rWIN-GITY DAILY SENT1N EL isiP I ii. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS 1 JWlWllrl U HEOD 1 tl 10 m 111! riniiin dim rg xnicc eiiirinrl uLiimnu IIULLII, IIMLU JUIUIUL Much Encour- jtie snowing ie Monday. ...ubhcan Candidate L sanest Any Re U lor Thi. Office .-Congressman M.jor.ty of 1100 Decrease fasiderau" L-,ty In isw- ke:V Pies.) ; ii While 'ihir.e a"' I ,,al ,! r.siilt ol ,,,-ar.l the old l""'' air j;, a D mucraiic i;.nv, i he He pub-' j ;fii!K'!il f ('(IV" .-;: due t'ojocal s" niajot i: is "r'"i ,)jrn ever received ',!,,.'. laic from the lyvj, t'nllllS "ml his ii:,t il- Democratic Uuiinied for mainly tt, ,,f limine U eisla- L'(l; this ilii'.v point ami large vie ,( lu ll -m Demo : he, ii for Hit' small Pans, Democratic have been elected he uce "IX BRYAN VISITOR l.:!!.. lb-Id's majority !,i iuischt oil in j to its cm nr iieino-i ckfi iili a solid ' n::a:iuii in the leg-i In Encouraged. Sept. 11 Atj it- Ameiicni Federa-i c i.a.low escape of j .irMicii, of Maine, I ftsterdals election, is jr oh for (lumpers and ; .iilus. They point I i! aliliiiiig;i Sccre-' i". ('allium. Senator :if! Inll-Motcll Kninib-1 Jilt- field I'm- l.ittletield, i ilily was cut down I .l It Is staled! a-ainst oilier pa mil-1 'j- ii:iii,i ndiy lo the! ji;izt(i labor will be I MleWt'il elieigy. (Special to Tne Sentinel. i GREENSBORO. Sept. ii. After nearly fifty witnesses had been intro duced by attorneys in the cast- of United Stages aga.ti; R. H. Haidin, i lie argument of counsel was com menced yesterday afiernooii. Judge !A. L. Coble, assislaui district attorney, 'made the opening speech and in foity. j live minutes summed up the evidence i for the govertimvm and discussed a 1 number of phases of the case. This 'is the first case in, which lie has ap peared since his recent uppolnimeiH to the position formerly held by A II Price, of Salisbury. I Judge Spencer B. Adams, of the IcomisMil for the defendant, spoke next land he was followed by ex-Governor i Charles B. Aycock, also for the fic fense. Both of these men made able ,uml masterful arguments. Judge Adams took up the counts one by one land discussed them from the view point of the defence. Governor Ay 'cock, ever a ready speaker, made an j effective appeal for his client. I This morning Juoge V. 1'. Bynitm. I Jr., foi' the defence, made a speech that for argument and scholarly die jilbn will compare favorably wiih his famous speeches in Lie Samuels and .Old Nick Williams cases. H spoke ! for little more than an hour and was listened to with much interest. District, Attorney Holton, who knows how to make the most of every detail and every bit of evidence, elns led for the government He spoke for j about two hours uno severely scored ithe defendant. He look up the counts and the evidence ami declared that the defendant was guilty of flagrant violations of the statutes. Activity of Kaiser William's' Secretary Frustrates The Plan. Three Anarchists In Conspiracy! Against the Kaiser Are Under Ar-j rest. All Detaili' for1 Taking Life of I Emperor William Had About Been ; Perfected. l Illy I'ubi'.bheiV Prc;s. i . 1! RKSI.AC. Pm.-sia, Sept 11.-- A ! plot to assassinate Kaiser William dur ; ing the present army mnnonevers hat1 just been frustrated through activity' of secietary. Thiee anarchists in tin- - eonsphacy against the monarch are undei airest. Documents ton ml in1 possession of prisoners show con-' Clltsiveiy they Wee assocht'ed with ; inner circle of international organiza- i lion of anarchists that the kaiser's' death was plotted py this organiza-.! tiou. All details fur (arrying out the1 plan were raiefuily arranged. Thei plot was discovered just in time, as' the conspirators 'wen- only awaiting an opportunity lo ge( near, the cue I pel or. ' ' Stensland. the Chicago Man Arrested In Morocco. Takes Poison, v As far as pn-tu gill co-i urn, s and liea. mini "Wonderland." the II! . id 1C! h ill hi i'senl.'l liatldsulllt' l go Jnlluii Mitchell, a! I he Elks' And k' The KeiiMnel.) lu. Si-fit. II WaffC. F "' is ill this l it v. Ill ;i miles siinih nf ''lit., iimriiiiig. Hv his iVill!:. aiu! in hlc !i. The bullet i:r: and caused ln :"i?.n i hat It was huiiif. early Sunday ieliing his wife : Sin. was great '' In- iiiensase an j !i t'-aclied her es- "r smne time. In the wyl.uid Newnuin Ma- His fellow W. irtr man f "f'Hi s-iiok.