WIN-CITY DAILY riNEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 25, 1906 YEAR PRICE 5 CENTS ffj MI IS GUEST. IS 0 , i ... 11., AnH Pctirl Anrl nthwr V '. v. i '.-'r 1 ;' , ' V. ... . " r S Will IID nliu ixuiu yuu uun i ! Dislikes Newspaper Slate- Corporation Commissioners tables Entertained At Luncheon. L-tric Rjilwiiy ment That He Would PhMd Insanity. Have Returned From The ... . '. - . t , Scene of Wreck. t SEN III ENRAGED NO STATEMENT YET v .. r,,i . N.. Thice Cent f-Vi rorce of' lervisioa i Ford mson O . M.V,0" J p,,- He Altcntion to U i v In ! ii tin-! i.inii to ;he: it :r i i:m en t I ii eel ion nl ! of Public! f. (11 I I up ii v ,:. nl men to rush I'.iiiri rts.'ivesl M-re-tn erecKii'ls i.r '(op uaril 1 Mill lip Mir said I tne coin-j to lelav with ciivi ui nil d( 111- tllea '. Up II ' Wit la I IIS I I i c h I I 1 ' I 1 ,10 I I III ll 1 1 1 1 1 I III tV c .ullieil ' 'ft was Myiietl I 1 i Ml 1 '1-1 t till " I "' bank nth-. 1 i Hi it ( i k..jit wan ma tm li.l.:l ll.'(,li,' tl,.( ! Hie iu!lce ' o ( r iii oi '""k Ins rtli-ii-ne - ' ' ! dasli nut " 1 -hi i jwh ' ' ' I. aim all -el- 1,1 I o hud " '" hi v;il! ' liow and 1 b hue '.ie niaii- 11 I II. "i auiu;l 11 I Us , 1 1 ' o'l i. 1 '.us sec- ( 1 I 1 t , lt , ... ' ' Pan in , 1 1 1 ii h in , 1 if in, i. : " 'ki':,! : Kn- 1 I' 1 I u t 1 - d ' M .""''- Y (' i ssuurpR sc 1 U'l "I" llll near Ulll't- . ami I I i il n, i nl the 1! H III It'll Vest. IS lilLE 1 V I V .oiiilarv I of '! ol aH WOUNDED Mov : Ambassadors of Various Countries I Represented at London Were Pres- ent at Function Gixen After Ad journment of Morning Session of Peace Conference Business Trans-1 i acted b Conference. (I!'- I'-.tWlshert-.- Press.) j ; I OXIKJ.V July 2.". Tli. inter parliamentary l.cac-f eonlen nee this ' nm: mute adopted a resu!iit,t,n nrumt:.' 1 1 In- next Hasue etinleii'iiee tii discuss; :he liniutioti ol arniatiif uts. In tiif ' neaiiiime pressure will lie brouuht tin neat on various parliaments repre-1 senfed at tne conference to lake action re-iaiding the subject as wed s .k t'i define what shall constitute eon-: j tiaband. j Luncheon followed th session ai -I which William J. llrvau, Ambassador R, Hi ambassadors (it -Ki'i'i-i! nl she .a. ttiii0Ilu,r K;w(Js and a number ol British i li.i i.iil Ca)nlet officers were present. '!i- tit. i!lvlul maad a short speech at the: .(.l li.m int.he(m in which he said: .'The limitation ot armaments can onlv he i KU k., '11 hicroinnli.sned it sum., nation t;ikes ! he lead In the determination t- mnke its citizens -liappv that their coutetit will mve pteatei seeuntT than niaiiv I navies. .Moral courage, is belore phv-! sical courage and the value ot human i lite is incaloiilable. I could not love ' "' la (iotl wno tniidc' the takuin o human i was pi 1 nr., ., ,,1, ,t 1 1 1. .n ,.i tilii iu,, ,.ii.i,.,,ni " This atternoon deleRates to the K'onleience paid a lo Wiiidsor Caslle. I he eontei :iice w ill come end tomorrow with a banquet ( rvstal Palace. ti: ' an the . (Special to The RAI.KKiH. .Inlv 2.'