WIN-CITY LY SENTINEI WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 1906 UP, PRICE 5 CENTS nu Lis! Mil! On Expected Disturbances In St. i Term . For Trial of Criminal; Two Young Men From Sails-' Air. Rockefeller Laughs At Policy of Passive Resistance To Russian (lovernment Decided On. r Lin'K,kHl Petersburg Have Not Ma Cases Opens Tliis bury Came ear Being The Idea of Ills Uelng Arrested, Inlet. Y terialized Yet. jMorniiKj. Drowned. DAI PET AT CAPITAL. COURT CONVENES. A NARROW ESCAPE. JOHN 0. IS AMUSED DOUMA'S DECISION Wee ti 0 -N if sfr. t-y :. Ar ' VI liil'.V otli- - Hm ! nr.! I i L Hi 1:111 U II. l a a .1 wjiom ill. limit nn-d s of i 1:01 11- i ,e f,f i i.ver lra i ol a. in. a:.-!) o.iil fo: W liar- on .s I'll 111. pi 'lied v.. al i Co. S'l'llls' 'i.kin- e' Old .i :e A- W. Benson. n-o.. . ti.oni Troepr Are Still on Guard in Expec tation of Outbreak. Streets Aie Patrolled All Night. It Had Been Expected That Czar's Action In Dissolving Douma Would Cause Open Revolt. py 1 i.bli.-.liers' Press. I ST PETRKSl'.UMi. July 2:1 Our t)ic early iiioruin'-,' hours I he . :nc ts were iiit '. nnlwil hstamt.i, !.;:: that disorders would hei; in al w.ofl as souii as tin. )i utlv tenet ally .should become aofiuaminl with Hie fad Unit the douma tiail been dis solved. Tin; I'tty pr.'sciitcd its norma ,iii,i,taiif'(' bxi'i'pt -for numerous iiiiii ,a;y patrols in the si nets. .-There iii-" now fifty tlioiisitnd tro.ips in the city. be-ides si rout; n 1 ! ilit ry forces these art' counted on to pievent .iisorderK, Patrols of cavalry moved himiii'.i tile thoroushfnies 1 all night as a precautionary measure. They liiniu-i M il several small mobs but ilii! not liave any .serious work to do. It is i-xtieiuely doubtful lliat this comli lioil can Colli ilU!t' lollK. Rovolutiom laiics were taken unawares by action ji.l the czar In dis.sii vina, " I lie doiinia. iTi:e have not. yet outlined Hieir colla te,- a: trek. FEREHGL ( l!v Publinhers' Press. 1 LONDON. July 2!. The fourteenth nn-1-liiiK of tbe inter-paritaiiientaiy 'peace conference opi mod this inoin :lnar in Westminster lh,H of the House tut 1. 01 i!s. Tile C' retire will cotl-iii::m- iis session three days. Its most i m I 1 1 1 :t t work will bo Hie discussion i ' if a. motion "ur:in,u an enlargement of 1 1 1 1 ( fiinc:ioiis of the Jkimie tribunal. 'i'aeve au ..:',( I iii Ivjtuifii atiendiu.i; the '.'lalereiice fiom most of Hie world ;:at iiaim r.ts, i nc! mi: n :,:x deputies of . ;!;. li'issian lioiima. i The scene nt tile opening of (he r onfi :( net)' was .remarkable, tip' dele sates lu!i! . iti demonstration s-liiiwitsK sympaliiy with the Russian limiina, which had been dissolved by the v,:ai. It was also marked by the ' Vclarat Ion fiom Premier Campbell llann. rnian, favoring submission uf .ill qiifstiot!s to the llatiue nilmual jlor setHement as a substitute lor war. (P.y i ulilisheis' Press.) PHKI.IX, July ZX--Tin) l.ouuwoitbs we,i thrown from an auloiiuihile yehteriiay but beyond Ihe jolt and a I'w sl'mhl bruises they wen' unliiiri. They passed ihroiifih Win zbin KI.'C yes t' tilay in-i! ii i ntr and wh"ii a short dis '' on', of town the steerir.s.', jts-iir iei'nsed i'i work., the auli) canelied oil Ihe road and fell into a ditch. The 'liaulfeiir oblaini'il a carriage and re l hi Hi'il lure with the l.onw oil lis who looh I In. train for lleiieulh. Notice. The rirruiar nieetin.!; of lite Hetai! Merehanl.s' Assoeiat iim will be In 111 ;oiiii;ht ar S:l"i in the new rooms of Hie association over (ho posloflice. jl'm-iiKss of iniporiance will he coti iideied, and it is dcsiri d that every ; nu mlier In piest-nt. I X. I.. CRANTOK1J, Pres. Mr. 