(TWIN-CITY daily sentinel fflTfiiDKE TO GO r!!u TO JURY NEXT WEEK WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS a 1. m of inquiry jwea rt Relative to (collision. maded That Com . n.-k Officer of U. S. f. Be Tried By f, T;ils Growing Out of ,,,0 Ettween me ,,;:elV 1'.." I nv'.r - js ,v" !, w,.,l i if inquiry, ill'" rPLUv of tin Navy to .,, cui.iii' a! Newport, llf , tod!! ships Ala- ; . n,., rap!.) Samuel 1 ' . ,1, . l.iK-jin.l - Alfi'" I I esse v - !.''( tin -id-k "" ,he A1" Wli,:..n m-curred, be i cousiiieraiion lliri' 1 1 r. decision 111 1 , isqisii). whose report !i.,c :,..,n. exonerates :P Ci. lie; licit Wins jff ;Sr UUle.-hip Kear ,;. Imame Involved 111 iS- f,riiiiml tli.it lie was iSi.ii( mini the bridge : th" iime, lint recoiu Jll'i.ii.l1'"!"1 Hay C. 5o, : i,; ;he K arsarge ro'l.siou. lie repn- cmii.i.jmier-iii-rniei ui TAXABLE PROPERTY FOR A HIKH SRHnni TON TO speakhere I REPORTED (Special to Tho Sentinel.) GRKKNSBORO, Sept. ".-District Attorney Holton announced just h fore the adjorunineiit of the I'lntoi States court yesteriUy afternoon i ha: he would rest the case for the gov ernment wit hthe undemanding ;!ut he be allowed to Introduce ilie teii mony of Mrs. W.A. H:ves later should Judge Boyd rule that it is competent. The examination of win esses for the defence was comme.ieeu this morning. It Is hardly p rob ah I .hat the defence will conclude the -UKing of evidence before tomorrow, ail.t it will probably he the middle of next week before the case goes to the Jj. Ex-Governor Aycocl. arrived ester day and will assist t.n- attorneys in the defense of K. H. Hardin now on trial. C. B. Watson lias not retired from the defence, ;io has been stated but Is kept away oil account of impor tant, business elsevvb' -e . Nearly all of the witnesses examin ed yesterday were character wilni ss es, and no evidence ot especial iiniair- tance was deduced. The evidence was largely corroborative testimony. The following wittir-sts for the gov ernment were on tin- stand yesterday: .1. C. Mitchell.D.A. llayc. K. A. Spain hour, Manly Miles, Jonah Myers, lien Call. Pink Hanley, 1'. A. Lomax, R. II. Ryrd.'and John A.i.iuson. Those for the defence were: F. F. Blevins, L. Dunigardner, W. L. Winhorne. One witness place., ot, the stand yes terday testified as to the location of places mentioned i,i the reports of Hardin to the department of internal revenue. He described the location of each place mentioned and told the distance It was from some important town. When he had finished, Govern or Aycock, for the delence. said It was a good recitation .11 geography, and he would not cross ixamlne the witness. to Tim Sentinel.) So)'. 7 Five bales of lae h. st of the season, iv f.i !i cents. Farmers laiity a:.rl we'd in this 'Ml . run a;iiiMUti:iI Supt. J. 'lie ic:::iiLr:itiary ; Capt. i')ti. R. H. Speight B. S.U'ttor., tho latter iWka Orphans' Home 'legate.- from this State ;;al Prison Association. ! AKiaiii. X. Y.. Septem l! t understood that mm ai')')inled will al es. BAD 10 YADKIN. s o( That. County To lectio.i Al Their Meeting fu of KihLing a railroad al a tin, .ting held in Jl'in'iv. The Stalcsvillc ie .1 i.i.v, tir.ni Mt. Alrv o 'p'ace. and1 aro i" R" an. elect Ion called ti.'l ffici. However, the Yaiikin decided to 'iti their meeting in r":"f is from Mouth v,il ! i, tii. Kikin. Yad- isimi in. 1, i),.;... . . u 1 1 1 uiiii, isne- ""'iiil il.vci t In-' p a fine sec ts regarded by I ": mis yet I ''I'll. '1 oe i'ciiiislvanla H'1 ' hanking the if ' '"nsiastlc and rlm '. -c( tiro the road, f ",(i'ieil to vote j:""'n:., says the W't - i'l Kikin ')s Kikin I BETTEfi TODAY :k:il'i' I'repis 1 H CI. -. .. . I. " !M',t. ,. r """'I' today, but 1 ' ,V-S', 'a! ih '" 111 the "' ''' of the immedl Iinr1 Mrs. Ms morning "ot improved. Nt Macmnery. P- Mi.it v.