.. eral" T. K. Robert son, (arolma National ;hioiih the city this wav to Morehead to Sen! inel. ) Adjutant ti n- oi Ihe North Riiard. .passea morning on his look .-liter the preliminary arratiMinv.ents tor the en e.'inipinent of the Kiiunl. Un the sain train wan Mr, A. Roscower, editor ol the (.oldsboro Headlight, returniim Horn Ins extended tour ol the west, A liiutiial lliend Introduceil the two tiiveh'is at Ihe union depot, here and luithwith there were mutual and complete, apologies between ihe iw.i at ntlenien. I'liev were t,roinn into (.i eenslioro lrom Charlotle last niirlil on a crowded tiain when Mr. Uos over sat down on (leneral Uoherl s'ln s dress suit case, wlieieupoii den. lioberlsoti spoke to him shnrph . and nil. 'fed him io tret up. Sharp re joinders weio exclianned. Neillier.ol Inem spoktf on the run lo Raielub ihis morning, but both enioved a nearly lauuli alter the iiitroiliietioii anil left on the (roldshoro Irani the best Ml fnenils POLES U TO IT (Hv Publishen,' Press. I ST. l'ICTKRSHrRO, ,fulv 2.".. An ::d(lKvs to the Poles. tirKint? them to submit quietly to the decree ol the '.ai in dis.solvinif the dounia. and m nepare tor another election was issued lodav hv Count Hevden. Stain vieh and Prince I. Votl- three conser vative leaders of parliament, who de clined lo sign the nianilesto adopted hv the douma at Vibori;. TO BE YET ALIVE (Special to The Sentinel. 1 RAI.EK'.fl. .ftilv 25. News is tint 'oafiiineii lodav of the killtns- ol Iloam Wilson in Madison countv. hv I-red Sams, rural mail carrier. A special says fie is stilT alive. Wilson its the niostt. noted and danneronx des 1'i tado in western North Carolina and I1"'" niurdeis charged against him. . Methodist District Conference. 'Ihe lollowitlR were here this after noon enrotite to the W'iuslon lust net Conference of tin. 1 e'luicli. -itiait: ! ,. ),:,,i, , , . . . ,, ..... , ii , in 'ei.s ui ,- o va uei-. iw -.. .i. ti Hainluiidt and Mr V. W. Haniptmt. "I l-eaksville: Rev. E. P. (iieen. ol Sioiieville: Rev. I). P Tale and Mi 'Ml. W. Martin, of Madison: Rev. J. Iv Vcosly, f Walkertown:. liev. Ivlwar,! w as Vd ,. .,,-.!., ... ,.. ,. ... ,, , i j us, sifikcsiuiie. (tnti .ir. alio Mrs. I. ( . I-'init. of Pine Hail. Rev. I R. Scrosts. who Is tircsidiliir .--l.let j-d l ll 1st district, also went o'vei this lalt eriiooti . New Advertisements. Tlie J. -v. liesler Co Annoiine stif-ai tniil-sitmmer cleatatice sn! Mart Saiiirditv. Julr 2,s 'I he Re(, llive. Manv new sptcii tdded to meat cleaiance sale now 1 )'!. Robinson. The ttreat ulaimtit 'oe Is on. -.trout t-i (iwi'.s A-i eatei b l-'itii,.-. ''iihaeher & Un,.-- Pnideut sin 1 1 rs hett- S vonr. chance. Kvi rv htirlmenf must,, he cleaned out. & Itfohh Prescript! i- illties, promptness, accuracy. io! I, v sir v f 'i. . J - i: u. . . .. 