rWiN-CITY DAILY SENTIN WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 11, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS "ESTJSEEii llll UaomifiBBniL COUNTY POLITICS. ffTCZAR " 1 Unedto Listen Ce0Reac- sanes. 0, Two Reg"Tien,s Henry W. Savage Aile's quaint comedy, offers ''The George i County Auditorium IK- f I" Chairman" at the Elks' early in the season. 1 The comedy comes here after a phc- w Rtjcfonary-ndinenul, record-breaking run In all: the principal cities or America. Adet t. ...i...i t., ...... ... . i.... i fo Flre ' "aS SUCCet-ucu in piummiiK Ulf mill lias ions uecu iinticu, u uaif;ni comedy of absolute cleanliness and devoid of any suggestiveness too of ten depended upon for the humor of M. Cress Arraigned For Alleged Connection With Lynching Mub. Not I.-H..U furm i tin : 1 ithe modern comedy. "The County M,v. Chairman is a picture of country His Counsel Enter The Plea of Insan ity Cise Now In Hands of Jury George Hall, First Defendant, Sen tenced to Fifteen Years In The Pen itentiary. I Special t(, Tin Sentinel.) isAl.lSHl'RY. Auk. 11. F. M. Cress. Chairman Canal Commission Says Things Are In I Good Shape. Health Conditions Art Improving All The While, He Says, And Arrange-n-.cntc Have Been Made To Secure Necessary Number of Laborers. ' iHy Publishers' Press) NEW YORK. Auk. 11. The Paua- the ( zai !lif i te middle west, drawn by a, of this city, charged win, being one in Monday night's J'!lr,'.pt thelmaster hand and filled with types so; f ,vnclp r! V"V ' ,v.,u,uc Icleverlv drawn that we recoenizei 1 "w '-nc-lw ..we is no .;.:,i,cn. n"t a fiance It. is u hit of nr niou here, wnS today arraigned In La sate luu Wi,h au ts fun. and "seriously trans- Ro-wau superior Court fcir trial. Th '" " i ... Iha am lilfnl04-h nna'i J ..... J....- . . auui'""' "- - -3 jiincimaiM suuiuiweii to a cnarge or h,,!,.!'.'!e llTlfl? frn!; frclble trespass. The question of his W llrl r. 1 uruuui,i in tlir: u lie role gives us a strong and altogeth-lam,-v was rai!"i1 u' Counsel for the D. fr..ntiv nnvtravut of rr I defense. Drs. McKcnzle and Trail- leader. Sassafras Livingston, the tie- tha.,n-.,f Salisbury, testified that the in yrti tl.e.J.'WV .,v rviuriiii rs. ,iie,l liV Premier fully in a pair of laige bay horse (or the fire department, and It is proposed to assign this team to Steamer Com pant No. 2 as simiii as the horses have Kne througli tin' course .if training that all horses ate required to under go before they call be admitted to the fire department service. The. team will weigh about 'JTiOil pounds now. bill there Is plenty of room left on them I foi mime fiiHI nrlillTl.tnnl iiouiiil of; ma nauioau steamer mnama arrived muscle and In a few months they will Vote For Democratic Candl- The city authorities have purchased i rltac In fYtuntv UUWJ III WUII Convention here today from Colon. Among the passengers were T. P. Shouts, chair- ,ka rabillel ,, minted today i ram Co""1 Hevdoon be amply able to draw the large steamer of Company No. 2 with ease. TV. .....'.J . .. 1 i f . . .. f . Kr.a In I V. .. j, .. , . .! I nr airin.c 1111- til a mine iu nir mafl and Jos. Bishop, secretary, of Pltt,.tnlBn, Krvlre abOH, vl. Ihi anal Commission. (years and manv of them are worth Mr. Shout said that conditions In lies for iku work n ft tir fmtll the the canal lone are Improving. "All weidate of entrance Into the service. The . I ...... ntioriinlu. 1u i h a rtntti.1i. hi, nf. . nu-rvlt ves. Ill S,u l"n"""-'i w..ti.t nil ui . ....... defeiidiml is a man of low order of in- Jhe the production and carries a "ripple of 'Kence. The trial Is a speedy one B I, ...i.w and t ie rase h:is ulieaiU i?on u, the n....tii. ; iKiiiei hiiii ins rtr i iiiovrii em. . - " - ... the raliinei.. j liirxiii Itwunu Hull hi- Iiwloo I .mo liom frimts lie rr-iniane tne piay one oi me most nengni- , .r.v ....... ..... omits ftieiifis "e .. n,r,olmn, ,.,. ,,hn. last night for being a leader of the rn.l..rnr '11 nllllin.