DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS EO. SUING FOR SMflE IRE KILLED. MAY SELECT HIGH 1Y GET REFORMSlTO "BE HELD HERE. Authoress Asks Damages In That Sum From Secre tary Loeb. Pulajanes In The Philippines Overpower Band of U. S. Soldiers. He Is Mentioned As Possible 'Appointment of New Cabinet' Annual Meeting of Grand En M. b b Ai - Republican Nominee For Officers Causes Russians To Have Hope. campment I. O. 0. F. Congress. Next Year. WIN-CITY jTI tend That M Rc.van Co r Ordered Ar.d Glern On the Ln Hew the Oraer (cis.cn as by Judge Long. ','" ,-r.... H B r.i. siiiuni'' ::e.l Miss Doree Alleges False Arrest by Washington Policemen at the In stance of President- Private Secre tary. Case May Be Called for Trial In October. . (By Publishers' Prees.) OYSTER HAY. Ajir. 10. Secretary Lncb was this, morning served with mineis in a ,$."iii.(iimi suit for damages instituted by Miss Madge 'Doiee. authoress, who was arrested in Wash es r j,rte hllS h wii'i.- C :!' "''' i; ;,rlll ,. coin; f.'i ..a: ,i e i;;i!--Mif ,. (to '-'r':'" l( is. i,viimi!! by i.l.j.ctim; was I, T!' uv- ' "f 11 .jj! iir . in A'" .i', f.ltl.Iliiss.oU V.ils ;,va!f s.vtciar) i" i (.;,, nf the j. li'tl.Mlllffll , i , r,,:.si "man ;'(; (euree Mail, -,l IniliU I lie ,!,.; ,:ca;.!!ic slu ,ii nl null'' was rij;:; ;l j.i-y, WHICH o:;. a::! tin- mal of I. .H'V'il !. decision nl I'ie SpiCial oigion . lasi winter riy po;: " guards of the president. The secre tarv must answer within 2o ilays. The cttse will pionamy come tip. n at an. at the October term. Later. "If Miss Doree has a suit against any one iti s against some body connected . with the Washington police force." said Secretary Loeb. "She was arrested for distributing circulars on Sunday outside St. .John's church and I did not havf anything whatever to do with the case. St. John's is Mrs. Roosevelt's elm ch. not tfxt- president's." Lieutenant James, Commanding Band of Ten United States. Men, And Four Others of Party Killed by the Natives. Americans Were Greatly Outnumbered by the Natives. i By Publishers' Press.) MANILA. Aug. in. In a hand to hand tight with i'ulajnne., 'at Jul'ila. island t.r Leyte. first lieutenant John F. James and two privates' of the eighth inf.jniy, t'.'Mruct surgeon Cal vin Snidei and Internal revenue col lector Williams were killed. I A detachment of ten men under : Lieutenant James was attacked. They .made, a gallant tight hut were greatly outniiinbeied. The natives captured all the arms, ammunition and sup plies ol the party. i Lieutenant James reported killed in jthe Philippines, was a native of Vir ginia. He entered t he voluuteei aimy in the war with Spain as Mrs' ser ;geant of ibe Third Virginia regiment hind was soon promoted to second I lieutenant in the Seventh I'nited States volunteer infantry. Convention t; Nominate Opponent of Congressv.au K.tchin Will Be Held . In Greensboro Tomorrow. Candi date Wat to Have Been Named July 13 But Nomination Was Post poned. It apra:.- now tli it W. P. Kagan, of High Poia;. will he the Republican nominee I ,: Congiess in this (the Fifth l disiiici. The convention to name a candidate will be held in (j teens br-c-touiol i ovv . , I hlx-convention was oitg.naliy can ed for .hily 10. the same day the Re .publican State convention was held. ! but a'ler assembling it was decided to .wait u'ttll th. second Saturday in Aug 'gus M that time John T. Hen how, 'of l-'orsjlh. was the one most prohil Inently spoken of. This week's Tar , Heel repeats the rumor as to Mr Ha itian m follows: 1 "We htiir the uaitie ()f our friend W. P. Ragan mentioned as the probable nominee of the Republicans for Con gress at the convention heie Satur dav. the 11th." BUI LATER RELEASED Lreikcil.t'liic.iKjo ilustily Q,ics unci!. I C.niied to Bank J.d Was Subjected to iivestigjt.on. At Re 'licnir Entrances to ijrded by Politetnen it to Prevent Violence. V.ien' I'iis-. . i" Af'er ei;:ht ''iriib.? ipic Lulling ' "I Milwaukee 'i:!, ::s l;i.,. I,, il ill iM-i-..y nf de- tl.iiMli.lil ;,,( ,, ..