rWJN-CITY DAILY SENTIN EL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 7, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS UUI.I....MLL 'crday and Toddy. .hit Com" And Ml There Deaths man PrfS: ;.-a .) :K Ai.K- (Special to The Sentinel RALEIGH. Aug. 7. The sta'e Democratic executive committee elected at the recent state convention met here last night at the call of State Chairman F. M. Simmons and organized for the Impending cam paign bv re-electing Hon. F. M. Sim mons. I' lilted States senatoi. as state Yeste'-, chairman. an,i Alex J. Field as secre tary . ' . t Senator Simmons, in accepting janother term of office as chairman, of reviewed the former campaigns that ONE Al lFRFR MFMRFR OF (MM !M DQWELL-DULL irrTn w ihinuhn w i 1 1 u i 1 1 1 1 , ULLILi mrnniiin rnnin HILL I J rnilMTl mnn hip nrni innrnTrn uuu i ..Mun.nRn n na flnnn i n m ) - - - w w I II I 1 1 ia W WW i ' - ; ! in Great In Conse- HE IS NOW JAIL AND EFFORTS AKE BEINfi MADE ' TO AKKEST OTHtKS. Were Contid- mite It Is Said Officers Have Secured Certain Information That Is Likely To Lead To More Arrests of Parties Alleged To Be Connected In Some Way With the Mob That Lynched m Among tlii' many pretty home wet tlings that have taken place In the past twelve months, (Here. Inn beeu none mote dainty than that of tills i into plug, when Miss Martlet K Dull became the liriile of Mr. I A. Mo- ! IWell. I'poll reaching the house the guests were ushered in by Messrs. (J. Doll. Hubert ami Edwaid Jenkins slid l!a!ph Siewers. In the hall they were received by rs. C I.. Dull, assisted by Mr. J. W. ,.ieve lie has conducted covering a period of !tu'o!vt' vmrs cnupnitiilut inir thnn:lrtv siKoni in Greater !e.specialy on the fact, that the race I . t Kl.lliyllt. 1.1 1 1 Kn..n .nlin.t.. ...! .....1 U.. l'"' " .piUUiein nail w-t-ii ciiiiiuiaicu -aim inr lilnn-i to come, laction oi me pari) nau ine real ap- so: ,m,y( at had la '" IIM.I k f:f ri' " Itj. wrii "lr Li ;eiit! ('"'' ,, beat .'cluck i;. this ixteell 01 w ho'vavv' These reports U) ll it'll s Pirates ill nit prisoners arrai cm. nun inns HHll SUS FIGURES. idi Relative States Having of the Dartv had the .,..,.,..,1 nf tlia tiOB. ruuirtlu tha minnlri I over so that there is no probability of I this work being' undone. He said there! were those who had predicted thai j with the race problem eliminated' 'there would be a division in the Detnu- .ho, M-..,-. ...... .1.1 K . , i.. iUIUI t Pt'tj mni inrir wuiou lit-' uddenly ,r. ..,.. . o.., ..i (WO StiOIIfi V'i'r8 in nn; oinir. I jsay. said senator Simmons, "mat time can never come in .North Caro lina until the men who invite while men to leave the ' Democratic party are themselves respectable and tit for self respecting white men to associate with." ' He expressed deep appreciation for the honor conferred on him in Ihe re- ..l.nii...i ... thti nlitilvm.i n.liin ...wli rirvuuii iu nit -iim i iiiuii.-wii p mill pledged his most zealous efforts. The election of the state central committee resulted as follows: , First E. F. Lamb. Elizabeth City: V. 1'. Hampton. Plymouth; R. IJ. Winborn, Murfreesboro; H. T. Green- Murderers ofXyerly Family In Salisbury Last Night-S"LVK;,ph'U!: oovernor urenn Has oraereatnarioitewiuary compa ny To Go To Salisbury To Prevent Any of Those Arrest ed From Being Liberated Rowan County Jail a Wreck Today Two Prisoners Escaped During Excttement Last Night Details ol Lynching. HElfJb FRIDAY Frank BohannonT.Colored. To Tie Tried Before Magis trates Then. to Cities Over 30V tat New Vuili lias the Im. W.W acres. New second with 12a.lHH) third.' acres: fonrili. M.lL'S; D.ilulll I'itv havii.i! iIk smallest lllillnkm, X. .1.. Willi lali-s that New York, v pnpiilation of (iirti-tit exiii'tises nearly Hindi. :ht hit-,l lax levy. EH NEWS ITEMS. Will Press.) JTOX. Aiist- '- 1 He ceil- imljiisiiKl interest ol