'M (irisKS who preaches on H:e strei'ts, came ii) (oilay from M' Airy. He will preach on the streets t'lui-iht. ii, '1 Kansa, Succeed J. R. Burton. ! Judge Ward, of Elizabeth City. Pre ; siciiry. H.r Honor Delivered an In-1 terestint, And Instructive Charge to! ' the Giand Jury. Cases Deposed of Today. ! I-'or-1 : at In ,.' Waul, ,, wlill.- Si nit! alte This and t tu ; pin ta.ic' 01 lea many ! It is t hi ( ' .ml i iixi- Mo. in Kti.ab. Hi Ci !;ci;nr I'oitoi the int' rvi - a oae-wvi k ale :.(, ( ;M en III., dock limine; arc fondants, ate itaht that cm o! P iilav. Juiliie Wan! V. 1. pi i -.lulls' . I OfllVes Is i mi- J nt i hi Slat. .' uf Ot S jlt'C t. Oali mil t. .Mil in jail, ihuimli, out on bonds. I n will adjoin ni Thins.: Tii is a lii-t term vi.o ,ii i- oi s i a, ne ii a, nio ri pa til' lie! i.f be'mi; U!(. ill ihe ni,,,. J, ;n ed judges o:: the heuch in ""fT;1' Stale. nl his clmine to the Ri-aail -jury to day was clear ami concise am! was an able and llilerestiii leview in' tin criminal laws ui Ihe State ami th.e du ties the i!ian, juiors. He be-,,u lo ad. Ii sS In i Ii i tins to the in ;.mn of Hie main! jury system and iis impoi taut function in the inaintainance ami eiifoi'Ceuu in of the law. "Tlie orii;iii of the Hi aml j i j y s stem is not .1. ti niiely know!i," said .Indue Ward. "The first time we hear of it was dmiiis Hie ic inn of Chail.-s V. of 'ni;land. b!;i it had doubt U-ss hot n in use hmu iitToio I hat period." Colli iuulnj; the jii'lR" imprcsseil upon Hie inetiibcrs of the i;iand Jury Ihe Important, posi tion they now hold. "You stand as it were between the pi tat State of N j: th Carolina and the individual. It is just as much, your duty to protect Hie inmiceni as ii is to prostfiite the utility. Yoi must leave all envy and malice tiiii of your delihciations," said His Honor, who spoke of lh hu iiiiliatinn that follows an iiidiftme!il. The persin imlicted may prove his in nocence, but ever after that, lip is in a position whoie he can have the fuel liKiiiKhi amiinst him ami thus hu miliate him to a certain extent. Ilis cussiiij; the majesty of the law and its relation to the individual .Indue Ward said: "No man is biner than the law and when an individual think he is above ihe law by reason of his wealth and social standing It. is hinh '4;ile titat lie he stopped." His honor inslrheted the jury In re gard to ptesentiiiK indict nu nt s. Al leasl tweiv'e ot Hie nrantl jury must igloo that there is probable cause be tore an indictment can be made. All indictments must be presented to the court by -the foreman of Hie grand jury in person. He. lold them not to ft their sympathies stand between them and Hi ir iluiies as jurois. "I lu liev,. some inland juries are uet;!i-'-etit. because oi theii s mpaHiy," said I he judne. '.dull!1' Ward discusseil the criminal laws of the Slate uult-r three heads. VIZ., son. Laws tin Ihe protecliiiii or iei laws tin pi otect ion of ptopei ly h.w for Hie protetlioa ol soci- and law ety. I'nder tection marder ed the d the head of laws for 1 d poi'Mii:, his honoi. and m.iiislaiiL'lil. 1 and uiee. of tll'-sc crimes. e pro ilaced iital inul.ueiiei' was refilled to at some leiinih in the charge. He said he In 'i i .veil that poisons .rcnponsihle ior railroad wrecks, where loss of life le.