trii Tui.N CiTY fc-..Y i...TiNEt,WINSTON-$ALEM. N. C, Aci PERSONAL NOTES. J M Lent: went to Concord today, i 3 1 LZUEZZ3 CJ C STICKS ifi THE STOMACH. u o 0 r i Have you ever used HUDNUTS VIOLET WATER? When you want any of Hudnut's Goods LEARN THE WAY TO SIMPSON' if LI ii o J H BUT ONE OTHER " , 1 The K Ii v In. tit m-. Cieenshoio. N (' : ' I hae t.een to tin' I ii -t 1 1 ii i am! ran sav truthfully 1 believe it lias done more for fallen humanity than unythiiiK, Riivtj the death of Christ on ttin ("kiss. Ople, Va., Nov. 1!, I'.ntt. MRS. AI.ICK 11. KKlKirSOX. Oil BELIEF FUNDS (By PublUhers' Piess.) . SAN KIIAM ISl'O. California. Auk 2. On account of the enormous de mand for relief funds in tin? form of clainm for confiscation and otherwise Kan Francisco ltelicf Corpoiatioii is threatened with bankruptcy. All plans for building hoims for tlie poor have been abandoned. U has also been d. eided to make no loans for this pur pose. .Only l lie most urgent, demands for this relief are to lie granted. Paint Adds Value to Property For every dollar's worth of paint good paint you put on your house, you add several dollars to its value, for the dii ference in price which property i:i good repair w ill bring over a shabby building is by no means measured by the actual cost of the improvement. this calculation we have not included the insurance feat ure the saving of the property from decay. Good paint looks well, pro tects well, lasts well. There are many imitations of paint w hich do none of these things, yet cost as much or more than straight white lead and linseed oil, the best paint. Lewis? Pure White Lead (Matta by thu Old buuk 1'roceuil is the acknowledged standard. See that it is used on your house. JOHN T. IE WIS & BROS. CO. . 231 S. Irani Si., Philadelphia. Pa. For (ale by all first clast dealers, J Worth it's Weight I & In Gold! TO REMOVE FRECKLES AND PIMPLES IN TEN DAYS, USE The Complexion Beautifier The following resolution was pass ed by the Hoard of Kducatlon Monday. August 111: "Resolved. First. That the Board of Education of Forsyth county does hereby express Its desire that a pub lic hiKh school for Forsyth county may be established -in the county In the !!! f'.'ll "Second. That this question be ag itated as widely as possible through out the county by the county superin tendent, the board ot education as an organization, by the members of the board individually, and by all friends of education throughout the county. "That the Hoard of Education, to gether wit!) the county superinten dent, the State superintendent, the professor of school organization at the ale I'niversity. formulate a plan -for such a 'Public High School' as the ountv needs as eaily as possible, and that systematic work may be done by ill concerned for its establishment. the plan to be acceptable to the conn t v hoard of education." Ily order of the board of education. W.' Ii. Si'EAS, Co. Supt. 'Feeling That Often Comet to People With Weak Digestion. j A poor sufferer from indigestion 'once -iiJ that his stomach feit a itlwuh jt was filled with slicks and as I though iuixw of them w ere on nre ana burning hiui up inside. I When the stomach and the organs ! of digestion and nutrition are weak ened and do not act properly, the svmptoins of ill health that follow are many and varied. There is often a feeling of heaviness In the stomach, there Is distress and nervousness, diz ziness, nausea, nervous and sick head aches. Inability3 to sleep well, pains In the side and limbs, specks before the eyes and a general peevish, irritable condition. All these troubles are the direct re sult of indigestion. Cure this by strengthening the stomach and diges tive .system with Ml-o-na stomach tab lets and your symptoms of ill health will vanish like dew before the morn ing sun: life will be Joyous, and di gestion will be so natural that you will forget you have a stomach. Mi-o-na stomach tablets cost but 5nc a box and are sold by O'Hanlon un der an absolute guarantee that they will be successful in every case where )sed according to dlrecdons or money wlir be refunded. Newspapers Worth Counting Is the name of a unique book to be issued shurtlv bv the Printers' Ink Publish-, n g Company of New York. The forth coming publication Is edited by Geo. P. Powell who. thirly-eight years ago. established the American Newspaper Din dory, and under whose auspices ami control It has ever since made its iniiual appearance. It Is the national authority on newspaper statistics, and i study of its pages reveals the in teresting facts that onlv one news paper in three succeeds In gaining a vale of so many as a thousand copies, slid of those that do, only one In five vill allow the advertising public to 'iiiow how many copies they Issue. It s a circumstance that affords some :a!i.