- . ; Mills, or this 'chased ' i, ,"f a large 1.11 moving ''""i High Point. iL , icnted the ,., " NM. ..wfrd street, P'mll -he 8a it 1 and are ""TV in that ' w t'lai hinery iiiiiluiling a ,' ! purchased .'"i'plv Co. ''!! io nir ft lor ,'""" t:d larger "f ,r'J'' '" ni"t the ln.ai ..." 5 !'.' "'fir cood . be. ! '!laf'l fl";iriiv C illal .'' ' v !- i's prcscni t'11 from the rnM'l"nce and '.r w U1 ago. I Km :r? " Cuthrell! i,: i,;,; ; h"si'itai, i9 m. j. ' n":l'd to his Knr -." is 8,111 ' tj t,. ,. mp and Mi at times. T A member of the Winston bar slat-; ed today that charser would be filed! with Governor Glenn against all noia-j ry publics in Winston who are assist ing In the money-let ning business. They will be asked to show cause why their license sho ml not be revoked. The next Legislate will be asked to enact a law maki,iB it a misdemea nor for any one to engage In a busi ness where usurious interest is char ed and where money-lenders fail to keep books and reiuse to give re ceipts. The Tais Case. Several members of the Winston Salem bar will go to Raleigh next Monday to attend the hearing before the Supreme Coutt it. the case of B. C. Tavis, who recently passed exami nation before that tnbunal and would have been granted license to practice law but for object loos filed by Wat son, Buxton & Watson, Manly & Hen dren, Lindsay Patfison and Geo. P. Pell. These lawyjrs allege that Mr. Tavis is not a fit person to enter the profession. The specific charge lodg ed against him Is that for two years he has been engage! ir. lending mon ey to poor and ignorant people and charging a usurious late of Interest. One affidavit made by a colored man, alleges that ho bor.owed money from Mr. Tavis and paid i.LWi per cent. The charges were filed with, the Supreme Court on Saturday before Mr. Tavis stood examination. Depositions were taken before Clerk Transon In the ease this morn ing. Mr. Tavis, w'.io has affidavits as to his character, is represented by Maj. J. E. Alexander. Major Alexander w seen this af ternoon and aske.i if he wished to make a statement He said: "While 1 want all the facis known 1 do not think it proper to try tne case in the newspapers as tha!.' is contrary to custom among the la'vyers. I do wish to say, however, that all reports as to unkind remarks ha'.ing been made by Tavis or others about anybody con nected with the cn.rges is utterly un true. These reports were spread for a synister purpose. Tavis has 110 un kind feeling toward ny one." Forsyth's Report Shows a Gain of Nearly Half Mil lion Over Last Year. Total Valuation Real and Pertonal Is $14.475.021 Taxes for Road Pur poses $M,270.07 jnd For All Pur peses. State, Cyui ly and School, $158,975.34. Koisyth. so far as icported, is the first emnity to si i.,' to the Slate Auditor an abstract of listed property for 1 ;:. From t!u rtport. which was pupainl h Mr. 1. M. MeKaughan, cletk to the regis, er of deeds, the fol lowing Interesting flames ate taken, Nutnlxr of aciiis, ot land in county', 2::r.,lilt: valuation, $1 S::'.'.t47; 5 aotes of mineral quarry, valued at Sl.or.n: a. Si, town lots, valued at $;:,4!f.17ii; lata! of real estate, $.i.::2X.!t72. Total amount of ,insonal proper!'., $'i.r.!i7.i;:;i. Number of polls. 'vLites. 4,l!0S; col ored, 1.412. This is a gain of whites over last year. Total of incomes, $"1n.i:',7. Total amount of Slate taxi's, t;io.L'7. Total for school.