fWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL I 'FAR. IS 'decision of judge JiM Mil ON CASEI WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ln officials Con- With the I a- s;even$ Mas a Thor- ...-.-h I ads TO Wion .""" f .. -h., nf Men .gtsTo Fo"0- Jus REII OF CASES EXCEPTIONS MADE. (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Sept. G. Associate (U-e Connor, of the Supreme ('ami. mailt' a ruling last night In the ('has Starling writ of habeas corpus cast growing out of the charge of criminal assault on Lena McDonald, a lilyo.ir-olil- girl, who had been conimif totl to his care hy her mother who lives in Gnldsboro and Is a woman of no char acter. Starling had been committed to jail by Police Justice Hadgcr here under a $1,000 bond. Judge Connor. . i, .U..1111 in ru es tnai ne nnus no ega evii ence '' ' ' i;,v I of criminal assault, but that ii is a affa.is tn.i! '' 'jcas0 n which so much scandalous h'-a.I '"L" conduct is showu on the part of all n s;t t : i -ii - began parties concerned that there should ... . Ih. 1.- . 1,nnimU ini'lli'liniillnn U .. . 1 i n.Cl r..l-;UC a liiuiviifcn iiMrounfluuu ny lie grand jury. So he makes the charge against Burning Moipie assami anil changes the bond to $3oo, which, It is understood Starling cannot give. The judge also directs that the clerk of! Wake , Superior Court take steps to have the girl gotten away from her corrupt environments and a suitable home found for her so that she may be reclaimed If possible. Alleged Murderers of Lyerly Family to Be Tried in Stanley. I UP 3WI.th ' Iinor, c:il"IiletinS tli,' buiiili" km! the d his construc inissal f ii, icii! nf paiiii- supei inieim- C. A. al- f,I!!.-tl'i;"i"H I .. ,,f masonry nod and mte changes it is -aid. Ladi-d ef fiery depart- e iuvfiitoiy in prop teiiiK the last year Yaif. The inventories h.-ry ',!, Ill siigcaine m uvwisaicd. .lit:? . clever', ciuneiiy , (ostiimt'-s. unieful mil 4r.1l a sell-gowned cho principal features nf nin." the Murray aim n tlia; held the boards isitorium last night. It j ihat this array of 'the audience. The is cnitsideiably better prtsn-.tdl here by the lark company two years :iliive the average inu- k mmy- Town" ha.-, more plot miary in musical come- ni'trt'fss to fay there in he i" the least np- etttt phases nf the plot i'y fin the In t rmliict ion Wtk ami burlesque spruducd much laughter. IHrray and Mack were In- iirli.ripal act Inn cen thii' doings. In their iirk ;hey indulge in p9'. and much work f-t.fly CH'vei. Some ol wp'tlally good. Miss i Millie k;i k. Oilt e prii:ciiii!s there were xof pi ioiuU aliility hut ail in a cipabie manner, ft- musical numbers were llubihlv -My AlllO Tmit." "Take a Lit thf selections bv the While. Tile l:,tlei- ' (lciiei hiis r the 'ri; repeatedly encored. ""tiss in ihe idini acl 1 "':, tnoiigii a link in tile others I'tite atiranive costume fiwp.nl noiHih through- IN SUPREME COURT (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Sept. (1 When the third district cases are called in the Su preme Court next, week for argument on appeal the one of most interest probably wHl be th estate vs. William Sultan, from New Heme, in which the novel question of the eligibility of a member of an anti-saloon league to sit as a juror in the trial of a person charged with retailing liquor without license will be the Issue. The plain tiff was convicted before Judge Long and sentenced to five months Impris onment and $500 fine. The trial judge refused to bar antl-saloon league mem bers from the jury and the defendant exhausted his peremptory challenges on members of the league and still others were left on the Jury. The con tention Is that the league members are unduly prejudiced against a defen dant charged with violation of the li quor laws. Counsel For The Three Negroes Who Were Not Molested By Lynching Mob Ask For Removal Which Ii Granted Cases To Be Tried . At February Term of Court. (Special to The Sentinel.) 