-GITY DAILY SENTINEL YEAR. fiiF BIACKBURN'S CHARGES I , ,n niinn . OUST 1. Hni TflN n v k nil 1 "w IRLiniiniuu WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS MINISTER OF WAR. GOBLE APPOINTED. in As The Result Earthquake Is Vet Over. I D BUSINESS box is SERIOUS jl, O.f Earthquake ' ,d jneittr to the Sutter- District Attorney Holton's attention! was directed to the Washington spe-j icial in this morning s Raleigh NVw ? and Observer in which ii is stated: 'that "Representative Pdackhum h.tsj preferred charges against District At torney Hoiton with the 'object of In ink ling about his removal. The case ; against Mr. Hoiton. in which the dis trict attorney is chaiged with having ; induced witnesses to sign affidavits that diil not contain trntntul state ments to be used in the prosecution ; against the congressman at (In-ens-i born, has been brought' to the atten tion of officials at the Department of (justice." Correspondent Pence learns I Mr. Blackburn was at the department ,Cen. Kuropatkin To Return I To This Position At Early Date. The Ex-Superior Court Judge Lands As Assistant Dis trict Attorney. NEWS ITEMS fiEPoillllir' FROMEREENSBORO HilV SUCCESS One. Strenuous -fce-Y t'n V.e! - N A-i ll.k -s ) .! tinvnce -i is an-rceeiv--. ! -I s that - rnit-d bau- !.: gram to ins: anxiety ubfidiiig in iiuiago. al ii: the dis , c,.R'inu( :l .ii and busi tha' slii-ie ;;ii:ioiis are the day before he left for Maine, and it is assumed that this visit a' that time related to the movement to accomplish Mr. 'Holton's removal. Continuing this special savs: ""Among the officials to whom Coie 'gressman lllackburn talked was As IsUtant Attorney General Robh. who iliad charge of the case that resulted I in Mr. Illackhuru's acquittal at Greensboro. Mr. Robb lias always entertained the highest opinion of ilMstrict Attorney Ifolton as a prosec juting official. There is no longer any ; doubt of the fact that the charges are to be presented before the, presi dent.. It is said that several influen tial Republicans, who are persona! friends of the congressman from the Eighth, are insisting that the charges be pressed, and that an investigation of thevdistrict attorney's conduct be demanded." Mr. Hoiton had no comment .statement to make in regard to published report;- Intention to Reorganize the Russian Army Is Said to Be Responsible for His Assignment to This Post. Until Battle of Mukden in Recent RLSSO-Japanese War Kuropatkin Commanded Russian Army. I By Publisher Press ),-; BERLIN". Aug. 22.-Cen.iai Kuro patkin. who was commander An chief of the Russian ainiics in Manchuria until alter the defeat at Mukden has been summon, d to St. Petersen g bv the czar to resume the position h. oucp hid of minister of vmr. This.' report is printed in the Mi'tago ., -' lung. j The purpose of recalling . Genera'. Kuropatkin to his old position is to reorganize the army. or the MsioM professor m OFFICE OF REPORTER The position of supreme court re porter seenis to, be an enviable one just now judging by the number of candidates who have presented them- Hon. .1. Crawford a superior court The l. a ; am? i) . Foity of I lie a strike Selves to StICCeid Biggs, who become judge m January, if elected m November, and that seems to be a foregone conclusion. Some of the alilest lawyers in the Slate aie "in the hands of their friends." for this po.-iiion. The duties do not stnilv require the reporter to Commission Sent To District Attorney Hoiton By Attorney General, Who Made the Appointment Becomes Effective September 1. Ei-.hnlg. , . Coble, of Slntesviile. has at Lis; lauded as assi.