-. $::.",bs5.o:!. Total valuation ol ual and personal for county is SI I t,r,.ll21. This is a gain of $4ii7-.4:: o.ei' last year. Total amount :if i.ixes levied for general county pu poi s, $:!i;,5I.VIG. For road purposes, $."i4.27o.n7. Total amount of taxes to bf collect ed for Slate, comity and school pur poses, $irs.!i75.i!4. s , Oilier items are as follows: Horses No. :!.l!l, vlue HM.iMit;. Mules No. l.f.ij, v;.iue, $!IO,:',iiti. Cows No. 7,l4'l: value, JX2fi92. Hogs No. ,4t;ri; value $;;2.2!. Household I'teiiolls jO.;125. Value Household ;ii,u kitchen furni ture, $2.'!B.22ii. Money on hand in deposit, $Si;,S,',2. Solvent credits $1.4!ifi,l(iS. Money, securities, n.ares of stocft, etc., $1,071,47!. 1 Value leaf and mjn.tfactured tobac co, $l,4!til,nnr. Value good ro.uls machines, etc., $7(;,"..;;li7. City rjnancc Committee and School Board Authorized . to Buy Lot.1 (Special to Tne Sentinel. 1 SPENCER. Sept 7 C. A. Clinck scalcs. a Southern Railway fireman, was killed here at midnight last uiirtt by being run over by northboundpasV senger train No. it). He was leaving the train when, it is alleged, some one pushed him down, the wheels running over him and culling off both his legs and otherwise nia.i;:.ing his body. His remains were sent to ,.is former home at Blythuwood. S. C (Special to The Sentinel.) GREKNSHORO. Sept. 7. The Sav annah baseball club, which has Just won the pennant in ;i'e South Atlan tic League, will piay two games ol baseball here today and tomorrow with an all-Gtiilford team. They will merely be exhibition games, but .they will be largely attemitd by lovers of the sport in the city. GENERAL PRACTICE BY FIREMEN 1 1 ' I Time Made By Companies After The Alarms Were Turned In. The general prarJke by the Win ston and Salem fire departments al the court house mi iar last evening attiacled a large ao.xl. All the com panies made a line ..bowing. Water was thrown above tho courthouse stee ple. Afler the first aiarm was turned in the companies inaiie the -following tlrne in reaching li . ir lesperlive po sition around the .square: Winston, No. I. 1-1 minute.-.; .'o. 2. 2 ".-4 min utes: Salem 1 2" ml:. tiles; Winston Hook and Ladder Co. :; 1-1 minutes; Company No. 2 was delayed some what by having to handle a pair of new horses. After the second a : Tin, Salem led in time in cliatigois hose, attaching them to hydrant ami throwing water. Her record was I m, mites and 27 W o seconds. Notice. Notice Is given thai an application will be made to His Excelency . Gov. R. B. Glenn, to pardon William Press. .,....!.., ... . , , 1 1,1. U,.llMI- suuutiKu 01 an assao 1 at i" . ry term of Forsyth Superior Court and sentenced to 1. months. Sept. 7, 19flfi. EMMA PRESS. New Advertisements. "Faioilte." S. .I. Nis.-en Aio -Good wagon building and repai- wmk. The Climax Haber Ship Better nervice our daily mo; to. Newman's Van"'y Store-Kitchen ware reasonably p,c(d; big assort ment. Roseiiliacher ft lb o. Special offer ings for Satin day shoppers; some thing for even to. tuber of l ti family. The Alien' Co F.i:' shoes, hats and furnishings. II. Montague Se en nice loom centrally located. Brown-Rogers (' -Your iiiones'. wortb lu our steel iiiliij' skates. ..... ,.. C. A. .letikins. .