rWlN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 27. 1906 fAR. PRICE 5 CENTS 5 HID l IH geceived in Wash- STEISLANO IS ON HIS Have ujhj lc Tone. (Special to The Sentinel.) i GREENSBORO. Aug. 27. Al aj meetiug of the Republican county ex j t'Cllimr ,.n..i --v .iv... ..v.v i .... . . hXlSTSXOTSO r' rVes- i-:ic win' Li,Tj at the ,! then.' is eteij iiir titn,- being at Inutilities fan involutions demanding the im mediate resignation of Chairman Robert 1). ! Douglas anil condemning the manner I in wnlcn ne nas managed me anans. I of the party were passed. Mi. Dong Mas who is now posimaster of lircHiv - c IT PKFSENT'boro, chairman of the county execu-1 l Al lu ,ive committee and editor of the In ! lst rial News, refuses to resign and j the committee adjourned with the L , evolutionary Dis- 6ame chairman it had when the meet- PW " - ... . ...IIlI t.. r.iHu, a. Ovfr Soon un-iug s Unforeseen ue- Vut.omsts Seem to e,Ilian Douglas, yjm aLOaiKtu. There Deiiwinstrattowjis i good attendance of members or the committee present. Mr. A. 1. Grace, secretary, was at tils desK. A number of spectators, who were evi dently expecting an interesting meet There Wrecker of Chicago Bank Can Defy His Pursuers MI REGEPTIOH " IH 2 PARDDNS CITED STOLYPIN NOW FAVORS HONOR OF II BRYINj ID 9 REFUSED REFORMS IN RUSSIA it ng The1 committee met at 2:.P) o clock i nui snatit to a call issued by Chair- NO DETECTIVE COULD CAPTUKE HIM THERE This Island Off Coast of Africa Hat No Extradition Treaty With Anyj Other Nation And Stensland Can Bel Absolutely IrnnuM. from Arrest It I One To Be Held In New York Thursday To Be Nota ble Event. ALREADY DELEGATIONS """m! Russian Premier Also Oppos ed To Creation of Milita ry D'etator. (Special to The Sentinel ) RU.KIGH. Auk 2.V A ta: el two (unions xi.iiited and nine le- fused was Issued yesterday from the ollice of Goyeniur Glenn. The pui dun gianted are to Thus. 1.. Davis. I county. sertlug tell years fori hniglary ami five years for larceny and j Ed Jones. Vance coiinl. serving live j T)c i I IsT'H Af'TlfiM years for criminal assault thU 1 IUl"V5 OlJLll Avlll'ls ARE ARRIVING THERE th ,h" ,N I WOULD CAUSE STRIFE I deuce leaves doubt of guilt and Judge I land solicitor recommend the pardon, j . ... Alnollif the liMrdoliM refuse, Itle i most noiatde in In the case of thenar's Chief Adviser, Terrorised by ) - de- characterized tate de- He Reaches That Place.' Illy Publishers', Pres? ) CHICAGO. Aug 27.. Paul O. Stem land, wiecker if the. Milwaukee Ave- Over a Hundred Democrats from Ne braska And Florida Each Are Now In the Metropolis Waiting to Wel come the Nebraskan On His Re turn from Tour of the World. 27. "Hryan's : whit girl, Sildie Hauiloil. twelve Jeatk -old, recently ronrtiillted lo 1he pell I-1 (futility to solve flVB teats for man ! slaughter. In dismissing the appllca-! , Hon the governor Mates that to pai-i i dun her would mean to send her hack! Attempt of Revolutionist to Take Hit Life Saturday, Urges Caar to Grant Reasonable Reforms With View to Appeasing Terrorists. hi n yii: I'alma faction In ;lhi,strat!"ii of Ms - btrli acri.mpiislien li ielatiohatir will r,m' I , lih ii tew minor tie- :.d th; after this, un-j ,. in tit enters into .'ii,. n-i:; hands now j ;ii llavjii,! and Plnar will Ii dispersed. I H.uatia li-p;t: t-tiis. j .zatiim uf Cuban vui-j is ciiiitiinies and gov-; ig been forewanitd.l liaht :tm forces on a ! hat it may he better i later troubles which i , irstill unless I'resi ,i:;ti ci.iisent to a new .lie, umh ..;s regarded babie. Ai Caban iega- r I'unlo. secretary and . i.viiesse,l the opln uiinii in Ins country lived. He says an ex of 'he iinpoi tance of s has hit' n reached atiuti iintiteil in new.-,- f liifh lie declares jte, from revolutiur.- si cpirmin pi uurti i ulu; B IE SERIOUS ' Junes, conlractor for Inn! Y ,1k, which has i.-iurn ami' Kali igh. fell i: "ti the north side of Ziiizci.ilot 1, a distance ami sustained injuries this winning. iiiiimi,, lo ihe hospiial 'i'liis afternoon he iu lie iii a comatose 'el lit- assistant. Mr. . :c mi a scaffold, "I'1--, imitliig tip sheet ,1"' t'lpc nroke. Mr. i:-u shimlili-r struck a ;-!-ii tint ft om a hase Mr. Snider esc:ned Plot's on his left W unit 'io !, al,,,!'