PWIN-CITY DAILY SENTIN HT s ana WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 23, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS JsJUdeFor Ade tf of Vdlpjroi kcrers. L ,h. Victims Buried Today Son as finished Remove 3e commenced. .iri l' " . .Miia.nce .ipi::i'ii :i"i lhat i, lie at u. - . :i (I tod.l ! me ,.i .l,' , fffl ! (.11 me ,1 ,ni;tU"i! makes ' s,:(t!ri'.i.i! and l'ii- :c onl.r iiin safety. wfnM arc leaving Wrs ami across t lie rjiaco. h.'iiis buried in is siHn as this work Kempt iH made 'is I; will lie bihiir this task run TO" PRESIDENT CENSUS F GURESJTBUL Oil MDNDAY Jphysiciuns visit ' EMITS (By Publishers' Press.) OYSTER BAY, Aug. 23. The. sol dier color Hue squabble at Browns ville, Texas, where so much fiction viile, Texas, where so much friction iars'has occurred, was pu: squarely up to President Roosevelt today by Brigadier General Bell, Tinted States (hiof of Staff. "My object is to Ret word direct from the president in this matter,' said General Bell, "in order that we ninv net In the matter according to i his wishes. The negro company has already been replaced at Hiownsville by white troops and has been sent ti Reno, hut, there is still considerable feeling there and as the president's last message to the war uepartnio-tu was a bit ambiguous I came to Oyster Bay to get his exact views." I'lion leaving Sagamore Hill, Gen. Bell refused to discuss, his conference with the president. M that Mr. l rrkes, inteipal revenue, Washington from a An interesting mat rth Carolina awaits intion ami will call for at some date in the future. This is the location of the office of interna! revenue ; district. A special ' a report on the ad 'vine the office from "is report now awaits -rkes consideration ville, Winston-Salem have put in their 'Hoc This citv is en- ise she does the of the tax at sops through the Ins. !E rill The Sriitmi'l.) All iiMi.i- h-it ' I'ttrneli, f the Pre i" the ease of nice til Water Winks Co., of $.::on fr int, machinery at the !:" plant and for lower various, points to con Wailes in . ih,. ci i.,.,,. , F" Plain has b i n '"a. eonrr receiver "ari or Ions;,'!- aim Sl''''essf receiver ' ""tier the super ' fill court in Ho.. f 'hat Durham has ' oi i in. rereiver r aii-r s.rvir. o,,. "", rase otherwise. J' Tim Se,iti ) atn3'w"; "!nrni"e , ''xt ,,. rnni. ,? V'; ""voted lo "f historii.s. The '1 n. K. Johnson '". boutl.rn ,,,,. '""iv-THlty "la Diit.a m .. .. L .oac.N a y P"" 'his aftern, inKu of ain. EG h The s,., , - r' r'' ,- , w,),k ,,f i" n;; " ki''s from f. this ;rs" '"' ;, .. " '. to be fn";,?;"";"1"11 This hHxX u-n,'"lnR I . . f .. " " ttision ,tt' "'.i'1" I'tHld- All 'enan,s Tl TO BE BUILT SOON A new place of amusement for the citizens of Winston-Salem Is to be erected in the form of an up-to-date skating rink. The fad of skating seems to have taken the whole country and even during the summer months in some places the rinks are doing a large business. A rink was operated here last season by several young men in the old Walker Brothers factory but a new building Is to be constructed this year especially for this purpose. The gentleman at the head of the new rink is Mr. C. W. Barbeo, a pro gressive citizen, who has recently be come a resident of this city, he being the propiietor of the Barbee Printery and Paper Box factory. If nothing prevents the contract will be let very soon. Mr. Barbee' states that he will give the rink his personal attention at night and that it will be a first-class place. This rink will be a place where the citizens can spend the long winter evenings and also the summer nights. (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Aug. 23. The Concord Realty and Railroad Co., of .Concord, was chartered this morning for the purpose of operating electric railway lilies between Concord and Charlotte and within those cities. The capital is $125,0(10 authorized and $t,ono sub scribed. The incorporators arc C. W. Johnson, Concord; R. A. Brown, Con cord ; E, H. Johnson, Rock Hill, and others. Another charter is to the North Charlotte Realty Co., capital $50,000 subscribed and $150,000 authorized, the Incorporators being E. P. Latta, W. E. Holt, C. W. Johnson and others. IN ATLANTA, Ga.. August 22. The State Democratic primaries today re sulted in a victory for Hoke Smith, candidate for governor, unprecedented in the size of his majority. Of the 