HN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS SHIPS I SENT T T DIE IN WRECK! STATES ON OCEAN LINER TODAY United States Cruiser Denver Ordered To Havana And Gunboat Marietta To Clenfuegos. Two Freight Trains On West ern and Atlanta Railroad Collide Today Near City of Atlanta. ,a Scores Defaulting President of Mil waukee Avenue State Bank Is Now Belng Brought Back. I Result Of mbles. APPEALS ARGUED IN 1 THE-SUPREME HOT. ffl JII HILL I Ml YORK CITY TODAY D 10 STEfJSUi STARTS FOR UNITED TO GUI COAS . . &OES- FIGHT. .. i-rfSt Two Ne- i Attacked at Har tr park On Wet , from the Place. .Neoroes Then At- I " . ... . Ihe j Employe" Log Was On In Pfserves Callefl L Finally Checked. 1:1 12 -Raf rwis n he wesi t,.. oiillins inn of pa! iKiiire stations. fc awl scores IM" L ntiinii'- sianeu , ii-iiKU! it iil tu ur- w fi'-iliniis i" n" so i" Hiver Park, nn'w- him from ;he two thotls.llld IH'- nhiti' employ es (if ; all Ii2.ll fllllllWt'll. 1. 1! atieh when a a iit'SHi who at lines:. Scores of tlu houses, re- ,m ai'.d a genera! (if e felled Willi slicks ninnies uf lighting ill control nf till' J' Tin) Sentinel Siit. 12. The case ig.niiM It. II, llar (inia'inns of the in- 'i, aii.i with milking in ihi' in rv at fiila al'leniuon. . At iis.i; liie jury retired jf "(' il I I x 11 a verdict . (lie In iliC jury .was a IrlltllMU' ICvieW of 1 1 he ca.i. nlnl of (he. (fife :o the charge pilant. There aio six jlil (if inilicllncnt. st-i'. 12. Tlu jury - Mils illumine re in: Mihy in the count ml wu;i negligently ,)' running .lames Jic :m illicit distil- hm.M. of deft amliiix "I laxr-s on whlsliov ,' !';(' vt 1 1! id , mill were made alii) will Iii'Ikc lloyd has not iciic. The vonliol o'clock this Ji'-aded s-ii!iy to first Jii''tmfin against him P; i!h filing faflSe m IKTolllltK. en- N- ha nut lurn an- (Speelal to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO. Sept. 12. Thomas A. Sharpe, fornieily county superin tendent of schools, died at St. Leo's Hospital last nighi at a few minutes after nine o'clock. Mr. Sharpe hail been carried to the hospital to undergo an operation last Saturday, and from the effects of the operation hi never completely rallied. Through Sunday and Monday he lingered in a critical condition, and , yesterday he began sinking. He had been ill about lour weeks previous; to the operation. The body was removed from the hospital U the family' residence last night. The funeral was held from the resi dence, 311 North Forbis street, today at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. R. .Murphy Williams, and interment will be made at Pineville, Mecklen burg county, where the remains were carried on train No. 7 this afternoon. Pineville Is the birthplace of the de ceased and his mother and. one broth er still Jive there. , Professor Sharpe cante to Greens boro about four years so as superin tendent, of the schools of the county. Alter serving j,wo years, he resigned to take a position with the Cone Ex port and Commission Co., which he held until his death. He was graduat ed from the University of North Caro lina in the class of 18. Soon after graduation he went to Goldshoro ami there was superintendent of the fit v schools for a number of years. From there he went to Darlington. S. C, to become superintendent of the schools of that town, resigning when the offer of Guilford county was presented liiin. He was born at Pineville :!2 yeais ago. He was married to Miss Emma Wil liamson, of Darlington, while there. She and one . ihree-year-old sou. Thomas, survive. He was a member of the Jr. O. IT. A. M. and of the Greensboro lodge of Elks. IIR SHIP IS HI mn i.tV. 