ON-CITY DAILY SENTINE WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS tarT - " .-...... SPIRIT FINNISH DjET HAS TQ FIGHT- fl A N f J fl fi R I III fill 1TFS MUSI TO riniHp! ISSUED PHDGLAWIATIDN - i I J IILnUIIIU; MQCKSV1LLE AUG. 9 GRAFT IS CHARGED Jking Trouble At As Well A Al rg Fortress. 0,patchcd to Bot.. t. Ooah the Distur f Qu'.f Serious. tjst. And ire E"d ls ktmi. Tl... trip; A.- - !c - !- 1 " ' ;r s'i :. ,:: Mrt , .i.-i; tu.. of ihe tie' : Hi'1, 1 "f ,. . , ., he nil "a- !" an illlillllini- jl Krcnstadt. iiti; An- diy Publishers' Press ) HEI.SIXGFORS. Aua. I. T!u- Fin nish Diet met 1 l:iy ami adopted a lieciailition that was immediately spread bioadcast. It is In the ff. it that in the present crisis it is the duty lit every Finish citizen to assist the authorities in maintaining order ami to refrain from unlawful ai'is. The declaration is significant as showing the excited state of public feeling. It is reported here that a siiuadron ot warships, including one battleship, has" sailed from Heval for Helsingfois for lite purpose of putting down the mutiny. Emissaries of the revolu tionists ate working among the sail ors at Kronstadt to persuade the c.ews of the men-of-war to u-volt and to refuse to fire on the mutineers' ships it they arrive there. The spirit of revolt is making such process among the sailors that the authorities have removed the breech-locks fuun the guns of some of the warships and have sent troops aboard the vessels to prevent nnitiifei i s front getting in conttol. . American Federation of Labor Will Try to Defeat ilim. Tobacco Manufacturing Plant of Taylor Bro.'s To Be Enlarged twi ir i k.l.tli anrii.t! Masonic : I'ii lllei.; Clove. Mocks) ill' . lield. .l Usiiai. the second Big Labor Orgr.niiatioti Is Opposed, New Addition Will Be Four Stories. To "Uncle Joe" And President Gom- pers Will Go Into H s District And Make Speeches During the Cam-; paign- 'Uncle Joe" Will Follow' Him. i ll!y Publ CHIC At III'. A Chicago's utiii.it are tu l,c sent 1 1 ici by tile le(i i effort 'i'.'Ti feat ; rc-i ltd i it; to Co: lira n pai t nia.'ia r .1 ii " en (I ;hi tlit- ess.l -."several of spe'ii-bindl'l s D.iiili'.ic i.U- ol labor in an With Another Story Added to Old Factory J. H. Phillipr To Rebuild A Once Pavilion To Be Erecte at New Woodland Cemetery. Tin wi'lknowi; tobacco manufae tuiing 11: nt of Taylm Urns. have dc id eil to buiid an addition in then plant. The- con:ract has been aw aided to the Fogl I'.iu.-. Ctv. and the ixcuinthui The pil t.ic wli! lit Thursday in Augtn Winston Sn, cm no this picnic every crowd alwm The M.isiins of Illl ecil spin to year and huge attend from the Twin iltls Said That Inquiry Indh j rates Us Existence In riillliplnes. a; ton Quaker Cannon for mess. Tile Repilb :el's propose !o put oinper work ..is uw in progn The uddi- tiaii win "I'nfl ever tu speaks, to counteiact his in lluence. Ii is ihouglu now the plan ol tile fi ib 'ration w ill force- Cannon to stay at homo to defend h i in - ! r . Itinn will tte ftrrtOH lour stories high and the east side of the old factory, other s'oi v w ill also be aiidtji! to latter. The tit ill. as sonli as the i . ovelllents an- complete,!, will ! stall new machine' 10 lncioasc KM" 4wiiiuiisiiull. '..-tinas ruling ami r :,. ii lu liave divd Admit til" lick :!;.. uuiinded. are in ciirnhi ,,, (11 : . il a! Krnn if.ii with the ciiy Ijeneiet. and details k Gain Control. Sw.-'i-i.. August -. . to'. ii d heie from . iitr :i . n t ii.eei s have f 'tie I'i'ili nf Sveu '!!' the . i-l.inils of H. i t o, k ; which are i -: ; i : . i - m i:hin tlie xpiwd in of magazine ar..! ki'i' d forty of I. o' Ill tie .(,.; iosl : liuh'lllU in" I: o.ijis wire sent i stnrihiini l In1 gar at;.! t'lat he at :;, l Sub.