HMN-fiTY D Y SENTIN H ' ' ' . . ,INSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 27, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS IS DEPOSEDlGDDWIN 15 NAMED STATEMENT NUDEROOT NOW AT RIO. . . m r m n " I U U U I Ul I w 1 1 i l l) SiOK.vV IX V 1 , A pjris "3 Tin' ,M. K i-t mil lle.l s H K.ia ,,ai-s at HEIR v v. hich :i a ft n ! .Messrs. alio;.-, acci- 11.. :; 11 run ;-t a re 'I'i. til ers and uliiii. al a 1! 11 ilie mi- iiiorn The stoie ;lii cv. nl . i....d die an iiittinn It i 111! I-St K.' Cllstolll !:o :;- T:,e oii! " l'liiliiihies ,! -ti . :al "oi an ;. ' lialsriii!; be I'r'lll:-. a ' I ' 1 1-K.1 'In iwHnd. 1-1 ; 1 n ! Lion i n- S2EI 111 ni -1 Til- itl- "! ' toiiaj ""'r ii. Hie -ei.:i,U ,Mt ..! !,.. iiep- 1 . rihar ' 'alls alien. t" .u which ; 'hee, b,. IT 1ESPEGTIDN s, ..,Hi,j .'' scope I IT S WHS SLAPPED IP L UL ' Will Nut t .1 1 At The vv England Fairs. Is Because Dates Are Not Suit ableHowever, There Will Be Complete Exhibit .it Boston Mech i anico' Fair in October Governor Glenn to Deliver Opening Address. I (Special tn Till1 Sentinel. I KAI.IOIUH. July 27. -North ('am line will not send an exhibit of ie - ! :(( s on the chciiit of Nrw Hhg'.niid fairs t'.lis fall as urged by linvnicir OIi mi and conh iiiplnicd by die slate ' iHiiiril of agriculture, after all. 1 1 -ud ;i has born decided to prepare an ex hibit ill Mechanies Building, Boston, tiliti'.ns October. Mr. T. K. Bruno,, : :.ciitaiy of the state board of agri ouliuie. wlio I'oeently returned thorn a nip Ihi oush New Fiiglaud. invest;. , aiinn the possihiliiies. says that ho ' ! mid dial so many of the fairs in the ; "v Kuglnnd stales would lie held j litis ilifc September diat it. would be im ! nssihle lo cover the points ( able , of their oceiu i ing the same dales. The Boston Mechanic Fair at which (he exhibit will be made is to be bold ; under die allspices of the Huston Re ,tail (Iroceis Association who have made ai i angouienls for ndvi rlisirig on ja vuy uroat scale throughout New j England. Hoveninr (Menu is lo d" ; liver dm opening address for die fair ! which will be In progress all dining ! October. . DEATH IF MR. .1 ; ill 11 Striipe, aned 22 years, a : fotmer Salem boy, but. who had for ilie past several years been a resident ' if Wiluiingloii, died at. the home of ;his sistoi, Mrs. .1. V. Harper, on Front i-in'it, in Wilniinaton. jestcrday moru rx. ( The deceased had been in declining I health for some time hut the end ciime 1 at her suddenly. Tile deceased was a quiet, iiiiassuni lin.u .voting man and was held in high icst.'om hv his nianv friends, bodi here and at. WilmiiiKion. The lenmiim of Mr. Struiie arrived iicic this morning and were taken to :ili homo of the parents. Mr. and Mrs. IE. A. Stiupe. uii l.aur.M avenue. West Salem, where the funeral was, held tlils afternoon at iid'.u o'clock, cor dacted by Rev. ,1. II. Clowell. assisted jb Rev. Mr. Slelli)ie. .The iuti itneiil ! viis ni Hie Salem praveyanl. ! The pall bearers wore Knit st iCiaieneo Clowell, Rob.'it. Kern, Ihiiwer, Chailio llylioii . and ;Sc!ioi;. lTohl. Fred .Ipliu T OF ! (By I'ublishei's' l'ress.) : WASIIINOTON.' .Inly 27. Alter ail I'iu si jiars Aiticriciin women 1.10 now ;!o leaiu dial what they have supposed i'o be, eluimoix skin with which they ; s'lion! h ,nii wrinkles on the face is in liealiij innomande coniiuon sheep's j -Kiii, Aeeoidini; to r port print oil ib'. die