fWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINE 1 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS JL "iff, liST DURHAM II ll LUVHI i At Valparaiso. Than Was i Wert Destroyed And Done I" the C'ty" W(re SMI Ra9'n9 BJ, Worst Is Now Over. icrs" l' , i U(. !- ,,,,M V,lpnriM.. Cl.i.i. i .,! the tin "lucli the tarttiquaKe, R,dtn:.al sccuou .cl,,reil sivrrcly and ; n This news !,rlt, dispatch reached jj;! from ; -SHit -,ki'n city is .'ill off ct irf'.h ether cities aland wires art all rHiiite is known MlipcnW Ih S;intisr .. which a if i the :",llc .it tin- (IllllltlV. loss of Life. lt ii V L damage to arliiiiii.iM'. at a message n-rciv-T.ni officers of tht , ('utni any ' in f l' . ,ipatch adds that Sees have, been par- jut lis floating prop- t'jp'ii. Another (lis- v a lii'I"n business tn sipiaies at one luiMitiss on several ett ilistrnvcd. The Ijowrlicr ami l-attas ' associates in this ,5 if being ri'sunii'd First Reported. , Ant;, is. Berause ni calili' rnijiinnnlca-roiinty- for the' con also the state depart- an .ration believe of Timisilay was extensive than first jral cables are lairl at ol mil' of them seems RVcent disaster at followed so soon by as amused some ap i till' possibility of iak of subterranean fntral point between oss of operty Valpa- Tlic Sentinel.) H K-The Keinib- neinion met at noon -Sion 1,'solved Itself lat- in the after i.I tlewslwpf, ,,,,,. . :W Ollt a full roiin. N nominations will nine this ovenine. Il'n aie here from var- " county for the ron "')' ticket has not a " "f I'ii'ciimi but will bwst federal offles I AND AUTOS. d Give Surprise In 0" Fatalities. " '"Hi - lo be ,i uHic-tl- r '" lh'' roroner's ()ficr Manb:;l!an show ,;"s'li resulting f,.,,,,, ',"' "'"'Mi vehicle and ''"' fr"ni .laniiarv 1 '"n are attrihuted ''' is ra'hfr remark- '"' ,;ill" or more I '"1S l"'i(nigli and the :'Wi)ie ot them travel that ihP prej,,. 'l"ar-eis against ; H"'"inolii:ists i, ,,(,( L(?Vh:i' 'm,,p .lantrn ve!iic, havp r"'ir. times as and that Vhi'l,s "' 'Iip t f,lU i . . L . :,, " mince lTM" iHe tmm TOBACCO CASE BACK TO STATE COURT In 1'nited States circuit court Jud,ge J- C. Pritchard heard argument on a motion to remand to the state coin is the case of the Blackwell' Durham Tobacco Company of North I Carolina, against the Blackwell's Dur ham Tobacco company aim me Am erican Tobacco Company, of the State of New Jersey, and C. W. Toms, D. VV. Andrews and W. W. Flowers, of Durham, says a special from Ashe- jvilie in today's Charlotte Oliservei. The facts and allegations involved In i this cause are well known Some i years ago the American Tobacco i Company, commonly known as the i trust, absorbed the Blackwell Com i panv, of Durham, and began tho op eration of the company under the laws of New Jersey; the company never domesticated in this State.. The old Ulackwell company vacated Its I State charter when it w as Incorporat ed in New Jersey and recently an other company, calling itself the niackweil's. Durham Tobacco Com pany, with George R. Blackwell as its president, was organized and Ineoi porated under the lawn of the State ot N.irth Carolina and now seeks to perpetually enjoin the New Jersey Blackwell Company from turther using the Blackwell trade mark. The new Blackwell Company insti tuted a suit In the superior court of Durham county to enjoin the New Jersey corporation from the further use of the trade mark. The New Jersey concern and the American To bacco Company immediately died a petition and bond with the clerk of court for a removal of the cause to the United States circuit court for the eastern district of North Carolina. The cause was removed and today the plaintiff appeared before Judge Pritchard to have the big suit, re manded to the state court. The law firm of Guthrie & Guthrie, of Dur ham, represented plaintiff, while J. D. Parker, of New York, first assistant, counsel .for the American Tobacco Company, and Frank Fuller, of ITtn hani, local counsel for the tobacco trust, represented the defendants. After hearing a.gument by counsel, in which it was shown that the re moval proceedings were Irregular, Judge Pritchard entered this order: "in the Circuit Court of the I'nlted Slates, for the Eastern District of North Carolina. "Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Com pany vs. the American