-i ii'li HI ile s::r ''!!! i in inysleiy. s fuiir iiniiittiins win --iiml'.iis ariiveil at , n! die Id! 1 1 ess. were n-t I lat: as e no II i 'I III t ili' llllll inei'l S, ATTEMPT TO ENTER CHARTER FDR BANK C. L I'l'inil of their aiieKih laige mnniifai turing plant. j To Rebuild At Orce. Ml. .1. II. riiiilips. whose a:td mniiiilnctuiiiig plain en I Chestnut . street w as destiny ei Ciiy Thel fate Is uoiiiini. being only une dollar., and the entire in I pioceeds .go tu ihe suiipoit of the Oxford or- I plian asyhim Tin re Hie hillldleds of l).,ie Cotlll'v ipeojiie lesidciiis of our ciiy. niul a spe cial new 1 en t ii i o inuiigiiialeil Ibis yeai ;'l be an addle.-s ,y Uev T, A Snimt to l he "home (Miners ' This will prole a pleasing addition to the iiieauy alliacilve (u ngiainnie, and is hoped noi a sltmle sou or duugliiet 4.mku-4wl tnrjr ocurttr rrm.lent nil he- viil be liullt o.i (), ., ix(., of the. pleastiie of hearing ""illlM ndihisv of thU eloonenl voimi. divine. W hen Winston Salem first gnini d lallniad faciiities there was a perfect exodus fioin our sis'er comity m the low n Willi the best Inline lu Norlh Carolina, and fiom lliHt.iiiiie to this there has been a sicadi infusion of Pavie coiinti blood Into all the mate rial iuteiesis ol our ciiy. Nothing the Im Several U. S. Army Quartermasteri Will Be Tried Oi The Charge of Miahandling Fundi In Th Oil charge of Their Dutiea at Manila. (Uy I'ubllslit.s' Tre!" MWII.A. Auk : - Colonel Wood, inspecioi ' geiii'i til. who U niiikliig In vest igat inn into the accounts of the army coas ni-H.ni departiijent. has discoveiid indications of giaft ex tendlni; our a period of four yeais. Four aiiiu iii.irtei icn-tei hale been ot deied 10 M nulla front 'hf I'ltltfl States lo testify and Clerk Mr Chesney and Ijunk arc tinder onleis pnmeil to tile I'lidlpplnes to tell Iriegulai Hies In lumber Norih In tire what thel know of ace, Minis Captains (i A Nugent, K W. Cnlp, A V. Kiinball and Flieiioiioph hale been ordered Iicim. Tin v weie (piai leiiiuisteis III charge of the construc tion department durlutt ihe yeais Iti which II. is tilleueil t him-. mils lit did l"i I1...U ....... ,,.i.l,... i.i'-l of - s,l iniice ' wiac IM mi liiiring ib f -lido n I s i i 1 1 cinirl. led aggip b.dows: . $i;v.i.i:,; die tax. An unknown, negio iitlenipted to enter the home of Mr. (J. 1.. Miller, on the corner of I'ine anil Second streets, last night, about 11 o'clock. The family had retired, with the ex ception of .Mrs. Miller, who was sit ting at the window. She saw the man get over the fence and advance towards the house. Mrs. Mil lei quiet ly closed mid fastened the shutters and wetil to the room of her sons. Messrs. (Jailher and Marcus, and in formed them of the presence of the intrude.'. Uy the time the young men got down stairs the would-be burglar had succeeded in opening one of the blinds, (iailfior all eiupted to use his revolver but II failed to dischatge. The negiii. finding that his piesence had been discovered, jumped over Hie fence, mid escaped. T hi!.- A I he mayor - convicted Martin, 2"i A. ilai I hi ss. 1 1 ,;- U W Hnan. 17 r: fl C Vaii mini , !i it A. 1'iati. Ill i Kny ill. H W. Siaul'iinl. I and 1 (Uy Publisher?' Press.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Congress n. an Cluuidler, of Mississippi, was one of the visitors at the Democratic Con gressional lieadipiarlers today. He de clares the sentiment for liryati in Mississippi is (.iverwlieluiing and Hull lie will carry every voiing precinct in i he Stale. Speaking ol the senatorial contest in his State lie ridiculed the j boast of (iovot nor Vardainau Ihai he j would heai. Williams III Ihe popular election for the Senate by a vote of 1 1 wo lo one. lie says the Williams i si-titinieiit is very strong and that ;he vote will lie a close utie. T :-S Ij-Ili Ii i ariived H.