Y DAILY SENTIN sc WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., THURSDAYEVENING, AUGUST 16, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ss m.mw w tees And Oth-, Union and Non-Union Men In Cvna ! Pittsburg District Last Session of Furniture Dealers' Convention Held Last Night. Forsyth To Collect $ 1 .449.489 Explosion of Dynamite In A; Russian Revolutionaries Male On Railroad And Other Texas Town Has Fatal Many Assaults Mill I'll'' J Fight. 'JUL Corporation Property. Result On Officers. WIN-C HI I i MEETING CLOSES. tlPlTl TAXjllY WERE KILLEDiPOllCE ATTACKED Held In Winston Jt 7:30 O'clock ,tters Pertaining to Show Will Be U'S Irteretted I" Big Members of Corn er, invited to Be Two of the Latter Are Missing And One Is Dangerously Wounded. Eleven of Those Engaging In the Fight Have Been Arrested. (By Publishers' Press.) PITTSBl'RG. Pa., Aug. 16. labor troubles between union and non-union ; miners are said to be responsible for i iliu hlnmtv cuttine affrav at Butler nniii.t'o .mi . , .... . u,nst Siin atiuiori- junction on Aiiegiiauy rhanilwr at are hii:K b'at week Closing Business Session Was Fol lowed by Elegant Banquet at Hotel Phoenix Wilmington Chosen as Place of Meeting for Next Year. Other Notes. our people ieiti.-li:? I'l'' lM'fl i arc ri'(l'i'stt'l to jmi join I lie com ,'hir urn are on a Fii;!oins is a list JV , chair-Dwire. V. Siimak hn. McCn iii. X. Brown, rnairnian; . R. II. (Ill'llll, .1. C. M.,n:.v. H. E. Fries. & Starlitick. Mayor SferltoB. chairman; IV. H. Maidin. Km. W. Hinshaw Eller, .1. J. Norman R'ibiiMiii, roroner. uatum this ninrning. liqiii'iit iivcr the body . riKiiri'il. who was ii) a .sliding engine ! Wf stern yard, was i)iiiia made to the who was about 21 finking. Two colored 'jinn on or near the small turtle across Thy endeavored to Mi anil mi lioinc lint In' that the men left' t him away fioin tiie fcnii' later the coioied t-'i to Ki t Fa: i.nv ui that a man Kori r.f wen; t0 th scene it was Ernest. The engine struck him "rtd. crushing il com- ' knocked from the .ay a water narl. m nis lather holding M"f nr his rli ad son '" m 'He employ of niniitnre Company m iimiy was turned ' the rl c rased for River this in i nionring. Two unknown non-union 7::iittnTrn are Supposed to have been killed made toHml thelrbodles thrown Into river, here intone non-union miner is dying with horrible gashes on his body. Officers arrested eleven men but two escaped'. The officers with nine prisoners are now en rout eto the county jail. Details oi me affair as yet are unlearned. Later. Officers and prisoners ar rived at the jail at 11 o'clock. The man fatally stabbed is Stef Reaway. CharleB Slndar was also badly beaten. One of the missing vic tims is named Mosely. He is suppos ed to be at the bottom of the Alle ghany river. Several officers remained at the scene of the trouble and additional arrests will be made. Three weeks ago the mines of the Freeport. Coal Company were changed from union to non-union. Trouble was anticipated and precautions were taken. The displaced miners remained quietly In their homes and it was sup posed that the danger of an outbreak had passed. Vigilance was relaxed. Last night, however. 29 of the new ar rivals were attacked by men whom they had supplanted in the mine. Their superior numbers made short work of non-union men. Sticks, stones and knives were the weapons used In the fight and every one of the non- unionists sustained Injuries more or less. It was late in the night before the beaten men revived sufficiently to notify the authorities. County officials were sent for and many arrests followed. I OF '"'I- a well known ' his home on Oak hw night, f. s Mr. Hiewer tie 1 I'.tur.i., f ti. , , - "" i ue i ,;ke Indigestion. ?iiiw worse. ili.niti l I''".1 ifian, until the r 'as a clever gentle r 6rli"i''l member of f r'!iiri'li aim Liberty f A- M- The members f '' leq-iesteil niP,,, l : ,"rl'H'k tomorrow f ' ; in. i , ' '"ii'idi ""in th, which residence ' a if,, mill several on eight Tatky Party." ,Hi'.:" ''r'l Of ;,,ot '"""iiiiieil ;it the i 1 n r. ' h i,n i n at '"Ky n.irtv "Zl's awarded Etlie! Ti'i,..t I" ''!,;'l 'he prizes to f Mi Lindsay I. "tf .fl':"-";'ieiii was ';r:';,ln" l''-- fcnieJ 'T" "'ved It .v, " " progress. i; I'fly Fubllshers' Press.