WIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEI CnrrT Hit. IIETI. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS RAILROAD TALK. Out or Carrying Isions Putin k Today- Com(trce Commis- Lmgtoo Are Having Wlth Officials of var Rtl3tivt to Provis- jw. .-The iff' rail- ive lo- f, A'- '"' . . .1.. 1S sitmtii I hy I"1""1 ,-oMiitaiivps of many lllflllhlTS of the top o''mniii' now winch io fu el's are detor- L,,,!, .Hail "ii'1' I'rvi ; n 'heir on legai "l! ,if much "f i' a j,e ;e consequences ii ; I iiiiim. 33 i:i:'Ti! by :hr ' I an'! I'l'il' .!J ensue (latum or iiiunission clcd by it THE RECORDS. of Court To Appear !n Stanley Court. Tim Sentinel.) to. .(!. 2s.-cierk M ,:i served with a : aft' i !) tDii for his r:r court in Stan . , - 1 1" mi a criminal :hcii', ami also pro 's Kith liini his court wrdii' the 'attor rui' him to be in Vi'iiiiUv u'h! further L prohibited his car- I mm the office. He wytT tii.-it he (oulil Iiit day .'itnl bring a tlti iiarlicnlar part In' umiii'tl. Mr. Nei ihf Stanly lawyer 'fit the prev isions of reference to these iLOWN OPEN. Office of Bottling sbury Early Sunday Open Safe, a. Gold .Taken. fcTlw Sentinel.) A'ip. 'Jx a largo fnic nf John I,. I.inl "tks in mis nty was "iili'MV early Sunday cii''-tits scattered re tta-; no money lie time ami only a tanen. i here js no )' parlies though of- !! 'liiicenllv. Smi'iay morning ofll i n.'iie in th(. vicinily 1 parties approached 'ln'U to know noth at'tl the robbery was F"l I't'e in the ilav. BYJTRAIN. Wrn Killer) at I . Saturday Night. T'l" Sentinel.) A'lB l Ha. who was an ;,'l"i Haiiwav run- as killed In "'!) night, hi., ciiy in a lie "lured soon Wt'iil here. Hain- " and was on '' le lei; l)f.iw '1 Ixjtli top the in- "juries. Th" re- " In former leg. vocn and ki'iit WINS SUIT. I'or Damages Fa'j(g 0 fr Anythmg. -Tlie ver Th" Seniiu,: All?. -S '"' 'l' (MS. ,.f II, . .!..! Pr" '!'hv Com- ai"riifrfiri 'Hue i-'np. nlict th;, has nnienl was in "iJi a i near- quires nore the of S. Con vention.. 'hil Sunday hld s.; '(' f'alvary Sunday please r'1"rt n th(, I'tt'l'o.-b and J,,erctary. 1 minuter in A full 1 '-'i' i inter and ir T ' "'; " fr. n. -( elir, lAI,t'(lHli .,,.s. "!'lm J- Bryan. ai;' " tii'm 'ti Sf j, "i.llll ' '"sterday :'- to at. Indepeii. i" Madi etiiher " ( his "f M 'tk- v.lie. was KUKLUX KLAN ORGANIZED. Georgia Men Determine to Protect Women from Negroes. ATLANTA. A UK. 2fi.Spuri'(d by the advicn of the Atlanta News, owned by Col. James V. EukMsIi. .Ir., Gov ernor Terrell's chief of staff, the w hile men of Atlanta and the suburban towns have begun to organize a Kiiklux Klan to avenge attacks on white women by negroes. In the last two weeks six white girls have been attacked by negroes in Atlanta anil l(s suburbs, and one lie Kro has been lynched, the others hav ing escaped. The assault which led the citizens to organize a Kuklux Klan was committed Friday night in the western part of tha city, Miss Kate Waite, 1X years old, a schol teacher, being the victim. All that night and yesterday while men armed with rifles patrolled the negro settlements in search of Miss Waite's assailant. It was announced that the formation of a Kukliix "KTan had been determined upon to protect while women. The business men of Atlanta have offered a large sum to aid in the pro tection of white women, and this money will be placed at the klan's dis posal. The feeling between the races is bitterer than it has been in years, and conservative citizens fear there may be serious trouble. MAIN REVENUE OFFICE. Winston-Salem Still Strong Factor In the Race, Says Washington Corres pondent. This city has not given up hope of securing the Internal revenue collec tor's office. Manufacturers who nay more than three-fourths of the tax In the district are located here and it would be to their Interest to have the office in the Twin-City. It Is an nounced that the acting commissioner of Internal revenue has recommended that the office be moved from Ashe- vine. The Washington correspondent the Raleigh News and Observer says: 'Statesvllle'a claims are opposed by Winston-Salem, which has made a strong showing and Is not out of the race by any means. One thing seems clear, and that Is there Is a disposition among revenue officials lo