CITY DAILY SENTIN E JL-0 m ffpiitis WILL BE 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS i...i C ownership 'ated Only Views. brTiNG lohn Robinson's circus will arrive I lu re early tomorrow. It comes from ! Rockv .Mount oy the Norfolk ami i Western Railroad, In four sections. ! hauled by eight locomotives. The bijr show tent will be erected in Kairview park. Rev. W. H. Sneak. ;a Methodist minister, will preach to i morrow on the lot to the show peo ple and the public. The street parade Monday will be between 9 and 10 o'clock. Doors will open at 1 and 7 p. ni. Performances - tiic DtPTY at I! and 8 p. m. 1 hose going at night SIT I'"' ' n i should be there not later liTjlktd With Any u,avv apparatus is required and they .ih. Subject ! come hist at night that there may be Z ttU4a taking rtowu and loading, talii t Newars, ,pj.ll(1 nurses, ponies and wagons takeu (am, Takei Dinner, ,he ,ran all(I iOH,ior at dusk are no L doeechei In Jr" part of the menagerie or circus and r ... . ..1 1 !.. ,.,.,-u,l .ni.l I,., tO New YOTKiare 0111) linen in uiau, mum nir iiui- iried to the next town as "The Flying I Pqiiadron." , pr(,(,v I The Bristol (lenn.) Herald gives, . i n'rum said I this Interesting story, written by ai til PEOPLE KILLED E FACTS RELATIVE t Tfl GIG BANK'CRASH kliimk.. .. n . " 01 usaes Certain Directors of Real Es- wiiiuiaiiy rceponea By Health Board. TEXT-BOOKS ISO PIES Of TIE!,! tate Trust Co. Also Held Responsible. LARGER NUMBER KILLED Br FALLING WALLS! PERSON WHO SECURED BIG LOANS EXPLAINS hould be there not later man cjnj Large Number of Deaths Also Caused Segal S in orut-i iu ore ...i.........!., Uj rire, a kw Persons Shot And1 I spectacle ana iu uir bcis. m triese Som, Kj. . . . .: . . First Official Report of Health Board of Casualties Resulting from uisasirous earthquake AHFje (By Publishers' Prc-.) SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. l.-ln ail 2 people perished as a result of the Idisa.-Hr of April IS. Tile local lio.ilili department M) states' in an informal ays President of Wrecked Phil- adelphia Concern Was Not Alone Responsible for the Unsafe Loan Made to Him. -Says Hit Own Attor neys Who Were Directors of Bank HeJgedjHifti. , for federal control ,Stw "f my "I1'1'- Mke that cicar a' '"' lit talked wii" any ,iips;iuii ami (I" noi iiinfe. I tinnly be ,iittol nf railroads time till justify me taken. I have i, r n i oh what others W t!;,it the jeasou ! tbe pcissilile? atitm i cars.'" Jtc was Itiii owi'Vul," said .smtnini.'iii .-.hould s and Hie states the pink lines. I ihiiik make their aiwn ieie from Bridge- ijnn;:i!R. Hi van was to Hold Victoria, i0 a contcrenefi witn surer of the Denio sfrMsiotial commit- ru;,i. nmit rences pulllicians before t X where lie m. Later he will O. where he will C!nb. After din- to parade ami ad m. He will be b) newsjiaper men ffymocrats Talk. S'lil. 1 .-Ur i ans Mem ownership of i..U. I ..L .... "w" lunn miter cm- prorciiiem Mingrcss- of Texas, and viimston. nf Ceor- f.'M Bailey declared iif l)fii).icrals will I" he both the !ii:f'.rm. "While i iMiiiini. in i ( i ,s "wk'1 Hie plaifonn," ln. "The iiintiiw i : in.. wnersnip m' railroads a ttii:.k:n ir men f UvitiK.ston was m &'. "If Uruii. rrnifnt, owni'iship,' ' veinure to JiJ'i'i;i tWll ; r r"'! CONdl'llinn.i n, .uniltiil one savins c? an eii(ii,.ss and iate Pti! imrroneriiiinn 1 Mantes imfiti,,.,! 11 !f -'.Wed M. ill an i,i!ihl rijli. i EOF 71 Mmly, on the costumes worn by the ibig elephants and other animals with ! Hie Robinson show; Just back of Madison Square Ciai -den in New York City is the place that stands as hih undoubtedly as the "Worth" the "Paquin" of animal costumes and a'1 visit to this shop would be most interestitiK. Just im agine ten women sewing several (lays on one mantel fcir the largest elephant and the material, the handsomest plush, 2S yards of the Widest, at $111 per yard, wholesale! the gilt fringe loot wide and the Kold embroidery and the Imitation jewels making the whole garment. Including labor, cosl a litttle over $1,200 We