1 15 -counties in the stale he has car ried probably 110. By the returns available at. 11 o'clock "tonight, Clark Howell carried six counties; J. II. Estill, of Savannah, two; R. B. Rus sell, eight, and James M. Smith, three, leaving 16 to hear from. This result "ill give Hoke Smith 294 votes in hf state convention of a total of liOO. T AT RALEIGH OEPOT (Special U) Tho Sentinel.) RALEIGH,' Aug. 23. The debris of the Southern wreck at. Method was cleared today so the Southern trains could stop passing over the Seaboaro track. As a freight backed under the union depot shed this morning at two o'clock to take the Seaboard track the cabonsn backed against, abutment, which was smashed into splinters. The caboose was overturned and set on fire but extinguished before serlois damage was done. THIRTEEN FIREMEN OVERCOME IT HEI iT I nose Relative To Manufac turing Industries Just Completed. United SUtcs Census Report on Man ufacturert Throughout the Country Shows That There Has Been Good Increase In Past Five Yearg In Capital Invested, Etc. (By Publishers' Press V WASHINGTON', Aug 2;:.-The cen sus hnioau lias euinplrte.l its com pilation or statistics mi niauufaetiinus Industries of the entire country. It shows that the total capital invested Is $12.r,Ni!.2C,fi7::. an increase of 41.3 per cent over that Invested five years ago. The number of establishments is 21C.2C2, an Increase or 1.2 per cent. The total value of products In I (tor. was $H02.1 IT.nsT. an increase of 29.7 per cent over loon. The aggre gate amount of wages paid in 1905 was $2.S11.5I0.,';12. an increase of 29. S per cent. The fact that there was only 15.9 per cent more laborers employed in 1905 than in 1900 shows there was a considerable Increase in average amount of wages earned per employe. ' Three Negroes Remaining In Charlotte Jail To Be Ar raigned Then. THAW IN TOMBS (By Publlsherf Press ) NEW YORK. Aue. 32. Dm. ! I Kans. of Morris Plains, N J . and I' .1. Wagner, of this city, called on ll.n ly K. Thaw In the Tomb t.xlay. Both physicians nte alienists and Dr. Evans George Irvin, Delia Dillingham And a 'fumed In the Teriauova trial. Clifford W. Hartrldge, comine! for Thaw, c compHiiied the doctor. The vlMt gave rise to reports that a mental ex amination of Thaw was to be made; but Dr. Frank Maguire, the TomUs physician, ho went to Thaw's cell. denied this. Miss May McKelizle, the actress visited Thilw ttxlay In company with Mrs. Thaw, This Is the first time that Miss McKenile, who Is expected to be a witness In the case, had eeu Thaw since hi arrest, though she has tried on several occasion to do so. Mr. Van Rensselaer Cruger also visited 1 the Tombs today and asked permission to visit Thaw. She was told that she would have to get a pa. and replied lhat she would do so to morrow . Gillespie Negro to Be Tried for the; Murder of Lyerly Family In Rowan Court, Cases Being Called Next Monday. i (Special to The Sentinel.) SAI.ISIU'RY. Aug. 2::. George- Ir vin, Delia Dillingham and Henry Gil lespie, colored, charged with the mur der of the l.yerly family at Barber's Junction on July 13, will be arraigned In Rtfwjin superior court here next Monday and will be tried for their lives. At a recent special term of court here the grand Jury returned a true bill for murder In the first de gree against all of the prisoners. The trio has been in jail in Charlotte since the lynching of three of their collea gues, which occurred on the tith Inst., and at which time they themselves weie rescued from the mob before being strung up. The excursion operated today by Centenary M. K. Sunday school car ried a crowd of 500 or more to Greens boro and Guilford Battle Ground. The train pulled out from the union pas senger station a few minutes after S o'clock. It required eight coaches to handle the picnlcers, composed of young, old and middle-aged. Every body anticipated a delightful day's outing. The excursionists arrived in Greens boro about 9:30 o'clock and went direct to the Guilford Battle Ground, where an old-fashioned picnic dinner was spread. About. 