rWIN-CITY . : . DAILY SENTII Ji-o 3 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 29, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS 1 lr ., ' 11 I Ml, tn Nearly Ev- yc Now In York. ARRIVES AT PIER TODAY ptnd Night Aboard ,nd Will Arrive The Battery Tomor- JU IK AFFECTED. HE SOLD i BEEfjw" bh n ig dpeh am ma Murray and Mack To Appear Here Wednesday Night In -Around The Town,,--Ar-thur Dunn To Be Here One Night During the Fair. The local theatrical season will lie opened at the Elks' Auditorium next Wednesday night when the well nown comedians, Murray and Mack, will annear in that new and success- jful comedy, 'Around the Town, I Murray and Mack were not here last ! season and local theatre goers will lie delighted to welcome them here Every Bureau Under txecu- tive Control Must New Spelling. Use Congress And Supreme Court Only Two Branches of Government Not Affected. Numerous Inquiriet Re lative to Spelling Reform Order Will Cause President to Issue Statements. OYSTER Roosevelt's those ilavs Puhlb HAY. mail with hers' Tress ) Auk. 2!i. - Picsident bag is overloaded letters fiom Wash- Wilkes County Man Sent To The Roads For Disposing Of Diseased Meat. Dressed a Cow That Had Died from Disease And Sold Quarter to a Citizen of Roaring River. Sneriff Johnson Carries an Old Man to the Penitentiary to Serve Ten Years for Killing His Son. ,t 4 OcIock, vu'"s .. A u,te. (,., ,Pssce s. A tgru Hotel Where j Sohlois.s. of th Auditorium, says that Arthur Dunn, the celebrated comeritan who appeared here twice in "The Run aways,'' will be here on the night of October 4 with a company of sixty neonle in "The Little Joker." It is said Ihe diminutive comediau is at his best in this play. , Ul)M!Tt.e FofBig 1 1 Maaisuii - L N'ght. I The St'titiuc.) A t'r aft of ;hc snorting little La ill. hay toda to Ii;f rniull l.myu liner :x on iinaid Wil- M bis P'irl' . 1 nt' . nf pciuncrtits th. ir iilul as tne Adan'lc Ocean llcyiiiul a pos- Mr. Hrvan at the '$ hone steams Narrows and up l'o Kit' .Minn Hiver, llMwats will have (l wricR nr meeting 'he pnipe-r time at- t Ji steamship ties H.'liokin until Mr. tiry tomorrow i"c) in strict seclu- wiU spend the I win 'of his friend. .on is-, where he will h(i have closest I. pefxmallj- (if pnl- t;ea! managers of NVIiraskan realize a most critical ' !i''i. snver llenin- rmofrats. Socialistic 'he oilier kinds are lai mer' Tomorrow's I hi "Hie peeiies W'uiu ti sonic d( altitudes toward nil fr ni'icralic far 'hat after these thfir tcpresenta- have sr-nt tn Vrw ii'n "ml hoard his the welcome Iniakr it,, tl,er minds s'ia!l have their ii'itiiinalioii for I' Hie ff n,,if.i-ri i 'ie i h,. I, ' named r(ir h'-winntiiiti. Whether a siiffich nih il; In Maud the strain )'Mrs illliv linw. r- , Sheriff Johnson. i,f Wilkes count.!. was here this moining, returning from Raleigh lie eanted Hiram Hlggins to the penitentiary lo serve a sen liigton begging f,,i- light on the spell tence of ten veats'for killing his son. lug order. Hundreds of bureau chiefs', Higgltis i, alxiut ('. years old. lie and department officials lire "mi iniw;, euiivii-te.l In Wilkes rmirt last DISCOVER PLOT TO ABDUCT CZAR (By Publishers' Press.) 1 WRMINGHAM, England, Aug. 29. The Post today says a number of members of the Russian Secret po'iv tc searching London for details of suspected plot fir abduction of the czar. The highest families in Russia are implicated In the plot, including reactionary Instigators of counter revolution, who are not aiming at. the method of rule but at a person for a ruler. It is said that this clan has grand duke ready to take the czars place as soon as he has been abducted or forced to abdicate, which possibly is only a matter of hours. the air" over illy mailer and are writ ing frantic letters to Secretary lieb, asking to be steered tight. "Docs that order apply to my bureau." Is the usual way in which questioners begin their letters. In order lo set all government officials us w;ell as public at president week. The old man lived on Ihe Wllkesboro pike in a little cabin which