IN-CITY DAILY SENTII IBP WINSTON-SALEM, N. p., SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ls Hourly Ex- Petersburg tsl Tnerc GrOA'ng Tke Movement Is rts Are Eccied ,.ai at Any Time. , P'aces. iSTlfllOT iilllTlflfJ!! MIOF-YFT III! STARTED i J , - I w IIWIIIIIIII I lUIIIJ lllllll I 1 OF EPrWNT ov tut pniiniv pnipTj!j Ul MIL UUUII I I UUIIILIIIIUII I ! ARREST OF I STUDENT j till' sirlM' I 111'' throu- pilW- 1,11 the Z"hv- f iit iii '! "'yio!ci;t "Hi' 1 pllnetlletl ..i .ire in" ' K ,.B!..s,m,iP!. at ,, is band there rUM ! ''ten , t ti.rt- ihc lav is i.-e, n strikers nincil 'i'1" lii"1'"'11' 'r,i:!uy station, i ,, wi C killed. ,! thi' greatest ex rc'iM'i! this L, strikes liavc oc- ami Hkatennosiave 'miislmMt the pro- (Special to Jhv Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Au&. 2 Governor Glenn lid this morning that he found the I North Carolina national guard camp I ground at Morehead iu very good fix land that the only drawback to the complete success of the encampment i was the excessive rains which Inter ifored with the mauoeuvers of the 'troops and robbed this feature of the I camp life of much of Its pleasure for (both officers and men. I He regards the new rifle range es tablished at the Morehead camp i ground hs second only to that at Sva :Girt. ! The Governor will be In his office the remainder of the week. SKOME An. ';;!.! .... A corrcs i'tV Press e today and M: lfimaeU 1')' .fV.i nMiiiny. When .nnnHlrnil Mm of pi isuiK rs and Idck arc in i - i ii fi . Inves- ilii' mutineers visions to last NC the lighting in , in'i'ii established Cuanls 1 1 1 1 1 . dime I Ilii wildiei s. The officers of the colored Orphans' Home have purchased 'a six-room house and 17: acres of land from Mr. Alfred Sides on the Waughtown road between the Lexington and the Thomasville road and 14 acres from Mr. Clement Manly on the same road adjoining the Belo land, anil will operate a home for the negro orphan children of this section. The committee Is arranging for a formal opening of the home on Sun day, Augnst 5, at 1! o'clock. Dr. Lilly has consented to preach on that oc casion. Everybody is invited. A col lection will be taken up for. the bene fit, of the Orphans' Home. 1 GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT The Sentinel.) l -I.-L H. Rrirken S,i;eir., who has the Hcr a sewer system mti bi manager, V. place, today 'brought iiini; machine which aiiim by Mr. George Mto, repiescnting the -oriCK anil Coutract if ttiul city. The killing entirely new in is use in Spencer was liy Hie scarcity of input; tons and will i'1 f''M of twelve foot "inalini; l ie work of i! lie ii. The machine, are lm fifty in exis trartinii type anil cuts pat lajiiiiity in ii.s rear iciit In street. FINE 'li'- lmigram for the ii'ii! Iiiiiiiii r;,w morn- : 1 ' Willi the olielline of lwia! Building of '''nun emit eh : ' Iimi li II; I,",. fj'i,,iieiil. ?' litiS'lme I.Mnrie by IImII.m- 111 ehm,,w l"'- ""' Unit men herd for- His good ' 'till works to I m" " I'.-aln, in? S. 'n.iiimnn of building "i"i.i by s.crelarj. fei:i;,; -Mi. float. ' ""iMii-s for tle T- -I. Hi own. it'-i ii ii.. i mi.. ' '' laiij . '!i h 1 -nirges. A:,. ; ,m. ,: '",f!l - --"l-niilled ' 'I'll t' t. , r.r,,.,., . .. cnarges J: ' n, " Anderson. f.rr !hi: south- ;:; .eiation, mot ,i, , """by, The &..!:: "-'' M-nroan,! ., L; ''"'sl'leilt Jor- 1 'sed doors. "! aiel sent to ' '" ''ii for- ,."'' . "'"Hive com. "' ' " !'" nal ac- '!. M',ten)i),,r Com- hnrl.,. - '"'lH . bill V-.v. V Fair- "Hilieitv "''-' ,m line. f';l th, li-'k,.,, f"'"1K for H ;V" l-'uniished . ,:'"r "l "tiee. s.. .."'"'