(..- Hr.ca u.i- Imri a-, I 1 t "-ui r;i: : atlli :" 'li" win:: t : 1 1 ;i f j i lk'('.:ii-(. of his -f:(ii- '.' "j IliUCf'lilen !. ;;'! '!l.' lunik to pre 'Vricl: be wa excused 'i'll UK' promise nf ,;:'.v ''fc- a Ulh. ii I "' !;.' Cl.lii.i coinicl 'n.:n'Zzleii!e::t aiul " ls3kir,t! '.awn. "!l o, ...... H" r"l.rs the ,,r! "2l"..i:; from i he t Mocksvil;,, j. ;iis ;ii'" Hi" above. '"ft's finm tlx. 1. 1....'.. J' $l."."o. which " '""'an' laised ' p;i'"ic f 'i ate i iOii:,,,i '. ': 'ii'k. for .' ''''I' loltlnrintt. ' !r" Mr. 7. T. Hv- ',, R'm tomorrow "" "''''ock. I S! -'JK.R aiul son f'"'" 1"!;, Ull(.k. (By Publishers' Press.) W ASHINGTON. Aug. 1(1 When in t. : view ed behind the bars at the Sev enth street police station this morning where he is held charged with pass worthless checks, tieo. E. Raffer ;y, son of (iilbert Raffeity, Si., the "coke king" in Pitt. stin rg, denied that "is father has alienated his affections lioin Mrs. Ceo. Kalferty. win,, recently sued her - father-in-law for $."ihi,oimi hi., mages. Raffeity attributes his pres 'i i;l predicament to a spree at Fort I'.l.ver. Va.. where he went to visit a;-, old comrades who served with him i in '-the I'hillippines. His funds - ran 'i.w and he worked off two worthless ' cln cks I'm snuill amounts. Later A bunch ot local newspaper Jnii!) this morning raised the neces- s.i i.v money to retieein wortntess eh. i ks Itassei! by RalTeity and 111 was Jieieased. The fact that. Haffert.v is a .friend of Harry Thaw, brought a n ge number ol women to lliu police ci, in t this morning to see i hey were disappointed . as not arraigned. As soon as liaff.-ily telegraphed his la money. , him but he was released her for DEATH OF MRS. A. S. CATES. Was Married In This City a Year ; Ago Sister of Mrs. W. T. Baynes. (Mrs. Arlindo S. Cates. wife of the , ; ropi ieior of the Revolution Phariu.i jcy, died at St. Leo's hospital, (ireens 'boro, at ;i::!0 yesterday afternoon at the age ot "i; veins. Mrs. Cates was married a year ago, the ceremony br ing performed at the residence of Mrs. ; W. T. Paynes, sister of the deceased in this city. The Telegram says: Mrs. Cates un derwent an operation at St. Leo's hos Ipltal Monday morning. She rallied from the operation' and hopes of her recovery were entertaned by her phy sician and friends. Hut a change for I the worse took place and slip died at the hour staled. She was born in I Rockingham county. Mis.. .Cities was a most excellent wo jnian, greatly admired and beloved by jail with whom she was acquainted. Resides her husband, she leaves five slsleis, Mrs. .1. Allen Holt, of Oak Ridge; Mrs. W.T. Ilaynes, of Winston; Mrs. D. M. Vernon, of Spray, and Mrs. Mack Rhodes, nt HendMisonvllle, and a brothel, Dr. W. P. Knight, of Revo lution, The funeral service was held in (Ireensboro at this afternoon by Rev. W. Ii. Swaliu, of Asheboro. People Feel That New Officials Will Co-Operate With Premier Stolypm In Securing Reforms. Elections fcr New Douma Promised by Ciar to Be Held In November. Work Resumed a: Moscow. (liy Pohl'isne: . P' i s;,.) ST. PF I KIlSllt'KO auk'. M - The n. nmpt i s - ; ; e K. liviiii'ii the ap l.oiu.'tiuiit of Prince Va.