-ulled. should he punished. "I do 1101 l.elii'M' lliai it stiomu -in. me individual einployei s of Hie load ev y 1 i 11 1 who should be puiii.-h' d. but the ollicinls. liiuh.i- up who allow II, e roadln d lo become 1 1 ; 1 1 : u tons by not kci il in proper icpaii.." I'liiler lliis head His Honor also discussed 1 be ciime.- of abduction of children, abduct: 111 of inairiid women, working children under 12 yea is of aim in fac tories, lape, seduction- niiilei pr if 01 niarriat;e, etc. I'nder Hie seeoml liead, that of law's periaiiiiii.m lo iroperty. are bumlan, and ar.-oii. which ;hc the cupiia-! if fetnees. lhotl.i;h there al e dem e.-s in liurslary as well as in murdu Pelt aiy 111 1st hi; Commiiled in ihiiltt tilif. I!;ii-;aiv in the first decree, whii h i- puni'l;ilile iy death, consols no! son cut eriiiK the house in the In a r.::ht lime w. ,i,ii' or si-road I'iita nl. no! oec i ranee. oiTetiS' s animals" ell Hie ir.'iie i'-ric. lion petsl puni - ei,t 1 1 l.s o( ciipieil t I is. li'iliilan' liable by iml liiiu ol a la time "f Hie Hi Ipi.-ll Cuder this In ui inspa. etc.. d also aie cm Tht' j ids'" devoted some time liiM'iis-ii.n of eiiriyint row. - a i w mi 1 m,i..l I thin:'' ..f th i lniiii I ssl.' lies H" was 0!!!' he kti.-w li.iinicid t . , i -s ' " ? lii'l'lal ei r.aid Hiat rarryt:. of 'lie UlO-t Use of; that tlnei'-f' ,- coliillillicd ill ll.t esllll ,'i-s piactic'-. ;in" ai ed - I'.l - hoiio.-. "hom iia H a.-: d 2-Vi p"t' '--ai 1 lina in p:opoiiio-i; to u llulllicid'S allWer '" homlfides Hppli '- i" ti (: .as 'Well as to Nm' liave jXmOi- .. j '.uf 1 '. ase in T!Cl'l!-l' I"' ,1'llit ll Sll: 1 Cai.-'i'i.a " I ' I'leh ' 'a ! I.e. id, Iha: pi ot fl loi: 1 ill C! I'i- dwelt 1' imth 1 n j v . 1 Hi, ! v ile nl" leiti ' ! iiji.-( ii ai! ich ; nl.lii- p,a O'C- ol inle -e;i'jion:- ,1 ad ki! .1 l. d .aw.- 1. if lee' :l',r it. Mi . tl it 1 II;- i.'ol in -perl d Ii o',u:i , roti.m -ee 'II, , foi ii. i: 1 i I II V 1 I'hlltol' Hi! .l' 1 1 m.i! " t -aw Ii' a 1, i'i lici.o as 1 U ii mi aide; 11 font 1 a' A en- , b. law Hi- II mor : 1 :! viniai K.11 "I" Hie law Ur un ,,r eomiiiissioaei to lual.e a .,1' bari'.iin with Hi'' 'o1'' Drove Into South Fork Creek Satur day Night When Stream Was Much Higher Than Evei Known Before.! Ore Hors,e Washed Down Stream' About Quarter ol a Mile. One; Young Mai Saved Hunielf by Climbing a Tree. South K ik Cretk, 'Int' ' . mil.s nOUlb 1. 1 W'ills'nta Sah'H,. us oil a "!',.t!i!" Saturday iilithf. 'flic Sen li..i'1's coin on . V 0 No. .'