-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 2G. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS LIVELY FIGHT r.m., f. iimns1 Imnnr t.lt.ion Of SOIllP Foreifin StWfr.il Want Tlu ivnwwniir. Kussell Sage's Relatives Alay. Appears Before Judge lord Has An Audience With Ld- ll L I" V imp--- w. . ... uiii I IIV ISK IIIWV I UlUj UsSim' ,)iv I Laborers lias caused Congressional Nomina tion In Sixth District. Make Effort To Break To Answer The Charge ward VII. This .Morning At Litter's Request. ofD.uinui. j irouDie mere; ins will. Of Contempt. l0 8IG STRIKE ON I ISE ftT HOPE MILLS i . 'r i II BE CONTEST IMAYDR JOHNSON OVER MILLIONS IN COURT TODAY BRYAN VISITS FOR CONGRESS BRITISH KINO Of Do urn J rj. How Troabie .'k 5c d.- 'at I 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 Tlie I ."pi t 'M'-'l al ll of :.a of ilie! h'-itiv; as- j ir, i,v 1)1. ' rliiiicli, . Mno's ier("l ol !.'. Tim.-.. l'l"v. Mr. il'' ('!; i:-l in -ai'lii'ii r Wi;-,I. ! as a -a lo III" I"-:!:: -1 1 Hi-1 'II'' si". X I' lliiSsiM Ii. as li .Mrs rii.jii.a: Milan . Al Mr !:am. ftor9 Cr"t News, ' lo otll :- ui'iroiiis "' I-1" i i'Maail iaon i ;5 te'f ' - lifc.. X j--.--C--Jts.'.. vVAr:W.'-hV:ii'J-f- &! owing Hurrjrcijr 0f Operatives in Cottun Mills And Other Enterprises Have Quit Work Because Italians Were Sent In to Supply a Deficiency in Number of Laborers. (S)i'f'.iiil to The Sentinel.) ",',,! KAI.KIOH, July 2lk Several t honey-j sand facrtir' employes, particularly of N j cotton mil operatives, quit work at !:'-vi Hiipt- Mills,' Cumboriaud fount. v. and the factories arc all idle. Thf ,!'.'! cause of the strike is the impm tat hm l i nl' ;i number of fateigneis. mostly nt I Italians. Th factories have- suffered 'tin ihe pit! two years on aecomi' nf a ,1 lii'k ill .iH'lp. The owners thought ' 1 1:: uniy solution was the importation li.f foreign while help, native help be ! ing exhausted. This . hostile liiiive.- in-eiii is rogardt d as a serious blow ;('." to tile industries at this time. A: 'tempts ate being made to adjust ', iinatteis but success is vei doubtful. ;- . (Hpecial to The Senlinel.) IIAUIMIII. .July The socieiary slate issued a charter today for tin lay l'lintiin; Co.. of Hickory, cap! I a! .'."..mill aitthoiized and $J.inm sub lihrd by" .1. W. Ciay. .1. A. Mai ! in id others to do a seiieial piinlii.i; isit'iss. ileal in boohs, stationoiv id oilier lirai'iChes of business. Tin: Cauilina linprovenletU Co.. ol 'haven, . Heaiifni t county . was aiso taitered with Simi.imn capital attlh rizi d, I he subscribers to siock iieiuc . IC Stubhs, W. 1.. Oilftl and ollieis, ii baldness proposed hciiiK mefcan io and teal est ale. . ES . IS fSiMfial to The Si'titinei.) U.M.l'inill. July 2i:;--lCx-aiierifl li.itn T. .limes was exoiii'tatial Ihis al'teinoon in a nianisl tale's eoitit al Kotcsn ille of the eliavse of liein.tr ei iiuinally (o blame for. the killing of Vest .loiies. a young nc.uro ein )!oU'd on the Jones farm near Koresl- iili'. The lieirro w as shot July and died July Ih. from the tiffed s of a wound by the firing of a S'.m in. the hands, of Sheriff Jones. He insisted 'hat the shooliii!; was accidental. Hut a ticum, a relative of the younn negro swore out a warrant