fTWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS if 'SISCOVERED :wrneyBc:i.Speak- Estate Trust :-a Failure. SGL'ILTYOXES BE PROSECUTED ,, n,s Hd On the L But Is Not Ready to !...,( Prosecutor Bell ,wgh investigation of H Bten IViaae. .PHIA. 'l" there i ' V ".' ,.,, 0iii, Willi Hie co,- Iji E-l:i"' Ti'tiM ('"m" 1 jrri,s!s will 'e made.' l;i,.rn(., lull i"lay llf" .stanU llilll COIl- Hiof cdri- "Wlllll' 1110 11 "l I Hi' o . nr three exceptions the ilfpe-i's placed with hau' been looted," he isv nn hands mi the awitiits t. niakt' tho rlitlii ;is perfect as pos- :;j i,ive nail an oppoi- ,:;,iiir William f . North. Hiil iiiiiiitor -and "k,., ,l.lt, il UK to . liw-' .' " condition of the insti- . ....... f .f runvmK IllilM Ml nil ' - ii'"''1' Police Kept Pretty Busy Yes terday As Usual On Circus Days. lit i pear later.' Dl MEETS in The Sentinel.) Suit. (.--The North hiissimi fur the .Tallica- oa met i" the executive mor (ilenii loday for the piiizini: ami agreeing on of exhibit 1 lie State 'he i.'x)isitli).n. A special ;;u liiiiMiiig is being rom mission consists uf I mi'inliers representing in of the Stale: 1). -C. 'fitliiini: E. 1.. Daugh Mniiiit; Dr. .lolm Fnison, J. E. 1'npie. Raleigh; G. Wilislnll Sali'lll; John Wllnuigiim; II. C. Dock- hm; I', n. Way-lock, Nor-' ifii;er. Newion; G. S. e. '"Th" Sentinel I I'M. Sep-. The third ;" !:!' filelnatiou In 'as the biggest event of 1 h'v! in tho citj. The this morning at 10 n-rchf-il (I'.wn Smith Em fit swin in the starting f two brass hands ,'tfii,W i 'lie parade, i laoihaini men vvore In x Tl:'' carriages were ' the national col- a 'Hlf mile Ions a'lMianee, This at' 'l Kalhend j ,,r Mi ailihcfscs were made J'"lK" U- C. Strud ' 11 Hilwiler. fill jlFDOTBALLTEAM A Number of Person In Lock-Up Awaiting Mayor's Court Mrs. Hoi sten Shoots Young Man Who Had Attacked Her Husband. Wounded Man Getting Along Very Well. Other Notes. There are a number of offcudci i:i the lock-up awaiting today's .session of the city court. A majority of them are negroes, but there are several white men in the cells and a still larger number out on ball. Then, too, upstairs in the female depart ment, there are several women who I will also be given a hearing, i There was much drinking in town I yesterday anil the officers were kept ion the go all day and last night as well. 1 ' Many of our circus visitors came from the so-called dry towns nlid a few of them, It seems, tried to make Winston dry, too, from the condition they were in. Nevertheless it was evident before night fall that the Win ston "stuff" would throw the best of them, and as a result the. need of a patrol wagon was once again brought to the attention of those who wit nessed the manner in which some of tho tlrunks were carried to the look up. Shot by a Woman, Bernie lAXinard, a young white man, who celebrated the coming of the cir cus by filling up on corn juice, came to grief before the day was over. If his head had not been so hard he would probably have been enroute to a graveyard now, but as It is, he is lying out yonder in the hospital and the attendants say he will pull through all right. Yesterday afternoon Bernie and his brother, "Ruff," were passing in front of the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Holsten, on Main street, and started a racket with the aged 'Moistens by mis treating the Holsten dog. The boys went on down the street, but decided they would go back and whip the head of the Holsten family. They retraced their steps and climbed over the fence into the Holsten yard and in a few minutes Mr. Holsten had landed a right swing on Bernle's jaw, which necessitated Bernie measuring him self on the ground. Both the Leonards then began beating the aged Holsten, and Mrs. Holsten came to the rescue of her husband with a. pistol in her hand: She did not lose any time in bringing the gun Into action. One shot went through Bernie's hand and another struck