-.and two Uk f ,r '"'rse 4 an,,.'3 " (Special to The Sentinel.) WASHINGTON. August 4. The preliminary meeting of government board to supervise installation of ex hibits of government at Jamestown exposition will lie held next Thurs day. The board consists of a chief clerk of the various departments, and it is understood that the president himself, because of the interest he has in fho Jamestown project, hs urged their early meeting. The pur pose is to discuss the character of the exhibits to be made and consult with supervising architect of the treasury upon the design of .building to be erected and amount of wall and .floor space that will be available. It is understood an effort will be made to duplicate the government exhibit which was a grand success at the Portland, Oregon, exposition. SALEM COMMISSIONERS. Business Transacted at Regular Monthly Meeting of Board. , At the regular monthly meeting of I he Salem commissioners last, night Chairman H. 12. Fries,' of the finance committee, reported that an offer had heen made for the water works bonds, recently voted by the town, but that a sale had not been made. The ordinance regarding shut off cocks frcm gas pipes passed final reading. This Implies that all new gas pipes placed iu buildings in the future shall be equipped with' this feature!. The penalty for violation of 'his ordinance is 2a. Winston has a sltnila ordinance. -A resoluiion was adopted authoriz ing the water and light committee to place an order for pipes to inn an ex tension from Belews Creek street to Forsyth Furniture Company, an ex tension of the water supply which has long been contemplated. The, following special police were appointed: Albert Peddicord, Levi Kverhart, A. B. Windsor and Charles Hryan. The question of electing another policeman was discussed and it was decided to employ Mi. John W. Yow for night duty, thus enabling Officer McGee to devote his entire time, to day work. New Advertisements. Rosenhaeher & Uro Four special purchases made last week' by our buyer whife north will be announce! Monday. O'Hanlon's Pharmacy nominated on first ballot for promptness and ac curacy in the prescription depart ment. J -A. Wiesner & Co. Pattern work of nil kinds for iron and brass cast ing. Reynolds Bros. The best for sum mer fuel, our "quick heat" mixed pine and ik. A. Dave & Co. Announces rousing reduction sale on shoes for men and women. Gordon G. Reynolds. What to ex pect of H good road sign. Standard Feed and Seed Co. Trade street, now open and ready for. your trade. Hrown-Rogers Co Announces a Majestic baking demonstration for next week. iVissen Park. List of new pictures for tonight. Baking Demonstration. In an attractive half page, ad In this Issue the Hrown-Rogers Co. advertise a grand Majestic .Range baking de monstration' for next week, beginning Monday. The ladles of Winston-Salem are Invited to attend dally. Free coffee and biscuits will bo served and a handsome set of ware w-ill be given away. Misses Kate and Naomi Wurrcs chke returned this afternoon from 8ulllvan' Island, S. C. I'p to the time nf goli'g in press no Humiliation-, bad been made liv the county Oeinoeialie coin . ut ion In se siouj hen- tmia', . The comity Vmm-ra!:c eoineliliuil met hire today. A Ia;ge crowd was piesent and much iuieiest was maniicved Chaii man C, ; called the. conven tion t( order and requested Secretary llausi r to call the toll id townships, eveiy township being re)i eseaied. Mr. .las. K. Noi fleet was named as temporary einiii ivtitu, while Messrs. J. J. Noinran, Albeit J. Hansel. G. 11. Hasten and members of the Demo cratic picss were named as secre taries. In taking the chair Mr. Noi lb e; made short speech, urging harmony iu tin- lanks. On motion of Mr. C. H. Watson the temporary organization was made pei niano!t, Mi'. Filer Introduced a resolution adopted by the executive committer this morning. It gave in substance the method to be followed in nomination of candidates. It recommended that the various townships meet and vote for their candidates separately, each township having a room in the court house to take the vote In. Tin same was adopted. 1 Fo.' Road Commission. Mr. C. H. Watson was recognized by the chair and introduced the fol lowing resolution: "Resolved,. That the Democratic party of Forsyth county favors ener getic and active w'ork in the const ruc tion ol permanent roads fm the county, bin at the same time the in terest of the public requires that the ordinary roads of the county should be kept and maintained In a reason ably good and passable condition. Resolved further. That the party favors the placing of the road fund and l lie expenditure thereof in the hands of a public road non-partisan commission to the end that, the workh. lieck for treasurer. (Hy Publishers' Press ) t j w rv w t t ...... . .......... said that it ,i;j be time