- " ' Mm-. ... " i.ri,- .....n i.nlni..ert anH 'mmhiiio. nJ A sentence of 15 years was placed cabinet because sell) rejected. be members of the 0 ;he sn!iliers not to ,,tS,r5. the peasants. Ch;iie. Two thous- kr niitillell ine omeri.i ,!s for litem to give rht- j' twin's , tney subdue. What effect (rem tlu-e soldiers :tc ifi of I lie anil) Irftiirtd. The author- r g: tally worried n0e The two nmt i- tn the Wilmaiistrand nfantry regiments. hirmi. Aus. it it is and -Puke Nicholas imagination by the i Kaluiivs Selo. H ball eailridges in when it wiir. thought tad l)!aiik'Varti'idgM. tartieil by bullets tlv- ail. Tbe command to ntmeiliati ly given I veracity aiii-n to quarters and o leant which of the Jen using hall cartridge Ft on the Duke s - life latts ul the Ktnperor. eil to sieti(l a week of lite lllipi-ilal dren play an important pan In the production and in such a natural and delightful manner as to arouse uni versal commendation. The scene is iaid In Antioch, which stands for any country community of the Middle West. A good story Is well handled and told in most finished atyle by (his large company. Scenically, the play is a delight to the eye and put on in a manner unequalled by any similar production. . "Sis Hopkins" character have be come famous since that enterprising young lady was -first introduced to Ihe public, in "Chick Elsey" in. George Ade's "The County Chairman" we have another type of rural half grown girl even more entertaining and nat ural than Sis at her best. "Chick" is an orphan and f nil of unconscious hu mor. She is only one of the many re markably well-drawn characters with which Mr. Ade has filled this comedy. It abounds With types drawn with a that is at times starting This production has scored the big gest hit in years. A big onmpany of 100 people Is engaged In presenting this comedy by the famous humorist. mob. IT Ushers' l'ress.) : Aug. II. Another -I i"'i.i in the North -i built by the l'enii- i Colli pa it y. " night shift left a dy- Js Pi.ueil. Michael f 'he dynamite. When stoil by. Hf t it ii men. F 'he dynamite. When electric limum there ''"is ex!,,,,,, amj W'fe than n ton ihik pfiiliiiiji litis u tii tirl iii:- his head off and jureit several ' work- J' "ik In the tun- i.'C MlleUoi Thu to a hospital, in- The old veterans of Forsyth county held their annual picnic at Nlssen park today. While the attendance of old soldiers was not as large as usual, the gathering was one of genuine in terest and pleaRtire. The men who wore the grey In the sixties left the courthouse square at 10:21) for the park, free transportation being fur nished by the Street Railway. An ele gant dinner was served at 12:110 and at 2:20 the veterans enjoyed a big watermelon feast. President 11. E. Fries, of the street railway, also gave Ihe old soldiers free tickets for an otiUtig on tho miniature railway at Ihe nark. In addition, ice cream was serv ed, the tickets being Issued also by Mr. Fries. Cigars were distributed by Mr. Clement Manly, whoso love for the men who fought for the Soittlilund knows no bounds. illl 'iisaers' Priw. i V- II The gov- f at the .l;ini..ct,,. Pr '".mm square feet :'wes very favor '""t made-at Port ; itate fee, were 't.fl"iic ,pS , . '?'"' I" be made hv -Wr'n.eiit, The gov. 111 ''"'ermine nothing H th. l... ii.ii he rr.., ,;. " jf, . iissisiant '"I'.v Edwards only, SPECIAL lEi LEGAL (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Aug. 11. Gov. Glenn returned to Raleigh today. Speaking of the .conviction of George- Hall at Salisbury for complicity in the lynch- ling, he thinks the Supreme Court, will sustain the legality of the special I term of court that ried Hall, j Hall will probably be brought to the I penitentiary here while awaiting the decision on appeal, as It is feared that iaitempts may be made by friends to ! liberate him. There are about twenty- five cases against lynchers to be tried i et It Is learned. E HERE NEXT WEEK The third annual convention of the Retail Furniture Dealers' Association of Noith Carolina will convene in this city next Tuesday and Wednesday. In addition to the following program the delegates will be given on Tuesday a trolley ride over the entire line of street railway and on Wednesday a drive over the city, visiting the var ious manufacturing plants of interest. The meeting will close with a banquet on Wednesday night by the local re tail dealers to the visiting members. The outlook for the third annual session of this association indicates that the attendance will be the largest in the history