8ALISRCRY. Sept. C (ieorge Ii vm. Henry Gillespie and Delia Dilling ham, charged whh the murder of the Lyeily family near this city, .ink LP. wore arraigned In Ruwau Superior Court today on trial for their lives. On hearine the Indictment .Inlin n Williams, of counsel for the defen dants, promptly made a motion for re moval nt the ease t., another county on the gi nl that a fair bearing could not be Imd in Rowan.' The mo tion was strongly opposed ' by the State, bin Judge Furgusoii granted a removal, naming Stanley county ami the February term as the place and time for the trial. STREET CAR ACCIDENT Rate Bill Regulations Are Be ing Modified In Some Cases. Interstate Commerce Commission In A Number of Cases Has Authorized Slight Deviations In The! Matter of Publication of Rates. (Hy Publishers' Pi ess ) WASHINGTON. Sept. C The In- tersUie Commerce Commission In specific rases is pennittieg deviation (from strict letter of the new railway rat" la'j jyhj,ch requires railways to I post neliedules of rates thirty days be I fore thry can become effective. I it develops that some of the rail I roads made new rates Just before the i law vent into effect and other roads j imeit sted are just discovering the shred in ive of (heir compel ilois. The commission is giving careful con sideration to icqiuRts for niodlllea ;tion. Where claims are deemed Just ithe railroad in' question is permitted .to make a rate to meet its compel itor aim me commission orders u cnective .immediately. Several score of such changes art' already being made. Sim ilar ' requests are being received by leach mall. MEMBERS OF THE FEDERAL COURT. CUD lira! "I DWENRSHIP ALLEGED LYNCHER IS '"'-'r press. iV, v., ,. . .t in. ii. i ne '" "f "' -''md dis r"l'v"ni"ti of Dem 1"VI"'d a resoiu " a,1"l'd r. pufiiHthiK ''''"Mi:,, ,Pa. The ; u;iw" In ,rim t. Mc- 'if Hie Diinucraijp ;a. '''l from Wevi vi....... I'" ti-1 of Rryan. .",' "".'. '1S follows: XT?" i ail Its . d.lKa Hill r . cm. """arrailiw I '-.'! danqe,. ,0 ,)ie m fiR tS flfi CANAL r i i l A b: .,, V" !' " 7 -Mids were ,!:" "fflce of I.M'iinii. . . , ""ill lor ' ' "' ' ""u ions I "'' Isthmian .1" ''''''''lu'itive Co.. ;"'e.-;t bid '.,."r'' " ' deliver The ft,. Yr'""', KxPrt i ne only "'' bid was UlS (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEK1H, Sept. fi The Slate su perintendent of public Instruction Is sending out notices to the superinten dents of the city schools in the State notifying them that the law plainly re quires the use of Ihe books adopted by the text book commission for the next five years in their schools, that il is their duty to obey the law and his duty to enforce It. Some of Ihe schools have in the past refused to use the books adopted. State Superintendent .loyncr is also sending out letters to the county su perintendents of schools insisting that they see to It in co-operation with the county boards, that there are deposi tories for the boohs throughout their counties in easy reach of all the peo ple. Also that, they repoit to him the failure of any publishers to Keep a supply of books at any of the depositories. DECLARED NOT CU ILL! A special from Salisbury in tills morning News and Observer says: George II. (ientle, one of the alleged lynchers of the Gillespie negroes here last month, was Ibis arternoon acquit ted of the charge of breaking into the Jail lo sel7.e the prisoners. All of to days session of court was consumed in argument in the case. V. S. Carl ton and Theodore Kluttz made strong speeches for tho defense. Solicitor W. C. Hammer and L. H. Clement spoke t in behalf nf the State. The speeca of ihe solicitor consumed nearly thief hours, in which he denned the law against conspiracy and jail breaking, pleading for swift justice against all offenders. At the Instance of Solicitor Ham mer. P. S. Carlton, of counsel for Gen tle, was subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury and give evidence looking to additional arrests of lynch ers here. Vi 'a::s' HITS Iff r IF CHILDREN ,L.rr i'lol!:', . Hen- I'-r k if" 'his' m I san, ,f" She had The' s,,,'11"" "'" No-P il rh'!'