! 4 2 ""years ;'5'ei removed !(, the !. man ft (,, ,.,. " a sent io tlie lios He is being at ua'M) am! Ilvr.nrn. r ellllolll- rill ssilfi. fem 1 I' 111 shi'es that Mr. leained con-lrar-ttn-f f tne skull M THIFFIC r'SCO. Am. ""I Caiifniui ire the r -li!s '!l:ll. .-The Street ! ones oper- ' "Jt lieinjr j. ''"I they are un t ni flic. Vehicles lU" 1""H pressed t 'he rioTed isht the car JFFERS0N DAVIS. Mar 4.-. .. "an. w Jcfpany. K .Vi, for Pla t" I): , I- w i H, F '! ( 1 '-:! -' ' L Ti- ' ' r''.l -' --Manager ": ''I'gaged two liie!:t. .leffersnn ;" Cntifeileracy -"Ismail. ' Southern 'ks' tour ! The coil " 'He both ""ni. Miss ' known to '""'Kb her Mi i sister, new lecriili. ''"'.rls was J--- 'he sec-:'-'a'e prcsl- 1 111 iaiich of M,r,h mid Ret s ,n e fervent ;,,l'l achieve. '"fi leader. !" visit Mrs. " 'id (hey 1 hous. . fin '""mi"" Miss. ' "f many at- t note who Dm ' itlfe lit Si trine,lM ilh the which all tile detectives and police of the win Id will be unable to dislodge him. No extradition treaty exisls be tween the government of Madagascar and any oilier nation and the same may lie said of Spanish Honduras. This statement was made today by an attorney prominently ronnec.ted with the receivership proceedings for the looted institution and adds new in terest to the hmi for the man responsi ble for the crash. CHIEF IH01S SELLS been Issued to pay the Imb- nccunied seats outs de of the ra -i""' o "J"K 01 '-"icago. is on nis ing In the court room, where the meet- way to Madagascar, off the coast of i held After ihe meeting was Africa, there to tlnd the refuge from called to order and the roll call wasi concluded the chairman announc ed that the committee ' was ready for the transactor of business On motion Saturday, September 1.".. was fixed as the date for the county convention to nominate candidates for county officers and state legis latin.. It" was decided that the pri maries to name delegates to the con vention should be held Friday after noon, the 15th.. at 11 o'clock. It waj expected that Mr. Douglas would offer his resignation, but as he did nothing of the kind leaders of the faction that are opposed to him hail the following resolution Introduced, Mr. R. G. Campbell, superintendent of the Proximity and White Oak Cotton Mills, reading the resolution: "lie It resolved, That the Republi can executive committee of (Jullfonl County, in session assemhled.heieby call for the Immediate resignation of R. D. Douglas, chairman or said com mittee." The resolution was passed by a vole of twelve to five. Mr. Douglass failed to resign, and the committee then I passed a resolution declaring the or ifice of chairmanship" vacant. Mr. ! Douglas did not vacate the chair. I Mr. W. P. Ragan then secured the floor and Introducing a nnmlierof re I solutions made a speech condemning jthe conduct of the chairman, and the methods he used In conducting tne affairs of the party. He also con demned the means he used in secur ing the (ireensboro postmastership, and praised Mr. C. P. Frazler, the de feated candidate for posimaster here. The Ragan resolutions, which were adopted, nre as follows: Whereas, at the last state conven tion, held in Greensboro July loth, a resolution was adopted calling the Republican State executive commit tee to meet In ('ireensboro on Septem ber 1st, l'Jlitj, and on the first day of March and September of each and every year thereafter to consider ap plications for appointment to federal offices, and Whereas, the appointment of a postmaster for the city of (ireensboro. will be made by the president upon ihe assemblage of Congress in Decem ber, next, therefore be it Resolved, That the Republican ex ecutive committee of Guilford county, now In regular session, assembled upon call of said committee, hereby deplore the recent appointment of Robert D. Douglas as postmaster at said city of Greensboro, and thai this committee hereby urges and Insists that the state executive committee recommend for appointment for post master at Greensboro some other Re publican who will be acceptable to (he Republicans of the county and whose appointment will add credit and prestige to the Republican party of tht county. Be It further resolved, that we con demn the management of party af fairs by Chairman R. D. Douglas for the reasons: 1. For committing the Republican party uf this county to the bond issue propositipn "for road purposes without having called our committee together for consultation and action on this matter. 