WIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST G, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS SI. PETERSBURG IS TALK, many PnOsmmis lis " (LOST AT SEA M EE TRIED. GONVENTION FORMAL OPENING. ' FROM HEAT TO ,,mshiD Sirio Was CdOnThehpcin- $ Coast. Five Negroes Charged With Barber Junction Murder Are Arraigned. tvd ,a!s. ipll; Wri tu. -----Lcb, way of Spam -,,, passenger. ..... I, jpjmsn Li' l'il'SS.I Ail (Bv Publishers' Kress. 1 ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. C It i estimated this morning thai only i;n, mm of the 251MMM workitigtiieu in St IMeisburg have obeyed the strike! t summons. . The employees of several ' bis mills hav? "Penly refused to join! Being Tried at Special Term of Court the strike. twenty workmen werei n Salisbury llljllieu in a iiiiMi wiiu in" ijoiicu e. tenlay. The citv is quiet this morn ing. Three of the newspapers mailt their appearance today. Garnering Saturday One or Largest Tver Held In Tills County. IN GUILFORD JAIL. Judge Long Presiding. Mob Met Tram In Salisbury Last i Night But Prisoners Had Been Taken Ofi Train a Mile from Salis bury. - Some -Side Lights On the County Democratic Convention Saturday And Its Work. General Opinion Is That a Splendid Ticket Was Nom inated. Notes About the Convention. ' I v 1 i, I. Ushers fVss ) NKW YORK. Auv i". -The citv i boiling alii! sit wing til u lri UI ai Three people uu- dead from !n-at ami scous pi oi liit ii . There is ili.s tics anil stiff, ring among the poor. Last night was ihi sevcteM exper ience during the present term anil will allil heavily, physicians declare, to the list of deaths among infaiits as well a.-, aged people. tee ?'lk ." J Hutu: ,i t fie shil1'!' ' '" . i ftw aim III Im.'l ;. Tiio ! Italian j Islajidj -,1 Pi"- s were j how I jlH miil:t' ;i the fa'" :!li:n il!J' In' us be:;e vmaieli SI!.!. -"" '1 liufe T .iiili Of IJ. kail Mui w: mat .hu:;!l l ii.w:i. Frank Bohannon, Colored, Carried from Danville to Greensboro And Placed in Jail. Did Not Object to Being P.- tried to Greensboro " out Requisition Papers. (Special to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO, Aug. fi When the Southbound train from Danville tu- exact (lived here Saturday night there was Ian immense crowd gathered ut the i Southern Railway station, expecting or hoping to get a glimpse of Frank i lloliaiinon. the negro who In cold j blood deliberately killed Mr. ('. H. Beachman a foreman of the double tucking force near Jamestown last Tuesday. Bohannon, It was known was caught in Danville lute Friday night, and it was supposed that officer. s would bring him to Greensboro on ilie Saturday evening train, since lie did not come at noon. The crowd was plainly disappointed that the ne gro did not come, but Sheriff Jordan already had him safely landed in Jail. ' Bohannon gave no trouble whatever completeness j about coming. Possibly ho did not ippallitig licet of to give ..i-t.-r from be- 1 1 -corded in (Special to The Sentinel) SjU.ISljlKY, Auk "i. Willi Judge li. F. Lurig. of State, ville. piesiding a special term ot Rowan superior court With. ! wiveafiU.Uert- this luortilnit for th j trial of the alleged murdereis of Isaac iLyerly, his wife, a son and a daughtei near Barber's .liiuclioti on July i::th After the selection of a grand jury the charge of Judge Long consumed all the morning session ol couit. The five Gillespie and .Dillingham tiegioes, charged with the niuidei. wele bioiight to 'Rowan jail at mid night last night by Sheriff Julian and Thai the county convention of Sat urday was one of most largely attend ed ami most interesting political gata- rVC,l' held In Forsyth couiuy it generallt admitted. More than one thoiisaml ballots wie east on the Mist ballot and veiy near tluit many on the second. The convention was, in session about ten horns and yet the courtroom was crowded wiih an FINE SPEAKERS SECURED. Sam Jones,' Senator Tillman, John I Temple Craves And Other Will Speak at Charlotte Chataqua. (Special to The Sentinel ! CHARLOTTE. Aug. li.