!f WIN-CITY DAILY SEI EL. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS EAR. : pUELLED HP" rn i inner . . o., .hum Cncl;t(lt. nUil-""""' , . o, ssian For- itse i"u jnd Are Overcome tr Start Hi ir)"" " l St. Petersburg.- r.,hl. Ireparing roi " H'RC. An-"" 1 1 l"" k,i eiiJeaWl' .i, thJ.sir.H-tt wrtft' in a" ",,t mass' ot workmen Vror ,. the strike . a,(, i brui!: about j remains, to 1)0 seen. I t-::l mis m l;i!ls ,u prevent riot-1 ,(linr IM "eie aiitucak leading 10 i ... . i. . - in Jii.possinie nui '" iliwtlers, in itevai. -:....!.. I, ,...;!. long me i-imimu yvierslmrs to Viborg entire length t "ie , hi I roups. that the iiiiUiny at l,(.t.ii completely ;;.-Tlie led about II et noon. (Special to The Sentinel.) SPEN'CER. Auk. 3. The inter change record office recently author ized by the Southern Railway for lis Spencer offices began business today with a corps of extra clerks installed to do the work of car accounting. 'The office Is something new here and it is said meets a long felt need in thHjrail jway service as the movements of all lenrs on the Southern system are now recorded, under four divisions teach ing from Washington to the extreme isotiih and Weit, ! Yard Master V. N. Camden, who THE CIII FATHERS Winston Aldermen Decide To Improve The City Hall And Market House. !1EET TOMORROW P items reported HUM SIMt C P TIL Democrats of Forsyth Will Name Men For Legislative and County Offices. TWO ARE ARRESTED Sewer Line on Liberty Street to Be Extended. New Street to Bt Open ed to the Woolen Mill to Be Built by the Chatham Manufacturing Co. ! Slaughtei House Question Die-cussed. j j The Democratic eouti'y convention : At the regular meeting of the Wii.-jfor the nomination of legislative and jston aldernn-u 1 last iilglu the hoard j county candidates will meet at the decided to extend the Liberty street I courthott-e at to o'clock tomorrow Many Candidates In the Field And the Contests Promise to Be Very Interesting A Large Attendance !r Expected. A List of the Candidate;:. the terminus of the street, s proper connections can be work to cost '$(i,iinrt .r Cited, hue ha a rharcft nf the Snencer varris : sewer to men! of the Southern for two years, is 'off! a soon as on a leave oi auscnce on uccoitm ii , made, the U health, hn nig absence Mr. P. M.' .r vnf. for a number of years' a valiiPfn ,..' eupoye I pended In improvements on Hie cltv nn ntuit aptinff vnpit muster mot In i . .. . . ...... a . -- - na unit market house. rennet! I for the opening of a new street to i morn I nk. and from present indications 'it appear i hat the convention wilt bo lone ol Hie most largely attended po litical gatherings ot this character UlWtt.J)ftJui!P'WiBitllir. frfL ' ,L .mill l ii I . 4.1 . l,, l UT riff III V5 thp m i omit 5 1 Kit t tk- 1 l4 .v- , ... now in charge. Captain Camden goes to Atlanta tonight for the purpose of entering a hospital where an opera tion will bo performed. THE NEW CALDWELL Chairman A. H. Eller, ot the execu tive committee, will call the conven tion to order ami name a temporary (organization. After the roll-call of , rli., liiwnJil, ..ii. t th.. ,i,..,.Onlt.it.til nf lished by the Chatham Mnnulactur be needed, a permanent organisation the wcoleii mill plant to be estab- ,il fiu oin at saw ai :,ii say artillery men Ii at Keinbertiift have iitrv ami Cossacks airbed to quell the Kronstadt Over. A correspon- The new- Caldwell Memorial build ing will be formally occupied by the First Presbyteripn Sunday school next Sunday morning. The school will assemble at the usrxiif' hour, 9:45 a. m.. In the main jbody of the church and after brief ex lercises will march by classes to the 'new building, where a praise service will be held, each class responding In turn with an appropriate verse of scripture. This will be followed by least ii hi Kronstadt wires a nymn or praise, ,ih ended at midnight.! The building committee, through iteers have been con it. Silence like that vails in the streets of Czar's Cabinet. mm. August. i'o .ii!.t m. of i!i- situa ily is fraught with is piobnble a I're.