!ren wfirP ' '"! ""-half yPars t ' A street car packed with passen gers bound from Vinton to Roanoke, Va., went through' the bridge over Tinker creek about 'J:llu yesterday morning. One man was killed and four men and one lady injured. The pas sengers were eiiroute lo Roanoke to see Robinson's circus and parade. The World gives this report of the ac cident: The presence of mind of Conductor Taylor Trout saved many from brok en limbs, and probably death. H" was in the middle of the car taking up fares, when the" bridge gave way. People were thrown on lop of each other, and little children fared the worst. Several ladles fainted and others became hysterical. Mr. Trout pulled people to their feet and got the children out safelv. He would have been thrown out If his foot had not caught In one of the seals. Mr. Norman Franklin was miter mail. He escaped iujiny. The car had slopped on the east end of the bridge to take on some Mid way passengers, and was nrivlng very slowly when the bridge gave way. It. gave way just as the car was In tl:.! centre. The front of the car rested on the pier of the bridge, while the low er one dropped on a small Island in the centre of Ihe creek. The iron work of the upper end of the bridge twisted around the car. and the negro, Charles Cuff, was caught between th iron work and the car, and crushed through the abdomen, and lil.i .ai'.n broken. The women and children made their way to the island and waded to the hunk. News of the accident was sent to the city, and a special was sent down with physicians. Charles Par ker, P. R Lime and Frank Hell were taken to the hospital. Mr. Long went to his. home in Vinton, and Mrs. Price went to her home In Midway. Young' Parker's arm had to lie am putated at tho shoulder. He Is from Vinton. Cliarie., Cuff, the colored nwe who was killed, was about years of aue. His body was taken lo .1. ,t. Onkly A Co.'s and prepared for burial, ai.d lat er to Vinton. The bridge that went dow ,i was built in IHU1 by the Virginia Urlrige and Iron Company, and Mr. Il.-.iieocl; stated thin morning that he had eeery reason to believe Hint II was i sub stantial structure. No one seeoi"! to have any idea of the cause of the bridge breaking. II was probably due to Hie car coming on with stn h a heavy loud and moving slowly. The bridge has a span of sixty ff" and when it gave way in th" centre, the whole structure was bent down ward. The track was raised up (or a distance of twenty feet from th bridge like a bow. The first reports that came to the city were io the ( ffeet Ihat nu'.iy had been 'killed and cn-aled consiilciahie (xelienii'iit. The const met ion force w ..s sent down and car- are now run regularly between the bridge and the (I'y. ENRACED PEOPLE (Hy Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. fi. Sixteen so-called Christian Fllipinos.who were dealers In Ma nil ay a slaves in Davao district of Mindanao Philippine Is lands, have been slain by the aveng ing relative sof woman and chil dren stolen. Details of tho tragedy have been received here. Klght Man- dayas entered the Isolated place, oc cupied by the slave trafflcers. killing all. The house and contents were des troyed by fire. The slave baiting is carried on by Filipinos along the east ern coast of Mlndunoa and until the practice has been broken up by the authorities it is expected that repris als of the character described will continue. TRADE WITH CORA . (Bv Publishers' Preis.l WASHINGTON, Sept. fi The de partment of commerce and labor an nounces that the commerce of ihe Cu lled Stat-s with Cuba In the fiscal year Just ended was greater than any earlier year of trade relations be tween the I 'nited States and that Is land. This is particularly true of ex ports. The Imports from the Island fell slightly below H0., due lo the fall in the price of hiigar. but the ex ports were 115 per cent greater than In 190.1, 7.1 per cent greater than In 11)04, about 2 per cent greater than In lltnj. The exports for the fiscal year V.W, amounted to $ I7,7fi::,f!8t. The Im ports were M,!I7.S::. REPORT OF CHIEF-OF- Chief of Police Thomas makes Ihe following report for Augnst: Nunilxr of cases before the mayor. MX; hound over to Superior Court. 21; lolal H;:i. Amount of lines and costs docketed. tr..Ki::.: collected In cash, r20..r5. Dog lax collected, $220. Total, $710.55 Of Ihe HI!) cases convicted and bound over. W. T. I'enry had 17 con victed; F. A Martin had 25 convicted and f bound over; W. A. ! tartness, 12 and 7 bound over: R. W. Ilryan, IS and t hound over; H. C. Valentine, .5; C. A. Piatt, 2:i and 4 bound over; II W. S'anford. 2!i and 2 bound ovei ; C C. Royal, 22. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE The Devil Himself. On next Saturday afienioon in one of the prominent store windows of he city. .vir. Howaid Baldwin, the hit all the past, summer al "Dreamland." at Coney Island. New York, will ap pear lu his mysterious and wonderful portrayal of Mephistopholes (the Dev il.) It is something worth seeing and will be his only appearance in Witi-ston-Salem. The New York Herald devoted a column last Saturday to this young man's marvelous work aui complimented him most highly. In Norfolk, Richmond, Raleigh. Durham and Greensboro, where he appeared, the crowds were so great the street cars were blockaded for considerable time. Evangelist Fred N. Day went to Hillsboro today to assist the pastor of the Baptist church there In a pro tracted meeting. He returned yestci day from Mt. Airy, where he assisted in a ten days' meeting, which resulted in 38 accessions to the church. LOST Part of gold eye-glass. Finder please return to this office. (P,v Publishers' Press.) WKST CHKSTKR. Pa.'. Sept. ;. .lust before being hanged to-'la;t'.r the murder of Marie and John D'-I'ic-ca. children whom he had kidnappf 1 Ricardo Forte attempted suicide. II gashed his wrists with tin taa h:i lobacco. The' jailer seized him a:.; held him while a doctor bandage-: In; wrists. He was then taken to th pu lows and hanged. The crime for fb:o Fortf was executed was coinini"' d a i;,....,.!li:vll:e anil nt the lilHO f"'.;!.5 ran so high. against ihe mnid-i--f was necessary lo spirit him aav " the county jail to prevent a lyii'.hh.g Rural Hall Well Represented. Rural Hal! was well rep'r-K-i.t.-here today. Among those who S"-nt the dav here on loudness we i, -t' De pot Agent W. G Hail . Thomas (Jiirin. of the Gunn Vet r ( ; ' Sinirh. -if the Smith Lumber ' " - f'1'1 W E Htauber. of the Rural Ha- v-" n-er Co. Mr. Stauber was hi route in Mocksviiie "ii a hum-i"- was called back home this afrern koi hv a .h.:e message reporting a br down 'at his Jilant this morning. Death of Mrs. P. A. George. A telegram received lo re announc es ihe death of Mrs. P. A. Gco.ge, which occurred at 1! o'clock yesterday afternoon, after three weeks' illness caused by typhoid fever. Deceased eaves a husband and three small chil dren. Mr. George, who Is a native of this city, has the sympathy of many friends In this bereavement. The fu neral was held in Mt, Airy this after noon. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Howman. of this city, attended the service Mrs Bowman Jh sister of Mr. George. (By Publishers Press.) NEW YORK, Sepl. fi-G.Hiige II lliennan has ie encaged the following members of Ihe Southern Company presenting "The Clansman": Miss Claire MelKiwell. who played Nellie las' year, will piny (he role of Elsie, sncceediiif the late Georgia Welles; Miss -Mamie Poland. Franklin Ritchie, Theodore KehrWald, John H Cooke. I'bailcs Aveiy. Charles Millies, JfliiiCh .1 Gin dner, Coleman J. Carroll. Joseph E. Sweeney, and John V. Mc Donald. Among the new members of the company are Cecil Iliitler, Uruce Richai d.-on, ami Nellie Claire. who were Important members of Ihe east ern company last year. These addi tions to the company will materially strengthen it. Among other new mem bers of the company are Allert An ih ns, Edna Davis. Guy P.. Hoffman, Mabel Shaw hii-I Fred Kley. Prosecution In the Hardin Case May Rest This Afternoon. "IIDl'f IN CREATES A SENSATION (P.y Publisher1 .Press.) LONDON, Sept. f, Tho Countess of Warwick created a sensation yester day In an address before the trade union congress when she declaied that because of her radical views on socialism she was being snubbed by aristocrats. Stretching out her anus she cried: "Before long tin' storm will burst, there will hi- social revolution. So cialism Is the only hope of workers." Despite the undoubted sincerity of the countess there is a marked diver gence between socialists and laborers regarding her championship of the cause. Many think iIip presence of the wealthy, rich-gowned aristocrat on their platform must weaken the movement. AROUND THE CITY. New Advertisements. Elks1 Auditorium Saturday night. September S, "Vlolelle." Rosenbaeher & Ilro. Wonderful values for tomorrow, specials picked up by our buyer while north