THE TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL, WINSTON SALEM, N. C, JULY 21, LNSflTIQNAL SIT TOLD BT NE6RQ BQYi lit,; i.l i I.- - PERSONAL NOiE5, 1 Tr.i-tr. . i F..rro, Jr.. came in i.i- ,1 li.' i :--vi i.'.i'.i lev. .in 1 . .i: ...I I' I'll' i:i 1 ll... i,i : i Hi : i i :i i !i i tiC.lff iii tin- l.u !! i, i' i dry was tin- I. . lnin'i, i f '.. Iil . led ,n Ml pi . In nan ,. J,' ..I III ' i r i.l ,,i .,nif c a ih.ue rti this, morning fr th.y w. i. ; W ri rtuiil left tins morning lor a ll-llll-M l!l. i;.,,il'h 1. Andre left this niorniiui . ('hutlntt.-. -.1 ... I, ..l ,i Hi U i.-iii - l..- ' :. M. l;- 'i ; 1 1.,. .. -. il:e ii.-vt hi.irinii 1 1,! . 1 1 .-.I, i u- w.i. i ii. tin- iii. in. i Si I M.i.'.ll'l .I'l.'i , tt ',11 ll', ' ill- I I '.in I l.e l. i-lh' ll.i.l'i I !. i il.i i; ii ...u i, ,,;i ih. ' It K. I.a.s.--aier and family went to Ll In i-iinu-a.. I'.li. U tin- ratlin ' Mi"'" V SlrLiiK ti'day. ,j i, ll.-iii'. jnU'lit li.'l, in H m) "'! Mr- .i.s Amy Van Vli't-k left this niiirii- i Wall.i-i tl.- a:n.- s: Unit In- t.ilil- r, Washington. I). C. ii.. 11.. t: :,l iheii- U- i ,. . ... lit if i ,.!,;,,! ii.'il i t! - - . . ,. . ciRiwui came in mis uiui lhls m- of ' ' ' ' L'.li Mi. !.:-.,i' ax.-; that L'' ,,,. ,,,,, a bHsillt.,8 trip north. (;. V. llinshaw made a business CM I 1,11 I the blued u:i i In- Ims.iiiiis nt i lie shut.-" Ilium h. N.ase (lill sile and .lack I IM!il;:i'! am l.e u.iilit if Hit- inurdi r'.- (. iii-iti', in a -iiaii'ii'l"! ami rotis I t:ci:o- in.t' Hielm. , j,; ,:t w inaii'- in N' a--1 liii;. -.i. '- linn.-': infill i'l 'he nun del?.. In l.i-f-iiiiiiiii'. Ms -.ioi.vs.1 l.e l.y :" s thai .luliii Ii ,n. "'i,' ' " li. a:..! hU fi !'. N' 'I'"--ui.-t at I he lalU-rV hmi-'- a: !. nil h t II. Khl l'ie 1,1:11,1 . T:'1. V laihul over the ma"er is Lie lillii,,. ,,) the l.yciljsl aa.l :i:.v ali.-i !i oVluck N ase CiUi ,i ainlj KV VOKK, July 17. Mule than .1,1,11 Cllie.iie l. fl. They 1 " " n;"'' a ' ; VV(, ihiisaiid live hnidied men. wi.m- II dcli.rk ami ti, : si uim ,:i 'n-Iiiiiisi- weal over !:!' il. tails as In I.e. ill., lour I.M-rljs "if killed. rip up I lie Wilkeslmro road today. l'aul HiHiiit; returned to the city his iiinrniiiK from i Moore's Spritifis. .1. A. Vain-.- left this tmiruiiiK for iii V!lmiiiKln:i and Wrlghtsvllle lieath. Col. W. A. Blair went to Koariui; lap today ti spend Sunday with his 'amily. Won en and Children Hurt , ()llis white, ol Thomasvill. was Wiun Piwnre Bill's Tent Went iere yesterday, returning home last Doa.1 During Thunder Storm. Anitrals Also Frightened. The hie slates that his father u.i t itei Ine ihe house remai keii ll, (,n i. c have killed old man Ike l.u rl. tiail hii, chlh!:eii." liilleside. who .is lalkinsi 1:1 vile, said: "We lues .lark Ihlllii'-iham a:i! hi.-, wife at -l.he hiatich. We wen; I.:, lip til Ike l.velly's house. I killed i,. .,' man l.yei'y ami his wife, willi m.' i;x ami .lack lli.liuiiliam killed Alii an, I Jo'in with old Ike l.yii !'.-. uv. ea aad ehi'iiiea. spectators in l'awiiee Hill's Wild Wst rihnw. at liavoane. X. .1.. lhls afieii:oi,n were thrown in to a tangled mass o wieik.a'e when I lie main teni, w hipped like a hit of eh, Ih in the fury of a thunderstorm which desceiiile.l ' n.on this section, i ullapseil. Mutheis died wildly for their cliil il.eii ;n Ihiy strove, to extiicate ihem sihes inid a panic ensued. To in. I. ...I, l.llli, n,-' u il'., h.,1.1 ,,,, I iliilil' ' "- "" ..nii.i.1 .1., ' """ ,,, , ' '.;' i sniiiKer t.