TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL pll ADDRESS IVERY I. mi uniiniv prnTmiinrn n ! I MlinUAI. uu ILmDLIl l.j I ! i i , , ... iiniin uriip Drnnmrn ! wim wuM ncruniLU i - FROU JERIERSVILLEl WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS IE OPEiG CHANGES IS PLAfl Un is to Arrive k Sept. 16. V Morning. KEFOUR FCHES IN STATE. Ljo Bt His First In r it. U on This Tr.p-mr. sra Through Appoint- L Him By State Chair- L At Instance of Coun- i u. Eller Will Be L J. C. Buxton While o Tits Sentinel.) .V' ii'H"K ;u:f ,ijM( ratio head ha: William Jennings ,pr ,pocc!;es in Xnrtn A-r i: and ly- tle Intitule near Una .,i!T i;,. to place ins Irioni tln-ie and w ii.'o North Carolina. Ac iiievai-v arranged here. minimal of Mr. Bryan, to wiibton-Saiem Sun- :kn Monday morning. In the afternoon he ItemslKiro. anil at Sal- uisht. On Tuesday . , till cimifc tu Raleigh, -iy a: Burlington and i Aft r his speech m leave nr C.ilnmbia.S. mill speak Wednesday, and thru continue his tVsc dates are approv al! arrangements will cial trains 10 some of Ml)!; Winston-Salem, isbnry ami Raleigh. m I hat Mr. Bryan an address in Winstnn- W:iveil in re this an as it was announc-a:-lali w on' rl visit the ii A 11. Eller, of the ka'ir executive coinniit- S'tjtr Chairman Sim la: a ila'c lie arranged Winsi'in-Salein and ' ousratiiiatcd on the ks (lore. ;wh he re will lie his 'C tl will he delivered f t. Septi tuber 17. .Mou lt1' 0! sneak in Greens. lUlujt y Monday night. ' Will speali In Iti-ywn will he I"" I C liuxt ia at his ot. (Special to The Sentinel.) KERXERSV1LLE. Sept. .V Anions the Kcrnersville citizens who spent Monday in Winston-Saiem, the day nf the circus, were: Mrs. T. .1. Willis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Holt, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Fleshman and children. Rev. .1. W. Pinnix and chil dren, R. C. Hunter and children. Miss es Kate and Willie, Stockton, Carrie and Nellie Davis, Nina Pinnix. Jennie and Edith Wiles, Carrie Wini'ree, Messrs. George Crews. D. W. Harmon, Maple Pinnix, Herbert Lowery, John Kemer and Edgar Shore. The ladies of the Haptist church will Rive a lawn party Saturday night on the lawn at Mr. H. E. Shore's resi dence. Ice cream, cake, etc.. will be served and the public is cordially in vited to attend. A large number of our citizens at tended the band concert on the court house lawn in Winston Friday night and every one enjoyed the splendid music by this excellent band. ,1. J. Korner, who has been quite ill at his home here for several weeks, continues very sick. His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. ' Mrs Walter L Adkins, of flltiefleld. W. Va and Miss Addie Raiullemar,, of Pilot Mountain, spent last Saturday in this city, the guests of Mrs. J. E. Hart. v is i rouble ",''f die loan agencies 1 'lira' liiw fi i m is get- ""in parties who - "" panics wl Mil rioallniN will, n, ' "'ii miowii one ' 'l i -'3 11 rnim-i ,i " '""'f'lWlMl U hist "f agents; that 1 ""ii and wils then " a-"ii! .say i, further aet'ii- ,,.f.,..i ... :'' SIm. three ,i:m I'.... m, hi D a !li( :.. 1....1.1 P"1 '"mi's household U, M'r"";'l a j.nlK- 1 Me ease "' "1" nor court P th'.l .... ma or more T;, '." a 'rip BE GIVEN ROYAL WELCOME The Republicans of Winston-Salem anil Forsyth county are preparing to give Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury In President. Roose velt's cabinet, a right royal welcome upon the occasion of his visit to this city on Monday, September ID. The secretary will be met at the train up on his arrival by a local commit tee of citizens and escorted to his hotel. It is expected that hundreds of Republi cans from the county and the district will flock here to hear Mr. Shaw speak and that It will be necessary to se cure the Elks' Auditorium to accom modate the