he owned, with his wife. He and his son had trouble and al the time of the slaving were undi" bonds for an nf fray. The sun bad taken the father's house Mini moved Into II with his own large on the right track the family, driving the father from home, is preparing a letter defin- although he permitted his mother to ing the .spelling order. This letter leniain. On the 2tith of May last, the will be addressed . to either Public , old man went to the house, with a Printer Stilling or Prof. Brander Mat-! shot nun. onened the door and as his thews and may lie issued before the end of this week. It may be an nounced in advance upon good auth ority that the letter will clearly stale that the new order of spelling is to apply to all departments under the executive. This means the entire machinery of the government except congress and supreme court. on tosp from the breakfast table shot DO WILL BE TRIED 1 HiS Lift "C.lli'HI, none -eiitniiii' York risl,"i's nlreiiilv ire to con today, meets 'Mc!aiions of 'ni'instration. appear to :til Missouri. ire Mary- v ti a 1 its C, III. f Th. Mtln !;: ''' iniiiih, s 'I Jill t he ... '' "'presented hundred ad ,ire sending From n,P foillia fire. ;, -mailer deleKa " All"" Hie hotels V,ri""i"rs are indicating l"- Oklahoma In",,, ,lrRl"ii'' 1,10 ,h" union iian.!""1, Mch i!lst '"' Hotne, :i ,i . -. eir rne . .IVIM""'X- Til,- "U t 1,., . . . " "i no tne o matter is ihe rule ''Rate' is Hit 'n L "ai" 11 ,.: '-"tiMMMfiy re- liinnoi' ''I'-ii hoiu,' 'I Ml U. .u 01" Mm,, ".-Sri" "ii'iill t,e on Into inetro- 81 P'imeronK with (he '";'"' for Mr. :U'1""'K in -the '' '! out in 's likely !. meet with '"'" has pro l"';"ts i ,hig ,"! 'bis week """if In f in. ;' 'Uonstra ;!! deliver Missoiii-f r'i;-'r.r," ",;'k'nK an 'ii-r v,'k riniet lr"iii the "f 'h Mr. ""ra; !,T e. I.V,.. "'Die. (Special to The Sentinel.) Dl'RHAM, Aug. 211. In Ihe superior court Freeman Jones, colored, was arraigned on the charge of burglary in Ihe first degree and will be pu: n, trial for his life Friday morning. A true bill was returned this morning and almost Immediately the prisoner was arraigned and a special venire of fifty men drawn and ordered to re port In court room Friday at 9: ISO o'clock. As the negro has no counsel the court appointed R. (). Kverett and Del.ns Sorrell to defend the prisoner This Is a clear case of burglary and attempt, at criminal assault against the negro who entered the home of an aged white woman in Kast Durham late at night and dragged her into the yard and was frightened away by her screams. She has identified him. There was some of her hair found about a button on his coat and other strong evidence. Maj. W. V. Wood, of Greensboro, spent the night here. He attended the hand concert and enjoyed it. "That is the best attraction Winston-Salem could have gotten up," said the maior. who added that he had paid Ul.tiu many a time to sec entertain ments that he did not enjoy as much as this concert. "1 would be In favor of Greensboro getting up attractions of this kind, hut we have no such suitable place as your court house square." "These concerts are bound to make a favorable impression upon visitors to the Twin-City," continued the major. He was eulogistic in his praise of Wlnslon-Salem, saying that her growth and progress since he left here about ten years ago had heen remarkable. Lu If The monthly meeting of the Asso ciated Charities was held jostertlay afternoon at five o'clock in Ihe Klks Home. The secretary's report was as follows: Subscriptions received since last re port, $1 3.5(1 ; amount collected since lust meeting, Jllfi; new members, ": number of applications for help, 2!'; number deserving find helped, 22; number living out of town and un deserving, 7; number of garments dis tributed. 12; help has been given in various ways (provisions, medicines, milk and Ice), to the amount of 7fi.2S. Subscriptions this year have not reached the amount "f those of last year and anv contribution will be gladly accepted by the secretary. aw, 1 1 en -j 11 of C"H1 Vise ""am sn" n-,n; 'hoillrl d(.