. letnels that the ci'. ek nib aboil! fuilltrili ilicl.i lliuilt ! than t'e.' Sffll beioie About '- o'clock S.tliu,ia niht i ' two ,i t.... unft men Imin Salisiniiy drove i:oi i ! , t swoi.i ii sin. int ai.ii OOII1 had The aatri.w escapes It. nil diownint,. (iu.i!i; tallied t.v.i, thrown. tb. eup.ints out ill Hi.' middle ot ci ei k, One of the y i mi nu, men wasln d asaiiist a tiee, which i limbi .1. He remained in the ire t lie w as ' for ,ih. nit three hours. His associate, vho was a better swimmer, iiuhiichul .me ot Hie poises and then swam to 'In shore. The other animal broke ions, fiom the biiKK.v and swum down a ' cam for a ipiarler of a mile. It was 'found about N o'clock Sunday nioiiiini; by .Mr. II, K. Ktiot lis. in .-time Inishes. standiuf; in water breast deep. . The neighbors assisttel the vonim melt in lindins their suit cases aiiiijlonKcd to Mr. other lost articles and alter suppl Inu man workiuK them with dry clotliis and kIvIiik Puinituie Co. them breakfast, the patties were! for Ihe tonne IiioukIK tu this city, wlietc they se-'man Saltuit-ls ' cuied new suits out and out. The j hoa'i 1II1114 lions iiinnu men returned to Salisbury din nlfiht. Suu-'heil. FUNERAL OF RUSSELL V T (Fd Puhllshers' Press ) Ni:V YoltK, .Inly 2::.--Airani;e-ments for ihe funeial of Hussell Sap' W'Hf completed loday. The services will be hi hi in the Kirst. Presbjteriaii church, at, Farrock Way tomorrow alii riiooti at four, The burial w ill be at Tro. N. Y. Theii is much speculation lis to where Mr. Safe's win It h is to Ho but rumor has it thai Mis. Sap will net Hid fii-eati r pari. Russell Sagc'c Death. NEW YOKK. .dine 22. Hussell Sa.ue died suddenly today al his conn-' try hiitne. "Ce lar Ciolt." al Lawrence. L. I. The immediate cause ot death was heai 1 lailure resuitlnj; from a complication of diseases Incident lo old ano. Tlie Kieraii financier would have celehiiiii'il his KTth biitliday on August 1. Mr. Sae had heeu In ex ('iti(imillyM:ood heallli sinci. Ills al rival ai Ins -iiiiuiier holii" about si months 111:0. At noon today lie was seized with a sitikini? spool uinl cnl-. lapsed, falling lulu iincoliscioiislies.s about nvn ho lis belori' Ills death, which occii'ii'il a' I:".1' o'clock. There were pio-ont al I In- end Mrs. Sime, hei hi ot her. Col. .1. .1. Slocuin, Ihe lev Ruben l.eetch, III. 'ITieodore S. ,Ianewa, of New York; Or. .1, Carl Schmiiek. a local physician, ami Or, lob 11 P. Mu 1. 11. lor many years Mr. Safe's family physician, who was sillniiii.i.eii limn New York when the lltst nia' -in Int syii,ituiiiK win manifest. LIGHTNING STRIKES A A Duiliii; Hie storm yesterday after noon Mrs. John Kollz. of Walkeitown. was sliuhtli shocked by the lirhtnina. Kor a I'W minutes she was Huron scions. T ila ii was learned that -he !had abonl recovered from tilt- eft'icls il Hi i shock. . j . n porteil that the same boll ; iiiiiiM also struck a cow neatby.i i' tlio animal soineibiuK likej feel, without Injill'iim lit-1 . ' Of ll'J ,.er Williams, heie, arrived ooll. who in the fontierlv ; city this, aiti'y for siipp'ic-t while . capacity of ald'o man SI'! lli - il colli j :e Ward's chaia-'e occupied fibiiul 1 iir and' was list .uied to with. In 1 b the Kraud Juro! s and o'Ih i s i (.'rand jury is compi a .111. Konlli men : al of the :. Ii'i'ib, foi' man II. Kiioiis,-,. C. C. inch.., I. H. William lliookbaiik. W.. A A I. P. i:l ,. Ciiadwiek. .1 : , ('.. C Iteed ! Ci.if'. Jaspei 1 1, an, K. i:. Shore, fl VHH.iiii:-. I). W Cain I, .loin 'I ho-t. I Li .1. A. Sohmian. Court Proceedings. 