-ite'ir A good aigu inenl oil accidi'nt and health Insur ance. Ogburn-Ves! Co. For r 11 1 and for sale bargains. Owens Drug Co. Violet bor.i'eil talcum powder, til - acme of peifer tioti. The Bee Hive-A.i atlracllu- ii- of specials for Saturday Olivers Institution To Be Located in Center of City Petition F-resented To Al dermen Asking ,ne Board to Allow the Saloons To Kip Places Open Until 10 P. M Other Matter. At lift meeting ui tlu Winston Al- 1 dermeii'lat night .i. Kobre w as grant ei license to continue tro- sale ol spir ituous and malt ll.i-us; Mr. T. 1.. Far lnw was re-eleclej tax iiillirtur; the j quest ion of enlarging ihe Wst End Rrade vchool or lablishing a new fWsh tWi)!.f Was d 11, u Viv'j uk. Jiwtloj1. I was Hile but lot: io allow liu- sii : loons to keep open until In p. in. In-'-.tend of S. as at pivfei.t. These were the most iinporta l li.atlerK before ! the hoard. j Meeting In Detail. ' The first maltei. oroughl before the I board was a req:i st from pauper jjy owners, a-klug ihe board to have ; Chestnut street roiianed. It Was gi anted. ! request for ill' intension ot Ihe sewer line oil M.iia street between Fifth and Sixth st:i,ls, was tefeircd to the sewer committee with power to act. Mr. Helidren. In pres ntlng tlie pe tition of M. Kobre I r leuewiil of sa loon license, explained that the appli cant had purchased fnni Mr. R. J Reynolds a lot on Third street, ad joining new Roetliger building, and proposed to erect a modern structure to cost, with the i.il, about $10.11110 Koine's license to continue business at present stand .as extended fit) days. The managemeiiL was granted II cense to open a bar in ihe Zlnzeiidorf as soon as It Is i winplt ted. I'poii the request of Judge Star buck the aldermen ag'eed to make the new street lenilng to the mill to be built by the ChaMiam Manufactur ing Co. 5()' feet wide Instead of 40. The finance committee recommend ed through Chairman Lllpfert, that the commission of the city tax" col lector be reduced froii 2 per cent. !o 2', per cent. Tne committee com mended the services ol Mr. T. I,. Far row, the present it tax collector, as eminently satisfactory and recoiu mended his re-elc'lloti for a term of two years. New School Building. Action taken by ;he Aldermen means that Winston rill soon have another school building. The "sctiool board and finance commit lee were su thnrUed to purchase a lot near the centre of the city oil which a nice building is to be erode'. The school board favors a high school and It Is quite likely that Ita wishes will be complied with, though Ihe suggestion has been made to ,;se the new build ing for the primary department. The question of increased school fa clllties was piesciUu by Mr. .1. K. Norfleet, who spol.e of the crowded condition of the Wnt End school, say ing that many children could not be accommodated for lack of room. The board passti an ordinance Lu protect squirrels liberated by Maj. J. G. Young on (he b'om between Sum mit and Broad stieit.-:. It will cost the party molesti.'ig these II 1 1 to ani mals $". A petition was r-id from Ihe saloon keepers asking th boa'd to change the hour for closing their places of business from S ,r I1) o'clock. Aldet niau Norfleet sKiiie slicngly against the motion, saying thi he felt sure a great majority of the people of the city opposed such ;. change. He had heard many say tlat It was one of tiie best laws ever passed by the board - to close the saloons at, R o'clock. The vote ,;i the question was a tiei! and :!. It was broken, howevir, by May.u Eaton voting to let well enough a' me. ' The saloons will continue to ..I isr n X at least, iinlil further actio, 1 is taken. Some of the sai , m men have been heard to express th -mselves as being satisfied with Ihe present, hour of closing The' poliC 'liiea like It, say ing that the change made a year or more ago, so far u.