fWlN-ClT . Y DAILY SENTINE WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS y CROWD BRYAN IIJSISIEfll I IS Still Contends That Commit, teeman Sullivan Should Resign. a Into Mass Of Result of U. S. Bureaa of La bor's Investigation For Year 1905. Two Believed To Have Been Burned In Fire In New York Town. Coney Island jtened. REPOR OIJ LABOR. ROBBEfl !4 S'd ,or O'clock Ttvs F3Uf Ptopie-Shoot-HJve Been Unpro- ,,t;! da a it (''' l -hp h i ti ii place i an this ami I.-.l.iii.l hi Gives Reasons for Insisting On Resig nation of Illinois Member of Dem ocratic National Committee Ana Expresses Views On the Subject In Vigorous Manner. (By Publishers' Press.) PARIS. Aug. 13. A statement in explanation of why he Is opposing the retention of Roger Sullivan as the Illinois member of Democratic Nat ional committee was made public to day by W. J. Bryan. Recently Mr. ,,:.) i.'v lit van IB a leuer uemauueu ouiuvau s wrsiPi, rni.Hjui .. re-1?nat()n siivaii. promptly re ,.;se croit. danger- fis(1(1 ((J regn, Bai( nryan had been j- perNii:- A mob misinformed In regard to the sltua llhBWm.l ctiiugeilitton by M. F. Dunlap. Bryan yiday v ,,miS but jilenies that anyone but himself was , ' . responsible for the demand he made :r d.V The leadet . Sullivan's retirement and savs he hail resolved to seek to have him resign from the national committee before he should see Dunlap. "I entered Into this contest because I believed Roger Sullivan and John Hopkins had deliberately robbed the ;VnrI the. nitscieaut :o a t'.'i'.i'-iene iK)Ie. ii of Newark. X. in the Iwki : ,,t Ri,ik!vii. was , Mrs. A lit :vfd sound p, a 1 1 1 1 . ij(k. A.I ' In the rl'i iv I'd e taken ;St!l Ihi'lf hn a.-1 ne ii .i Siniih. I Democrats of Illinois of their political rights and I still believe so," said Ilryan. "To secure political power by force or fraud ought to be as dis graceful in the eyes of the public as to secure money by force or fraud. I cannot conceive any plausible defence which Sullivan can make for remain ing. on the national committee. If that body Is unable to rid itself 4 the leadership of men like Sullivan who to control the party organization to advance their corporation interests it. might as well dissolve." have beeli e w us a nil nt a OA: ;i 'from ,('. VlL. iec. ied II (li'lrc a 'live that J. b - ; ' ; ; t k ' ' ... '- V $ . 4 V '' 7 V ' ' vy Joseph Governor of W. Folk. Missouri. : tit description of ciikm'i!, wanted for Mori) liiht a iKgfo 'a Haiiwaj's doiible- ar JciiHsiuwii,. had ftaiidke and would tenons, ilii'il iii jiheriff .lor- enr '!'.'' I.mg ilis- a:,J iwiiliid him of itsri) at High Point. lain! iliat lie had sent uci tn Ret. u negro post rl tn he the one tundeil a negro near aty Cofcr sas that rirnialion is mccived ' will ol der th negro ilii.iiiik ii'b'asfd, v." tlwt -Cha.-. ''i Mi cii a wci'k ' r8hf at I lip heme East WiiKion. b av hV has a bad n e- M?'i lie atii'inntt'd to ram an uffirer. He or two on the emtn- A is !:;.- k C. II. ars nf farl.v Jills liiorniiiL' at fevrr. from '' :l Siti'- July ''' vit-.-j,. , f It t t of tl. Whit,,,., " ini.aipii i,, now ib vr Ml' roll- ping a a" Whitney. i' avts a wibviuid (By Publishers' Press.) MINNEAPOLIS, Aug: K!. Robert V. U.towu, of Evansville, Ohio; Chas. I). Hurton, of Nevada, Mo.; ('has. A. Clark, of Cedar Ralids,. Ia.; P. H. Cote, of Topeka. Kan.; are candidates for ."(immaiider-in-chief of the G. A. R. en campment that opens tomorrow with a big military parade. During the af ternoon the reunion of the survivors of the battle of Siilloh will be held. In the evening there will be a camp fire. The business sessions of the en campment will be Thursday and Fri day. . (Rv Puh!ish9rs' Press.) NKW YORK. Aug. 13. Ex.-.liulge 1'arkei' and ex-Governor Illaek have been retained by the Brooklyn Rapid Translit Company to defend the legal ity of ten cent fare to Coney Island. Deputy Cotnniissionor Okefo today revoked all appointments of force of special police who were yesterday dragging from cars persons refusing to pay second fare over Coney Island mutes. T (Hy Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON, Aug. II. The pres ident has called upon Secretary liona parte, of the navy department, to cmifl t Ai T)r..