- '.'.'"'"iig tour " " hi- arrival ""liey W last, year ' about R""li he has !7 "i'h per- -'Hues uf )S Whim, u.. i" i . ' '" " in trw with "t ion erf "e ( -a r '11 H,g. "r Germany '"''""a others. Winston-Salem Negro Arrested. Yesterday's Roanoke World says. Law-ton Dalton. a Winston Salem negro, attempted to rob the home of Mr, J. K. Richardson, No. 51" Third avenue, yesterday afternoon. He was seen to enter the house by a neigh bor, who sent after Officer Ixng. who was on Park street. The officer with the assistance of others, surrounded the house anil cantnred Ihe negro and took him to the station house. The negro did not, manage to steal any thing, but Mr. Richardson found l' under the bed. The negro had taken It out of a nurse and when he, saw that he would be captured, threw the money under the bed. C vil Service Examination. A civil service examination, in the revenue service, was held today in the chapel of the West Winton graded school today. The examining board was composed of L, H. Fisher, secre tary of the Fourth division, civil ser vice. Washington. D. C, Robert Walker and J. E. Peterson, of the post office force. There were nineteen ap plicants for positions as raiders, field marshals, etc. (Hv Publishers" Press.) NKW YORK. Aug. 2. The Mrew- ster Kxpress on the New lorK t en tial with eight coaches crashed Into the rear of a freight, at Park Avenue cut this morning, killing manes Mahoney. biaketnau. and fatally In juring .loll n Leonard, anouier onise- man. Passengers were thrown iroin their seats and many cut by flying "lass. The exnres ran int ou. stalled freight and the hrakemen were caught in the wreckage. Others were getting them out when Ihe express crashed into the wreck. 'The flagman failed tn get in time to wain the apptoi'Ching express. At i iver FEET ABOVE AVERAGE I :;iu this afternoon the Yadkin at the Fries power bouse, near Cleinmoiis, was ten feet above com mon water. Pwas still lising slowly. The Flies power plant on the. r.v 'I' was rorced to shut down at X o'.-lork this morning on account of high water. The superintendent of the plan: re ports that he saw part of a railroad trestle, machinery from a flouring mill, bolting machines, barrels, kegs and a quantity of timber going down the river. The trestle is supposed to have been the one washed out on the Wilke.shoro road last night. The impression prevails I hat a cloudburst was responsible for the rapid rise In the liver. At X o'clock this morning it was up only five feci ind In noon It had risen rive iiioik feet. The ferries on the river ate nut :,i ing operated today on account of nii'M water. :te irth '.i Sells Interest In White Star. Mr. Kverett Lindsay has pun ha Mr. C. M. Tin, mas' inteiest in While Star Grucerv Co.. on Fi Hlreef. Mr. Lindsay has been sa man for the compain ever since u;,u , realized For a year or in before he was with Mr. J W. Carter now manager of the While Star Mr Lindsay Is a clever and active yiim! man and The .Sentinel predicis that he will prove a valuable acquisition the management f this well known and (successful business. him in Ihe arm at such close range as to blow It entirely off the body. The K.Hi ran from the house up the pike until he fell from loss of blood and expired. The old man says that he did not shoot his son but that the latter grab bed the gun and caused the explosion himself. His wife, however, testified that he opened the door and shot his victim as the latter rose and found himself facing the raised gun. Sheriff Johnson stated that lw-o other important cases were tried dur ing the term. A negro barber named Craige. who was arrested in Greens iKiro a few montliR ago, was convicted of seduction. The Judge first gave him a term on the roads, but later changed the sentence to linn fine and costs, provided the same was paid within ten days. Last Saturday Craige's wife came up with the cash, thereby securing the release of her husband Hort Privet tc, a white man, was sentenced to the roads of Iredell coun ty for six months. He was convicted of selling