'k ' J fcTliaiittiiWMllhilWWIt'-,rv1Wtit'-"- "r''MauiJ - fcfeft.. IKWHtM fc VF vfc ?'? ' J, Adam Bede. Representative fro nMmnesota, HIT REIGNS YET Dissolution of The Dounui Has Not Created Unusual Trouble, Thi' Has Lead Reactionaries in Rus sia to1 Try to Convince Czar That No Concessionr Should Be Made, to the People, Czar Considering Plan to Further Divide Douma Forces. (Itv Publisher:;1 Press ST. I'lriKItSLU liM, Jul. aelionai ies are laliiiniil touav .) ' 2 Re ovi'l I Im anil a re ; el' their he I to Ihe :au I tit m ml v ol 1 be count I'V confident ot Ihe liaal saeci ss plans. . 'I h.iv are the sliiiulil ti.'ver have 'j.vcij iu deinaiKls ot reliirtuei s. I ae ez'ir is cuii.-oie: itt i In en it , nuns Hi fin wei iroiip n ell bluet . divide sir. res- Moil nl lavill novieh ami I, ; ( nun s 1 lev nen Mlak- iff. . ieailers ol i I lie ilouina the object Ihe ill in it) it lit 1 a t (il.isi-; vaii ve to pun tne new oeiui! to ttirtlier OiCef,.. NEWS ITEMS REPORTED STATE CfiPITISL lisp RAI.KIMII. eeilint'-s in :il The Sentinel, I .luiv 2"i. i i i 1 1 1 j t ;i i pi o Imlikl upiet were. Iileil to- av ill the ulli lilteil Man's e ul tin- c,,.'i'I, nt the ml net con it hei e lam i in n i t :-li:illl nt' l ,l! -CIS Blltl ,v( v !' 1 Reiriveis 1 P. I' "'ii . a in i 'f li,-l:t of n -pi i Tile show ll ? 1 I . I h Maxwrh. ol u.. ill cnlirse i)-p!l.-e el COII- iiii i!n ( ape ciiv of l-'av-with .linme rie ( ae dai ii coiislrtictto'.i vi'i on; . eel ' '' ', a r m ar Mo 'fievj!b liied for the . to 'il I'linieii in iK, eani ! to- lit. II ji -whether or not reivers io com i : derided pi eel the re - plant belore the ( irlliliil s. til I'v iinv he aii. t is sold out to saiislt S I i i d. Is 1 1 Mo ( o ions ur the leant to it'tiu e a ll v sai-r i nt. I', 1 that in t hat et m a mu would le i n!;zeil. i i,i ed ,m ice le i I" HI i I 1,1 1 lie 1 The! pin ud lo 1! I' row mi wio an fleju.lf-1 an tt i 1 to atlrnin:i!:. of pionoii- o tuiilii at a . I there- ire e, h ilir:ns Hie a iiumli-r pi , i,( T ;.iir al t,:, The i in 1 RAI.KKHI, ii,.ei iceeiveil i (.11 1 i i, - her. tun ;:e in the He : Ptivi tlolli I u no n I c C to niii hei it a ml o i , , IlK ,! I h 1 I a i.e tl , 0 ,1 11 i Impel in! . In va nvait Ii ,1 it 11 ' -of the :l 1 IS DEVASTATED I.YUs 1 i on d 1 1 , i- I I'd re (i in ' t ,f Ha, Hi,' I- SUPERIOR COURT. O.ily A Tew Cases Disposed Of At Today's Session. Carrie Hester Fined $300 for Keeping a Bawdy House N. Glenn Wil liams Fined $10 for Hitting Walter Dalton With a Cane And $30 for Assault on Cicero Oyburn. .('at rie IleEtrr. while woman was be qui -si toiifthie ciiaiaeter. appeared he lot o lb1 superior court tins niorniiiK and- pa-ail vmltv ' two eltitines ol hoepitu n havvdv hoime near Kairvlew. The jadjillient of the couit was tlutt 1 li o lirleiiilatii pav the Co!ll( $.11111 to meet the cokIh ol the two actions and two set las and the balance as n line. In i:ie second case judgment was mis penaed upon pa'.nient of Ihe costs, capias is.