-faction to this paper that. News papers Worth Counting wiil record it tot only among the one of three but ilno among the one of five as well. The forthcoming , book ("on pages Octavo) is1 one that wiil -greatly h.- teresi every man who has to do with advei tisint,. It will be sold for Jl.tMl a copy. Subscriptions will be receiv ed at this ollice. WHY HORSES DIE IN HYDE. .(Special to The Sentinel.) IIAI.FIOH. Aug. IS. State- Chair man V, M. Simmons and Secretary A. .1. Fields have opened Democratic headquarters In 'assembly hall of the Yat borough. This morning a big sign in black atid white was stretched across the sidewalk reading ""Stale Democratic Headquarters.' Chairman Simmons says he will make the first speech of the campaign at White Oak in Bladen county September 4. An Observer Notices That They Be gin to Die After a Hot Wave. A I-uke Landing correspondent, writing to the Washington Progress, sayi: . "A telephone message has it that C5 horses have died In the county up to the first of the present month, so X seems one calamity follows another, ft is also asserted that the hogs are lying; also chickens and cats. It Is one thing certain horses are dying rapidly hardly a day passes but what we hear of some one losing a horse ar two. The cause no one seems to know. There Is one thing I have noticed a good many years, that after 1 hot wave horses begin to die. Over work, too much corn, exposure to rain ir fifthy stable enfeebles, and the con stitutional effect comes on during the heated term. It seems to attack that part or organ most susceptible to the Influences and conditions. It may be the head, heart, spine, stomach or bowels." Hon. J. B. Coffleld, of Martin, who was in Raleigh last week, said he never permitted his horses or stock to be turned out to graze In hot weather. He thinks the Jp' sun bakes their brains and causes their death. This Is particularly true after long rains have wet tlie grass upon which they feed. HEART ON RIGHT SIDE. Newspaper Man of Curious Physical Make-Up Dlca of Appendicitis. RICHMOND. Va., Aug. 18. J. W. Taylor. Jr., of Onancock, died In Salis bury. Md., yesterday, following an operation for appendicitis, was twenty-one years old, and since his . fif teenth birthday has been widely known as a newspaper correspondent. As a boy his physical attributes were nil less remarkable than his mental sifts. His heart was on the right side of his body. I'ntil his fourteenth year he was subject, to numerous at tacks that kept ,b'm physically at low ebb. It was feared that he would not. live to manhood.' He regained his health and reached nearly 2()n pounds in weight. He was the only son of his father, T. V. Taylor, of Onancock, who was at one time collector of tho port of that town. GEORGIA PRIMARY WEDNESDAY. Nadinola Is guaranteed, sod money refunded il it fails to remove the very worst esse and beautify the complexion, in twenty days. Mrs. Edward Jones, of Mount Sterling, Kentucky, writes i "1 feel It injr duty to tell yotl the brnrfll Nxlinola ban hern to ma. I had tullurre untold mortification with frc-olden, since child hood. Having urd all the highly recom mended creams and lot ions, with much hrjltancy I bought your tulifo treatment A tier Riving it a fair trial I most heartily reoouiiiiend it, for it's wurth its weight ir Rld to any woman having freckles. Youi adinola U the only thing I have ever uaed with aucoem. Your Nadine Face Powder b grand. Wishing you tlie deserved success, 1 am sincerely." Price 50 ants and $1.00, by leading druggists or mail. Prepared by the National Toilet Co., ParU, Tenn. Sold in Winston by Simpson Drug '.'!. E. W. O'Hanlon and other drug- nnnif 0 Fr Rent Sui II UUlilO table for bed II rooms or office; 7 of hem next to Zinzendorf Hotel, Main St. Modern conveniences. II. MONTAGUE- Candidates for Governor, State House Officials And Congressmen to Be Nominated. Five Candidates for Governor, Including Two Editors. ATLANTA. On.. August 19 The Democratic State primary, which will be held August 22, will nominate can didates for governor,, state house of ficials and congressmen. A successor to Congressman Rufus K. Lester, who died just prior to the adjournment of ( ongress. as well as a candidate for the long term in that- district will also be uoiuiiuHed. In the third dis trict there is h lively race on between APPEAL" TO POflCY HOLDERS. Insurance Commissioner Urges Them to Attend Meeting on September 12. State Insurance Commissioner Young has Issued a secoud notice to North Carolina policy holders of the Mutual Life and New York Life In surance companies, In which he savs their meeting, called by htm at rjl eigh, September 12, is very Important. The amount of Insurance held in North Carolina Is J21 Will mill In the hwo companies, being over three times as great as the State debt. Mr. Young advises policy holders not to send any proxies to any one In New York to be voted, but to await the meeting here, which will arrange for voting as a unit. "Farmer" Jones' Lost. From .