TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL Ifrnfjjc POLICY-HOLDERS HIE i lilLLIIIIU 111 IIALLIUII WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1905 PRICE 5 CENTS' wan to This City IjvtoBc Great Event. . Run by Southern " HI 4 Morning . rom "' While Norfolk iiKtboro w, sell Return i .w crslma P""1' ru' EUROPE IS UNITED the rue unr (Special to The Sentinel RALEIGH. Sept. ll!. The meeting iif the North Carolina policy-hold, i of ihi' New York Life ami Hie Mirua! Life Insurance Companies of New York last evening in the offices of the insurance department here at the call of Insurance Commissioner Young re sulted In the apointinent of special committees from the policy-holders in each company to look into the sit na tion and report at an adjourned meet IS IN CINCINNATI. William Jennings Bryan Ar-JCountries Except England and HVPC Thorn l"r.,.v. I . i c- . . ... rives There From Louis ville. Ky.. Today I i - Dtirtn Otl l fjre, incsc w a () bg he,d Oc;oo,r 15 (dlrjnR fajr l... Mortcay anil "ooaiWP,,b The meeting nreanlzeri tin. ..Tutsdayand Wedne,- t Effort For 8,cW Ulk Western. . ,-jv will rim I""" " .Salcm from all di e Brjaa sie.ikinK on out Here mai ,, Mi ni lit Airy .'.is tif morniiiR so- hru'JCh Ulsiou-oa- m,, , (hmhle-neailfci , ye Clinches will ..a in time to a I rive in n a. m. Ex'ra coaclies ;pj ; the trains from , (Iret-it.-liot'o. , ih,; irip lias not yet jt ;s thought it will ir loiniil trip. North Carolina Policyholders Protec tive Association with Mr. J. Van Lind ley, of Greens-bom, as chairman, and V. V. Pace a aecretary, The com mittee on the part of the Mutual Life is composed of Governor R. B. Glenn, dialrman, J. H. Pou, Gen. R. M. Nel son, Col. A. B. Andrews, J. F. Farrcll, G. W. Hinshaw. Committee for New York Life, Judge T. B. j Woniack, chairman, .losephus Daniel. K. ,1. Jus tice, H. C. McNalr, R. R. Page and J. A. McAnley. XMk Western is in a -HVdl from Mar- leial rule .of one fare for lit given on the regular tickets to be Stood for es!;iy or Wednesday. il! tic sold tit all points jegiEtus: at ITice. r-x- y at-.iciud to regit- itiimiitre on arrange- o Mine that the Nor- n ai going to run Maftiiwilie to this city the day Mr. Bryan k; a tm-s-age was re av afternoon tliat the 11 of its equipment out operate - the train on -fffirt is tnw heiti!: made fere tu charter a train, to Martinsville for the Bry That !own and Madison time thousand people ioar the Nebraska or- If-irtaf.nn ciin be secured Spire. I Holds Informal Reception At Hotel anortty After His Arrival And Is I Warmly Greeted By Large Number j of People Mayor Tom Jo.'.nson, of ! Cleveland. One of the First to Greet ' Him. I (By Publishers Press.) iiNci.vvvn. (; . sept, r. y.'. iiam ,1. Bryan aiiiv.d ,eie hi neon from Louisville H , was met in a d, ; egatiou of prominent Democrats and I escort td to the Grand Hole!. One of the first, men lo greet the Nebraska!) was Mayor Tom I.. J ihiison. of ('hie i land. When Biyan bad an opportuni ty to refresh bimseli after his j nun. y he icpaiicd to the eoliventioii room where a public reception was held. A large number of people exercised the privilege of shaking hands' vvitli him i. to The Sentinel.) 'to. Se-t. i;:. Major 1 S'tdiiiaii was the guest s banquet last night giv- r ot ins close friends at -Tel. A hundred or more It mill were in the com. nom almost everv walk -pacioa.s dining room was TOtaeii and hrilliant on sintering silver and when the guests took it minutes after nine ''if ''tioli stiest were two -"M an excellent like -stit-.