-n of tak "' mvp his talk ':"";"g ilia! he was liiii 1 1 BRYAN !- The Se,iti,1P t r. S"P1. 11 -deal f "'i' made here for I .'-"'ii .l-nnlns, BrVan r3s. Hf' i'l address sfcj""-"'' f Citizens t1'1""'1'" Chairman '' on the night of !:,d'?n.,ii"' v,sii. Maj. y ' Jd-. I. More- . ' ' ami u lil '': '"'imnilttee. ;i" 'wo ' North k. - "' iiiflmied, i ' Hi.eriai,,. j' Ju9ments. t""-.'-'-x of ,),. k.i" ''"'"ii last I.. ""':Hnf'-'i 'lie r . i, ii,. " ' " J'ldntn H:. Re- night sale L V..1V;;1,T, V ., I;". :"; Against i, ,. - .I'.iltht ,v J '.... . K , , '' 1"':t"'1 good f'iri"ih, '"",!:"lit- He ''-lsiiiiil sec- s-. I ,;.''!"i'h at Mr. S V :. ': ' ' a' '"e f i:i! 'n On- '"le I,. ,, '"g din l, nM; groom on t n, ' '" ho-hit:llil. ...... ' j "" pie 'nt, Today dawned blight and beautiful, an ideal time for displaying all the lovely creations and dainty accessor ies, which are dear to the feminine heart. All through the day throngs of ladies were to be seen wending their way towards the Misses Martin's establishment. In order to accommo date their increased patronage ihese enterprising young ladies have found it necessary to enlarge their sales room. This has been very daintily decorated in pure white, relieved by u lloral festoon of pink roses near the ceiling. Palms, ferns and begonias gave the floral touch rxpected al a woman's furnishing store. In the midst of so much beamy, so main stylish, attiac.lve creations, one s bewildered to know where lo be gin, what to enumerate, for nothing Is lacking, which could be found In an up-lo-dule cliy store. In the front window, on ihe right, a lovely even ing suit In black and white silk with elegant lace yoke, and the most chic hat in white' and black is displayed. The nobbiest of - tailored hats are hown, turbans, with draped crowns-. while in the pattern hats will be found the "Bellevue," outing, and Elsie Jan Is also a most beam if til line of lovely theatre hats. Everything to be desired Is seen in coat suits. These come in the short nian,:i:.-ri coats, long coats. Prince Chap, l.ouis XII, and Norfolk jackets, the colors being mode, brown, Scotch piaids and ele phant gray, for street; while nothing is so "swell" as black and white for dressy occasions. There aw displayed all sorts or fancy collars, laces, Millions, etc., mak ing altogether a most . attractive display. Tl Following Is the program to he given at the band concert tonight: March Black Diamond Express l.yon. March Defender. Leigh. March Salute to Burlington. Sherman. Medley Overture Southern Melo dies. , Waltz Academy Missiid. Two Step Mexico. Cole and John son. Part II. March Indiana State Bund. Far rar. Medlev March Mv Billy Boy. Mackle. Overture Facile i "Migriotietie." Bunnuinn, Two Step "Good Bye Georglana. Johnson. Waltzes "Thelmii." Janett . - March Coppers on Parade Clement. TO RUN SPECIAL TRAINS. Great Crowd Expected Here on Oc casion of Mr. Bryan'i Visit. It is announced lod.i.v that the rail roads will run early morning specials to Winston-Salem next Tuesday from Noith Wilkesboro, ML Airy. Moores ville, Greensboro and Martinsville lo give the people or those places and along the lines an opportunity ' hear Mr. Bryan's speech here at 11 o'clock that day. The Neiiiaska orator will he introduced by Gov. K. B. (!!'"" Senators Simmons and Overman and Matlriiml r,rim.iltr.i.i:i.iii Daniels will accompany Mr. Bryan during his ;iip through the State. r Attempt at Suicide I s Discovered Soon Enough for Physicians to Save Hit Life. Several Guards Now Watch ing Fcrmer Official of Milwaukee Avenue State Bank. (By Publishers' Press.) TANGIKH,. Mnwrii, Sept. 11 Sietislund. the defaulting president of the SlilnHU Avi-iiue, State bank, of Chicago under .nrest In tills city awaiting letiirn lo the i'nileil Slates, attempted suicide today by laklug poison. He is seilously ill i's