rWIN-CiTY DAILY SENTII MEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 31, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS Bl! X H'L JLi IS COHTESTIMEET IT CAPITAL mumem. OVERSEER KILLED. :AR. 1 Russian Soldiers Irs at HlMng- FinUnd. ..u. to Cope S .ttar.k Them. I Mutineers Constant- Ad More oc. Lred. IT AKi',, -lab. mn:;v U hi u the ,,., dilation h".i" " p -,n' lleisiiigfors cf Lie garrison (lH m.wiu the , I he Uprising ,',;. L. ,, Ml f I.- one. , .'i.? i,.:M,'-- unit- jtinei-rs :i i'i " il,f in,, factii ub. I he 11 i. .i In ,rt,s Tlic warships V w-'i wi,: ,hl' sa;!ni not ,.:S will now control Lri,. nriva'i's of the f " . i., ;.....,! u tool MM' I111" """" '.' " h .i Mil- !S "I ' E . .i, ...... ii.r.t..: to i;,ll i:' 1'"" i,, I , ,,! v the order .o pi.,-m, i .iiiiv si. ' finest nature con- is aiwra. ia! iidan'ry- Up In n :i m t r ovt-r I"."1'. participating in the ,. ImiiilviniiiiK tlic for- o cannon ("in he . Tin' inhabitants of nninidiiip country are tan jiiimnK sappers wnapon ill pot. auoui 1 1 lit. Kiirly tl'is mor ii iwnnriici. of trouble rs tiia'le prisoners (if J I'.i'c'i'l their lead1 (lain- (if ilcpiised olfi irrs iinw hold half of the naval arsenal,,. 'iiriii'dti boat destroyer inliiii! llie barracks of On" officer has been .c nur,i!ed hy the Bins have been sent n bring away those the fighting. Ill l.!a. the new licit '--1 MisMfk building at the 1 am! Chestnut .streets. 1 t'ltii'irtijw under the ' Mr. J. M. Gnddiird, a I'a'ile lintel man. This -la'e hiiMelrv will be l!lli the American and Jf'imr-thiiit! over sixty J liinil-lieil sleeping Wiiistniiit,," nice pai :" rooiiis and dining ''.'' Itisl and second .liilil' i v in it .i ii H v. . I'iri' am! Miner things. K iiliniies connected 'i.'lih room etertrir. F !i?i"'s and steam ' '!'' I liioper mi '" conducted oil ! '"' open dav r-th. aT(- lunches will ;ilit'. I'riviile ,llt., , .1.1111,, r 11 "l l.nneh will lio P' K"il't away on the fXn t i.-nr . 1 chef. jNHElR TO $85,000,000. .Francisco 'Din I ..,!- f to Him, Two Other' id i tj,... t :;''--i;i''-s A Cor "i tin. f,.f,. ,,r rr ''ompanv' j this fc'""r.h n"T.M in the ' - ''l lit-I i , ." 1.-1 t . ,'' ,('"rl"" has em- ,l"'.'k ;,f:"r his In- v his e?1,l an Fran- '-d a letter He court NORFOLK. July ".. The 1'uUmI States GovenimiMit appropriutions fur tmiltlinps and partiripatiou at t!ie .lainestowii liipcsition provide for: HuiUlings for Alaska, Hawaii, Poi- jti Rifo and the Philippines. K'oo.iiimi. BuililitiKS for l niieu Mates Cov rnmcnt exhibits, incliidini; life-sa-iiiK service ami liureau of fisheiie.-., Builditig for rendezvous for the sol diers and sailors of the 1'nited Slatis armv and navy and fnrciKii armies I and navies at the exposition, $75.tmo. ! Unildinc for the coniniissioned offl jcers of the army and navy of tho Tnited States and foreign countries. i$..IMWI. i two grand piers twieii'iniK irum nie lli U-xixisitlon grounds lino I lie waters ot i Hampton Roads, with towers for liht j houses and wireless telegraphy, $t(iu,- IK10. i For transportation of 1'nited States, State and foreign troops to and from !:he exposition. $li)0,mHt. j For ' general exposition : purposes. I $i!fn.iio. I For a permanent landing pier at (Jamestown Island, $15.0Ptl. Improventents on Jamestown Is iland, Jin.nno. Negro building and exhibit at expo sition, $100,01)0. , Expenditures for Jamestown Expo sition Commission, consisting of the Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary nf War and Secretary ot Navy, $",n,- IIIMI. Official entertainment of foreign military and naval officers at exposi tion, jhn.ono. For monument on spot, where first permanent English settlement hi Am erica was made, $50.nno. For permanent moorings in Hamp ton Roads, $15,000. For reproduction of Rattle of Moni tor and Merrlmac on Hampton Roads. $io,floo. r Some State Appropriations. Nearly all of the States of the Un ion will be represented at. t he James town Exposition. The following have already made appropriations and oth ers have provided for funds by spec ial subscriptions or act of their next legislatures: Connecticut, $2C,000; Florida, $.')0. 