depart liiont of coniniei v and ialmi lo(a not enouuh chamois skins ai-'o. iilitaini d I hi oiiliout the world to I supply the I'niled States' fin more I'han it single day. The substitute re liened to by the depatinieut as "oil j tanned siieep or lamb-skin linitiK" is I lighter and (liter Hum chamois skin, for streiiKtli and durability chamois is picfeiabie. According to die report a recent, inquiry in Switzerland I shows that the annual crop of chamois iskiii averages between G.uuu and O.tiim. UNITED STATES TIPS m TO THE FRONTIER (Bv Publishers" Press.) 'j PORT WORTH. Texas, July -(,.- Twenty-one ears loaded with federal ! I mops passed through here, en toiite to Mexico border posts. Il is believed ;'iie govi i nnioui Is strengthening the posts j,, anticipation of lirn ait ui i ur-iisiiig in sisto. ttpiililic. ArJGTRAGTIQN CONCERNS (By F iiblisheiV Press T.KVKI.ANH. July 27 hdins-in has fixed Oclober 1 -M as ;r, oi the t'eu: in' a way 'late on which i he Municipal Company will opcuite the ii kern car over the Fulton i 'Tiai st C oad I he mayor made this predii S-'eiieial discuss!:) of slrtet uiii'ieis. , t ion rai' n .1 r. The Death of Mrs. Jessie, Jenkins ,,-r. Jessie .lenkins. aged I'' y ' al 'dioil yesterday moiiiing a: lu r b "ti Shallow for. 1 slretl. Salem. !"'r;meni was in the Saiein eim -itals Ihis aftenioon ai 2. o'clock, the hi'lr'eral being conducted by Mi. C "" i: e'iist. assisted liv I):. II. A. Ilr.iwi a rs. OHIO Tli ety tun . I". r j U. E. Carmichae! loft yestoiday I'm' Advance to attend the Methodist, His pt'ici ootiferetice. federal Judflo Landis Hands : Down Decision in The, I Famous Case. Remove; Vy.e. Voliv.i Ard Otheis f'om Piatr:. ot A'thonty In Zion City. -Ercl of Litiga tion . Ex'.crdng nvc Several Month;. : n. t:i mi . P .... ' Cillf.Vic. .la! 27 K, ;, j 'in : ' -"ia ,;, ; ..... d .lo'ui ;,A,ui ;,.. Dow i . b', ,;.ti. Wi-lm, Cf. i , V-.' iva ai:d .Vexaid ; li;...:ao, In, in e, , I, i;i st ie;i ! idlii ( i,'. nisisii.ui t;;,:b. lie hu:eh iiad'i.r.;. i. d tie. ..i.v.imi ,s a new gem i ai o. :. i e, to admini..:,-, i the sp.i ituai el V.'.uw Ci;y. TOWNE WANTS TO BE 'S 1 I l.liiidli l s' 1'ios .,1 i V.'ASi'ilNIITON. .!,iiv -J;. - II !r:m slloald be ihcllil in silletlt, Ilie iee- piesiden! will fr the (ii si t inn- in tie his!o; of ti,,. eoiiuiry sit at llif Ci'i , tint lal ie ;;i;i li.ciinie mi aeiiic pai -; licip.iiii in the adniinisl lad n in a 1 jdiiinn to perlorniini.' his dudes as pie Mditi.n dilicer oi Ilie Senate. This il e l.iiaiina was made tlijj 1 1 1 1 1 : i t x l; by R pi 1 senia' iw (.'hade... Tow lie. of j Xi w Yelk, who is pioiuinendy im n jiioned as Hi jan's possible niiiiiinu I mate in the 11 1 x I cntnpaiKii.. Tnwuo jfiankly adlllilled the position of vice 1 1 i 1 s a I e 1 1 1 wauld be veiv atlractive 10 kiln, espiaialiy in view of what he 'knew to be Brian's diinries about the j iniriii taiice ol the otlice. Il,: said thai 1 while he would, not campa',-;ti for die : niiniiua'i in lie was oat holy wiiiitm to en the dike! wit'i I ! 1 a : 1 . lb would 'not 1 an with' any 0:10 else than Biy . an. He felt lie would be In a position ' to help Mi. Brian in ctiinpai.nninj,. July Term Comes To An End Alter Four Days Session. Judge Ward And Solicitor Graves Have Returned Home, Seven Go to County Roads As a Result of This Term of Court. Tile ,iily Kim of Forsyth supeiior coiiil adjourned Ihis alt ernooii. S dic itor (Jiav'te ami .lude Waul b it on the afternoon train for home. This linn iiitis; a negro. Henry Hill, was tried a'ld coiiviclcd of altcuipt 10 assault a iiegio girl, Mar Wise, wh.o is under II veaisof age. The m nio was seiitoiicid to seven years on the toiid.' " Several niiror 'case,, were disposed V. a re.iei nt ihj., linn of court j ..