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 16. En route to New York where he goes to partic ipate in the reception to Bryan Repre sentative John Gaines, of Tennessee, slopped over here long enough to hand out the following predictions: I ve figured It all out, Roosevelt is a psendo-Bryan president. He has popularized and forced three meas ures that, involve principles for which Bryan and other good Democrats stand. If this much of reform has been brought about by a man win I a pseudo Democrat the people will be mure than willing to cast their votes to have ail the reforms In legislation aim government affairs that. Bryan will give them. Bryan will be the next president." IN EAGLES' PARADE 16. Mi a ' Ml! Mr r departed 1 -ii a most !' oowlin, 9 Party. V' Nenf at. js. ' honor of r-i'.v. N. C, Keerans. 'f Ti Nan," f',1 )!,, '' at. Ma r.e K;, ii the H-.-i.rv Robert f'trrabee, Keerans, Mi td Mary (By Publishers' Press.) MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug. Business ntactlcallv went into a state of Col la use todav due lo the Immense parade of fraternaJ order of Eagles. twenty thousand strong. It was the star spectacular event of the week's meeting; and brought, forth Immense crowds to witness the lodge men dis play thrli charms. The political situation here switched about owing to the caucus of six easl frn states, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont,- Connecticut and Massachusetts, with a view of Placing the next convention In Bos tun or some city In the east. The financial showing of the grand treasurer is gralifylng. The Grand Aerie has a balance of $!I0,K46. There are .ri6 aeries with a member ship of 500,000. ' T (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Aug. 1C Republican congressional conventions for the fourth district and the sixth judicial district were held here yesterday af ternoon. Berry Godwin, of Johnston county, was nominated for congress and ex-Judge W. S. O'B. Robinson, of Goldsboro, for solicitor. Godwin will niake the run against Congressman E. W. Iou and Robinson against Sol icitor Armlstead Jones. Col. John Nichols was made chairman and C H Leonard secretary of the executive committee of the Judicial district and chal At tile rlosiug l)i:.;nie.ss session of the .North. C aroiill.l Itl'tHil Pnrnilur.i Dealers' Convention last uighl Wll niP"ton was chosen as the place of n.v.-iug for next year. The convention 'Ul.WAnU Aueust. J3 and 1 1. Miss l.illie Leak, the efficient sten ographei who mad;- a complete n puit of the proceedings of the various sessions was presented with a hand some umbrella. th( presentation speech being made In Mr. Hall, of Reidsville. Following the business session last night was the banquet at Hotel l'boi nix which proved to be a tlibrotighl; enjoyable affair. The dining room was appiopnately decorated with flags and potted plants of various kinds. An elegant menu in several courses was served in the excellent style for which the Phoenix is so well known. Covers were laid for seventy-five, the guests being sealed at two long tables. Following Is the menu which was elegantly served: Whole Tomatoes en Mayonnaise Pin Money Pickles Queen Olives Bioiled Speckled Trout, Maitre de Hotel Ponimes Julienne, ilockhelmcr Bioiled Spring Chicken Mushrooms Asparagus Tips on Toast French Rolls Frozen Punch Cold Ox Tongue Sniilhfleld Ham Chicken Salad Saratoga Chips Salted Almonds! Bisdue lee Cream Neapolitan Cake Chocolate Cake Macarooim Kisses Apples Bananas Peaches Grapes Swiss Cheese Salted Wafers Cafe Noir . Cigai i Mr. Cyrus Ii. Walson acted as loast niaster and well did he perform his du ties. Toasts were fittingly responded to by Messrs. Royal, of Goldsboro: Parker, of Charlotte; Charles Hill, Charles Siewers, Jenkins and Mayor Eaton, of this city; Hall, of Relds ville, and Cook, of South Carolina. Committees Appointed. At the business session last night the follow ing were apiiolnted as mem bers of the executive committee of the association: Messrs. Royal, of Goldsboro; McCoy, of Charlotte; Vog ler. of Winston-Salem; Bernhardt, of Lenoir; Mercer, of Wilmington. The ofllowiug were appointed as members of the finance conimlttee: Messrs. Goodwin, of Raleigh; Black burn, of Winslon-Salem; Bulk, of Bur lington. Resolution of Thanks. The following resolution