move the office from Ashevilie. There is no par ticular objection to Ashevilie, but the-e ig a feeling that the collector s office ought to be more centrally located for the rest of the district." Reported Rumors to Effect That New Line Is to Be Built from Here to Greensboro. The following is from this morn ing's Greensboro Industrial News: . For weeks past mere nave neen ru mors in the air about new steam rail way being built which would affect Greensboro very materially. It was learned that certain parties here and in Winston were figiiiing together and the rumor went so far as to say that ihe right of way had been seemed and that the road was a certainty. The rumor also connected the name of a very prominent and wealthy west crn senator with the project, ami de clared that he had put up a large check and was enthusisastic over the prospect of the enterprise. It was learned mat wniie some ol the rumors were wrong that the most of it was correct and that the man who could give Tellable information about the matter was E. P. Wharton. il'lwwi Mr Wh;irtn n-iia (ion ho "said' frankly there was a gimd deal of truth in the story. He was asked if Senator W. A. Clark, of Montana, had sent money here to back up the enter prise and that the right of way for a road between (irensboro and Winston was being secured. To this .Mr. Whar ton, with a smile, replied both "yes" and "no" and in explanation went on to say that Senator Clark had sent money here in the interest of such a connection, but that it had not been used. Mr. Wharton then volunteered to write a brief account of the transac tion. His letter proves that the smoke in the air had been really occasioned hy some considerable fire. Mr. Whar ton's letter is as follows: E. P. Wharton's Letter. Greensboro, N. C. Aug. 27, lime To the Editor of the Daily Industrial News: Dear Sir. Some time ago a number of citizens were discussing a plan to build a railroad from (Veensboro to make connection "with some other road so as to get railroad competition, and I interested several men in a pro ject to build a road to Winston. N. C, believing if one would be built we could make some connection with 'he Norfolk and Western, and if no', we could arra:.;e to continue the line to a point where we could have some competition. I wrote to Senator W. A. Clark, of Montana, and he finally de cided to come in with us and he went so far as to mail his check to my brother, J. R. Wharton, of Iiutte, Mont. I at once wrote him that we would give him sixty days notice before we called upon him for any money, ai'ii asked my brother to return the check for the present. ' When I started to lay this matter heforo my attorney, he slated to me that he had been retained by parties who had already made a preliminary survey for this road and other exten sions. I have therefore simply let the matter stand where it was until we could see whether or not Ihe road would be built. I have every reason to believe It will be built by Ihe par ties who are now working on it, but should it not, we stand ready to go tight ahead with our plan and will build the road from here to Winston. I only make this statement because your reporter had heard something alniiit it ami simply wanted the facts. Very truly yours, E. P. WHARTON. ill T H 5 BEfiUf Rowan Superior Court Is In Session Now At Salisbury. Three Alleged Murderers of Lyerly Family Who Were Rescued from Lynching Mob Will Be Tried at This Term. Some of the Alleged Lynch ers Also to Be Tried. (Special to The Sentinel.) SAI.ISIU'RY. Aug. 27.-A regular i"'"i in now an superior court con I vemi,! )wiu t, xl'iv i ;,i. t...i i.' . ....... ... lr ,..,,, nun .niiit- rurRf- son presiding and with Solicitor Ham mer representing the State. A large number of criminal cases wilt be beard this week but the most Imperial' -trial, aL this term !H t that of George Irviu. Henry Gillf.-pie and Delia Dillingham, three of the surviving alleged murderers of the Lyerly family. The trio, which was rescued from a mob here on August (1, is now in jail at Charlotte fin- safe keeping. Several cases. against alleged lynch ers will also be heard at this term of court. 