- .. full rnnnrl ill aiwori r ,v.t, ,.f i,.,,! ,r,ot Un,Wanii w. .1. naiiua ...,.nv.t i it i liioil I UK ill uU in'-ui ...... bread-stuff to the navy, yards by contractors. REGISTER'S OFFICE Mr. Rolieit I.. Mounce, of High Point, and Miss NannH' Brown, of Walnut. Cove, were ha'ppily married here at 11 o'clock last night, the cere mony being performed In the office of the register of deeds by Dr. H. K, Chreitzberg, pastor of Centenary M. E. church. The couple arrived here yesterday afternoon and intended getting married at once, but Register Lindsay was in Kernersville and Deputy McKaughan was out in the country. As soon as the purpose tf the cou ple's visit became known they soon found friends who readily assented to assist them In securing the necessary papers. Drs. Spencer and l.ockett started out. to the county convict camp near Hethania In an automobile in search of Deputy MeKailgban, who was spending the day with his friend, Supt. Chas. Griffith. The two physic ians were about half way to the camp when their auto refused to travel. Determined not to delay the wedding any longer than possible, Drs. Spencer and l.ockett secured a mes senger and sent him to the camp la a buggy. Deputy ,M.cKaughan was found. He hurried to town and as soon as the couple was located the license was Issued and the ceremony performed. T (Special to The Keu'luel.) GREENSBORO, Aug. l:!. The first annual bot.se show of Greensboro h to be held n tm grounds of iho Cent i a! Carolina lsiii Association Wednesday of this weik. Already more t'uin s"u y -ti e horses have been er.l.'ictl in one or mure of the thirteen eon tests. There are cash prizes offered in each1 of the contests, and the niini-be- of et tries will make all of the contests full of interest. Many of the horses are coming from other towns of the slate, four having arrived Sat urday, and two froni Charlotte coiiihiK in today. The show is under ill" di rection of Messrs. B. F. Ai i iii.t-Ji. i & v A I - v." ' V f I Haakon VII. The Nwest King Erope. MEETING OF N. 0. (Special to The Sentinel.) RAI.EIGH, Aug. I". The first an nual convention of North Carolina Federation of Labor bcfaii tin uo day's session today at Asheville and Its unrif tc ovniTted to he iliioortant in some particulars to politicians of two st,it organization or Federal idn, was stato organization of Federation was effected in Raleigh last fall witn . A. New, of Charlotte, president ati'l A. J. Williams, of Greensboro, seere- tarv and treasurer, it is uiiuersiixi'i several of the more Important nat ional labor leaders including Gomp- ers will probably attend the meeliiit.. which will last till Friday. Denounced Judge from Scaffold. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Aug. I0.-K.it! Fletcher, colored, who was liang'-d here today for ilie murder of "Bub" Paine, a "fellow convict at Flat Toi mines, created a iene by denouncins criminal Judge S. L. Weaver from the scaffold just before the drop f,'i; Fletcher declared that the judge had granted a habeas corpus to John Wil liams, a white man, and saved Wil Ham's neck, but when It came to bis (Fletcher's I case, the court went fih Ing. , , ., Fletcher said that "solnir flsh.i.i: was given as an excuse for the judge to have town to avoid granting a habeas corpus. There would he a lot mine fun rais ing a vegetable garden if you got any thing to eat off it. USE STEEL Cms (Special to Tho Sentinel.) PHILADELPHIA, Ta. Aug. i:i. "All passenger equipment of the Pennsvl vania Railroad will he made of steel. The necessity of providing non-col lapsible, absolutely fireproof passen ger cars for the New York tunnel h'is simply hastened the day when this transformation 11111 lake place. The car of the future must be as safe as engineering science can make It." Such was the declaration author ized today by a high official In the iniitlve-power department of the Penn s!vania Railroad. It followed exam ination