of thanks was adopted: Resolved, That we, the members of the North Carolina Furniture Dealers Association, take this method of ex pressing our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to the young lady who io patiently and efficiently reported our proceedings; to the iniuistei who so earnestly and fittingly invoked divine blessing and guidance ovet our meetings; to the mayor for bis cor dial and eloquent speech of welcome; to i lie older of Elks for .the use of their club rooms; to the Twin-City Club for Hie freedom of Its rooms; to the hotels for reduced rales; fi. the local dealers and manufacturers for their splendid entertainment, and to the citizens of Winslou-Sale-itr Tor their uniformly kind and opeii handcd hospitality. Robeson Is t0 Get More Than Any Other County In the State. Four teen Counties Will Get Over One And a Quarter Million Dollars. (Special to The Sentinel. 1 RALEIGH, Aim ifi. The coipora tiou coiiunisMon isMies to various counties aiMirlioniueut of railroad and other corporation tax assessment each is lo collect. The aggregate Is sire-iilr millions. The highest amount Is fL'.Sl'S.GTl for Robeson. Mecklen lung is (fc'oiid with $2.1'ii;".!l',l. For svth gits Sl.llli.lVf Fourteen coun ties get over one ami a qua iter mil lion dollars. HEADS OF Ti IN Pink West was ariested last night Hid locked up. He Is chaiged Wit h aliasing his wife. When arrested West had an -ugly scar on the back of his head, which be alleges was inflicted' by his step son, Louis Brown, striking 111 in with a brick. It appears that Brown went lo the rescue of his mnthir and struck West to pievent an assault upon the latter's wife. Brown has not been arrested. The wound on W'-est's head was sewed up by physician. " Shortly after the arrest of West Lee Hudson was brought to the police station with an ugly scar on the back of hU head. His story was to th? effect that, a negro named Barklcy struck him wllh a brick. Barkley. who was also ariested, claims that he threw Hudson down and in falling his head struck a rock. The gash In Hud son's head was sewed up by the same doctor that attended West. It lr Thought Number of Those Killed Will Be Between 30 And 60 People. Accident Occurred at Railway Station In Texas Town. (By Publishers' Prens ) EL PASO, Texas. Aug. 16. the ex 'plosion, of a ear load of dynamite at Chihuahua am! Pacific itailwav depot at Chlhuhua last night killed between juO and 60 persons. i The cargo was being transferred J from one car to another when Mex hcan workmen dropped a box of dyua 'mite and the explosion set off the ! entire cai load. Every laborer and 1 foreman, the latter au American, was blown to atoms. Fiagmeuts of bodies were blown for a mile and ioofs of the vicinity were littoreif with pieces of human flesh. Many small buildings near the scene were wrecked, a num ber of people being Injured In their homes. Windows were cracked in ail parts of l he city and dying debris struck pedestrians, Inflicting painful injuries in mauv cases. The earth was shaken as If by an earthquake Mrs. J. H. Snllenfield returned this afternoon from a visit to her parents at Madison. report or EKPEBT This Is Believed to Bt the Beginning I of a General Movement by Ter 1 ronsta Aaainat the Officer f the Law. Probable That These Attach Will Lead to Repressive Measures. (Bv I ubllshers' TrcM,) ST. PETERSBl RG. Aug 16 - ; 1'miMUl activity on the "part "f the 'police has been notei) today and tr I at least two case attention of tilth Unities has been directed toward foinier member of the douma. Whether Ibis police activity U the I outcome of tcrtorlst attack on pollen .men last night Is not known. Wholtt Uale attacks on policemen and soldiers lu various part of the empire .venter day ami last night are attributed dl I reclly to terrorist and re viluton- jarles. The outrages indicate that i warfare declared by revolutionary lorganlxatloiis following the dlmiolil 1 1 Ion of the douma has' been begun !ln earnest. That ilie task Imposed J upon the ministry of trying to quiet the country will be made more diffi cult by these outbreaks, there is no doubt. Public opinion doe not support the terrorist' program. The attack up on the police and soldiers are certain to lead to the adoption of repre.