000; Georgia. $50,000; Maine, $40,000; Maryland. $01,000; Michigan, $(!0,0ii0; Missouri, $00,000; Massachusetts, $50, omi; New Jersey, $75,000; New York. $150,(100; North Carolina. $:!0,0no, Pennsylvania, $100,000; Rhode Island, $50,000; South Carolina, $20,000; Virginia Counties, additional, $150. "00; Wisconsin, $ti0.000; Other State appropriations, (estimated) $l,000,Oon. Chairmen of Congressional Traffic Representatives of Va- Campaign Committees Arc At Work Now. Chairman Criggs. of Democratic Com mittee, Has Opened Headquarter in Washington And Is Preparing for a Vigoriows Contest. Speech by Congressman Pou to Be Used as Campaign Document. Republican Headquarters Also Opened. 'Hy Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON. July St. Prelim nary win I, in matters iieitaluinc to coining cuiitiM fur tlit congress are now in pmgiess at the hcadqiiaitcrs ot the Di timcratic con gressional committee lure. Chair man Griggs spends some of his time in New York in the endeavor to serine financial assistance as linituce.t continue at nominations nous Railroads Gather At Washington. These Representatives. Most of Them Being Officials of Southern And Western Railroads. Have Meeting of Then Own This Morning And This Afternoon Will Confer With Interstate Commerce Commission About Railroad Rate Bill. t Hy 1 i.hlishcrs' Press ) CLEVELAND. Ohio. July .'.I. -John O. HiK'kefellei and party ai rived hen i his morning and acre iliiven Imme litalel) to his Miii'.niei huliie lit Fore! Hill. To an interviewer Mr. R.wke feller said: "I "hope the time will rome when some ot the people will know others ol the H'iiple heller. You new xpapt'i i nien can do much toward making i some of us ln'tter acquainted It ti ) others. You can tell what kind of! people we me. I believe it Is the duty I of the papers to do this " He said ho was glad to get home j again. "If von don't think It is a pleasnrv to be heie go to miutlicrj (country for a lime. Our own country tills afternoon will confer Hh best, though we can still make, interstate commerce com- Urea I improvements n conditions i Negro Shoots A White Man Named Beachman Near Jamestown. Wounded Man Carried to High Point, Where Hs Dud Negro, Who Had Been Discharged by Beachman, Shot from Ambush. Nam And Whereabouts of Guilty Party Not Known. (ity Publisher:. 1 Press ) WASHINGTON. July Sl.-Trafhr representatives ol itupmtant western sixtieth ;al"l southern railroads are in confer ence wiiii cam oincr here ttils morn ing and with tin mission relative tu certain features of jhere. the i!!-oait rate law which goes Into i (Tivt Auisnsl 2.;. U U 4he desir ol low ebb. Returns ofi,iu lallroart men to secure the rxten- made are being classified ! sl"" of ,lme within w hich to file their MUM INTEREST REVIVING THE BICYCLE BASEBALL GAME AT Ti 'if ts ,', .,o,,. ,.,., I,,,; , 1!.ms of the i';"1",1 --v ("oiiKtt. ' ' !!.-t"uinent !i'e CSlalP The ' died on hat an i; 'tis' prop anidid hjs P .';:.!t (-, I :-i Id- w ' .. ,;"''iare,l I-,: i,' ' 'I n San l-'w "7 :- enor- i , ':" t!,!i.,; I'rior ..","' ''o had V' - ,? ' "i'-'. hut ;lt J, r 'b ', s in. I: o., . , . -K-d ..e.t 'I ji '"' 111 May ,;'""i . (;",. 1 ".''"''i At fa v'11",1 he .!:v.!.J",tl;"i but ni. I.. good h- ';i dull. (Special to Tho Sentinel.) ST. LOUIS, July IIO. For a number of years little attention has been paid to the bicycle clubs which in times gone by played so Important a part in the Industry and sport. In point of fact so little has been printed about bicy cle interests of late that the public atoviiot well Informed on the present status of affairs. It surprised many to learn that in thete mi let. limes up wards of three hundred thousand bi cycles are manufactured and market ed annually in tho United States. Some of the older clubs have main tained their organizations and in' the interim hirte looked to their social functions for tile life-giving element. At present renewed interest is springing up in various parts of the country. In