against Joins. Al tlie heating today it was proven (hat the liring of the gun was accidental. - MKs fiarlie and Belle Jones eu . : mined last evening at their home i! J .lifter, tills county. About twenty ive oung people wire preseiil. t ' ':! asj Urpri'senlalives of the two do o .:". i oa 1 1 uti'til st'in-s ill Hosenhach r ami " .id. Itt n. and Meyers-Westlirook Contpany i.eioii. j will coin, st for lionors on the base--!iow at i liall diamond-at Falt view I'at h next uhi n. Wednesday al'tiM noon. An admission if -a cents will be charged and tin trococds will go to the Twin-Cily hos had to tiilal. Much iuteiest is being:" mani fested in the approaching; contest. W, W. Ihtrber and T. Ii. rinley. of Wilkes, and .1. V. Hendren or Klkin, veto here todav to lepresi'til credi tors of the Honda Lumber and Manu iactiirit!.', corpoi ation. The heaiii.';. which is to he before Maj. .Alexander, i 'levee in bankruptcy, was' continued until' August la. A I K :. V'- Henry S. Phtchett Convention Mcr-t- at Fayettcville This Aftcrroo Present Congressman Patterson and Messrs. Brown, Cod-1 win And Cook Want the Noinina-j tion. Convention May Last Several Days. ' ,., j I Special I;. Th- Sentinel 1 UM.KUill Ji,i.v "i-rnu'il' I'm hii,";j gMt Prtd most il.ti'l esl ing ca'-IIcs-siotiiil con v elll ions (M i 1. 1 I,', in N'mlllj C, Molina ill hi' a I ( i to (ilil-'f this i afara. o.i lit aj.'ilevill when 1iii sixth .r.vliet I! lni'itii!.- will n,eet ! for Hie nominal ion ol a cat'.didaio to vimvil the pi i sent 'congressman. ! Mi. I'aiu r.-.ui. Tin eouii turn's I as tins; I'at t -i oii a if S i ate Senator I!, own. (, Colnmbli.-; Cnuli. of Cum h rliniil; and llodwin. u tla:i;i'!l, Th" i 1 in i hi urn may lie in S' -.-ion .-eveial day s. The ia-f t i n i I'nUiisou was nnii inari ! at-i-e tint- bundled balhi.:-. Present Term of Forsyth Su perior Court Will Ad journ Tomorrow. Giard Jury Returned Several True Billr Today. Three Negroes on Trial on Charge ot Stealing $51 from Jim Webster. Committee from Grard Jury Visits . Jail, County Home And Convict Camp. Solirlior (itavi's expressed the opinion last eyeiiing.tlial he wouhl be able lo clear his docket, and that cunt I. would adjourn thin afternoon, toila:-, liowevot. the grand , Jury returned a number of true hills and as a tesull -Din f is still doing business and will not complete its work bel'oie tomor row. The grand jury is still in scs don. though it. may complete its wink late this afternoon. A (oininiltee I'nan this body has visited the coun ty lioine, jail and convict camp, and is usual, its report is awaited with anile illteresl. No inipoitani cases haw been liitd it this I 'fin. in fact tin le were none in the docket. Less than half a lozi'ti of thusa convicted have been -etili'iiced lo the loads. I'ractieally U! of those convicted of pistol "lot .ng'' hava been lined, and a majority if these defendants were able in pay up. . Three negroes act' on trial this aT etiaiun. accused oi stealing $"l from I im W.hslir. The dcfiT.ilnnls Hfe lana-s Kiger, John Kisci and Ki ni st Clayton. They a'.I plead "not guilty." The case had not been given to (In jury at I i -'cinch. Court Proceedings. .Ii ih n J.aii'j, hit-cent and receiving nine ii'i-at . hoi gap.? . .lolni Siiniiiii !"