-silebikotT as ' ininist.i r of am ici'.lurc. M. Flossofoff .as ijutr.i; : r fr"!onunerc and M : Iswoisl.y a . ptoeu. liter gelieial of the ' Ho!) Sytivi.l. The hope is- expressed In papers t.iai ilu n'.l co-eperate iwiiit Premier Sio'vpin in seemit.g . inodetate refnrrt , tor the nation. It , is now slated laiotficially thai (lec tions fo; ilu m w douiiia which tin? czar has pioniised wLI meel in March jwiil be held in Nov i mbe. . Ne an- noiitneini nt will be nj:tde of any date, however Dispatches from Moscow I state that wo: k N being s .sinned ev ; civ where there, following the attempt t ealliiiK of a general st.ike. Husl ness Is lu full swing ! i v-rv I blinr j i (iliet. Wmtton Decided Upon as Next Meet- j mg Place at Closing 8eMion af i Thit Year's Encampment In Our I ham Last Night. New Officers Elected. j ITRIIAM. Aug ! The fifty ninth , a 1 1 1 1 ii i : 1 nieeilng of the C.rand Kit iviimi un tit (i. Id Fellows, concluded a hat mouioiu session tonight. Only .rnntiiie tnrsiiie.Ns was transacted. Re limits of office! showed a dt-clded gain ovei msi ve.ir Winston waa se- DPP TO ENCAMPMENT: CHAPTER OF ORPHANS EN ROUTE TO MT.M E WEOOi (lly Publishers' Press.) MOSCOW, Russia, Aug. 1u. l'n setlled conditions of affairs following allempts to slnri fresh revolution and calling of troops generally into the city to prevent any uprising has given ureal opportunity to lawless element to indulge, in all sorts of depredations. A virtual reign of anarchy prevails in districts sti'.Tuunding this city and in habitant are terror-stricken. Armed robbers infest the country a nil operate. Vnchecked excesses of all kinds have been committed by these iobbeis. No one feels safe from at tacks and there Is nothing sacred in their eyes. Even churches have been deseciated and pillaged. Numerous inuideroiis attacks have been made on inoffensive peisons who get in the way of the robbers. II is also re ported that many yf the robbers have cycles', which makes it easy foi them to move rapidly from place to place. Miss l.elia Stockton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Stockton, of Ker nersville. and sister of Mrs. X. H. Olivei. of this ciiv, was united In mar riage to Mr. J. R. Wall, of Mayodatl. jon Wednesday. The ceremony was I performed at Mayodan instead of ! Kernersville, as iirst reported. Rev. jC. C. Haymore, of Mount Airy, offi ciated. The Kernersville News says: "The wedding was quite a surpiise .to Miss Lelia's many friends here, as no one knew anything of the wedding 'until a few hours before their depar : t n re. The groom, is a prominent i fanner of Rockingham county, and jthe young people have the best wishes jof a host of friends for a long anil j happy married life." The Forsvth Riflemen. 4S men Isliong, left this afternoon for More ;heatl City to go Into eanip with the iother companies of the First Regi linent of the Xorth Carolina State ; dial d. The Riflemen's membership numbers CO. but two were utiablo to go on account of sickness. r.tigtnlP ;0'R!leri is detained by the Illness of ihis wife.. John Leonard in confined to his homo with fever. CV plain Ter iry carries- eeYtiflciHes. from physic ians showing why Mrssrs. O'Brien and Leonard did not go. RoM of the Company. The company now lias a member ship of fifty men. Its captain is J. t). Terry. The other officers and privates are : First Lieutenant Julian A. SLih. Sergeants-O. R. Loft in. J. P. Mil ler, G. E. Pence, T. R. Holder, J. W. Riot son. Coriiorals .1. II. Footc, J.r.lF K Brown, L. C. Deal, M. C. Ashburti. Bugler .1. VV. Pike. Cooks-. I. II. Leonard, P. t'hil- llres8. i Privates W. A. Paynes. L. A. ltlnk- ley, R I, lliukley, Marvin Blukley, J. A. BovetidiT. A. M. Denny, D. C. Dor sett, W J Dunn, II. W. Dumiagar., I.. C. Dilla, H. .1. Grubbs, Moodv Heath. K. Hicks. J. C. Hicks, E. P. Holder, W. A. Holder, W. C. Unhand, S. C. Jennings. Cut lis Johnson, Robert Knott, W. H. Lanier, J. A. Livetvgood. E. A. 1-ong. C. M. Martin, (!. 0. Miller, Thomas Monday, J. F. McCnlstou, Eu gene o rtrien. H K. Pelree, A. Shields, Luther Swaim. .1. W. Temple, W. R. Tlllotson. O. Thompson. A chapter of orphans. 