2. For committing our party to the special school tax election without consulting our committee. 3. For long delay in calling this committee together after having pro mised to call it Immediately after thf stale convention and failing to inau gurate the campaign promptly, there by injuring the prospects for cess of the party of the comity. 4. For calling the rounty conven tion lo elect delegates to the state and congressional and other conven tions without consulting the commit tee or calling If together for consulta tion. 5. For his uncharitable and unchris tian treatment of one of our honored Reiiubllcans and former candidate for VK.VV Vllllk" iie Nel.iaska honiefolks." consisting of"" a lllV of slmm, ltl"1 "!n Bl) ,1" 111,11 12(1 delegates and members of th-ir i askt '' ullson "'"horltles to give families who reached here last even-l""- "Kht work and tiy to reform her liiir ii i-e.ti. ,!. ..-i,, v Vnrk aim. later .11 sue improves, ue win Chief of Police Thomas says he has sold nearly "mi dog tax tags His first ordi r was for this number. Last week he discovered that more would he needed to take in the canines and he ordered inn more. Several warrants have for parlies who refused tax. but not one or them came to trial. They paid up rather than take chances. Papers were issued today for a dog owner who says he proposes to test this dog tax business if lie lias to carry' the case to the court. The policeman handling the wairant notified his man to take his llrsl degree before Mayor J:ltou Ibis afternoon. The owner of one canine cnm for ward this morning and told the chief that he had decided to let the town kill his dog rather than pay a dollar ;n him. "We are not killing 'em this year." said Chief Thomas. "So you must either put up the cash or do your own destroying." The party conferred with Mayor Galon and agreed to have his animal dead by four o'clock this afternoon. Chief Thomas sins It is surprising1, ueveitheless it Is true, that boys are actually stealing tags off of dogs. One boy Jias been Indicted for this and his trial is set for this afternoon. Many of them were up early at the Victoria hotel. They Intend to have a good time while waiting for their peerless leader to anive within Ihe next few days. One hundred In ihp Florida delega tion, beaded by former Governor W. S. Jennings and 1). W. Fletcher, chan nui ii of the Democratic state commit tee or Florida. ( arrived here today to participate in welcoming ceremonies io Hryan. Thry will call on acting: Mayor McGowan this afternoon. Elaborate in rangeineiits are being made for the big reception to Hryan in Madison Square Garden Thursday. The ciowd In New York to welcome the Nebraska!) will he far greater than was expected at first. The affair will he one of the blggesi events of Us kind ever held In the metropolis. t rv to find her a good home and giant' Conditional pardon. I Another especially notable case In i which pardon Is refused Is .1. V. lllai k j ley, -of Wake county. serving five I years on the county roads for etnbei izllng $l,'inii from h St l.mils stock 'firm while handling mules in car load lots from them, on the Itnielgb inai kel. The idea for the paidon wit ...... 1......1. ' .. ,i. I Miiai nnHioo-ii "Hi leiuiy s pimiiri ijlt, terrorist! won tne hi. i.oiiis nrin ami ititenueo to settle, but the governor says he Is I of the opinion that the money win ; embezzled and therefore decline the (Hy Publishers' Presa ) j ST. PETEKSHl'HO, Aug 27 ' Pn iiilcr Stolypin Is completely ter l rorijed as a result of the attempt made on his life S.ittitdflv by ter- iiorlsts when thirty two persons were 'killed and many other,. Injured by the explosion of a bomb III Ills lesldenre. I He has a-lvlsod Hie ciiu noj to yield lo the grand dukfit who Hie urging the lappoliiiuii nt of a mlliiaiv dictator. 