11 TIS Hi BASEBALL NOTES. In Chairman of Democratic Na tional Committee Will Not Resign. Interesting Items About Players The Various League. (Special to The. Sentinel.) NKW YORK. Aug. 27. - 1U winning six id the List eight Mine Hh Ihe jiar.t the Chiraun "Cubs" showed He Has Arrived In New York at Head of Indiana Delegation to Bryan Re- they h.n .1 plenty The Philadelphia of the American I a- iaige bunch of season It has been a bad pennant winning material and llostou clubs igue have signed ungsters for next ceptcon Taggart Favor, Bryan fortiir,,,, sl;ir ,liu.h,,rs season Matty. the Presidency In 1908. (Hy Publishers' Press.) NEW YORK, Aug. 2S Thos. Tag gart. chairman of the National Demo cratic committee, Is for Hrjan. Whether Itryan Is for Taggart Is of course another mailer,' bill It Is bothering the congenial I lousier politician who Is chaperoning the In dlaa .contingent to the Hrvau demon xt ration. " "" ; The Hoosiers are 2.'i strong and of wondrous lung rapacity. They trooped into the Waldorf Astoria today and planted their colors. Taggart said lie would not resign as national chairman. Jack and the Reuben. Why ihe Cincinnati low the Boston out tit for the Happy team should ,il to wallop them STOLE WHITE MAN'S COAT. John Brannon, Colored, in Lock-Up. How Owner Discovered His Loss. John Uranium, a young colored man. is in the city lock-up awaiting trial oi. the charge of stealing a coat from Mr. l.on Ziglar, who resides on Oak street. Policeman Martin saw Mrannon this tnonring walk into Savory's place with a coat on his arm. The officer sus pected at once that the negro had stolen it and wished to pawn sane. After conversing with John the polite man felt satisfied that his first be lief was correct and lie proceeded to march the negro to the police st it.on and lock him up. A few hours later one of the officers saw Mr. Ziglar, who was wearing a pair of pants Just like the coat found in the possession if Rrannon. He was questioned, but Mr. Ziglar said he guessed his en!, was at home. He was advised to ge home and see. which he did. Mr Zig lar returned in ten minutes, and sid that his coat, which he left on the hall rack at home, was gone. He ex amined the one found in the po.,.,-s-sion of the negro and Mr. Zlgiar stated emphatically that, ",his Is iny coat." Hrauiion claimed that he "bought dat coat In Roanoke." ARREST WAS A JOKE. Colonel Michael Dody Arrivec in New York from Cuba. (Hv Publishers' Press.) NEW YORK, Aug. 2S. Among ar rivals on the steamer Mono Castle from Havana today was Colonel Michael J. Daily. He said his arrest in Havana was a Joke. He was on the government boat with regular In spectors looking over work In the har bor when boat ran aground. "Wo were stuck about II hours. Some body told the crew of n gun lxiat that we were filibusters. They came off to us and learned their mistake. I saw no trouble in Cuba. I travelled by rail from Clenfuegos across the Island, Everybody appeared to be ai work. is one of the mysteries of haaehail this yiar. After making a line record away from home the Hnmklyu team went to the bad entliely. The Augusta and Savannah teams, who are righting for the pennant In the South Atlantic league, recently completed a kerles of three great g.iuij- The scores were Augusta I, Savannah. 0. Augusia 2. Savannah n. Augusta I. Savannah 2. The I .a Cross club of the Wisconsin league has two cracker-Jack pltcheis in Join's and SchnellberK. "Duck" Holmes wants second place for tils Lincoln Western league team Itliil is no! many gallics away. The Worcester club is leading the New England league and Jesse Ituik ett, would like to smile but he Is afraid that he would hoodoo the team. It Is pretty safe to bet thai llirmltig ham will captuie the Southern league pennant and Mobile Ihe Cotton league emblem. The Austin team is giving Houston a fight for the South Texas league pennant. MASSACRE OF JEWS FEARED TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Held The trouble Is all west of Havana, did not go that way."