14 In number, film the Oxford Orphanage, was here hlo morning enionle from Moeksvitle to ML Air), vvhete they will give an Hiterlainmeiit tonight. The h Is In hai;;i. of Mr. J. S Hutch, who stated that the crowd ai Mocksvjlii yesterday Was the lamest tn had ever seen at any picnic. The receipts, ' It is thought, aggregated over $!2ttn. The profits will to the oi.!utnuge The schedule anangeil for the cliis is as follows; Stiudav at Pilot Montr tain; Monday ai .loin sville. Tiles la; at the Masonic picnic ai Klkin ami Wednesday nt the Ma'-onlc piiotle al Wilke.-boro. GETS A CHARTER TRIP IN INTEREST OF (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Aug. 10 -Tile enroll.:.' Mineral Railroad Co. was rbar'eied today for the puipose of construct in,' jam! operating a rHlliond .from Char lotte to Lancaster, s. C, travelling Miekleiibnig and I'ltlou coaiille,, in 'his Stale and Lancaster count v In I South Carolltiu. The road Is to be fot ty miles in length, thirty live utiles of being in Xorth- Carolina. The load will run by the pioperty of the Colos sus Gold Mining ami Milling Compa ny in I'tilon county. The Incorpora tors air J. F. Kelley, J. A. Ripple, D. 11. Culp, P. W. linker. J. G: Kip and others, of Peunsv Ivanla, and A H. Moore, of Wiuhnw. SOUTHBOUND RA'LIVAY CHARTER GRANTED FOR T W. T. Paynes went to (ireensboro today to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs.. Cates. Mrs. Hay ties went, down vesterdny. L : rnrm 's V V V" t 1 ' ' , , v ' ' . , 1 f V - c K ; - Carence R. Edwards. v-t.ief r. , . '"suiar Bureau. (Special tr. The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Aug. lu. The corpora tion commission announced today sev eral changes in the classification of freight extensively shipped in Notth Carolina. The classification of to bacco baskets Is changed from third class to clas A, a reduction of about 30 per cent in the rate. The late on delivery and freight wagons is chang ed from one and a hall times fir.t class to first-class, a reduction ol li bout :"o per cent. A change is also i-i derwd ' .i,u ,i he classification of uilt -i , in rat' load lots. thi change tie. 'ng liom second lo third clastn, a t iLictlon of about 13 per cent. I Mr. H. lv Fries went to Wnshine 'on City last night io confer with t fit; head officials of the Southern Rail ! way in regard to securing rights-of ;way for the Southbound Railroad to cross the tracks' of the Southern I at the lower end of Ihe yaid here. It was the Intention o the Southbound .Company at lirst lo run under the i Soul hern t tucks, "lint bv a change in the trade it became necessarv to to!" ;(iver the 'racks. Mr. Fries says that, j his cotnpain has men all along the: Mi. and Mr-. line of the Southbound ecuring the j "'turned from a I right s-of-.vaj. They are making Kinif. Beach. I rather slow progress, caused by many j..-r- 'land owners wanting to charge exhoi bitant pi ices. As soon as these mut ters ale adjusted the, men behind It j propose to push the construction wmk 'as tapidh as possible. T (Special to The Sentinel, I RALEIGH, Aeg I '.- A charter was Issued today f r the Steele Soap Man ufacturing Company at High Point, with a 'capita' ot IIh.immi authorized and $::uon subscribed by R. W. lira). F. Mad dock and others. Frank Stockton have il-iichtf'il stay at Vlr ibefed for (tie nef pijc of Biwtlim. j The lollowiiig olllceis were elected: ('. K Fiick. Charloiie, gland palri 'arch; F C Dunn, KinMor. araiid high jiilesi; w. L. Smith WiimtiiKton, Kiand senior warden: .1 T. Kin. WU 'nilnaton. kimhI sciibe- Uci.