-'ant d!.v lliel att .met foi the Wcsicin Not tit Carolina district. The cntnmissiou was received by Distiict At'urmy A E. Hoiton ihla iiioinlug. The appoint meat becomes effective September I. Mr Coble is well known, and Tie marly "friends In this citv. He servi d as Supetior t'ouit Judge for six years, being elected as a candidate of the Republicans and Popali-ts during thc "f.is.on" days in North Carolina. Tie appointment of Judge Coble will put a "quietus" on the ambitions (f V. It Sanders, of Stanley county, and perhaps other aspirants (or the job. which pay- t-.-Vio a year and ac tual expenses. Sanders bad the en ilolM nient of his county for the place It was announced some lime ago 'hat Coble would be named, hut the il'day in his appointment caused pre dictions to be made that he would not land. Tl.e duties of the assistant district attorney are principally those of a cleik. Seldom does the assistant ill rect a case, though occasional! he is allowed to make arguments. In dis cussing the duties of government offi cers todav a lawyer remarked that Distiict Attorney Hoiton was an tin- neces- tiring worker and that he was nevii live in ! satisfied if he did not manage his own I Special to The Sentinel GREENSBORO. Vig ;t. nnVia. s of the Southern Railway have been bust- for se.-ral ttavs, mvestlgftiit'.K wil.lt it ;s 'hough! will piove to hav.J been a st-emstio i "l.tn'r v In freight d. p.. rim. in at the d P"' 0"'! of the transfer cleiks, W IV Daniels, j has' Im'-i; i rested on the charge arcenv and gave h.uid (01 bis appear i Hi'.re a: s'ip, riot conn He is charted ,:h stealing a bed ft, mi 'ami"' !!,ej freight in the ttauslei dep.n fluent- asj well as a number, of other at '' '"; sollle Of thelll of C.itlside!ali! Willie Another young man i thatged with: tln latecnv of two buds of poplar: lumber j For Mime iiim complaints Iia f b.eti made to the official 'hat j article, of freight weie missing from.; tile depot. The (ixiiffer clerks wetej trusted einpltups of the company ""dj they were neier suspected until ne tectlve was put on the case. ' Aft" r a few das quiet Investigation he located the guilty panics One arrest j has been made and otheis are ex j ncded to lie mad In u f. dm 1'tin in. .. slid Judge Spencer It. Adams, cliaimian f tii iIK i sc!g 'i of the Uepubliian state executive! The towu "' al1'"'i. near Gulm. committee, has Issued a call '"r a'futy miles frt Haiana, ha 1",'n tiiei'ting of the executive comml,,"' i' aiituied 1'V r"l'' and m,e iarm U to be held here Saturday, S ptemm-r j ten thecal""" 1st. At that time the head'Pi"ru'rR of the t publican party will be opened heie. and a lemons campaign They Have Repelled Govern I ment Forces in Three small Fights. PRESIDENT PALAIA AND HIS ADVISERS UNEASY Revolution I" Cub H Attained Rather Sertou Proport.ons. evo lut.on.sts' -lert Victory scored Early This Morning M pmr del Rio. Central rntrlc4n , revolu tionists , Htl DisMtisned Cubans j ublishcrs' if HAVANA- A"e,, clos,K in from H I.Miay Press ) - Rebel, IHus in IU" "hl ritv Is l'tc' U M. COLLEBE .t'.ci; i r a:; i the ff-fed .: Halkou' re i'letn; in Kaleigh. nor interfere with his regular practice, hence it may go to a non resident of, that city. It is not a "re porter's" position, strictly . speaking, the dutiek being to merely edit the opinions handed dow n by the supreme conn, extracting the syllabi, and pub lishing the edited opinions in the books know u as Supreme Court Re ports. The follow ing is the "list of gentle- and Mechanic Arts here"'"'" wnose names are mentioned ior Prof r w Rnvi.