have all heard of the elephant's wardrobe but right beside this big big animal we find the wardrobe in :i big box painted the circus color, red, and on it the owner's name. Monkeys are most difficult to fit. because they are easily frightened, but once they find you are friendly and mean to treat them kindly, they enjoy being arrayed in red and gold. They, the monkeys, of course, dislike all colors save red and gold, and be come sullen and cross if an attempt is made to put them In anything else. Thev are very destructive little crea tures, consequently their wardrobe consists of more apparel than that of any other animal In the circus. The material from which their jackets are made is- a special weave, and is water proof. Strong brass catch hooks are used to secure the garments. The elephant's valet, that is, one valet, though the elephant, boasts of not less than five, says that the man tle of the big animal had 200 button holes, and they are every one done by hand, with oil-boiled silk twist. Then the clown elephant with his gay pantaloons of denim, a specially heavy quality, and think of the yards of ruffling for such a trouser leg. The hats, if of straw, are considered I a great delicacy and sometimes right in the nitdst of a performance, off I hey conio and are devoured. The costunier and the animal mil Imer have serious times making styles. Now this season the camel will wear a brown chapeau with gold braid and yellow ribbons with a chic bow beneath the chin. Can you Im agme anything more Jaunty, or be witching? With this circus we have Just en joyed there are tons of "costumes" for the animals, each garment packed in the owner's trunk. One elephant has fifteen trunks. Some of you will say you didn't see that freak, and for vour benefit I'll call the trunks boxes (fly Publishers' I'rcss.) I'lill.AlHil.l'HIA. Sept. 1. It has baked out that when Adolph Hegal said there "were others" who passed on and lavured his enormous loans f 1 1 nit the Ileal K.slate Trust Co.. he report sent In the slate bikini of j ant certain lawyers who were dirrc- heiillli. Of the victims I'm; were .killed '' 'ors. in tbe difiinct company and were by falling walls. 177 perished liv the this attorneys. This Is the most .start- seven were shot and two died result ol ptomaine poisoning in 1 "eineigency eanne-1 goods of quality." as a iiting poor 1 i 1 1 -4 piece of news ye; emanating from :tiiis extraordinary financial crash. SKATING U 10 STATE flEPMH T IS Tonight at 7:"o the new skating rink, situated at the corner of Second and Chestnut streets will be formallv opened. The proprietors of this new amusement hall are Messrs. Fletcher and Covey and lliesc gentlemen will give the rink their personal atten tion. For years, roller skating has been a sport, but during a large portion of this time, the sport was a "back num ber." but in recent years the fail has been revived as no other fad for some time. This fad seems to be universal all over the country, especially In the North and South. Last winter a rink was operated here and although it was started late in Die season It was a decided success. ' Each week a masquerade or "tacky party" will be given at the rink and the one who makes the most comical appearance will be presented with a fine pair of skates. The proprietors state that the new rink is a rink for ladies as well as gentlemen, and pro fanity and boisterousness will be pro hibited. A decorated automobile advertising the opening will tour the cities this afternoon and tonight the Winston Cornet band will furnish music at the hall.' The program arranged is as fol lows: Two Step Gloomy (itis. Brown. Two Step Colored "loo." -Leigh. Waltz Sparkling (Jem. Ripley. March Return of the 17th Regl mcnt. Bryant. Medlev Waltz Walt, Me Around Again, Willie Shield. March and Two Stop Why Don't You Try Redfleld. Part II. Cake Walk-J'cter Piper. Henry. Two Step Tint Indian.-, Along Broadway. Seckei. Waltz After The (laihcr the May Cab ill. Two St(i Dixie Girl. l.anipe. Waltzes Forest i'ark. Thomas. Two Step Mexico. Cole and Join.