-:its li'lid with animals, while v..' were inalilai; way Willi oil, ,- , , . ..ii,, n, ia tn.ij.r.t', ol a.-.n n s'im hoi.-cs ll. an I.M-iiv iiul lus taiiilly. I , , . , I.l . x,laii;,t: what ktml ol lamp I ,' ; a' "' ,l'.' '" ,'' .la.U liiili.idi.i.a'.- win Ivlu ' ! ,' i ''s' , v'"l'II! led:; wer, heiiii'-caimiueii t . ';" .'.,., ,,;, ,,1 the:.,, chuiih lainp.s lb,: Van. I''1 ;i ": H'e nnht shouldei ou ll., wall. Calini. 1 1 1 H '!s f,,i,:;"!"f-' ,,lal 1 ''')"'", j. ' j .:ii!ifc the !.p: ctators tu Rat .iff m "Tata'w:-! ' -1"''' iiadl1!"; m,i'i,';:';. U'"J h''" 11,1 1,111, , I IV' l.'civs :,..' .Hew .Ui.l'ml.l tell;ly ae.o,s him it. ,,i,.. .,.,, ; i :,. i,,.i,,i.i, , ,. ,1 ,, ,i -', Mis. jidia. 1. I.auiben, (iL Twenty- el it ell iiinl lii.i' 1 :; ill w .1. Hie M id i a i .;. :' . ;. ." : !iis -tue!. was cut and brufsed aini :.ili:l nut nl' the wrerkaso fa a ilea,! fir. tail Scores of nt her woell Were :,;! a 'd In n i s i 1 1 and nui'iy'Taiiilcd. II -fu;.- I",iil:, ; U- i.-ic 1 1' - pie : aid I Ii:'' 111- I;:' 'll I w.llil Inltlilll; l'.:.! IiL.H !!,:- iii'tci' l:!lli: Mr. .y,i;v a:,d hi wliv and child : a ' 'f1- ' i"'-''''' ''V'l'iuarn-W. r'Kirti!St :i:u, i,i. miu iiccoa;.- seucrnicd irom K . . vi nil hull;;- p.nciils wr-ie r::l' I I, 1 lil e W.I il iii ir chililii n a'ld lo.-l tlu-m. Show I. t' n;i I'o i;a! a number of wallet Ci ,. -M Al;. I.;. i ' ; li..,(ch. Nease 1,11 t ,'d hi, was .ilama. d :'!:;d 1 ',, . kl He 1 lacm : ,'l wale ;,- it::d otln r ,j"Wcli. which am! Ilia: -.i. i:l U ! rv n'u maa ' ''-' .ll(('' !i" l"liee. Ike I. m ,1i hail mil li.l.ii fair will, Kniph.X cowboys, trick riiiprs I! i ,r alt,: ii tl..i' when: il-'ai. " a I , :i',:i!its did .valiant work in Ci;;d iii.i::l lie:,."', Clilc'iie" ,;:ii,i : " '' : l; : "'t- ''!l' w, mi, it a t; d . ( eh i 1 ii re ll I'.., -A ,;,,: :; .V as ' HIV"-''' ''"' Wleckaue of .Ihe iilain tent w i ; !':i'.i:;. ;lc i:;,i;,',!s i:i ,''.-:-.. ' "i '' s''''1"" 'it!. fr!?:!:t ie-I animals t; ,:; v..'li t': ii.a'd . , .lu.ia (111;... pi.' : sohj el Ion. was i- ll.:' hoii.c ;... i'ca'd all :hai, - was ,a:d Ti;e it vl i -ai'ia N' a c 1 Reflections of a Bachelor. . iilii.,ie ,iied nil ol hi- ciiilhis na ' I: ; :,;;: Up ,cw Vork l':e.-s. - ' ' McJ-li,; ;i:nlioiiy has a siioil e;ioiu;"li FOR RENT. ' i i.i.i in Ii,. ijlail xvlii-a he has to 7 ciml ii-ul airy ni'iit- fuf .oMices or : "' '"' ripaitin;; the church, bed looms, next to lintel Ziiiyi'inloi f. xvi',' " ,a ni;''' !U"' J-i.lcoiiii in from Muil in convi aii uces. ':' wiMi he; hah ail mussed FOR SALE : 1:11 ''-s a .sin:i she wiai'l iidmit anythhiK lA,t reninant. lumber cheap. j " vhat u woman likes about a trip of HIinilTXnilr i,W(:l,v or hin mVfi to- see her Ml IN I jjLllr !' ! 