-i.tt re.ltne position to date: r.n, tnainners (Special fo The Sentinel.) latiou RALEIGH. Aug. 22. Prof. C. AI. s"r:k: Connor, for the past four years proi The essor of agriculture in the Florida was ! Agricultural College has beeii elected! ictor and ' ; and accepted the chair of agricu'-j the lai ds i 'are in the North Carolina Coiiige oi'i o mductor j Agriculture it, one of to succeed HEARING IN THE OLD j .11 be made in the Slate. Clarence Fiultt. of H.gh Point, was 1 brought here yesterday and given j hearing before Squire Collin oil the Ichaige of horse stealing. He was ! Itound over to suiwrlor cottrt, "d In default of ii tll.'.U bond went, t" Jil He was also thai ged animals. The hot. si I young man weie ow m il hv Mr I- W. illazaid. The boy sa that he tcok them to drive for a short time. nd Intended canting them back hen through dt iving ith cruelty to I of ,(. 1ken hy the- further ne to the .ii t;:e jaros n, for his dis- :'ti brake t.mr.her of :':-.(: tiiain line i ir'ation of The ttain- i ; a,,. vioiaiion "'rr Rilbro came to kb:s he was given .'e t.::i. ti-.at the 'href :(':.a:;.v.! lt is lin- - 'f 8t l-t.C' ! i til'.' ' l.'t-:-:. What the cm:.; tin be : f ti "ha" rillbro. h - rnp.iejt. gate !'i . men on the nl P .n;.. na were noti ' I"'. A'.; day work 'e ' ' :aiil.:i!l. I'oti ' i'wnu-n and rail I- -ati.- time. ii- I'n;;,-! States fast .V ' ' ''' af'eriimin. '"r th'' shifting. ! ' hr.;-h; here f AfiMUg those here '" of Will- !'".''il' AlllileWs was- r:;""- . w ilk.ait took f 'j - at, nttemnon '" 'i:'"s- about a '"' '"tiii'i'.miaiiig ( " ' "' - ieh.g put I ' ' " ' i'. Ill ge; : A 'iiee'ing of '' ": Triintii. n -,, 'bis after- f ';" a-io;f dis , .' ",''' ' - ".-.ve ie- !,"r 'x-''.pMons. re- signed. Prof. Connor graduated from the Agricultural College of the Cni j versity of Missouri, was assistant in .that institution and then assistant professor of agriculture several years ln Clemson College. He 'has been in Ithis State several weeks, assisting in institute work. FIRST BRICK LI' I MASONIC TEMPLE Mr. E. W. O'Hanlon had the honor nf laying the first brick on the new Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock this morning. It was placed on the pier tn the south side of the main entrance n Trade street. Mr. O'Hanlon pus a dime under the brick made in lSi'2. Smith, ex-chairman of the State Democratic executive- committee. R. T. Gray,' Periin Busbee. R. C. Strong. R. X. Siinms. j. I.. Seaweil. A. J. Feild. John W. Hinsdale, all of the Raleigh bar: Chas. H. Arnificld. of Statesvll'e; T J. Jerome, of Monroe: Geoige P. Pell, of Winston Salem : Thomas Ruffin. of Charlotte: H. M Shaw, of Oxford: A C. Davis, Of Goldsboro. Ami the list is nnt yet closed. . District Attorney Hoiton went Greensboro this morning to meet I counsel for the Old Nick Williams iCompanv, -distillers at Williams. Yad i kin county, which was convicted at a j recent term of the federal court a. Greensboro. The rampant, through its roi:n.-ni. gave notice of appeal to the court of apieals. but the case has ; not been made up vet. The district j attorney and the opposing counsel hate not been able to get together (that is agree) upon the Issues and other matters to be" submitted to the higher court. T I Special to The Sentinel ) RAI.EIGH. Aug 22. -Judge T R Purnell, of the federal court, has de cided to order the immediate sale f the Cape Fear Power Co s pla"1 "" the Cane Fear River at I'.nekhorn be ing constructed for supplying electric imwer for manufacturing and J. Lindsay Patterson returned afternoon from Walnut Cove. this Mr. and Mrs. .lames K. Norfleet and children, who hate been to Plowing Rick, returned to the city this after noon. Little Nannie was 111. They were accompanied by a doctor from Hickory. Mrs. AV. J. Comad and two children went to Farmlngton. Davie county, this afternoon to visit Dr. Conrad's slstei. Mrs. E. C, Wiseman. D. C, not, n. Crutchfield came in this af'er- IS ID IT WORK (Special to Tim Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Aug. 22 The Slate text book ''commission devoted today Jit hearing arguments on histories and arithmetic offered for adoption. The governor, hating returned to the city las! evening, pit sided. other put pose at Fayetteville He heard aigument last evening by counsel on the petition of receiver C. H Ibivlu and Eugene Maxwell for the planl to be sold In Its unfinished condition. Counsel for the; bondholder advo cated immediate' sale and counsel for Cape' Fear Power Co. and other in teieoted parties Insisted that the plant should be completed before the sale to get the best settlement of the interests Receivers reported that their belief wan that It would require IbO.iHiti to complete Vhe plant. There was a proposition to complete I' for $11. lino 'but this was dlsctedlted so lhat after sthe argument the Judge directed counsel to draw the older for the sale which will take plare at some date, within sixty days "' ' be named. An uttaek " on i it ties i a small force of revolutionist hut 'bet weie nl"'!"1. liluK two prl "tiers and ""'"'"'r being wounded- The engagement t the outskirts of l'inar del Hi" evening was inuilt victoi) ff 'he evolutionist ami they me expected (0 rene nttaek at any h'uf. Ptcidelil Talma and other nfTlcers government ,,, whihr trom nii.,r )t,. K to- lav with Ihe greatest apprehension. Other Revolutionist, Mjy Htp. MEXUHJ t'iTY, Aug 2l.Cwr"' American revolutionist, ,r ,,() lo he preparing to Cuba 1" J"1" evolutionist. f "'volution In Gusle-, tnalu Succed' the rvoIutl"ti' et(. to help t" t'ubans overthrow the present government, Th(, Cubs'l "evolution has been In prepnratli '"r veral mo"in I'"- York 1C' er of cuatamala revoluton ,ro bark ing Cubans- I1""1 Parti,., had rrpre ""native I" sl'nlsh American count ties Not Considered Serious- OYSTER AY. Aug" 22 Th 'ulian iiMiitetl"n , regarded lf such Kllial! lliiP'liee hv officials 'he ttate D-'paf't'ent , v,Bhlngl"" that they have not vet sent th ptel" lt.t a single ni'-sssge ,)tl ,he ,ubject All the Information hn has received ha, been ilir"Kh ewpHpi.rs at ,n'" enecutive officer her. o gilWii Is taken In the rrport, that the tnlM States is preparing in itke -,v" hsnr) n the squabbl,. nlw, Amer Icsn interests ar "'iTtiusI) Jeopaf liizorl Later Rclel force, ,r mrtiC 'o have scored a victory shortl) hp '"te dat light this nhoaing when force under I'1"" ;,"'rt mtgeked otttpost at f'lnr 'l Hlo and drove 'lie encmv back toward ,hft ry. The insurgents did ''illow up the ad vantage thus obtained, ld Is l In fished the government force, from Havana CONSIDER PIS. II IRE KILLED.ISTENSLAND FOUND. BRYAN GITS OHIO. pi ,' , - 1 - tf be ,':r" I-Vsvth ' ' 1 '--'.! -i - -I ", "',-: all' of (";' '. ...n ,,f The ... -r yyl;!,.. " 0 -.- . - - - r, oe J,sds;. Oct. ? II: f-0nty. Oct.. 3. State Masonic Temple Com mittee Has Meeting In Raleigh. s' Oct. 4. k. $20... i "r''! davw-ili I ;,-',. - .. , ' :tl--. M rules f ".r.r.s. ' ."""'s- mi.e "' -'-Z'": 'i!M r!l1 I ai'illg :'' per At This Meeting Details With Refer ence to Building of Temple to Be Erected by Grand Lodge Were Con sidered. Work On Structure to Be Commenced Next Spring. RALEIGH. Auk. 22 The building committee, of the North Caiolina (it and l)'lge of Masons for the erec tion of t lie grand lodge temple here was in session seveia! hours last night, discussing the situation with a view to reaching some decision as to when work shall begin. However, nothing was given out as to any ,igf. tnent reached. Among those who pur ticipated in Ihe coufeience were Gvaiid Ma,ster Francis Winston, Major S, H. Smith, .1. w. Coi ton. John C On-wry and others. The building will hardly he