2 o'clock this af ternoon the Sunday school and those who accompanied it, returned to the City of Flowers, where the picnlcers will remain until 7 o'clock this even ing, when they will leave for home, arriving here about X. A telephone message from a news paper man in Greensboro says the excursionists returned from the Bat tle Ground at 2:30 this afternoon. Ho added: "The visitors are now taking In the town, viewing our sky-scrapers, handsome residences, etc. Many of th excursionists are taking an outing on the street cars. All of them seem to be enjoying themselves Immensely. Greensboro is delighted to have such a line crowd of visitors as the Cen tenary excursionists." (Special to Tho Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Aug. 23. Mr. W. C. Newland was in the city today from Caldwell county and procured from Governor Glenn a pardon for John Ennis, a while man who has served five years of a sentence for horse stealing. The pardon was granted on the strength of a letter urging it from the trial judge and solicitor, jurors and nianv citizens. Ii seems thai Ennis, while intoxicated, took the horse, rode it twenty miles and sold it without making any effort to flee the country. 1. f.-i i Ti, "'" -""'l to fc: '1' !); ,.y I "'"SiVe I !,., SVl? ''i odd, and ' .;V ""re at a (j0l! '"'""'istwo, .. ''fersome (By Publishers' Press.) CHITAim inir : Thirteen fire men were affected today by heat while (Snecial to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO, Aug. 23. -P la a matter, of some comment here that not a single organization Republican attended the meeting at which the Cannon club was organized here Tues day night. A telegram was sent here by Congressman Blackburn late in the afternoon directing that the meeting be held. John Crouch and Prof. C- P. Fraizer got busy and managed to have eight Republicans and three news paper men present at the meeting. STREET CAR MEN IN 'FRISCO Jl STRIKE (Bv Publishers' Press.) SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23,-t'nios,. street car men's section of the Chln d PuilniMd Workers surrender this ci'J. to add to its other trouble, will haw a traction strike, which will tie up the entire lin. In spite of the fact that a two years' contract between ihe company and the union was siinicl mil v a few niontns ago. tne union o be BY TRE LOCAL BAR At a meeting of the Bar Associa tion of Winston-Salem, held In the office of Mr. Lindsay Patterson, yes terday afternoon, resolutions were adopted endorsing Mr. George P. Pell for supreme court reporter. The resolutions adopted read as follows: Resolved, first. That recognizing the unquestioned ability, peculiar fit ness and worthy claim of our towns man, George P. Pell, Esq., for the posi tion of supreme court reporter, we, the members of the Winston bar, un animously endorse him for said posi tion, and urgently request that he be appointed to the same, Second, That a copy of these resolu tions be mailed to the honorable chief Justice and the supreme court of North Carolina. T GIRLS ON STRIKE i (By lubllshers' Press.) CHICAGO, Aug. 23. Telephones In the down town section were crippled this morning when t wo hundred "Hello" girls went on a strike, defeat ing command that they pass through an alley one hundred feet to the rear of entrance to 'phone build ing and ride to operating room on an elevator located there instead of using the main entrance. The young women employed tactics of unions by throw ing out "pictures' to prevent later arrivals from entering the building until owners or structure rescinded orders. T WITH CAPITAL CRIMES (Special to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO, Aug. 23. Bell Pet ty, a negro charged with burglary, was given a hearing In mayor's court yesterday afternoon and held for trial at the. next term of superior court, This makes eight negroes that are now In jail here charged with capital offences. A special term of court has been called to follow the regular term of court commencing here September 17. The criminal docket is now quite large. . PERSONAL8. N. C. DISPENSARIES (Special to The Sentinel ) RALEIGH.' Aug. 23. Announce nient is made from Democratic head: quarters that Senator Simmons, state chairman, will make a campaign speech at Smithfleld September 11 and Congressman V. W. Kltchlu at Lllllngton September 14. Both dates will be Monday, of county court week. Mr. Zark McGhee, of the Columbia State, Is here for a few daya to write a series of articles on the operation of dispensaries In North Carolina, using the Raleigh institution aa typical or model one. The special purpose will be to contrast the opera tion of dispensaries as local Instltii Hons in this