later to! "" "-'' m ! name the men and If It was thought 'li-MUich says party of mmiiutis left best one ot the county commissioner!) the Pyimpat Azov the other day In would be placed on the commission. ja ma! , vis Su.HllK forirrs. He was in favor (if the minortiv party , , , . . . ... ,. , beiim repieseiited on-.he commission. ! "h tho ""'J'1 ,,f ,h" arrl Mr. J. J. Marshall thought that Hik ' mutiny. The party, consisting wmild be best to set aside $:!S.mmi for : of eight sailois and one Chilian, lead Pirmunent mad :irk and then givei,,,. m,,inv on ua.Oiin wen- each township fl.iMiti to keep the loads of that township In condition. Major Ilesseni said he was against noi'-pui lde. Mr. P. II Hanes again took the Hour an.) uiged the adoption of the resolution. Mi. M. I). Bailey, Ji., made a motion thai Hie townships take the resoluiion and vote on it in their meetings for nomination of candi- ! dates. Nomina''? j. Speeches. Nominating upevohcs wire limited in one minute foi each candidate. Mr. C. It. Watson placed In noinlna Mjui Mr. R. E. Transou for clerk of the couit. There being no opposition to him he was noiiilnuted unanimous ly. M.r. J. F. Griffith placed In nomina tion Mr. James E. Ziglar for sheriff. Mi. E. E. Gray presented Mr. J. T. Thompson for sheriff. Pi of. I.fMin Cash nominated Mr. (). ii. Eaton for sheriff. Mr. J. A. Maishall presented Mr. H. I. Itigglns for sheriff. Mr. H. P. Polntlcxter nominated Mr I. .1. Adams for sheriff. Mr. V. M. Hemlren presented Mi. C. M. McKaiighan for register of deed. Mi. George P. Pell presented ("apt. R. R. Crawford for register of deeds Dr. R. H. Jones placed in nomina tion Mr. O. W. Jones for register. Mr. Rom Llnvillo placed In nomina tion for treasurer Mr. C. W. Jones, t Mr. Tom Griffith presented Mr. J. I,. Shock for treasurer. ('apt. J. C. Ik'ssent presented Mr A. R. Shore for treasurer. Squire Anderson presented Mr. Geo. T Negro Wanted forMUrder Is Arrested In City of . Danville. Va. Jairested on reaching land and tlii other milliliter have been weakened j Loyal sailors attempted to retake tht ship and after a haul tight droe tin' j mutineers Into the forecastle. Dining) jthe outbreak Ave officers, a doctor. ian engineer and a subaltern were MU led. Two officers were wounded, one 'mortally. About IHU seamen were killed or wounded. Over I.fioo of the I mutineers were taken ashoie as pris loneis A later dispatch to a new agency in descrinmg the mutiny which oc curred yesterday on board the Ru slan cruiser Paimat Axova say the outbreak on the part of the sailors began when a student, disguised as a sailor, anhed mi the warship An at tempt was made to arrest him but simif of the sailors prevented this and shot four officers who ordered the man's arrest. Three other officers es caped from the cruiser In a sum, I boat. Mutineers sank the boat with shot but the officers reached the shore by swimming. The mutineers com nianded the torpedo boat No. lnti to join the mutiny but it refused and steamed away. of road building and road niaintain- ance may have more careful and more effective supervision." In presenting the resolution Mr. Watson made a short speech explain ing provisions of the resolution and urged its adoption on the ground that it was the. best way to solve the road problem. . Mr. W. M. Ileiidren supported the resoluiion in a short, speech, saying that he believed this resolution was the remedy that was needed and he urged the Democrats present, to think it over. Dr. R. H. Jones moved to adopt Iho resolution. Mr. E. E. Giay took the door and opposed the non-part iso. nconimissioii Idea, saying that the Democrats were capably of looking after this road woik and It would establish a bad precedent. Mr. P. H. Hanes started to speak from the flortr but the crowd cheered him and Insisted on his taking the rostrum. Some of the delegates yelled that he was the best road builder in North Carolina. Mr. Hanes thought it would not be well to adopt the resolution as introduced. He thought the county commissioners should have some "say-so" in the road question. Mr. Watson again took the floor and Mr. Lucas I. Conrad was placed In nomination for treasurer. Mr. W. M. Hendren placed In nom ination ('apt. J. M. Robinson