-aied on report nl ativ re spei'taliie citizen tluil . hast been renew etl. Jleiirv ook ,a white mail Irotll Ili'liHVB Creel: township, was Idled $(u and costs for carrvinit a concealed wenpnii. tool, mix hound over to the his'lier coin! hv Ihe mat or of Kci neKsviiii1, Trial of Glenn Williams. The I wo cases ol . (lieilll lb hams for ' pei.-onul difllcult ies with CiCero i)-.'.hiirn liml Waiter Dalton wire hi aril, this alleruoon. 'Ihe de. lend,' Wat .vns 1 1 'p reseu I t'd bv C. II. mil pleail umllv lo a simple W.M. Jiellilien topieseiilcd niiiou In the Ottliiirn case, t xiiliiiiiat mu ,ol wit iiesses lale the il.-lemlaut went nil. its ,l',lt tile pi,': A tier . jfot the ! I, jllli! I 'j I to bini I I Itll -I j Ills hon. th in 1, jtiallv I j Willi hi i suit. m i htini. sland anil lestilud in renard I "setups. 'I lie t iiiiiihi ! on s mailt! Inlet aia;uinents to ,1, elite Ward slated that he f ll.illon was at least par- i-st;.! tor the dillicultv ii His hoiMir asked il -a clvtl I been instituted hv Mm ()(.' I lie conit-s judsimetit. was $ii i- in ihe Dalton citse and $.lu i i in ihe )t;lini n. in'ibii,, u my 111111111111111 fine tii tit) 'and eo-t 1 "I 'I I'll K'lcl-i JelKtl'lte j eiisi s- -l have no siimher 1, .-marked .Indite. Ward. Court Notes, ties convicted of disltn liini; 1 nt 'I'taiiiment were each awl costs. 'o:oi(-ri women. f-'!eeli! If. in t Ifiiirstoil ami Kn'c .lohn- T ?, school fluid $!'i 'I (ilee ' t 111 l, e w 1 t '! , ri; ! M .1 (in st Hi i't acpiltieil ( ihe ehnrye (if . dlsotdprly house on High eet, Hast Wir.sttm, On" of suite witnes.-tes testified that "our 1 iibooi was popitiai bt fort t e-.e ineti Ciime dill but she am un ' fi"W.' . ' ,uv a. while Woman, was ictcit (,f disordetli eoimmt. hut e Ward fvideiitly (ltd not Htltik ii ot Ilie evidence pioduced l State, as lie suspended judgim-i,! . '"' v '-. , ONE BALL PLAYEB ASSAULTS ANOTHER ) Uiv Publishers' Pi IMTTSHCKH. .luiv ii t'-', pitcher for till ui. who was art evict i - Joe Sir New Vol ii fot as-i'ii'tj appear lor a : wis ciiUeif 1 iiitcht-i IVitz. dlti not ".iftlllt Willi, the ca-e ' s Itl'lliiilllt. COI',si lIl ll in it)i In St-eieiarv Kiit it ' 1 .1 ' t w 1 f . f , t ' Hie fel.liO!! ! hi.. I.f 0 I man v MM mild .nl won!, I hav nt!-! hair ti'it to v. make it s.t'i to 11 ..' 1: tip a ittl.e. 1 iv, . r ttit i l,y ton. Ii I,. .:!i 0 about .1 if, th- oll, iO! Mbit' 1, t 1 , e bhVe til'1 t1 at 1 lliel. in. n t .i:i , Th, dl-cotefo Jt food (l! 1 h.tVe to f of h. po I! e tlpp-'H fi! 1 v 1 1 . a a I" on son wiif Insti' Hi; Aatlorney to lsue Statement to Effect Thnt No In sar.itj Commission Would Be Ap (oioted And Tlvtt He Would Nut Concent to Insanity Plea. t Hv I'uSiishers' l-res-i 1 XKW YORK. Jiib Whea (ik Thaw was mi:.1 In his ;t :;.wei tun ' : iil'Je Lie; ui.i' iii:; ui 1 u i:i 15 b.f lite pllli. in iniu'H vtrouul'.l (IV ' . t "tin i -laat an : ;i!i!