(iieensboro News. It took the combined efforts of three friends, who all but tore the clothes of R. R. Jones, better known as "Farmer" Jones, who enjoys the proud distinction, of living at kernersville, a suburb of Greensboro In a success. I nil endeavor of ' H. P- Y'at-:or went to Lexington lo ' Jay. . ' j H. H LabbertSn went to Efland, N. , jc . today. j j David Joues, of Danville, is in the ,city. j I J. A. Netly went to Moore's'Spi ings , 1 today. Aldt-ne Rosenbacher went North to- day. ; Rev. Edgar Holton went to Yadkln lyille today. i I E. 1. Albea made a business trip to Mt, Airy today. J. E. Cox has returned from Vade Mecum Springs. ; Mrs. J. A. Vance visited friends at Kernersville today. j Miss Zora Sapp, of Kernersville.! spent the day ill the citr. W. J. Liipfert went to Roaring Cap : today for a week's outing. W. U. Martin went to the Mt. Airy.; White Sulphur Springs today. j Mrs. Thomas Cash went to Rock ford today to visit her parents. j Clement Manly went to Lexington ; today to attend Davidson court. j Editor Clement, of the Mocksville; Courier, spent the day In the city. James Schouler returned yesterday j from an extended pleasure trip nor(h. ! Mr. aud Mrs. V. J. Cromer have! returned from a pleasure trip to V'ir-1 ginla. ' George P. Pell went to Wilmington , today to look after some legal busi-i ness. i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Rominger re turned yesterday from their bridal tour north. The manv friends of Miss MitTie Wiley will be sorry to learn she is in-! disposed. Robert dorrell and William Muslin ; returned this morning from a pleasuiei trip North. j E. Ii. Cautreli left today for Aber- j deen. Miss. Later he will move his family here. j J. L. Hatch, of Spencer, and W. W.j Harkins. of Asheville, were In the! city yesterday. Editor Paul Elkin, of the Slier City Grit, spent Sunday hepe with his par ents, returning to Slier City today. Engineer E. E. Harris, of the South ern Railway, visited Greensboro to day. He made the trip as a passen ger. Miss Nannie Stone, of Greensboro, passed through the city this morning, returning from a trip to Vade Mecum Springs. Mr. .and Mrs. H. A. Siddall went North today. Mr. Siddall will buy his fall and winter stock of goods while away, Mrs. Ham Horton and children re turned Saturday evening from North WHkesboro, where they have been visiting relatives. Miss Eleanor Follln returned this i morning from a delightful trip North. I She was the guest of Miss Janet Fill-1 ler on the Hudson. Rev. M. T. Plyler end family, of j Chapel Hill, were here today, return-j itig from a visit to relatives audi friends In Iredell county. i Elder J. A. Ashbnrn, of Pilot Moun tain, was here this morning, return-i lug from High Point, where he! preached yesterday. J. B. Whltaker, editor of Southern Mills, published at Greensboro by M. N. Williamson, Is in the city shaking hands with friends. N. P. Lewis, who is with the South, bound construction force, spent, Sun day with his family In Greensboro, returning this morning. Joseph Clements, agent for the -Southern Railway at North WHkes boro, spent the night here on his re turn from a trip to Washington, D. C. Mrs. A. D. Edwards, of North WH kesboro, ai rived here this morning to see her husband, Dr. Edwards, who Is 111 at the home of his mother, Mrs.! v. c. Kd wards. Mr. Walter Lindsay and Mrs. H. L. Foard returned yesterday afternoon from South River, where they went on account of the death of their lather. Rev. J. P. Rogers, pastor of the M. E. church at Mocksville, was here to day enroute to Lynchburg, Carters vllle and Richmond, Va. He is off on his annual vacation. Miss Bessie Crist , has returned from Mt. Bethel, Va., where she has been teaching In the summer mission school, which has been carried on bv the Helping Hand Circle. TvT'V.1 f- ''eW'S 1UKl H"' laid Jones from leaping from a train iHldley M. Hughes. . niovimr at the r..tB t ,nD ri,.,.., .... fi.... . " " ."ii.. ( on n"- utr euiinmaies lor gov eruor, as follows: Clark Howell, editor :if the Atlanta Constitution; Hoke Smith, Atlanta; ,1. H. i;Still. editor of The Savannah Morning News; -Richard It. Russell, of