Tobacco Company (an alleged corporation of New Jersey), C. W. Toms, W, W. Flowers and D. V. Andrews. "This cause coming on to be heard before this court at chambers In Ashe ville, after due notice, upon the mo tion of plaintiff to remand this cause to the superior court of Durham county, and being heard and argued before the court by counsel for both sides. "It is considered by the court that Inasmuch as- the petition for the re moval of this cause to this court from the superior court of Durham county has never been presented to the judge of the superior court of Dufham county, the docketing of the cause in this court was premature and Improv ideutly done by the clerk of this court; "It Is therefore ordered by this court that this cause be stricken from 'he docket of this court without pass ing upon the motion to remand and without considering the sufficiency of he petition and bond for removal filed In the office of the clerk of the superior court of Durham county. North Carolina, on August u, 1906, and the plaintiff will have and re cover of the defendants, the Black well's Durham Tobacco Company and 'he American Tobacco Company, all the costs incident to this proceeding, for which an execution is awarded." """ '- I ... :!!"'" k;;'., on, and ' '!" -irfaee i .... 1 'Mm ran. Is'llt.,, f'r"m ,.v '"is killed ,; ';- .subway ;;, I)iir;,".''''!v""'1 ' and n?i h Present t h;u" liiib'l Hi s ''am . I : t. ""at .! n.i 2".:': :hi: j fr. ,,r'r "f'""IP I (,, l 'torn or ii ca' : wagons. u,1(" C3Blu no "itilnv 'f fttr.bun" CROWD PURSUED BELLIGERENT. Ho Had Undertaken to Fight Passen gerc On Car, But Had to Run. SPENCER, Aug. A negro pas senger on a street car here yesterday afternoon became enraged at some trivial matter, and attempted to fight a number of white passengers. Find ing the white men In the majority, the negro whose name could not be learnd jumped and ran, being pursued by a crowd of Infuriated men. who followed him to a colored .settlement a mile away, where he was lost. The Incident occurred on the spot where Conductor YV. A. Wiggins, or Salisbury, was shot, to death in April by Ed. Davis, a negro, who is still at large. Former Express Agent Returns. Mi. I. M. Minns succeeds Mr. W. R Pinckuey as agent, for Hie. Southern Express Co. In this city. The latter returns to the road as express mes senger on the main line of the South ern Railway. Mr. Minus has been agent, for the 'express company at Asheville for a year. He was trans ferred to the office there from this city. His many friends rejoice over his return. Mr. Minus says he Is glad to get bafk, adding that in his opinion there is no place like the Twin-City. Township Convention Monday Night. The Winston township convention for the nomination of a candidate for urtd. "'" sine- ti Hniieii lownshin constable and the selection ! t,.t, ,. cap 4',i I, III was "' .Mitch, dl f-S.'.-. s,;;.ll('.e and 1 ... a hi. l " as of. ' 'Vtilmrv f .an. c.y "" "i.rouin '''v. wiirp ' '''xt week. of an executive committee will be held in the court house Monday night. There are several candidates for the place and the convention promises to be quite an Interesting affair. Mayor O. B. Eaton Is chairman of thu town ship executive committee. Dr. Chreitzberg. pastor, says night services wijl h resumed at Cen tenary M. E. church on the second Sunday in September. II Id E KILLED. OOBSOf Accident On South and West ern Road Not As Bad As Reported. Timbei Supports In Tunnel Being Constructed for New Road In Ten nessee Gave Way, Killing Two Workmen And Injuring Two. At First It Was Thought Many Had Been Killed. (By Publishers' Press.) BRISTOL, Teun.. Aug. IX.-. There Is much distress among families of nen entombed bv rave-in at south end of Clinch Mountain tunnel yesterday. Many ot them are frantic. Men are pumping air into the tunnel with the horn" ol saving any of the men who may be alive. Tho workmen were about Too feet from the end of the tunnel. The rescue work Is being rushed with all possible speed hut there Is said to be much dirt and stones to be removed before the men can bo reached. Later. I.ale reports indicate that the Clinch Mnnntain tunnel accident was exaggerated. Only two men were killed mid two injured. Timber sup ports gave way Instead of a cave-in.. j S IjlEDiClLES Mill WAIVES A HEAIG Surry