'A) ited .SUU a M&1t)t. j mined to Protect Interests of Amer I ican Citizens In Cuba And to Land Marines to Aid In Quelling1 Revolu- tien If Cuban Government So Re j quests. Order for Ships to Go to Cuba Made at Instance of President I Roosevelif. 1 j I By Piihlijiers' Press. I , WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 Acting jseeti'(tary of S.ale Bacon announced 'today thai the t'niied Stales ci nisei Denver had been ordered to Havana j i lid Would arrive there this evening or tonioriow morning. The gunboat i Marietta, which Hacou says :? now a! I Monie Cristi. Santo Domingo, has been oiilered to Cienfuegos. Cuba. These orders were issued by direction of President Hoiwvelt. The Des Moines will be held ai Key West until I further orders. I li Is (hi- purpose of the administra tion to have these three vessels in' ! readiness not. only to protect Amer icans now in Cuba but ulso to laud marines in order in pul a Hop to the evolution if a request for such action : should lie made by the Havana gov-' - eminent. Some Misunderstanding About Orders Said to Have Been Retponeible for Wreck of the Two Freights. Both cf Which Were Going at High Rate of Speed In Order to Make Up Time. Engines of Both Trains Were Demolished. (Hv Publishers' Press 1 I ATLANTA. Sept. 12 -Eight men weii- euished to death and several i othei-i injured In a head-on collision nf fast freight trains on the Western and Atlanta Railway neai Rlngold to day. 1 Travelling at r high rale or speed to make up lime the trains crashed , into inch other. Roth engines were, i oeniolished. A part of the trains was derailed. The dead and Injured were pinioned under the wreckage. Conflicting orders to crews aif thought to he responsible for the wreck. The dead are: Charles W'. Fisher, engineer, Atlanta, Ga.; Thomas White. Head Conductor W. H. Skelton, of Kennedy; Clyde Glemons. engineer, of Tunnel Hill; K. A. Klnnenian, fire man; one unknown fireman; Dalton Smith., engineer, and another person, name unknown. The Sentinel . I.E s..,, ,', , i, . i"- - i ne ' "'nil had their an- ky,ity Tii,'y ,,i'"v" f,""-'- to Nissen park, 'inn. and a Siic ? ,n--v particular. Z'? i being ;r,!"' ""' 'hai Win. ;' S,"P ton minutes w Tuesday ,h" people. f"; -"idi'-d hep Mon. f ' :'1 "f :he I' S 'he piaV f 4'"' n!tp a number h .. i. near ft. ;'' ;aou , ' .'ie,i! i!"""!:""'i j 'in Ulf.te o f; fi-'li.diNB '- farmers :nds and '' ''i iobet. is golnit ', "" gi aded 'aiiiiot. ,e ;' r"t of the ' it will be . a" orna- fc,,.' 1 1 r hw,;,; '!,,i'ai in- l ''""''iting New "ehas.-ii t : . " 11 J-'ii.iiun (v,, "':,i"ifaetiirlng v ,'1fV,''s" """elias fl.t.." l.n and h .'rr'''!' S'in.lav I 'mi. h t V'1 ('u- (Special to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO, Sept, 12. The regular term of sniicrlor court Uir the trial of criminal cases will convene here next Monday with Judge Fred Moore presiding. " This term will be for one week und will be followed by a special term, over which Judge Jl. F. docket i.s the largest In years and Long will preside. The criminal there are about fifty prisoners In the county jail, and many others are out on bond. F (Special to The Sentinel.) -GREENSBORO. Sept. HI Two young men, D. N. Wllkerson and W. A. Lassiler, were arrested here yester day charged with passing spurious checks and will be given a hearing before the mayor this afternoon. One of the men gave bond ror It Is appear ance at, the hearing, and the other went to jail. They passed two drafts for fifteen dollars eacn upon mer chants In the city. They wet' drawn upon a Virginia concern. The following Is the report of Mrs. Mary C. I'rather, libi.iiian of tin Car negie library, for l!.i year beginning September 1. litn.'i, and ending Sept. 1, UtOii: Catalogue Department. Hooks catalogued iip-4u daUi, 2IS7j hunks aecessioiif d. l.'77. Accessions. Graded schools. 