him square in the fore head. "Ruff" Leonard had, in the meantime, taken to his heels and Ber-' nle was left to tho mercy of the Hol stens. Seeing that they "had put Hei nle out of fighting commission, the head of the Holsten family dragged the wounded man out to the sidewalk and a passing wagon hauled him down to O'Hanlon's corner, where a crowd soon gathered to see "who's who" and "how come." The follow was bleed ing profusely and was soon taken to the hospital. There the physicians found that the ball had broken the skull, but had not entered the brain. It was taken out, and the wound dressed, and Bernie placed in a nice, clean cot, where he lies today wrap ped in bandages. Mrs. Holsfen admitted the shooting lo the officers, who told her that they would notify her when limy wanted her. From what can he learned it ap peals that the Leonard bovs were to blame for the whole affair. The Hol sten couple are aged people. To Be Guest of Honor At Jer ferson Club Banquet Tonight. in '" Tim Si.itji,. ) 7 1 W M. II "i" A. I "''"'I In he I ""' '' will lake :''1B uf II... u,.u , , "" "tuig rh, ,',:,; ; Mm.. w,,, "'-tuber i-.illie., 11. : i. ! su ' '' '"""I "'III te r. .. . " i-v ,n .i:i',';,n l. 1 1 "vei., ii-a Cn!',...,, 'It f en, foo. - li lt p g' iys : he iMh. be ams v ty of I'iii. u'llllH (Kill Or.'.. ; mis 5 Missions "f North J?r;' "f missions f h'i,: . ;''"' "'nil Th.c V: S'av Entertained This Morning by Iroquois Cltb of That City. On Arriving at I His Nebraska Home He Will Have j a Rest of Five Days And Then Start On Campaign Tour, Especially In the South. ! (By Publishers' 1'iess ) j niK'.V.O. III.. Sept. I. Wiliiam Bryan aimed In this city at S: 15 ; this morning ovir the (.rand Trunk jHaitroad from jvtroit. ,. was met i by a committee from the Irotpiois and 'Jefferson I'lulis and escorted to Audi jtorium hy committee in automobiles. The crowd present was small, owing to the early hour anil lack of general information as to the time of his arrival. ; Until noon the distinguished guest will reK with his family. At U' o'clock a committee from the Iroquois Club will escort him to the dull where an Informal reception followed hy a luncheon will take place. Luncheon i will be served for 17."i guests and no formal speeches, are to be made. After that Bryan will return to the hotel to remain until j the time for the great event of the day, the banquet under the auspices of the Jefferson Club at the Auditorium this evening. Bryan's Campaign Plans. A rest of five days at home is all Bryan has allowed himself before tak ing up his campaign. He will go- to St. Louis, then to Cincinnati and Louisville. Fioni Louisville he will invade the "Solid South" and make a trip to the principal cities of every Southern state.. Hp expects to set himself right with the Southern peo ple on the Issue of the government ownership of railroads. EVENTS 1 1'DAY.B 11 li CHICAGO . OFFICERS CHOSEN. SCHOOL Stockholders of The Chatham Manufacturing Company Hold A Meeting. Mr. H. G. Chatham Elected President. Other Officers And Board of Di rectors Also Chosen, Representa tive of Mill Engineering Firm Here Now Arranging to Submit Plans for Building. Work On Structure 'Will Probably Be 'Begun Next Month. Winston and Salem White Public Schools Have Big Attendance. CONCERT TONIGHT Below is given the program ar ranged for the band concert tonight: March The Rambler. ('rumbling. March The Eighteenth Kigimen:. Panclla. Overture Southern Melodies. Mackie Beyer. Waltz Waltz Me Around Again, Willie. Shields. Two Step Moonlight Motet . Medley March Just a Little Rock igCha!r and You Morse. Part II. March Lieutenant. Santlemaii. Rosenkrans. March Coppers on Parade. Cle ment. Waltz In the Golden Autumn Time Sweet Elaine. Rocker. Overture Mignonette Baiimuu. Waltz I'm Up In the Air About Mary, Heinzman. Two Step Don't , Be What. You Ain't. Hein. This program subject to change. CASES n IN SUPREME COURT (Special