-t.lve. measure by the government and ter rorists are evidently relying upon this to win opinion to their sldo one Policeman Chases a Coon. GREENSBORO, Aug. 16. police man Stednlan Inat night fired four shots at a fleeing negro, Joe More- head, who had been arrested and was being carried to1 police headquarters when lie made a dash for liberty. The snooting occurred about. 11 o'clock and a large crowd was attracted to the scene. The negro had been arrest ed by the officer ftt; a negro dance hull for an assault upon a woman. After firing the four shots, neither of which took effect, Mr. Stedman finally gave chase himsell. The ofllcer overlook the negro near Zion colored church, and brought him lo police headquart ers. Moiehead. who Is better known as "Black Joe.'' has been in trouble a number of times before. The Southern Live Stock Insurance C'omiiain was formally crganl.i'il at High Point Tu' sday with a capital of $jil,(iliu. Tin' membership includes most ol leading stock and liverymen In the Stale. The officers elected are as follows: President, George Penny, of High Point; vice president, W. W. Smoak. of Winston-Salem ; secretary and tre.i.-iiier, E. M. Armlleld, of tflgn Point. Smoak McCreary. Blum & Fleniini!. the Fisher Livery ( o. and Dr. W. G. Cranford are member of the company, the business of which ts to lifsuie live, stock. (Special to The Sentinel) RALEIGH. Aug 16. Assistant Statu Veterinarian G. A. Roberts re turned from Hyde county where he went, under the direction of the stale department of agriculture to Investi gate the epidemic that Is causing the death of so many horses In that sec tion. He found that at least one hun dred hoises have died In two town ships, Lake Uiiidlng and Currituck. In Hyde county. Of all the cases he foi.nd there were only three that gave any promise of recovery. The dlseas. Is what Is commonly known as stag gers and is thought to originate from fungus or mold In the feed or water, Dr. Roberta says not only the feed on hand for stock Is practically ruined by the continued rains but the crops throughout the county arc almost a total failure. He will return at once to Investigate more fully the situation as to the epidemic and do what he can to check It, carrying with him appaiatua and applfance fot combat ing and' studying more effectually the disease. He will also go Into Craven, Pamlico and Beaufort counties on the same mission, complaints having come In to (lie department from these sections during the past few days. Dr. Roberts found that many peo ple have shipped their flue horses away since the disease appeared. He thinks though that a more economical and as safe a comse would be to get food for them without the lerntory infected, or rather affected as hn la of tiie opinion that the disease is nof contagious. Kr; ,r'ha;l ib- '""'art and Slith and r lie rt v.... MissU. C. a congressional district committee un:i .. r r. .....!. ,i ... ..t i ... oifinioi, oi IJt'lin.iii, uuaii -linn lrl': ana m ... , . ... . 1 .'usa aim w. u, nriggs secretary or me r"'urnir,j at I Ps " Ms a ("Mir, r r-i ""'iivii:,. t mi: "f this city, " milliner to En tt-OK . ... 1 L" "iiery ,i to take Partment, Mr. Oscar Fisher, of the Fisher Livery Co., knocked a white man out last night for abusing a horse. When the animal was returned to the stable Mr. Fisher saw that the man who hired It had driven it too haid Mr. Fisher .reprimanded the stranger who replied with Insulting oaths. The liveryman then settled the contro versy by knocking his antagonist nut. j V.aM liL 1 (Special to The Sentinel.) UAI.EIGH. Aug. 16 - Three chat ters were Issued today: The Sauford Davis Distilling Co., of Fremont, Wayne county, capital 7.r0U, by Frank Eddermail. Sauford Davis and Ace Dlnkin, for distilling whiskeys and brandy. The Foster Shoe Co , of Burlington, capital ll'fi.iioo, by J. R Foster and others. The Panacea Springs Co.. of Warren county, cap ital $75,000, by Tlios. W. Harris and others, for developing the springs, buildings, h"telH, operation of auto mobile lines. ) MUST DE REPAID ( By Publishers' Preys ) WASHINGTON. Aug 16 Accord ing lo Information teaching the navy department the recent collision be tween the battleships Alabama and Illinois will cost the government $10. 