-. liuy can learn, has-proven satisfactory to the public generally. TUESflAY, IB, AT 11 A.M. (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Sept. 7--La!e this at teinoou advices lei -,U'd from W. J. Itryan at Stale Denioi tatlc headquar ters to effect tha i.t would come to Raleigh the first point In the St:e ami speak Jiere Men.,.) monilng, Sep tember 17; at Giiiu horo that night; Winston Salem Tnen'my. September Is, at U o'clock, linn ttl Salisbury, In the afternoon and al Charlotte IhBt night at S o'clock, artivlng there al seven o'clock. Th.-me lie goes to Co lumbla Kernersville Wants Bryan. Kerneisv Ilie will miike a fciM-clal ef- FILES EXCEPTIONS. Western Union Objects to As sessment By Corporation Commission. Rev. H. A. Brown returned ia't night from a visit to his brother. Rob-: ert Brown, in Rockingham county, and, will hold services ir. Ihe First Baptist church next Sunday morning and night. (Hv Publishers' Pipjs ( WASHINGTON. o..p:. 7- M.m-' Hicks, now at. San'iag , Chili, cab! the Stale I partr.ieti. today that s ferlng throughout Cn.li.- especially Valparaiso, h Intense as'a-res'ii' the recent earthquake. Minisdr Hicks makes an imiw appeal that the peo,i( of th" I'i.i' Stan's liumediately iesiond to t calls for aid. He ..vs so urgent the nee;) of money t.hat cash coin billions should b" iab.nl to the R Cross In Chili. (Special to Tho Sentinel.) iiKKK.NKBOUt), Sept. 7 A meel tug of the directors i f the North Caro I iina Children's Ho!,,e Society was I held here last night. Various mallets i having In view the p omoilon of tin fwork, were discus' a. Supt. W. It ISlreeter reported un the presnt s.t.i- i'tis of work and troin his report we learn that the society has tecelved Hi i children In its three years of work In !'he Etate. Eightee.i new children have , lueil received since (quarterly tm-e; i tug in June, start), .g wirn only one j worker In the Stat", Ihe society now has four and Is epi,;,tnty eniaiglng ; its field of usefulness. Mrs. Mamie Deshazo and daimicer. i of Goldsboro, wjro l.ere today, en route to Rldgewa.'. to visit rela tives. Sterling Smith came In this after noon from a business rip north. , lawn parte and band concert will he given aM'fftffiown tomorrow (Saiindail night. Public invited. Mis Sarah A S'....y. of Ah-il!ie. Is- oil a visit to Ml v R. W tt'-;o Surprise Musi The Salem Band h Izciis of Salem la.,t ! a number of fine sH I 'op of the Salem Be ibg. The boy s hau practice, but inste 1 1 I of the : building and ! cert, which was gte the large audience at cat Treat. i. prised the clti night hv giving iniotis from Ihe if School build met for regular went to the top gave a free con- illy enjoyed by iseted. j Miss Mary B. Mulicn, a returned l missionary from .io'.&an, Africa, In In the city, the guest .if Jhs. R. W. Ileio. Protest Against Method Employed By Commission In Making a Valua tion of The Company's Property, Claiming That Assessment li More Than Are Lines and Franchises In More Populous States Where Great er Business Is Done. S)H'i-int lo The Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Se,ii. T The Western l ilion Telegraph Om:p.ny files with the corttorallon commission a nmtest fort to have William J. Bryan's train M,nil notice of esop nu as to ta stoi'f fh that towa fm a ten minutes' speflen, Frank V. Mici today tele graphed Mr. Bryan lu liivlliitlou and the Souther will be asked lo hold the train ten mluiites at Kernersville on the day Brya goes .rum (ireensboro lii Winston-Salem. (Special lo The Sentinel.) SALISIH'RV, Sep. T.