of reports which have been made on the cost and performance of the "new Pennsylvania coach, No. iOfil, the first all-steel passenger car to be luilll in the world. This car has been placed temporarily on one of the com pany's regular local runs, and most minute report are being made as to Its work. The .future passenger equipment is to be of gteel,herefore not only steel frame and - box. but steel and non combustible material In every particu lar. This will Involve a very large expenditure of money, but the man agement feel that no expense nl.ould be spared to remove the danger from lire und collision Hi future railroad ing. . i Tile decision now definitely reached will call for about 1.D0O unburnable railroad . company cars to be ready when the New York tunnel is com pleteik It will also call for some 500 Pullman cars which must also hT of completely noncomhiistible construc tion. At the request of the Pennsyl vania Railroad, llui Pullman Company is now building the first all-steel sleep er ever constructed. It will be In spected by i lie Pennsylvania officials at a very early date. Railroad officials and travelers gen erally have been keenly Interested In the result of the Pennsylvania's ex periment with a new car. Other so called steel coaches have been built notably for the New York Subway but they have been onfr partly of steel, the first c;t to be built any where wherein the main object has been to secnio the elimination of ev ery particle of colihustlble mater ial Is No. Hi.'l. the retiorts on which are just now in shape to make It pos sible to base definite future action upon them. The new car weighs lOli.fifiO pounds against s'l.flw for the standard wood en coach, but It Is found that the added weight, very greatly reduces the vibration and adilH to tho comfort of the passengers. No Inconsiderable part of the additional weight Is due to the great burden Involved In carry ing storage batteries and battery boxes. All the new cars are to be lighted hy electricity, and the Penn sylvania will carry no gag Illuminated cars of any kind Into its New York tunnel.. Tho electric wires In tn new cars are thoroughly Insulated In heavy metal conduits, thus adding to Hie safety. EARTHQUAKE T (IK- Publisher!)' Press.) GREKNCASTLK, Ind., Aug. L! Tbere was an earthquake shock In his city at 7:1!) o'clock this morn itf Tho people were alarmed and ran from their houses. So far as known no damage resulted. - Mr. Ernest Hege, of Greensboro, who was h'-re Friday looking for a i,i-;:rn who went off with his blcyiv Thursday, found the negro and wheel ;n Kernersville Saturday. The negro who gave his name as Will Umg. was arres'ed and carried to Greensboro I'll trial. Its mighty smart the way a girl -an come In fro ma piazza with a man mil a red face and make her mother i -lieve It Is sunburn. Report Snows Slight Increase In Wages, Same Number of Hours Per Week And About Seven Per Cent Increase In Number of Men Em ployed. (fly Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON, 'Aug. 12 The Buieau of Iabur today announced the results of its .Investigation of wages and hours of labor in 1905. They show that the average wages per hour In the principal manufacturing and mechanical Industries were 1.8 per cent higher than In 1904 ; that lb average hours of labor for week re main the sume as Jn lfi4 and that 6.3 per cent mote persons were em ployed In establishments Investigated. T (By Publishers- Press) ' WASHINGTON, Aug. lit. Tim Post claims to have a private tip that Brau will remain in this countrj only about' three weeks after his ie turn from circumnavigating the globe, that he will then piocecd to Australia where he will study and write for pa peis h L nit political and economic con ditions. The Post says: "It. Is Inferred that the Ncbra'skau's sudden change of plans Indicates a fixed determlnatlot) to hold aloof as muoh as isisslble fiom factional war brewing In his party between the ele ment which stuck by him when the split came In ISIui and the element which -opposed him either actlvel oi passively." Budding