-veil lie;;., nn-11 leu,- In on . ollM need 10 die 1, ad-.. Tlioii u-iincs and ti mis ' arc as follows: , Will Haiiiuioad. :l m iaths: Hoary ' Hill. 7 veal.-: Sain Sad!".. !'.' months; ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 is. c month.; Alex j Tin in i , x moi.dis; Ki m -' '.it'i. I" hiion'h:-: .l.-ilm SI iu. 1 I In addi'hni to tin j, Boli Cobici , a 1 ! w bile man. coin ji ted a' .May let 111 of 1 rceiiy and sen; I ti : will In lakui on' iniiuu row Cibler Igavo notice i,'f appeal at die lime ol ihis eonviclioii but lie has. widnliawn ! the appeal. Hospital Benefit. i A basidiail game, w iiii h w ill -be id' i , unusual inieie-l, is the one I,, he j play id at Fair. I' w I'aik -t 'W'l' liosdav bv learns euinpo-.d et the Isalesuoe, 'from llu- I,;- oi I! - enliaclicr A: Bio.' mid Meiers Wr-t Inool. Co. Bolii leaiu.- ale working hutil fin the con'' s: icnl lion'!; if'o:- est is III iliil in. l', if ''(! Til- ! t ie ieeip:- ilie a..:i!o w:!' !M don;.t.- lo i die T ia-Citi lu.sp:' ii. Tie admS j sn l'i o w ill In- ceuis nail no ilo.ibt la ei j Lif liiiv, d will wilii.-.-.s lite , niime. M ii COURT HIS CLOSED m m mm1---- New Ro-d.ger Build, ny. Wncre Handsome Quarter, of- li3ltf Lodge Will Be L cated. Nominated l or Congress In ; The Corporation Commission'-S. Secretary of State Ar Thc Sixth District After j dives Result of Inquiry rives At Tho Brazilian 3J I Ballots. j into ilamlcl Wreck. Capital. Democratic C J"jrc; Convent. 01 it Fayettrville Nominates Hainett Count) Man to Succeed Congress man Patterson. State Senator Blown Lfri Until Toward the End Of the Ba'lctirr. , . ' (Sp,-c:ai Tim .Seel acl.) KAI.KICM. I. I- 'JT. - Tlu -Mil cui w . is;;ioi:;(! ( -nU at iuji ;i! Ka o' 1 1 illc, alter iH-im; ,r son -Ion till nitti't and 1 ibilis; cm I'.heo liuiuin .1 ballots. Is in m ssi.m . i'niii today. .-imiuuUii ,l. ;:iA- l!ion lea Is tin liHllniiim. l!i tVnaios.-man I'ati. i -ou a 1 !(, -ocin I'o.iK. nf . lias wi' diaun so lie ;r arc but three ran ni - !a to- in nv hi ; kdhii e. I'oi . ! lie t'.iinrin ilie Oo.Iw in. ill I lani.-tt. I. an : . K. I. (lo'ln :. o llarnr'.t ('Kit.-, was iiiiiu.liate.l U eullKl'oss it 1 1 '''.is jiMiruiiij; t. lie sixth dis Uui 1 1' iii.ici at ic roavoui ion at Fax- ettoi i i,n die :;."iiih ballot. USH Nil ESTIMATE VOTED ON 'Civ i'lil.lhlleiV l'ress ) l.dXDOX. .Inly 2?, The house el coiiiniiius today took up the oonsideia don et naval e-.linia;-.s to vote 011 tli" pioposilion of die govi rnnu ill lo reduce the original program Ijv Uiy ing eown only throe battleship.-, of Orea'il naught (dass Instead of four, two cceati going lorpfdo boa! destroyers invi.r.d ol the; eight stibmaiine lioals instead of twelve. - Tho proposed 10 ductioiis liave been the cause of a great dial of discussion in naval cir cles. Many especially hittotly op posed the tediictien,-arguing that die faioiii! 10 stand by the original pro mam would weaken the hitherto In viilni ruble efficiency of die navy, The board of adiuiialu expel ts all three lined lo resign if the reduction was made. The question has agiiaied the cabinet. A bitter minority opposed tile lediicliiui Mini there was talk of a . split ill die cabinet over llm ipu s lion. A majority however, hold out for (h. reduction. 