a result. Twele guards are no employed to see he has no fnrthei chance In at tempt his life. If ins condition war lanis lie will sail for home tomoiiow on ihe Prince- Adeliii it. iii tliim last night, is tar ahead of any musical comedy seen here in a long time. However, ilii niuial nuiiibeis and the voices were lalhii weak and the performance linked Hie soap and ginger that are m .ippaieiil In some musical comedies A good-slaed audi ence was present and Ihe show was well woiilt the wnili wiih the xcep ' I lull , uoleil liUive. , "'le Chip" and Mary Marble of couise had the principal pans. In the! tole ofDr. Fax '.'Little Chip" did mil have as good opportunity for his raiej talents as ill noma other productions j in which he has appeared tmt he wan good, nevertheless, and hi appear-' a nee was generally the occasion, of t hearlv laugh. .Vury Marble was a III ST. LOUIS v Is Being Entertained By Dem ocrats In That City Today. Elaborate Entertainment Accorded the Nebraska. Bryan Regrets Governor Folk's Absence And Speaks In High Terms of Folk. Says He le Witn Anybody Who Fighte Trusts. (By Publisher' Frees.) ST. I.OCIS. Sept. n.-Min er- I rived here till inoruiiii, mid was great 'ed by iarfe rr.iwil the nUUon. Accompanied by a lereptloit com in It- ilitinfv an.) U' I tl i.i nun ni ni-iip liml VL'ftll ,L Iiim.- !.. ,!.. ...!! fmm1"'" ',"'''"' M10 " ,r,VWI the start. She and ' a formidable pair ol l.iille Chii" are musical comedy I SI (Special lo The Sentinel.) WARSAW, Poland, Sept. 11. Sled lee, the scene of the most recent ant: lewisli massacre, is loday a city of. chaos. Peace has Leen restored' tern ooraiily at least, lint no efforts have )een made to leinove Ihe slain of hor Kirs committed there. After resump tion of massacres eailv this morning the soldiers were called off, the alllh nilies evidently being convinced the It Ws would light to the end lalher ban surrender niemhi is of their seif Jefense ussoriation lo certain death ii- tottlire. 'I'be hi-.oiw nre still an- catnped In the streets, however, a "(instant menace lo Ihe Jews, Figures given today In regard to 'iisualtles place the number of dead at 17b, wounded at lull. Many of Ihe wounded will die. The suffering of ihe survivors is ier :ible. Cruellies of a tnosl horrible nature have been practiced, in one Instance Ji-w-hiilleis set fire to a house in whicli eight llebiews had lecu taking refuge, intending to shoot hem down when driven inn by flames, rhe Jews preferred io be burned alive rather than trust ihemselves to the merciless soldiers. WARSAW, Poiiind, Sept. in. Fol 'owing Ihe massacre which iceurred at Siedloe thai city is threat Mied with famine. Thi Jewish bake ihops are entirely destroyed by ihe rioters ad there is no chance for (he inrvivors to ohtahi oind. This is the lews bimiglit late this evening by fu ;itive.s from the si'iidten city. During Ihe nuis-,i ii the streets ran 'ed witii blood. This was especially rue in the neighborhood of Pleslkna itreel. where Ihiny .It ws were killed. The bndiis of these witims remained iere they fell for several hours. Ac cording lo a fngi'Ke reaching here he authorities -did nothing to prevent 'he massacre. In siveial instances hey charge that olliceis led their men o the attack aaainsi 'the Jews. The i.ibau legimeiit of infantry look a inos' active pari in the niasaer and ,he oflid'is of the regiment are Involv-f-d In-the outrage h-. the. t'uglilves. A young negro named Troy Wat kins Is In ihe city lock up awaiting; trial on the charge of attempting . to sieal a pair of punts I rum the store or McDowell & Rogers. This afternoon Wa'.klns and another negro whose nHnie was not learned, went In the store. The latter pre tended that he wanted to buy a hut. Mr. Rlerson, line of the salesmen, showed ihe negro several makes, bill he failed to effect a sale. Watklns stood I" the rear of the store, and he went out the from door Mr. Rler son discovered that a pair of pants had been taken out of a suit. He called to William Williams, anoiiier salesman, who was near the front door, to go atter the negroes. Hr Williams