-ii lie piecipilateil by ' cz.ir ill already re Ii, riiiiilitiiin iliiin Stulypiii had siic- men not cunnected iriaey to cuter the ie- Kl. Official aiiuutinci' u's (leteniiiiiatiou was a -statement . Issued reports lliat noii-bn-ihhs wili enter the .me. As SlolMiin ban if ram hit; out Ills fian.lnl . leiorni on or- rabiuei the refusal fHiee in - iiis plan position where it. Is resign. Tliere is re- iliiiibbillly of appoint or ami (Iriinil fluke tinned us the most In lie selected for I Its representatives, will then present i the building to the trustees of the ichurch for the use of the Sunday 'school. The church and the Sunday (school will respond, accepting the : handsome new edifice. '- I Announcement will, he made later lof the dedication of this building, which will take place some time in the early fall. . . . ITEE5 T TO HAVE CLASS INITIATION OF 50 . Tin sentinel.) In coiihection "-'fitieni lh,H t-;-,l(i wire lor the in- Jstem at the of ih slateHienl fi ai eia!e fit- ti lisle i'iie official Liberty Council, No. 3, Jr. 0. U. A. M., Working With That End In View October 22 the Date For the Initia tion. . i It is the intention of Liberty Coun cil No. I!, Junior Order United Ameri can Mechanics, to have a a class ini tiation of fifty or more candidates on the evening of October 22. The mem bers of this council are making a de termined effort to nmke this a most interesting occasion and have a com mittee now at. work making arrange ments for the occasion. Liberty Council is the oldest, coun cil of this order In the city and has a membership of two hundred or more iit the present time. The council is In a good financial condition, and In addition owns a valuable piece of property on Trade street, near the government building, 'upon which site the council will probably erect a hand some home later on. State Secretary Vance tells a Sen tinel man that, since the meeting of the State Council In Salisbury in Feb ruary nineteen new councils have been instituted in North Carolina, and the quarterly reports, now being received, show that, the older coun cils have made large gains both in summer sick with com as usual the fact tiniisi'.. r "pons sis in cases H .'o-have been con- ' session ,,f the- sum f '"ileKe the board rl ' "as no desire to fri'"ii i lift niiblic out of the eieht !,,,. II,... , . -n... .mil "i;ilt( l ,.. Hire hw 111 view of the pases i,i,i ,lf , F'fiieil anil .1,,,, ,h " He fi.1V. as enod " nrnhahle f1 f'oi'tr.ictcl tw "T"ilSIZ.( ,,, ,!, lias ii,, ii 5 la V - Hn. a ., . ,,, ., s oi uie I : , am, '' is prac L 4 number i-mb;,,i without IC , "'""" leing ',1, '"ere is nnth- fiI . ;i, """'"ni pw lied at re; v :;7 in . I '""'iii.isx S is lif II,. sa f membership and. nuances since session of the State Council. CORPORATION TAX the c. loirdw the and a htore. lai.c "to ;u.i It ? Bud, f iieei- h hear -i'i,;,i ire ,;.,!:r!,'K s ior ;' i,. "olll. n'a'iv,. , ;if'('ial 'trgiunent o at n in- ,l!l"ilK'SS. "'rivals In ml. Itoad RprillK lyphohl May it ori- Office. r,,r s office l'-;e' l;- narlan next (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Aug. 2. The detailed statement, of the tax assessment of tallroad and other public corporations property by the Corporation Commis sion as reported In The Sentinel of yesterday Is as follows: Atlantic Coast Line, $24,454,014; Seaboard Air Line, $12,5uO,OUO; South ern Railway (owned lines) SH.TIS:;.- 2'vO; Southern Railway! leased lines), $ll,7.'!fl.CS!l; Miscellaneous roads, $b 048,408; total valuation of railroads. $70,077,301. ' Telegraph companies. $1,010,025; telephone companies, $S:!8,!I50; South- em Express Co., $402,109; Pullman Company, $17;.90C2f. electric light and gas comuailes. $X0S.0K4: street railway companies. $1,749,050; water works comnanies. J547.07O: steam boat companies, $142,259; bridge and canal companies, $Sd,100; refrigerator companies, $111,427. The grand total ' ( 0,050,540.41. Hon. J. C. Buxton for State Senator. To the Editor: There has been much agitajlou as to who would tie the best man to send to the state senate. After , a careful study we think that Hon. J. C. Buxton would fitly represen. us as possibly no other man in the county could. Me is a man of high -standing over the entire State. If W(. send Mr. Buxton to the senate Forsvth will have sent one of the best sh,s has. Mr. Buxton Is a man of whom, we. would all bo proud. u will alll'iEiee that If Hon. J. C Buxton heail the Democratic ticket here would io. possible chance of defeat. 