1.",imi; by friends, 2'ii; bought, Mil; by government, 1M. Total, 2"S7. Circulation. Books issued to adults "7"1; Juven iles inr.r.. Philosophy-Adults. 23. Religion Adult.-!, !i; juvenile. 2. Sociology Adults, 14; juvenile, fi. Language Adults. 4; Juvenile, 2. Natmal Science Adults. Juve nile, 14. I I'sefn! Arts Adults, 4; juvenile, 1. Fine Arts -Adults, 15; juvenile, 1. Literature - lAduils, 111"; Juvenile, Travel Adults, v.'; juvenile, ::fi. Ilisloiy -Adults, 2; juvenile, 27. ! Biography Adulls, S2; juvenile. .10. j Fiction Adults. 7-lie.t; Juvenile, i -HUH. ' I Number of days opened, U)C; largest Is.sik, 1.".fi; smallest isue. IK; aveiage ! daily issue. 7:!. i Registration. I Adults. 'Mm; juvenile, '1C; noli resl jtlpiits, Li. i Non-rc-odem subscriptions for one Ivear, $13; fines, 2:!.2; expenditures, $1K.'.)2. - , Number of days absent from Rick-inef-; 1. Oceiia i lorn reiresenle1, I'M. ' MRS. MARY I'RATHER. Librarian. , Septeillber 1, V.K,I). i (Special to The Sentinel) HM.KIGH. Sept. 12.-The argu ". uiclil of apiwaU liotn the third (lis jtiiil began In llu.- .uiumiie ruurl this mottling, the only .use of ci-eihil In teiest being Stale vs. William Sulll van from Craven county in which the remarkable issue is raised as u. whether membership In an anti-saloon league is a disiu,iiitlcatlon tor ser vice on a Jury to try a case for retail ing liiiiit without licence. It was last Apiil that the defendant III the case was put oh trial In Craven, con victed and sentenced t Judge Long to rive months' Imprisonment ami $".uu tine. Sillton had been a miIih.1I keeper in New Belli prior to the voting of pro hibition and has several times since been piusccuted for retailing without licetisf. In tht case In question It was Miughi bv the defense to keep out i.T the Jury box u number of men who weie adiiiliu dly mi inbers of the anil -Milium league who had contrl billed to a fund raised for t tie prosecu tion of vlolatois of the law piohlblt ing the sale ol liquor. The defense was not allowed to show that the jurors In qmi.liou had attended i meeting of the league a week before to Inaugurate a cni.-adi- aglnst retail ing. Thev contended though that they had not made a contribution for the specific purKisi, of prosecuting Sulton. The argument of the case today was by Attorney Geneiul Gilmer und Mclver for the slate and Ward; Ste vetisinvajid Clark fot t in defendant. Oriiei Jvigiitiicnts today were State vs. But rettMroiii Pitt. Attorney gen eiul fiir the Aiaie and Harding for the (!( lendanl. Stato vs. Carrownn from Ciaven by attorney geneial for the Hi ate and Mclver for the defi'iidsint. JONES LOSES IN HIS NEW The damage suit of P- ''"' against the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company was concluded i" Forsyth toilav bv the Jury answering the issues in favor of (Special to The Sentinel. I GREENSBORO. Sept. 12.--A highly enthusiastic and very successful meet im f,,.-ili( (.itanizaii'.n of a literary in favor of .... . , . , (,.,, . hB'.,i In -f - Jiaiiu iiisuiiii tn awf, ,,,,, - the defendant company. Jones suen. Mitt ,i,.niorl:il biiilding lasi for $2.nn(l fur the. loss of two fiiniersj' ( ,v,.,( ,.,.fti.,l and a while working in, the factory of ,n,''conSj1tjoii and by laws adopted. A Reynolds Company. At the fit st l'1"1 HH.r ,,f interesting short speeches ing he secured a judgment for r'-'- j W(J,.,, ,nade. Il was decided to lutnie An appeal .was taken to the supreme (), mU1iZ(ltj(,n ,(, (juiiford Liieiaiy court by the defense and a new trial .