siaiisiirs regarding m&M id' laiger cities .t...r iiill, ,.i,itin:ir. Zi pop,,!,'. ion. The 1 1""'. Elizabeth City 111 IHiM and om- .cond-T. W. Mason, Northamp a:!:! Iiavjiig more I'"":' J- VV. Granger. Kinstou; H. A. .11(1.1.. ir j f, IflilU.inj,- I 1,' f!wmit Wnlililn uia.n. or .m ""'I'-""'""; v .'"i. . T llliiu V. IU. I u , . t w uriii, O'Berry, ('oldsboro; E. M. Kootice, .laclisonvllle; T. C. Wliltalier, Tren ton. Fourth H. A. Loudon. I'ittsboro: F. S. Sprnill, Loiiisbnrg; H. H. Hunii. Nash; E. C. Ueddingflelil, Rafelgli;" Fifth J. S. Carr. Durham; .1. N. Wilson, (Ireensboro; R. L. Holt, liur ilngton; C. O. McMichael, Madison. Sixth .1. D. "Bellamy, Wilmington; W. A. Stewart, Dunn; .1. 1). Crooin, Maxton; E. J. Hale, Fayetteville. Seventh S. V. Finch, Lexington; I). E. Mclver, Sanford; W. F. (iibsoti. (Illison Station; X. G. Williams, of Williams. Eighth Col. V. U. Means, Con cord; Edmond .Jones. Lenoir; R. A. D.mghton, Sparta; Z. V. Long, States vllle Ninth Dr. U. .1. Brevard, .1. H. Wf ddinglon, Mecldenlmig: Major II. F. Schenck. Cleveland; T. I- .loiies, Madison county. Tenth-Locke Craig, Asheville; T. W. Whlteiuore, Brevard; (!. L. Jones, Franklin; S. (lallert, ltiitlierfoidton. In making up the central commit tee nominees from the sixth district Major W. H. Bernard, of Wilmington, was the only committeeman present and he named the committee which was adopted as given above for the sixth district. .There was another I proxy present committed to K. S. Hal!, of Cumberland, as against. E. .1. Halt;, named by Major Bernard. It was on motion of P. M. I'earsall that the committee nominated by Bernard with Hale as a member was adopted. Chuirman Simmons announced the following advisory committee of eight members: Lee S. Overman, C. B. Ay cock, L. Banks Hoif, P. M. Pearsall. W. I. Everitt. R. N. Hackett, W. X. Webb and Plato Collins. There were thirty-four out of forty members of the executive, committee represented in the meeting tonight in person and by proxy. first lion- Connection That W Capital City. le Sentinel. Aug. ". -Fur the e rapicii is in iiirect iniiimtaiiiiii witli the his Faieitnili,., thanks to e ut PresiiN iit and tieu J. A. Mills, (if the llal '"hl''Jt Railroad Com- iill'ie ii;ii;y set vice was tr!a illuming and m Fajnteville and the Kli cairied ti,i)i crowds. f "I '.lie. fare for the ainiWHl im- Sundav. ; sch-dm,. a citizen of mie hoti,!' at 7:r,u a. in.. hi:!;, and return 'e'tnille. ai :i:4u p. in., Rsi'ipa at i; ::n , n, ''alel'evi:;,. cili'en o:,n J'-,; "''' a. in,, arrive ut -. siieud i in- day ' leave Hiili'lgh ut 4 : 1 1 r, hl-"1'- in Kae;teille at Program for Ik Je pliisrani Tonight. for the -Hall. Hie n 'Hldlll M. U." "Mm f " Kif-lt Ri -s' U..I. .... .- i nomas. nil) , 111 Kefii-Barnard. '"n't You Try?" ar" .if Beautv." Part ""Conn' l.iiu '-.laiu "AH Hit,.- -l.atir- Aschert The Heiidiit. "H'l (Ills Prayer." - Drown, change. THE CITY. "f i;i Kjtlis;n ''"'ai fur St. spent 'it f i ienrts "f Asheville Km-. '-I. M It. F. s (I. I'.. a i; n-t 'j No ;k '"i;ed this li Wilkes- adopted t'lday to Is I.I.I't 'IlllH l III Ne p ""t'tl i t. ir,: All,.., '"ill!'. lilll'li e. Mdore's W.'M today inti i'f In'. J ;s!M,,i, , 'f'lapollR 'ida f. "'I i'i Mrs. Iioine. ha, , "iiioniice . WRECK NEAR DONNAHA. Eight Freight Car Derailed. Per sonal Mention. (Special to The Sentinel.) DOXXAHA. Aug. C. A wreck, in which tight cars were detailed, occur led trear this place last Saturday. The cars were soon placed on the 'lack again however, and the passen ger train left, here only about one Jtotir late. Mrs. J. T. Poindexter and children, of W'iriston-Salem, were the guests of Mr. P. H. Poindexter for a few days last week. Mr. J. A. Ward, an employee of Ode!! Hardware Co., of Greensboro, and Mr. L. A. Ward, of the Southern Express Co., of North Wilkesboro! have, been visiting their