1 ueseuls no faction; lg, broad-minded nnty. Let us all and nominate llp Is simp 'itlzen of f gree on f him tomon Company, was favorably acted upon. The matter was presented by ex Judge. StarbueU. A survey of the proposed street by Engineer Henry showed that the street will be 1,200 feet long, and the total cost wouid not exceed $:!.000. The market committee was in structed to, nake satisfactory arrangements- with V. V. Snipes & Co. and other tenants of the market to use the slaughter house of Mr. Snipes. Mr. Snipes proposes to make his house entirely sanitary. He is desirous of a systematic inspection .by the sanitary officer. He wili charge the other tenuts a fee. for the' privilege of butchering their cat tle there. In the event that satisfac tory arrangements are made, the city will probably build a slaughter house of lis own. AH the butchering Is done, it, was stated, In two or three houses at present. So, if the tenants of the market house desire it, the city will build and operate a municipal slaugh ter house, tl was the. sense of the board that one house would be more satisfactory. The election of a chief of police was deferred until September, when an entire force will, be elected. The hoard 'decldi-d 'to have curbing put. down on East Fourth s'lreet, the citizens agreeing to have brick walks at. their expense. The aldermen Instructed that the remaining half of the old county jail be removed. RepoM of Market Committee. The market committee, which Is composed of J. L. t'aspei, chairman, VV. O.'Cranford and F. .1. Lllpferl, submitted the following report, whlcn wan adopted: : In pursuance of a resolution passed by the board of aldermen oh the even ing of June 7, 1900, which reads as lollows: "On motion the market, com mittee was requested to make an In spection of all slaughter houses used by tenants of the city market and re poit conditions, also to Investigate the advisability and practicability of establishing a municipal slaughter house, , "-The committee was- further re quested to get bids on cost of placing the fisli stalls in the city market In first class condition and report to the board. We beg to submit you the following report: Slaughter House. We have visited In person each slaughter house in use by the tenants of the city market, and after due con sideration" made certain recommenda tions where we thought it necessary, looking to temporary Improvement; In each Instance our recommendations have been carried out. City Slaughter House. After careful consideration, we are of the opinion that Hie city should own and conduct, under the supei vision of an inspector, a slaughter house, centrally located, properly constructed with . amide sewer and water connections; that every tenant. of the city market be required to slaughter "his cattle at the almve place. Fish and Chicken Department. We recommend that this depart ment of the city market he enclosed with a brick wall extending to the present property line, with the proper arrangement on top and on the sides for ample ventilation, with a concrete lloor, with sewer connections tor eacn fish stall, with a. perforated pipe and sink arrangement by which the tenant of each fish stall would be able to keep his offerings tinder water. This department to be healed by an extension of the present heating system. ' We find that the cost of such an ad dition will anriroximate $2.