crowd. If Secretary Shaw arrives on Sun day he will he the guest of Col. W. A. Blair while in the city. A prominent Republican says ar rangements are being made to give the secretary a good lime dining his stay in the Twin-City. He will prob ably be tendered a drive over the city and will be invited to visit the large manufacturing plant of the R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co. BIT IIS ARGUED .c ', h'ireme ''5 nj.l',w- (Special to The Sentinel.! KKRNKRSVIM.E, Sept. The writer had the pleasure yesterday of taking a drive over the new macadam road with Mr. James Ordway, and Is pleased to note that much progress is being made, notwithstanding the in dement weather that has pievailed since Ihe work began. Mr. Ordway informs me that with two weeks fair weather he will he ready to begin the laying of the macadam. This road practically follows the old Salem road and one wonl dhardly believe that such an Improvement could be made. The present board of county commission ers deserves much credit for the piece of work and I am reliably informed that the work of permanent road building in Forsyth county is in its infancy if they are re-elected. Hugh P. Leak spent Saturday night and Sunday in the Twin-City with friends. ,, imiiiax, hv :," iippelee. h ri01" Halifax. W I " ?," ' ""1 Travis .. 0"l Mnrrv J kai'-:, . Ira;:, , y A.l"il for ?,'!, ,r""' Halifax. r Th, ' in ,hl b'.il,!;. .. rf;Iiirii in Ral- '' 'Her thn r morn, s .... , '"iiniin about six itors w,.e Statu house v and i..,..,.i "'! ubout si'x r a jh,i ,. Jses '.art. i, . '.. N" court "s f lid, iv LICENSES ISSUED TO E One Hundred and Fifth Annual Session of Salem Acad- cmy and College. Large Enrollment of Pupils Dr. Clew ell and Others Make Brief Address es Part of Memorial Building To Be Occupied New $12,000 Organ to Be Installed by Next April. This morning a! in o'clock the Sa lem Female Academy and College, which ha., been tin- Ainu M.iier of S" many brigh' girls in ihe Southland, held its otic hundred ami fldri opening exercires in the beautiful Home Mora viau church. A large number of the friends and patrons were pre-enl. and listened with intense interest ;, the fine ad dresses limde by Dr. .1.11. t'lewell and Rev. J. K. Pfohl and Rev. Ed aril. S. Crosland. The music for the occasion was im pressive and very appropriate, strik ing the keynote of the institution piety. Rev. Edward Sieinple made a must earnest prayer for the holy guidance during the year In all the school work The song of Deborah, Judges V., was selected by Rev. Mr. lirenuecke for lesson of the morning. Dr. Clewell, In his address, extend ed a most hearty welcome to all friends, patrons, old and new pupils, and the Salem Boys' School. He spoke earnestly to the student, hod), giving them as their , motto, "Others not self." "This is the true secret of happiness." said Dr. Clewell. Today begins the one hundred and fifth year since the school was organized, fifty yiais before Winston was founded. I.ove for the school is attested by the generations after generations who send back their daughters to be edu cated here. He slated that the upper floor of Memorial Hall has been com puted, and all the pianos placed in position. The plans for the handsome flU.niMl organ were also completed, which would he In position by April. The beautiful auditorium, when com pleted, .will scat 2.IHI0 people. This means much not only t the sclvml but to the Stale, and Rev. .1. K. Pfohl, in a short address, spoke of these as preparation days, the Indications be ing that this would be the best of all the school years. His advice, was to take each day as It conies, not look too much into the future. He gave them for their motto, "Whom having i:o seen 1 love." Mr. Crosland spoke of Ihe .self-denial, practice and study necessary to success, and