diseased meat. According to the evidence Introduced against Ihe defendant. Prlvette lost a cow. lie dressed the animal and slated to a neighbor that he had decided to take the meat to Wllkesboro and sell It out to the lawyers of the old and new town. He took the "beef" up, but the market was stocked and the owner failed to find any buyers. Ha then went to Roaring River and sold a quarter to Thomas Church, who was advised, before he ate any of It, that the meat was bad. A warrant was then issued for Prlvette, but he left the county before, the papers wen; served. At the spring term of Wilkes court Sheriff Johnson had tbft Indict ment nol prossed with leave. Prlvette was notified by a relative or friend of Ihe solicitor's action and he returned to the county a month or two ago. A new warrant was nworn out and Sheriff Johnson arrested him. While lu Raleigh Sheriff JoIuihoii was Interviewed by a News and Obser ver inan. This sheriff Is quoted as saying that the congressional fight In Wilkes was close mid baffling. He would nol predict, the result. All the Democrats would come out and vote for Hacked, he said solidly, and he had heard several influential Repub licans ta that they would vole against Hluckbui n. , , . IE GIVEN THIS YEAR Six Fine Attractions of Musi cal and Literary Nature To Appear In Auditorium of II ii .a.l i .M l . i iew noiei jnzenaon un der Auspices of Hospital Association. In the auditorium of the new Hotel Zin.endorf there will be given this I fail and winter an excellent lycetim I course, consisting nf six strong com panies. This course will be both i literary and musical, the ver kind to i Interest and amuse the cltliens of I Inston Snlem. The season will last I for six months, one concert being given each month from October to March Inclusive. I The course Is under the manage jment of the Alkahest l.vceum Com I pan. of Atlanta, Ga . and will t I given hero under the auspices of the Twlii-(llly Hospital Association and I will be fin- the benefit of that worthy I Institution. Mr. F. M. Loveless, sec retary and treasurer of the lyceum company has been In the city making arrangements for the course to be given here and the contract has been i signed. DEPOSITORS T A message was received here Ibis morning stating that there had been ,i serlotin washout on Ihe railroad be tween Pilot Motiitlai.n and Mt. Airy. As a result of the washout travel on this line is interfered with to a con siderable extent. Passengers west of Ciutelilield on the Wllkesboro branch of the Sotti hem have to be ttans f erred. A notice was posted at the union passenger station today staling that on account of the washout, no lialns will be run through to Mt. Airy until finlliei notice. Another notice announced that pas sengers for Wllkesboro would be transferred west of Crutchfleld. New Advertisements. Ogburn-Vest Co. An at 1 1 active list of farms for sale. ) Wachovia Loan and Trust. Co ; Some inside figures for you. The Allen Co. Announce special J -ale on neckwear for Thursday, Fi I-t lay and Saturday. i The J. V. Hester Co. Tell of great j I'uiigaln exposition which will close j i Saturday. fn(. enamel ware 2r,c; 25c! ware inc. ' j liosenbacher & tro The four-day linen sale now on means a saving of ' from 15 to 25 per (ftit. Simpson Drug Stoic An- your I prescriptions filled, by tegisleri-d j'ltugglst? ; i. Owens Drug Co Over l.i.oou pres 'eilptloiiK filled )f.g-y at this stole. He states to the local com- .v.... .1 ..,.......! .. ,. I no, tee i la, uie roiiise srit-tn-,i in far the strongest In the repeilotte. The president of lire lyceum company writes that ! will be the strongest course of any lyceum In the South the coming season. The tickets are to be placed In the hands of the ladles of the hospital association for disposal and will be of two kinds, a double and a single ticket. The double ticket will admit two persons, and the price, will be $5. nil for six concerts. The single ticket will be $;:.nn but will only ad mit, one person. The hotel auditorium will seat from ,'!5n to loo persons