(100. esti mated as follows: Brick addition, com plete, $1,800; concrete floor. $0on; stalls and plumbing. $2u0. We most . respectfully submit the above,, adding, our thanks for this -poitunltyylW serving the city. Bill Tabled. Secretary Franklin read a letter from S. A. James, of Jolliet, asking the board to pay him $00.47 for t:i" loss of a suit, of clothes, a watch and a stlui of money by the reservnit disaster -In Ibis city io Noveutln-r. 1904, Mr. ..lames was in one of th hunses wanned away by the flood of water from the reservoir, but he es caped serious Injury. The aldermen did not hesltati to table the bill. j will he effected, and the convention I will then lake up the nominations: ! It is said that the nomination speeches will be limited to two niln- minutes. Even If that Is the maximum (time alowed It will require some time to pass over that pait of the program. Theie. is much Interest, manitested, and It was rumored today that "com bines" were on foot but if such he ttv case candidates say they know-nothing ol it. The candidates have been hard at work, today making their final ar rangements and everything Is ready for a battle loyal between the sup porters of the candidates tomorrrow morning. As far as The Sentinel is able to ascertain the following Is a full list of candidates for the various offices, though there may be others presented tomorrow at the convention; For Sheriff James E. Zlglar, Hen ry L, Rlgglns, J. T. Thompson, Jesse .1. Adailrs, O. B. Eaton. For Register of Deeds C- M. Mc Kaughan, O. W. Jones, R. R. Craw- ord. For Treasurer fleorge L. Beck, A E. Shore, A. W. Jones. L, I. Conrad, J I. Hheek, For Clerk of Court R. IC. Tratisou, For the Legislature there have been quite a ..number of names men tioned, among them the following: For Henate-U. II. Hasten, F. T. Bald win, A. I. Eller, J. I). Waddill and J. C. Buxton; for House J. W. Plunix. Geo. P, Hell, V. C. Brown, E. A. Gi'K tilth, H. A. r'fohl. Wm, Polndexter, Gideon Clayton and several others. Many names have been .brought for word for county cumiulsisoiiei while for the offices of coroner and surveyor it Is probable present Incumbents will have no opposition. It has been decided to allow the can didates to supply their own tickets, as all the candidates objected' to the "blanket" ballot prepared by the exe cutive committee. The voting strength of the town ships in the convention will be us follows: (Special to The Sentinel ) RALEIGH. Auk f..- Mr T K ! limner, sevretary to the state board iof agriculture. . left today fur a trip through the western part of (he Suite .to arrange fur exhibits of farm pro rtuctH and other resources of the State i to he used in Ihe state exhibit that is I to be made in Boston during October in connection with Ihe Mechanics' fair, a latge amount of the material' gathered wiil also be available In' making the state exhibit at th great! Jamestown Exposition next spring i The trip through the western section i of the State will require about two week.:. State Superintendent of public In struction .1, Y. Joyner U now at EliM betb vhy .-attending a disuirt confer euct of county mipetltUtMideiits of public schools. He will attend the Southeastern District Conteienre at WrightsvllU Beach next week. A car of fish from the United States (fisheries arrived here this morning from Salisbury and agents will distri bute Hsh In this section for a fewdajn Mi. A. Dnghi procurx? a 'large quan tity for his pond at Uike Lucerne. The car Is In charge of Mr. V. E. Smith. He is very reticent about the movement of the car. owing to the tringent ordeis recently Issued from Washington agHlusi information of this kind being given out except from he department 'at Washington. The tlsli In the cur are niinclpallv black Negroes Alleged To Have Been Accessories In The Hill Top Murder. Abbott's Creek, Belew's Creek, Bet hau In.. ,. Hroadbay. . . . Clemmonsville, Keruersvllle. . Lewlsville, Middle Fork ; . Old Richmond Old Town. . . . Salem Chapel . South Fork, . . Vienna. ... Salem , Winston . . , . '. bass. There Is no change today In the sll- iiation as to the strike by carpenter. aud plasterers Inaugurated yesterday. The contractors are all working limit ed Torres of non-union men and sev eral claim-that union men have failed to stop work In a number of ln- tances. Others, they claim, have Hilt work with the private under landing that they will return to work in a few days, or just as soon as they have gone through the form ol com plying with the strike cutler of their union as they have no expectatUiirof the strike being successful, Kl Crutchfield And Son Oscar Ar rested by Guilford Officer for Alleged Complicity With Frank Bohanriort, Colored, In Murder of Foreman