for cor oner and there being no opposition he was unanimously nominated. There being no opposition to Mr. E. A. Conrad ho was unanimously nominated for surveyor. The following were presented for 'county commissioners: Messrs. R. S. Linvllle. P. H. Hanes, John Cllnard. L. C. Mine. M. D. Bailey, Dr. E. V. Strickland. I). W. Harmon. Mr. C. U. Watson placed In nomina tion for the senate Mr. F. T. Baldwin. Mr. P. II. Hanes nominated Mr. J. C. Hiixlou for the senate. For the house the following were placed in nomination: Messrs Reu ben Llneback, Robt. M. Cox. J. W. flu nix, A. C. Wharlon (who withdrew, saying he could not accept), J. S. Grogan, (who also declined, and re fused to allow his name to be con, sidered). F. P. Alspaugh was also placed In 'nomination but he said he would not accept. The crowd seemed to be for Alspaugh. Mr. W. T. Carter was placed In nomination as were Messrs. G. 11. Hasten, M. 1). Halley, Jr., but both said they would not ac cept if nominated. Mr. W. M. Hendren was also placed In nomination but li refused. TALI EMBASSY (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Aug. I. Five of the Italians on trial all the week at Mijilon. N. ('.. lor alleged conspiracy against. Superintendent Cross, of the South and Western Railroad, and in which the Italian government took a hand, have been acquitted. A nol pros has been entered In 'be cases of two others iuditced on the same charge. Future complications are likely to result in the way of suits backed by the Italian-embassy at Washington. Thev will be not. only for damages against the railioad and countv or state but criminal action for Ill-treatment of Italians. Card from M. D. Bailey, Jr. To the Editor: Noticing John I). Waddill's article this morning In the Journal, and noting that he does not call any name when he refers to a little man. being a small man myself and having written something about Mr. Waddill's bill I want to say that he could not have possibly referred lo me, though he has left that inipie,- sion. I challenge .n- n name his man. I do not seew cover j or try to cloak myself under .) j ficlilioms name and would like for Mi Waddill. If there is really a man '" : whom he refers, to name the man. I, request this for fear some p'"d' would think that he means me. Respectfully M. D BAILEY, lit t rail The Pilot 'Mountain Baptist Asso elation, which has been In session at Waiightowu since Thursday, adjourn ed this afternoon. The attendance of preachers an I lay-members was quite large and the proceedings were inter esllng and profitable. Features of today's sessions were addresses on temperance, and reportsi jm Sunday school work. Two or Three obituary notice's were read. A iiholution was adopted by the association' condemning: I he publish ers of the Baptist Sunday school periodicals for allowing an advertise ment, ot the Southern Home Journal to anneal on the back of one of the papers. The editor or publisher Is asked to apologize to the Baptists for his action. The next meeting of the associa tion will be held at Leaksville. PROPOSITION DEFEATED. One Convict Escapes. ; ATLANTA, (ia.. Am.. I Six'v ne gro convicts attempted to e.,ap. from the convict camp a' midnislt! i lasr night. When a guard was maK iiig his rounds he opened Hie door of a loom In which the men ut. H-i was knocked down. The i;' Ki'-s th, :y started for the door. The first ,!." , was shot dead by amithei gilarri. Tlrv caused the convicts to cool down. One.; however, escaped, and Atlanta is ha-'j ;., thee man hunt, the second t.i;s. week. Election Held in Lewisville Township to Vote Special Tax for School Purposes. The election held In Lewisville township Tuesday rcsul'ed in a de feat, by a vole of '.',''. to 112, for the proposition to levy a special tax to be used In the establishment of a first class school In Lewisville. Two men In 'he township did not go to the polls The active friends of education In. the township are disappointed over defeat of the nieasuie. The county school hoaid will not meet Monday. This is the date for 'he regular monthly meeting but It has been decided to hold It one week !a'c,- Misses Margie and Hi i,. W'lniinirton today visit Norfolk before returning en Smith They , wi!! - Peter Valer." Jr.. Is a! Washing on. with the Buieaii of Soils. Mr. Valer recently graduated at the A. M. College and is a Winston boy. He writes that there are more Norih Carolina boys In the agriculture de partment In Washington than from any other state. YAD.KINVILLE CAR LINE. prints the fol-Wlnston-Salein, Meeting of Representative of Wln- ston-Salem And Yadklnvllle to Be Arranged Soon. The Yadkin Ripple lowing letter from which explains Itself: 'We are Just In receipt of a marked copy of the ladklii Ripple and note you have designated July Illsf us the time for meeting a committee from the Winston-Salem Board of Trade to discuss the matter of building an electric line to your county. 'This is first notice we have had of the date for this meeting and we regret that we were not apprised or the same In time to secure a repre sentative committee to meet with you on this date. However, our presl- lent as well as a number of other members who are very much Inter ested In this proposition are now ab sent, from the ell) and It will be well ulgh Impossible on this short notice to get Iu touch with them. On this account we think It will be well to defer this mooting for a week or ten days until we can secure a committee of representative members to confer with yoH. Wh will advise you as to w hen 1 his can best be done mid' then arrange tin early dale which will be mutually agreeable. In the meantime we wish to assure you that we have nol been Idle as plans are n fool which we thhik are favorable for an early connection by mil with your county." RICHARDSON'S WATCH FOUND. Sold to Negro by Negroes Who Are Thought to Have Killed Him. From the Roanoke World. When the body of Brakeman A. B. Richardson was found on the track near FY r rum lasl Monday morning, his watch was missing, Yestenlay the watch was found In the posses ion if a colored mini at Boone's Mill. He slated that the Watch was sold lo him by the two negroes who found the. bod). His story was be lleved. and be was nol arrested. Baldwin detectives are now hunting for the negroes, who had not, been located yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. E. Richardson, father of the dead brakeman, showed The World man the watch. It Is a handsome opi u face gold watch. The ring was hioken out when it was Jerked from the chain, which was found Intact on the body. It Is believed that the two negroes were on the train and threw Rlchanl sou off. The fact that his lament was on iho train would indicate that In sei it down and went attej:llm men. who threw h I in off It js argued that if he had fallen off his lantern would have gone with him. Mr. Richardson, the faihej. says that It was plain that the negro who had the watch was lanocent. ami as he had traded ills watch and l for the watch, he had decided to send him it time piece that was valued at $10. Whtn Arrested Bohsnnon Confessed That He Was the Man Who Shot Foreman Beachman tut Stated That He Did Not Know Btschman Was Dead. . Frank BohaniinH, the negro who on Tuesday last shot and killed J. T. Rem hmaii. a Southern Uullwaj. fore man, employed with the double track ing force near Jamestown, waa ar rested In Danville last night. He was taken Into custody at o 3it o'clock and after living questioned for on time admitted thai he was the liinu who shot llcschniaji, but slated that he did not know that lleuchman was dead. There waa a reward of fluo offered foi his capture. Dohaniion has been a resident of Winston Salem for several .years An officer here was -advised curly this morning thai llohaiiiiou's "sweet heart" left Martinsville )esterdajr. going toward 'Danville. A message received from Greens boro this afternoon stated that It was not known when the negro would be brought to Greensboro. It Is said (bat Boh, union agreed to go back to Grcinahoto without requisition pa per.1. The two negroes, Kl Crulchfleld and his sou Oscai, In Jail at Greensboro as coconspirators In the murder, have employed counsel who Is press ing for a hearing before a magistrate, hut there will be none until Hohannou Is given a preliminary hearing. Men from the double tracking force In Greensboro today sav lhat old Kl la really the one who Incited Ikihannoti to the