Man Nominated For So licitor By Republican Ju dicial Convention. T1ITI COHERE TO 0PE1 SEPTEMBER 12 (Special to The Sentinel.) " DI'RIIAM. Aug IK Everything is being put In readiness for the opening of college September 1-. The date of opening this year is one week later than last. The buildings are being overhauled, and changes made. A number of changes are being made In the Duke building that, will add very materially to the comfort and conven ience of the students. The campus Is In excellent condition, and it Is hard to find a more beautiful spot than Trinity Park. The prospects for a successful open ing are very bright. The correspon dence with students In distant states has been' much larger than In former years and the indications are that the attendance from other states will ex reed that of other years. President Kilgo is in South Caro lina on a it to relatives. He will be away foieveral days. The work on the academic building at Trinity Park School Is progressing and It Is expected that it will be completed b the opening, September 12. Headmaster North says that the prospects for a targe attendance are exceedingly good. The debate council at Trinity has arranged a debate with Vanderbllt 1,'uiversitv to be held In Durham some time during the fall term. The exact date has not been fixed. This is the second debate of the series, the former one having taken place at Nashville. The subject of the debate this year is: Resolved, "That private ownership of plants for lighting and street railway transportation is the policy best suited to American cities.'' Trinity will argue the affirmative of this question. Only About Half of the Counties in the District Represented. Nominee Wat Not Present Had No Opposi tion, Major J. E. Alexander Pre sided In Absence of Chairman. W. W. Hampton New Chairman of Ex ecutive Committee. I The Republican- Judicial convention for this district as held at the court j house at 12 o'clock. In point of atten dance It was a tame affair, only about half of the counties being represented. (Mr. John IXibson, of Rockford, Surry county, was nominated for solicitor, to oppose the present Incumbent, S. Potter J1rvc, ot Mt. Airy. Mr. Dob son was not present, hence there was no speech making. The convention was called to order by Maj. J. K. Alexander, who presided over the de liberations. He was delegated to do this by Chairman Nunia Held, chair man of the executive committee, who was prevented from being present by sickness. Mr. Dobsoii's father was solicitor of this district foi several years betore his death. Mr. W. W. Hampton, of Dobson. Surry county, was elected chairman of the new executive com mittee and, It Is presumed, will man age Mr. Dobson's campaign. Mr. Dobson's name was the only one presented to the convention, henCe he was nominated by acclamation. Frank Martin for Constable. To' the Editor: t see that township meeting has been called to meet in the conn house Monday evening at S o'clock to nominate a township con stable and elect an executive com mittee. Wliisloii-Kalem Is particularly In terested in the selection ol a coirsia bl(, since il Is distinctively a town ship office'. I understand that the of fice has been practically abolished as the present constable signs all Ills papers "Deputy Slierift," Now I want, lo suggest Frank Mar tin as a candidate. He Is one of the best, most active and most fearless officers the town has ever had. He knows no man in the discharge of his duly. The law breakers all know h j ni anil his presence has a tendency to restrain them. The town needs Frank Martin as a constable. Let. us to the court, house anil noiiiiuaiu go him LAW AND ORDER. "Brewster's Millions." , Tin' Sentinel has purchased, the privilege of publishing this intensely Interesting novel In serial form and will begin Its publication Monday, "Brewster's Millions" is by George flarr MeCuteheon, the noted author of "Graustark" and "Beverly of Grau stark," and the storv to be published in The Sentinel is said to be his best work. It was one of the best selling of all tho new books when It apepared and the fiction lovers l this city should not lose the opportunity lo read it in serial form. I LADY'S PURSE, George Perry and Wallace Boyd, coloied, are in tho city lock up, charg ed with stealing a purse containing