of the association. Mi. J.. F. ("rouse, of this city, is chairman of the committee on enter tainment. '. Following is the program: . Called to order at 2:20 p. in. Wel comed by the president, Ml. U. F. Huntley. Reading Minutes of last meeting by the secretary, Mr. W. U. Summer set;, Report of secretary. Report ol treasurer. Report of executive committee. Report of special committees. Freight Rates G. I.. Bernhardt, chairman. Insurance Geo. S. Hoylen, chair man. , Mail order and catalogue competi tion E. .. Hall, chairman.'' Hotels, hospitals and institutions J. T. Porter, chairman. Unfinished business. New business. Good of the association. Election of officers. '""V Appoiiilnie-nt of committees. , Hotel W'instonla will be the home of all attending the convention. ' iwant lit more labor and less rain. The .labor problem is being solved to a cer tain extent, ag we are taking on Spau laborers and have advertised for l Chinese laborers. The death rale has Arisen from one half )er cent of last : winter to five per cQnt at the present time, which Is more favorable than lin labor camps In this country. Yellow fever has not appeared In a long time and smallpox has been wiped out for I the last nine days,. although we can't be sure that it is over foi nome ilaja. I The disease w as of a mild form, only one death occurred out of the thirty seven cases. We have our engineering woik well under way and the health conditions are good. The rainy season has begun now. .nnssns DIED AT THE HOSPITAL. I'; Me,,;,,,. , h.'., 1 "'"missions . i , f';ni "'I '""re of of wi,,,'., '"""w; . ni comer. r.e " uniform k m';:; r"'"'t' m ue '" -'V;iKllst. 25- to ft Jw" Be.,on. .. , ' '' a'-'"d .vs ,,,., ''Irvir ':"''r K"r:! Tk.: J"Hl Siiltii's' ;a,tl'"'!'';lM"1 qMaln-l l-hW, 'hree' r'tw i m'u'''i ' 'It'-r1, ' '' ears I !H j (', ,!'h pntience' Mi-, 1: 'inl for her I ',""K H.H, Mrs. J. M. Tomlinson, of Wayeross, Ga,, at the Age of 44 Years Mrs. J. M. Tomlinson. of Wavcross. f!a died at the Twin-City Ho.spilal at X:i last night at the age of 41 years. Deceased had been an invalid for a year. 'Accompanied by her husband, Mrs. Tomlinson went to Moore's Springs about a month ago. Falling to Improve she and her husband left the springs last Saturday for home. I'pon their arrival here tier condition as such that Mr. Tomlinson decided hat his wife could not stand the trip home, Mrs. Tomlinson was therefore sent to the hospital, where she con tinued to grow weaker until the end came. The body, accompanied by the hits "and, left on the early morning train for Wavcross, where the Interment will take place tomorrow'. Plans and detailed specifications have been completed by Mr. J. S. Zim merman and are now In the hands of the contractors for tho erection of a large addition to the Brown-Rogers Co.'s store. The addition to be built will be or brick and three stories high, occupy ing the entire space on Main street from the new Reynolds building to the alley In the rear of Frank Brown's store, the frontage on Main street helm? 4fi fpet. extending back 4i'-4 feet, and connecting with the present store, giving the Brown-Hogers 10. a total floor space of 2S.S7U squnie feet. Tim iniiiiiinv l necessitated In or der that this firm may increase its nl- readv large slock to meet Its fast irrnwltiir trade. In addition to 'he lines now carried, which will be In creased, ne wlines will be aded. in cluding carriages, buggies, wagons. mot vehicles of a kinds. The utoch of .agricultural implements will be about doubled and in tinware ine iirm will carry a stock of several car loads. The Brown-Rogers Co. now employs more than twenty men. This force u-m ho ndiled to when the improve ments ate completed. The firm is now covering, by salesmen, he. entire State and part of Virginia and wiin the store improvements completed as ..i. ,.,.. i wtiiuti.n. Salem will have the inniiii.ti -j-.. largest hardware establishment in the State, with possibly one exception Work is tr be commenced uy rim'- Bros. Co. on the new building nex' week. Other Improvements contemplated h. the Brown-Rogers Co. are a lie plate glass front for their two stores fionting on fourth street, also mi Hie front of the F. C Brown sioif ROCKINGHAM DEMOCRA Will Hold Their County Convention Next Wednesday To Nominate Tick etPlenty of Candidates. (Special to The Sentinel.) 