000 III repairs, principally to the 1111 mils. Although that vessel cannot be completely lepaiicd ill tlllllj for the president's review off Oyster Itay she will participate in that function and leturti to the yard. Charles A. Culberson. Senator from Texas. Funeral of Mr. 8. H. Taylor,, The funeral of Mr. Samuel if Tay lor a conducted from the residence on Spring street ai t.ll" this after noon by Dl- H. F. Chreltz.borg There was a large attendance of sympathl lug friends The pall liearera were: Messrs, Powell Gilmer, E fi Gray. A F, Hail, W. H Marler, R. K. Dalton, R. H. Jones. J J. Norman and D. Rich The tloral bearers wer Mears. V. P. Moir. Robert Crlti. Otto Liip fert R T Sttadman, E. C. Uownian. O. E Webb. F A Coleman, J. K Grlf flth. W. N, Rejnolds. N R Oliver. Mounct. H Ii Ireland, R. T. Joyce. Dr. Jewett. RESULT OE RACES BY COLORED FIREfJEfl The annual convention and lourna ment of the colored State Firemen Association adjourned this afternoon. Durham extended an Invitation for the next convention and tournament and It was accepted. The dato will be the second Tuesday In Angust 1907. The old ofllcer were re-olected, with the exception of marshal, which place was made vacant by the death of 8. Dibble. T. II. Halrston, of this elt), was elected In bis aland-. ' Th offi cers are: John S. Plumnier, presi dent, Warrenton; F. V. Chamber!, first vice-president, titalesvllie-; Dr, S, P. Wright, second vice-president, 8alf Isbury; J. G. Ijittle, treasurer, Win-ston-Salem; C, & Tailor, BnauolaT secretary, Charlotte; Peter Collins, recording secretary. Warrenton j Prof. A. J. Brown, statistician, Washington; C. C. Mclntlre, chaplain. Rocky Mount. The tournament opened jeaterday afternoon wllh the hook and ladder contest. Rocky Mount and Winston tied, the time being 2H 2-5 second. Concord failed to ralne th ladder, and after making a good run was com pelled to abandon all hope for the prize. The prize In this contest were $tu and $1!0. In the first hex and ladder grab contest, In which Winston started thA race the judges failed to manipulate the stop watch correctly, necessitat ing another run. The second efroij was won by Winston, the time being twenty -nine seconds. Prize $10. Concord came In this time wllh thirty-one and a quarter aceonds. Prize $20. Rocky Mount made fio time In' her tiirn The one hundred y,in) foot race won by Winston, Tom ftoolcy running it in nine and one-half second a.. Rockv M,ount was second. Prizes $3 and $2. The visiting firemen have conduct ed themselves admirably during their slay In (lie city, for which they have received the commendntion of the of ficers and rltizeu generally. Prof. I,. R. Randolph returned from the National Firemen's Association this morning and made hi" report. II staled that Mr, J. D, McNeill, presi dent of the white aswKdailon of the Ktate and the National Aswiclatloi;, evinced a strong and forceful In leret foi' lhe welfare of the negro flicmen. Races Thte Morning, There wcte three entries In I Oh hand reel race. Wilson won first money, her time being 31 aeconds. Winston was second, (line .11 12 sec onds; Oxford was third, making the" run in '.'.i seconds. The first prize was I in and second $20, Winston won ftrsf prize of $20 in the grab reel contest, Wilson ranio second, winning $20. In the hook and ladder contest yesterday afternoon VVInslon and Rocky Mount tied for first honor This morning It wn agreed to divide the prlxe without running, another race. Winston ws awarded (list money In the short hoolt and ladde.r contest. Card of Thank. The crtiimlt'ce on eri'ertaliiiiieiit Iwlshea to acknowledge Its apprecia tion of the courtcKles extended by the citizen of Winston -Halem to the Re ilall Furnltiiie Dealers' Association of I North Carolina, especially those who ! furnished carriage for the drive yen- lerdav afternoon. JACOB CROI'HE. Cbmo. See the "War of the Roses" and hear th. Winston Comet band to-night. The new Piedmont warehouse held It first sale (his morning Sev eral loads of new primings were sold Th" first lot wan bought by Currlr. and Coleman Bros, the price belna $2" 00. 1 Listen! Listen to the music tilght at the lawn party given by Ourflhe Kpworth league ' Come lo the lawn party tonight, corner of Liberty snd Depot street, i Music bv the band. Col, John R. Webster, of Reidsvlile, was here this afternoon. War of the Roue" tonight.'