1 ilv i iililisliers' Press. I ST. I'ln'KRSHI'RC July 27 Developinent today indicate that die tide of terrorism has set in strongly. Fight 11. eii were found dead today In workmen's quarters. Thry bad been stabbed or beaten lo death. Investi gation d. veil, pod dial the moil Weie spies ill the employ of the govern ment; thai they had boon 'spoiled by revolutionists and speedily lemoveil. Reports me out nun ibis attoinooti thill ii-.-assiu.itions in Poland and elm where are growing lo slaitlliiK liglill k. till Plibli: liet'n' I'l'.'S-.) SI'IIISCI'IIM.I!. Mo. July 27 More than a sonic of peisoiis were injuied. some in a wrickdn tae St l.oilis aid San l'i anc:.-co jiasseugor ttain inai beie early this iiiorning. The wncl was caused by defective 'Vill i- Tiroe coacht s pa.s.-eil ova r afi h hiC ll.e fo irlh left the ti.iek and tui i 'd e'i i. This coach couiiiined all. ml s, He; all .suffered iiijniii s. Acjed Alabamian Must Hang. lli(,!l.(,M .M. Ala.. July Jii.-Hnv einoi .1,11.- nniidit ileeiiicil that In Alli'iml il,ieif,e ill the (XeciHinn of!,':iWl the death si, (em f John' Williams. rin iiLod white man. at Cullman, Ala . (Oin.linw WiVbuiis was Cnuvieled j for- ' ! iiiiinler of State Soi.alnr It I., i II. he -ah., ii two vtnis i.grt. while Hipp! w...- 'lying to serve an ouster doom j n .;e on tile old man, which would' oil him lioinoloss. 1! Wr- Sayr Wreck Ws C lusrd by Failure ot Agents of Ra, Company to Obey Ruler But That It Would Serve No Purpose for Commission to Find Which Agent or Agentt Violated Rules Recommend Ue oi Block System. ( In T i:ai. i:u:ii. .utii C.l.elilia t'( I poi.llli ; '.tod a statenii in t e Sentinel ) T'.o Noitli I t'ollHlllSSioll l 11I.H to t lie off I I that 1 heir in vest icitt urn of I Ho causes (o the wiiiUx on tho Seaboard An Line !ncat Rockiugh-ini .lane 22 dcvelopul d'o tiict the colli-ton was ciiuseil ; l,j failm c of. agents of tin' lailioad iconipany to observe and obex tin rill s and regulations ot the coinpith ! solve, ning the nnnemoiil ol ti.iins. I The report states that it would serve ;Uo purposo Im the commissi, ni 1,1 Hint iwlncli agent or agent .lie guild of negligence jn thj.s mallei as such Hiu ling would tun In- binding o cot, leiusive en arv one and Hugh! be pie Ijndicial til oilier itiv esl .oils. Tin lieport states that t be .commission Is 1 sadslle 1 dial the collision would no.' 1 have ocrun d had the block .svstem !ei 11 111 opeiadoii on die pel ! lull of the road wlnie 1: occainil. The npeiator at llm kinghnni and the opeiiitor at Hamlet, only six miles apart, allowed tiaiiis lo ioavo llnse places at ptaetintUv the sinm. time mectiiig each (,:iHT bevond Their con Hoi. This could not. have happened under the block system. In conclusion the commission sou it has 11. power to order tho block system and signal, lo be Used be tween I lamb t and Monroe but the) do most ouriiesth recommend . dial die Seiiboaiil Install the. system as soon a. practicable. (Special lo Tho Sentinel.) KAI.KIOII. July 27.