THE TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL, WINSTON-SALEM, SEPTEMBER V U Are Your Prescriptions Filled U by a Registered Druggist? Ll r wt'.u 1? DI Ull Will 1'lliu a ntuivivu p Druggist Always Present When You ------ n n LEARN IKE VAY TO SIMPSON'S u n (NOT IN THE CIRCUS TRUST) JOHN ROBINSONS 10 kig shows combined. 4 ringed circus. Big double menagerie. Hippodrome i Wild West WINSTON-SALEM, MONDAY, SEP, 3 Presenting Uoder Ten Acres of Water Proof Tents PERSONAL NOTES. " Mr. .I.mies Reich, of l he lielo Hoim.j ;s critically 111. I i I vlams Jr.. u turned to Greens-1 b.jro las; evfiiins. M'.-. M.ny At water left last evenius for Kllt ; ton. da., where she will loach. V 1. Smiih. of Charlotte, anil K. L. Hi. keison. of Honda, were in the city today. Miss Sadie Walker, who has been! to HemrVrsonville, returned to the city last nisht. II k. Fries at'.d II. H. Marsh wen! o Roaring Gap today to spend Sunday vxitii their families. Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Newell 'and chil dren have returned from a visit to relatives at Summerfield. Mr. and Mis. 1.. V. Pesram. wh have been to Mt. Airy, returned K the city yesterday afternoon. H. S. Reynolds, formerly of this cit now of Hristol. Tcnn., after a short visit here, left last evening. W. II. Turner, who has been to Nor wood, where his family is visiting, re turned to the city this morning. Mrs. Mary Dickson, of Morgantou who has been visiting Mrs. C. G l.aiiier. returned home yesterday. Mr a tid Mrs. S. J. I-ambe have re l-.i !., 'unii; f from in I Battle Ships IPS tEvPH JO KmW M1 A. ' lrfO RARE AND COSTLY WILD ANIMALS Ponderous. Performing Pachyderms, Pre senting a Program Comique of Perfeclicn Stupendous Realistic Production BATTLE OF WOUNDED KNEE Introducing 500 Indians, Cowboys, Scouts, and Soldiers THE LEAVENWORTH ZOUAVES Direct from a successful Furopean trip America's Greatest Military Company, Presenting Butts Manual of Arms to Music TWO COM PAN I ES OF CAVALRY Late of the U.S. Army, in expert feats of horsemanship 1 visit m leimm Chatham anil Aliimance counties. Mrs. J. P. Fearrington and children, who have been to Faison for some ;inie, returned to the city last night. .1. IT. ("lenient, of Mocksvilie, ar rived in the city this morning. He vvil! t arh at the West End school, t hi.-, sf -sum. Mrs. C. L. Sharp and children, who have been to Wilkesboro. visiting Mrs. Sharp's brother, C. G. Gentry, return ed to the city last night. Guv F. Ilitishaw left last evening Hickoiy. Laier he will return to haleigh and take up his studies in the. tenior class at A. and M. College. Mrs. C. C. Sauford and son T. F., of Mocksvilie, were in the city this morning enrotile to Durham, where Mrs. Sanrord will visit her daughter. Mrs. R. T. Fanretie. 1M of. Thomas Hnnie,. Jr., who has been siiemliug the summer vacation at (.'haptl Hill, teturiiod to the city last night to assume his duties as principal of the West End graded ckool. Mr. and Mrs. Walter White, 'who have been the guests of Mrs. W. 11. While, went to Salisbury this morn ing. They will go to Asheville Mon day, where Mr. White holds a posi tion. He will probably move to Salis bury at an early date, nothing you un buy equils Meade & Baker's Carbolic Mouthwash or perfect cleniug mJ prewiring of the teeth. Harmless, yet leares the teeth gleaming white, and the breatfi pure. 25c., 50c., $100. s 0 0 d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 d fl Friends must part both sim,et a:.. I ., Hut there is no i;:i: :iug ii ; True Tnr P- , Tliis Faint the best "ft wont