State with the state dls- peusailes In South Carolina. (Special to Tho Sentinel.) GREENSBORO, Aug. 23 By an agreement that was entered into by Ihe officials of the Southern Railway and the trainmen who walked out Tuesday, all of the men returned to work last night and this morning. The men on the night whlft returned to work at 7 o'clock last night and those on tho day shift at 7 o'clock this mom mg. Yesterday morning Mr. Bllbro, (he former yard master, went lo the sup erlnlendent and told him he would like to return to work. He was taken back, as were all the other men with the exception of the conductor and two hrakemen discharged for viola Hon of the rules of the company They may return later. FAILURE LEADS TO AN INVESTIGATION (By Publishers' Prusa ) NEW YORK, Aug. n. Federal authorities took a hand In the affairs of M. J. Sage snd Co, bucket shop backed by "Al." Adams, exconvlct and "Policy King," which Is credited with having duped 25.000 people all over east and south out of more than $2,000,000. As soon as the postofllre department beard the concern bad suspended It began an Investigation with the result today that a quantify of mail addressed to the dim was held up In tho New York postofllce. I'nlted SUiles postal Inspectors have been detailed on the case. t-rtt n .1 - . ... .... . ..imandeil that, nav tie increafn uon. gn ng nre In he plant or uav n , . H( (1,nuI.,,. Bradley Manufacturing Company this I-" ' 1 . , k morning. Four were overcome and.''1"'- h"",s ah "H 8 nine, besides suffering from heat. ere Injured bv flying embers. The "re loss Is $5,000. Tried on Three Charges. Mr. Lindsay Patterson was ralle4 in Walnut Cove yesterday to pro- Mr. O. Flshel, of West Salem. 111., secu.c J. B. . 1 ho has been away from this section before a maglstiate and fined $in f a over forty years, arrived In the city , violating a town ord nance a d 1 this afternoon. He lived about four ! for contempt of court. Woodruff was miles south of Salem befoie leaving, also nouno o-. u , ' vv v..i. ,. ... i.,a'ffr making an assault on R. vv "if his son, John never been here. Flshel, who had Samuel with a deadly weapon. Han was fixed at $50. which was given. Phillip Hooe. of Walkertowii, wai here todaj. J. M. Leulz came In this afternoon from Norwood, Mis Sara Clement B'ooe returned to Walkertown this afternoon. Mrs. S. B. Grumpier, of Goldsboro, Is visiting Mrs. S. J. Nissen, on Chestnut street. Mrs. M. E, King and daughter. Miss (icoigia, went to Phospho Lithla Spi Ings this afternoon. . . Miss Margaret. Vaughn went lo Madison this afternoon to visit Mrs. J. M. Vaughn. --A license was Issued today for the marriage or Chas. A. Hutching to Ruth Trogden, both of this city. Mih Giace. Monroe, of Salisbury, who has been visiting Miss Edna Swink, returned to her home this afternoon. Mrs. R. E. Dalton and daughter. Miss Lillian, who have been to Wal nut Cove and Stuart.' Va., respectively, returned to the city this afternoon. Mrs. Willis Hall, after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Summers, re- turnid to Ingleslde this afternoon ! She was accompanied by her brother, MaJ. T, J. Brown. Fred N. Day and daughter. MUs lone, who have been to Walkertown, returned lo the city this afternoon. Mr. Day has been assisting in a meet ing there. He reports fifteen addi tions to the church, W. T. lister, of the firm of Zim merman and Lester, architects, has tented the new cottage of E. L. Mick ey, on Church street, Salem. Mr. Let ter will move his family her from Salisbury. CI Cuban Revolutionary Force Now Besieging Plnar del Rio. Flushed With Their Succeeee Yester day They Have Fuahed .Forward Vigorously. Situation Is Now Re garded at Critical, from Standpoint of the Government. tlw rubllshers" Press ) HAVANA. Aug 23. The army of Piner (ioeria, flushed with victor of vesteiday over loval gourds a ud rap ture of San Lois. Is now before Plnar Del Rio. An attack m lhal Hy la momentarily expected. A the Insur gent army outnumbers the govern ment forces the fall of Plnar Del Ulo is likely. The (situation apparently Is growlng worse all the time. New revolution- try bands are springing up romrtantlv, especially in the four western pro vinces. Rebel General Killed. HAVANA, Aug. 23 - -General Quell tin Handera, aged negro ItiMirg-rltt lender, with two companions mas killed at 2:30 this morning In a fight with rural guards between Mariano and Hovo Colorado. The body of Banderan has been fully Identified. Pandoras was a noted figure In Cuba. He was seventy years old and had devoted marly yearn to service of his country in continual warfare kept up with Spain previous to Interfer ence of t'nlted States. Ho had op posed moderate government almost from the establishment of the) repub lic. When the recent revolution broke out he was one of Ihe first men In the field against the government. He distinguished himself on aeveral oc casions during Cuban war for Independence. (Special to Th Sentinel.) 