Beachman. (Special to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO, Aug 3-Lai.t nlghi t 12 o'clock Deputy Sheriff John Weatherly returned from Hill Top. near Jamestown, with two piLnrs, Kl Crutchrleld and his son Oscar, ar retted on H charge of being aecessoi-li-s with Frank Bohamion lu the mur der of the railroad foreman lleneh man Tmd. Neither one of the. neurui-Trus ) home when the ofllceu arrived about nighl,- but (hey waited around In the ixids until the young man Oscar Was returning from attendance on a Holi ness revival at Greensluuo and hi rested him In his Uuggv. Taking hlui to Ihe house. It was given nut that -somebody would have to stand his bond or he would be la ken to Jail. It being Indicated thai his father. K. Crutchrleld, eiiiild ui mi hls bond. Ii was not king before the old man made his apeparance. when the warrant was served upon bin and both he and his son were brought to Jail. Boih deny any knowledge of lloliannon's Intention to kill lleai-hiiinii. but Hit evidence Is complete that ihev were lu the double tracking camp with Bohaunoii Monday night looking for Iteai-bimin, and on Tuesday morning the younger man drove lk dm noon to Greensboro and purchased a double barrel shot gun a few hours liofoie It was used to kill the foreman, and af ter the murder the old man drove Hohutiiioit off lu his biiKXV, so that he could escape, and afterwards sent the officers on a false scent, .12 Total.. : .. ... .. ......98 It will require. 49 and a fraction convention voles to secure a nomina tion. Winston and Salem lack ouly two ami a fraction votes of having ,'i majority of the convention votes. TWIN-CITY TO HAVE FURNITURE E. This city is to have another large and tip-to-date furniture store. It will be conducted by Messrs. J. 8 Grim and E. B. Cant fill under the name of the Crim-Cantilll Furniture Company. hese gentlemen have leased for a term of years the building on Main street, occupied for some time, by Abe Jacobs. A new front and other lm- pioyements are to be made by the owner, Mrs. 8. A. Ogburtt. The work wi be done hv the Fogle Bros. Co at ! once. Mr. Crlm was a member of the ; lloiiilnger and Crlm Furniture ..Com Ipany for several years, while his lassoclate, Mi. Cantrlll, hus been en 'gaged In business at. Aberdeen, Miss. lor ttonii! time. Messrs. Crim H'antrlll are splendid business 'ami they propose to make their U credit, to the Twin City. . Negro Under Arrest At Roa noke Not The One Want-. ed For Murder. Deputy 8herlff Cofer Goes to Virginia City And After Looking at Prisoner Decides .That He Ie Not .Frank Bohannon. The negro arrest ed In Roanoke, Va, yesterday Is not Frank Bohunnoii, the nan accused of the murder of R. E. 'Jeachman, foreman of one of the Southern Railway's double tracking forces near Jamestown, Ttiesduy Deputy Sheriff Cofer went to Roanoke this mooring to Identify the legro In Jail them. This .afternoon a telegram was received from the For syth officer In which he says that the negro In jail there Is not Frank Bohannon. Deputy Sheriff Cofer knows Frank well and as soon as In looked upon the Roanoke negro he lolil the officers there that tbev had the wrong man. This means that the negro lu custody will be released if ie has not already been given 'ropdom. Captain Phillips, conductor of one if the passenger trains on Ihe N. W.. tame In from Roanoke today. He tays that he went to tho jail there last, night and looked lit. the negro supposed to be Frank Boliantioii, 'His size and color tills Hie descrip tion given me by the Wlnston'ofllcers. but he is not blind In one eve," said Captain Phillips. "What kind of eye has that ne gro?" Policeman Pratt asked. "He Is cockeyed," replied Cap! Phillip.' "That Isn't Frank then," remarked Office- Pratt, who added thar Mohan nou didn't have that kind of eyei. All of the officers- say he U blind it) one eye. A citizen tell The Sentinel that llo liiinnon "was one of the negroes that caused a riot bete several jenrs ago and that Frank was shot lu the back, though he was not badly hurt. and men store CONCERT TONIGHT Following Is Ihe nrogruui for the baud concert tonight ; Match- "Black Diamond Kxpress." -Lyon. Mutch - "IMouder,"... Leigh. March - "SaluUt to Hurllngton."