's the way she can talk about III lllwll I flUUk' it iil'iei ward as -u tour. THE "DODGING PERIOD of a woman s life, is the name often given to the "chance of life. Your menses come at longer intervals, and grow scantier until theyistop. Some women stop suddenly The entire change lasts three or four years, and is the cause of much-pain and disconcert, which can, however be cured by taking WINE OF Woman's "Refuge in Distress. It quickly relieves the pain, nervousness, irritability, m.serableness, forgethilness, fainting, dizziness, hot and cold flashes, weakness, tired feeling, etc. Cardui will bring you safely through this "dodging period," and build up your strength for the rest of your life. Try it. At all druggists, in $i.oo bottles. WRITE US A LETTER Put lde nil timidity unit write m freely and frankly, in atrlctrnt contl donoe, telllug us all j-nur aDd tronblea. We will aenil fri-r advice (In plain, icnlud envrliipri, huw to ciirrthem. Aililresa: LaduV Adviaory Dept., The Chsltanooga iludaiM Oof. Chattanooga, Tann. "EVERYTHING BUT DEATH I uttered," writea Virginia Robaon, of Kaslon, Md., "until I took Cardui, which cured me so quickly it aurprised tny doctor, who . didn't know I waa tuklng it, I wish I had known of Cardui earlier In life.' mm And man' other prtinful and seriou ailments from which most mothers suffer, can lie avoided by the use of M.ik.'. r.i.j m i.i . .1 pj Hiuiiim 4 riieua. 1 ms great, remeay is a Uoct-scncl to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safetv'anrl no nain. No woman who. uses "Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures .safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more .favorable to speedy recovery. The child is g'HKi uatureii. ".jur book "Motherhood," is worth its weight in crold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Uradficid Regulator Cb. Atlunta.Gd. 0 MEM 5C TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL Phonnix Hotel, Smokers' Den, Watkins' Book Store. .... liuh.' Mrs. lli'iuy Koruci and son, Cliil!ii eiil to Kerui'i svilln ytsterday iifu.-r-iiKiu. Walt Mint in left this nioinins for A"i ifihtsville Beach torspnid Suiiilay viih Ins: family. Sttulins Smith, who lias been north :i: several Wffks, lfturtifd to Ihe :ily tills nioniiiiK- Mrs. J. A. llakt-i- and daimlittu, of !olinsto:i. havt- retunifd fiotn a visit Portsmouth, Ohio. ". T. Brown left last t-vi'tiiiis for .Vrl,nlil..villt' Hach to siiund Sunday villi his faniily. , Hardin fritz, who has heon to Moore's Springs, leluriit'd to the city ihl nun uiii),. Misses MaKRio tmil Bialrice Web itir, of Mt. Airy, art' tin; guests of Mrs(i. A. Carroll. C'hiirles Beimi'tt. of IliKh Point, vho has been Jo Mixu t-'s Springs, re arm d honit- today; Mrs. L.'M. Hnwu and little dmigh ei lift this afternoon for redell uiinlj ti.. visit relatives. Mrs. Butler, of Raleigh, who has H'en visitiiig hei daughter, Mrs. J. E. Vlexanili r. left this nujinlug. .1. A. I.. Miller and son, Charlie, vent to tirei nsboro last evening to isit Mr. Miiier't; da uglily. Mrs. Julia Settle HoUAif Charlotte, vtjo has been' to Roa Jnig (Jap. passed hioiigll the city iasyiveniiig. Mis. M. V, Burrus, ol Albion. Nell., vho has bee:) visiting relatives, left his niatning for High Point. . C. R. Teagiu'. of Siler City, who has lem visiti-tig, his" uncle. Ml., S. .1. .atiilie. returned home today. M!s Carrie Linville went to Ker 'eisville this morning to visit h'r :ia:ii! father, Mr. W. M. I.invilie. Profs. I.eon ami Thomas Cash are ak'ing a census of the school children n .Winston, between the nges of li md 21 years. Ri v. and Mis. Edward S. Crosland .mil family went to Statesville- last light to visit, Mis. Crosland's sister, Mrs. A. A. VVeesner. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Patterson and Mrs. R. E. I.assiter. after a short, stay at East Bend, returned 'icu --.he Mty yesterday afternoon. Miss Mattie Leak, of kermii'sviHt, who has been to Moore's Springs, was here this morning en route to ler home. Mis. V. II. Albright, of Hamilton, who has b.en visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Btiford. left this morning for (ireensboio. Mis. E. C. Mickey, of Birmingham. Ala., who has been visiting Mrs. R. A. Patterson, at East, Bend, arrived in the city this morning. j Mrs. T. F. Alexander, formerly of Roanoke, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. P. Ornisby, in Salem, left this morning for Raleigh to make thai, place, her home. The Kc ley Iiutitute, Cit-tiuborG. I feel that Iovv,- the i.,s! 12 yeats Of III life IO the ili.-tilllte at Cn-eusl.iiro. N. C.. and hope tbi.t thi. ,etter may be instrument' in savin--: Ihe life and self icfp el ol Milne f'-.-imt man. My case was consid-ued l tin- flit mis and neighbors as ineura .itc: "Tiie drowning will grasp .it a stiaw to save life," ami. while my faith was weal;, I concluded i- give ihe Keelev Cure a fair and hon est trial. I was' marly dead: my phy sician iiad warned me that a fev shuit months would terminate my ca reer in di at h : I left my home am! family at once for (!i e-tisboro, N. C. I aiti'ved at the Instil , ne .sometime in Septi nilivr. -lsJ2. and was honofabiy iliM'iiaiged as cured (K'tober 11. 1V.I2, and reniiueu to my home and family ; new man. King Alcohol had been driven from mysystem and I was no longer his slaveNI had f.-rved this despot for more rSitu, thiity years wilhoui iuterinissiou inn.-t of tl'.at lime an habitual and continued drunk ard. I took the treatment in good faith ami conformed strictly to the rules and legulatious of tiu Institute, ami have not had a desire for a drink 'if whiskey, and have not permitted the vile stuff to pass my lips since the lay I entii.d the Institute neither js a beverage nor an v medicine that contained alcohol -when prescribed by mv phvsician. JOHN C. MAC.ILI.. Ricliliury, S. ('., Nov. IT,, mill. Prescription ;usiness. Mrs. Andrew Joyce, sen of Mr. aitil II. M. Joyce, ol this place, left yester day for Wlnsctoii, win re he will ac cept a position. Danhur, Rep.orter. AndUse Every Honest Endeavor to Get It (A Rl (.1SI I.Rl.I) ,I)Rl (,(,s , , . n LEARN THE WAY TO MMnsj SALE OF CITY LOTS. Under a decree of the" Superioi Court of Forsyth county, of date No vember I!. l!)(ia, in a special proceeding for sale of lam, for assets, the under signed will, at the courthouse door in Winston, at. 1 o'clock, on Tuesday, 2lth day of July, ism;, sell for cash at pub lie auction to the highest bidder, the following real estate, situated in thc city of Winston. Ixit No. I", in the plat of the lands of A. E. Berry, fronting on New street (North Mainl Km feet and of that width extending eastward!)