-(',ov. Olonn expiessos 1 in, 1 g ti .1 1 ion at the publleu lion made in die New Y01U American and reptilited in some slaij,' uupciH about what. Is declined lo have been an a 1 tempt on the part of certain Tammany loadcis on the occasion of the govei tioi 's visit to Now York some months ago to force the governor of North Carolina to sign 11 pardon for llawley, one or the "gold brick" con viels. Ho sH.vk the whole publication is a tissue ol lies and that be told 11 ptesi ntiltives of ceitiiln paper by whom II lias been lepilntod that, this was the case. II would si 0111 Hull the pill pose or the publication oil the part of die New York paper was lo discredit Tammany , whose guest inventor (ileiin was while In New Yolk on that occasion. The article wu sent out. from Atlantic City while the governor was there sutur days ago and bo told a 11 piesonraiivo of the New Yolk papoi who sent it that theie was 110 tiudi in die 111 lieli , j following is the.ptogiaio o the i Im ml I'liiii'iil iii Po niveii iiiuiglil-. March "Salute to Burlington." Sboi man Marib The I 1 1 1 Id ginieut Pan ellu. ( Ivoi I in i "l ignoui Ite," .- I In ii ma n. Willi'. Sane Aflei Tiny Haldol die H.iy " C.iliill. Match -"The linliatis Along liiniol , tta " - Reckei Vaitz- "Nil.ellii." It. nnelt.. Part II. March "I'm ' I la' ton." Sejiz Two Su p- 'Way Ihiu'l You T,y" MedliM Overt me- -"All llii.-,"- Am lo t Ai Mahl. Sehoi t isclie I n earn id lieaint.' Ripio.. W.iiiz 'I'oiisi I'. ni " Tin, inns T-v.o Step "Stiver Heel.-.," Moie By H -quest die progiaiu will be Ii j ioi s'it 1 sod wiiji wiine fa miliar ciiki wail, ' THE SHOE WILL II!' I'ieii NFY V t Jl! K .1 ! Bus ; S.ii wn ' I ' .- i :7 The will of to was tli.-d at I la Ibis Tim gn at put iim U pi ac boil -leaded U the widow. ! II I'll ll.OOl i'ical.v a Nephews and lilei e., an givin ti!..,"' I'lii li and in ii -is.'ei. Mis. I'bapiu. now ,1, .(-,,,, ., , i , ft $ ii.iii,i. Olio section ef the W.ii plolii'.e that any bene tl'ciar;. nnntsi.iiiK the will foifelt his ie l.i-r inieie-t. Banr Cigarettes in Ceoryij ATI. WTA. i;,i . Jul) 21, I in lower bouse of the Hooliiia luce today ,hh.m d a bill appiopi i'.i'ii'K $ . for a Stitle OXbilllt X, the Jail i --tow n Fxptis'tlon I re iem-e .ii,-o puM.-i-il a bill whit ii pi-.bill,1, dm sale liiaiiiifnc'iiie in giving' uwat nf !nf cigarottes or olgaro' !- ,;ie,, ,,ih lWl, LOW gO t' till- set'.H't- !! ,!(';. ll, Kitgmm Vogl. r is Hook I ii A tea day off tn l!.., io'.i I oi. Got There This Morning on Cruner Charleston And Received an Ov tion A He Went Through th Streets o( Brazil' Capital. ilh I'utilfsboi..' I'loss.i i RIO .lAM'.IRO, .Inly 27. Seerolaiy It, Ml aiiiv I toilav and roioived a pb asing ovation. Fi,!l one bioiilied 'bou.san l ioopie 0 In 01 ei ban u bo made tns wai along t ho slieeU to ca.-eie I to Ab antes, whole bo will l i linked while In Hie city. The cllllser Clou losi 11 iHiiiing I ho wrtiiiv fu llered die harbor Ibis morning A salute ot nineteen guns was cx changtil with the harbor liattetiiM. I'lirciiKFFPsii-:, x v . .iut 21; Flank J, ('oiislaiilllio Is locked up III the lliitehiss county Jail In this city on 11 chat to of niurdoi The pibioiu r was po-llively I1I1 milled Ihi Jlf I i -noon by u young woman fioni t'lileagu f'HK'AdO, July 2d. Frank .1 Con sliinline, die alleged inurdeur of Mis. Louis A- (ietitiy at hot homo. r,x2 I .a Salle avoioie, Juuuaiy tl. liisl. Is under urrel hi I'oiighkecpslo. N. Y. Couslantino Is said to havu boon ivev ognlzed by u wotimti who once llvnl In the upntlmont bulblliiK In which the murder was committed. She ieiiled to the pniico . aiitiioildc at Pough