St. Louis a call was re cently issued for a meeting of the bicycle riders of the city. The re sponse was hearty and. it resulted in the formal organization of a new club wilh George Lang, Jr., as secretary. He is in no way connected with the trade but, is an enthusiast over all matters pertaining to bicycling and is a forceful writer on the subject. It is learned that the Local papers anil illustrated magazines in and about St. Louis are using considerable matter in their columns about the revival of interest. In this fascinating and Uealth Riving sport. This club at present numbers over 50 in full fledged membership and is steadily growing with a promise of be coming a strong and prrmanent body. Club runs have beeii entered Into wilh old-time zest, as many as 50 mem bers taking part. In different, rides through the Ozark Hills and other neighboring regions. TAKE BP MATTER and candidates and campaign man agels in various districts are being questioned relative to prospects of carrying their respective districts and as to the issues that seem popular and important locally. Demands for literature are begin ning to'come In.' The bulk of it Is for copies of speeches dealing with tariff revision. The speeches that will be sen! out to satisfy that demand are by Representative Williams, of Mississippi, three in number; the two fanious watch trust speeches made hy Representative . liainey. of Illinois; speech hy Congressman Towne. of New York, and one by Congressman Pou. oi North Carolina. Speech-making tours are not jet planned, but it is the intention to re quest Itiyau to make a number of speeches in disti lets where his pres ence may be presumed to io most good The Republican congressional com mittee Is operating from its head quarters It) New York. LARGE INCREASE IN schedules and mhlish uniform tariffs. aim to discuss with the commission ers othei technical details which are o vast importance to them. The shipments uf manufactured to bacco this month show a large in crease over July 11)05. The stamp sales this month amounted to $I2S. 52S.U!, and shipments, 2.142,1:154 pounds. In July, lOnfi, the shipments were I.1I5.20S pounds, an increase of Ullfi.stoVi! pounds in favor of the pres ent month. The baseball contest at Fairview Park tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock between' tho teams representing the stores of Itoseuliai her and Ilro. ami Meyers-Westhrook Co. promises to attract a large crowd. The admission lee will he 25 cents'. The proceeds will go to the Twin-City Hospital. Following is the way the teams will play: Rosenhai her K- liro.: Ilenbow, p.; Hester, e; Kennedy, lb.; Rosen bacher, A.. 2b.; Kosensloek. :!!.; Han- r. f. ; Rosenbacher. ser. s.s.; Stan"'! O.. c. f.; ('limbic. I. McjejB-Wi.-tbiool Linviile. c; Re. re, Hamilton, ::!.: Young, s, i'.; Set HIT, c f.; Ilatiser, I. ('(;.,: Wilcox, lb ; Walket. 2b.; s.; Penn, l. 1. f. FIRE IN RALEIGH. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, July ::i-Fire broke out ahum nine o'clock last night in the clothing and gentlemen's furnish-, iug store o! Lie Ai iitoiightoti on Fay etteviile street and did about $1d.oim damage before it was extinguished. The oiigin is though' to have been rats and matches in a pile of trash paper in the rear of the store. 'I he slock was valued at $II.""U and about $!,00n Insurance was carried, part of it beii.g In the North Carolina Home and Atlantic Itisniance companies of Raleigh. It was pretty well distri buted among the leading companies of the country. E. H. Lee. of In fiim, is a member of the board of aldermen. TWIN-CITY MAY YET GET REVENUE OFFICE sK'clal from Washington to the Greensboro News savs: From pres ent indications no action will he taken b the secretary of the treasury on the application for the removal to Statesville of the internal levenue ot flee at Ashcville, until the return of John V. Ycrkes, the commissioner of internal revenue, who is now in Eu rope and will hot get back until Sep tember. Special Agent Gates, who made an investigation of the