THE TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, AUGUST 29 PERSONAL NOTES. (? i it n i 1 1 C II OF H Are Your Prescriptions Filled o r-i r-i by a Registered Druggist? P You Will Find a Registered M Druggist Always Present n When You - ------ B LEARN IKE WAY TO SIMPSON'S n . .. .. . . ir. ,Jj ul mmkjwmiM vmmmhWiMm JfijmtntuM huKrttauku jkite4MfeM4fl LjuiJ m f I Eat More of the most nutritious of flour foods Uneeda Biscuit the only perfect soda cracker. Then you will be able to Earn More because a well-nourished body has greater productive capacity. Thus you will also be able to Save More because for value received there is no food so economical as Uneeda Biscuit CvC In, a dust tight, ) moisture proof packagt. i INA1IUNAI BliLUIT COMPANY Ttlo Imnlll.., r . ... ine.lieh,etaceom,,lish , , ' "c "j. ' ' j' ' ' ' uiiiit-amiy-ni.ittt.-r, hut ri-U the M.l. . , M-', , "'"'" m z -a 't is a, pencil hloo.t i,tjfi,-r "I'o'ii- without clurec. Vr it THE SHIFT No mill lor what Will he Mirr In (Mir Chafing ii.-.ln onipai ison. Iic.ii Huv it. BROWN ROGERS COMPANY. "Sky - Lights f OalYonliod SkyJT.IgliU are the Host Why? Uc-cauw they never wear out. C.ilvmi lioJ Sky-Lights are. tire-proof. Why? Hecaus rin clusscan be usxl and so prevent Vh! tlass from fallinir out. can Oalvrnuod Iron Sky Lchta be (rotten? At L.B. Brickcnstcins In rubber tires we have one grade and guarantee 50 per cent more service man io possible in any cheap tire J r- - S. J.Nissen Co. 5c Mill offer 111 r ll'llliill lease Iim :i.s much . Wo guniaii'.i 'l 1 1 1 i i . U iiliiMil i RIDS THE SYSTEM OF MALARIA red am' tin U' "i1 11 1" crculat.on. ami the H 1 1 ' 'L 1)111 v f i nil o t ,-. 1.1 1 . f ..1 .-. stem of M,,' an I restores tho S. S.. KsM,s mum uvr tl.c- K,rn.s ru. rsr, h iu , , i ' ; ,"" "u's ,l ' !,;!V n""'i,'al 'lvi SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. Tfo Daily Sentinel ! At All News Stands ANNOUNCEMENT. We liav( oK!K'i up a fiit r: wi.iid aril with nil modern improve igoiit.; at comer of Seventh ami Church ;,l ritt, next to Casper's Recti nor. ;a'w run bv a I urge Westing iso electric inolor. Electricity bo Uio eheapo.-t power on earth, we able to i!o mote work at a le sl. We ii tlio benelit of our ;aMiii;. Call to see our plant, or plump Nn. 27. Onlors will bo elatoil anil prompt,!;, HiUd. appre- Bennett & Co ARCHITECTS. Rooms 1. VI 4 Tise Hld. Winston-Saleni. I ZIMERMM A LESTER, I .lulin I.. Casper went io Koaii"kf :ast nitht. ('. ) Harris, of HaleiRh, was in ill'1 -i i y toilay. .1 W Carter Is ofT to YirKinia on a 'uiiiu'.-s trip. I). M (innlon, of Stokes, ratne in 'as? rvt iiillK. tuliiui I.i Imiaii went Io Vado Monim -!piiiif; tn(la. T. II. Hailey. of Mocksville, was in he t-i'y today. it. V.. Kiies came in 'eiiins 'i mi KoaritiK (iap. O. V. I'faff, of tohaccoville. was ;i i o f.ti-n!ay. W. . I.inville went to Virginia las; iif:h; to purchase horses. Flank lijrrly went up the Wiikes ioro road this morning. X W. Cornish and family have re- ;iriud from Virginia Beach. Mrs. W. N". Reynolils and Miss Susie tilting, of Berkley. Ca., left this iiiurii ig for New Yoik. Miss Flora's ;..:niiiiy school wll open Mouilay next, sVptenihei- rd. at ! o'clock. Mrs. C. T. Wilkinson, who has been o Buffalo l.itbia Springs, returned to he ci'v last niglit. Miss Louise Montgomery went ' to ausa,;r last niglit to visit her aunt. liss Annie Jii Bard. J. F. Ambrose, circulation manager I the l.reensboro Industrial News, as iu the city yesterday. J. C. Hili. of High I'oinl. and C. C. largrave, of Lexington, were guests t. I'.t- 1'iioenix last night. H. A. I'fulil. presidi-nt of the Fogle :ms. Co., returned tMs morning from liiisinoss trip to New York. .1. A. Ordway, vb.) is snperintend 'ig some road wo'k near Kernels illo, went' to thai place last evening. T. W. (ientry, of (iieensboio. fortn rly of ibis city, i.l'ter A short stay ere, returned to Greensboro this Morning. Mis. H. C. Alier. of Itoanoke, was eie between trains yesterday after oon en route io (iieensboio, to visit Its. K. IV Moir. Mr. ami Mis. V ('. Alien', of fi:! v ;fler spending the night here wiih heir son, T. W. Allen, returned hotiic eslerday. Mrs. W. H. Hitt, of Itoanoke, Valter While, of Asheville, are uests of their mother, Mrs. V and the H. Mine, on North Liberty street. Or. J. M. Turner and W. II. Church, f North Wilkesboro, passed through he cily last evening eliroute to New I'oik to altend the Bryan reception. Received 30 Barrels of Glassware. 