fifteen dollars, belonging to Miss Lll lie Grubbs, saleslady for the J. W. Hester Co. Miss Grubbs returned yesterday afternoon from a visit to her parents at Walkertown. She had just gone in the store and laid her purse on a table. Shortly thereafter she missed the purse. The matter was reported to the police and an hour later Perry was arrested. He was found In a clothing store buying a pair of pants. Six dollars of the stolen money was found in his hs session. Mr. Hester, manager of the store where Miss Grubbs lis employed, has identified Perry. as one of the negroes in the store at the time the purse was stolen. There Is other evidence that he is tho guilty party. The officers say Perry has a bad recor.1. (Special to Tho Sentinel.) GREENSItOKO. Aug. IS. At a hearing before Squirt Coltln late y-esteiday ifie-fm, ChtHUns llir ston, charged with tho murder of Will Carson at Hilltop August Till, waived examination, and was re manded to jail without privilege of ball. Four witnesses who' hHd been summoned lo a previous hearing and failed to come were placed In Jail In default, of a bond for $Hhi each Henry Wade, wanted hero for the larceny of $Si) from Ml. Rawley Gal- TRADE AGREEMENT One Between United States And Spain Goes Into Ef fect September 1. This It Not a Trtsty And Thertfort Dots Not Havt to It RilifUd ty tht Senatt. Pretldtnt Roosevelt Has Arranged to Put - Agrttmtnt Into Effect. (Bv Publishers' Presn WASHINGTON, Aug 11 Tht new tat Iff contention betwevil the I'nlted Slates and Spain will go Into r-ffect ! about September 1. President Koose- loway. pioprletors of Galloway Di'ug)VCi ha already prepared his piwli Store, was arretted In Burlington ye-1 mat Um to that effect and It It at thw terday and la held there on charges of stl,te department awaiting the pleas- drunkenness and carrying runrealed weupoui. The nrgro wax employed In the store, and Thursday lie sw the monay placed In the safe. Yesterday morning the negro mid money were missing. The police at Burlington weie -notified anil they arretted the negro. Senator Simmons In Washington. From Washington Post. Senator F. M. Simmons, of North Carolina, who dropped Into Washing ton yesterday afternoon. Is a guesl at the Ebbitt House. Tho senator was at Democratic congressional head quarters for an hour, where he made the statement lhat North Carolina would retire Spencer Blackburn, the only Republican from that State in the house, and one or the very few from the entire South, and send a solid delegation to Washington. The Democratic party in his state. Senator Shnmons says. Is In fine shape and working harmoniously for every man on Its ticket, while the Republican are divided by factional quiirrelH, es pecially in ihe. Eighth district, where Blackburn is fighting for re-election. POSED AS A RICH MAN. , Bridegroom Fooled Hit Wife. But Not the Police. Reported Lost of IH. 000. After Telling a Mysterloue Story of Being "Doped," Taken to Tenderloin and Fleeced, L. B. Hick man Admitted That He Had Not Been Robbed. BALTIMORE, Aug. 17. Claiming to have been "doped" In one of several saloons in the redllght district yester day morning. U II. Hickman, of 21!'.' North Carey street, accompanied by Mrs. Hickman, came Into detective headquarters in the court house late this afternoon, Hickman said that after being "doped" he was Induced to withdraw Jlil.eiiil from the National Marine bank while In a dazed condition, and that he was later enticed down the Shell road to one of the numerous re sorts that llourlsh near Back and Mid dle rivers, where he says he was rob bed of a little over $lt;,iluil. The police was dubious about Hick man's story, as the officers of the Na tional Marine bank said that the name of L. B. Hickman is not on the bank's iKMlks. Hickman was sweated tonight at headquarters, and, after close ques tioning, he reduced his Iosr first, to $1,600, and then to t'"'. Finally he confessed he had lost nothing at all, It appears that, prior to his mar riage a short time ago, ho led his wife to believe he was very wealthy. Since then, however, he has shown no evi dence of being well fixed, and, becom ing suspicious, the bride Insisted up on M'UHIK I lie COMH 0 I1IH COIN. 1111 withstood the demand until yesterday, when he promised to make good. The presumption In that he adopted