Destroyed by Flr Which Was Started from Explosion Be lieved to Havt Betn Caused by Sage Robbers. The Loss by Fir Amounted to Half Million Dollars. (Bv Publishers' Press.) Ut FFALO, Aim U. In the ruius of Nlles Smith's general store at Solo, N. Y , arc believed to lx rharred remains of two safe robbers. Tho store with Harris Hank and three duelling was destroyed by fire start ed by the explosio which blew out front of the store The door of the safe was blown Into the street and two burglars are said to havt bcej seen .lying prostrate on the fl.ior when the flames first lighted up the Jnlerlor. The loss was $r.(Mi.ooo. The ruins are being searched for bodies. AT (By Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 13, The new fourth class of the Naval Academy will be the smallest at that Institution since HttCf. There have been 1!'3 suc cessful nominees sworn In and a few more Who .are awaiting physical re examination would bring the total of the class to a little more than two hundred members There are Ion vacancies to go over for the next academic, year, the places to be filled In anticipation of examinations to he held In April and June of 1 107. These places with vacancies, created b) graduation next June furnish oppor tunity for appointment of something like 400 midshipmen during next year. HORSE KILLED BY L Postmaster Reynolds Says Ho Cannot Gimpalgn With Kltchln This Time. Has Promised to Make Several Speeches In the Tenth District for Prof. J. J. Brltt Did Not Want the Nomination for Congress And Tried to Prevent Convention from Nom inating Him. ' Postmaster C A. Re) Holds, who was nominated for Congress lit tho Fifth district hy die Republican con vention held at Greensboro Saturday, lells The Sentinel that he rannol agree to enter Into a joint canvass with Mr: W. W. Kltchln. the Demo cratic nominee, as ho did two years ago, Mr. Rcvnolds argues that It woiiM leuulre at least month to Kit over the district and he says he hasn't the lime in do this Besides hn has 'promised Prof. J. J. Ilrltt. the Repub- Bean culminate r t ongress in inn Tenth district, to make a number of speechi H for him dm lug the coming eaiiipalgn. Postmaster Rev nobis denies the re-, port that he sought tho nonilnatkm for Congrestt. Ho si) that he hal the congressional convention, held the day of the Republican Slate con vention, adjourned to Mcp from mak lug the race, hoping that another man would be chiMten at tho confec tion last Saturday. It Is understood that J, T, llonbow. who was re-elected chairman of tho executive commit lee for tills cotigres Kioiiiil rlihti-lef 1m shited for the fiom inatlon for state senator and that he has consented to make the ratw . against Mr. Buxton. Including newspaper reporters and snectiitors lust 21 neonle were ores- ent at the convention that nominated Mr. Reynolds Saturday. Five of the ten counties comprising the district were not represented. From parties who attended the Friends' yearly meeting at Guilfoid College Sunday It Is learned that a horse was killed by lightning; durl'ig a severe storm there late In the after noon. Rain fell In torrents. Many were of the opinion that the stoini, which extended Into Greensboro, was the worst seen In many years. It whs a veritable cloudburst, said The Sen tinel's Informant. On one or two streets the tracks were covered with water so deep that the cars were fore ed to stop running foi some time. Found Dead In Their Cell. U'FKIN, Tex . Au. 11. It. II. Tra wick and Sam Chandler, white man. confined in the Angelina coulity Jail here, were found ilea din their cell this morning, the nkulls of both men being crushed, and John WII-jmi, held i n a minor charge, and who was con fined In the same cell, Is held. cuari ed with having murdered his cell-mutes. People ht-em to be more afraid ol getting hoarse from singing hjnins ihan from cheering at a baseball game. ' There is hardly an way as sure not to please h woman as a reason. able one. y-i V. ... Stolypin. The New Premier of Rut'-

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