- AROUND THE CITY. of Charlotte, was HE SOUGHT REVENGE. Man Kills One Woman, Fatally Wounds Another And Tries to Kill Himself. (By Publishers' Press.) NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Martin Windervein, steamship foreman, re cently returned from Manila, today went to the home of Mrs. Annie lAtr son, in Brooklyn, where he shot and killed her. The murderer then ran to a room occupied by his cousin, Mrs. Fannie Buruhu, and shot her three times. The latter Is In a dying condi tion at a hospital. Windersteln was arrested after a desperate struggle In which he tried to kill himself. It. Is alleged that Windersteln sought ven geance for being rejected by Mrs. Larson. SPELLING REFORM. A Number of Business Establish ments Have Adopted the New Plan. (Hy Publishers' Pres? ) NEW YORK. Aug. 2V-Roosevelt's simplified spcHinj; reform has taken hold with vengeance and many busi ness firms have adopted It in adver tisements and correspondence. A rush for simplified spelling books has struck the office of reform association and'ofticials are 'unable to supply the demand. The printer has been or dered to prepare fifteen thousand ex tra copies. FIRE CAUSES $530,000 LOSS. Big Conflagration Today In City of St. Paul, Minnesota. (My Publishers' Press, I ST. PACL, Aug. 28. The plant of the American Can Company was totally destroyed by fire this morning. the loss being J.Vhi.mimi. Heinz Pick ling Company's distributing ware house was also destroyed, loss being $:iO,(HMi. Midway Locals. (Special in The Sentinel.) MIDWAY. Aug 27 Some of farmers are priming and curing hacco. Misses Rosa and Bessie Sink, of Winston-Salem, have been spending several days with their father, H 1.. Sink, of Midway. Mrs. Caroline Berk, of r riodnerg. is reported to be very 111. .1. E. Nifong had a tobacco raisine the pa:l weeg. lie win be ready to cure the weed. The wedding bells rang In. our com niunity again the past week. Ihe con trading parties being Mr. K. K Snyder and Miss Carrie Nifong. There was a large crowd at M' Olinet last Sunday at the reguli.' f j series of meetings. The meeting has Deen post poii'-'i a Enterprise to the fourth Sunday ii Octolic. the to barn soon ;li!s A colored excursion arrived hete yesterday afternoon from Danville. i handled '.oil or film passengers The visitors left for home at 4 o'rlyk this morning. A report was current that one negro fell from the train near Martinsville, but this was not confirmed. N. II. Medearls Is off on n business trip. M. Y Brunt went to Mocksvllle this afternoon. A. Wiirnstorf, here today. C. W. Barbee returned lo the city this afternoon. R. T. Hopkins came In from Oar lot In Ibis afternoon. ' I'' David Held came in yesterday af ternoon from Norfolk. Miss Daisy Spangh left yesterday afternoon for New York. J. 0. Buxton went to Dobson this morning to attend Surry court. George N'orfleet came In this morn ing on the train from Greensboro. II. S. Crist returned to the city yes terday afternoon from Wllkesboro. Henry Segelken, of New York, who is touring the South, was here today. Mrs. S. J. Montague relurned this morning from a stay at Blowing Rock. J. B. McCreaiy left yesterday after noon for Virginia to purchase horses. Clement Manly went to Dobson yes terday afternoon to attend Surry court. Thomas Tharpe and E. D. McCallJ of Ronda. were guests at the Phoenix last night. The nassenger train from Char lotte came in over an hour I afternoon. W. J. Wolfe, who has been lion for a few days, refill uei( lo Tobaccovlllc tbls morning Marshall Adams, of Greensboro, was here yesterday, returning home In the aftei noon. Mr. and Mrs. If. A. Slddall have re turned from New York and other Northern points. Ned Shore returned lo Ihe city ibis afternoon from Norfolk, Virginia Beach and Wnghtsvllle. Jefferson and Katherlne Cav,' who have been to Mocksvlllf), relum ed to the city this afternoon. Rev and Mrs. C. H. Wenho'd re turned to Kemersvllle yat'n'.fiy af ternooii. after a stay in lh cl y. T. W. Gentry, formerly of this :ity, now of Greensboro, who h ait,' been visiting his old home near King, Is In the city. E A. Pierce and family, of Martins ville, who have been visiting relatives here and at Clemmons. returned home this afternoon. The county commissioners have wo paid forces out repairing the pub lic roads, but their work is being irnatly retarded by the rains. Grace Sunday sctnxil will picnic at Nlssen park Thursday. The mem bers are asked to meet at the church piotnptly at 9 o'clock, a. m. Clarence Clewell left this afternoon for Bethlehem, Pa., lo resume his