-ll is prom jlseri by the Greater Charlotte Chatau npia that the programme of the Sep tember meeting will not contain a dry tage,. enthusiastic and perspiring number. Among the speakers who crowd all the time. It was a good have alieady been secured are Rev. natured crowd, too. and it W'hiled I Sam I'. Jones,' (he Georgia platform away the wearisome hours while wait- ..teacher; Senator lieiijainln It. Till- i to have half were lii-klv it Is uu a Pit of the seilgers would help been so tin- wreck and jill.l'ed with leiimi of tlie sieatner. Ln Tells of Disaster. StiX, Aus. vapiaiu learner Mane Louise, i the wreck uf the ricnnl seme hi tier pas- all Intel view Unlay said : wis pi,u in full stream of ilie accident. 1 saw ,i anil Imiiight my (rarii.s she had met wilii us tin' Sit in was then tfii- sboi m northwest of .amis, llei t,i) w idled ami The ilex llKlllK'lll ireliletidmis explosion. hid liut'stcd. We put on reach the Si i in and pick- 'III- )Hlll('. a dozen deputies. A the prisoners met the sheriff had left the train a mile from the station and kept the negroes in hiding In a livery stable several hours thus averting trouble, GREiNSBOROS HORSE SHOW. Much Interest Being Ttken In the Event Which Is To Be fieid August 15th. GREENSBORO, August 2. The piiucipal event now looked forward to in Greensboro is the inaugural annual mob expecting for ,"s"11' iniln I, m il... "e aillioiiuceo ny ipeakci wliu would llial.e if the first ballot to every a speech. knownHiat it would have required a i ; rwiuisition irom ine governor ; horse show, to be held at the Central Noitli Carolliui on the governor of VI:-l(-aroiina K.,ir K,.oull!( August LV glula before he could have been taken: Amoll(! ,i,c, prominent out-ot-town from one state to anrther. Anyway, h,,,, ,., wt, i,ave Imlllu arrange he Willingly consented to come, and , nl,,,lts , u, rll Major liming his ride spent, flinch of his i M()st.s M(.('own, Durham ; W. G. Ross, time crying and moaning, at the pros jchaiiolte;- George Harden. Raleigh: pect of being hanged, declaring he w. c, Ran. Winston; Joe X. William knew that was In store for him. He l-,.,,, k,i. i,'i,.i,is Hith Point; S. Strndwick, Winston; X. G. PICNIC THURSDAY. fe Many Attractions Ar- jed for This Event. lie niiiti- vailed atfrac .Masonic plcmc at cle Miirksville, 'n-xt Tiiur.s- Ivfr liefiiie itr the twenty tliesf picnics have been ll!) held. al aihln-s, wili e ileliv 'i Zeh Vauiv Walser, of ni'! R v. T. a. Suioot will '') 'h the lioliie-coinol's. isle will be furnished by i Cm net bann, while, the fxerciit, ijy a chapier of "'"I the Oxlonl J avium laiR feature. Ms uf evcrv ;ini M ill ,,v Hie Iwil.r'timmittee, and 11 omiitry ilinner will be ill. v;i.i.(,ii a lirst-cki.-'S game '" p:;iy il in the Coo-S-tire- t,.;llns n pMt ill he ilntie to mait. H. Wlel,1(. ,,sr ,0 a, ' MK-ii.l a dollar in a ''' Ulal i.f helpinj; the "lf lllails la n 'mt. One .lollar ,!,: "mi oark mi, i ..i :l Oxford the net Orphan USS CONFERENCE, te Held Berlin to For- 'nternational Code. Publi: ierv' ir..c . 'at'ne C(,i, i; he f: f'iin ides- IHl ! "f Hill till- I'tll... 'iennanv Anst, ii. ' ill li.-.,. 1 ''Hiitrin ,.( ... H-gjt,, dative. ,.t i, " xn '- A:i-,:(,,, M, 1 X, '"llHi r r,( i Wa.,., 'i-r-Seoond Mi' In i lii- eomiiig hup at ii-'ernalioiiiit ess tele t States France, Hungary. ' I" ''If miliary il.j.ct three 1 Hie other wiiild have' I'm-.-Mane. .lit.;.. Hie lllli U r v;: -Mi,..,,. a:.d :- -ti 1 I", i, 'In- , rina; i'l 1 I'nited ssador ar Ad'- S. X.; ii. Chief s Army. e liepart '"I'. Ad Mien MV nf wlr'e ' military Oetobei H RECORD. 'Wk last N 1 tut i, 1 II.;! U. S'ted from 9ht. New "4 : y, Kt, An, ' Julian 'line, who I'inlii In a "m an record. 