Jackson count v, and lames M. Smith, of Oglethorpe." Congressmen Griggs, Adamson. Livingston. Rartlett, Lee. Howard. Hell. Harwick ami Brantley have no ipposltion and will undoubtedly be re nominated. Nominations In this State au equivalent to election. News was received here today of the death of little Lillian. Infant daughter and only child of Capt. and Mrs. L. D. Parker, which occurred at Asheville last Friday. The Interment was at Salisbury. Captain Parker was formerly conductor of the passenger train between this city and Moores ville. His run is now between Salis btiry and Asheville. - Seventeen-months-old daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. George Martin, which died Saturday afternoon, was burled yesterday afternoon t Pleasant Fork, tho runeral service being conducted ' Uev. S. F. Morton. ' Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co. docs what all the others claim to do- Whv not jjet the best? Talk It'Over With O'Brien. hour, yesterday afternoon When the "Farmer." who travels for the Standard Oil Company, and is an Intimate friend of John D. Rocke feller, was dragged buck Into the car from the rear platform, he gave one gasp and sadly sighed, "It is too bad. too bad." "What's too had? 'Farmer'," asked his rescuers. "Is It because we pre vented you from jumping to Instant death that you mourn so." "No, not that, not that; but It is the thought that I dropped 5 cents out of the window, and now It Is lost for ever." This remark, coming from one who Is intimately connected with a billion dollar trust, caused a laugh to go round the car, which was kept up un til the train reached Greensboro Some one volunteered to lend Mr Jones a nlckle for car fare, but he indignantly refused to accept the Chairman S. B. .Adams, of the Re publican state executive committee went .to WHkesboro todav k represent some clients In court. During his brief stay here Mr. Adams held a con ference with Postmaster (:. rcv. nolds. Mrs. Joseph Reich and daughter Mrs. Bessie Llnebaek, went to Moure's Springs todav. They will piobably visit Mt. Airy White Sulphur Springs before returning, FIRED 1,000 SHOTS AT SHERIFF. Mob Gives Georgia Officer And His Prisoner, Negro Alleged Rapist, a Hard Race Before Latter Could Be Removed from Jail at Cleveland to That at Gainesville. GAINESVILLE, Ga., Aug 19 Sherlff Andrew Jackson, of White county, reached the city at an early hour this morning with Dave Moore colored, who Is alleged to have cilm inally assaulted the daughter of Jas Hood, a well known White county farmer, last Friday afternoon. Moore was arrested yesterday in White coun ty. Threats of lynching became very frequent, although Judge Klnisey ap pealed to the people to allow the law to take Its course and went so far as to order a special term of the sune- v?Lu,"'t ,Vnvene at Cleveland Monday morning to try the negro. This In a measure appeased the peo Pie for a time, but last night threats of lynching became so frequent that Judge Kimsey deemed it wise , have he prisoner removed to Gainesville for safe keeping. Accordingly he tele phoned to Sheriff Crowe ai vine late last night 0f the si m tim," and instructed him ,o meet the "ft of White county on thp way bp8ne Galnesvi e and fin..Qi.... ' , . 1 .i i ."-mini hiiu pace he prisoner In jail here at all ha .... i iws was none. Sheriff lack son told the officer ih( . i '!'' ".ob of v.; e.vU. coiiuty citizens; as thevi ho ly pursued him and fire, at 1.000 shots at him ii "l ."'asr . - mum (liein I however, and got out oftheir way. 'I i Ptoses Saturday night d i our Dig sale-1 houS! Sof dollars worth rv "v r r o it r - 1 1 guuuo wcic &uiu and several thousand peJ 5 has the tact been es lished that Shapi $ Sample Store is a g ? money saving store.' former record establ l ed by tins store t5 1 r s -C 1 icauei ui low pr ? shall be sustained ? to one and all we u 5 to say we thank j for your patronage 1 5 aia in maKing our gf 2 sale a great success. 5 account of the extrer ? ly hot weather dur our biff sale he j weight goods such J overcoats, Fall, suits a JJ trousers did not sell $ fast as we expected, ? will therefore contin ? our slaughter price s 5 on Fall and Win 5 goods and in-many ca I the special sale pn S will be cut still deep j SHAPIRO'S aw u Open a Box for the Children Leave it where they can reach it. Watch them gain in weight Watch their cheeks grow ruddy with health and life. Uneeda Biscuit are the only Soda Crackers the most nutritious foodm from wheat, therefore the most wholesome food for children. W4lnadusttkh;, moisture precipe NATIONAL BISCUIT CCMF 1

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