1 r 'n Samiit It- was fi'i' coiieealed weipot!. iia-- (;,,i laliil. color' .j, ,; of the el; nve of f-oiii the TaMii' is 'IT " iii P. Posle. aH A'e Ci,loitll, fur fcitllle lo 'I'll: Il'll-M: ' 'I Upon pa ,- 1! .'leuhtiliii I. Come! -lohll P.i.ilo Holiiel I '"''I I ii. a''-' ' a!in:: a ' " , MaHiu. lis' Heir! 1 in. .'.! ol , lu.--. ft- e ' HliUMl.! r, Lull! : . 1 ;m S up StilTitt'I. v 11 k VXailo and lirovm (ii iibbs, an chai'-'.y of .dit.iiirbini' on tr ,.1 a :ch 00 lb , itainmtiit. near Knn;i.'.vii;e; Hovevei. the Ohio Sheriff Who Has the Papers to Be Served On the Standard Oil Magnate Says He Is Determined to Carry Out the Man djte of the La. (lt P.ib'., !,.!.'' V. -s ci.kt:i.a.i. up o, .lull calioiis me that ...!oi l Km k i fee. r unit Sle'l llf llriiii-.', of h'i :) '. . li" has a wariaut for the pti -ideiii, if H.e Siau,!a:il Oil Cumpain. chaitiiio; 'ui ialiou uf the stale and triisl laws in Hancock foiiutv, a:e coil;; in tlis'i Kockefelhi. In-fine lie 'eft l-hitope to leliiill lo this cumin 1 idiciie e id. il Is d I' Hi much his ai II : mined lu law. companions. Ol lil.lVI 1 ri 0,11 h the mandate ul tie L IN I OF iSpeclal to The Sentinel KKKNKIiSVII.LK. Inly 2 ' lays at'.o a .)st. was found mile down Hi i,iihoad H.n k half 11 mile fioni Km uers ;,b A few ah, it a about a and It was curfeii I. 1 cited tl.a: it be .lev.s IkiWel's. a ytlllllls for tlie Kernel st Tile A wan ant was Is'sm il j man and wlmu Police- ; . nt to tin- MMitm man's i he fiiiiml him slel; ill I He demanded that Powers not up and fin up tow ii w 11 i him nun 1 Powers asked him what for. Olllcerj iSaiiiuels replied. "I will 1. II vou In n 1 we et up town." Mowers Iheiiiipoii ortii red the (. Ulcer out of the house and locked Ihe 1,0.11 oil him. I Tile win 1 n lit was served the next I day ami the trial came off Satiiiiho j niRht at T o'clock In the may or's ol lice, which was nci mlh almost I totally destroyed b an explo-lou of (dynamite. There w ere abo'ii two bun dreil people pH'si'llt, eauci to belli Ihe Diitcume. The tnayor spraop, a nu prise by asking ilestlolis teudilit' to show that the defendant hail 1 11 "tiiiiilnc loost " the dynamite. Mi. ('.. II. Ma st '11. lawu'i' fur the ! lease, slreiiuons! objected In Ills client beinn tiled on a chamc 110! con lained lu the warrant and this was st riekeli iml . When Lawyer Hasten was tiddiess ' ili tile 10,111 ' lie bitleily ili'll.iillicid SaiuuelH for his - iiilerferenci' ami al the mention of Samui Is' name Hie spi'ctalois hooteil and jet red ihe of licet'. The maun oldi red the whole "hunch" iliidei ariesl. bul Inter id claii'd thai he did mil. known slimle person wlio lalseil Hie disturbance hut said that if it could lie ploU'd on tilt ill thai he wo ibl send Hum In jail One little hoy over In 'he corner on heailni? tile mayor's older 'foi amst, declared, "I lieu r said a wonl." Several w 1 1 in si-i-s were 1 Miniini d hul there was no proof thai Ihe pistol would shoot or thai it Iieloiozed lo youuu lioweis'. 'he ma'. or i'"iriel his decision until he could make further Investigation as lo , w hei ln-.i Ihe pistol would sliiio! 1,1 liol, The trial lasted till lallo r l.iHe and while Ihe mayor wu.-, sUtiii!.'