-h de- ti l we i e ..f the iiirn-aud ill!. (Uy Publishers', Press.) OYSTER DAY. Auk. .2. Denial was made at the executive offices this morning of the sloiy published in the morning papers which chaiges Orn Leonard Wood Willi drawing iivo sal aries in the Philippines. According to the story" Wood collects his army pay and also "draws ll.uou a yeai as civil governor." "The story is ridiculous on Its face," says Secretary l.oeb," who added-: "Central Wood has nothing bin of; whatever to do with the civil adminis ii : i iigineer. 1 - l"MHl ut of the fin . .if'k bass !l: snakes lis'n nation of the islands.' Wan VI ;, in Hum a i: rlin 'I Uiiiu-j Messrs. i I'liesc ; fl cell RD ' DOUGLASS "" I'! A i '- land '""ll de. ::- liy n, - taken ,'"": inas I' ii i-ise- II" 'el., 'I-: at im, a,- !'n. I l!v I libllshers' Press.) UIRMINC.I1A.M. Ala,, Aug. .2. An : Douncenr.'nt is made of a stockiiold ers meeting to he hcid September 1 lit jOadsileii by the-Southern Steel Co. to I increase its capital stork from sixteen ho twenty million dollars. It is be- plevoil in' lion circles thai the-Issue will precede a consolidation of 'lie southeni steel interests with one or two other big industrial companies ol 'lie liirmiugham district. (Special to Thn Sentinel.) KAI.EKill. Aug. 2.-X Coniplete seiveiage system is to lie installed at the 'Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege; the. work to begin 111 the earliest possible minute so thai- the system will he leady for service as soon al ter opening of college as Is possible. The sum of $7...nn, out of the Stal treasury, has been set aside for this pin pose by all order made this morn ing during a coiifeieiice in which (lov ernor (llenn. inembeis of the Council of S'ate, the executive committee of board of college trustees and the spe cial sewerage committee of the col lege pat t ici put eil. tioveinor (iienn will call upon the next fleneial As somhly lo make a special appropria tion to meet the obligation. Two new Slate banks were chin li'ieil today. One f these was at Ku lal Hall, Forsyth county, and the olli r at (Iraniic Falls. Caldwell couliiy. The hank nl Rural Hall Is to lie nam d the Commercial and Fanners, with an authorial i cupilal nl $ai,iinil, $.1,iiimi nf which is subscribed by .1. F. Miller, .1. W. Wolff and others." The Craulle Falls Hank has an authorized capital il $lir,.liiiil, $N.uim subscribed by D. II Wailick, I). A. W'liistianl ami others. I last week, is piepiil liig In lehiillil ll once. Tile lot is being cleared and i material delivered foi the new huilil iug. which will be of brick and prol ably three stories high. ' Pavilion In Cemetery. The City of Winston has awarded lo the Fugle Uros. Co. the contract to build a Handsome pavilion lu Wood land ccimtcry, the new giav-yaid just norlh of the city. Tim stiiictnie will be Mxi'.n feet and work on It w ill begin at an early dale The pavilion will he so arranged that funeral ser vices can be held in It during Incle ment weather. chaigi h The baseball team composed of cleiks in the R.iseiibucher li llro.'s leparinient store defeated, a similar team from the Meycrs-Westbiook Co. it Fairview I'aik yesterday afternoon, Ihe score being 12 to lu. The crowd in attendance was nut very large, awing lo tile threatening weather, but ach team had enough rooters on hand lo make the hleachirs a noisy place lieiiliow was In Ihe box for Rosen baeher ti Urn., while Walker did the twilling for the Meyers-West lirtMik Co The gale ieceiils wele awan'il Id llu hospital could be linne deasnleable 1 h it IT uiese pcopie ... my asme ineir oi' nui.le ale falsltlcal Ion of ymichet s niii inesH cures and Hike a day off and ,ti.ldi.nK of pin rolls, but no one yet tu s 1 1' 11(1 II Illl uo-ii nmiir lieilill lillloilK j sp(.( iaHl HCCIIhrd ;Uien (ini lieii;iiitoi s illiu menus, w no 'will he glad io see them and entertain 1 ill. 