gotten under w ay ,bi fore next sjirine althoueh a number of the mem bers of the committee insist that there should be no further delay. The tem ple is to cost over Jl'iO.nO" and be fire proof throughout. At the last meeting of the giand lodge in January the expectation was that the temple' would be well under way by the next session in January. i lmi7. but it devt-lopes that it will not I even be started then. jcent. unless otherwise stan d. A horse distancing the field, or any part 'hereof, is etr'itled to one money - "n!y. Five entries to rill, three to start. Right reserved to change program and declare races off on account of , bad weather. No conditional entries j are received. One horse can he J named In two classes to be held in .one. or two horses ran be named in 'two classes to be. held for one entry each. J Horses called promptly each day at j? P m.; races start l:ll't p. ni. ! Hopple allowed. No colored d.iv- jeis. I Entries close October 1. 12 'm l record made on and after Sep'einber p, no bar. Five Brothers Engaged In Melee In Buffalo. New York. Two On One Side And Three On the Other. One of the Brother, And a Bystander Killed While Two Broth ers Are Expected to D'e at Any Moment. in I-ul.lisliWV I'res;-.) BITKALO. X. VI. Aug- 22,- Two men are d. ,ul and two mote will pmb ably, die' as a n stilt . of a desperate fight wi'h s-ilefi-i Iw'weui live Sicil ians hi re late last night. T wo broth ers wen- matched against !hr-e broth ers. Frank Saniina. one of ihree Sar ilina biotiiors. was killed oil the scene of the battle. Raphael Italsi'r. who tried to act as v acenmki r. was stan bed in the abiloineii aiid bark and d;-d jat a hospital Domenico t.eiaci au-i ilb inardo Geiacci. wh an- all'c" ! ''. ! have done til'' s'a out g w ii.t ii I es.ie d i in the -I- ath '.f tht- two nu n. an" m s. lions condition. Tiiey an- t lia-v w ith niurdei . ! Missing President of Wrecked I Chicago Bank Is i Arrested. News Reaches Chicago That Former President of Milwaukee' Avenue Bank Has Been Caught at Last In Mexico Much Interest In the Arrest. (liv Publishfjrs' Press.) CHICAGO. Aug. 22 -A piltate m. v sage r-eerted heie today from Ei Paso n ports positively the nirtist d Paul O St'iisland. fugitive president of tie ecki-T Milwaukee Avenue IlaliK I" sav.s the aire,; was li.n i'. at Agu.e. Calientes. Mexico. Tin' Ch i a. ilire rla.m to have ipeeived i; i information of the aires'. NEWS ITEMS REPORTED FROM OIK RIE Democratic Convention That State Endorses Nebraskan. Of CE Vote In Favor of Him for Presidency In 1908 Is Unanimous. Quite a Number of States Have Already En dorsed Bryan In Strong Terms. (Hv Publishers' press I COLI'MIJl'S, O , Aim 22 The Deiiioi-i at le Stat.- cuivi-iiii'in , hr"fe unanimously endoised William J'i- niiiL's lii.van toii.it Illinois- .ti-t.riia .a-id ti'uiK r solut ions 'tidotsniK lltvati oa. Idaho, Sl-.ehigaii. Indiana. North Caro : lilia, GoitKta, Alabama, Atsatisas ami jother state have aluad) embused the Ni'lnaskiiti for the presidency in I1!". ShlQI FffllN; GEORGIA PRIMARIES i TENDERED I SURPRISE I Mr. O H Fisiu I. city salesman f' ' J. J. Xi.iman V Co . wholesale BfK-e.s. I w as tendered an acn-eahle Mirpi i-' iat his holm- on Sonthside last nigh: in i honor of his 2"h birthday. Aboo' 1 j ,m friends -re present and the-or-'ras-.n was crentlv enjoved b ' a:eridati". M" Fishe; was 'lie n- i j pi- i.t ..f a number of nice pn s. n'--!()r.e i.f "he att.ialati's fioin town te ip-.'t. -hat the cars had s'oppe-T rt:. 'uing and that after Itaving Mr. !Ftsr.e "s home he go- lost aiel-'l:.! n la.t in town until 12:110 this morntr.