did as he was requested, but the negroes Were too swift for him. They mined out Third street and went down Elm. Watklns dropped the pants before he leached Elm. Mr. W. I.. O'Brien mid another mem ber of the force in Simpson's drug store were advised what was up. Mr. O'Brien inn down Liberty street lo Second, where lie met Watklns. The negro threatened -to cut the first nmn's ilneai thai laid hands on him. This did not deter Mr. O'Brien, who picked up a stone or brick and knocked the negro several feet. Watklns arose, but his pursuer was too much for him. Mr. O'Brien held his 'prisoner until assistance came. Watklns was march ed to the lock up by Policeman Hart uess. What became ol Watklns' part ner Is not known. Clerk Williams expects to recover from his rare in a day or two. Mr. O'Brien was affected by his chase and unpleasant experience with Watkins. but not so badly as the other runnel s (By Publishers' Press ) SPENCKH. Sept il -Buster Her llg. colored, was ariisled and Jailed here today on the cnarge of assault ing Mrs. Cora KooliU, wife of a well known employe of the Southern Rail way at Spencer, lleilig went Into an out building at the KiHiniji home yes terday afternoon and when Mrs. Koontz attempted lo enter she m selcvd by the negro who made an ef fort to drag her into the buildluii, threatening to do her budilv harm. Her screams frightened the negro, who fled Into the woods nearby and escaped mi t i 1 ai rested by Chief of Police Cruse today. Her llg was given g preliminary hearing and bound over to court un der a bond of $Vmi, which could not be given. immediately to the Jefferson Hotel, After breakfast me pi Ion was held at the hotel from in to 12. At 1 p. m. he held a tecep: Ion at the exchinge and Ititicheoneil at I l.t Jefferson at 2 p. m. There will lie it reception at Ihe Ji ffersoii Club lit ."Mill. A I K o'clock be speaks a the Coliseum At bteakfal Mr Bryan said, "IK j too bad Governor Folk Is not hete." I Directly opisislte him was Senator Stone. The senator pricked tip Ills ears at the mention of Folk's name "Yes, 1 met Folk in New York, I am glad to say," roniliiuid Bryan. Bryan said he had not been following Attor ney Geneial Hadley's fight against the Standard Oil Company. -When asked Whut he thought of lladlev, he said. "I'm right with ail) body who fights trusts." "Old Guard" of Miskourl Democrucy scored an Inning lu meet ins; llryan. If there were any Folk men around they were not rou.ipld ums III the ar rangements. Bryan was reminded during the day about the friction be tween Folk Demon, its and others of the party, "1 never discuss friction," he said. Bryan slated that In llifl future he will speak t elaboration of his government ownership Ideus. OPENING OF II WOMEN'S COLLEGES (Special lo Thu Seutlnel.) GRFENSBOKO, Kept. HI. The III- .leenth annual, s'ssion of the Slat .Normal and Indo-liu; College w,ii open September 2ith. The outlook 'or large olleiitlall :e It quite bright. There have been km era I additions to the faculty. Herman lllrseh Hoex er has been elected, musical director lo succeed the late Clarence Frown The Greensboro F.'inale College will open (ni the 12th. Special preparations have been made for the accommoda tion of a large ntiuibct of .students, es pecially in music :tnd business departments. II REQUEST FROM Pi.rtvrb minerior coin I. fo the ttia r ,,1,-i'i riitw 'oulv opened' at 1" o'clock ihis morning with Judge Ward piesiding. The -opening of the ses sion was continued iroin yesterday on account of the ahsince fiom the ciiy jf several inembeis of the bar and the presence of SecrtUiry of the Treas iii v sihaw. The fii st case called for trial was thai of J. P. Jo""--1 :'g"i'is' 'he B. ;L Remolds Tobacco Co. The plaintiff lsks for "s namagis for the hiss of two iiiiKtia a Jtar or niot " by telling them caught in a machiie i,i the box facloty of the Reynolds Company. The rase has been to Hi" ,upriliie court on appeal by Hie d fendanis. AI the .lii.