-' Shermnii - Medley Overture "out for 'a I. ar k." --DeWilt. Wnl ix -"Academy." Mlssnrt, Two Johnson, Hlep "Mexico,"- Coin and Part "Indiana II. Suite Band.' March-"My Billy Iloy March Fttrrar Medley Mac Mc, Overture Facile-" "Mlgtiolinlte." Two Step "Good H, Georgians." - - johnson ' Waltzes - "Tlielmn." Jarrelt. March-"Copper on Parade." Clement. This program Is subject to change II COMMITTEE MEETS hi,, u'oiiimiUfn- ri 1 VI oynnlii -.a.. WORLD'S LARGEST FLOUR SE VOTERS Visiting Friends Here. Rev. C. A. Ritchie, former pastoi of the Lutheran church, now of BinR hampton, N, Y arrived In (lie city yesterday ' afternoon. While here be will be the guest of members of h fouiie congregation. N GETS TWELVE TEARS (Hv Publisher' Press ) I'ATERSON. X. J., August .'i.- Wi! Ham H. Belcher, former mayor of I'aietson, pleaded guilty when ar raigned lu court of special sessions :his morning on six Indictments, chaiging embezzlement, and was sen tenced to two yeais at hard lubor at Trenton prison on each Indictment, .making the sentence twelve years In all as terms are hot to run coucui i. nt) . (By Publishers' Press ) ALU AN V. N Y, Aug. .?,.- -The flour storage warehouse of Henry Rus sell, sajd to be the largest struc ture of Its kind In the world, was de stroyed by (lie this morning, The building extended for a third of a mile along the New York Central tracks. Elgin thousand barrels of flour were destroyed, only otic-tenth of tin.' capacity. On IV' roof of the warehouse was the largest metal 'snd wlrejlgn in Hie world. It was f :',() fi-vuoig and cost $."i,ooo, An Important meeting of the train the Mocksviile next Thursday was held (his morning, at which k was de cided to s"ll no tlcketH hejond the tivei for les than fifty cents. This will he welcome news io th large number of people who annually go on this excursion, because this mean that, ihe uncomfortable crowding that has heretofore always exislKd before the Mocksvllle end of the run ws reached will this year he nlivluled. The congested condition of the train on the early part of the return lrlp, when the passengers were tired and wanted to rest, has on foimer occa sions caused home unfavorable com. metit, and It, was the cinceie deilr of the management to temedy HiK but they were in a quandary. At (list it was thought best not to tnko on Bny passengers beyond Advance, hut rea lizing this would be depriving some of Duvle county's good people of a privilege they expected, anil of tight would demand, n compromise was made by the committee, whereby the fare from all points beyond the river would be rnade at the same rate. Th effect of this will ff to allow all who ically desire to go io do hi. nod at the same tiiitu reduce ihe patronage ai the way stations to such an extent as to Insure comfortable room and a gisid seat for every passenger on hoard the train. The committee appreciates ihe good nature of their patrons who have heretofote borne in peace the discom fort of being unduly crowded part of (tie way, but they ate now constrained, to believe that, (hey have properly solved i In, .transportation problem. Just remember the day and date. Thursday, August. 9, and that the fare is only one dollar for the round trip Tomorrow at Massacre Sale. The massacre dale which started last Saturday at (he store of Russell L. Vaughn ft' Co., has been great j P'-i success and the selling Inn been ve-l9o i By I ubllsherx' Press ) WASHINGTON. Aug I'. --'I he stalls. Heal honid'ol' agricultural depart ment today announced its estimate of condition. it cotton on July 25 to be H2.ll per cent a 4 computed with H.I. II cent June 5, I'.mti; 9 H Jill) Hi, , !lt 0, Julv 25, IStol; and ten year ly each da.l... Tomorrow another .pair I average of 4 of fine oxfords will be given away, j . - Ihe Kdsail Wlnttirope Company --Mr. Harry Kent, ol Komtoke. sue-j will give nterthei petfoimance tit their ceedit Mr l-o. Vaughn rc.Mghed, a-tiietil toiiiehl 'Ihe company will manager of lh Pittner liii'Wiiit' Coin j'l.iubtle;, be creeled by a large au paay's branch office- n this i.lfy dicnci. i

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