-son. Special to The Sentinel. CltKKNSllORO. Sept. 1. The Stale Republican executive and campaign committees met iu joint session here at it o'clock this afternoon. Nearly all of the members of the committee are present. The committee will opeu headquarters In this city ut once and prepare for a vigorous campaign. AROUND THE CITY. D. Williams came In this I m 11:: 1 lb UlSe 1 enrs, 1 at his "ii Main M-l lj... Iiilrlii.,, :it for '" wen j,. ' irpi Hi 1 a resi. ue n.r:t i v -' . mi.t. 1 ,f rtucii 1 ""'"h 11 ll!l 11,.... lit is a his also the Rngi- was a When - shop Saiciu, ' and 'i'.fiin ' ''He sia- !;,len. .,,.,( :'l Charlie. """ datigii. "r South (Special to The Sentinel.) LRLENSBORO, Aug. "0. In an in terview given out today, Mr. E. J. Jus lice, attorney for the Greenslmro and IliKh Point. Interurlian Railway, prac tically authorizes the statement, thai Ids company will not. build an electric railroad from here to High Point, for lie reason that the latter city has refused his company , a franchise. The company had the money for the line in sight when the application for a franchise was made to the High Point board of aldermen. The board at High I'oint has given a franchise to a com iwny headed bv Messrs. K. D. Steele and Dee Allen, of that place. Mr. Steele was in town this week and sates that grading for three miles has been completed, and a contract 1(r eight miles has been let. '.;; ,n .. H'-'K,. . . ' ' ' was an fill JL SALISBURY TEIICIIEIIS MEET aMori Tea;-. .'"o-ac Siithi. (Special to The Sentinel.) . GREENSBORO. Aug. SI. The Guii- jjrd County Teachers Association, jhaving for Its purpose the eradication "f illiteracy from Guilford county, was li-gan!zed yesterday afternoon by the I'dection of officers and adoption of a (declaration setting forth the purposes .of the organization. The association I Is the result of a suggestion made by i President Charles D. Mclver, of the 1 State Normal and Industrial College. hJand tho ... o .... 1 L-.....t j. , 1 -" ui oupei niieuut--iii rini.-v, on n0 wag eeCted president. ' "e erect. 1 The titan. I Ck..i.. "7T .. .. ,. "-."ones m, uowies, or v lines, 1. ii. ,ld W. A. Bailey, of Davie, and C. A. nynolds went to Greensboro thi; The Home .Moravian Church Chris tian Endeavor Society gave a sociable last evening from K to 11 o'clock at the Itelo House to members of that body and invited guests, fifty in num ber." Tbe occasion was a very enjoy able one. The principal attraction of the evening was a "shadow graft." contest, in which Miss llallie Wel fare made If, count guesses out, of l.'i.i Ice cream and cake were served and each person present was pre sented Willi a pretty souvenir in the shape of a penant with the (.'. F. monogram mounted In white thereon. This society was reoiganized July I. when the following officers wen: elected: President, Miss May lirower, vice-president. .Miss Emma Ortnsby: secretary, Miss Elizabeth Ortnsby . treasurer. Miss Anna Ormsbj, and corresponding secretary, Miss Bios som Traxler. The society a!" the .Methodist- Pro I test (fit chinch recently (iiR.ii. ized with W. A. Speer as president , and Mr--- J- R Cuniuiings a seen-, tary. !ICJ Rt v. Mr. Vogt. the general s.crt-j tary of the International Christian En- ; deavor Cnion, has recently appointed, Mr. E. H. Stockton, of Salem, as superintendent of the Christian Ea-j deavor work' In this Slate. Mr. Stockton, with his assistant, .M.s- .Mamie Hays, of Charlotte. j. now I wot king to revive and put new ,1 into (he state work and If possib hold a stale convention this fail. Sou; luaiis "IS ,!,. "' of is.. "te,,s1,':","m !m"rl"K to attend the meeting of tin t In n ant 1114 ui Hit"!' "f the Repuliliean State executiv iee e commit Rev. .1 morning. Miss Emma IJneback went to Char lotte this afternoon. Mrs. R. I. Dnlton and children re turned this afternoon from StoUes. .Mr. J. A. Eflru Is having a mod ern residence built on Cherry street. R. B. Horn left last evening for a trip to Memphis, Tenn., and the South west. Mrs. .Jennie Kerner