-im would hi nprm , ( WOii.d liliull. i on: i at sav. hid life, lie in- i ne ited a iu( that t.i nut move liiliietl Hail itiiiMe to no 'Uiilte Cllllle litw- ii'peite! In it w m:ik the ! i.!ti; x enllia i an install v 1 ot' CFur.iiiat. i case (!.' H dewa i!;tt 'St a u lli'llUl and "Hart aid to (it the st a:eiue:it s s'lU iH niitiuem n an tn-1,-.oii I ,elte le sav I ha I ciiittiiiiMCiei, enln-i civil Will be Jlpiiiillteil ill the Fi APPENDICITIS'HAS NOT RECEIVED UII.AnEI.PIHA. .I'liv 24. -If a has a tin uwav In ik ,ti hist eves. whines con i iauali v . or rehisi's lo or tuoM iilipoi taut id all, it he do or i at limps In his rinlil lnml h'K. he is In ('ailKerotiH i onilft loll . lie has the tuost tasinonabla of eases appendicitis. Paialus. the mascot of Ihe heat lliiskiiis, whlcii is now l.taue Islaml, m Hie (list dott In fills ciiv who will- ko tinder 1lte knife lo have its appendix removed. The animal is now Ivhik in the don hospital at Kifthth and Diiimotid streets, ll will lie operated upon tomorrow. The operation on the dot; was suU' esli il hv one of the sutKeons at Kiie Isiainl. who nave the animal a tlmrtiiiKli examlimllon on Saltirday at ihe request ol.-the sailors, who bc - lieved their pet was (ItlliR lit siir- nesied it siuueon who would lako t lit - case and, with all the rare that would be shown lo a human Ih'iuk. 1'nnitUh was removed lo Ihe ratline hospital. Here the don was put through nnolher exaniination h a man veised In the disease of nniinals. who antreed wldi the naval Hint Piuatus was a sufleiei from appendicitis. A i first, after the opciailon was loiiiiil to be nicesstirv to auve their pet s lite, the stMiiieu who accom panied Panilus to Ihe hospital" wen not fullv salellcd to have t lu ll p.-t 'knifed " a' thev pill it, and it was onlv alter receiving assurance that he would recover that Ihet coiiki tiled I I,, .Hi.' ou ralion. PARDON IS TO RE i j afiet-iMHtii (Hv Puhll-l'eti.' Piess I I H, (). (! ode and family left Hlls af- W VSIIIVHTON luiv 2." - The ' '''' """" fl AH.ermarle, where ihey Slate depuiluieni has received ,tw"J r - caliiitam from Mi, KK pher, flint f. " reliu v of the In Havana, iu of the l ulled Sillies lestuliotl whitli he sins Hie rv,S. tt Sullivan, .. qiiest ol t lie I iiile.l Stales for pardon MiRK Mai v llvtitim, of plltshotd V of Millie Blown and her assoejali s j VMtit,K her cousin, Miss Annie Hv has been fa vol ;i lily considered and .11 , Hf.iatu sfiret. , ,., ' aeiiun win oe laneii. i at caiioniain sites this ts in rousitli'ittlion of dec latalion nl Miss I trow 11 and others! . 