-.'. li oil.-' ' hi i a l.i ug and la in. uy, guilty; in- si-nience. ICruesi Clayton, larceny, guilty; no -ellli'lic. Ainiii- Cat lei. Iie-tiss. mil guilty. U . I..- I larpi i . as.-aul; wit h deadly weui'o'i, not guiln . L. Ilaipri, canyiiig eotictalid w i ajuns. $:;n and I he cost - .' Mallheu .Malolie. coloied. railing to d-l poll; jmlgmenl sii.ipeniieil upon any iiieul of costs. '" Saii) 8ad!"t. larceny . gniii ; VI uotitln on tin' roads. Will Howell, assault wiHi deadly iwcaiioii, guilty ; -Ilin e in-'ii' lis on the J roads. j Walti r Mniiigoim ry, canyiiig con cealed wrapoii. giinly ; no sciiiimic,-. Ah x Tihhi-i. iii-c 'i y. -i:il'y; cis.i.t mail lis on tin roads. ili-acc Milclii il. a.-...,i i :! i with deadly wi iiiuii. gniiiy ; tin ei inoi.l lis on i he maiL. ASSOCIATION MEETS; 1 -p, ma' h- Tin Setilim 1. ItM.KHIII. -liiiy A Mh-"i; i.ei ling id Noi iii Caioin a F,r. iii"i - 'rot'-'-tiv e - ociahon in ti,g he.! i liU af'.-i noo:., Col. .1. S Cu.iningh lie til. I' Tbll'ecll in ... ,i ; w , , in w oajier n,' 1. a ' iivi I,'. ( '-noi'i I - Ca'-uii.ki'iani hi; ,, , , ,i . i In- u'.jt ct I" take ,n" ,o , Ait h 1 1 ti r i nee I i a' live r1' - to, ... - I raiiU.iiio-i in ea'i-ri' i oinill -t ' Oman:.', i C .1. Lags lita . of Kih.; -;iii:.g. in a ' aiii. ng speei h : -.' seii ; :i" oi La:,;aiiioir Im ih- l',o't ' i a- I !. in, chi . . . b '-'i d if, ,1 .-, i i of oat oiU'-MiOi'iin iiail io -ver tpia; !.-!. j u Living b m l .i.iii" I and .. , nieii I i lo no avaiiaiii" t la'e (...-- I in me mi I'o-c He bad '" I , ivcl n t. for v. Inn la- I..; I d-'i." ..i I way oi ,iga:::;'.ii!g. ' ,;,, ,. 'It')..;, (ain." M- i " '' ,.;gtV ,,I I,:" II'IIOIO--. ol ihe a---. 1 (iallon and licc-sMly fot n.oi" i ff' - o i .ti ii, iii b it h oix.i aiza' i ei a.- j C--.I.I. wo: k ol 'II" av. : ' r I ;..,... Mai;, aa.i' Ch.iNto," , ' ,,iv :uo of A1 ai.'a'.- popn.a' and a' 1 : i a i'l i v a oani'liiei. b II liiis aio'a 1 or home Wlllo- ;M IO" ' - ' I w ..-a. "' gu -is of Ihe Mi-..es ,.!.... SNEAR NCTREENDH I Under the Will Sarjc'r Wife Receives Practically the Whole Estate, Valued Noa at About Sixty Million Dollars l Hi Publishers" Press I NEW VuliK, July .When the will ol Knv-i-ll Sage is lead Ih is slte-Mio. it will he dii-eloseil that. wi;S t?v I'xrYpllcti (, mi Insignificant lH'iiu.-t to an only sister. .Mrs. Pannic Chauipta. ol O.iei la. N. V.. who illeil two ytats ago, Sage has lift. cv.-iy- 'him; ti. his wiiluw Relative! jiiiibahiy ei nit s on tile ground w hilt Store was in his laeuMics tie nno lor .ill 1. 1' his 'n'Saliv lt hi.- nieiital liti i ' ti slam, tit was i::iii; ic: tun,- a! Mi III'! piis-essioli of; i will be eoiiti'inli il b ilu-in t'a.ii ii' i M'l toil tin.liti! lalliti net liui ia t':e d! -I t Unit ion ol his w 'Ilu- will shows lh.it Ho- Mis ovi't ni l- lalej u am fiai. i an nun L Mr. J. if. Phillips Had No In surance On His Lumber Mill Plant.' Firemen Fought Hard But Were Only Able to Save Adjoining Buildings And Lumber on Outside. Mr. Phil lipc to Rebuild at Once. The lumber and niauul'aclui iug plant owned by Mr. Joseph II. Phillips at. the corner ol Sixilt and Chestnut streets, was destroy "d by lire la.