gave them as their mot to, "Seek that ye may excel," or New Yolk's motto, "Excelsior." It was a most impressive sight to see the 4on students march ill a most, orderly manner out, of the church. Quite a number of those pres ent availed themselves of the oppor tunity to look over Memorial Hull. The third story, which Is music hall, is neatly finished in white, well light ed, with about Id rooms and Is per fectly equipped in every particular. This will be reached by elevator. The brass plates for the foyer have been ordered, and will add greatly both to the beauty as well as to the interest of the building. Indeed, this will be a building of which all will be Justly proud. , . WELCOME TO BHYAfl ONLY ONE 111 STATE Russian Premier to Take People Into His Confi dence tMore. I Arranging To Hold Weekly Confer ences When Various Matters Will Be Discussed With Him People o' All Stations In Lift To Be Invited To These Conferences. IHv Publisher' Press.) ST. I'KTEUSHl'Rtl. Sept. 5 -I n- dismayed by attempt made upon his life twu wcik.s ago. when a bomb was xpl"di'd in his villa during a recrp He Will Be Greeted by His Cold Storage Plant to Be Es- Home People This Evening. tabllshed In Winston-Salem. He Will Arrive In Hid Native City. Carolina Cold Storage and let Co. In- !! kithmj -twwrwj tHtmi-.. iK4uu;X.,.v,uiii(i. . ili.noly ,ip, ;S;ilypin a.v. .... del to hold regular , rm, mh ,.fJcr(Mi, M, Thuisday receptions at the wir.te" Lincoln, Nebraska, Shortly Afttr 6 O'clock This Evening Elaborate, Demonstration In His Honor Has! Been Afranjed. I (By Publishers.' Press ) ! LINCOLN. Neb. Sept. .'..-An up' toarions greeting Is in store for Mr.' tir an when he ienelie Lincoln this. be out roads town corporated by Secretary of Stats With Paid In Capital of fSO.OOO New Enterpriss to Ba In Sm Story Brick Building, Formerly Owned And Occupied by Brown Bros. Wliistoii-Sulein is to have a larjo cold hlmage plant It wll be Ihe mil) enterprise nf the kind In th m'Suiti aud will mean much to the com munity ami the gentlemen responsible .in .... .i..- ...i i.. . ior iim va oiimi in in. pa. ace whei. various political iue-; , 1 The Carolina Cold Storage and U' lions wll be dKciissed. Not only wiil .the celebration. ,(,(, WH ,.(,, the Becrotary of officials be admitted to these reccp ! The Ilryan paity s due to arrive In state todav with1 an authorised capl- hour mil persons of. all stations ofi Lincoln shortly atler ti p. in. Several life an- invited to attend. The premier I hundred horsemen will escort the is anxious to secure the opinion of ullilv to the tl'.e ir t vois which 1 e propose: 'be i ( xt D.uuna. Press.) -Although the MEET AGAIN SEPT. 17 (Special to The Sentinel ) RAI.EIOH. Sept. fi. A quorum of he membership of the North Carolina commission for the Jamestown exposi tion met In the governors omce yes terday and discussed the situation wilh the result that organization was deferred until September IT. -whin the commission will mei t wit li Cov. (ilcim at the Montlcello Hotel in NwTolk. There a conference will he held with the managers of the exposition and oiganization of the commission will be effected. Also such steps as may at that time seem advisable 'ili as to Xoith i nroiiiia iii"""""- in tin? exposition. ,yiiniei s "i coniinis.-hm here yes'eruay were Dauglit ridge. Rocky Mount; (,. Hiiishaw. WinstonSaiem; H. ( Dockm. Rockingham; D. ( arpen ter. Newton; C. S. Powell, AMieviib . .1. W. Alkin-on. iiiiiingiiui, a..'