OF PEACE Guatamaula. Salvador And Honduras Arc Again On Friendly Terms. Outline of Provlnoni of Treaty. One Article Provide That Future D' putei Shall Be Submitted to Arbi tration of President! of United Stater And Mexico. (llv I libllsheiK' Press.) - WASHINGTON. July -21. The ful- low Ihr dispatch kIvIiik terms of the tnirty ol peace between (iiiatelllllla. Hondiiias iind Salvador was received this inoniiiiK by the stale depiirl ineiil from I'nited Slates Ministers Canha and Meiry, who were present durlnjc I lie peace coul'ei dice. 'I he pence con feience was a succesn. (iualfmiila, Salvador and llondiiias have inoeed to the following nttlch'i: K ' . 1. Pence eslablislii d, withdrawn! of atnileii wlililii three iliiyn; dlsarnia mi tit w II hln elislit iluyk. 2 Kxchanue ol pilsoliers; relei of poliilcal iirisouers; Keionil tun uesi y I ei ommended, . To licentiate tienly of friendship, commeree and navliaiiion within two montliK . 1 I. Any dilllciillles over treaty, all future concrete complaints between Ihe three countries shall be siililnltled lo in )l 1 1 it t Ion of the president of Ihe 1'iiiHd Siales and presiil''tit of Mexico, ii. This tnaty Is made wlti moial saricllou ot medlatltiK uailoiis and Jthers as-lnlliiK al conference, nainc !j Cosla Kirn iiud NleaniKiiii. Tl CITIZENS RAVE Dr. .1 L. Ilanes and Wiiikh'o Itrown had a nillp i iinpleiitaiil experience a few nights iiKu. Thev drove Into swollen st team near Pine Hall when s'ome oatl of the harness broke, It ulld not teipilre n lenitthy illscnsslon f,,t the two men to realize that they jwiic In a predicament. It was dnik, jbtit WliiKale - proposed in ri'inovu his ', ''lot lies, Jiimo In Hie river and n-palr 'he daiiii'e.e.. In. Haius uKK-ehiK " vrr llrown could Kct. to the hotses had freed themsidves from (he they iiiiK.ny ami swain to the linrik. The vehicle l,i'Kii inovlriK down stream and . I)i II, men was forced to leap Horn il.e binary and swim ashore with Ills chillies on, lie was unable Oi lake care of his pailncr'n suit, 'file two Itiiveieis lode holse hack to the home of a fiiend, wlier Mr llrowu succe, p, d-d in bouowliiK U suit of T I.iiihliiiui; s.triKl; a chlmniy Mt t) hotiicot Mi l.liiil-av Putteron about 7,:m lli-l en-ii!iii4 and did iIjiiiiikc !f) the itmoiiiit til $2-1 Hi $ The Hash tan down Ho- chimney, struck a unite in Hie fire place iimi 'uiew- It nut In t ti middle ,,i in,- loom, 'Ihe caiini Wils iprile seven-, one of the worst, that him visit. -d t,K peelioii this ; em M s.s Annie LiMehpilsl has opened itflce for public stciiovraphv In olliee of II.- It-tall Men h.irili cation over the postofliee- an the As K F St iekhind, of P.ethani.i. this nfteriio'iii. 1 V., Is III Hie ; i ' V i; ii ciiisoii : r.er v io-, w . ! " tuuiiiK from, a ' Uocklto'liani ce a n.l f.iiniiy en- lies up. v i al to t . t.tv ,f K- r ,oll, I.' in it I ve in Pel I vine pio Ips. of Wc. S.i i -Hi' ial u'aiioii.e. 1 1 s -nr. U re a .tj.igh- '$1 ,:2ii iv

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