'ng with- Nt' Store, air,,, , btr ; hi i' i i "s lier-ti W,, -1 ear will ,"' y- a flrst ;'" '"' build- v, '' Messlck, u,l) ltii-1,,1 ". '" (''cased ' " in t Aiij. eie'e, "Il'l the insisted that ho was made drunk and nersuaded to do the killing by "old Ki Cnitchfleld and his son Oscar, who had planned to kill every while nutn on the double track force. Honau- non did not know that these two ne groes had already been arVest- ed before In Danville the Friday officer night. got II11U I j,, In jail lie ; Williams, Williams, Smoak & Mc Cieary, Winston; 1". Watt Riclmrd- i son, Reldsville; Gen. J. S. ( ai r, Dur- ham; Henry James, Yadklnvllle. I Three prizes, first, second and third, will be offered in everv contest and continues to moan and bewail his situation, persisting in his assertions that "old Ki and 'Oscar" itre as guilty as he. He is in a separate cell from 'hem and has not been allowed to have any communication with them. There are no fears-of a lynching, but from the fact, that there; are now six desperate criminals in jail!' charged with murder or conspiracy to murder while men, a guard Is kept there day Hid night, to prevent any possibility uf their escape, or attempt to rescue them. At their monthly meeting today it is thought the board of county commis sioners will petition the governor to :all a special term of court to try these cases. The next term of crim inal court does not convene until Sep tember 17, and is for only one week, barely long enough to dispose. of the smaller -Jail cases that will be on the docket by that, time. Besides,' there is an unquestioned feel in if that these six bloody cases ought to be tried as piomptly as possible, as the fre lueiicy of like offenses in- the past several years, with apparently inade iua,te punishment, is causing many ndignaut comments, and no little nervousness. no one of these valued at less will the than $25 first prize ROMINGER-WILES. Well Known Couple Married at Home of Bride This Afternoon. The marriage of Miss Sallle B. Wiles and Mr. C. D. Romlnger was happily celebrated at 4:15 this after noon, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. H. A. Brown, the bride's pastor, at the residence of her mother. Mrs. Thomas Wiles; fi(!2 Holly avenue. Il was n quiet home wedding, only the immediate relatives of the contract ing parties witnessing the nuptials. The bride and groom are well known and have a host of admiring friends throughout this section. Mr. Rominger Is a member of the enter prising and successful firm of Ro minger and Blackburn Furniture Com pany. Mr. and Mrs. Rominger left on the 7 : 10 train this afternoon for Viiginia Beach. After spending a few days there they will visit Washington and Xew York. I'pon their The management is considering the advisability of adding an automobile race to the program and this feature will attract many who would not have otherwise taken much Interest in the event. , GLEE CLUB MEETS TONIGHT. New Much Interest Shown In the Game of Volley Ball. The Y. M. C. A. glee club meets to night at S:::u. This will be the third in the second series. The, college songs. Including solo training aim also vocal part singing, will be used, and most of the evening will be used In singing as most of the members are now thoroughly familiar with musical notation. Several choir sing ers have improved their talents at these rehearsals, and have expressed i hope that the club will bo continued during the winter .. even on larger scale. Some of Prof. Hougliton'ji pri vate pupils are singing In the club for the general practice and an extra training thev are receiving from his excellent methods. Much Interest is being shown in the new game of volley ball introduced in the gymnasium last week. The bus iness men realize that, it Is a recrea tive game well adapted in their needs and especially fitted for the warm season. Their classes meet this even ing at 3: 1 j. Forsyth Wants More Convicts. The county commissioners. In ses sion today, discussed good and bad roads, biidge