-l .veiling, Mi. Phillips places his ditecl loss at $i),neil, mil Including lie time he will m.cosai lly be out of business. On account, of Ihe high tale he ,hl not curry a dollar of in--nuance nil his plant, . The alarm wits , turned in a lew minutes lifter 7 o'clock, lieing a wooden sductiire Ilie flames spread iiipidly. The tire departments of VVinstiiii and Salem were soon upon he scene. They realized at once Unit hey wi te up against a stubborn pto .lositiou. The lire started ill Hie ii , i til t ad of ilu- building ami iri sup ooM'd to have oiigiuul.d from a hot 'mix, as there was no lire in the phtnl. Mr. Phillips si-curing till of his power irom .1. Iv Shelton's box facility, on Church sheet, just west of the Phillips plan:. The conllagialinn attracted a huge crowd. The firemen had several streams of water plating on the Hanies and a' one time it looked like ;hc fighters had the blaze under rou nd. A s 1 1 IT biejze atosii, however. mil Minn 'la- !ame. hetunie uncoil TUerahl" When th li, amen n alia d that the ' u, nil wa doomed, they set In wotk to save the lumber Just west of the iiiiliiiiig, i, ear the railioad tiack, and; .tin, building mar by. Th.lr work provi il sacci s-!ul. Kiglil liiinieti ieaialii"d upon Hie -:ceue all tiiglit throwing water upon the sllllllhe; lit. llllii IS. Mr. I'liiliips had about tl.uuli wmdi ol dte-s'd lumber in his mill. In addl li.in I hi re wa- a car load ol linn", paints 'and "lis valued at $l.2Uii; iiiachini ry woit. $.suu, besides office fixtiins. etc. His building was w'ottb $;l,liiMi, All ul his hooKs and vaiuable papets wen sivod. One fine Inack horse was sinol In-red mil buna"! to death. The animal was at tiiv stabi" at the southwest .coiner of the m'il. K (Torts were made by the flreiiii'ii tin scne t. hul they weie ari'vein -il ny the dense smoke. As "sin a.- -on!" vvather boarding was d i If on Hit- side of the staid" ti ii .ill i.pped and ilte-l i in n i ;- 111! dial Will Rebuild. I'liiilip.-, w aide emigy it S IMIll ll- is will the i man nl I "build site, call d and the pei ed. He was a -vary mate llielllhei ol lial ! the' fin 'I -i'liiilip Lumbi I Coliipan if-ul years He so il bis mteri.ia . :,:..!' plant about two y -,us ago audi lag'd in biisines. for Inmstll,' He with fpleadid siicci-f.-,. a.- wa-, it. ti bt (he large ttade he had (;' I Thai h" wll; have all Hie i IK-c 'ssa, y In n . staid; h ! . ids plant goi wi'hoiit saying A, n ot his cncigy and IokIi;. -s cap- i v inala'i a valiuibie rii"'ii. Appreciatet Work of Firemen, 'de. I'hllll;s and all of 'In- n i.ei - ,' ihe proper; y at iniiiil liU bin ta d ; e : duty appieciale,; i !,.. fait 'ila; . I heroic vv n: k of 'be hi can n 'I in : niatno ills of bo'li town- tat hiding' (.Jmed hook and ;,vid. t and re. I , "in. nun. d tun and r i .-: r I fal'ii il.ii efficiflii. iotvU'i-. Cl.iel lay-' I- p ond of his flic fig'''er an-, I In ! - d Tin Keiililii I to -a( j 1 ' t ,1 llieelil of II in lo; of ' King Pi iming Compai ,' J I Casper rui.tn'i! im of directoi-t; iiwjtm io ton a', (loin an io hi- i in hen : I v In n,.a,: of M.-s.'Ie!;CI t'r in .he Mr Lew I'ai ( i lesid. nl aiii gei. ndi lit Df the prltililig. ihe plant -is- be.iig acd and a high c'a nig .turned on'. t w a , ei-etcil era! siipetm i "I he t apiic.iy. j iiiii-'aittlv In ; s of work isj Cleveland. 