. I'ngue. Rah igh. en tldll the K. L W. J Col. 1.1. E (By I ubllshers' NEW YORK, Sept. t Pennsylvania tunnel builders believe I hat they have now all means of pro tecting the lives and the health of their workers, Investigation Is con stantly going on to Hud out if theie is anything more that could be done to reduce the dangers of caisson work. Pearson & Son, who hold the East river contract and have by far the most difficult part of the work to be performed, have employed English scientists to make an exhaustive study of the effect of the air pressure, with a view of avoiding caisson dis ease altogether. Two of these scientists recently spent three hours under a pressure of !2 pounds without any apparent ef fect, except that if thev held an arm or leg in one position it became stiff. One of the Investigators noticed that his left arm, which was bent in one position most of the time he was un der pressure, was several hours In getting Into action. It Is thought that these results support the Idea that "bends'' is a disease caused by con gestion of the blood. The same Inves tigators are continuing their research es and further Important results are expected. But as the case stands, the death rate in the iiiniiels that are being bored under East and North rivers for the Pennsylvania railroad Is no greater than that among the sky-scraper Iron workers. This Is due larg ;! to the fact, that no precaution or rem edy that can be thought of Is neglect ed In older to reduce Illness among the workers to a1) minimum, and to provide quick means for cure when Illness does occur. tal of $I2."..ihiii. of this amount $:.1.0im par-! pas been nnld In. The Incorporator late house grounds where l(i Krank 8. Veruav. of Winston-Hit- jCoveriior Mickey and Mayor Brown ) ,,m; j n. j.-ort nf Kllleott City, Md.; will deliver addresses of welcome. Mr. ,'. w. Hay, of Baltimore, aud Clement Hnan will respond. ; Manly, of Wliiston-Saleiu, thn last The citv is a muss of flags and bunt-; named being counsel for the company. Ing with pictures of Bryan In ever) yr. Verna), who Is to be manager, window and the streets me crow (led j has been resident of this city for while more people gie constantly at-i two years, and la engaged In thn living. Jbiokerage buslnesH. In an Interview 1 - this afternoon, Mr. Veiney stated that Ills compniiv had purchased from the heirs of the late W. I. and R. IV Brown the six story building on the comer of Fourth and Depot streets, used for several years by the Brown Bros. Co., as a tobacco manufacturing plant. Mi'.Veniay stated that the main pur pose of Mw company warn to estab lish a large cold storage, but they wilt Install and operate In the name build ing (Wo 15 ton Ice plant and will put mi the market about 2fi tons of Ira per day. (Special to Thn Sentinel.) WASHINGTON, Sept. .'. The Cu ban legation hen- Is without news fiom, Havana regarding tin revolu tionary movtineiit. Senator Prado. chrarge d'.ff. ,ieB. Is, ho-'-ever, at U.'i fi .!. v'.imf. f"f 'be iMM:liec in New Yoik of M. Calaama, who Is va riously .siyled commissioner of gov ernment of i ni..! and Its press agi lit Hi: --hs 'I ,.' str.nige that. Ihe Cuban government would send a commi.; .loner to this country when It already ha:, an established legation here ami in ;iii-'ic. o,' .uiiher Ii. formation 1. Is ,iot iiiciimd to believe the report. (Special to The Sentinel. I. RALEIGH, Sept. a The commis sioner of insurance has licensed the Dixie Fire Insurance Co., of Ciroens boro, recently chartered, to do busi ness in the State. J. L. Blades is pres ident; c. t). Benbow, treasurer, and 1. F. Cobb, secretary. The company begins business with $:".'Hi capital and $2.-.0.