the robbery plan of satisfying his w Ife, and it would prolunMy have work ed had not the police been too Inquisi tive. When reporting his Imaginary loss, Hickman told a mysterious story, while his wife wept bitterly by his side. He said that the effects of the powerful drug given him while in the uptown Tenderloin were so severe that when he awoke at Hi o'clock last night he took a Back or Middle River car. transferred to a Carey at reel car, and arrived home In a dazed condi tion, hard I j-cfl scions of his great financial loss. New Advertisements. Wachovia National Bank. "A good way to save money." Charles F. Sapp. Jeweler. Solid gold rings from $1 up. Rosen baelier & Bro School frocks for fall: st vies, materials and colors to he worn by the. little folks. Sink ti Faiislijr. The paint "that won't come off." Tudor and Wimblsh, district ngenU for Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. The largest, annual dividend com pany In the world. Huntley lllll Stockton Co. A Volo sewing machine, highest' In quality, moderately priced. To Buy Residence Property. Messis. J. S. Swalm and E. B Can Ireli. who are to be members of the new' Crlrn-Cantrell Furniture Com pany, have purrhased from Mr. S C Ogbuin the residenre site on Libeity street, joining his home place. Tie house thereon Is to be moved to He west side of the lot and remodelled by Mr. Swalm. while Mr, Can'reil will enct in te near future a handsome new residence. Mr, Cantrell will move his family to this city from Missis. Democratic Voters of Winston Township. At the solicitation of many friends I have consented to allow my name ito go Delore uie convention .vionnay evening as a candidate for constable. My record bb an officer and as u part;, worker Is well known. If the (illzetis of Winston township will lomiiiaie me. I will appreciate the honor and will promise not only to make an earnest, faithful and con- clentioiiH officer, but will labor for 'he highest and best, interest of our community. FRANK A. MARTIN. CHARLOTTE CHATAUQUA. Governor Glenn To Make An Address North Carolina Day. (By Publishers' Prect.) CHARLOTTE, Aug. IS.-Geiieral Manager D. L, Held has about com pleted tho bookings for (he big Sep tember meeting of the Greater Char lotte Chatauqua and will publish, be fore the end of another week, a com pleted program. The dlrertoia con- ure of the Spanish government as lo date for simultaneous publication. This convention Is not a treaty and does not therefor requlrt ratification bv the senate, ft' Is merely a com mercial agreement entered Into by the president under section three of the Dlnaley law reducing tariffs on certain Spanish good In. return for application by Spain of minimum tariff to American gixids entering; that country. men bad Rome of the business colored of Winston have orgunlied and chartered by the secretary of atate an Industrial Insuiance company fr Winston Salem lt 'apiear that here tofore many of the colored !ple of this city have been and are now con nected with' Insurance companies of other cities and states, but now since there Is a company organised hera anil suppotted by some of tht best business colored people It Is hoped bv the Interested iartlea that their home people wlll.glve tho company such Hiipport as It may merit. The directors are C. II- Jones, Dr. A. J. Christian. Prof. K. N. Brown. J. H. Fltts, W. Rucker, I.. J. Johnson. W. A, Jones, J, 8. Lanier. J. II. Hlum and Dr. J. W. Jones. fldently expect that the program will i cuts. PERSONALS- George Beck, of Rural Hall, was In tho cliy loday. Richard T. Gillespie, of Davidson College, waa here today.' Phillip Dooe, of Walkertown. went to Mocksvllle this afternoon. George D. Dorsett. of Leilngton, wat one ot our visitors today. Miss Bertlo Uingloy went to Dur ham today to vlult relatlvea for twu week. Joseph Rosenbacher has returned from a ten days' atay at Moort'l Springs. Mrs. II. Montague returned this af ternoon from a visit to rclatlrcj ll High Point. I L Harden, of Rocky Mount, N. C, Is the guest of his father In-law, Dr. II. K. ClirclUberg. P. A ' Wilson went to Wlkeiton this afternoon in spend Sunday with his uncle, N. 8. Sullivan. Robert R. Keartl and Chan. .f. Hallux have opened a pressing cluli In the municipal building. ' Every member of Hie Winston Comet band is uiged to