-ltowan Su perior Court was ei;ged today In hearing a case against Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Pinkham. former proprietors of Hotel Vandetford here, for obtaining goods under false pieieuse. Already two days have been consumed with the ease which is otie of the most In teresting civil suits heard here for a long time. A large number of wit nesses will be examined by each side there being a Una airay of legal tal ent arrayed against i.ich other. Two cars filled with deaf mitten passed through the city yesterday en route to tin) State hospital al Mor ganton. There weie more than eighty persons In the loi presenting an unu sual sight at Ihe loirfil here. Rev. C. L. Brown, a returned mis sionary from Japan, visited Salisbury today and tonight dt hvera a most In terestlng lecture at St. John's Luther an church here., lie lias been in Ja pan for eight yeais ami is well ac quainted with (he (iistoms of Ihe people. REPORTS OF HOSTILITY - TO MENCMS FALSE (Hv Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON, Eept. 7. Cnlted Slates Ambassador Thompson, at City of Mexico, In a report to tne Secretary of State, declares all stories of bitter Hiiti-Amerlcau feeiing n Mexico are falselle states uiiu that there is no dissatisfaction w 'h the administra tion of President Ul.i;; as has been d' dared In stateme.iis emanating from Mexicans who have established n rev olutionary Junta l. (Lis country. BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. Another Delightful Musical Entertain ment Has Been Arranged. The baud concerts begin promptly at 8 o'clock. The program arranged for tonight is as follows: 1 Part I. March Return of the 17lh Regl ment, (by request i (Hi yan I March Asetiath --(Sweeley.) Overture Out for a Lark (Dc. Witt.) WalU Forest I'urk -(Thomas, l Two Step- Not Because Your Halt Is Only - (Adams l Waltz Coming Home from Coney Island - (Henry t Part II. March .1th Regimen! (Rosen kratis.) March Our Director ( Blgelow, ) Wall. Clarabee- IChaabel. Schot.tlsche Dreams of Beauty (Rcpleyl. Two Step'- ( Would Like To Marry You ( liska l Two Stii --Why Don't Yon To (Redfleld.l This program subject to change sessincut against llic property nml franrlilns of the coailiany In this State? the iissessmei.! Im-Iiir $317.2:11. The protest dec. an the valuations and assessment!. n erroneous and ext-esslve and thai methods, basis and manner In watch the- commission arrived at the astussment are unfair In that the assessments are practical l the same as ou lutes ami franchises In more iNipulous Statin where much larger business is di i.e. , OPENED SEPTEMBER 4 (Special to The Sentinel.) CI.EMMONB, Sept. 7. Clemmons School had a splendid opening on Sep tember 4. large number of th pa rents of the pupils and friends of the school were present and all enjoyed the helpful and In. ip ring addresses hy Rev. Edward Slemple ami Rev. Mr. Brennecke, and the music by Misses Speas, Hall and Whiltlnglon. Mist Carrie Speas. the new teacher of In strumental music, is a graduate of Salem Academy and ha also taught (here for a while. MIsn May Rrower. the teacher of stenography and typewrit lug, la also an Academy graduate. Among; the new boaidlnx pupils ws note the mimes of Olln llartuiau. of Spencer; Pannlll, of Fteldsvllle; C'ra ver and Apperson, of Winston; Henry Spaeh. of Mt, Airy, Ira I lines, of Old Town; Craft, of I'l'aff town; Sprinkle, Ilethanla; Liielln Speas, of Donnaha; Nellie Speas, of Seward These lie guttler with Ihe huge number of form er pupils who have returnee' make Clemmons Hill quite a pleasant place. Mrs. Ilartmaii, of Spencer, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jns. E. Hall, and