(ini) surplus. Another Insurance license is to the Dutchess Life Insurance Co.. of New York. T. T. Hay & Co.. of Raleigh, aie general agents. SIGNING OE TREATY I By Publishers' Press.) POKTSMOI T H. New Hampshire, Sept. V A bronze tablet commemora tive of signing of Russian-Japanese I iieace treaty was affixed today to the l wall of Ntw Hampshire building, No. :;. at navy yard, where the Russian and Japanese envoys held their git- , tji.jjs anil where the treaty of Ports niMiilh was signed. The tablet was id'Tcd by the navy department. E It Is reported that Policeman Sam uels, of Keruersvllle, tendered his res ignation to Mayor Llnvllle. of that, town, last night. According to the in formation thai comes to The Sentinel, Mr. Samuels arrested a negro for lur ceny. Ho wan tried before the mayor and bound over to the Superior Court. The otllcer took his prisoner to the de pot In Kei ncrsvllle and was awaiting the arrival of the irajn to bring the negro to Jail. While the engineer was giving the station blow, Policeman Samuels' prisoner skipped out. The negro mailt! his escape. Last night one aud made his escape. Last nlglil one of the boys of Kernersville wrote this on the bulletin board at the Kerners villi; station: "Samuels--4! minutes late." A Kernetsville man is authority for the statement that Samuels allow ed a white boy to get away fiom III in a few day s ago. OCT. TERM BE COURT The following jurors were drawn by the county commissioners for the October term of Forsyth Superior Court, which will convene. Monday, Oc tober S, It will Ix? for the hearing of criminal cases only ; W. N. Poindexler, Ounle M. Wall, ('has. V l.ongworth, Win. A. Moser, E. Robt, Vaughn, J. F. Keilter, W. P. Matthews, .1. I). Hammock, Daniel M. Johnson, Julius T. Shamel. J. II. Ham lin. I. O. Patterson, Nat W. Whicker, F. L. Reynold,, J. W. Freeman, ('has. L. James, I.i wIk K. Flshel. Will C Llvengood. J. E. II. Hester, M M. Reynolds. S A. Hhutt. John M. Clem moils, John A Hoggins, John M. Hes ter, John A. Sink, Luther I. Marshall, W. J. Peterson, A. R. Sides, A A. Styers, O. V Pfiiff. W.II, Blown. Chan. Patterson. J M. Martin, W. T. Brown, C. J. Dillon, Julius H. Lamb. The board deferred making Its an nual settlement with Sheriff Alhi.iugh until the I7lh Inst. INTERESTING TEST IDE WITH MOSQUITOES ACCIDENT TO A TRANSPORT SHIP (Bv Publishers' Press ) WASHINGTON. Sept. 4 The quar. tertnaster general of the army receiv ed a dispatch this morning from Hon olulu concerning the press report that the transport Sheridan, which m aground off the const cif Hawaii, will be a total loss. All personal and oth er available properly Is being remov ed from the Ill-fated hlp. The dU pateh says,, that unless strong winds spring up from the south vmtel will probably lie In It present posi tion without going to pieces until ihe arrival of wrecking apparatus from Han Francisco wJtU which It Is hoped to remove the shlfj's engines. WITNESSES TESTIFY IN RARDIN CASE (Special to Thn Sentinel.) GREENSBORO. Sept. C (looij pro gress was made In Federal court to day In taking of evidence In the case against It. II. Ilaidiu. charged with violating Section 3 1 '111, of the Revised Statutes, anil for negligently permit ting W. W. McKwcii, Jamea Combt, James EIIU and James Eller to con duet Illicit distilleries. Ten witnesses Wei., examined yesterday, and seveial more weie on the stand today. It wll) be several days before the case goes to the Jury. TWO OEPICERS Of FELT IN HAWAII Will BE OUTS (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Sept. u The Democrat ic handbook for the Impending cam paign will be Issued within the next few days. It consists of 185 pages, be ing the largest ever issued in 'he State, being exceptionally comprehen sive as to both State and national politic. (Special to The Sentinel. GREENSBORO. Sept. t.W, Makers, a while man. hailin Slier City, and a repn senta H.idley-Peoples Manufacturing panv 'of that place, was a"r While Oak Mills yesterday by She! iff Jtffr'.vs on the chatge tenipMnz to entice hands a;i the mill to work at Siler Ci; was lodged in jail and yes'.r ternoi.n an officer of his c came to Greensboro and fiae him. ' . Me fi otll ,. nf Cull- 'I a' pll' Y f a' (By Publishers'' Press I WASHINGTON. Sept. .1.