-' he Centenary Sunday school ix ion to Greensboro .Hid Guilford Ground will leave the union .t here promptly a' o'clock to low- meriting. Ten Coaches will be ided to aecommoda'e the crowd he excursionist will go fir.' to haaie giound.ar; it ,ng there about .clock. Thet will go 'to Greens i at 2 o clock, remaining there tin 7 The excurMonis-h will j leave !.-. boro at 7 o'clock, arriiii.j: here o'fiock. v ra! persons will tie at the union ui here at T o'c'o k ir. the n-oi n arel the sale of tickets Will !., gill DEI HELD T . tltv puliiUhers" Press I ATLANT A Ga., Aug. 22 - Th Ii. ni'if-i a t . pi -lliiarv of Georg.a I ' today u!,'. r most ans';cioii clrturie stance f.,r i.ollitie i f a Urge vote The ta' e 'f .r governor is i.eii g '"on (Special I" Tlt.i Hfiitinol 0K H K i I-- 'A,IK 22 -Tb" f11 "I in of Oak RidKe ltisitt,. wui open s'ptembir l'1'. a"d "ui present ln 'Healioim re f"1 very arffi ll eli da ne,. a la'" 'totobei f ,, room hav,. dlready I'''"'" '"l"n, and new ap I'lleatiotiK ate coming in t)B rale of doi-n day- Among the new (,.,,,, H.f-ured f-ir the roinlni year. r Mr p. K Si.tgle, ..lie 'if the leiwliii rnenibers ' "lis j,.r", graduating ,.a,s H, the i'tovemily of N"r'h Carolltia, and Mr I Moon", "f ,,,iB ear"s gr'i""" 'hiss at Pavbl""" College. Thc-e ' o outig tit-'i '-re very popular heir nspcti'' e.i!eK,h Tb,., were i'-adi-rs In at 111 I'- ,ii:, (t,,.r IH iiaty s.iili'H's The ,,,( . ! " edingly for'ui:'!'' in sidoing tlo m All the gfadiia''" "i the commercial di paitti.t i,t n od I" "hortband the pHst Mar have 'i',md g.-t, ,,1,, kI '"liv and 'he M'"oo hnn t,,.,.,, unabls Mippiv the d'-mod for g,K m'-u. Mr Hat-ve Molt and Dr j r. Pad dison bate li'gutl the en-rtfon 'if '."Ilk dnig store. tmlldli.K and M"s It'll,, r H-arf"fl "'"I W 0 I r.tt"ll Jr. re tir paring to ,,-.,.( a ne 'ml build!''."! "" ,h ground adjoin ".g the rampo" A stem,, !-,,!, atid "'her new ell"'" !" IS.-h i,r. n rollt'"IO- I'latlon T he proM""1 ,i"t" plajers "f 'his ida,-. hate given g,,,a (.,.,.,,,111) of hcm., Ives this ' ar Mr , T ""t has p.- 'ted -o be ,,,. f)f ,,. Popular m"1 "f '" H' tes;., i,y CUrk How. national ct.m- and editor; H-.ke Hml'h. II. editor of savannah News. Jim Smith, ' Millionaire Fame -l," and llfchard Ii Ku.ieil rh" is Moke Stni-h against 'he Held iik an assured fact that 'here be a deadlock as t.o cand!!''" g t ;! majonty of the -,,e 'o- n.inei man I II Es rae. I will ran V W Sinoak left this afiernoon f"t Galax. Va The fair, wliir-h b.-t.-iti-th-re September '.th. opens 'he Mi gitiia-Caiolina tare c:icult r Mrs f K. Champion w.nt -o David ( illege this aftermmti to tis.! her ;-:-- Mrs. W P Williams j Mrs T. R. Pepiier and children, !:m have been visiting Mis. X. A j Mai", 11. at Danbury. re-uried to the r:tv tlii afternoon, j te-iige C Tudor came in th.s aftei , :.( 11 frofu Richmond. Th p-ipiiliit of Gittgia il' the i'moctat!c tirke- todav and pledge to support thu ii.,nr,n"e '- WANTED - Position by man wru s-veral years' egpenenr as b.iV keper and general o!S'- work. aii as salesman. Good r!epen,e Ad dress S . care iseutiriel pen most lj.it-, team s,"gg ha- i!""h'"'l -rrea; t,all for "" M.-m,,t,:, I'-am Eari H,,i, , pro 'eeiiieed bt SP"t?:tl Life the premier baseman "f 'he VrKis.l league H" plats ''h '-Micbhurg cham pion. Omk "'' ,!,,obo nte, also In 'he Vigti.ia l'11""' Wicker Is ':h !he (;,,, inria'l ""am, and Ho'"rd . .'h the It-n'oti national, ij,,b 3'f '''d has been at borne f,,r 4 mocith on '.. v r ,!' P:of M H "h. l"nt lb- -'""" "r in Iteigh bit ,prn the '"iter part of thi k Prof y.aek Ur.i'aker, direetol "f "luslc. has !"" ''h 'he Whi'aker "I",.,-., a' Vi';" Mec'itn SptTlU 'hit. (. Mi. Biaf.ctte H"h- is an.ndlng hoti,.. pj)r'". "f M " Sadie Rollins ' A-he-.t ... ,hi "'

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