crime, and was overheard Mon day night telling llohannon how he could arrange to have fwo of the over sn'rs killed. F'or some reason there are several of the double track forre In Greensboro today, and Sheriff Jor dan Is keeping mum as to when llohannon will be brought back. JEWISH PREACHER HERE. Rev. A. Uchenstein, Christian Jew, to Speak at Three Twin City Churchet Tomorrow. Rev. A. Llcbenstelii, of HI. Iiills. supei liilendeiK of the Jewish Chris tian Mission, Is at present Itv this city and will preach three time to morrow, occupying three dlfferflnt pulpits. At 11 a. m, at Centenary M. E. chinch;. In the afternoon at 4 o'clock at Iho First Baptist church and In the evening at H o'clock at thn First Presbyterian church. The sub ject for the afternoon will bo of especial Interest, as he will preach on the l heme. "The Returning of the Jews to Jerusalem Iu Connection with the Second Coming of the Messiah" Mr. Llcheiistele was converted seventeen years ago while a buslnena man. A few month Inter he laid down his business that he might preach to bis own people. He spent some time In theological training, and weni directly to New York where ho preached seven jears as a missionary among the Jews. He has been for eight )ears superintendent of the Jewish Mission work In St. Uiuls, where his work has been greatly blessed and heartily endorsed and supported by I be jeadlng pastors and churches or that city Those who fall to hear him while in this city will miss n most liileiestlng opportunity to learn something of the. christian work among the Jews. Miss Mary llyiium. of littsboro. Is visiting her ' cousin, Miss Annie By. lllllll,' oil Spruce street. Rev C. A Ritchie, pastor of the Flist Lutheran church at Bingham ton, N. Y., and former pastor of the Lutheran cbuieh in this city. Is the gucM of Mr G L. Dull on West Find. Mr. Ritchie will be the officiating minister at the Mi Dowel! Dull mar riage iiexi Tuesday. Mis. Gmrge Tate and little son left today for Phospho LiUila Hprbiga after visiting Mrs. Tate.' mother, Mrs. R. F'. Giay " HAD A HIGH OLD TIME. 400 Jay Birds Cet Beastly Drunk on Cherries. Atlaulr Jounial. Four or five hundred Jay birds got on a beast I y drunk Tuesday morning at "Till Glenn street. The cause of Iho scandal which has ouliaged ail respectable nests for miles aioiind Is a largo wild cherry tree standing In the rear lot of ( has. A. Biitton, at the number mentioned Shortly aftei minrlso Mr. Rrltton heard h ii hilarious chattering In his garden on looking out be saw the limbs of the tree, the walks, xtnd the fence rails lined with siaggeilng Jays, They weit- still picking madly at the cherries, that is, as many as could keep on (bi-lr feet, were doing so. Hundreds of them were keeled over kicking-their toothpick legs and beat ing the sir with llielr toes. One extra ordinarily big old' Jay, evidently the F"a! staff of 'he flock, was trying to lead W or To of hlsiiiales iu a dance like hobble around a tomato vine But they all reeled over and began claw ing each other This started a general hurl) burly and In less than five min utes the roletens wen; In a blood) fight.. Willi" clouds of feathers fell to the ground. All this while the birds were chat'crliig, jabbering, squeaking and -blustering n, noisily that every body who passe ibe yaid stopped In have a laugh a fliem. The orgle. It is said, lasted IkN Into !lbe day. tuitll a heavy, rain came and sobered" up tin iliunkeii crowd MisseSf Marlah Vogier and ibtta Peterson returned this noon from a visit to AsheVToe. Hen-after- Miss Mabel Spaugh left today for New Yoik to visit Miss Grace Leslie, forineiiy of this city, Rev B. K. Mason went to Hummer Meld loday to assist Iu a pnitiacted meeting at lhat place . Mrs L. M Hwink 'returned this af teruoon frntii a visit to Salisbury. H. 'C Ecclea, of Charlotte, and sister. Mrs. J W. Giay. of Statesville who have been visiting Mrs C, J Watklns. .went to Raleigh today to visit relatives. Mrs. II D Lindsay, of Roekford, spent the day hcic. j D C Criitchlleld went l( Richmond, !Va., today, i Rev Sam Hail, of I'innacI, who at 'tended ibe Pilot Mountain Assocla Itiou, returned home this afternoon...

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