8T0NEVILLE, Aug. U. Democrat ic primaries will be held Tuesday and Ihe nominating convention for county offices will be on W'ednesday. Never In the history of politics In this coun ty have there been so many men "In the hands of their friends" wanting to serve the dear people to 'the best, of their skill and ability. The old, soldiers are dropping off the stage of action very rapidly. W. C. Combs, a splendid soldier of the l.'tth N. C. troops, passed over the i Tver a few days ago. A revival meeting Is being conduc ted at Dan Valley Missionary Baptist church and much interest Is being nlanifested. Crowds from town go ottt every night. Wm. joneB, of Rldgeway, Va., paid this town a visit last night In his au tomobile. He was kind enough to give manv of the voting ladles an out ing. The liquor saloon is at hist In full blast and the liquid lightning is being dispensed to all applicants. H Is tho most conspicuous building in town. It is said a local option election will soon be held to see If a quietus can not be given It, A gentleman of capita made ar rangements to make this town his home, but as soon as (he saloon was established he decided to go else where. - Crops generally are In fine condi tion and for once the farmers have nothing to grumble about. Mrs. T. L. Smith does not .seem to Improve at tbe sanitarium ' near Stuart, Va. Mr. Smith went to see her this week and will probably bring her home. Dr. Smith Us so much Improved that he Is attending to his practice again. He is a candidate for the Legislature, but the people say they need him more at home than at Raleigh. Mr. .lames V. Price, of Wentworth, was hen esterday. Thomas Wilson, of the hamlet of Intelligence, was here yesterday. He Is a candidate for sheriff. This town is split Into three fac tionssocial, religious and political on account of the sale of liquor In our midst, and much bitterness Is the outcome. fire horse generally Is a fine speci men of horse flesh, especially thos iu the Wlnstou Salem department. They are kept fat and sleek, not because they are fed too much, but because of the fact that some times for days and weeks the hor-ea ha,ve nothing lo do but go through the regular routine of dally practice. But when the fire horse Is needed he Is needed at one and then It Is that he Is required to work for his feed. A horse in a fire department is al ways a general pet. Take for In stance old Vance, the large grey that a few years ago was considered the most perfect specimen of Ore horse In the Stale. He was so large, so fat, so pretty and so good nalured that It was a wonder that his digestive fix tures were not ruined, for some one was always feeding him apples or candy or sugar. And Vance was ambi tious he was always ready and will ing to go at the tup of the bell, but Vance did like so much to putjun airs. He would arch hln pretty neck and look so hanghty when in harness thai one ensiil hardly help going up to him and patting his neck. 0)Hancf is now In the list of lias-bcHmev and occasionally he may be seen about the streets draw lug a one-horse wagon, but he seems to feel the shame which old age has brought upon him and now he pulls Ihe wagon about in a don't-care sort of way. with his head down, and one would hardly recognize him as the one-time proud young fire horse that the department refused seven hundred dollars for. The new horses are undergoing their preliminary training at the quar ters of Steamer Company No. 1. Mrs. V. 'E. Cummlngs, of Guilford, her sister. Mrs. , Benson, and Miss Mary Glbbs. of Reidsvllle, who have been visiting at S. F. Cude's for the Past week left for Guilford College on 'he 1O:0d train today. There will be regular services at 'h(. Lutheran church tomorrow. i',"?k' "f K-mers ) N.