attend an luipoitant meeting Monday night. Dr. If K. Chreltaberg went to Tliomnsvllle, . lotUy. He will occupy Uev. T. W. Watts' pulpit there to morrow. Tlie Ogbiirn Vest Co. has pur chased from Mr. Cicero Tine, a nice lot at the corner of Sixth and Liberty streets. I). K Pope, of Charlotte, was here ihis afternoon enroute to Mt, Airy, wheie Mrs. Pope Is visiting her par- W. T. Ha ton went (o Davie county tin- afternoon lo visit his father. . II A. Pfobl. president of Kogle Pros. Co., went north last night. W. T. Brown came In this afternoon from a trip to Toxaway Register of Deeds Lindsay went lo Mt Airy today to spend Sunday, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Holcomb. Verdict for $125. Mr Clement Manly and his steno grapher. Miss Wurreschke. returned this afternoon from Davidson court. Mr, Manly represented the defense in a mental anguish suit against, the Wetem I'nlon Telegraph Company, brought bv A E. Warnei. of Thomas viile. The jury' gave the plaintiff 11. 'a. He sued for J2IOO. W. L. Harper, who Is keeping books for the Glendon Mining and Manufac turing Co.. was here today enroute to I to be Clemmons l family. to spend Sunday with his meet with the hearty approval of ev ery one Interested In Ihe chatauqua. "One thing about II." said one of the directors, "there will ! more well known lecturers and singers In Char lotte lhat week than were ever galh ered before In North Carolina." It has been decided to set one day aside as "North Carolina Day." Gov nior Glenn has agreed to romn and deliver an address on this day and ex-Governor Charles II. Aycock has been invlled and may attend. Extra pains will bi! taken to make the mu sical program excellent for the day. The cheap railroad rates offered for the occasion will. It Is thought, at tract many out -of town people: The chatauqua will run from September U to I Mil Rural Hall Items. (Sp'Tlal lo The Seritirifil I HI HAL HALL, Aug 17. --Rev. and Mrs. Sidney T Shore and little son. of San Angelas. Texas, arrived homo a few weeks ago. After spending a few weeks at his old home they will re turn to Texas, by way of Madison. Ind., Mrs Shore's former home. Owing lo the heavy rain and freshet yesterday, the 'passenger train from Sanford.to ML Airy, arrived at ti a. m , being twelve hours late. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Helsaberk are spending a few weeks In southwest Virginia, with Mrs. HeUabcck j,,.,,. I'l"- The Rural Hall veneer plants aie running full time and ttlrnlng ou', a great deal of lumber. Veneer seems In great demafld. I' Rev. J. R. Scroggs will pleach at j the Salem Methodist church tumor -j row night. Prof, W. L. Newsom and family re turned yesterday n Savannah, Ga , where he Is engaged In teaching, The work on the lawrence and Payne large brick store building Is progressing nicely. Misses May Wiles and Bertie Tlse leave Monday for New York to ac quaint themselves with fall styles In millinery. Rev. 8. P. Verner, a returned mis sionary from Africa, , arrived In the city this ariermwrn and Is the gneal of Rev. D. Clay Lilly. --Captain John Thomsa went to house, kivplng today, Mrs. Thomas and little daughter,, eccorupeliiled by Captain Thomas' slitter, arrived this afternoon from Greensboro. Two car loads of fine beef cattle passed through the city today. They were from Ashe and Alleghany coun ties One car was billed to Greens Itoro and the, other to Raleigh. Mr and Mrs R. J. Reyiwlda and (little son, R. J, Jr. Misses Maxle Siuiti, Margaret and Frank Hanes land Walter Reynolds, came In this af itertmon from a delluhtful stay at Tos away . R. N. Slacked, of Wilkesboro, was here this afternoon fiom a trip to Raleigh He carried home with him a watermelon that weighed 72 pound. It. was,iaisei in rue eas'ein pari or the Stale. D S. Ituttier, pl.moForte tuner, Atlanta, Ga.. at rived in the city this afternoon mid will be the guest of bU parents, Mr. and Mis. J. A. Butner. In Salem. Mrs. I). 8 Butner has been here several days -Major Charles M Steduian, of Greensboro, who iHuined a few day ago from a legal business trip to Europe. as here this morning en route to Ml Airy to see his client. Mrs B J. Fisher, for whom he made the trip abroad. Mrs, Fisher and chil dren are at the Mt. Airy White Bill phur Springs. Her husband left au estate In Europe