'i'he puiiiler belli-M-s that to name u .dictator at this time would bring on open civil war In Russia and the bomb method of peixuaslon employed by has roinciied him to the belief that the only wuy to pre vent Internal ui Is to grunt liberal refoi ins. Other panloiis declined were for II. P. I.yuch. MilViwell county, serving j eighteen mouths on the Gaston roads; j Charles Klddlck, Hertford couniy. i forcible trespass, serving five monlhn-' on the roads; lice Russell, Polk conn-1 ty, serving six months on the roads; for retailing, also fined $r,uii; Fiank I DEATH OF MR. E. P. BACON Al SAVANNAH Adams, other. of Wake couliU, and Regular semi-monthly meeting of Retail Merchants' Association in asso ciation rooms over postofhee this even ing at ft o'clock. has not been forgotten. Slnr necur ing the postniastershlp Mr. .Douglas has been the taiget of abuse heaped upon him hy those who allege that he used unfair means In securing the ap pointment for postmaster. The fac tion opposed to Postmaster Douglas u nnilioriiv for the statement that the count v chairman piomisfcu rroi. Fralzer before ihe latter anno..iced himself a candidate for the eWce that he would not oppose h'm. After the meeting Chairman R. D. Douglas was seen by the cri-resnin-dent of Tin' Sentinel and asked for a statement in regard to the matter. "Well," said Mr. Douglas, "You know as much alwmt the matter as I Io. Immediately after the slate conven tion I was given to understand that the factional fight in -Guilford county had been dropped, and that'we would hereafter ail work in harmony. I had no intimation of a change of heart in the matter until the introduction of the resolution demanding my scalp. You know what followed. I very nat urallv refused to be bullied out of the chairmanship for the three weeks that will elapse liefoie our comity con vention elects a new chairman. Some time ago 1 announced thai I would not Ihe sue-1 be a candidate for re-election. "The leaders or the lacnon moo went, gunning for me today were W. P. Ragan. of High Point, and ex Sheriff J. A. Hoskins. of Siimmei field Mr. Ragan's opposition to date- from the time when as county (hair mini succession nipi'ra poititmeni as posimaster at P,ini while Sheriff Hoskins vowed vengeance against me from ill- conn i v The Salem Hoys' School hail nn aus picious opening this morning Prof. I. F. Hrower. headmaster, presided. The exercises Included an appropriate scriptuie lesson, read by Rev. K. C. Stetnple, player by Rev. K. (', Cms land, and brief) addresses by Dr. J. II. Clew-ell. Rev. Mr. Hieiuiecke mill Mr C. E. Crist. This school which Is one of (he oldest In the Sonlli. has always made a fine record and Its graduate, wllh the eniloi senient of Prof., Hrower, have had no trouble In securing lucra tive positions. The enrolment of students today numbered nearly !io, making it one of the best openings, In point of atten dance, yet recorded. The Sentinel congratulates the school and Its effi cient headmaster upon the splendid work being accomplished by thU popular institution. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES IN ALABAMA TODAY . rtv Fubllshers' Press.) Ill RM ING 1 1 AM. Ala., Aug. 27. In dications this monring are that H. U. Comer wiil be elected governor III to day's piimaries over I). R. R. Mun nliigbiini Adjutant General W. W. Hrlndon is favorite in state auditor's race with ('. H. Smith and Horace Hodwall behind him. Justice John I). Tyson seems- to be the choice for chief justice. Kx-Governor Johnston seems to be leading in Hie race for alternate senator with ex Congressman John H. Hankueud or Attorney Knox, of AniilKton, second. The morning opened rainy. VISIT NEW YORK High! ha.