- 21! feel to the rear, of Lot. No. Uu, the same being bound on the east by Lot No HO, on the west by New Street: on tht north bv Ixit No. 10 and on the south by Lot No. 14. Lot No. IS, fronting on New street (North Main) .lull feet and of thai width extending eastward!)- 211 feel to the rear of Lot No. 27, being bound ed on the east, liy Lot No. 27 on "the west by New street, on the north by Lot. No. in, am on the south by lot No. 17. To begin at. $2 Lot. No. 2S, 'fronting on New strei t ion feet, and of that, width extending westwaiilly 211 feet to the rear of Lot. No. 17, being bounded on flic east by the said New street, on the west by Lot No. 17; on the north by Lot No. 27 and on the south bv Lot No. 2'J. " Laud sold subject to confirmation of court, and title retained until duly con firmed. June 17, 19(10. JOSEPH ALSTON, Executor of General Harringer, dee'd Scolt Reid, attorneys, Reidsville N. C. . y. ' - H l , ? ..turn.-.- fV Y k; - ,f " ., v.. j-;.-"--. v';ij. - . jT. - t. : U'" Jennings' Cafe. Caters to the best people. Everything up to date '"Store News." "Store News," a new semi-monthly publication, published under. direction of Mr. F. C. Abbot t, advertising man ager, of the Meyers-Westbrook Co.'s department store, made its first ap pearance today. ."Store News" is a neat, thiee-column, four page paper and Is a very creditable piece of work, both to Mr. Abbott and the big store. Out of the total 12 columns, six 'columns are devoted to Interesting reading tnatler, which is well selected and arranged. "Entered, as a lirsl class matter peitaining to a fiist class store." appears at- the head of the editorial column. Yout name and address will assure your gutting a copy on the first and third Saturdays of each month. The subscription is free to all who will furnish their name and address.- COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to an order of Superior Court of Forsyth county, at January special term, ltinl, in action entitled E. B. Jones, executor of T. T. Best. v.;. K. A, Griffith, iKiniinistrnlor of 11. E. Mclver, Mattie Mclver, Elizabeth Me Iver ami H. B. Mclvei, 1 shali expose at public ir.iction fo; cash, on Mondav July 2::. Hum;, at 12.r,o o'clock p. nl.. at the courthouse door in Forsvih county,' Winston, N. C.. tlie followiui; described iiruperty, to-.wit: ' ' ' Two lots of land lying near Win ston in Old Town township. For.-ylh county, N. C, and known and designa ted on the plat or the Lake Pes: prop i'1'ty as Lots Nos. twenty-two (22) a:id twenty-five (25) which plat, is ilsh recorded In the office of the register of deeds of Forsyth counlv in Bool; :;s of deeds at page 15. and for full,.,. ,ie. scription see said recoided phit This the 14th day of June, lulu; LINDSAY PATTERSON. Commissioner. ll'vim1'1"! f ol'ii . i ill-rid tl A GOOD JUDGE 0 0. L. Dull Phone 176, 1 A Card Frotn Mr Of 1!,) ft Ci,',! ;:, (.;,., I C-.!.,, v; li,!,!,', eaudii!,:!, , 1 if" ee lit 1 n.,. ; l:t" I'-r sI'.'MT 1 jror 1 vl"i, a m'w 'i.ii. 1 was a ra::diJi two ,V..;ir a ,"M , n.e w;,s t!:;-.r 1 (:iink ,,, w-t iii'il; n:.:lii-t in ad 1 i,:i,!!i.i jmi -I'l - fleet it, i ,;:,M(fI, l;:y I t.ii.c !!,- it-., :!n:;i Morgan & CJ Tin and cornice lit -1 t-l -t w' I l,o 4, if! 1 , "T ,y,' -- II " I """I"'' mi IVtli l.ii&S" I ! Galvanic! sky lij rmssmm t4 I anrthebest. . li F Y If its hot air fura in order to make room, we will for we do the best. tne next, month otter our entire line J nf Refrigerators at reduced prices. Mfifdan A TlT To cash buvers wo have something! ''U1.S011 UIIk extra io oner. do nor. miss tnts oppor tunity to secure a fine "Refrigerator cheap. BROWN-ROGERS COMPANY. f Em ! Prompt shipment to all points. CM. THOMAS 6 CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. Administrator's t llttiittg (lily qtitilllii'd ti'ttlnr ol' ih... (tIu-p of I iii."t ;i .