went to Greens boro this morning to visit Mrs. A. B. Kimball.' Mrs. W..V. Garner and daughter, Miss Willie, went to Greensboro this morniiifc. Miss Irene Hall left this morning for I-otta. S. C where she will teach this fall. Misses Celeste and Kathleen Hunt lev went to Greensboro today to visit Mrs. II. C. Huntley. Miss .lellie Miller, of Wllkesboio. returned home today after a visit to relatives and friends litre. Mrs. F. H. T.vncr and sister, Miss Victoria Hridgers, left this morning for a visit near Greensboro. Mrs. R. T. Sbouse, who, has been to Pinnacle visiting her son, returned to the fit thi morning. Miss Maude Miller returned to Bur lington today where she will teach In the graded school again this fall. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Miller and fam ily, who have been to Bethanla, re turned to the city this morning. ' Miss Minnie Slociimb, who has been visiting in the city, left fills morning for her home at Goldsboio. Mrs. M D Stockton and daughters, who lime heeti to Moore's Springs, re 1 111-iicd to the city yesterday after noon. Vj. L. Anderson, of Baltimore, form erly a resilient of this city, arrived here Ihis slleinooii for a slay of, a few days. Mr. 'John T. Jones, who fell from a scaffold at Hotel Zinzendorf Mon day, s reported to be doing nicely. He is slowly regaining consclousnesii. Mrs. ('. L. Hollon, who has hwn visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Turner, in Yadkin, returned to the city thi morning. . The shipments of manufactured tobacco in August aggregated 2.0ti4, ;;'t pounds. The stamp sales on to bacco wen; $L!;!,K5!M4 and on clgarc - Mr. M. S. Morrison, an up-to-date and graduale In pharmacy fioin the I'niversity of Maryland, ar med in tho city yesterday. He is w i'h the Owens Drug Co. Mr. L. A. Martin, cif Leaksville, who has held a position In the office of Gilmer Bros. Co. for some time, wen- home this afternoon to spend ten days, when he will go to Chapel Hi;: to study law In the I'niversity.. An Injured colored man was In ought here today from Crutehfleld. j In making a transfer of baggage for th. Southern Railway a laige trunk fill on his knee, badly mashing II H. whs attended here by Dr. II T llahnson. - Parties coming In on the Roanoke Irani this afternoon reported a big crowd at Rocky Mount, where Robin son's circus exhibited today. The iiiilroad people say the big show will hi ilve here about daylight tomorrow mo ruing. (Special to The Sentinel ) RALEIGH. Sepl. 1 The state text book commission today gave out a statement of the exchange and run tract price of hooks to be Used In the public .ohoils of North Carolina adoption made a few days ago. Briefly staled It follows: Orthography. A spelling l,iMk (Koust & Gi lftliH. exchange pi Ice 7 cents, contract price lj cents. Defining- Webtei's Pritnar) Die tlonai), contract price 14 cents; Web ster's common school dictionary, con tract price (15 cents; WvbMer'g high school dictionary (new edition 1, con tract price Sn cents; Wnbsier's aca demic dictionary, contract price $1 ;'..V Reading Graded Classics first reader (cloth 1. exchange PlUe to cents, ronl 1 act price '.Ml cents; second I rwader. Iclothl. exchange price 1 cents, contract price 27 cents; CImU- Old and New third reader (clothl, ex change price , 15 cents, contract prtce ;!o cents; fourth reader (clothl. ex change price 1 7 cents, contract pi Ice :;r, cents. ' W heeler's Piiiiier, reconilllclldc I for schools using a primer, exchange IU cents, contract price :;n cents. Lileiaiy Maslei pieces, adopted for glades above the fifth reader, con ! ract price (In cents. Writing National system of ver tical, eight numbers 5 cmts each; Smlthilrars short writing hooks " cents each. Ol.l North State vet Ileal, 5 cents each. t Ai ithmclic Colaw ft Edward's pri mary (cloth), exchange price 12 cents. contract price 21 cents; Colaw A Duke's Intermediate- (cloth), exchange price 12 cents, contract price 24 cents; Colaw & Eiwood's advanced (cloth), exchange price' 22 cents, contract price 41 cents; First