(( n'st cri-a) Association. was grunted, the same ternnnsi ins against the plaintiff (Special to The Sentinel.) DURHAM. Sept. 12 Capt. K. T. White, ex-capiaiii of Company I. First North Carolina Regiment National Guard, and Thomas Smith, were given a hearing before Mayor P. C. Graham this morning on the charge of hurit Ittrr. Court wa In kesalun until this afternoon at I wo o'clock, when the mayor committed White to Jail with out bail, and Smith was discharged. The warrant was amended so that Richard Davis was made one of the defendants In the place of Smith, and he was commit led to Jail without hail. This afternoon attorney R. B. Boone has .gone to Raleigh and will upply for a writ, of habeas corpus. The trial was one of the most sen sational tlHtt has been heard hero In many months. The charge against Willie und Smith was brought by Mrs. Maggie Coley, who pointed out White as one of two men who entered her home about one or two o'clock Sunday morning and stole from a trunk about tweiily-five dollars. She was not cer tain us to the other man. but pointed out. smith alter his arrest. Smith proved an allld, proving that ha had been In New Bern for several months and returned to the city Monday morning, getting here about 1:2". Davis was one of the witnessex for tint defense. He ;,wore that he aim White w'iit to the home of the pro secuting wltne.-,s and that they tapped on tJie wifldow and knocked at the door, the idea suggested being that II was a place of immoral reputation. This was the statement of While. The evidence of the two cleared Smith and put Davis In as a defendant. Both men are now in jail and Mr. Boone Is making arrangemetils to have a hear ing on a writ of habeas corpus to morrow'. There was a tremendous crowd al the hearing of the matter. II! (By Publishers' Press ) ST. PETERSBURG, Sept, 12. Four pr'-oiier, lit Mai din jail were killed an, I fourteen wounded by guards who to .-il on the prisoners during a general ,i:ouipt to escape, . Tin. Oftu iuiiu- u-ilt case was tried I today. The Jury 'decided -that the pa-1 Per wrlthm- liriwmndeil bv W. 0. Cox. I deceased, was not the last will and I testament of Octa Bailey, wno iosi n. i i life hv the Winston reset voir disaster.; G. M ttutlov l..(iiiio- of the latter, has ndnilnlKtororl nnoll the estate AROUND THE CITY. Miss Sarah Booe. a pupil at the S le in Acadeniv. who has been indis posed for a day or two. went to lift home at Waikeitown litis afternoon Miss Sadie Robbins came in thK at- .i,,,,,,,,.,.. from llalelah to filler Sa!fi ot ; ' his sister. The city will make settle ment with her brother and the pro ceeds will go to the 12-year-old son or the Bailey woman. William Thomas Wilson, who was Ki amen license iiy in uin "' last week to practice Taw, was sworn !aftei noon in yesterday as an anornj u'-i'm Judge Ward. He was presented to the court, hv W. M. Hendren. ..,,(... ,i ;lii. was accoiilluo:' I hen i,y' her mother. Mis. J. II RoW.ii.s. Johll Waddell was here this after noon. Trainmaster D W. Newdl, of the u-i,..rii:.. division will ;u ;:ie - f.,,,1 colli UC'or I 1 e Chill 1'il'e passt-iigiii Haiti, is ( IT '!ot on account of sickiu ss. (;, (V Tudor, of the lite tii-niiii,.-- The seats for "Peck's Bad Roy. . ((. T.(1(ir wiinl.lsh. e:,s n '() be presented here Friday nigh:. j ( rrm u busine.