father, Mr. S. M. Ward since Satin day. Mr. EL. Hart and family, of Xoilh WilkeslJoro, are the guests of Mrs. Hart's father. Mr. S. M. Ward now. After spending a few days here Mi Hart will go to Chatham county to visit, his relatives. Mrs. J. H. Wall, of .North Wilkes boro, Is visiting relatives here now. . Mrs. .lane Wall made a visit to her daughter, Mrs. L. T. Long, of Winston-Salem, last week. Mr. .1. W. Speas atid daughter. Miss Luella Speas have gone to Winston Salem today. The protracted meeting at Ml Pleasant closed last Saturday. Several Democrats of this place at tended the convention at Winston Salem last" Saturday. We are glad to note-that Mr. .(. G Tuttle, who has been sick for a few days, Is convalescing. Mrs. W. D. Huff Is critically III at present. Her many friends hope she will soon recover. (Special to The Senti'iel.) ' RALEIGH. Aug. 7 I'rgent tele 'grams were seat this morning b .Governoi Glenn to Judge B. F. Lou., land Sheriff Julian, ar Salisbury, in sisting everv effort be made to 'identify and biing to justice the mem bers of the mob which participated Uist'night In the hnching of the 'hu e j negroes on trial at the time tor Hie I murder of the Lyerly family at Bai- uer s. Jnncl ion. The governor denies the statement sent out fiom Salisbury that the mill taiy company could not lire Into the mob and prevent the lynching be cause they had no authority from the 'governor to shoot He says that on August 2 lie wrotsheriff Julian plac ing the niiliianTuinpany under his orcii'ts in the Jent of trouble and that he has a' letter from Sheriff Julian to the effect that theu- would be no necessity to call out the militia as all the people seemed anx ious for the law to have lis course and that to call out the milltaiy would serve only to Incense the peo ple - The ut xt that the governor heard was when called out ot lied last, niglii by a long distance telephone message I r oin Judge Long that great mob hail gathered at the Jail. He ordered ihe Greensboro and Charlotte military companies to Salisbury, hut before iliey could even start another messag. i-anit saving that the negroes were lynched. The lynching, the governor declares to be a great blflt on the ,Stute, and lie calls on all good citizens to uid in bringing to punishment the lynchers. He has telegraphed the authorities at Salisbury that he will come at once, II needed, to alii iu tile prosecution of the members of the limb. RALEIGH. Aug. 7. At 1 o'clock (his afternoon Governor Glenn re ceived a telegram . from Judge B. F. Long, at Salisbury, to the effect that one person had been ideutilled as a member of the mob which lynched ihe niiirdeiers or the Lyerly family last, night and had been placed Iu jail, and that evidence was In hand agalnsl others and that the investigation was being pushed as lapldly and thorough 1) as possible. Governor Glenn, at the reiiiest of Sheriff Julian and Judge Long, tele graphed an order to the mllliary company at Chailotte to go to Sails bury at once and guard the jail to prevent the liberation ol any lynchers at rested. Sheriff Julian Wants Help. RALEIGH. Aug. 7 A telegtam from Sheriff Julian at Salisbury, just received at. t p in., 'by Governor Glenn says: "Semi one hundred men here at once to assist me In maintaining order." In compliance with this appeal the governor has sent, hurry orders to Ihe nillitaiy companies at Charlotte and Stalesville to go on special trains to Salisbury. Details of Lynching. SALISBURY, Aug. 7. The bodies of Nease .Crillespie,, Jack Dillingham and John Gillespie, colored, who were taken bv force from Rowan Jui! and lynched One mile eas't of Salisbury at midnight last night, were today viewed by Coroner Dorsett and taken down fiom the limb on which all had been hanged by an angry mob of about one thousand persons. The mob had stunned the Jail