to Tho Sentinel.) . The stockholder of the Chat ham Manufacturing Company, which Is ar ranging to build a large wonien mi'! just across the North Carolina Mid land Railroad, at the terminus of North Pine street, met last night and formally organized by the election of ihe following officers: President, H. G. Chatham;- first vice-president, R. J. KevKoliU; -hwcuuU. vice -president., G. T. Roth; treasurer, R. M. Chatham; secH'tary, Mason Llllard. The board of directors Is composed of the follow ing: R. J. Reynolds, .las. A. Gray. W. M. Nlssen, ex-Judge. H. R. Slarbiick. R. I Nortleel. A. S. Haiies, C. I). Og- huru, .1. I.. Gilmer, II. G. Chatham, G. T. Roth, Paul Chatham and R. M. Chatham. Lock wood. Green & Co., of Boston, one of the best mill, engineering firms in the coimtry, Is preparing plans for the big factory. A member of the firm is here and in connection with the management of the Chatham Manufacturing Co. and a representa tive of the Southern Railway, locating the site and side track. As soon as the plans are completed, which will he In about two weeks, they will be submitted to contractors. The man agement hopes to begin work on the building not later than October and it will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. President Chat ham says lie hopes to be making 'jlankets here by April next. The office of the company, for the present, will he at the law office of ex Judge Starbuck. (Special to Tho Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Sept. 4. Appeals from the second district composed of Hali fax, Northampton, Warren, Berth' and Hertford counties were called this morning in the supreme court. The only case to which any special Inter est attaches Is that, of Clark vs. the Pntapscq Ware Co., which operated the big Smith farm in Halifax. The plaintiff In the case Is Chief Justice Walter Clark of the North Carolina supreme court and 'the litigation in volves damages to the farm of Judge Clark caused by the construction of a dam hy the defendant company that hacked water on lands owned hy .Itidgfl Clark. A Judgement, for jL'.tmn was secured in the lower court. It Is un derstood that Ibis case was docketed too late to he heard at this term and will k" over under the rules. E. L. Travis is counsel for Judge Clark and Day and Bell for the Patapsco Co. The docket for the week consists of Liles vs. Lumber Co., Smith vs. Rail road. Foot vs. Railroad, Piltinger. ex pa rte. Evans vs. Freeman, Gerock vs. Telegraph Co.. Smith vs. Lumber Co.. Brown vs. Railroad. Vassar vs. Rail road, Tynei vs. Barnes. CONCOCTED PLOT. Three Miners Arc Arrested At A Mexican Mining Camp. It Is Alleged They Were Planning to Inaugurate. a Form of Revolution In Mexico as Soon as Their Plans Were Perfected. Plans fBeing Di rected by Mexican Revolutionists in St. Louis It Is Said Revolutionists Have Organizations In Forty Cities. (By Publisher?' Pres?.) TI'CZON. Arizona. Sept.. I - Collins Hunil.ert, Frenchman, l.eonaide Wile tieal and Brunt Trvino. Mexicans, were arrested today at Mowry and Pakagonia mining camps where many Illinois are employed. The arrests were made by immigration inspectors and rangers. It is charged that the men are agitators who were attempt ing to organize a force of Mexican miners to attack Leg.ilcs Senora and capture the customs house i"l arsenal. Letters found on the pris oners" show 'he plans were directed by Mexican revolutionist, leaders In I St. Louis. ' The letters limicaicu revolutionists have organizations in forlv cities and that they will become active as soon as they can h-em-arms. The alleged agitators are being held. TREPOFF IS SICK. 'Most Hated Man In Russia Suffers a Nervous Breakdown. His Strenuous Work During Past Few Months In Protecting Ciar And Quelling Revolutionary Outbreaks Tells on Him And Necessitate Ap pointment of a Successor. (Rv Publishers' Press.) ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. I.