0. S. Keid's tremendous stock of liiua, glass and crockery Is arriving aily. So far this week thirty barrels f glassware have been received, con sisting of lamps of every description, xl ra globes and a great variety of andie sticks, vases, etc. Mr. field's all display of line china and glass 'ill surpass all former efforts. Do You Love Your Wife? Then get a "(iarlar.d" fltisige, voiid's best. Honiingor-Blaekluni the Co. (lei ils, in ready for school; tablets, and pens al Sharp's. per. Grand Special Sale. On tin and enamel warp, Friday Vugust lo a. m. See window display. .1. . HESTEIt CO. !'(') II SAI.K-12 lots, known aid lots. Will be sold In ingle. II. W. I!elo. as How lump or Special Low Rates Via Southern. On account of Homecoming of Win. Hiyan, New York, . Y., August ilil. '!""S. the Southern Railway will sell ickets .to New York and return al : renioly low rales. Tickets to be sobl 'ig. 2S and 2:i, wth final limit Sepl. I tli. . The following rates will apply from mints named: fliarlotto $20.50, Salis iiiry $1!.in, Ktatesville $t!i.!,r., Hickorv 2l.i)o, Oreeiishoro J 1 7.40, Vinsloii Sab'iii $l)i.::r,, Durham $17.50, Raleirh M7.5D. Approximately low rates fr nn 'i'.e, points. I'oi further information call or yinir lepot ticket agent or write, It. I-. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. W. H. TAYI.OK, (;. p. A., Washington, I). (. SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. By virtue ()f authority conferred up ui me by an order of tiie Clerk of the Superior C t, iu a proceeding enti led Sarah M. Savage by her guardian '.aura Savage, l will sell for cash al he courthouse door in Winston, N. '.. at 12 o'clock, M on first- dav of irlober. limit, the following described eai estate. lyinR and being in East iiiston. .V ., on which then is lo ,n"o a nouse with rour rooms and a lasenient, towil: Beginning at the South East eurnpr oi ... It. on the plat of the D ll, in: ainuck addition to Ka.-t Winston mining thence wesiwardly 2HU o Hickory street; thence' with feet said mcMiiv sireet northwaidh i;ii f0ei to tli' corner of Mrs I nv n i....i..,.,. 111 : thence with said i.ucv I). Doub 'hit s line eastwardlr 2nn feel to a north and south street along eastern '""'"dary line of D. . siarbnck's Stafford fluid: and thence with said uorih and south street snnii,,.!..ii.. 'in feet to the h,.it, ,. . . '" , ,. : - -f.. ...... ii neinir i;n -'"i ice! or tne lot maike,i ;;7 n u' I'''"' of "aid D. H. Starbuck a i HI- hiEas, Wlnslon, an,, ttZt X ' civ.' HI " . W ll.h tk.. Stai buck Knight. sold I" Mis. Man ,-. Mc- August 2X, I9ufi W Having beet) a patient of t lie Keu ry I-i-titiite of (!i ei nsboro, N. ('.. .1 '.i ;::j like to stale for the benefit of li'isi- who are still servants of strong T i ink that the Keeley Institute did u ne lor me than it promised or 1 ex h ;ed. I found the officers and pliy i :;i ii kind, courteous and polite. In ;.r; i-vi i tiling was done to make my lay while there pleasant. I only wish ! couM induce every iniiii addicted to irotig drink to apply to your institute fc'.'-e 1 Mil c.iufidclif lie would find a permanent cure, such as I found, and njoy the same feeling that I have en joy ed since I experienced my cure at he hands of your valuable Institute. I shall always have a warm place in my heart for the Keeley Institute al (Iieensboio, N. C. It elevated me from the company ol otrunkards to the respect of tlie business and bet'ir ela.-s of citizens, and made a home of I confusion one of perfect hanpines It. W. K IKK MAN Spray N. C, Ort. 24, inn 1. Resolutions of Respect to Samuel H. 1 Taylor. Whereas, it has pleased an All-Wise Heavenly Father to remove from our midst our esteemed brother. Saiiuul H. Taylor, an honored member of Winston Lodge. No. 1H7, A. F. & A. M whose death occurred August l.-.tli." I'tntl: and whereas, we desiie to place on lecord some tribute of respect lo 'Ma memory and many noble (uali:ies and to tender our sympathy to his be reaved family, therefore, Resolved, 1. That in the death of Samuel H. Taylor our lodge loses one of its most loyal members, and our community one of its most useful and patriotic citizens. His was an exi m plary life, quiet, inoffensive and mi st liisli and kind and obliging to every one, a devoted husband and falhei, true and faithful to every duty devolv ing upon him. Resolved. 