(!j i . I Dr. Chreltzberg will preach at Grace M. R. church tomorrow moiu ''"(f at U o'clock. TO .REBUILD THE CITY. San Francisco Is In Need of Carpen ter!, Brick Masons, Plumbers And in Fact Artisans of All Trade New That Work of Rebuilding Has Be gun. Tho following Is quoted from the San Francisco Chronicle: State. Labor Commissioner W. W. Stafford has officially announced to mechanics and other workmen throughout the country that there Iv a rich field for their activities now In San Francisco, In the rebuilding of which many more artisans ore needed thau are now available on the spot. Commissioner Stafford has been re ceiving many letter- from various parts of the country, making inquiries as to the demand for worktngmen !;. San Francisco. To these he has replied that there Is room In tills mid adjoining cities for thousands more, men In the build ing trades. The woik of cleaning up has advanced so far Hint the actual building Is now the Immediate task on hand, practically every mechanic now In the city being employed at good wages, and more are required, particularly carpenters, electrical workers, bricklayers, hod carriers, plumbers, plasterers, cement workers, sheet metal woikers and structural Iron workers. "We need these men by the thous ands, If they are good mechanics, t,nd we have no room for any other kind," says Commissioner Stafford, "and thev will be sure of plenty of work at good wages." This proclamation of the State La bor Bureau, It expected, will have gixxt effect In attracting San Fun (By Pnhllshers' Press.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 Presi dent Samuel Gompers, of American Federation of labor, today condemn ed the proposed Importation of Chin ese coolies for work on the Panama jcifnal. He also charged Chairman f.Shonts, of tho Canal Commission. wl;h bad faith, saying that the canal chairman had promised him that cool ies would not be brought Into the canal rone. President Gompers would not say whether the action of the Canal Commission would incite the Federation to renewed political activ ity In order to prevent the Importa tion of coolies. DEATH OF MR. J. L. JONES. C. A. Mr. J. L. Jones, who was stricken with paralysis at. Kernersvllle, last Tuesday, died at his home there a! in: lo this morning in his eightieth war. Mr. Jones conducted Hotel lorn-s In this city for several years. Ho retired from active business laxl ye.n, moving with his family to Ker nersvllle, where he owned a nice Watson Road Commission Resolution And Its Provision Different Idea Being Diicutied Which Might Incorporated Into The Read La'w A Wm Measure. Iu the Democratic county con Tea Hon last Sstutdsy 'JSf names were en rolled In ihe Winston precinct before the first ballot was taken. The count showeM that STS votes were cast in the sheriff's box and 34 for register of deeds In that precinct. The tabulated statement made by the secretaries of the convent loo -shows the following vote received by the various candidates: For Sheriff. First Ballot-Zlgtar. .'!61; Thomp son. i::.r.2:i; Rlggins. 20 441; Adams, 12.153; Katoti. 12 iM. Second Ballot -Zlglar. C4 SIS; K gln, T'.fijfi. Register of Deed. First Ballot McKaughn. SRSld; .Ioiioh, 2.Sh,1; Crawford, 112 1SH. second Bnllot McKauahan. M.4.1; Crawford, 4S.f.29. For Treaturcr. First Ballot-Jones, 2B117; Beck, r.a fiH5; Shore. & M2; Conrad, H2, Sheek, 4.414. Member of Houee. Cox was nominated on the first bal lot, he receiving (Ii votes. There wera a large number of gentlemen placed In nomination for this office and they received scattering: votef ou this ballot. After first ballot lev- era gentlemen withdrew and the sec ond ballot was as follows: Second Ballot Cartel, 29 MX: Pin nix. 2S.K2I; Wharton. 15SKU; Crews, 6 (ta6; Lineback. 14 f!7; Waddill, 2 - Third Ballot Carter. 77.(174 ; Pin nix. 8.041;; Wharton, 7.:i0. Senate. First Ballot Buxton, 64; Baldwin. 41. County Commissioners. Third Ballot Bailey, 60; Strickland 4S; linrnion, 4X; Hanes, 34; nines, 35; Clltiard, 27. Two township did not vote on third ballot as the dele gates were under Impression I bat Ihe present commissioners hud been nom inate! on the -second ballot, but when It was counted It s found that they were short a few votes at the requVf number and It was necessary to take the ihlrdrhalloL Watson Resolution. For. 02 25; Against. 