'in royally. This visit will warm I the sympathies, aw aken tunny pleas !aut tneinni'ies, renew old association. ; forge anew almost forgotten frlend- ships and do a not id of good in a thousand ways, (lo and be rtjuvenii ,leil; enjoy yourself as you have not ;in years, and come back tired and i happy fi cling years youtigii iiiul per jfei'lly salislied Your unlive county calls you. She jwill keep open 'house Thursday, Au I gust !i. ami' the Masonic excursion lialn will lake you theie and back ( loi oiu (( il lit i . DELIVERY OF THE PANAMA CANAL BONDS Press ) I - Tho dellv REPORT FOR JULfi CONTEST FOR OFFICES The tegular monthly meeting of Ihe Associated Charities was held oil yesterday afternoon ill (he Elks' par lors. The following report foi July was siihiuflted by ihe secretary,' Miss Annie (liogun: Amount collected since last meet ing, $llii.r,ii; number of subscribers. :r. 1; number of applications for help, "ii. Of ibis number CO were found deserving ami were helped as all de serving' cases always are. The gtlier fifteen wele found eNher lilidesei vlng or beyond the city limits, so were not assisted. Sixty garments weie dis tributed during this mouth. Total monthly xpotiscx. Including sickness, were $ll7.f7. While there have not been as many cases of sick ness as the ilim. ib piovioiis, some are lingi iiti t cases. The seeietaiv. regrets that the con tributions have not as on prei ions month Ihe most satisfactory and reliable manner in which Ihe deserving poor can be leached, and the citizens ftie vented from being Imposed on by undeserving people. SAN The fact is Mr. R. K. Tnilisoti, clerk of the superior court. Is Ihe only per fictly contented Deniociallc aspirant in fhe r."i'e for a counly ofllce. The explanation of this Is I hat he has no opposition foi lenomliiiitlon. In reality the candidates for the nomination of sheriff, register of deeds mill treasurer do not know ex actly "where they are nl." These gen lii men admit thai the situation Is badly mixed - in fact a great big pnz 7.1c. However, all aio talking cote lldeiilly. Inn none are lu position lo say just how inani voles each will gel on lie liisl ballot In the conven tion Saiuiday. The nhst and shicwdost local politician admits that he never saw een as liberal ineiote ine siiuaiion jusi nun n is now. This Is really I Heretofoie outsiders have been able to name most of Ihe winners befoie the convention. Kven In fore the primal. v two years ago cm reel predic tions Well' made oil who would suc ceed. It appears thai all of the candidates are. opposed to the plan of the. execir live com mil lee In having uniform tickets printed. Each candidate has had tickets printed and all ptefer to use these. Chaiiinan .1. F. Reynolds says he lllillks he will call the Republican comity convention to be held about the first Saturday in September. Uy I l,bllsll"-l!t WASHINGTON. Aug ety of new Panama Canal bonds to ihe piirchiisem In the tecent bidding begjin lod.l v and about $7"t,iiun win Mi weie asked for and turned over The puichaseis have until August Until lo complete pnyuiit for the bonds So far ns is known the only person who failed to make good 111 Ills successful bid w us one who bid one hundred builds of (H'd each lit llii! I Ii He no tified the department Unit he was un able to liilllll his coin i nil ut Mint tlg ine. A bank that sent In a successful bid for J.'iil.uim of the bonds by tele graph and another foi the same amount by letter niul was nlloleil a total of Jl'iniiiiii later explained Hull the lelter was liierely Intended us a ( null i null Inn of the telegram Hint that ll needed only V",n.llu" CHANGES ON THE (llv Publisher;,' Press, I PETERSBURG. Aug. -. The of the cruiser Patnjowi mutinied and killed the commander and font oilier officers. The battleship Siaia has been otdet'eil to Hud .and sink tin mutineers. ST. crew today New Advertisements. I). S. Reid. New aulvais in China and Japanese waie. Merchants Transfer Co. -Phone i'.7. prompt sin vice. Forsyth Hard win e Co.