position as instructor In electrical en gineering in Lehigh I'nlverslty. Mrs. H. B. Hayes, of Baltimore, v ho has been to the western part of Itie .S'ate, arrived In the city this i.f i" Mion to visit her aunt, Mrs. E. C. ("inard.. B C. Tavls, who has been studying aw at the State I'nlversity and who ,tood the supreme court, examlii.iiion icsierday, arrived In the city this .ifiertioon. - J. W. Frailer. W. E Beck, A, F. Hail. .Vi. C .Ashburn, C. D. Powell, K. ! Hrietz and R. P. Cllngman went :o Mayrxlau this afternoon to do some Odd Fellow work. C L. VanNoppen. of Greensboro, was here this morning en route to Mt. Airy, where tils family are spending the summer. Mr. VanNoppen Is plan- One For Guilford County Being In Greensboro. (Special to The. Sentinel.) GRKKNSHORO, August 2n.--TIio Guilford county teachers' Institute be gan yesterday morning at ten o'clock and will continue through the week. The Institute Is under the direction of Prof. Thomas R. Foust. county super intendent of schools, and Prof. Wiley II. Swift, superintendent of Ihe Greensboro public schools. This morning Dr. B. C. Gregory, of tho city schools at Chelsea. Mass.. ar rived to assist In the work of the In stitute. He Is a prominent educator and has had much experience In In stitute work. He will be here until the end of the week. There was a good attendance of teachers at the In stitute yesterday and others ate ex pected lo be here In time for the ses sions today. The first, day was large ly taken up In announcement. Yes terday morning Prof. Foust made a brief talk In which he advocated the use of the phonic system of teaching reading lo children In the public schools. It was observed that a large number of Ihe teachers used the sys tern last year. At the end of Ihe week a public examination for teachers will 1m: held. The meeting this year Is for teachers of the schools of the city and country. Heretofore teachers In th city schools have not been re quired to attend. BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. by Interesting Program to Be Given Musical Organization, The program arianged for the band concert tonight Is as follows: M a rrh Independence. Hall. MarchOur Director -Illgelow Oveituro All lilts. Aseherand Mahl. Waltz Forest Park. Two Step - -Good By Johnson. March Yule Boola. Part II. March Fort Daytom . March -R turn me nl, Bryan. fKerlure Out for Waltz eiarllie',. Two Step-Why Don't You Try Keeker. Two Step-Peter piper -Henry . This program subject to change, Thomas. Georgians -Sells. of the 17lh Regl a Lark -DeWltl SECURED THE MONEY. Officer Comes Here from Greensboro to Collect Bond. This morning's Greensboro Tele gram saytr. "PollC Sergeant Barnes spent .yes terday afternoon In Winston. He went to see Jim Brooks, a white man. who va.i vanied here on the charge of disorderly conduct. Some time ago Brooks was arrested here on this charge and another man went on his bond for appearance at court Brooks didn't appear. The man who went on his bond forgot the obligation Mr Haines then wrote to the police In Winston to arreat Brooks tf he could be found there, Yesterday the officer received a message that Brooks was in the lock-up In Winston. Mr, Barfies went, there yesterday afternoon, saw his man and got the money. , turned last night." re New Advertisements. The Huntley Hill Stockton Co. The Volo sewing machine, moderately priced, highest In quality. Itosenhaoher & Hro Announce gitat four day sieolal sale of table linens, napkins, towels, spread, sheets, pillow rases and lace Curtains at wholesale prices. Forsyth Hardware Co. Curloy Ideal safety razor, an improvement ovei any yet Introduced, O'Hanlon's Drug Store-Tooth brushes, the kind that is a pleasure to use; do not lose their bristles MrownRogers Co Chafing dishes, a large lino to select from. The C. L. Wilkinson CO -New ning to establish a tiori.ooft publishing goods arriving dally; special Induce house at Washington, D. C. mcntn In every department. Many Have Left Warsaw. Thinking An Anti-Semitic Outbreak Certain. Soldier In Polish Capital Enragtd at Killing of a General, the Belief Be ing That th Murderer la a Jew. General Trepoff May Be Sent to Warsaw. lIU Publishers' Press) ST IT.TKRSIU KG. August 2S Thirata to etermtnate