matter, has filed his report with Acting Com missioner Williams. It cannot be learned what recommendation' he makes. Winston has made a strong bid for the office, urging that In view of the fact that three-fourths of the revenue of the fifth district. Is collected there, that the city Is entitled to the head quarters. Persons in Statesville as a counter to the Winston claim, point out that there are more persons in and around that city that pay Internal tax than at any other point In tho dis trict. The president prmnisiil a delega tion of citizens from Ashevllle at the time of Collector Urown's appointment thai the office should be retained there. The officials are disinclined to make the office pcrambulatory and are disposed to stand pat. Commis sioner Yerkes will probably act In ac cordance with the recommendations of Special Agent Gatts. IIGHT OF LTERLY MURDER (Special to The Sentinel.) SALISBURY, July :ilA strange occurrence, which took place in the vi cinity ol Harrier's Junction on the night of July Li. when Mr. Isaac Ly erly and three members of his family were murdered, Is vouched for by neighbors residing in that section who slate that It was a notlcaiile fact that the dogs in various directions set up a persistent howl which was con tinued throughout the night. The cause of the unusual howling of Hie dogs has not been accounted for. (Special to Tho Sentinel.). RALEIGH, July 31. Governor Swanson and .Adjutant General An derson, of Virginia, have written J. A Spence, a merchant here, and Man ager Wright, of the Union News stand, at the Raleigh Union station, that steps will be uiuen at. once to remunerate them for large quantities or fr."s and other edibles t hat were ta!:en from their places of business last Friday by Virginia troops while the train that was conveying them to Chickamauga was In the union depot, the men having, it is alleged, helped thcmsotvmi ti. luiL'f nnanlilles ofilt W'as shown ir,.iiu i :..i .i ,.t.... ,., ii,.!.. ir:itoil both times whin ""ii, niivlrtMU:n nun iiini-i Mi....-.., . on display without offering to pay foi ; Shapiio's store Saturday nigni them. Col. Vaitghan, of the 71st regi ment, has been directed by the gov ernor and adjutant, general of Vir ginia to make n thorough investiga tion and report to them. As soon as this Is done the two Raleigh mer chants will be compensated for their losses. News of the King Neighborhood. (Special to The Sentinel.) KING. N C July The protract ed meeting at the Baptist, church clos ed Friday night. Rufus A. Hcnnett, on Route 2, died Saturday evening after three weeks illness of typhoid fever. His two daughters were taken away last spring by the same disease, also his brother in the winter befoie. Mr. Dennett, was aged It years. 10 months aud leaves a wife, one daughter and two sons to mourn his loss. Rev. P. Oliver conducted the burial services at Mi. Olive church. Sunday. W. G. Linviile, employed by the Southern Railway on the bridge force, returned home yesterday nursing a mashed foot, .1. R. HutehltiH spent last week at M.xire's Sprlngsi in Interest of his health. Miss Clodle Stone, who visiting In Hoston, Mass., iioiiKi yesterday. Several cases of Uphold fever are ! reported In this section. Shapiro Vindicated. . The trial of Stephen Payne, befmi , Attending Trial of Italians. Mayor Eaton yesterday afternoon. r- District Attorney A. E. Hollon went suited In a complete vindication rm A , Marjo1 jHKt ,,gnt to attend the trial Shapiro, the sample store mai...