18.75. Following 1h the text of Ihe Watson resolution: "ResolvM, That the Democratic party of Forsyth county favors ener getic mid active work In the construc tion of permanent roads for the county, but at the same time the In terest of Ihe public require that the ordinary roods of the county should be kept ami maintained In S reason ably good and passable condition. "Resolved further, That the party favors the placing of the road fund and the expenditure thereof In tbe hands of a public road non-partisan commission lo Ihe end that the work of road building and road maintain- aiico may have more careful and more effective, supervision." A careful rending of the foregoing resolution adopted by tbe Democratic convention 011 last Saturday will sat isfy everyone that the parly la not committed to a law that the people do not favor. 1'nder this resolution It Is the duty of our representatives . and senator to consult the people and get their views as lo the best law to be enacted. Many favor the Idea of Mr. J. J. Marshall, that a sum, sav $1,000. for each township be. put In the hind of a competent bonded supervisor and let him be held responsible for the road Iu his township, i This would still leave some $40,000 for macadam and bridge work, -which might be let Lo contractors and the convict hired If deemed wise. ed In the work of rebuilding, which is now well under way, The secretary of the Building Trades Council has written to Htaf fold, fully Indorsing his statement tel atlve to the need of building liade mechanics. i sum I'. ..I.- .1... -,.....!.!,. .. i ,.... Cisco the mechanics so urgently war.i-1 " ''" , '"?' " h i ,i. ,...t.n ,l7,.,ii,Mr. P. H. Hanes ran be, carried out If thought wis.-; that Is lo put one of the commissioner on the road commission l It can be piovlded for the mernbei of the corn mission to serve without pay. a suggested by Mr. J. D. Waddill, I or one or more of them to receive iKutii pay as to Insure active service. I A majority of them might come from jtown so us to prevent the building of road In the interest of any man. j In conclusion, the resolution Just a lit passed, admits of the enactment' of the wisest luw that ran be framed and one that, will Insure progress In per niuiietit road building and guaranteed vigilance In the repair of dirt rosdt, keep the road fund separate from the county fund, and leave the commis sioners free to attend to the ottiei lm Hrtatit business of the county. Let everybody study the Watwm resolution, think over the road ques tion of this county mid talk to our rep resentative ri the next Legislature and we will not have muoh further dissatisfaction with our roud pollc). Bv Publishers' press.) SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. - 11 The Call today piihll.hc a sensational story to the effect that the recent distm bailee and tbe report of an anti-American outbreak on the Mexi can border, was doe to a gigantic plot to stir up war between Mexico ami the t'nlted States. John Robinson Here Sept. 3. Repiesentalives of the big John! Robinson firms are here today cou-l trading for bill board and other out- I Longworth at Oytr Bay. door advertising, John Robinson's NEW YORK. Aug 11. The Iing- home and other proper! v, Including a circus will be here on September X, worths sill arrive on the steamer St. I valuable farm two miles from thai (The show will be In Martinsville, Va., Paul about 2 o'clock this afternoon. 1 town. Deceased was a gentleman ofion September 1 and will spend Kim !Tb-y will be met by the yarhl Sylpb I 'he old school and numbered his I day and Monday here. 1 a n taken to Ovster Bav. where they (Special to The Ren'luel ) GREENSBORO. Aug. 11 -Mr. C. A Reynolds was nominated for Congress bv' acclamation by the Republican convention of the fifth district loda and accepted. jftierids by the score. He leaves a wife and three daughters, Mrs. II, C'Ker-ini-r. of this city, and Misses Mattie land .Nettie Jones, of Kernersvllle. ! Tie funeral seTvlce mill be held at Kernersvllle at 0:S0 a tn. Monday. The interment, will be In the M. K cemetery. FOR SALE Several stoves, f.irnllnre and crirpds. William Reich. ftiC ! South Poplar street,, Halem I wilt probably remain until Monday. Mayor Eaton has purchased Mr. G 1.. Dull' farm of 100 acres two and a half miles west of the city. Tbe Mrs. Benjamin Green, of Danville. 1 mayor sa) that next year he propos wbo has been visiting Mrs clement I es to make model truck farm out of Manly, returned home tiday. 'tbfc place 1

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