-General Trepoff, commandant of the pal ice. Is to be succeeded by Lieutenant General Baron Klelgels. according to report current today. Last week it was reported Trepoff had suffered a nervous collapse as a result of his trying experience as Czar's protector since the revolution began and had been compelled to give up his duties. Another report, which has been Indus triously circulated during the last few Jays, Is that Trepoff had fallen under the Czar's displeasure and had been retired This rumor has been denied as often as started. Hilton Klelgels, who l reported a it Trepoff's successor, is a believer In the same methods of dealing wit h the revolutionists as those employed bj Trepoff. As prefect of St. Petersburg and Governor of Kieoff, Kleigels was responsible for the cruel reprisals against, the revolutionaries and made himself one of the most hated men In Russia. Ninety Professions, A revival meeting, which Is now In progress at Mayodan conducted by Rev. Edgar Holton, of this city, as sisted hy Evangelist Burdelt and wife, of Texas, has resulted4 in ninety pro fessions. Mr. (.'. E. Crist also assisted in the meeting which Is still In pro gress and with renewed Interest at each s'-rvice. -In fuiieial of Mr. Thomas Still was conducted from the residence on North . Liberty street at 10 o'clock his morning by Rev. E. E. William son, The interment was in the cerne- ery. The pall bearers were B. K. Norman, W, I.. Tiague, J. (). While, V K. Marl In, W. M. Ilassell and R. K Carmlehael ''i.i'i'in at ""If He " ::,i ,.;':""'-a!;i.n! iii in-t ,j. ," '.uh! ses-, , fie a ' I fit rf'MX'iatlon ! ... IK" '- '" crop! ,"fi,.. , w'"li at-1 f Jt "rk Is r "l nf r n Mrs' T vk"' wh" ...nii. (Special to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO. Sept. 3. This wa a busy day in the city and to say that Greensboro has a busier day than usual means a great deal. In addition ti a big labor day celebration, the city schools opened for the fall term. a special term of federal court con vened, an examination for public school teachers was held and the county commissioners and boa id ' highway commissioners were In ses --The circus had a small crowd last night, It left, after midnight for Mar tinsville, where It, exhibited today. Captain Johnson, who brought. In the jN. & W, train from Roanoke, reported ii'hig crowd at Martinsville to see the '-how. Tobacco Association Officers. At the annual nni'ting of ihe liaco As.-.oel,vion Monday nigh' old otlicets were re-elected foi the suing veal. They are as follows: President. Sterling Smith Vice Fri'Mdenl -Geo me T Hr Seen tary-Treasmer and Sup' i v of Stiles -7.. T. Hyniiin. Executive Committee M- -si- , .it ' li fnrrin .1. .) G"-n I K Not-fleet. J. T. Simpson. W. Taylor, W. N. Reynolds, R. C. Norfl iii-i-'ii K tr.-. fi ei Miss Davis Muslin, of Wayiienlllo, ).n rived this afternoon to enter Salem j Academy. ' Henry and Ben Montague, Spicer Wilson, Mangum Webb and R. J Joi i Ian went to Raleigh today to enter ,'he A. & M. College. -In this Issue Dr. Ralph M 1 Samuel, of New York; Hie eve ,p. eia Itet ho opened an office h'-n; :m week, announce., that he w.ll ' permanently for the pi actio- of t"s profession in this city. - In this Issue Rosenbacher & Bro. have an attractive antiounremelit on ' in Introductory sale of the "money ('lack'' guaranteed liti-lnch Mack laf feta silk for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The discount is worthy iof jour careful attention. W. A. and T. F. Bailey, of Advance, went to Danville today. .1. 