0., Mayoi D.ti ey.ndrd In jcnction Issued by Judye Venter day And Wai Called Before Him Tod.i). Decision Ic Reserved Until f Tomorrow. (lU I'nl.iiH'i:.' I'l I t'l.KVKl..M. I,il 'if,.. Wall lu. r.Ml.il smile. Mayoi Tom .lohusoii an pfait'il tu Jiiiisi- l'ltri'.'f 'Voni t ttiu IliotltiiiK to iniswir tlio fhaiue of run ltliiit for lefasii.j; to oh ay Hie oijnae tion i-stiril vi:i-n;.n 1( lesliaiu h til: wiliifioin iliii'etinq Ho- hiiuh.'. of tin I hal .; si 1 1 1 1 rallwliv Irarl.s iiifiti eiil. r- int coait M.iym J ilin.-. II s.liil ill " a "ill ptiiuilins ; .!anati,,:i thai .I.ino II tin- .;! emu s hut lli.r. follow , ; j; j,j ii-Miiiu m i. mil.' ill (hi- i.it!n Uilown in ItiHI. a j i mi an v lo m im- its ttae', nil I'liiioa naeie. 1'Iui'in thiioail ami i-ir. -tt t th. hoar! al imh'n s. Sam s illsiaisal. ; mm vlee lo ir.oti- t.n Hai l.s liuh -s ilu . eolii' inv eolnplifil llhin iTIio onli'i was iil e;l lh.lt y i!as o: In tie roiitpati; . .I'm:;" Foal r.'si'tu il his ilia i th fimtetiipt r-ii' mi' il I'l i.l.iy GHURCH IN RALEIGH (Spirial Ik The Seellm I ) KAI.I-IKIH. July Hi.- W'altei Cluvi a login, was shot and Itn-tiiitllv hilled in KaM Kahlgh late fast itiuht diultig a bi ingio nu-eliim at a ' llol.iu-ss' ehuteli. Lynn Kowiei. ;t wblii until hail been at I i -t -d . this uioi niiiji, charged with Ille killing The pnliei ate miming lor ivo oil.ei vv title nien who lite allt getl to Have ti. en with Kowiei at tin t inte. ' Sid Williams, W A. llnlllns ami Kvi'i'i'tl Spenee, ihiee white men were nrii'sitd mid lodged in jail lien this moiijlng, charged with killing Walter Cliavls. colored, bite Inst nlgiil at the llofimss Iiteellng house In Must Italeigli. Lynn l-'ovs er. until Inn vv lillt man arrested jsntin aftt -r the hunting and the other Hire.. Jailed this morn ing made up a party of drunken men ill I v 1 tig a farm wagon In Hi,. meeiltiH house, when tlw shooting oeciure-.l The men all decline Oils morning that the shooting was bv Kvetitt Speitce, seventeen veins oitl. and that a row anise ou r tin. ullenipt on Ih pari of a iicgio to lake a pint bottle of whiskey front the poikil of Sid Wll Hums. The pi d Imiinm In aring Is now In progl t ss. A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY. Dl. W. (I- Craiiloril iiiioie a piufes sinual trip lo Atlanta Ibis atlenionii Mrs. I. Koseiistock and chUdien. of Danville, lire tin- gin-sis of .Mis. Car rie Itoseiibachei-, sister n" Mis. Itoj-en stuck.- Mrs. J. W. Pike, of fll -elishiilo, visiting her pnicnis, Mi. anil Mis. J A. I. Jliik,. The inayy f : it-mi id Mi. Cnanl Ffsli'H. uf llii., -;tv. will n gret in h mi that he was iuitj. nek Monday l r Kst"s has be.oi veiling the (anilly ol Mr. J. II. Piiitlie; piedmont f,,: seveial w e. I . Mi. and Mis It C Hopkins mid daughter" went to Cha rlnl I e 'hi- al t'lniioii to visit telative; and t" i i 1 1 t . Mrs. John Ward and Miss Mi-iii. ( 'oi naizi-i, of Lexington, aie tbe gu .