1 iirreBied iu Hie (,!,. f pi,,,. ,, t:,evi Mi Kttit-Hl Wiles and chlltlreii, of Witelfiioiam of lit" law prohlliitiui. i'tteeiittlioro, atrived In the flty thi Ifivlnu of private leiet-iuph iim s, i,..i'f''-'"' l,! vllt Mrs, I,. A Wiles, then promise not to tiaiiKiess ittaiu.i Miss ICnillv Auitlln, of 'litihiuo, who ilias bi-eti visit Iiik lit Pine Hall, watt . ITALIAN SROOTS Ti . , niy f ulill.hei' Piess I 1 KW Vt)f(K July '.'.', hivt-luir j Italian S.i!vato;e ) -ve. ion amuck 0:1 ( t -I,,,., .., u this nioiiint.' and Mu uitt 1 y shoot bis swrethetiit litent huiiel. tnio tin' 'h-ulies t,t Hliee ,er. sIkmiih twti of wtiom were s -t 1 loiunlt iujaieil It.te who is was ' ,,;ti jri hne w0i Tlierrxtt f.idlf t.,,., S f,, heeam,,. jealous bt , t. .,.,. Mi"ii ', - iinil ''lis ruos nines 1,1 ii'ifi in-.1 tlill'l tier, in 1 my t lie s ie-'ts. M-sitiiou' .is sta! iiilmve t Taititti.i-ij May Support Heartt, M.W MIHK l'i . -M (I ai ' I" iMurphv. leiidir of 'faiutu.inv Ha, I, tsaid ivlav that it was p-t,li!.. that , lamtiiaiiv llait would siippoit Win, R. ! Ileal st fot 'he Dt lilocfatic nominiiiioti !' liovi runt In Hie in )tl cutivi-ti'loii. M '. Mm phv abl " '.VI Hid I don ttmliii.t ttuse.f I don ; sv that 'f iitrimain will lie loi lleaist, f onlv sav that his t.pp . , our tit'k'J last v ai' i il. make, p Impossible f s.'il'UOil hitn in ti." it! not. if '1 am COIiVI-li , 1 lot! M Mlliphi i o evp't-ss at lid lie had lio opinion Ho- '.'irs timi wti! in !,: t.Olllitlil! i or not Mi 11 I! O II. ,1-m M ,M 1 . 1 i.-M Jaliii botiie ate! in Clittl;a and btt-n n Vi'it; a,,,1 M who hav i ,, 1 11 in .1 lit t. !. Mb I.l Ill, I if t t hoi; V.ti eltn " Martin, came .ti wh, H.i, s I," root Visited Place on Seaboard Air Lint Where Accident Occurred Sunday Niijht And Investigated With View tc Placing Reponibihty for th Wreck. t. Ti KUili: .liilv ; tin- em poi at ..n Setlt'iiell I Jn mi'H:h I - af !hf fin ne at;. n etaiimlsvioii te- U'l 110,1 In Hie ,! -.ati'il Kain scene, nl (be rfi alu.c.nt . Air have IliJt vt i it last evenliiK oil a Imlli Ihi'lr vlH to tti ivirlhle wtticK nil tae I. hie ne.ii iluinlef, hill Klveit mil iiiiv Hlale- in ..I a-, to t'eir'in ot ilm a 'se of fie win), "1 liev vainlni'd inecia.h Into the dlspuii'd faclt an 'to the sf'tiilmtt ol the tnder for the Tmldlris; o( the iasei!Ket tit In at H H'hinmiaui. Tin v tetik lh lalt .ment if tin' op.'i'.itor derultm (hat h i refi Ivci! n;n Ktieti oinev and uImi .-x-: ail'lte.l Mr. .1' w '. Ihe operator III .In ti,-i.tu lit ' tlllii' i Kh'i'ikIi. !' -VtilllH le i,n tc m i.l I'u u.p.ittli n , tin KueHtii'huin openitor. Mr R llacltetl. DiMltocrltilc ean.llitiilii fur Cotiutcsn 111 lliu elulllh piolillhl.t , ,K ,.;,,( Wts j,.,,.,,. ,(1,v. WHU doit; tits- jnii4t,i if there was any truth In Hie report published lo effet'l Hint I'resi lorpedo Hm of the Kedeniflon of 1 I t K ' Lulmr. hud seul him a series of iines- tlons, tiskinn hint to siale his vlewn on various matters reltiHiiK to labor