8. Crlm went to Wilmington to lay. Attendance at Opening of Winston Schools a Record Breaker And At tendance on Salem Schools Also Much Larger Than Usual. The fall term of the Winston city guided Kchooli, (white), opened tixlay with the largest enrollment of pupils since Jhc graded system was estab lished. At the West End school Itul scholars were present; at the North End school 'JST, and at the East End school i;'"i. making a total of l.ttjii. This number will be largely Increased during the week. The colored school will open In two weeks. Opening of Salem Schools. The Salem public schools also opened this morning. At West Salem tb enrollment numbered l"n. this be ing So more than on the opening day last year. The attendance at the East Salem school was also gratify ing, the enrollment numbering sixty. OPENING. VIEWS OF II TOM L JOHNSOn SEVERAL NEW BOOKS ' The new hooks at Ihe Carnegie Li brary are "The Breath of the Gods." "Huchenau's Wife." ''Battle Ground," "The Circle. Ihe Hoosler School Master," "Huntingdon. Jr.," "The Aides of Barnegat," "Tinier Rocky Skies." "Collision," "Lady Betty Across the Water. flic Awakening of Helena Ritchie," "Cowardice Court." "Joan of the Sword Hand," "On the Wings of the Morning, I he King of Diamonds." "The Tracer of Lost Persons," "Leopard Spots," "Truth Dexter.' "Voice of tho Peo ple," "The Kentons," "Master of War lock," "Rock Haven," "Daughters of NIJo," "Confessions of a Wife" and "Arms'tlud the Women." The children's hour was held again last Saturday. GOLDFIELO TALKS OF NELSON-CANS FiT (BV Publishers' Press.) GOI.DFIELD. Nevada, Sept. 4. All Goldflcld stayed up last night to talk about the big fight and when the chaff and clatter that followed from the mouth of men and 'women and children Is winnowed there Is but one conclusion and that Is that Gaits Is a mighty - popular lighter just now and can have almost anything In Gold field. While pialses for Gaiis are be ing sung there, Is nothing but con demnation for Nelson. There Is no denying that Gans put up a great bat tle and fought It gamely and honestly. The decision was absolutely correct. WOMAN'S RELATIVES (By Publishers' Press.) . I.EEHIII Itt: C.:i . Sent 4 - Six months ago Miss Eva Green, daughter of a prominent family, was wedded lo A. T. Wilson, after a brief courtship. One week after she learned her hus band hud negro ancestors. The girl informed her parents and the hus band, believing her parents would kill him. fled. On petition of relatives of the gill Governor Ten ell has of fered a reward of $!iMl for the arrest of Wilson. The. girl's relatives made no secret of their Intention to lynch Wilson If found. The girl Is pros trated ami is being watched to pie vent ber -committing suicide. DURHAM OFFICER T OF A NECRO SM'cla to Tim Koiifiorl ) DURHAM. Sept I - Jaiuch K. Pb-as ants, constable of Dm bam tow nship, was shot and seriously wounded this morning about 1 o'clock. He was shot In the back by a nigio named Jim Brown, a despcialc. chatacter,. The negro has so fHr made bis es cape but a posse is close after him and it. is thought that he will be cap tured, Every effort. Is being made by ofllceiB and citizens to get him. Officer Pleasants went to the home of a woman named Laura Cat roll for the purpose of serving a claim and de. .livery paper to takf- a stove. This Drown negro 'objected und when the offtt-er Insisted on taking the property called for Brown secured a pistol and shot the officer In the back, the bah passing through Hie back and lodging III the right lung. It Is feared that there are interna! hemorrhages' that may be fatal. The negro then-walked aay and went to the woods. After shooting the officer another negro named Henry Outlaw attempted to disaun the niuiderer and he was shot under the chin for his 'trouble. Outlaw was riot seriously hurt 'Brown Is a mean negro, having serv ed a term on the roads in this county and having boasied that he served tn years in the Virginia penitentiary for killing a white man. ll'Mm FOR LOAN, on llrnt 1 mortgage A. H. Eller. He Says That Roosevelt And BryanWIll Be Candidates In 1908. ALSO PREDICTS BRYAN'S ELECTION THAT YEAR He Says the Nebraskan s Utterances About Government Ownership Will Drive Thousands of Men Out of the Democratic Party But That Ten from Other Parties Will Take the Place of Every One