building, etc. A large number of claims were allowed. Th clerk 10 the board was authorized to write court clerks of Stokes. Suit;', Ashe and Alleghany counties and ask that the convicts from said counties asslcned to the public roads of Forsyth, the commissioners of this county agreeing to pay court costs and Iranspoitiition of prisoners. Tie for First Place. Master Marian Nash, the seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs A. V Nash, has been notified by the Satur day KverXng Post that he and another "' " i , .,v-1 North Carolina boy tied for firs' . ..... i. i The only disagreeable ihing about the convention was system of count ing the vote. The first ballot, was Clos ed at 2 o'clock and II was after .1 before the secretaries were able ;o figure out the exact vole each candi date received. It was a hard task and It was a wonder that the 'secreta- ies made the progress they did. Ev erybody seemed to he In favor of pri mary two yea us hence and several of the party leaders expressed the opin ion that such a plan would be adopted Col. John S. Cunningham, of Per son county, was in tiiu convention hail for a few hours Saturday after noon, and In response to repealed ills made a speech thai kept the tired crowd In the best of humor. Col. Cunningham Is a large lohacVo grower and also president of the to bacco growers organization of this Slate. The colonel referred to the recent figures published In The Senil uel relalve to city's comtneiclal Inipot lance and congratulated the clly and coimy on having made such fine prog ress of late. He and Mr. Cy. Watson had a little tilt us to the status, of the lawyer and the crowd seemed to side with hlni, though Mr. Watson held up the lawyer's end of the argument in his usual humorous fashion. The crowd was In a good humor and wanted speches, It called for this and that man, some of whom re sponded while others begged to be ex cused. After the first ballot Messrs. Adams, Katou and Thompson withdrew from the race foi Hheriff. leaving only two candidates for (his olflce in the Held, Missis. Ziglar and Rigging. Mr. 0. W. Jones. In a speech, withdrew from the contest for register and urg ed his supporters lo unite with the Crawford men and nominate that gentleman. But the next ballot showed I hat Mr. Jones could not control his vote as several of the townships that had given him a majority gave Mc Kauglian the larger pait of their vole The full ticket, as nominated, Is as follows : Foi Senate J. ('. Buxton. For House W. T. Cal ler and Cox. Clerk of Court H. E. Tiansou. Sherifi -J. K. Ziglar. Register of Deeds C. M. McKaugh- TreasiiM-r Geo. I.. Beck. Surveyor H. A. Conrad. Coroner J. M. Robinson. Commissioners M. D. Bailey, Dr. B. F. Strickland, I). W. Harmon. It Is generally conceded that, this Is a very strong ticket. The old sol dier element is 'represented, there are faiiueis, manufacturers, profes sional men, clerk and business men .on the ticket and each section of the county is repiesented,- The town gets the senator, sheriff, one member of the House, the chairman of the boatd of count eommUHioners and the cor-onc:. man. of souin Carolina; Hev. neorge R. Stewart, "the noted Southern lec turei." and the Hon. John Temple Graves, editor of the Evening Geor gian, of Atlanta, Ga. A large slice of the silm inude" up by Chailotle people to Insure the sue cess of Uu; meeting will go towmd securing talent for the musical part of the piograiume. Among the mils ical iiltractlons will be the well known Dailcv Quintette and several famous soloists. Among the latter will be Madame Shot well-Piper, of Xew York, who ranks among the leading singers of Hie World. Rev. D. L. Rvld, general manager of the chntaiiqnu, Is now busy eugag lug other talent for the week. He will add to the alMive list the names of two or three other well known lec- tmers. The railroads will make (special rates on account of the occasion. The