at 11 o'clock and overpowered Sheriff Julian, Jailer Krider and about fifty officers and broke'open the cells, car rying the prisoners with great haste to the place of execution. On the wav the victims are said to have been hoi and Mrs. W. L. Hill The hall itself was a bower of Bieen. relieved here and there by the glowing scarlet sage and grnver red of the sumac. Turning liito the parlor on the right one could fancy one's self in a fern dell, such a mass of the graceful piants was leaching fiom floor to cell- rihly tot tuied by the use of knives. Ing, forming a pretty background for ears and lingers of each being cut off ' the marriage altar of white wreathed Alter being strung to tlie tree the in green and trimmed with hrldi' s bodies weie riddled with bullets by: loses. Wherever the eyei'csteil was the infuriated crowd. Before taking the sanie effect of cool green feins the lives of the victims the mob I and star-Ilk while flower, allowed each one time to pray, and The soft tones of the piano under gave a chance for a confessiou, which ; Miss Slddall s skillful Angers, were is alleged to have been made by the signal for the entrant f the Nease Gillespie, leader of the gang, i bride's attendants, Misses Utilise The others protested their Innocence j l.udwlg, of Strnsbiirg. Va.; Mary l" 'he last. ' (Lewis Harris, of Concoid; Lillian Ihe Jail today is a wreck with (he Jenkins, and Louise Reed, of Biimlng- exception of the walls. TIih mob effected an entrance by chopping down the reat door, after which the locks to tile cells were broken inmates shrieked for mercy. other prisoners, Ed. Taylor, white, and Tom Brown, colored, escaped fiom prison timing the melee. Engineer J. C. McLendon, ot Spell cet. Fireman Mamiey and Brakeinau Sells, of the Southern, who were dangerously shot bv some, one In the mob, are thought, to be Improved to day'. The two Misses Lyerly, who es caped death the night of the murder, lale last night, visited the scene where the bodies ol the victims were dang ling in tlie moonshine. Geoige Irvln. Henry Glliespln and Delia Dillingham, against whom true bills for murder were found .yester day as being accessories to the kill ing of the Lyerly family, were today sent to Chat lotto for safe-keeping. Another Report of Lynching. SALISItl'RY, Aug. 7. A mob of over two thousand determined men enteied Rowan county jail shortly after 11 o'clock last night, removed theufrom Nense and John Gillespie and Jack Dillingham, charged with the - minder of the Lyerly family at Bnrbei Junction, July l:!th, and march ing 'hem to the edge of town, strung them up to a tree, riddling the dang ling bodies, with bullets. George Ervln was taken from Ills cell with his associates, hul after closely ipieslioiiing h i in, lite leaders of the mob returned lilni to his cell. Before gelling In ItR work the mob gave tlie three victims an opportunity to confess the crime. Dillingham and Ntase Gillespie refused either to con fess or deny the crime. John Gil lespie. In tears, malnialued his Inno cence to tlie end. iiring or errorts to get confessions from Ihe negroes and heedless of the - pleadings of citizens who utgeil that the victims be spared, the ciowd hurried the vic tims lo the baseiall field near Col. John S Henderson's ' residence and completed their work. At. midnight. less than an hour from the time of the filial attack on the Jail, the three bodies were swinging in the moon light from ihe limbs of a big oak. Fin-mail McLendon. an employ of the Southern Railway, was shot and fatallv wounded presumably by a Sstiav bullet from a weapon In the hands of som' member of the mob during the riotous scenes around the jail, and Will Trotitman. a negro drayman, was also se-rlously wounded by a stray bullet. Both weie simply lnteie.sted spectators of the proceed-J ings. The party that went In