That Leaves. tBv Fubllsbers' Press.) CLEVELAND, O. Sept, 4 -In the opinion of Mayor Tom L, Johnson. Bryan's stand on government owner ship of railways uiaJu'.lt.C''ttlB.thal Roosevelt will be the nominee of tht Republicans 'for president In t9t. "Bryan's declaration of principles means two things." said Ihe mayor. on his letutn from New York toda ; "nomination of Roosevelt anil driving of thousands of Democrats out of th party. To till sach Democrats I say 'God Speed,' for every one that leaves ten men of other parties stand ready to take his place. Rotwcvelt will h nominated, Bnnn will be nominated. Bryan will defeat RixiHttvelt, That Is lily firm belief. Every Republican who Is a protectionist In principle believes in government ownership. Farmers will be solidly 111 favor of It, so will every small shipper. They know the ells of private ownership and freight rate discriminations." George penny, of Greensboro, wa tabbed In the breast, about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon by an unknown negro In front of the Wlnstonla, the new hotel, near the union paenr station. The negro fled ami th wounded man, who waa Intoxicated, rushed Into the office of the former Brewing Co,, telling the malinger that he hud been badly cut. Penny re moved his coal and vest. Blood was flowing freely from the wound. On of the men employed at tho brewery telephoned to Dr. Johu Bvtuim, who arrived in a few minutes.' Penny was removed to llm hospital, wbera th wound, which whs two or three Inches long, was diessed. Penny loft the hospital a few hours later. He went home today. Witnesses to the assault say that Poiuly had a slick and was endeavor ing to strike everylHiily thai came his way, especially negroes. One big yellow fellow refused to be driven from the sidewalk and he pulled his knife and stubbed tho Greensboro man. Immediately thereafter th ne gro left, running down East Third street. When last seen he was going under the N. W. trestle. Officer went in pursuit but failed lo find hint. TRIAL L T (Special lo Th Hetillmtl.) GREENSBORO, Kept. 4 -Federal court convened Ibis morning with Judge Boyd piesldlng. The case of United Stales vs. R. II. Hardin wa called, and after a motion to continue, was overruled, the trial was com menced. The defendant Is charged with violation of section 3119 of the Culled States laws, In making false returns. Tho witnesses examined at ths morning session were Jackson Mor ris, Milton McNeill and A. P, Grace. There are a large number of witness- and the Case will consume several las, probably several week!. The charge U the same as that In Hie case against G. W. Samuel, tried here last spring The government Is represented by Dlstilrt Attorney A. E. Holton and Assistant District AHoiney A I.. Colde. The defense Is represent! by ex Judge H. II Adams. ex-Judge W. V. Byiimn. Jr.. J. W. McNeill and W. W. Barber. Can Spell as He Pleases. Ex Postmaster Tyie Glenn, of Greensboro, was in the city ycst.nr. day. While here he purchased two fine mules for bis (aim seven miles rtom Greensboro. "I believe you are now free Amer ican citizen," lemarkeil a friend to lb.- ex postmasli-i "I certainly sin, I can use Rixme velt's lie speller or let it alone; In fact I can spell as I please," said Mr. Glenn, who seemed delighted 'hat be is out of office Mr. 'Glenn hH sold his riyer faun In Yadkin county, With the County Fathers. The county commissioner were in session today. Mayor Eaton appeared before the board this afternoou In re gard to the use of the court house square during the present month for the band concerts. The mayor agrees to new grass S'-ei and fertilize the square this fall l.'pon this promise? the i quest was gianted. The board, af ter allowing a number of claim and passing upon tax matters, adjourned to meei on the 17th inst Mis Mary Taylor, of Danburf, went to Gullfoid College today.

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