--is of Ml s. A. (V tirceii, I Claude Cut hl el! js ti M s-.ii I- ill his home nit Woodland avenue.' i. i Miss Annie ('liiigman leluriieil to day from a four weeks' vlM' lo tl lives in Davie eiiiinly. Mis. .I. L. sinppnd ami ibnigliier of Chai'l.mtnn. K. C. lin- visttiiji; Mrs , Krank Mat 'in on S utthsliie. Edward - Mayor O.OOOiNEGHD KILLED AT 41 ll-l. IIPI I I I ' I . - W War Introduced by American Amb4 sadoi, Latfi King Edward Reeeiv rd the Membitrt ot pVterparliamen U- Peace Conterente Which Ha Been In Seamon In London. I Itt l'iit,t:-heis' Plest ) I tlN'lIt i. July 'JH tH'lt nates In ht lull I pal iiitilit lit tiy pi net runlet -lice wile in'titfil by King ltlw.inl .Ills m uiiiiig. Preyltnu to Hue tw -p- ion lin klie, rettivnl Mr, Hivhii In a -peeiai piival. auditace. Mr, lliynil Has fit t id.it ed by Amh.isf.idni Ht Id 1'he v i- it was ii.inl a' tbe king -pet-ia! ieiuest and was mute Into',' i al. Ins inajisiy icei ivatg the dl.Hie - ii i j- !i. ! ii..! lean wita the entillaiity .vhltli he ii ii i vlmws to visltois in V liioll t,i -: in! el esf i d. file lecepllol' to 'h liei.egales look he fin in "t a levt e 'I lie king sn. n in Iru.t ol the t li i on.- and shook "a.'.l . with Hi" tl. lt gati s us ibey ,a sed Coiigre-s Paitlioldt. of M sieini, l'.ioloti. nf Ohio, and limit, il M.is-a,hii-fti... Atiu-riean dele iilti'S, Weie all .H'-:tllt. Ml Illy .in ircoiu'rai;it .1 PI-, ihn i country no n m I i 1 1 1 I ? ul Hit i ri pi ion. 1,1 PEOPLE AT THE L Spi'i--ii le The Sentinel I MOCKSVII.I.K. July Th"! h i eiitei in li annual TbnllniM illfl (If piiattiige pii-tde i- being held licit, to day, 'file i", irj'ii weir (.pencil Willi .1 song., ".Ml hail ihe power of Ji'hilH Nitiiie." alii r lilch iiayer wan of l.eied bv H. v. S I'" Conni'l. Mr. M. L. Kt tlei. siin i iiili tiileut of Hie or phan.igo. made an atldriiss legiildlilg the gii.ti woik iliitl Is being accoiu plishei! b this ('laillable Instiititltui. On ni'coiiut or the Inability id i"v. (lieiin lo h pi- sent. Mr. A, II Kllor. of Wilis ,t.ti Salem, filled his engage nieiil. Mi Mlh i bejiHii by buying "I am not In re today to III! tbe engliKiV lllelil oi t)ti bi loVtil itifU'iliol I C.MII I'Oi do Ii. and Hieie are Jiut few III i u i Sale who i tun Hut 1 tiling )ou his uu.nsage, bo wiole toe, saving U;ll the good peop! of Havli- county in heui t h wlili. tin m." All. i;ll"r spoke forty tlm niimiles. his lime In ing limited, having tu leave on the noon Irain, He slMike oil 1 1 1 1 1 v - i, 1 1 eilana Ion the dillv of lb people to coin rliiule to the dial Itablo In-1 tn,iloiih7 Htid loiicheif on niati) othei siihjacts, which bis llliin would not pet mil him lo fully iIIhciiss. Ills speech was excellent and well celved. About 15011 peoplu llslelied lo him alteiitlvidy-, Pn -ddeni . H ChaHiam, nf lb" I'lia'haui l. unit id nritig I'1'. t-t i Th" Si atitii I thai Ihe plans are belnq dtawn t u the blg woolen mill 'o tin 'iuiO In ihe noi - bwi'hl .-I M secllnu of Hie Cih ' I bepe In have Hie plans completed and in Hie hands of contractors for bids In Iiii davs n two weeks," Mild Mr Clniiliaiii, win, also staled that, vwuk on the new plant is to begin as eailv as pni-ii)ic and will be pushed rapid';). Cup!. H It (.'l awful d, of Hil city, and A Lewis, of I'.ei nersvllle, will go io Advance on the 5:oO train Ibis nf tetiaioii to attend Ihe ilitttiicl, eolilci elicc, - F. Dunne. 0 ' Chicago. of th- Carnegie Foundation : "