2d. That while we deen'v dcsplorc his loss we would humbl'v tnd reverently bow to the divine will. Itesolved. :id. That we In rebv ten. der our heartfelt, svmnatbip m hk stricken family in their sad bereave ment and would commend them to Him Who is Father of the fatherless Resolved. Ilh. Tlnit :i nmv ..r ih.., resolutions be spread upon our min utes, a copy be sent to the widow of our deceased brother, and a copy lo the Twin-City Daily Sentinel and" the Orphans" Friend for publication , 1). P. MAST, R. E. TRANSOl" W. C. BROWN, Commitee. IN MEMORiAM. On August ISih, lililfi, as tin last lingering rays of the king of day wore gilding the western hills with golden 'lutings, when all nature seemed as it were in ipiiet repose, the sweet. Toveiv spirit of Adelaide, the youngest daugh ter of Mr. ami Mrs. C. ,1. Shoaf, took -ts flight from earth's sorrows to that origin city above and is now resting n the bosom of Him who said. "'Ol' such is the kingdom of heaven." At the time of this sad allliclion .mic Adelaide and her devoted moth '1' were sojourning flt Crockett', ipii'igs. va in search of health. That winst.'r disease, diphtheria , seized He Utile one and after a few davs druggie claimed her as his victim h'spile the efforts of the best phvsi -inns and untiring love of a doling 'neither. Adelaide, the golden-haired clieriib wns born 111 Winston-Siriem ti,.,ii -. I!"l and since then has been the jov )f a happy home. The interment took nlaeo ni in. old .Moravian hurwiiir cmmol ut :iiei N. i .. on .Mom a v i n. "in h A FRIEND . Wearing Overcoats Now. i mvs .mui.nks, Iowa. Aug. 27.-Krol was reported in Iowa low lands lodin for the rust time this season al though it is no; thought linn Hie Km al Iowa com crop will suffer damage be eaiiM' of t. The tnerciirv dropped as low as In degrees at Cellar' Rapids :ind Ciesmn, the coldest August day for lo years. Charles Cltv repotted "-I. imisis, aiinougn the teniperatiiri was 12 di glees. Blue ribbon tablets, perforated, at Sharp's. smooth and ' Grand Special Sale. On tin and enamel ware' ugiisl III, in . ,. Se'( displav. Friday w indow J- W. HESTER CO A GOOD JUDGE nc rctcn nniiitrr i . ' 1'igs ana H " f""n'i "milr 0"r mnf. or -our S Car,fUl a,,(,llt the food what vn,,'lTa!S 38 y,,u ar ahotit marketing her. rrics fa, .lUsaiZ G. L. Dull & Co. Phone 176,' mS FiftJ, Sf The BUSY ST IT IS YOUR 0PP0RTU TO SAVE 15 TO a m v ON Linens, Napkins, Si rieets, Pillow Cases T Lace Curtains. If Wor, nish our New Hotel wj above goods we should to interest you, Csp when we give you co prices. Received Tod) 100 pairs Lace Curtains yards long during thi price will be SlilO i"sUad of The Sale Will Close RGSENBACHE Fourth and Trade Strc i ' irr-ir'in- M ii.., I ' i "a 1 I FOUNDED 1802 Salem Academy arid W Winston-Sulcm, N. C. (For jj;irls ninl Vtnmi; Wniiitn.) The I"ill term begins ScptemUcr 5th, 1' Iintrance examinations An:,'. 31. Sep!. 5, -S I'K -pai atory and Collegiate h' tui' a :.:.."' ' ' tendance more than Inn, Spivial I ;... ; - M iilerclal, Industrial , Language. I-"1 1 u ii j u . Cave u! ' Work. Not a ehiap school, but ai, . i !.. u ii . ii'aniliiig a tirst class patronage fioiii ..;u.n i! eign couturies. Special inl'orniation hiniislMd p;'h-'::-'" Friends must, part both sinner iiihI .ih.s: But I here is no parting with True Tatn Paint. This I'aint the host. "It wont come off A word to (lie wise is siillieienl nnni i, "It Won't Com- Off it. sticks, ii .vays", ll is niride of Lead and Zinc always. True Tagg Paint, true to ils name; Summer and winter it remains the inf ill sunshine, storms and driving sii; And all the changes that nature kni ll "Wont Off" In- I:i v IlisIl'. Its True Tagg Paint and made all til! Sink and Fansler will show you wh -The True Tagg Pain't is piized bh'.h. (live them a chance to ilemons'tiiio. And have your painting done lb si i'o". Yours for True Tatjg Pnt' The Painters and Dccorato 130 West Fourth Street .... Ll . i COMING YOUR WAY A Big Fall Business if you correctly place a few good "Road Signs. "" My signs aie the sure thing. GORDON G. REYNOLDS. ! i II nrmnniu r Dcvuni na. i r aia f; If s on your ne J n nit, ' "".missiouoi-, rnonel76, 108 Fifth qt I Phone 478. s.j.m i 1WIIILMtM - - 1 AJ0 1IT" lU11 -miSB-s .- . him i FALK