-t hearing In the sttpeiior court Jones seemed a verd;ct for JI.'". Defendants appealed and seemed a new trial.. The plaintiff Is tepiesenied .'' Mess'is. Paliet'son ;.ntl Grogan. wh;i' Messrs., Watson. Buxton k' and Manlv k lleudreii appear f"i he company H is IhouKlH that '!' ca will L'(i in 'he juty laie this uf-errvd; CHAIRMAN ELLER To the Editor. I' wish lo ask the maniifaciuieis inid merchants of Win ston.Salem to make prepuratiori to give tludr, employees a chance to hear Hon. William J. Bryan on the occa sion of Ills visil to our city next Tues day, lb- will arrive al !! o'clock a. lit. and Mieali from 11 to 12 o'clock and very little. time will be lost from work. I would request of the merchants do ing business around Ihe public square that tiny assist the committee, on decorations by placing on the front of their building Buch decorations a they can conveniently. The prospects are that the largest crowd Winslou-Saleni has ever seen will be hete and the executive com mittee hopes the citizens will rise to the full appreciation of that fact. A. H. ELI. ICR, Chairman of the Deinociallc Kxecu- live Committee. THE TAVIS CASE. A Big Contract. Mesis. Teiry k. Leonant. th- 'i f.,,.t,if..r. lone sinned 'he e i i ii ii 1 1 ii i " ..ii. j tract to make the en, fie output or 'vati'i'i- brands of cigars -old l.v llliershbeig. of Charlotte. Mr. Iln-t l.,e , one of the largest Indopend 'd.aleis ill the SUi;e aiid heiet'.t I has iiiHti'ifac'iiicl his goods ' ' lofe Supreme Court Will Not Render Oe ' cs'on Until Cases Pending in For syth Court Are Tried. The lawyers who oppose the Is-ut a nee of license to i. C. Tavls, of this ii y, to pi act ice the profession, are inclined to the opinion I fin t the -ipreme court, before which the ease .is argued yeht jrrtay, will not render ,i decision until the decision of sey nil cases now pending In the superior ourt of Forsyth county In which Judg ment has been awarded the respon dent Tavls on actions brought by blni against certain debtors. Seven cases hi ihe calendar to he hfcord at this I'rm of the court while Tavls seemed judgments before tnugisit ates against parlies lie had loaned money, on chat- :ti mortgages. The defendants allege hat they paid Tavis back more than lie amounts hot lowed mid that hi.s 'liiiins are usury. New Advertisements. Lumlqulst & Pfohl.- Rtalloneiy u lalest tints and textures. Kosenbaeher's. -Special notice, fall, styles. Busy Store news. WellB-Urietz Co. Fresh arrival eatables of every kind. Meyers-Weal brook Co. Announce big showing In stunning amnion ap part I. Simpson Drug Co. Why our pies ciiption depart meui grows Huntley Hlll-Stoi kloii Co. -- Get ready fur the fair; we will help you to get reachy. AROUND THE CITY. INJURED IN A RUNAWAY. Mrs. M. Kobre Thrown from Her lug gy And Dragged for Some Distance, Mrs. M. Kobre sustained panfiil In Jiii1esby being thrown 'from her bug gy on East Third sued a few minutes arier five o'clock yeslejday afternoon. Mrs. Kobre was dragged for some illte lunee. She was picked up, bruised and bleeding, and curried Into the home of Mr. Boon Rose, at the coiur of Third and Elm streets. She was at tended by Dr. Kupp and an hour ejr iwo inter was removed lo her home al the corner of Liberty and 8lxlh Slleels. ' Mrs. Kobre was out driving with Mrs. J. (I. Goldstein. There were also thie small children In Hih buggy, one of these being Mrs. Kobtes son. In nirnliiK the corner at Elm and Third 1 pony galloped by. frightening Mrs. Kobre's hoise, which tinned mound, crashing one of the front wheels of Hie vehicle. Mis. Koine was, thrown out, Inn her clothing caught In the buggy and she was riiaggeil from Hie corner ti, ilu. Winston steam laundry. Mrs. Goldstein rlunx to the buggy w ith one hand and with Hie other held die three children mull the horse was slopped t Kflrd's corner, These escaped without Injury. Mrs Koine, while suffering ronsld ei able jmlii, is doing as well u could be expected. The lioise that did so much damage has uerti driven by Mrs. Kobre almost dully for two years or more and this Is Hie first lime It ever atlcmpii-d to run away, SeatR are now on sale "for "The .flayer Maid." which will he here to morrow night. No better, or