the Jail was about (Vi strong. Hodge Krider, the jailer, was the last man to give way. He signed In vain. When silence fell on ihe mob It was evidence that a serious lot of men had taken control of ihe lynchers. The mystery Is where the leaders came from, for none of the Salisbury officers knew their faces. It Is believed that they came fiom Whitney. Henry Lee, George Bella Dillingham were 'own on a late train. ham, Ala. All were clad Iu filmy white with pale green rlbtxuiH, carry ing sprays of white roses and ferns. Tlie j with long green and white ribbons to Two fomi the bridal aisle. The tones of Miss Lntlwlg's beauti ful voice in Saubly's "Only lo Love, caused a hush to fall upon all present, which was intensified, If possible, when the words of the Bridal Chorus, from the Rose Maiden. 'TIs Thy Wed ding Morning," fell niiu the ear, as sung by Mesdanies Rufus Spaugh Mini William Wright, and Misses l.udwlg. Harilss anil Sldtlall. Then, to the strains of the Brl.lul Chorus from Lohengrin, the bride gloom, accompanied by his Im st man Mr. Waller Moore, of Granite fcills. pioceeded up the aisle, where Ihe Rev. C. A. Hltclilt awaited lilm. Then the bride, clad In hand -embroidered white silk with inset of lace, bearing an ex ijuUlle bunch of bride's roses and asparagus ferns, entered with tier sister and maid of honor, Miss Lewis Dull, who was attired In pale green with while trimmings. The bride car ried a large bunch of roses apd look ed exl I finely atMuctlve as she slowly marched up the ulsle formed by the white and green ribbons, to the slle ot the walling groom. Willi Ihe Impressive rerhnony of the Lutheran church the couple were then nulled, while "Uive anil Roses" Hounded In subdued tones from the piano. On being shown from tlie parlor to the dining room by Mrs Charles Sliel totl a substantial wedding breakfast Mil two courses awaited the guests. served by MIssch Kathiiiini) Jenkins, May Barber, Ida Fairish ami Alice Rose. Her were still to be found the graceful fern ami white lioweis In the greatest profusion. The break fast table was especially dainty, will) its drawn linen cover, center-piece and doilies of delicate gieetl and while, green and white, ribbons float Ing down from the cluster of" -white wedding b.'lls at the celling to end In bunches of asparagus fern at the luble from the centre of which rose a tall cut glass vase filled with bride's roses. From the dining loom Mrs. W. W. Smoak showed the way to the punch room across the hall, where Miss Ada Roan presided over an attractive punch bowl, assisted by Misses Char lode Weill), Robina Mickle and Kath leen Smith, Here thti tables II I led with cut glass ami silver, logetber with lovely china, dainty finger work and other beautiful and Useful things seemed to vie In their brilliancy with the masses of golden glow and nas turtiums which formed the decora- tions- teOARDS OF ELECTIONS. State Board Meets nd Makes Appoint ment of Officials For Fall Election. r . i. GLENN ANSWERS HIS CRITICS, j RURAL CARRIERS' VACATIONS. this af'cr i made by r. crhici. if See Mr., and Mrs. J. Frank Moiris have returned from a ten days' stay at Morehead and other eastern points Miss Ella GlfT'.ird. of Jacksonville, lla., who has been the guest of Mi-s Annie Stein for several days, left for hei home yesterday afternoon. Says If Officers and Men of N. C N. G. Will Do As Much As He Mas Don the State Will Be Proud of Her Soi diers.; RALEIGH. Aug.. (".-Governor Glenn issued a statement of facts noon iu answer to charges the Wilmington Messenge Ing the recent encampment -of I ond Regiment.-. " He explains" ' that fservn I b.n '.I $l2.i''i'i for a rifle rang.- I?. Hie gov eminent- funds available was uii" peetedly short, necessitating cbiit't"" to eiiihl instead of ten days' encamp inenl. The situation was explained o the- officers and men and that c.u' taken which would be mlfit sa-'i--f.if-torv lo a majority. The ojlicer-,, -".