come 0rt.J A word tu the wise is sutlc;e;,t cm. K., "It Won't Come Off it sticks, it s-a -, It is made of Lead and Zinc ai True Tagg Paint, true tj its name;' Summer and winter it remains tl,,. .,lIll0 In sunshine, storms and driving miow.; And all the changs that nature kinw;.' It "Wont Come Off" by day or nigh:. Its True Tagg Paint ami made all Sink and Fansler will show you wl, The True Tagg Paint is prized so high. Give them a chance to demoustiate And have your painting done fi;:;l. ia;. Yours for True Tagg Print, SINK & FANSLE) 1 The Painters and Decorators, 130 West Fourth Street :: :: Win;! PPPPPPPPPPPPOQQQPOppt A GOOD JUDGE OF KEED decides in favor of the sort of good things for horses, cattle, pigs and j poultry to be found under our roof. If you are as careful about the food for your animats as you are about what you eat yourself you'll do your marketing here. Prices fair and square G. L. Dull & Co. Phone 176, 108 Fifth St. 1 0Wm "UiMwatnam ELLSWORTH FEMALE ZOUAVES See Capt, Winston's Wonderful Educated Seals ; The Lucuzon Sisters Wonderful Aerial Iron Jaw Actj Flying Hanvards, Sensational European Aerialists The Latest Foreign Novelty Mr. James Dutton and Mile. Winnie Van Grand Spectacular DouMe Riding Act. McNUTT TROUPE - - Aerial Cycle WhhllUders PROF. NY6ARDS SCHOOL tf WDNDEif D LY TRAINED MtNAGE HOhStS-12 in Number 2T MALE AND FEMALE RIDERS 20 300 daring gymnasts; nimble acrobats, talented aerialists-Pick of allarenic celebrities FORTY MERRY OLD CLOWNS GRAND 5300,000 00 STREET PARADE 3 miles of gold bedecked wagons and chariots, prancing horses, dens of rare and costly animals, and including 1 the season's newest novelty; a quarter of a million dollar reproduction of Battleships of our Navy I ttike great plnasure in writing to the Keeley Institute. W'ell, 1 was a drunkard for fifteen yeais before 1 went to Keeley, at Greensboro, N. C. I am now a sober man, have never wanted liquor since I took the treat ment. I will always remember all of those connected with the institute with only the kindest feelings. I would have been dead and in my grave long ago if it had not been for your insti tution. I am so thankful that I am lestorcd and a. healthy man in every way. I would advise all who are ad dicted to alcohol to lake the cure, for it is one of God's noblest agencies for good. F. M. FATE: Contentnea, N. C, Oct. 31, 1'JH4. ll is just like this: Our ten and fourteen karat brooches in many ex clusive patterns., diamond and fanev stones are winners. Ilrowu Jewcln Co. The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strong est animal of Its size, the gorilla, al so has the largest, lungs Powerful lungs means powerful creatures. How to keep the breathing organs right should- be man's chiefest study. Like thousands of others. Mrs Ora A. Ste phens, of port Williams, O.. has learn ed how to do this. She writes: "Three bottles of Dr. King's New Discover stopped my cough of two years anil Mired mo of what my friends thought 'bnsuinptioti. O, It's grand for throat uid lung troubles." Guaranteed by V. ThoiupsMt..dnigist. Price 50c and TriaF bottle free. The Grand Musical Ballet, 500 men, women and children in the cast . 