Hook In Business Methods (Rand ti McNally publish ers), (In cents. Agriculture and Beginners by Hill. Burkett & Stevens, price tiO cents. Geography Maury's elementary, ex change price 20 centscontract price 40 cents; Maury's new complete, (cloth), exchange price 1 cents, con tract price SS cents. Language Lessons-Hyde's two book course, In English, Book I, ex change price I ! cents, contract price 2.1 cents; Smith's Our Language (Book 2). exchang price 17 cents, contract price 111 cents; Bueliler's Modern English Grammar, contract price r,,'i cents. History. White's Beginner's His tory of Cnlted Slates, exchange price 20 rents, contract price 40 cents; Chamber's Higher History of Cnlted Slates, ptlce 70 cents. Physiology. Culler's first book, ex change price 12 1-2 cents, coutraci price 25 cents: Culler's second hook. exchange price 17 1-2 cents, contract price 115 cents; Culler's third book, ex change price 22 1-2 cents, contract price 45 rents. Practical Drawing Books Nos. 1 to . each 15 cents; books 4 to fi, con tract, price 12 cents each; fotty page edition books. Nos. 1 l, i each. II flEiiUS LIE TICKET Candidates For County And Legislative Offices Nomi nated Today. THOMAS SETTLE SPEAKS AFTER THE NOMINATIONS E. T. Kapp la Nominated for Sheriff; J, r. Reynolds for Clerk of th Court; N. 8. Wdion for Register of Deeds: R. S. Crew for Treasurer; Ed. 8tyer for Surveyor; Dr. A. V. linvill for Coroner; H. R. Star buck, E. M. Leight And Praneia Shore for County Commlaalonert; J. T. Benbow for Senate; Ned Shore And John H. Morn for th Houee. 1 cents; books 5 to contract IS cents Slate Secretary Vance Is In receipt of a letter from Mr. VV. K. Kalsoti. of Raleigh. Junior Past National Coun cilor, Junior Order Culled American Mechanics, In which he stales that be has just returned from a meeting of the national board of officers, held at Detroit. Mich. Mr. Kalsoti also slates that at Ibis meeting three prizes were offered as follows; Kor the council showing the greatest net gain In mem bership for the period from October J, Iflii'I. to May I, ISO?, a $5h silk tlag; for the council showing tbe next largest Increase dining tbe same period, a $25 sllK flag, an altar em blem, or a set of officers' regalia, to cost $25; for Ike council showing the largest percentage Increase during the same period, a $50 silk flag. Mr. Kaison says the present mem. bershlp of the order In the I'nlted State will apptoxiniate 175.000. ! The Republican roiinl rolivcntlon of Forsyth county, for the purpose of 'nominating candidates for county of fices and candidates for the stale legislature 1111 1 in the court house f noon today. Tbe convention was called to older by Chalt man J. K. Reynolds, of the county executive committee'. The oulcr for the roinenllon was lead Bin! the ndl of townships was called and all townships were repre sented and there were no rontisU, Chairman Iteynolds resigned as chali man and J. T. Benbow was called to the chair. The temporary orgaulxa tlou was made pcrniiiuenl. I). II. Blair as made permanent secretary. The nomination of candidates was next taken up. Kor sheriff. George May, Sam K. Vance and E. T. Kapp were placed In nomination. The name of Mr, Vane was withdrawn. Mr. Kapp was nom inated by a vote of 70 to 27. It was hade unanimous. For clerk of superior court. J. F. Iteynolds was nominated by acclama tion. Kor register of deeds the nanius of I. O. Hart and N. H. Wilson were put before the convention. Mr. Wllmm was declared the nominee by a votn of 7ii to 21. This was made unani mous. For treasurer, P. W Cnilehfleld, It. X. Linvlilo and H 8. Crews were placed In nomination, but at Mr. Un vine's rxiuest his name was with drawn. The vote stood fill for Crewa and liK for Crutehfleld. This nomina tion was made unanimous. For surveyor, Kd. Htyers was nom inated bv acclamation. Kor coroner. Drs. J. C. Hammock and A Y. Llnvllle were mentioned but Dr. Hammock's name was with drawn at his request and Dr. LluviUfl also was nominated by acclamation. Kor commissioners, ex-Judge II. R. Stsrbiii