-m ,., io n, prove- of hi-, coiii.m' lo ;.: e calls on any citizen lo flb-Siny ' in' plaint in riling against, any olli" ' and it shall be duly li'V stiirai.-d. lie says he is willing lo bear his shate of blame he Justl. incut-. Dm t. ' Will (Special lo The Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Aug. The ., Slate hoard of elections- at noon today appointed the county hoards of elections, under whose directions lh elections will be I held this fall. The annolntiueiits were Ervln,- and j fiad.e...f hiough lecommendatlous fiom taken out" of jY,,,. Democratic and Republican State 'chairmen who received recommenda- .. . ! ' lions In turn fiom the county chaii- j men. Members of the Stale board, all of whom weie here at Ihe meeting. Be Allowed 15 Days In The Year i!'r': (i '-aml'' d William u 4u ? ii o p"it, ruin j in hi i , j . iv. i eTn"ii n. i With Full Pay. H(jn. j (.,.iVW,,i M.uganlt.ti; A. B Postmaster Reynolds has received I Fieeman, Heiiileisonvllle; Clarence an order fiom the postoftlce depai t- j Call, Wilkesboio. The I wo last iiaiiit iiicilt regulating the vacations of ru ,'irn Republicans., tal fieu delivery carriers. All car-1 - iiei s will be allowed a leave of .-ei;ce of fifteen days with full pay her twelve months' service. The wi Ica'lon may lie taken at any time li'ir hug the year when the postmaster tan ! best spare them The carriers who. go out from the I Winston-Salem office will begin their Vacations at once. ab , a f- Death in Stokes. ' Mrs W, B. Huttle, wife of a pr"til inenl merchant at Cuptilia, HlokeS 'county, died last night a fin a month's I illness Deceased leases a husband land an Infant Will Sell Unstamped Division Deputy J. A. any otlii-.ts and men w hard a-- be has and Guard 'the State wi soldiers before the mini.-iti jtlou. ill only slrue will build up be proud of ClA e of lii :nl Whiskey. Petrie was totlav Investigating the lecent -eiztire of Hill gallons of unstamped whiskey In this city He w! adver-ti-e or the claimants of (he whiskey ,iin twoholse team in custody of the officers to come up and prove their propei i. loiter the whiskey will be -old to the highest bidder Mis. Henry Roan and children went !., Greensboro today to visit telalives lot a few days. -Mis, Watt Zlglar tiled last even Ing at her home on White street at the age of li! fears. The deceased haves a husband and four children The Interment was at Red Brink, near Geruiaiiloti, this afternoon at U o'clock Miss Saiile Stafford, of tlie Maples, and W.sses Annie (i.ff Wharton and Mamie Griffith, of ' (ieinnioiis. ate visiting Mi, ami Mrs G W 'llinsba M. s. D K. Jack -ton vul It, Green vllle, H C, to visit relatives. She will alio visit Mr. Jackson s mother at King's Mountain Ijefors returning Two Alleged Accessories of Bohan non Will Also B Tried at That Time. Rumors of Lynching Plot Cause Guilford County 'Officials to Have Conference. It Being Decided Thst It Is Unnecessary to Remove prisoners to Jail In Another County. Special to The Sentinel. (GRKKNSBOrtO. Auk ". Cloe up on the news of the Salisbury lynching last night vague rumors begun float ing here this morning that plan lo lynch I'Wik Boh ami on It) Jul! hei for the alleged murder of Foreman 1 teach in a n. was Lelng formed. It had not been apprehended that 'ther would be any trouble. It Is ui known thHl certain railway employees here, al High Point, and at Speneei.. have been, holding suspicious confer ences. Bt achiiian. It is said, has a brothet i Speiicvt and the lynchiiiH al Salisbury Ins undoubtedly rnused excitement in certain circles here and at other points. This niorulifg there was an execu tive confeeiice btweeu the board f county coniniUsloiiet s, county attor ney Wilson, .Mayor Murphy, Chief of Police