plsccd her son In school. Mr. and Mrs. .1 Frank Morris, of WliisUm-Halem, came out to Ihe open ing of the school and placed their son, Frank. In school. Mrs. Leak, of WIiinIoii, ass a vis llor here Tuesday, hiliiglng her three grandsons lu enter school. Mr. Pannlll. of Rvldsvllle, visited ClemmoiiH Tuesday, bunging his son to enter school. Mr. Fleet Maybeny, of Wllkesliorn, was a pleasant visitor at Clemmons from Saturday until Tuesday. Oefied the Officers. Sheriff R. .1 Pel ice and Deputy A. W. Davis, of Stokes county, had wlial Is considered a quite narrow escape from being shot a few days ago at Smilhtown. Henry Hundley, for whose artist they had a warrant, sat at Ins door at lils house near SmiUitown, with a half-cocked double-barreled gun lu liis hands, and, being half drunk, defied the. officers, daring them to come a step further After a veiy lengthy parl'-yliig Hundley finally put up his gun and allowed himself to be arrested, giving bond (or his appear ance at trial. This warrant charged Huntley with disuniting religious set vices receiii!) al a buiiui near Snow Hill church. T exposition mm Mr. M. D. Ilailev. Ji , has returned from New York Cl'v, where he at tended 'be Tobac :o Trades Exposition and the Bryan demonstration, both of which were he' 1 In Ihe big Madi son Square Garden Mr. Biilley says tl. big exposition hi Id by the ludc p.'liili lit tobacco melt was n great succm in every particu lar. Indepi'iiiliTit t igi.r and elgarelln manufacturers wer.j well represented by attractive booth" and novel devices of various kinds. The "Whlto Itoll" cigarettes were ili Used In. an es pecially effective maimer. No plug manufacturing concerns had If sol let On September :', the first day of the exposition, 2.'I.'hmi people eulered 'he gates and evert night since Itm crowds have been vi-iy large The i. isisitioii sec tos lo have made quite an iuipresnlon on lue ib-nlB lind others. It will close Sepleiniiei Hi, Mr. Bailey sas that the Hryan dene onstiatloti was a bU event In every psrtlciibir and th'i' (Jovrrniir c;lenn's spiech lo the ovclb w crowd Wa well leceived . REAL ESTATE TRUST Items From King. (Special to The BcnMuel.) KING, Sept. fi.-Rev. Robt. Helsa beck and family, of Pembroke, Va . are visiting at , S D Pulliam's Miss Nannie Watson, Mrs. VV. V i Raiidlemaii, Mrs. Eliza Bobs and Rev I A, L. HurMet. of Pinnacle, vlsll'-d at S T. Klger's Monday. Miss Pearl Caudle Is spending sev eral wks with her sister, Mr Et nest Boyles, at Spray. Several frni here attended the cir cus Monday at Winston. Miss Bemiie Campbeil and Manuel Garner were married ou Tuesday night of last week, Mr VV. J. Over by has closed our his stock Of merchandise here and re turned to his home tie,,r Gap, N C. ( Bv Publishers' Press ) PHILADELPHI A, h pt. 7 Deposi tor and creditors o( the Rial Kstalo Trust Co. see hope t.rfiay and are In clined to support Receiver Karlo's piaii for reoi ganlzariuii. A the direc tors have already oiporled it he will reopen the doors of lui company and pay all di'iKisitors :n lull. The scheni Includes a proposition lo give depotl tors pteferred stoes lor part of Ilia claims. -The Hiiiitley-Iiri-Hloi ktoti Com pany today received ioiir car loads of furniture for the ti"- Zlrueiidorf Ho tel. The Htmtl",- ii!l-8'.o:ktfin Co will furnish the Zli.-tidorf wltb about I fifteen cars of fun.iiure j District Icput" f.ratid Mauler U-oii Casli U ins', ni'iiig a Masonic (lodge al Madison w'.io II charter meinlii'is. Just at". "I the war Maill- son had one of th b' Masonic Iodic- jes to the Hist", lu. It was allowed jgo down