Hnul.ley-HillStockton Co. Any 'hing that goes into the home Wachovia I.oan and Trust Co. An nounces that in the future t per cent interest, will be paid on savings, fund acfoti nts. Simpson Drug Co We're In husl-j ness for you health, learn the way toi Simpson's. A. Shapiro Is North buying goods. C. F. Lewis has bought the Hes ter boarding house on Trade street. Manager .1. W. Hester, of the New York 5 and 10c store, Is North this week buying goods. The taidles' Aid Society of Purk head M. E. chinch held their monthly meeting this afternoon. The Winston Aldermen will meet In regular monthly session tonight. Principally routine business will be transacted. ... , Pride Lj on, one of the former buyers of leaf on this market for the American Tobacco Co., Is In the fit) with a "merry-go-round." The condition of Mr. John T. Jones, who fell from a scaffold al th XliizcndoiT two weeks ago, continues favorable. He Is still at the hospi tal. The D. C Rankin Missionary So ciety of the First Presbyterian church will nicit tomonow afternoon at t;.!'1 o'clock with Mrs. Henry Roan. A full attendance is desired. Hernie Leonard, who was shot Monday afternoon b) Mrs. J. W. Ilol slen, Is reported to be doing nicely. Il Is thought that he will be able lo leave the hospital In h few days. Postal Clerk C. T. Plnkerton, who was recently transferred to the run between this city and Roanake, V a.. will move his family from Mooresvillc to Wluston-S'alem In November. Win. H Patterson, alter spending a few days with his parents .hern, went to Rowland, N C today, where he will preach next Sunday, lie will go lo Richmond next week to enter Un ion Theological Seminary. Mr. L. G Lewis, of Walnut Cove, father of Mr. .1. K. Ia'wIs, of Fairvlew, sustained a stroke of paralysis last Saturday high! and for several hours was rendered speechless. His condi tion Is now regarded more hefiil. Grace M. E. Sunday school will give Its annual plcliic al Nlssen park tomorrow afternoon. It was deferred two weeks ago on account of rain The incniltcrs are requested to meet at the church promptly al 2::;n o'clock Cap!, C. E. Phillip-, one of the Norfolk & Western's popular condiic bus, came In sick fiom Roanoke thi afternoon. He was unable lo lake up tickets. His duiie were bv Mr. W. It Whitlow, flagman on this r.un. Mr. V. L. Stephenson, who has been editing die Morning Journal for seviral months, has resigned lo ac- ..,., .. -,.,,, . ,!, -i .ff ..I II, i. "i" " I'"""""' - I nts Its ChHiliille Observer. Mi. Stephenson j Is a (lever writer and a bright young j man. He promises in win succe-ns in i his chosen profession. , ' A gentleman who has recenljj vis ited neveial counties 111 eighth C07 greHsloiiat district remarked today! I Defense May Introduce a Largs Nwm j ber of Witnesses Kx Rvnu Otfl I csr Samuels Has Been Summoned j As Witness In th Cast. j (Special to The Sentliiel.t j G RKENSHOKO, Sept. The c of I'nlted States against R H. Har din, commenced Tuesday. U still or copying the (tendon of the federal jCuuit. Twenty three wltnrssen were I examined Tuesday ami yesterday, all of these being witnesses for the (or- eminent. Disiriri Attorney Holloa stales Ihat he hope lo conclude the taking nf evidence for Ihe prosecution today, A number of witnesses Were examined this morning. Much important evidence for the government was deduced from the tes timony (if ihe wllnei-seB for the pros ecution yesterday. Several of the wit nesses testified that llsllllerle(i re ported li have bi-en destroyed by the revenue otfleirs were left untouched, or at least were not badly damaged. The witnesses who testified yesterday were A. I.. Webster. John Mahsffv, Jr., A, E. Phillips, W II. Illgnlns. Ed. psr sons, Miilconib Fox A. M. IlurctlH rrt. Stokes Ijiiic, Lafayette Mllum. A. L. Clement, Marion McCann. Kll Smith, Harrison Dillon and A. P. Grace, An Intetestlng fact In connection with Ihe rase Is that a number of men indicted for Illicit distilling, sonic ut whom plead guilty to the charge, ire witnesses lu the esse. They do not hesitate to say that the officers cam to their stills and left without destroy ing their outfits or emptying the ves sels rontaliilng mash or whiskey. District Attorney llolton will prob ably rest the case for