( Italians charged with ron- Pa.wie admitted that he had done M.. j,!,.,,. )d ltlf. ca(1(. f the state Shapiro a great injustice, but argued H1!!lnHl a number of foreigners, who. that it was Ills intention to take tlic )( a,,K(.rti conspired against Super vest, over which the trouble occmreii. ,M(.H,f,lt c ()f (h, 8( & w ,. has been returned iwrt t the K'ore yesterday aim plain the whole matter to the man he had Heated wrongfully. When asked if be had ever been III trouble befo:e Pavne staled thai he had been trieu once for. selling liquor and again fot fighting. One witness, testified that Pavne was a bad man when, drinking that lie w'as iii".v In vUi""l .in railroad. The Italian government has sent a 'representative to Marion o defend the men on trial.' Tho evi dence of the defendants Is obtained through an Interpreter. To Library Patrons. The Library will be closed t. night during 'the month of August and until further notice. Hy order of the liluary i itiiniittee. Mr. Fred N. Oay returned Jhi r finni a trio to Granvio , ,,ii Fratiklinville. fie h meeting at Mountain Creek, in vll'e count v. which resulted accessions to" !' Hai,ist there. d a Gran- ln .... church The big sale at I be store of Ruv m II I Vaughn and Co. started with a tush Saturday. A large crowd visited that store Saturday, y esterday and to day and took advantage of the many l.aigains offered. n. j. i wm- KILLED NEAR FERRUM Mi. A II. Richardson, h hrakeman on the Roanoke H Southern division of the Norfolk Ar -Western road, was found IvIhk dead on the side of the Hack near Ferruin about 4 o'clock Monday morning- The Roanoke Woild tajs: He left lure last sight on a freight train going south, and was not missed until the train reached Henry. The conductor w ired .back, and before the station master could start on his search the body" was found by negtocs terribly mutilated. His head was badly cut, an arm severed, and his body was lacerated, showing that be had been dragged by the train. He had a new gold watch which was missing, and gave rise to sus picion that he had been murdered, but money and articles of value were found in his pockets, and the chain had not been disturbed. : The body was taken to John M Oakley At Co.. who prepared It for burial, and sent It to Troutville for interment. Tile dead man was a native of Troutville, thirty years of age, and unmarried. He was a splendid young man and highly esteemed by all who knew It 1 in . This is the second member of his family who has died on the road dur ing the past six months. Jake Rich ardson, who died on the Shenuhdouh Valley road seveial months ago, was brother. I IStm'lal to Th Seiitieel.) GREENSHORO, July 31. A white man named Iteachmuii, one of the jovcisccis with the Southern Rail . way's double Hacking force, was stint I from, ambush and mortally wounded 'at I' o'clock today one mile (his side i of Jamestown. ! Mr. Ileachniau was rarrlril to High I Point at l::io this afternoon on No. ' 97. but he died g few minutes after I the train artlved there, j It In known that the shooting, was (done by n liegio, but his name Is not know n. ' It appeals thai lasl evening llearli 'man disehai ge, several members of his force for bad conduct. The lie g roes ret u t lied this morning but the overseer refused to allow Uicin to re turn to work. llcuclimuu, who bore the reputa tion of being a clever man. was en route to the camp lo get his dinner and was going through the wishU when he was idiot down. It Is thought that the negro used a shot gun. The load look effect in the abdomen. A Greensboro physician and a deputy sheriff went to the scene on train No. 'J7. Every effort will be made lo captuio the negro. High Point's two bloodhounds will likely be carried to the place of the shoot ing to sen If the dogs cannot run the culprit down. 'EARANCE OF A SFENCER RESIDENT (Special to The Sentinel SPENCER, July III. Spencer has been considerably stirred during the past few days on account of the mys terious disappearance of a stranger who came here two weeks ago giving his n h in m as a Mr. Moore, of Oregon. Tho stranger who was u mechanic, secured ft position at the Southern shops here and put up at the Spencer Inn,, where he insisted on paving his hoard u month In advance. The next day he left his room wilh his baggage open and clotlilng strewn over the room and has not been seen since. He was supposed to be at work hut l was found that he had not appeared in the shope. II was known that lie car ried considerable money and foul play is feared. Mr. Moore, who was nlMiut years of age and of genteel appear mice, came lo