dales Will be September '.I to Hi in clusive, i NEGRO'S STRANGE ACTION. Frightened Away by Mrs, Ray Cle ment's Screams. An unknown negro went In thvyard of Mr. Ray Clement, at 107 Chestnut street, near the Salem reservoir about i o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Clement was In one of the out build ings in the back lot. She heard some one walking, but thought it was ner husband until the negro attempted lo open the door to thu building she wiis In. As soon as she discovered the negro she grabbed the door mid he gau screaming. At this Juncture the negro had his hand on I lie door and was attempting to pull It open, Mr. Clement, who whs In the house, heard his wife. He rushed out the hack door, hut bv the time lie had ilesccndcd the steps the negro had Jumped the fence and lied. He was followed by several angry men, but he was lost sight of on the Southern Railway yard by running between a number of box cars. The negro, whose, name has not been Gleamed, was cen watching around Mr. Clement's hack yard for an hour or more befoie he entered It FARMERS' INSTITUTE. About Fifty Soil Tillers In Attendance, 8ubjectr And Speakers. The Farmers' Institute held at the court house today whs attended by ,'iit or (ill soli-tillers. The discussions were Interesting and profitable. The morning session opened at In o'clock and the afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tlf subjects and speakers were as follows. Legumes in the Improvement of Our Soils, by T. II. Parker, of Orange county. - The Object of Crop Rotation, by Dr. Tail Itutltr. Corn Culture, by T. H- Paiker. nillzlllg the Waste I'roducts of Hie J Farm, by Di. Tali Butler. Kami Dairying, by J. C. Kendall. X C. College of Agriculture, will Mis. lion id with the groom's sislei J. T. Joy iter. In West. Winston. place on the i last week in New Advertisements. Smokers' Den. The Cuban cigar an at tract ib smoke. StielT Piano Co. Southern sales room, Charlotte, X. C "Business In tegrity." . ' O'Hanlon's Drug Sfoje Cool de licious suda. Roseiil.nrhnr rirn Announce-I tnent of soecial mtrchases by our r'.,st buyer while on Northern market last week now on special sale at Busy Store. - , I Sink and Kansler. Just what yoli j want to protect your shingle roof. Simpson's Drug Store. If you're j hot and thirsty learn the way. I Strousp & Bros., of Baltimore. An I Invitation through Rosenbacher Ai j. Bro. to yon to attend fall tailoring opening Wednesday to Saturday, tlii.i week. C. A. Jenkins. A good thing In health and accident insurance. number of copies soli, thu pony and catt ".:i- lest. Marian has doubled ins on.'i for this week for the Post and Is de termined to lead In sales. He will I"' on the street with his large fort helpers every day this week. ot It was a fine set of candidates in 'he field and any one of (hem would have made a good officer for the posi tion which he sought, but It cannot be denied that Hie most popular men were nominated as' the convention's mode if making the nominations was practl--aliy nothing lens than a primary, though the delegates are almost unan imously opposed to the convention plan of waiting until the day of the convention to count the vote, l takes up too much time. MURDER NEAR MT. AIRY. Frost Timmotis Shot And Killed by Irving Tettreff. (Special to Tim Sentinel. I MT. AIRV, Aug 0 Frost Tlmmons wait shot and killed yeniriday morn lug ai X o'clutk at Combstown. near Flat Rock. Surry counlv, by Irving Tettreff. The twi. men had some trou ble Satiirdav night and early Sunday moinlut.. Tetin ff secured shot gun and went af'er Tiniliions. The latter Gildwdl Memorial Building Thrown Open For First Time Yesterday. Appropriate Exercises Held Yester day Morning In Connection With Use fOY tht First Time Of New Sun day School , Anne of First Presby terian Church. The cominenct inent of the exercises connected with the optmlng of t lite Caldwell M.