-" (Hv Publishers' Press.) NEW YORK, Aug. 27 The thirty two Kentucky belles, prize winners of theit state, who won two months tour of Kurope because of superiority of their charing over several thousand of their sisters of "Hlue Grass State," arrived from Antwerp today on the steamer Finland or the Red Stat Line, tired but radiant. They speak itn glowing terms of their trip. Their ;siay in New York will be short. The ; business manager of the Iulsvllle ; Courier-Journal has got to get back 'o woik. Moreover, eveiy one of the t beauties Is Htiffering from homesick-i IlesS. I It appears that the Republican Isisses in Forsyth have about com pleted their sliite-the county ticket to be nominated next Satuiday. In an Interview this moinlng one of the leaders stilted that Stamp Clerk John K. Reynolds, -who Is also chair man of the Republican county execu tive committee, had been practically agreed upon for cletk of the superior court. . "Can be make the race without resigning his position as stump clerk?" the reporter asked. "Oh yes, I think so; John has been holding that job about nine years mid it Is time for him lo make a Utile sacrifice for his party anyway. If he is defeated for court clerk he might be -allowed to bold on to his revenue Job." "Who will you nominate for sheriff?" this boss was asked. "Sam Vance. He-says lie doesn't want it but I lb I nk we can put ll ou him, anyway." "In the event that the assistant posimaster should refuse to tun who would be named?" was asked. "Ob. I guess we would put up ex Sheriff K. T. Kapp. "Who will i-iiii the postoftlce If the postmaster and his assistant ate allowed (I spend a month Iii the cam paign?" was asked "Tb's could bo arranged wit Ih the department at Washington. I pre sume," replied this lie publican, who had nothing to say about the patrons of tho officii, their convenience or In cunvetilenctt, Discussing the other putt of the ticket the man interviewed slated thai J. T. Henbow would ceitalnly be J C. Hiixton's opponent for the stale senate. "How riiany times has your man Henbow run for office since be came lo Foisyth?" queried the repot ter. "Well, he has made Ihe race twice before; the first time for the house and next for the senate Th third tip will put him out if be falls Io win N. S. Wilson has been agreed upon for register of deeds. J F. Miller, of Rural Hall, will likely be named for county treasurer The county com missioners have no( been agreod up- in The name of S K. Hall the I'nlon Republican, mid the law partner of J. T. Henbow, Is being dla cussed In connection with t?i nomina tion for the house. Hlfl running mate will be a man from thj country The leaders are ). edietinK n tg ciowd at Ihe coiiveiit loll. They have advertised It extensively - hey ac counting on Tom Settle, who lit to make a speech, to be a fine drawing card. Mis W. Y. Revelle was notified Sat urday afternoon of the death of her brother, K'lwntd P. Ilacon, which oc cuired thai day at Savannah. On,, where he Inu-t resided for several years. The end w midden, caused by a stroke of apoplexy. The funeral service was held In Savannah yester day. The deceased, who was 42 years old, Is leinembereil by many cltlxens of Winston Salem. He and Ms twin brother, Thus. J. Uncoil, held positions at the Southern depot for some time before they left about 25 years ago. Hoth have been with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad for a number of years, holding positions of honor and trust. Kd and Tom, as they were familiar ly called by their friends, were popu lar wherever they were known. They were clever and honorable. In fact they" were geuUetneii In Ihe truest sense. Prof. Ciouse, director of the Win ston Cornet Hand, has been asked If his organization could not give one of lis delightful concerts from the court house tower. He has promised ty In vestigate and ee If the request cannot be compiled with. "The ttoiiblo would be in getting our big Ims drum and horn up In the tower," said Prof. Ciouse, who staled, however, thai he thought theso could be drawn up by ropea one time as an experiment Prof. CroiiKe is Inclined to the opin ion that his band, on a still rilgtl', could be heard from the lower at far as Kemersvllle. It safe to say that Hie citizens f Winston Salem and for tulles mound would enjoy and apple elate It. OF LOCAL V. ,!. C. A. , . ....i.H-, i .. -1 i-iw. , one ueieaif-u no" " .s.u,c mienum-iiueni - ,.,,.. ll nun lOIIIiei u ii u o I ti . ' i"i " Hon, ami our fori legislature, Prof. Cyrus P. Fraizer. notwithstanding be was Indorsed al most unanimously by this committee, and by. almost the entire business element of the city of Greensboro, without regard to party, for post master. b We further condemn R. D. Doug las, for Usui pntlon of authority and a general do-uothlng policy In the man agement of partv affahs. I The vote ori these resolutions was the same as on the first 12 for adop-: tion and 5 against. They were de clared carried. The adoption of the resolutions was expected by those, familiar with conditions In local Re-i publican polities. For some time the! majoiltv of the leaders of the paityi huin I ... Us I k. .iii't.