-Gal Val eiro. director of Institute of expeil mental hygiene and paras. dtology in I'lilvt'iMty of Loiisauiie. Switzerland, has Just confirmed the old claim made i" i !y a quarter of a rentury ago that mosquitoes are respeetois of coloi and pcisohv r nlierl Slates Consul General Richard Giieiillier, of Friink-fort-on the Main. Germany, has made a review of repoit for State depart ment. He suggtsts that, light, color-, should be chosen for clothes in rnon quito -ridden communities. He quotes from a rcpop the statement that moMjultoi s settled mi colom dm- (By Publisher' Pros.) PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 5 -Oil war rants charging embezzling and mak ing false returns, sworn out by a de positor of the wrecked Real KstatO Tiust Co. promoter William P. North treasure). und M S. Colllngwxod, aa Mxtant treasurer, were arrrnt'd this morning ami a. ralgned in t'Oii'D court. Their bonds are $IU..0di each, Advertisements. - Enough to make a ing an expeiimei.i Hiid only ligh' ones New It S H.ld low liungi t . i Landqillsi ('fob IM'hool supplies, i White Star Co The ma ill giiaiuuli.e of goodness. (' L Fuigcson- If yon are fel , girfid one on of purity. flitetJ- upon plating painting or decorating. O Hmilon't Drug Store Ice cream talk. ; Roheiibarher it Itro Call attention to nobby line i,f new f suits. I Joe Jacobs Clothing Co. Announce I fall tailoilng , opening for Thursday .and Friday and Saturday of this week (Bv Publishers' Press ) HONOU'LI'. Kepi. 5.' Nilo expert-need a severe earthquake last night it fi:10. Soon aftetward the beach was found to be lined with dead fish, which evidently had been scalded. It is believed that a submarine explo- -loli caused It. Su' h disturbances are i and bought to have causid the wreck of he Manchuria and Sheridan. A t new Day" In ail Fav stockings, something the weaves. (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Sept. f,-A Chart, isntcd to the Guilford Furniture of Greensboto. with capital of ulwribed by J. A MelJuffy rordham. H. A i; if for Heath-Kimel. At Ca!var parsonage this m"ruf"i! Mi- Moid Heattt and Miss Mao H'-1-Kim. 1 were united in marriage, K K S. Crosland. pastor of Cahao Mo tavian rhmch. officiating. A friends of the contracting parti'- "r ln 'H-ondance upon this happ yvno. Mr. Metta Goes To Nebraaka. Mr. Fred Metis, who has been phy sical director at the local Y. M. C. A. for several months, left at evening for Nebraska to accept a similar posi tion with an association In that State During his slay here Mr. Metts won a host of admiring friends, He Is a (lever and affable gentleman and as physical director performed his duties most acceptably. r k Lynchburg Couple Married Here. Co.! Mr. liuls V Burnett an4 Miss Geor- $1,0oii. I gla B Mays, of Lynchburg. Va., arrlv A. E . ''d in the ( Ity this morning and at 12 of Greensboro, and r H 'o'clock today were milted In marriage Foy, of Kinston Another the ceremony being petformcd by Dr charter Is to Continental Blow Plp' l( F Chreluberg, a' the residence of Co., of Lexington, capita! $.'.0 .uijo uu . Mr Patrick pendergias. tin North thoilzerl, W. H Walker. J W Crow-j Trade street The couple s'aM that ell and otheia lulng Incorporators. 'It a no runaway match, that they Governor Glenn left vesterdav forlJnst came here to be romantic. They Laurlnbiiig t() deliver an addresa to day In connection with a big county Sunday school convention . Henry Joeckel has returned from an extended northern trip and again resumed business Jook out for nice things from Winkler's bakery. ,";'F. South Main street, Salem 'Phone lit. left l.ytichbuig at 2 o'clock this morn ing. Thev will go to Greensboro this evening, i'pend tht night there, and return to Lynchburg tomorrow. The Munay and Mack Company, which appears at rhe Auditorium to night, anlvcd In the city thU after-noou