Spencer from Sacra mento, Cat., where he was at the lime of the San Francisco earthquake. Ail efforts to locate him have thus been futile. E IN SHOT IN THE LEG TODAY Leo liolioniiin. a whit. i man. was carried to the hospital this afternoon suffering from a wound In his leg, which he claims was caused u the -accidental discharge of a pistol ill his own hands. The shooting occurred at the home of Nannie Cates, a white woman w ho resuleit on Sycamore street. While th wound Is not ser ious II Is very painful. Sergeant Thomas aud Patrolman Pratl were on the scent' shortly after the shooting The woman was taken to the police station ami locked up, as the officers are of the opinion that the affair requires a thorough Investi gation. A number of witnesses have been Munitioned in the rase. To a reporter the Catea woman said that llollouian came to her house about dinner time. Jle was drlublni, she declared. Her pistol was on the mantle and he picked It up aiid began fisilliig with It when It fired with the above result. Hhn declared that only one nhot was fired, while some say that three shots were heard. CORNER-STONE OF, far CONCERT TONIGHT lb low is given the program hi ranged for the band concert tonight: " March Our Directoi - lllgelow. March Asenalh Swede v. Medley On rtuii Catch of the Sea son. Oscher k Mahl, Cornet Solo Keienade: "Waves Of Memory." I!!anehaid, (Miss Mildred Cronse.t Two Step Peter Piper Henry . Waltz Song Where the Evening Hreeze is Sighing Home, Swsj. t Home. Soloman. Part II. March The Rambb i Ci milling. Match Yale llola. Hlrsh. , "Waltz Song-" "-Recker OvciHiio- Ikiwii on llio Fin ill.--Von Fiizei. Waltzes Claiibel. Ripley. -. Two Step - The Hail of the Hen Coop Knight Laurendeau (Hv Publisher:.' Press, I' WASHINGTON, Julv :M Without the. least pietenMj (,f ceremony the cornerstone of the stately xciiMle o 111 ci, building was laid on ( d Hill today uf 12 o'clock. Just, as the lime call on Htale, war and navy building dropped Elliott Woods, sup erluleiident of the capllol aud super visor of-construction of Him new build Ing. gave the signal. There was a creaking of derricks aud the huge block of gianlte on which had bee": cut the date was swung Into place. The lack of ceremony today wk in strong contiaHt with laying of th'J coiner stone of Hie office building: for the house of representatives a few months ago, On thai occasion Presi dent Roosevelt was the central figure, d.'liveilng bis famous "Muck Rake" speech. Hundreds of Masons were pteseul Htirt parlleipaleil In tho eiclsis The gavel used was lh on" which George Washing-Ion employ ed In laying the c'jiner stone of the fiipltol. In the cornerstone laid to day there were placid several coins, cople of the Washington paiers of today's date ami it cop of tin- .et authorizing the construction of ihfi littl'dlng. (Hv Publishers' Press.) HIKMINGHAM, Ala., July .'ll.-For the first time since reconstruct Ion j days, a negro has announced himself! a candidate for lieutenant governor of l Alabama. He Is A. Wlmbx, of Greens boro. a negro politician who addiicr himself, to the chairman of the Republican party of Alabama, staling he Is in the race. 'The Republican party recently derided to put a full istate ticket in the Old foi the first Uniij In years. T SENT TO STATE AUDITOR The icMMt of trie FoinvMi P n-.lon Hoard was sent to State Auditor Hixon today II shows thai the boarl j approved seven new n pplicatlons from j soldiers f'lr pension and three for an Increase in 'former amounts received. Six applications from soldiers weie turned down and one for an Increase. Applh aiioiia fiom eight widows were approved and two declined. The clerk of the pension hoard wa iiollfle.l hy the state aoillior 'hat the report iuut, lie in hj August I. - 'flu Pythlan of Winston Kalciii are talking about holding union pl'iilc at Nishcii park. The out in last year was a big success. -Mi home OuiK'le . S H. Taylor is conlliied lo his He In nursing a large rai on the back of hi neck.

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