k. U. M. Leight, George Mock, .John M. Long. W. A. 8tH. Francis flmre. L. P. Matthews, J. K. P. Car ter, W. A. Goslen, K"v. Albert Craft and R. 8. Linvlilo (Democrat) were nominated. Here Is where blller opposition arose. When XV. J Kills nominated Mr. Llnvllle, there as severe hissing and after the voting had start ed Mr. Kllis withdrew his candidate. The .first ballot showed that ex Judge Hiarburk had polled 7 votes, Leight. H5, Long "H. Htolti o, Hhore ii. Mock 14, Matthews , Goal en 4. ami Craft L Mr. (losb-n had his name withdrawn and the second ballot, showed 41 I 'I, Shore 4!l 12 and Matthews fi. The nominations of Siarbiick, Leight and Shore were made unanimous. For slate fenitor. J. T, Benbow s named for the place by acclama tion. For candidates for the house of lepreHi'iilatives, II. O. Happ, II. II. Hlluipsoti. Ned Shore, B. Y. Holder, John II Morris. D. II Blair and S. K. flfsll wcie "put up." hut at the request of Messrs. Happ and Hall, their names wen- taken out of the list. The ballot showed Morris r,7, Hhore 0, Holder 4. KHmpson W slid Blair II Before the voting suited, however, Mr. Illalr .tinier) that he could not accept. H B. Hall read a set of rewrtutloin which were adopted. The convention then adjourned and Hon Thomas Hettle addressed the Re publican, lie was luiroductd by D II. Blaii. New Advertisements. XX'atkina' Book Store. "Cliiiuu skulii suplis." Brown-Rogers Co. The haidwan store thai gives exceptional value- Peoples' Fuel and Ice Co. Special rale on coal if you order now. HiintleyHllIStfM-kton Co. The Volo stftlng machine and its a. nan tages ovei tile others. Wreck Near Roaring River. Another wreck occurred today on the Wllkeaboro road. Several freight cais of ('apt. Will Crews' train turned over lieyoiul Roaring River. A wreck ing crew was sent to the scene from hen- this afternoon. The passenger train may not be able to come through b.fore morning One of the cars w recked yesterday contained 1,000 iiushels of corn. (Kpeclal to Thn Hcuilnel.) GRKKNSHMRO. Aug "0 - At a meet ing of the Trades Council last night, the program for Lalior Day was com lifted. At least 1,500 people will be In line In the parade A number will come from High Point. Winston Ka tern and other nearby towns, Kpeclal lal'S have belli given from High I'oint to Greenslioio, The principal address w be made by Mr 7, T Smith, of Raleigh. All the unions in town will lake part In the exercises. Drove of Cattle And 8 bee p. A drove of 51 cattle and 34 sheep owned by Mr R, L Doiighton, of Laurel Springs, weie driven here Wednesday from across the moun tains for shipment. The cattle, and slWp were loaded at the cattle pens Wednesday morning, but bad to be un loaded on account of the washout be low Elkln which has obstructed ail such traffic from tills point. North Wllkcsboivj Husller. (Special to The Sentinel ) GRKKNSBOKO. August III - Tim Muscley, wanted In Lynchburg. Va., Tor the murder of llrakeman Wood, August. Mh, w a ai rested last . night In this el'y, and carried to Lynchburg, Va., today. Another negro wanted for complicity n the murder, wa seen here yesterday, but could not be foil lid last night The arrest of Mose ly was made by a detective that has been scouring North Caiollna lor the criminal for several da)s. Moie Stewart On Republican Ticket. Moses I Stewart, the philosopher "f the Guide, sitting back In the register of deeds' office this afternoon com placently smoking a Box Mountain cabbage leaf, was asked as to his Poatofflce Robbed. The postofllce at Bear Poplar. the North Carolina Midland road, the (opinion f the new Reiiubllfan county first station beyond Barbet s Junction. 1 ticket He renlli-d: "Well, ax I hear was entered and robbed larft night . their names ral!d It sounds like a The office is kept In a store. The (chapter (,f ancient bislorv." thieves secured $IS In cash and a!i . '. the stamp In stock, Theie Is no clue I Mrs P. H Karl), of Mocksville, to Ihe guilty parties spent the d;iv In the clir

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