keoisle that llm niiiii was Conhtantiiio and lie was at iSnce iinesled. SheillT Hoffman, of DiiIcIiokh roiin iy. N. Y... leligiapheil to I he local police Ilia! lie was holding Counlaii lino, toiling that thti prisonot dlil pot deny his name, but elalniud Hint h was ii brother of l''lauk .1. Couslati lino. Li ners, caul and papers found in possession nt die man till bore the name of Constantino. Tim murder or Mr, (icutry wan nun of a series of hiatal crime amillisl women which was comniilteil In IbU city caily hi the yolti, which inoilsol public Indignation to white heal. No motive for the crime tin ever Imh'U discount d. Constantino and Ml, (ioiiii) were alone In Ibe apnrtiiH'iit :al the lime. She died without behia able to inter a wont and no Iihco of Coustanlllle was dlscoveied afli'l he had loft (be htilfdlliK except from a stoi ekcopt-r of whom lie bought it hut thllty minutes ittlei the inurdei (.'onsiaiillne was u boardei In Hie 'entry iiput I tin tits, Jiiul a raxor niaik ei '("" was found on Ilie Hour just outside the dotuway. It has alwa.v boeii the theory of (he poll:( Hint he ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 oi oln d llu, woman from behind and cut her lliroal before she was awaio of Inn intention. He was kocii by a iiiimbor of people In run fioin Hie building but with the exception nflho luoprb ior i;f die hut store, nobody Is known tn liave h"eu him slnco bo lofr die building, - A, (i Ceiitn, the hnsbattd id Mrrf. (ii nliy, who ., a irosn rou busliieiM mill. orTend huge inwards for Ilie Hi i I ol Constantino, unit numerous llieil Weie fllle-fled I ii . v lions pari of tin niiiii i i . lint u I'lioni wom later leliasi-d TET GIVEN UP llli PnldlsboiV piess ) WASIIIMi'KiN,, .Inly 27 - A In It f . aig'iiiieiii in sii,init of die appllea am fur a I eheai hit; In die ae nf b seib R Biirliiir late soiiatoi from Kails;!, mull 1 piisnn fcehlcnco for Hi leged abuse nf senatorial n orogatlves. has hoi ii IIP d In the olllce of ilm jfleiK of it,,. Supi'-uie Cnmt of dm il nltiil Sin!,, hi Billon's ailoiiioj. The itigiinii ul I-. directed hi f ln ni.ilii ! Ui two points, that the court cried In iti'iiiliiv. (i constitutional imriloii f I 7 1 L' iinib i w bit h Bin Ion " etin- li till, and Unit. deeiiliiii wti im ipiopMi) tiiid, on (lunge of rocohiiiK !.nnl Hgietdlig in lecelvt- coiiipoiiaa 1 1 loll lor Kot vloen tendi led to Rlnlto ; Coiii,,hii in eomioetlon willi fiaml ;Oid'i pending in llm postofllce depart 'lion,. 'liie N, fid Wi-Vn; Rallioail hrt tioilfi.t tin- e:inl,,ler nf Lie IllM'k , o land at the lower ind of iu yard ;)mio. sins giving the i-otiipaiiy Hie joiilo,. hint j: ,.. ().,! !!.;. w Ciet-k iitel Kn.rnil,. meets. ' ihj ;i Kivl. ;til, Nllfnlli ,.1,, Wfsl'-ru coi!sidinibly .more naik spaci and w.'i evintua:!' ; -1 tit i i 1 i if in make bellei connettioii ; i'h die Kmidieii, The now sard ' i ! be e- d la iiial.i;,K iii tialtis. The pillCl.H-e nf" the plopelty in Volvos .'Iii- exp. ml, I , e nf rt.siilt l.'ll, "im AH adollloiisil aiiioiliil of mode) will if inumo he expended In outer 1,1 gel the ;l-w I, nd down tn III. b-vci e 'he nld ;H ''h; wnils !! not he st.trl.ei ,,r some tinu, y el HlOVte I'ldll, Willi ieH ilellVeltd 'fie Sell', ml ,t' (', litel V ilie. and MollHl : slue f,,; -itt-ta; l.i l,.l . ,ll ei pte,l ; ii pi .it. on n.'.'i he Mi y ! Wed bnmk iCn

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