and from present Indications It seems that the house will be taxed to Its capacity both from the fact that the course Is an exceedingly strong literary and musical one and In addition to this the fact that It will be for the benefit of the well known charitable Institu tion the hospital. After the pet fot inanees those who so desire may be served to a light evening lunch In the hotel. The first number on the program will be Ralph lllngbam, ot f the foremost humorists "n the lyceum platform today. He Is unusually gifted, not only In wit but also ill a musical way. During bis two hours' entertainment be Intersperses his program of humor with selections on the violin ami piano. Mr. Bingham, who opens the. course, . will be here the latter part of October. lu November the Huston Orchestral Company will he the attraction. This company consists of tin- following, F, H. Jenness, violin and director, L C, llalchclder, flute and piccolo, K. R Ucodle, 'cello and piano, K. K Hag ley, trombone and viola, and K. A Steady, cornet and violin. This com pany of five stars comes to Winston Salem backed by the highest recom mendations nf well known musicians and the press. This company costs the management more than any of I ho others. The Edwin R Weeks Company In cluding Mr. Weeks, Impersonator, Miss Crnce Jlllsoo Weeks, soloist., and Miss Kllzabetlt Mayo, concert violinist, will be here lu December. This com puny needs tin Introduction ns It has beeji on I lie concert stage for h great many years and has met with much success. A quartet of ladles. Misses Nellie M. Donovan, first soprano and aecom pauist, Kathleene Leavill, second soprano and violinist, Alaleen Samp son, first alto and malinger, and Mae A. Dickinson, second alto and reader, known as the Ariel Quartet, of Itos ton. will appear here In January. This company Ih a new number for this sec lion but It will be one of the lest numbers of the course In February the Alkahest Art Heel lal Company will be the attraction. 'The main star In this company Is Mr Rosa Crane, cat loorilsl, clay moulder anil pianist. Mr. Ctanc Is a number In himself but together with Misses Christine Giles and Manriclelrie M Evans, the number will be exceeding ly good. Mr. Crane's characters with crayon and clay are very Interesting Miss Evans plays the cello while Miss Giles not. only pbtys the violin but he, exquisite soptalio voice will de light the music iovets of the Twin City. The course will be closer In Msrch with the conceit of the Pacc-KIIng Recital Company. conslMIng of three ladles. Misses Florence Marion Pace, soloist, Jeaniiclie Kling. leader, and MhiIh L. Kvuiis. accompanist, T'.ehe ladies are railed the "American beau ties of the lyceum platform." Large Number Gather About .Office of Wrecked Phila delphia Concern. Persons Depositing With Real Estata Trust Co., of Philadelphia, Stand In Front of Concern, Threats Against Officers Being Fresly Made. Re ceiver Thinks Everything Will Turn Out All Right. !l Publishers' Press I PHILADELPHIA. Aug 2'. - George It. Earl, Jr.. qualified this morning as receiver of the Heal Estate Trust Co, which closed Its doors yesterday after noon. It U Mr Earl's opinion that the concern will soon resume as direc tors have conclude,! to meet all claims, of the d,-Misltoi s. Depositors Are Angry, A crowd of angry deposltora con gregated about the door of Ihe col lapsed Real Estate Trust Co. today. The line blocked the clty n busiest coiner and details of police left on guard for over a mile were tinshle. to cope with them. At (list Ihe deposi tors gave vent to emotions by tears but during the morning many mutter-' lugs wcie heard and some of the crowd voiced indignation In threats against officer and dliectou of the wiecke,l concern. PHILADELPHIA, Aug 2d. -The Real Estate Trust Company, organ ized In lNSf,. the depository of nearly million dollars of the funds of the Presbyterian church and holding $;1INI,IMUI of the money of the city of Philadelphia nmj $l7ii.WM of stale do posits, today closed Its doors. The failure was caused by heavy