-oiniUl building wit scheduled f,.i 4; yesterday, but hulf all hour' before (but lime the children began to assemble, all looking bright and happy This was the day when the splendid new Sunday, scbooj an nex of tile. Firsl PrcsbWerlan church, 1 he building for which they have worked so faithfully, was to b iortnally handed over to them. At the outset Dr. Lilly told thu children, their friends and teachers, thai while the handing over of the building by the building committee) was perhaps a formality yet he want ed every one to feel perfectly at home, he wanted (bv children to feel that they were taking part In a friendly gathering, be w auled I hem to feel that It was their building I hey were going to lecelve from the committee. In order to be In keeping with the new biiudlng hvmn No. lb was hear- illy sung out ot the new hymn books, this being followed b) an explullktoiy statement bv the supei lnttident, Mi Geo. S. Norflcet. v,(in Is also chairman of the building committee. When the notes of the'organ began a march, the children formed in Hue, kleupii to the mnslr to the annex and seated . themselvM In the opera chairs around the auditorium, class by class. The.i followed another hymn and respoioo's of praise In classes, each Has ii-cll lug a verse of scripture appropriate to the occasion, after which the wuo school Joined in repeating; "Oh that men wonld praise the 1ird for His Goodness,1 and for Ills wonderful works to the children of men. Mr, George S. Norflcet, as chairman of the building cotiiuilitee, said he had talked so much about the ('aid well Memorial IniU'liiig thai he hadn't anything to say but what he had al ready said. Mr. Norfleet remarked that this work hadn't been completed without a good deal of work and he praised the scholars and all who had InboieiMn so good a cause; said the first contribution was made by mem-, bet ol the Utile, 'children's, class; de-' scribed bow-the first plana had been rejected ami they had finally decided to have un, up-lo date building with every convenience for scholars UCR as they now were enjoying.' Mr. Thomas Maslln, the secretary of Hie building coiiimlllee, gave historical account of the building from Its first Inception In the mind of thelt beloved former pastor, Rev. R. B. Caldwell, to the plesenl occasion. He supplemented Mr, Norfleet's stale men! by saying that the little boy who gave the (list dime earned It by car rying In wood; suld the scholars had lain.-il $,',110, Ihe ladles over 1 1. Hun. He praised both for meeting Hieir payments so promptly. The building, with Its wiulpiiieiil, represented an outlay of IH.fioe;; t lint although the it'UStees of the church were going lo accept Ihe building today for the chil dren 1 key were gelling something tliey hadn't quite llnlnhwl' paying for, there being still a balance of ll.K.'IH due. bo thy must keep up their monthly col lect ions a while longer. Mr. ' Robert W. Gorrell then pre sented the building 011 behalf of the building -committee, to the ti unlets In appropriate words and Major Brown accepted It foi the trustees in like manner, closing with a few verses fiont .Solomon's dedicator)' psalm. Ml. J. M Rogers represented ihe Sunday school and accepted the building on Its behalf, saying how glad he knew every child and teacher was to accept such a beautiful gift and bow they would .stilye lo show their appreciation by doing belter woik In tlie future. "Our Purpose," was Hie tHle of the talk by Dr. Lilly. He said: "This line building. this Aplemlld equipment was for the purpose of making Mr. Norfleet. a bettei superintendent, no( that Mr Norfleet ws not iip lo Ihe nun k. but that with Increased- facili ties he would be able to do belter work. This new building is to muke belter officers, teachers and scholars. Wo have larger.and better accommo dations and better room to glow. We want our school lo grow. We wunl our chili eh to b more Interested in our Sunday school. There is a splen- lid ll'-ld for us hen. In Winston Ha The Next Encampment. The dncanipmont of the First Regi nieiit, North Carolina troops, will b held at Moreliead Citv, beginning An 11, mi will continue until Augu.