. on Hie case some one wai lobli.HK hi- son.' Abonl $.',1111 win ol Jew lu ami lu, 1 was taken on' P ;e mil known nil 1 ,11 ly Hie 1.1 l linn ni'K i.i in! blood hounds wiie Li lit Imin llirh Point but thov niiiyeil loo" Crowd- had rathi ie, and ti.impled ' 1 V ' 1 t he trail. IPiwevr 1 hei e wilt evidences 'hat the lubbers ha'd ui towanl (iiei-lisboii. ami about ".uu p o de on hoiseback and in liurs'b's 'w-ni down the rullioad about I'm- miles bul teluiiied' w iilioul any clue as . to Ihe KUlPy parlies. Joseph Governor' I - r- -: ' J ' (tf-f-'l ;J " ' ''a fV -y -i '. , . v-.C1".!' '! V ,; '':A v ts.VV,,'i"' ''' following Oar's Prodamtion Di iolviny the Douma Many Member! ot That Body Went to Viborg, Fin land. And After Deliberating All Niyht Determined to lsue Mani festo to People Calling tor Quiet Resntance. 1 1 llv Puhih-hoi V Press I VOtOK'.. riiibii il. Inlj 2:i.- Mem iieis of the (i.i'.n.a who t unit li-ri for 'h.. i!i,him' el coin iiinhiK their m's si, ui, M.'titt ViK the disMiliitloii of the douma held a sinii.i; I.. s I 1, lv lit which 1 1 d .11. the ill iokIH The speakers thu' Hie iloiiina should take zhi'h -lia!!"t:Ke In pioclalin up '.i-i! thai 1 hi Mu'aii must have a con- .llllel eeth.l a-s. tublv and diawlun up an plan 'I'll.' sii!i;e; km was witli clieei's Item deputies d aiin al onci'-Jakrii up (01 serioifi di 1 il! Ion, The do una has iisked I lor Hie mil ice of -iiiiish leaders 1111 Mlii. situation. i Passive Resistance, I Later..- A p.dicv of missive ieU ilaiice to the kouo iillient lu an en Id. iiuir 10 cripple its power has been tile I upon hy members of the ma This course was decided upon I inday .tiler the ili piit .-s had been in coiil inuoiisi v Mncc lliev ar .'-sin rived here II was iletei niliied fo Isstie a manifesto to the people, cull inn oil I he 111 In follow out passive lesistance lu policy liv rcfuslntt lo pay taxi 01 to '.etve In the army. The lesisiamv I. taxi n 01 to 'tn Hi pin ien hope in Hi... Rim i nnu III. this way 10 cripple - (llv Publisher!.' Press.) HI JANIKitO, llrnzll, July 2T 1 ai.d 1 111, 1 1 ii-oce ol Pan-Amei-nutiies will he fornuilly opeiieit 1 liiliv; II lilnl In en I'xpeclml HIO ' The iean c'. Hlin . hat ihe openiiiK would lake place list Sa! ill day but H nunibei' of Ihe' l.'li'V.itos, iniludlnM; tliose from the 1 11 II 1 iiiK ' a I s Slates. We account of e 'delayed in iirrlv the hi'iiv) WeKthcr 1 IU i iibllVhcl h' Press I WASHIMITOX. Jul) 21!.- The In tel;ite Ci.lumelCe colli III I S'M loll llll- iiiiiinei'd today that, ilurini; fhn Ihren months ciidini, Maich 111, PiUH, theie weie ls j:ii; 1 .0 u:ii 1 li s ul inilii'inl pus- enrols and iinpioveis. Of these 1 1 w. re filled. This Is mi Increase ot 111 It i 1 Itol iiO'i 1 ho.-ii rcpiu led III. I he il I c pi opei is lib il:i. I hi dill) I hie!' inonl lis. ,'icciileiils The was :. 111 llil's million 'i OF (I!-. TOKIO. Piibii-lieih' Pre si I lnt !' 1 A'isi'i.MI,r lnilnlli:!. I'hlel nl the rei.eral Klaff of iirniv. died hei . I his luoiiilim. Ho was eiluc!,ti-, at Knir.ers Cnci;e ami his ife at 'a:.-ar. -The Kd sail Wlulhiope Slock Co, Will appeal heie ail next Wli k Ulldi'l' the aioipices of Hie local KftKleX' loer.e.- A canvas lent will be llseil. K. Toole. of Montana.