-s Hip to 'Vir- Will l,n .,,,1 n ,nl, InlllOl rlW nidi 11 i Ilg . . There will doubtless be a lai ge sale ' , , ,. , m of seats for this, performance, which I " " '" 'w hlirk is said to be an excellent one. l;;":',1rll(Mm!;;;,;rs,;. of Thi-l -The' company which will pres.',- 'IV:;,1: Player Maid" at the Auditorium "J ; c ,", .o ., f,i The conttac niRtrt, arrived this afternoon . from lte Cq ( Roanoke. I - ... Dillard Locals. ' (Special to The Sentinel. I i I )l LI.ARD, Sept 11 Mr. J. L. i Mitchell and family of Walnut Cove, Ivi-if'd relatives here lust Saturday Miid Sunday. Mr. Scott Dalton, (if Pine Hall, and !vl:-s Eva Mitchell, of Dillaid, visited ,,r Mr. John Adkins, of R"d Shoals iia-i Sunday. Mr. Byran .Pinter, of Chillocniho, Iti'iio, visited his parents. Mr. and Mis. I W. Pltzer. of Red Shoals, last weak Mr. L. A. Duncan etileied school at 1 1 i.i n bury today. There are lots of people gohig to attend the speaking at Winston next ! Tuesday from this neigliborhiind. Seveial of the fai tin i s have finished iiitting tobacco. The crop is rcH.rtei las being far below ho average. nf -i build- Si! -'I. ing 1' s, wi'h I Finance Committee. The finance commit Iff to raJse funds for the etiiettainment of Mr. I -Bryan here next Tusday Is now con- til lied as follows rrtK F Dwiif. jctiaiitiian: J. W. Shipley. R S. Gallo- wai, K. W. O llatilon, P.. (..'. Noi fleet. Fl FORSYTH FAIR It Is only tlnee weeks now until the Fair and Horse Show will have full ixissesslon of this seciion of the coun ty. Indlcnllons point in a record In cak ing crowd of visitors during the week. They are coining from many sections of the. country. Col. Webb says he Is doing one hundred pel cent, more ad vertising than eve! before. Advertis ing matter Is hauilb d by passengers on every ouigolng tram.. Every wagon leaving the warehouses has a fair pos ter tacked to it. Each paper In Ihls section will have an advertisement of the fair during this month. A special lot of 2h.(iuu unique folders are being prepared to hand out BraiioDay. Col. Webb says be is getting, let ters every day from parties with ex hi hi is and iittiactions. A letter received toddy from the railroad iiuthorllleit announces special excursion tales on roads coming Into the city. The roads are alsti arrang ing a system of special trains, elc. The young men of the city are go ing to give a great reception In honor of Ihe Governor and other distinguish ed guests. A loiirnaiiienl Is also being arranged for. lit fad, Winston Is go ing to have a gn at time here October 2, :! and 4. CLASS GRADUATED FROM NAVAL ACADEMY (By Publishers Press.) , ANNAPOLIS. Sept. 12 A generous supply of fatherly advice from Se r tin v of tJie Navy Bonaparte acconi panied tin diploma handed out o eighty-live future admirals giadiialed from the Naval Academy today. Home Wedding Celebrated at Resi dence of the Bride's Mother on Holly Avenue. Popular Couple. Thu manage of Mr. Thomas Vitr tie!! and .11-s Louise Wile-, two popular young ieop,e of 'his city, was celebtati'd in 4 o'clock thitt afternoon at the home of the bible's mother. Mrs, Thomas Wile., on Holly avenue Dr II A Brown, pnsior of the Kits! Baptist church, o!II .at.-d. Only a few relatives atid fi Cellos of the contract ing piiitii'j witnessed Hie nuptials The bride is an attractive and charming young lady, v. Nile the groom Is well known and holds a position with the Southern Railway, Mr and Mis Parnell left on Ihe evening train for an extended bridal trip. FUR RENT Truotti hoiee Inquire L1I2 Broad street. New Advertisements. J. II Phillips. Agent for Masiuy's paints; best and cheapest house paint -old. The Allen Co I'p-lo-date Mien's wear f:om cheapest to best. Roseiibiichi r Thousand, of dollais worth of new liietchaitdlse arriving daily. j The J W Hester Co New troxls i ai living dally, target srocK ever rai tied. The sloie saves you in'iii'-v Auditorium - p. ( k s Bad lt." Sept. I Hh, ('apt R T Hlealtiuii went south llEt night. IT IS BELIEVED THAT HIS MIND IS AFFECTED Man Who Wrecked Chicago Bank Seems to Be a Nervous Wreck. Has Been Very Closely Quanted Since His Attempt 1o Commit Sui cide the Other Oay at Tanglera, Morocco. 