pie'tier comedy has ever been presented in Winston-Salem and the play tomorrow, deserves a crowded "hou'-e. , Mi.,s tiladys Sinig of. Texas, who h,en visiting h-r-Msier, Mrs W.I Brooks, wen: to l.ynchbutK. a . ' ' ii,.,hIIi,Ii Maioti Wo- .t io ii - ' i ' . .,..... r..!Vee. Mr-.. Brooks, w.m J' . . .;n roimn In 'a 31 roiup.iliieu nei , - m ,iT tw. " -Dr., J O. Hammock, of Walker .town, was here this afternoon enrou'e . ' i,i Morgattton wl'h Miss Emma Jane Clews, of Wulkerlown. The latter will he admlt.ted to the state hospital When., for treatment. Her mind has i been affected for six months. rooks. J turn in i dsv LOST.'-Between jibie stores of J W. Hester Co. and .W L Hill, a smull !p:ire containing $W Return to this Ir.fflce. Liberal rewaid A. T. Grant. Jr. of Mocksv llle, is attending court Miss Sadie Martin went to Washing ton, N, (.'., today lo tescti In ihe graded school there. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mickey re-1 turned todav ffom a visit to Ahe! county, J. P Stanton relumed this after noon from u visit to his mother In Randolph county. Mrs. John !.-ary , r Lynchburg. Va , is the Kiiest of hei brother. H. T. Kelly. Robert McArihur and Leonard Blackbiiin went To Chapel Hill today to enter the Cnin isity. Dan Chaiham, of Elkln. spent the night, here, the gue,,t (,f H K Fries. He went in Durham today to enter Tiiniiv College. W. (;. Brown, of Lexington, was here today. D. II. Masi, of l.i wis wile wan In the city yesteiday. Rev. Mr. liiennecke w:M he un able io speak ai Caivaiy chureb to morrow everhilK as aiiinililieed. The regular prayer rneetinir will be held. .Mis. A, V Ma,l,i and daiighier, i Miss Edliii. left l.tVjA f,,, llalllmore to' visit relatives aiiiNfriemls. Tbev win ' be away a month or more. Then, is a proposition under con sldeiHtlon for the street around the court house to be paved wi'h asphalt. I The iioi.e aioilml the square now I ,vei). annoying wuile comt Is In ses hIoh, ami it is bcreved jitdges, law jyeis and citizens generally Would favor the placing; of ;i aspnalt pave iment aboui the com i lions; square., i'Die Itiiprtvenient would be well worth. , 'he cost lo the courii) of such paw i i merit. In the opinion of 'Those who have considered the mutter thorough i ly. We s no reason w hy the county authorities should not make this liri-l provelnent, the lie.-es-.ity f,,r which Is beliiK inged npolllhfiii I rnproy I'llH'lil' around county property ar alvraj . In ordet MARRIED IN GREENSBORO. Mies Frankie M. Alspaugh And Mr. Frank M. Tramoj, of This County. (Special to The Sentinel.) . .GREENSBORO, Sept. 11. Frank M. TratiHiii and Miss Frankie M. Als paugh. both of Foisyth, were married last -v'iil rue , lit 7:J0 o'clock by the Rev. Kbuford Peeler, pastor of the First Refoirued church, al Ihe home of Mr W. S. Hire, on West Bragg street. The young couple came here ihtoilgll the comiU) from llielr homes yester duv, nod had Utile difllcully In procur ing the license, The) spent ihe night In the city a ltd will return to Win slon Salem today. The bride, is the daugbier of Sheriff Alspaugh, of For syth county. Tin- groom has held a position with the Fibs Mutiiifactni ing and Power Co. lor two or three year, be ing conductor on ooe of the Mi eel ems The marriage was a surprise ti, the bride's pinenis, The sheriff re eel veil a telephone message from his oti In law a few minutes after the ceremony wws performed SECHEIIIlif OF NAVY (Bv I ii bl is hers' I'ress.) WASHINGTON. .Sept. lU-Secre-tary of the Navv lloiiaptir'e this morn, inn formally ordered a court maillal io try Capl. Samuel F Comlay. c orji-rii.-intliiig the battleship Alabama, and Lieutenant Alfred V Piessey, deck cjf fleej t,f thai ship ai the lime of the recent collision with Ihe Illinois ( Newport. The union is In accordance Willi- Ihe teeiiiMIIietidullons of the boaid of Inquiry widen lliventlgjted Ihe ucc iden:. There will le- a game of volley bali In the Y M ('. A. r)iiinas"um to-' niKht at-." o'clock between -th profs iniifcl and yofl. nidi's clatses.

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