ortfiinUatiiiiis. Mr. HacUelt refilletl that tie hail not received a pcisoiial in.'Ssline f h mi Ml tiiuupeis inn lllul iill he km w about II wits what ap pealed In tin newspapers. The In nioeitiile nominee us his district has been polled ttliil that it Is ; (MM l), nmcratir. All Mr. llackeH inshs Is (ot entv llemoetal In tin ; ,.ii(hth lo po to Hie polls Mild votw for , hint. Thin, would make llhieltlmrn' .defeat complete and put hint mil uf n.,, i,. ,.t wn ......y, n, Kliiiod s'MCe Hoi Republican Htain Cull m m It . n ll, it he hud mil alt. ll up bis coiilest for Ihe slate rhaittiiiiiiHlilp. This is tftlieit lo mean thai trouble U ahead of the pnisout in miulziiiiou I Wo vm Is belief. A THOUGHT FOH THE DAY. Ilitrtlin HalM-toii was here this af let tti it til ! Mr. ami Mrs V (ilenii William Iweie in: I in: ell j' , today , H V. Patterson, who has been lo Rowan countv, ea in lliln after. neon. M-'. Ro-.i'lud ,iinl K.i'o Shepp tid wnil 'ti I'atiicfi Hiilnt! this ttftt'l- himii .i MIhk Willie I'XmiiiiiiIh, vho . ha Ibeeit to Iwubliiv. leltitnt-d hoin HiIm Mrs, Nellie .lohn.ou went to ah ki'IK.WII till alK'ttioon to visit MtH. Mrs. K. II. Wilson Mis K, H, Wilson ami diiimlilers, Misses 1: and Kilzaheth. went to II 1.1,1 .,.ll,.. It, I., ufl ....... .H jhere this tiltermnm enriiiife home. 1 Mrs. Victoria liurcli. of tlrei-nvHle, H. ( ., who has been visiIiiik Mrs. John I Mi'Mliliin. j ft this iitlertiisiu for Char- jlotte i II. v T W Wall of Thomasvllle, iiis he-, mis afternoon etirotite to Advance, to at lend Hie Wlnlon dll 'snct t nnitn . tins I . II l.ooe .1011. Phillip Of t 1 I 1 I ft le Iii" IhU iiflt'l union Mism l.t.z. '( and l.ucv Hikm ttni were ttlwt lo re wt-nt to Mot ka- , M' M I Ha v d.t iKhter, I Mint li.aiK b . wtio have hem v 1 k 1 1 1 1 1 te jeaious f,i aiiM'iM . 1(,,h,,. ... i,..h,.io tif.f.n. letnrm-d homt. ihis after. MOfl , VI, . I M -s I Mi .. It P It'.i i, . H.'iirv h llenrv ami tl.iiiati-r. wm have Iieen vhitlm? iihiHki. Mis l"l!?:atiitli j I loc.doii at aft 1 nooii. ri-lui tied to th clfv th I Ihfi 1 woman are twii wins tun.- !o tiin.i.'iud to l.t.-ii.e n r rhltdien. Hie otlo't to damn I ii.'it'hhor r . her tiej! door Death of Notable Character. lol I - 1 1 I I" Ki lo', 1 1 liT nit ',-illie ', estftd.iy lo Jnilll Iteittlek l.til-sllU!!-: the (blest j'(l!of1,C" t-,11 (e.r, ee 01 softlee jne sear In the I'd hta'i-s atid prohaid. Ill the ttoiid. Km I-l veats he had been . In 'll'' 'Itipioy ol the s."ivni tiriii'iit In Hie l.out viii.i postofUi e. and at Ihe limn of hi ilealli Wat v-'ilfs of nl''' IU- wit,. tiiMi:t,ti 1 r,'-fk In 'tie post offlee on March (,. sl ! bv l'res;dttit Ml has S'-i ved uiuf fifteen tit, Nm ii'i'io, ever iaise'l and ho file past fifteen years ii'-vi t ,ite:( tnbacco. Only his ,lfe did he ever nMend a i. 'in let- w;)'i liij eypr out ' ' ' I I I I P" . il'' hits I once 111 1 h 11 al tt II