loans made by the late president, Krauk Hippie, to Adolf Segal, a promoter, on Insufficient security. A desperate ef fort .was made to save the Institution by the hoard of directors through an appeal to the clearing house associa tion, but that boil) declined to sub scribe h guarantee fund of $7,wtft,iMM, because of Insufficient security. The HabHItlcH are placed at It",-. niMi.uoii, with quick assets of :t,f,Oo,. nun, and doubtful collateral amount ing to $s,niin,nnn, , George H. Karle, Jr., president of the Finance Company, of Philadelphia, was appointed receiver and In a slate meiit to the public he expresses the hope that he may soon be able to rec ommend a plan to Ihe depositors tht will better serve their Interests and terminate hls services. , .' " PLAN AN ATTACK DfJ CONSULATES (Hy Publishers' Press.) LIVERPOOL, Aug. 29 An attack on consulates nf various nullum, at many points throughout Russia with the object of Involving; the ajovern mcul In complications with foreign powers Is being planned by Russian revolutionists as I hell next step In a campaign to force die government to giant reforms for which they r fighting This Is the news sent by a correspondent, of tne Post at Odessa A proclamation has bemi Issued by radical section of socialist revolu tionists, according to correspondent, In which i heir program Is outlined, lire mailer Is now In the hands of 1 committee of revolutionists, which Is completing plaits lo have all attacks on cotiKiilatci made simultaneously. T AT SALEFJl On Thuri-day, August With, a I. the Academy campus, ai eight o'clock, the Salem baud will give a concert com pllmcnlan to friends add visitors In Winston Salem The following pro gisin will be rendered: Grand March -"Hadow."- Miliars Medley March "Starlight" Morse. Ma i eh " Washington Grays." Gr- fulla. Song -"My Old Kentucky Home" FoHlel. Medley March "Jtmt a LlUle Rock ing Chair and Yon." Morse, (juleksiep' Sui prise. "Uoyer. Part II. Oyertuie "Golden Hccp4re" - Scbiepegrell, March Espsgnol, "Sornlla." Gal- Mtti Waltz UIIATI FALL All the Important countries of Asia and Europe were visited, the tour ex tending below the equator and above the arctic circle. The First presby'eriau land Sunday school will picnii j sen park tomorrow afternoon the corner of Fourth and sheets at I:-1U o'clock. The condition of Mr Jones, who fell from a scaffold Hotel Zinzendorf Monday, riiow.- material change. He Is still scions. church at Ni--eavin Cherry S. F. Shore, of Yadkin, was itliis afternoon, returning from a I '0 relatives In Indiana here Visit John T at no uneon The 'rhlldrcn'H hour at Ihe Car negie library Friday Is at II o'clock. Miss Sillman. a writer of children's stories, will entertain the little folks with fairy tales and stories of giant-t, -johlins, and so on. CINCINNATI. Ohio, Aug 29. This city's llfih fall festival was opened by Mis. Alice Roosevelt lyOligs Worth this morning at 10 o'clock. The dangbiei of the president pressed a gold button place,) upon the balcony of Music Hall. When the tuition yielded to pressure of her finger an electric cur rent sped to great bell which crown "Hrldge of Smiles, " and their lesonan' tones marked the. forma! opening of a great festival which will continue for four wreks. Ihe Ian' pent of the chimes witnessed the throwing open of the gates of "Jo Land" end the d'xir of Music Hall, fine of the fea ture! of the festival will be the flist performance In America of .' Mine Moon," noted lymdon production. "The Rose of "M.issa's In the Foster, -"The Captain Tugglnei Song - Ground.'' March Louka. Dixie Ellllll' t Arnbls " Cold, Cold General. " T IN FERRY ACCIDENT (Hy Publishers' Pretts ) NEW YORK, Aug l"i T) men were drowned this morning when the Jersey Central Feny boat Red Hank crashed Into the hap'ha launch Hud son and splintered the little boat against Ihe bulkhead of Jersey City pie i. Fears are i-i pressed thai there may have been other), aboard the Hudson What left of the yacht sank after the collision E H Hns.. Jr. lis accepted a position with Watson's drug store,