8tensland Sailed In Com pany With Attorney Olson and Oa tective Keeley. (By I'lih'.latiatrs; Prets ) TANGIER. Morocco, Sept. 12 -Punt O Sienslaiid. defaulting president of the Milwaukee Suite bank, nf Chicago, sallisl for New Ymk today on tne Hamburg -American liner "Prince Adelbert.' in custody of At torney Olsen and Detective Keeley. Ktenslaiiil was taken in the pier un der a military guarn. He aiqiearcd pale ami haggard. He Is a nervous wieck and It Is believed his mind Is affected. The uuihorlHes In charge of the prls oner are extremely tellceiit In regard to his ui tempt at suicide. No details of his effort against his life aie given but the fad that he did attempt sui cide Is vouched fot on the highest aiilhotlly. Il ,ls known thai, since making the a'liempt, Hienslaiirl has bu n deprived of u hi, lie at meal tlmri and his ciiival lias been taken from him. (Hv Publishers' Prass.) WASHINGTON, Sept. U. For ihe fliHt time since ihu new lull mud rata law went inin effect the full member ship of the Interstate coiiimrce eoov -mission was presi lit at Ihe hearing today ovei the iiio.tloii of ciort cot ton rules. Several scora of railroad men from cotton-cjriylng Illicit und cotton shlnticis Wert nresenl. auinlv repiesenied by eminent counsel. I he commissliiu was asked to mollify I tint nrovlsloli of Hia l r. quiring railways to give thirty day nonce ny piitiiication net ore cnangliig rates. The railways maintain thai ex port rate for cotton Is governed by English market and declare that an great and lapld are the fluctuations 111 rales bv reason of abuililiiiuj. or scarcliy of cotton for ocean carrying that It would lie an utter Impossibility to obey the law and maintain an port lliioiiglt rale. NEGRO BARBER KILLS HiSFATHER IN RALEIGH (Special to Tim 8enlltifi.) RALEIGH, Sept. 12. This morning at their home on lliouiil and Cu; barms- streets Hardy ('loss, coluied, was killed by his son, George Crosa while in a qua n el. The father Is 70 years old and the son ,n The win had been dunking haul. The old man was reproving him when Ihe sou cursed him Th father mined a stick to strike when ihe son dealt the old man a blow on the load with a chair He fell forward, pitching down the steps. In oa king his neck. It Is thought that death was the ..result of the fall lather than the blow Self de fetisn will be pleaded at the trial. The murderer Is a haibcr. He beaM a v rv had reputa tion. The father was a highly is s peeled negm. LECTURES AI FIRST SI Rev A I) Wilcox the noted lecturer on li niiei,iuce, will lecture at the Fiist Presbyterian dnirch evary night this ,wei k, beginning at X o'clock to night. Th'' lecliiies are lo be !ll 'rated bv line KteieopMcaii views Young people and chlhlicn are es pecially Invited Ai each lecture a,n uffeiing w ,e taken I" defiay e pense. On account of Ihe lec-tuie the regu lar prayei meetings ut the First Bap list, Cenienaiy .Meiiimllsl and First Presbyterian chuMhes wall tan ) held tonight. Mother of Five Children. (Special to The Renllnel ) HM.KIGH, S'pl 12 A Mrs. Jones, win, lives near Method, tin county, gave bltth vesierd to five children, all ot whom sie Well developed, though small, and give piinnle of Hung Rev. J. M. Cole Chosen, (Special to Tlx) Sentinel RALEIGH. S'-pi 12,-Tha board of itiisi.e, of -the Meiboillst Orphanage lo.iiiy elected R''t I M Cole, of Rock itighaiii. siipet intendeiit to attrcccl Rev. J ' Jinkim, decratad