the government this afternoon, when the taking of ev idence for the defendant will bo com menced. There re many witnesses for the defence mid II will take some time to examine them. The esse will probably not go to the Jury before next week. Among ihe witnesses for the defendant Is 0. W. Samuels, now In Wilkes county Jail, chsrged with an sssaull on R. II Deal, for which he Is serving a term In the Jail. He will be brought here on a will of ha beas corpus when needed. Laler Witnesses In the Federal Conn at Greensboro wore heie (his afternoon, ictuinlng lo their rsHtc live homes In Wilkes and Surry coun ties. Frfim theae It was ittarnthd -that the lawyers would probably begin ar gument in the Hardiu case late this afternoon. Duly character witnesses woru Introduced for tho defendant. Two of ..Ihe witnesses staled to tha reKirter that they were told In Greens boro h Ih morning that several parties ijmlcr Indictment had decided to plead guilty, rather than stand trial. Ill PITTSBURG TODAT (Bv Publishers' Press.) PITTSRI'RG, Pa. Sept. 6. Corne lius Coombs ami "Hud" WllUants,, ne groes, expiated their crimes on the gsl lows this moiuliig. Coombs was hanged for the murder -if Mrs. Florence )li kersou, February N, I lt'l.r. Williams, after killing his mother In law, at her home September HI, llturi, followed his brolher-ln law Into Ihe ho nie of h neighbor, where b shut him twtce. The murder of hi mother-in-law was one of the coldest mur der affairs In Ihe annals of Alleghany county. performed I " centre Hi., clever ua, .V t South so on FLORIDA EAST COAST (Ut- Publishers' Press WASHINGTON, Si pi. fi.- A (ropl "'al ills' in li.inei: Is approaching Kail Florida coast. " Thin Is the warning k.-iiI (Hit by the weather bureau today. Is north or and near Nax The hurricane warning has b. en displayed on the east Flori da const from .la-knoll Wile to Key Wet and siorm warnings on the Carolina and Georgia, coasts, ! west, coast of the Florida peulti- All tii.il I. Notice. b-ii-li is of policies lu the Mu ife Insurance Co.. of New York, and the New York Llfu Insurance Co., are re-iueslcr to meet In Ihe council chamber. Miitilclnal Inilldlilif. Wliiatnn that he would not be surprised tf'v H ,, n, Krldav. Hetiteinber Blackburn!-: ut.nfl, ,iin r..n. nueniiitlves tj ;t general meeting of policy-holders at Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 12. lion; pub- Willi, Eight Plead Guilty. In the Federal court yesterday eight of the defendants In cases of Illicit distilling submitted lo the charge in; open court. Those pleading guilty were James Combs, Call Eller. W. 8 Smilhey, Garfield and Adney M. Fos ter, Jainea Eller. James Ellis and Po ley Hafcr. All the defendants are from the "State of Wilkes." Hack.tts inajoiliy over reached 2 Ion: Republicans are I if-1 v announcing daily that they not support Spencer. Mrs. D. (i Walker died al th" bospi'al last night at the age of about f) years. Mrs. Walker was brought '-( the hospital about ten days ago for an operation, which was perform ed Her homr was alioiit three miles from Walkertown. The Interment I will be al live s church. Mrs .1. E H'ocklon and daughter, j Miss Julia, left- today for IW-nnetts-1 vllle, S C . to visit Dr. Stockton's fain-1 lb. They were accompanied by Mrs ! Bitten By a Spider. Mr V F. Fulton, who resides on Tcn-h stieet. was -bitten by a spider white sli'ing on hU front porch a few evenings since. He paid little atten tion t-t the wound inflicted until It be dan swelling. A physician ' con sulted an-l for ti nights Mr. Fulton has tieen deprived of sleep and rest. He is suffering considerable pain. W. L McCrary and rhiidren.of Angus ' ta. Ga.. who have been Ihe guests of! Mrs. Stockton for several months. i Mrs McCrarv will return to Augusta the first of October. WANTED At once lady assistant with experience In and general office work. tllK-1. Tour Candidates For Initiation, "Th- Rcbekah Lodge, I, O. O. F will have an important meeting tonight. The ladles have four candidates for Initiation, two of these being from this city, -me from Durham and the ' from book-keeping other G., care Sen-j l urged in ceremonies. Kinsion. Every member present and witness the

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