50 Bucks, Squaws and Papooses Chief White Thunder's Band of Indians Celebrated Banda Rosa of 50 soloists, under direction Antonia Oliveto, give 1 hours musical program before performances TWO SHOWS DAILY RAIN OR SHINE EXCURSION RATES on all Railroads People attending night exhibition, in older to see menagerie, spectacle, and the big acts, must he p resent nut hit,.r ihaa 7;::i) p. The hordes, ponies, and wagons nai'u'd at dusk are used only in and are hurried to the next town as "the t'hi:;g Sipiadron." . ' ANNOUNCEMENT W'e have opened up a first class wood yard with all modern improve ments at corner of Seventh and Chinch street, next to Casper's Recti fier. Saw run by a large Westing house electric motor. Electricity be tug the cheapest power on earth, we are able to do more work at a less cost. We give you the benefit of our .saving. Call to see our plant, or phone No. .27. Orders will be appre ciated and promptly filled. Bennett & Co MEU AND WOMEN, V Rip W for unniMrnl dim-dan.'".!!) flam in uhonii, lrriutioo or ulrnitimiii of mnrnii meinbrmfi. r rt rmniMfi, una doi aitrta intLTMi&bMtwiMLWJ. gent or pni.nnmii. M J Ourtntf4 ll h"- i hi nit a i i Hold uy, j or mit in plain wrapper, jfl tl Oft. or JbottlrMa.75. i Circclir trot oo Circular FOUNDED 1802 Salem Academy and Winston-Salem, N. C. ' (For girls and Young Women.) The Fall term begins September 5th, : Entrance examinations Aug. .M, Sept, 3, tendance more than -WO. Special DeiiaMiui nts- Mir met rial, Industrial , Language, Klocu: in i; Cue nf th -Work. Not a cheap school, but an econnnii, J, j,;;;, suj niatiding a first class patronage from y,,.,-n $xxn eign countries. Special tnfoiHiatlon furnished on HpiMuti.m, s tiii PENNYROYAL PILLS J l4 e.nd reliable, they overcome weakness, in. crease vigor, banish pains. No remedy equals OR. Sold by DrucKists and Dr. Motu Chemical Co., Cleveland, Oii:o, trail F Ml li p 1 S5 Oai dimpson's Drug Store. ''intnif 1'iitv i' .'InJ'.S V,:t lief. Dr.W.i:;anj inrnt inrpnani in? of l no nrivatp tr.i :tri';iti!cd. Hvdncjj nf pri.-p .i rt'titi an. MANUFACTURING CO.. I'm- I C ARCHITECTS. Rooms 13-14 Tise Bldg. Winston-Salem. Tobacco FLUES. Peter W. Blum Winston-Salem, N. C. Prompt shipn all poinl C. M. THOM Winston-Salea t It's on your neigh! RODDI I WoodNbreHaf Plaster In rubber tires we have one grade and Fop quauty our rubber guarantee 50 per cent more service ce)jedj S.J.NissenCo.!S.J.Nissc It is just like this: There is no bet er place in Winston to buy watches uid jewelry than at Brown Jewelrv Co. nanerie, opening parade, t ''lVr!.ll'14:'TT!.rw(.i:i:ln,J " 1 ImiimmiaiBMwiawMtaaMMaBw Can't Be Excelled for White Work, Messrs. Hirshberir, Hollander & Co. I have used a lot of your StaR Faint md find it all you claim of it. and ven more. For white work, the 'an't he excelled on the market. C. W. (MUFFIN. Lancaster. S. ('. For nil work, the best to use Is al vay statr Semi-Paste Faint.. "One ;ailnn makes two." For stile hv W. 11 C'linard. .lust like this: Ittown .lewelry ('o. Announcement Joe Jacobs "Clothing Company. Our Haltimore tailor will hold our ienil-annual opening 0n Septeinber fi t and S. Thursday, Friday and Salnr lay. We resiiectfulh soiieit an in spection of all the newest, tiolddest uid latest patterns to be found auv 'bere. Uespeetfully, .loe ,Taeols Clothlni; Co. In Schloss Bros.' suits you get the it. quality and wear. Wait for fall tailoring opening by the Joe Jacobs -o. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 6, 7 and 8. 7 THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COI PAN! The leading annual dividend company. No stockholders. Insurance furnished at cost. No tontine or deferred dividend accunm'.iitions to be forfeited in case of death or default in premium payments. - Every policy issued by the Mutual lUncfit h comps absolutely non-forfeitable after the -second pre mium is paid. Tudor and Wimbish, District Agents. Office 415 Liberty Strut