--Uuy a cider mill and save y our tipple ciop, S. .1. Nisseu ; Co. Rubbei Inigg.'. liies. Masonic exclusion from Winston Salem. N. C. August '.I; 'fine round trip $l.nii. W. S. .Mai tin. 1" day net ( o-t s.i,e -tatt;. tomorrow. I Uv I iiblisliciV Presg.) FRANCISCO. Aug. 2 - It ls on limnted thai ihe fire insurance compa nies will make a piolit of Ijri.iinil.iuifi from the policy-holders here in sal vage. Fp. its who covered the burn ed aria put the salvage total at $S. nun.f , yet underwriters In discount ing policies have made the figures $:!:;, iiihi nun or profit to themselves of! - $2.1, line .one. j A negro supposed to he Frank llo To support the charge of crJtnina! ', hannon, accused of killing Foreman conspiiarv which some are trying to Ibachnian, of the Southern Railwiu's lix on the insurance lookers who I force, near .hitnestowu, Tuesda y, was fotced the policy -holders to accept a j at este,l In Roanoke today, compromise settlement snpornate was! Deputy Sheriff Cofet receA ,le! called for today, directing Prof A, 'egram Ibis afiertioon from W. J. Raid W, Whitney, insurance expert of thejwin, of the Baldwin dciccllve fmce, I'niversily of California, to produce Roanoke, in which the latter snvo: evidence of settlement made. Whitney j "Have wired chief of police of High is in chariic of the Insiu ance bureau , Point to send man lu ie inilck to Idem of Ihe .VIhicIiiiiiIs' Exchange, (Special to The Sentinel ) GREENSBORO, Aug 2 - The direc tion of Ihe Industilal N'ewtt in ses sion In n last night, elected Mr John lluinphiei, of Washington City, Us hnslnoH manager, making the fifth one It has hud in less than u year. Marion ti n N l brought Mr llnmphry along with hlii from W iishliiK'on, of course unitizing that he would have him elected. Mi A. II. Paikhursi. who Iihh been managliiK editor since the paper stalled, wad left out lu Hi cold by Inning his hihIIoii nbollslieil and Ibis motuliig's edllloii of the News had his name dropped from the mast head posiiiinnler Doiiglln will continue as, editor In chief. There ine rumors of sevetal chiinges in the per soiiliel of the foice, bid Ihev have not y et In ell V .'l ified. NEGRO SUPPOSED TO BE BORANNON ARRESTED' HAVE TO FLEE SOON III',' Publisher!!' 'rtul ST PKTF.KSUI TIG. Aug 2 -Thai tlie Russian Czar and his advlsem no fear ihe wins! l shown by the fact that the loyal yacht I'tilesor Is lyliu In readliii-s III 'lie hiuboi with sleain up in all times In sine the life of Nicholas w In n 1'ie tiiini 'onie for (llghl SI hi icvoli In Ihe anil) In to be j ticar i WILL NOT ELECT I Death of Mr. Abbott's Mother. Mr. F. C. Abbott, ihe clever at.d affable matia'gi'r of the adiertlsiug d. parnnt nt of the Menu s -West hto e: Co.. has the sytnpatliy of many fii' '' i,ere in Ihe loss of his mother, w'.'i died usli'iday at Newport N.w-, Va Mi. Abbotl was called (Here Salui'l.i'i on account of his mother's iilm .-- tif rutin Jnsl ariesteil, supposed wanted for killing white man High Point." i Deputy Sheilff Cofer Is arranging to j ! go to-Roanoke tomorrow to Identify j negio under ariesi, unless the , fold author il ies prefer to send an! cer Mi ( ofer known I-rank II. e. I ha ii noil we!!. I collie way. fm t geiieiai, an there Would ic I'zai and d signs point that be Itfi further hope his giin rtiTiii nt the T.Gullf I ofllce ll,,..-., Rural Hall Items. (Special to The rU-nM'iet I RUR l. HAI.I., .1'ily !l -The ubun dan. rainfall makes It very dUagieea hie for tin farmers this week On.- of the eouiiiv " h, piilur offlae . .-l.i'i', Mr C M Mi K.iiigh.iii, wa-, In town today. li,'i!:.UIi.ik:tiE wl'h Hie peo- 1 fC' Cn, 'Tiber. the ha in (Uv UEHI.I.N, v i.suua Wilnaowo and thirly I'ublisluu's' Press.) Aug. 2.--A ferry boa! on river sank today neat drowned. Rev. Livingston Johnson, of eigh. sec'rlaiy nf Ihe Baptist' M Board, affiled in the ciiy this noon io ail. 