ht Jewn of Warsaw have been made by soldier j of the lSilish capital In reveugp for the killing yesterday of General Won larlarskf. who was xhrrt down In hi carriage by an unknown man sup posed lo have been a Jew. As a result of these threats the Jews are In a panic. Many arc Seeing from the city. This Is the Information ron talned In diutchoit received early this morning There seems lo be a plenty of authority for reports that a niassacie of Jews is probable and further news, from the, city Is eagerly awaited. In the Jewish quarter the greatest alarm prevails, those who remain are arming themselves for protection and aie prepaied to sell their lives dearly. Disorder In Warsaw. WARSAW. Poland. Aug SS.-tien-era I Tit off, the "Iron fisted" sup pressor of revolutionists In St. Peters burg, is to be appointed governor general of Warsaw, uccordlng to a re port current here as Ihe only man capable of dealing with the reign of anarchy which prevail here. Murder goes piactlcally unchecked and lesser crimes are committed with impunity. Twenty-two murders have been com mitted since August 2.1rd. Th mur der of General Wotilarlarskl )tmter day Illustrates the Ineffectiveness of the police. "WATERMELON PARTY." Delightful Social Evtnt On Mil 8outh of Kernrvill. Pronal Mention. Special to The Sentinel. KKKNERSVILI.E, Aug. 2R, -One of the most delightful social events of the seuson was the "Watermelon Party" given last evening from H till II by Musses. Herbert and Bernard Stafford st the home of their pareuts, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Stafford, about one mile south of tills place. The large and bountiful lawn was brilliantly lighted with Japanese lantern and after a number of games were partici pated In hy the young people, they were Invited to n long table on the east side of the lawn Which was weighed down with huge slices of red and yellow meat melon. Thesis were the best melons lht writer has seen this season and to say they were en joyed is putting It too mildly. Those present were: Miss Florence Robert son, of Roanoke, Va., Mis Margaret Woodruff. -of Springfield, Mass . Misses Annie Laura Lowrey, Aiililn and May Greenfield.' Maltle. Kale and Willi Stockton. Annie Hastings, Nannie Gentry. Maud Hooker, Huth Glerach. and Messrs. M. Vance Fulp, Chester Morris. .1 Gilmer Korner, Herbert and Bernard Stafford. Kohlor Greenfield. Odell Heard. Fred Roberts, Herbert liwry, Lester Lowry, of New York; Russell Korner, of Wilmington. Mr Lester l.owrev, of New York, Is (.pending liis vacation hern with hi father on Salisbury street. Miss Florence Robertson, of Roanoke, Va , Is the guest of Mis IVire Korner, Miss Daisy Leak has relumed from a vIhII to friends at Lexington. Miss Zora Snpp Is visiting her sis tor, Mrs Brooks, al GoldslHiro, Mrs Asbworth went lo Greensboro yesteiilay to visit friends. Messrs Arthur Asbburn and Early, of Winston, spent Sunday evening here, the guests of Mr. Herbert Lowrey. Missis Leggeii and Russell Kor ner are spending some lime here with their parent. Mr, and Mrs. J. J Kon nei. oil Siilishiii y street. Miss Hoyd Uiwrey Is III at the home of her father, Mr. James A. IjOWrey, on South Main street. Rev and Mrs C. II. Wenliold re turned to the city yesterday from Winston Salem, where Mr, Wenhold has been right sick with malaria at the home of his father-in-law, Mr, H. A. Leinbach. IIU many friend are glad to see him out again. A HORRIBLE MURDER. A "Jack the Ripper" Crlm In New York. (fly Publishers' press ) NEW YORK Aug. 2H. A "Jack the -Ripper" murder wan committed in the Bowery district early this morn ing The only clue to the murderer is a bluodv thumb print. The victim of the knife is Annie Moore, aged C, who for many years has lived In Illic it relations with her brother-in-law, James Moore. The body of the mur dered woman was slashed and gash ed to bloody mutilation. It was found lying across ihe bed fully dressed Monies wife h aid to be living Il waH arrested on suspicion. - Rev. Henry Durham, colored, who wi n! t, pentisi ivanla two yearn ago If, accept the pastorate of a church, left luday for his home. 'after spend ing a few Wcckx here, the guest of Prof S O Atkins and other friends. Slater Industrial ai.hool will open October 1st.