Neeley, Sb.HlfT Jordan Biid Jailer Dnsick s to the propriety of removing Boliannon and hi two alleged accessories In the killing of Beaclituan to some other couuly Jul!. It was finally decided thai It was not necessary lo remove, the prisoner. Governor Glenn was communicated with n ml gave assurance to the. sheriff that If any troifble arose he would be authorized lo call out the militia, and they would be instructed tu us loaded cartridges. . The preliminary trial of these ne groes has been iMtx,nert until Fri day, when al I o'clock Justices of the Peace D. M. Collins and J. R. Wolfe will preside in Ihe court house, It can be safely guessed that Hie negroes will be taken out of the Jail for several nlghls to com and guai tied at some place unknown to thu general public. This was done sev eral years ago by Sheriff Gilmer for several nights 'In th case of a pris oner. There appeal Ing to h no trou ble Ihe very first iiIkM the. prisoner was left In Jail he was taken tail and lynched. JURORS FOR SEPTEMBER COURT. County Commissioners .Grant Rights of Way for Southbound Railroad. The county commissioners, befor adjourning Monday afternoon, drew a Jury fof. the September term of For syth superloi court, which cimvetieM on the Huh fur the trial of civil caies only. First Week: .las.-F, Blanley. Henry Slaier, Ebiain L. Groves, C. II. Wll Hard. M. H Mock. W-esley W. Liven good, J. M. Gibbons. Giles W. Fry, T. Gltl Mt'Gee. John VV. Heace Jos A. Thomas. Win. A. Uiwery, Thos. R. Kapp, David T. Him-, J. R. Walker. Frank Sprinkle. VV. I). Currlti, II. B Harpei, Robert Aldiidge, John W. Smith, Walter II Hpease. William Ketner. C. . Is. oli Second Week: Geo. W. West, John L. Wagoner, J A. Stlgall, Ja. II. Sprinkle, Julius Slater, Win. II. HuuJilns, (leu 8. y.lglur. Jus. E. I.ln vllle, .las. II. Tuttle. Jas. II. (IriibbH, las. K. Norfleet, Jus. M. WlUlard, Robert II. Hank. Win. II HopMlis. W. A. Wiklkei, X. M. Vaughn, F. A. Col man. Ai a recent- meeting of th board a committee, consisting of .1. M. Green- field, L. E, Gilffllh and T. A. Crews, wus appointed t. assess damages to land by change In Ihe public road b'jitikig from Kernersvllle to Winston Salem. The committee' report reads as follows: j "We Ihe undersigned committee ap pointed by your Hoiiorablo Board lo assess damage to I. Kertier, T. 8. Fleshman and W. C. Lasslier by th building of road through their lauds, beg to unbuilt our findings as follows: "As to W. C. Lusslter we are all agreed that lie is damaged lo Ihe cl ient of fifty dollars; as to I Kerner and T. S. Fleshman It Is the opinion of T. A. dews and J. M. Greenfield that they ate not damaged, .. E. Griffith Is of the opinion that In view of ihe fact that their lands weie on the old public road, that they are dam aged to the extent of the real value of the land -taken by the new road, which In tlie case of T. S. Fleshman Is one third acie, no per acre, and In the case of J. Keiller Is five-eighths acre. $:;r, hi) per acre.' The board also pasfed the follow ing order In legard to the South bound Railway: '"Ordered by the hoard that the Win ston Salem Hoiiihboiind Railroad Com pany be authorized anil permitted to construct Hi. road bed across th High Point road In Centervllle, the Wuugli town road lending west front Wangle town and the public road known a I he Friendship road, as shown by th profile this day filed with the board. Iii complying with, the law In r.urh easel- provided " New Advertisements. Russell I. Vaughn Co -The mas s'it re sale will only las' a few days loitgi , llosenliat her A) Hut. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sal unlay an perl cutler fioiii HKoukh Bros, will be ai our store You an" Invited ". L. Wilkinson t o C m w, L. J I ill's old stand; m-w mrkala ami sayer.s. Mi, W A Bailed, of Conway, S C, li ipeiid.t.g wvi-ral days In th city.