8PKNCER. Aug. 22 With a larg and enthusiastic attendance the thirty-seventh annual convention of the Rowan County Sunday School Asso ciation convened this morning (t Ht. Matthew's, eight mile east of 8 pon ce r, for a two days' session. Dr. W. B. Diitters. of Salisbury, prenldtint' Of the association, la presiding at all sessions. Among the other oounty offlcera In attendance are P, 8. Carl ton, secretary; W. !. Klutt. Ifeai urer; Dr. V- M. Poole and A. L, Hinnot, of iIip executive committee. A num ber of the leading Sunday flchool workers In the Statu appear oil tilt program. Oscar Harris, colored, was seriously shut by an unknown party at the pas senger station here late last night anl an investigation as to who did the shooting Is being made. Harris, tell two tales as to Ihe Incident, one to the effect that h Jumped from a pan senger train and In leaving the yard was shot by a watchman, but the statement Is not given credence. An other account Is that ho quarreled with nnoih'er negro who shot him in the shadow of the train. Ills condi tion is serious and mystery surroundi the shooting. SEND FOR CONDUCTORS FROM SPENCER YARDS TRAT NAVAL REVIEW OFF OYSTER DAT (By Publishers' Pres.) WASHINGTON. August 23. The naval review off Oyster Bay labor day will not cost I'ncle Ham million dollars as has been reKrted. it will cost only $009 over and above the ex pense of maintaining tho Ib-et. of 45 vessels for one day, which would have been borne whether or not there were reviews. (Special to Thn Sentinel.) SPKNCER, Aug. 23. A number of Southern Railway conductor running out of Spencer have been caller) to Gioeiisboro to take the places of about thirty employes of the Southern who quit work jesterdai on account of the dismissal of a yard conductor there. The svinpntby of the Spencer conduc tors Is decidedly with the employee at -Greensboro and thus far none who were called have gone to work, alleg ing the (ireensboto conductors and Iraliiment have l,een mistreated New Ad sell L. Va Shoes, -Shoes ami Advertisements. Vaughn tt Co that's all. J. T. Polndcxter A gents.' furnishings. Rosentiacln r & Pro -Tomorrow. Friday, temnant day and a (lay of great bargains. Huntley Hill -Stockton Co. Volo sewing machines. .the best. O'Hanlon's Drug Store. Have your doctor phone us your prescription hud test our service. GOVERNOR PLEASEO "' WITH THE TURNPIKE (Special to Thu Sentinel ) RALEIGH. Aug. 23. Gov. Glenn Kays that while on his trip Into the wi-st-rii part, of the Slate, the past few day a be travelled over and Inspected the Wllkeslxiro-Jt (Terson turnpike road. In which the State Is largely In terested through receiving stock for convict labor In Its construction, and that lie found It to be one of the very best in the whole country. The timber interests alone will yield Immense fortunes In the sections opened up. lie ft-cis confident that It will be a verv snort time now neiore mere win D. S. 'Held is closing out his line of,"" H '""" "I"'"1""" lu" tin and enamel ware regardb-es of price ' road. Prompt, attention on your purl will mean a big saving Fogle Bros. Co. Is furnishing the Ulterior trimmings for the handsom-. New Goode Arriving Dally. D H. Held has re arranged and re modelled his china department in his store The Held store is now recelv- new residence of Cicero Tlse on West : log dally shipments or fine ctrlna anej Fourth street. The Interior of M r ! porcelain ware, and English goods In Tlse's residence will be of hard woodjhlch is embraced the handfmie new and very fine finish. !colonlal design and styles. Mr. Reld i jwia how In his m-w stock one of the Ernest C. Tudor, of Stella. Va.. Orgeat and nt'wt complete stock of j spent the day In the city, the guest fine ware ever displayed In winiton I of his brother. Geo. C. Tudor. . Salem. . . .