-y WU jiianis. Fli.ib. U Cltv. gtand treaanr er; (!. W Id Mint, Du:!uitn. arati.l Ju j 'lit it warden: Geo. A. lire I), .,'icitl. ami W II Weiitberly, Kli.alx-th C'l). giand repi esentat iv en. IN THE REALM OF SOCIETf News Items About Social Functions In Winston-Salem and Kindred Topics. IN SOCIAL REALM. Mis George Hlnshaw entertained rims t diiicli: fully at her honm ou Cherry h,ie. I visioiday In honor of iier mi"i-ls, Miss Snllle Siaffird, of 'lie Mitpcs, ;ilid Misses, Alllllll CJItT Wharton ami M.iinlo i 'tilth. of.Clfiu llionK. ' : ' . The game nf progressive dominoes ini iik.heii i be principal atlriicUon of the afieiiiiioii. As a reward for akll! dbplaveii In T h ist pant line Mlna Lucre lia Wlli'.o'i won Ibe Urnt prUe, a set . I 1 1 .iiiiliui h.'viid pai'ited domino Uliy cMir's. ,v i Annie Merfltt won h visiioia' piizo. a whlti) puraa, b!l i'i" colivikil1 ill fell III ti.a .ot ( Ml -nt Nel'l.i Grogan. ' , li. hcioiih punch tm served ilurlr: Ibe iiftei niMiii while elegant rafmiili men's wire dispensed after toa gstiti s the Riients lietnR a'nted at tables placed nhout the lawn. Mrs'. ILiish.'tw wii anslated In fa eel. Ing Uv her dn ughl em,-MlHaea Ella, Ida and Mary HIiiHhaW. Th ee who enjoyed Mrs, llliinhaw'H Inn'iiitality Wi re the gllesln of hoili. M! :scs Sallle Slnfford, Annl Cliff Wharton and Minnie Griffith, and Mlssc Cassandra Vaughn, Anna Mer rltt, of Grei'iisbom, Annabelv Oray. Helen Mi-Arthur, Durable l-kiyden, of Wiiinlngton, Marguerite Ludlow, Eve ln Owens, Terrell Young, Blanch Italley, Maigiiertie Penii, of Kelilxvtllv, Tnehie Viiugliri. Matgarette Dnltou, Marlon Molr. Gladys Sutton, Mar guerile Noiiniin, Nellie Orogati, Kate l)ei.ha.o. of Rldgewny, Va., lajefetla Wilson, Irta Jones, CV.l!! Miller, Bdtln Wilson. Roth frits, Mab"l llluHhaw, Itillh Poiudextei, May pierce titid AM Nil hob!. MOONLIGHT DRIVE. A pari) of young people enjoyed a delightful' moonlight drive to Ft'led heig lust tilgbi. Those corniio.ilua: Hie parly were: .vlisi Annie OiiiikIiv and AD. Irritlit Port".'. Ormshi and Mr. Miller and Mr. Weifaie and Mr Miss Fmrna Mlllc. Miss Trula li. Stmktou. Mis lla'lle Hrewe,1. Miss Minnie (ilersch and Ml etice Linebiick. Mi. and Mrs. Georgo i hapctoin-d I he .HI t) . . WU! John Bum Cl.'ir. Klrkman ' - A pliotograph of the three nigio s lynched at Salisbury Mondav night can be s'-en al Sinipson's Drug Stoic, jh tvas made on Tuesdav befoie lie j bofiies wei e taken down.- ! A Southern passengei coach -thrown fiom the tiack on the v:i"l jhete rbis i'L'-i noi;n by i mining, .in1'' ;an open switch. Mr-. .1 ill n ll"ii!ey and .-iH' i. Mr I W. " Coopei, le'itrii d tills iiti' t 'noon f.oili H visit I., leblllves at S:'ok.-,da!e. .' Mf. It M Tut'le and cluidien v. it 'lo Pine Hall thij alternoi.n to vi'.t I lies- p, K Mason letiiiiied this iif fiinoim from Suriimcrfb Id. when lie 'has been assisting Rev. W H Wilson 'in a i.-vival. He reports a succ Tnl ! meet, ne. I 'fie':, rue Williams abd family . l? (iieen-boro. re vi' l'ing hi'- moiii"' iC lEa l Siiem. New Advertisements. j .1. I. New man. 1 be specials in table! war. , big job (J-ilay sale. i The Hee Hive. Big 21 day special sjic. i omiiieiiciiig tomoirow morning. li :sskI1 L. Vaughn ft Co. News of tin- gteat mas'iirre Tonioriew ibe' a-' day. j R'.senhaeher & Bro. Aif attr:i,ciive -tiitiK ol Saturday specials and ex eetiiiiiiallv big 'values in clothing and! ' "' - .1 T. Poiiidextci Co. Atinoiinc. s 1 bin ieluctloii sale to make change J in business. Sale .-.tarts tomorrow ' li:.-!llil:g. - Shiipiio. The b:r siie c .ntinii'-s t iii.'ii row ,nld ; and 'Tds in 'ban I ;: I pi !'.. ' ; lie . C. Tudor, dlstr.ct r u ta . Mutual Benefit Life F.eM fi-jm any' point ot view. U'hi'e Star Co - VI, :.-o..; the flour t!i..' sat!sfl i !-:: P'.u Co. How eel rid Ml 'lliOSOe t.,1 4 j The Jenkins fhoe factor) in S-: ! ii Is now bein! opeiated day and iilKlit The company Is seveinl weeks l.i kind lu ordeis. The ('. I.. Wilkinson Co.. al W. L. j Hill's old stand Is fast clos.iui? out the j bankrupt flock. Every a I tide Is be-1 inn -old nl cost and main lielow cost, -p.'cla'l) shoes. --The rneiciiry registered H'.' at 4 c cluck tti". afternnon in the nhade. ) v y mm 4:v George Sutherland. Senator fro rr, btih.

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