-id, ! ti,- 1- til tiu'il Itlivlt.g ela lti- . .i:.tfl ' said , ' t I u eh . Ii ... I ' '!. July, ll'fil, i.r i!t. ',. in nl' ' V :t' i' I'nO'ty. Iierei -all l.iei:. No Better Time to Paint rnrntf 7. "Uetthe Best" W. H. CLINARD. i g7 OurkBtr-d Id . M. " no t uletnr. ' PS1THEAMSCHEMICICI). MEN AND WOMEN. I'no iii.; u tnr nmnitiiral Ol miiaritra. mil ,.11111, inn,,,,, irritiituiua ,.r uke, iinonii of miu uus PuiiitesB, ,unl uut aitriu gorjt or poieiiuus. Sold bj Urudglila, or aent jn rlain wrni,;,or, 1.00, or 3 bo-tlHB t;'.7S. circular i.ot uu rtiuo.t. New Advertisements. iluntley-Hlll-Stockton Co! The ap neatance 01 your hall. Sapp's Jewelry Store-Emblem pins at money saving prices. Prank C. Brown. Announces bi reduction sale of entire stock, sale now on. Shapiro. News of the big saie now lining on: a forecast fur n,.vi u-,,,,1.- Will to Star ' Co. Drink .Moore's 'Springs Water for thai tir,, u-vUn j R. S. Smith, architect, otliee with .. I I... Ludlow . Owens Drug l.iihia Water best Brown 'Jewelry, now 011 and not reserved. J. M. Woodruff wear Bar; ('".-Whit,. Stone on the market. Co.-in-day sale an article will be & Co.-,i1(, m,c)i. am in even line FOR RENT.-S room st 1 oct;. T-fooin honst "-room bouse; North i. S. D.inn. Imnse, Summit '. Main street; Cherry street. 5C las S. nitnm'1 Wpst ' 'Olt SA1.E- Pive lots, Nailing sir "'"'it. Jas. S. I)ii. ffoom houses and et. GtMKl inv.ict. , Rr Economy to use the best. SJ.Nissen Co. Promptness 1' JOHN N. AMBLER. CIVIL AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Water-Power, Water Supply, Sew erage. Development of Suburban Property, Street Work near Win r.ton During the Summer. Camp Near Pitt's Store on Shallowford Road, R. F. D. 1. , ivnnn ';; J. SS Slil'J ;i r $tls 1:1-1 r!:.'l::lrc": fatter, the-Inst l'ii. t REYNOLDS BRO I P!.,,::,! a R. F. BYERLYK Brick ManufactiJ Winston-?alem,N.CF Is the foundation upon-, which we've l,in'lt an extensive PRINTING business JVe do good work, use best material, and de liver when we promise 3 Don't forget to call on ns wtien in need of anything in the line of printing. IA.t s know, we'll send for your work Barbee Printery I.. B. WOMHI.K. MniiOBfr Fourth and Cherry. Phone 203 R. L. RIERbON, M. D. Olliee Over O'llanlon's. Blood, Nervous and Lung Diseases a . i Specialty. GEORGE P- ? Atnrney at ll 4 V-w- - r c, Dirt, W 4$M WARNING TO THE PUBLIC Do not drink a bottle of min.: i kW "51'u , . the Peoples Fuel & Ice Co. 1 1 i '; Villi will n-oi-if- initl-ipr llOttlf ! . j v i' hi t mil iiiiuiii1- - incl1 tired :m thlrct-v F.verv bottk" -'- - .. liouul eiuivalent of one orange. K 1 Hoes voir good, never . any l';irl11' several imitations. Get the ora:i,- , large bottles. Bottled and sold ; , :us. "All dealers sell it." All other flavors. I Peoples Fuel & 1 Cc