- 2il. Winston Salem will ne iepre sented bv the Forsyth Hllleuien. f will leave Friday evening for head. The resolution presented by Mr Watson relative to a road (commission was curried by a large majorrt-s. Mi The Simpson Ding Co has p mi elect 1 ical uiaiio in t. Stole. fiee music Simpson s. dailv learn the Mr and Mrs. Thomas Lai have relumed from a two stay at Concord and Chailotle. The Sentinel Is asked to state that Elder P. D. Gold will not. preach at Broad Street Baptist, church tomor row night, as has been ' announced. He was called to Durham to conduct Morgan & Cuthrell ban awarded the eontiaci for the die Ogbuiu-Mastcn building -.bpil.-t week-' been of oil LOST -pair e Kllei. At court lasses. bouse Return S.i'u' to A da v II Il was a great convention from ev ery point of view uiid the D.-mociacy if old Forsyth 'Intends to see that the majorities for each ami every man 011 the ticket this fall ate well up in tlm hundreds. Banner Offered By Mr. Wilson. The following document was read i before tlie county convention Satm luy. The beautiful flag referred to I was also unfurled: (North Carolina, Forsyth County:. 1 Know all men by these presents il!uit I. K. IL Wilson, of said coiin'y : and State, have ordained, established I mid dedicated a banner, as heiein- after described, and I have bound mj self, heirs and assigns, to maintain the same in perpetuity, to wit: Trt the township In Forsyth county, outside of Winston Salem, w hich shall make 'be largest percentage of gain for the Democratic ticket the election of 1 Willi and all subsequent elections. begged Telin-ff not to shoot him, b't' cm Thousands of children don'l go his 'pleadings were In vain. Timmoiis io rtumlav wrhmil We have here a was shot down and rtb-d In a few 111 in fne building, we' are justly proud of iiles The murdeied man was IIXHt. but buck iifM mortar can't do any y ears old ebildieii. rested. ami leave Telti. IT 1 a w 1 has f.1 and seven not been de based upon the vote for, governor In 1!i4, there will be awaidi-d by'E. If Wilson, his li'dis ami assigns, a ban ner of puie white silk, mounted, and bearing the following i'nsci Iptlon, "White Siiprijiiiicy ami Democratic Rule In Forsyth County Forever " In witness whereof. have hereunto subscribed in v name and affixed iu seal, this November 19. A. D . l!l4. K. H. WILSON. (Seal ) Norlh Carolina, Foist lb County: The foregoing Instrument wis ibis day acknowledged before me by E 1 1 Wilson, ihe grantor. Let the name, with this certificate, be registered This 21!rd day -of November, Hint. R. E TRAXSOI'. C, S. C Filed for registration on the l'n day of November, llmL and terorded in book No. Ti! of deeds, on page K7 H W LINDSAY 1 Kcglstfi uf IhciU. thing It takes consecrated men and women to build up ibe laird's king doiii . beie Tlie building Is useless unless we apply ourselves, Children, go home lo yoni parents when you leave hie; te tlieui what tk fine building you have, what sjd ndM facilities for studying God'a word and see It you cannot get tltem to take uioie Interest In our school,. Lei us go out Into Hie highways and hedges and gather up those who never go to Sunday school and let them share with us this row building" A collection was taken for the ii i.tiaiii"' home, tlie exercises closing tiwllh u urn benediction bv ihtt to " ' E. II.' N. Miss Louise Sid, bill, of Slalesvlllc, came In today lo attend the McDowell-, Dull wedding tomorrow She wilt play the wedding march. Mrs. T I.. Highsinith and little sou. ot AlibeitHle S. C, are the guest I of Mrs Flunk Jenkins. 410 Main street. Salem, , pns! I (he funeral of Mr. Joab Huicli..

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