'tid Pilot Mountain eialion, in session al Waiighlown Itai I he Winston aideriiieti wiil meet In regular monthly session tonight. The ectiotl of a chief of police will be i.f.-iied until the (list Thuisday i iirht in September, when an entile :i,ire force and other iiltieeis will he ii'.-i'ii. This action Is the recom tie ndalloii of. the poliie coiiiiulttee. The ipiestloh of exlendlng the . '.via' line lp I.ibei ll M I eel will .i ' li he aided upon hi the board to night. Many of the cilizeus niong the irioposi'il line are anxious to secure i in" system, feeling tlial they ale 'nll '!. d to 11. THAW S WIFE DENIES STORIES, i ' Ibc k i Ib No Joint Canvass. 11 M.I Clinii iieni Clois It Cow hs of the Hiiieigh Repulilicaii CoiiL'iesslotial committee ?, ' "'f-eil jin the Eighth district, is out. in card In ;'.!-v '" which he opposes a Joint, canvass of "' ' fi si-1 the district between the opposing caii-'dl-!,!!ilates fnr Congress 111 Hie eighth dis- 'iict. Messrs. lilackbinu siiul Hiickeit. i W hen shown Chiiii iiiiin Con ies' w"- aMc.iid this morning. Mr. HackeM ,x I'tessed ii,, sm ,, jse jexpecled. though lie " 1 '" w iiuixioits. f, a j0:ht loppuiient. Alhei t Situ I-. ol Wil.-on. s.ni '. George Starr", n foimer clti.-ii of W.i st on has accepted a position wiMi He KiiiL- Pi in'ing o. lie hel slilllip depiirtlllenl. is ill llu- nib i The Ihree un.tiths old diiiighler ' Mi and Mrs. S, I'. Mutton died nn nil, gbls ibis luoi ulpg al lb I its parents on Spiuce stn "Infamous Lie" to Say That She And Mrs. Thaw Are at Outs Knows of No Disagreement Between Thaw And Hit Mother. New York. July ill. "I whh you Would deny Ihe slol'les sent out about 'lie fa big out I). 'tween. Unity's iiiiilb er and nn sell, ' said Mm. Hairy Tba -.It.'d tlie Tombs to S-e today . InfaiiKius lb," she con II re lies! of f i ielK'.H, bol 'I llaill's bet I illleieHl-i" was iokul about the n t y Thn w am! bis moihei when she VI her ku-h.iicl "l Is an itinuei! "We jwrokiiig for of j Mrs Tliaw of port ih'a! Ha llllllie j had dixagleed el. S,i- 'conducting tin. Mr G I. , flee aspii ai l. .i t.d III noil , plug l lies.', da i t Mis-el F.ia ami j VS'iiP. of me Twin C j l istl ini; 1 1 iends .i t i 'Hall an,! li.e Lnub ' le'nrii. d lion. i I A Far met ,' Irs' it lodiii and was n't lilio'her county of is to h,. uioie Inter t ban in bor o kK,ii I. Milan Vlnftnlu ti . iio bale I, i-ell i lain s at II in jl id. ib I'lirm, have it" Wii'i held here leb f by a laige In I Of Hi, UMi- t interested tiilel s of the noil f.oui this see'ion Mi-.i-ew ,lll,ie Sliole nild KIlJSlI Tut lie nie ,'i'telnl.Iig ( hool a! Zephyi, ,S' over Ihe llef.llse Miss nut: f. Mil. V Ogblil ll iefl i 'ade .Meciitn Spi; this IL'.-. in. I he funeral set vices w ill tie .inducted tomorrow moiiilng at tt.i'.u i In. H. A. liiown, ilie inlei inen; o'lowilig ill (lie Saleni ceiin tery. r "You may ilein ib . want to," replied Mi . i true. As far lis I kno liig aliil.g f.iiioiih!i ." It was Just what ; favors, in fa' i is j canvass u itii hi- I Oi.e it'ee tniiig a lion' inn i r ii.g ,!d nil-. Is g.-liellliil the.e I noi hi r i e law p! obli in P a W l ii I'ii'l til I"' ( I W hell 1 I ' huiiiii ' to d'f Pt eseri il' i . Shai p's. keiiies mid jelly gia-ses i I Women call f j sewing patty ni'.e that f: what tlity dot.'t do Mrs .1, M Baikb i. of Si.il. who has been tisitn.K le.t K I.. i!.irk!.-i, mi West Fourth -ie. e , f. I leslenl.iv f,, Aiah.ilii.'i. to . i, (I l.ei 'blothfi . method of , , lU'oyin. I The Ed nil! W'iij'lnope Company if, too. if ;.oii ,w;,: gin- another pi-i f(,tiu,inee at their Thaw U ini 'i i ii' , i ..i tK'i of 'J b.rd aiel ll'ii, tiecls. lli.- are get ;'otiie!i' This con: pact la a (apabie rei"ilolre oi gam.. ii ion and is appear-. . ling In i e Hud"! Ihe ii'ispice-i of the . .il Poll-, of C.ii'!. . . W A I iP i in- hi Hi; Hit Ml:- ighiuii, Ala . T J Thotn