-IS I COll ..m.v ut-ttii ullose 'I Mi i"".rs and his metlioits. His conduct at the county converitlon held to elect dele- pi niatisbip two years ago. these ijersoiial matters Mi pted. 'heir action today, or tt.ei course may mean the reopening Hie factional light In the party. Whi it Is I cannot say. A certain mkh flcauce may .' however, be attached ' the fart that Messrs. Ragan and ll-' kins were Ihe chief actors If the n cent convention In this county tha' i noloiioiis. if not famous. "So far as I am personally InvoV I III I ae Colli I ovei r v ii isi n I little -consequence to me one way the other, but I cannot but deplme a . int. ma! dissensions in the Rcpublici : pally. The amusing phase ot the li:a it..,- is that they aie angiy because refused Io get angtvy So far us my record as chan man Is. c.uirei nen, i bier il high pialse l.i be auuse.i fin cutting the D-inoeratir malum In Giillfoid county nearly In half, and for being an eiitbnsiasllc supporter of ALL OFFICIALS AT le (Hy Publishers' Press.) HKHIJN. Aug 27 The correspon lit of the 'Scblesiche Zellnng at SI Petersburg wires his paper, that Gov , nor Getieinl Knulhars and all tin 'civil and military i have sent In their TOM LAWSON IN STATE OF COLLAPSE Prof. A 8 Houghton, who has been successfully conducting the Y. M. A glee club and private Classen Iti'lbe city, ban relumed from bis vacation In. the Ninth. He will continue 'the) rehearsals with the glee club, the first one belnit lonlKbt at k .'lo. All mem bers are cordially hulled to be pies- editor of lent and to be punctual. The rehearsal win consist of a review of songs and choruses that have been studied dur ing the two short courses of the club's existence. If Is possible that pet ! n a n -n I organization can be egt.ib- Hwied for vocal and other studies through the winter, Those of the piofexsional gymnasium class who have euthulas'lc over the game of volley bull are to play a mutch game with t (am from the young men's clans Tuesday night ii : 15. 'I he business ii ml profeiyont mea t ilasm will miei this afternoon s usual al ii: l.'i. liOSTON, Mass., Aug. 27-The Heiulil this mottling says: "That Thomas W. Ijtwsort U In a ta'e of physical and un-Mal collapse as a consequence, of Ills wife's recent illleials at ()dexa death is supporled by detailed slate resignations In ajments of extravagant forms In which musical men a become ON LAKE ERIE LAST NICRT action was entire! ( Hr Publishers' Prets I f'l.KVKI.AND. Aug. 27 - Two boali nn-Ibis grief has been manifested and 1st were lost off this hailior duriug Him I given verisimilitude by his-prolonged --totm Unit swept 0yci ,ake Kile last - " absence- from his office ami alisein e , night and this -morning. To save her- Some people make a specialty- of j from business. This story ha been j self the steamer Itoda Stewart cast inswering questions bef.MB they aiciquietly wblspeied about State SlieetolT line tn the l.aige William Graudy hurry. Thi xperted. I a-ked. F.very man knows a lot hitigs he would do If be money. gates to the state convention, in July, I better toads and better school: Mathematicians come I caption of figureheads. during Hie past two weeks Many of ami Agnes Poller She was towed those who hate been In contact oi i 'n Puiter which raught Hie and of fool conflict with blin In bis maullold flu I burned. The Giainly went aihoie. had tiie anclal act, vltles bant leached Ihe con ; T he Steuait beaded f.,r the harbor vli tloti that he will never attain re , but ,-r steam pump was out of com some his former occupations and b" i miss, on and she was bear bed In the under theilbe picturesque ami Milking liguie , bieakwati-r Life niiteis took oil the I be once was tu the life of the stieet."cts

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