-t (,f h . mi r. and ihe " man. while the ITu- ti. . . y "i.ii neeued no ex list of the sneaker of !"''' ne to;, -si -s i which 'rf;l'"nd. Front. f card "Wei,-,,,,,,, to our I''w Th-arlcs ManK- r,,i r'P "t England and Scot- .111 IlfllED t ' Wf stf'r11 roa.. ; a-' wounded yester ;' en, -ke, Va.. by a 1 who escaped 'lcharged the n- i " '''-"'hroke .went hrt 7:.:"' "Iitp. l-rt.t ,,i;lin a pis- iiiki-. """" Cl't .,.,,;: "f 't in ,i,e aU. ttw',.'f; '',J-i,'iil11 says : u .. r. ""' conductor. " '".en. it , . . '"" aiui is 1 . I "' K:i.,u- h;. Si K REAPPOINTED ! Tk ,nl , . S. ,. - "'mci.) rlt;'.(.. , 'or u. V :; the reap- .. , ) ior , ' ";":ia Railroad ,m""i"B will 1 -rri.ii.. .-il, i v ' 11 Haird, P1- fit.',;1"" "'. Pas. h hf.r h ' , rnp-v were In . FrJ and """ ff tf "r"l Saturday. Ev- (Simcial to The Sentinel.) WALKERTOWN. Sept. IS. Miss Mamie Morris, who has been quite ill with typhoid fever, is convalescing. All the manufacturing firms art' en joying fine trade and working full time. The Walkertown Chair factory be ing unable to get lumber to work, was forced to shut down Its plant for a few days and put its entire force in the woods cutting timber. This firm is far behind in orders on account of be ing unable to get timber to work, but is determined to fill all orders and as .above stated are now cutting their own timber. The plant will resume operations in a few days. The farmers In tills section are very busy in their tobacco and other work that has been delayed on account of the rainy season. Light Bros., the box factory people, are working full time in order to fill orders. The Martin Manufacturing Co., man facturers of suspenders garters and talcum powders, are enjoying the best trade in the history of their business. The T. A. Crews flour and meal mill finds a ready sale for Its well-known brands and Is operating Its plant at full capacity. Dr. J. C. Hammock visited Morgan ton this week on a professional trip Mr. McGee, of the suspender facto rj keeps on the go. He returned yes terday from a business trip lo Win ston and visited Kcrnersville today. OFFER DF YACHT (Special to The Sentinel.) RAf.EIGH. Septl 12. Judge Tims. Ft. F'urnell. of the Federal Court today made an order that in the fiituie iel'e rees in bakntptcy entertain nnil send up no petitions for attorneys' fees for t ,io petitioning creditors in Involun tary cases and follow strictly the rules heretofore made in tegaui to fees for attorneys in involuntary proceedings He declares that the court will here after refuse in ail cases to exercise the discretion given to ailow attor neys fees in such cases. The reaso.; given is that, it was evidently the in tention of congress in enacting the bankrupt law of 1X',)S to make the ad ministration of the law as economical as possible and secure to the crcditois as large dividends of bankrupt estates as they can pay and the petitions for exorbitant attorneys' fees without-, re gard to services rendered or the divl1 dend to lie paid creditors have become embarrassing and harassing to the courts in exercising discrestiou vested under Section (14 of the act. A petition in Involtinliirv bankrupt cy was filed with the clerk of the Fed eral Court here yesterday for .1. B. Askew, of Whllakers. Edgecombe county Liabilities aggregate about $,1,011(1 with practically no assets. A decree is issued by Judge Purnell in the ctise of the Atlantic Seaboard Construction Company in which the company was sued by Hichatd Rhodes nanus. It is for the distribution of funds in a phase of the case Involving Ihe receivership of the Raleigh Charleston railroad of which ('apt. J. M. Turner Is tlu- receiver. (By Publishers' Press.) GF.ASGOW', Scotland, Sept l::. The offer of a new yacht, built upon new scientific basis to challenge for Amer ica's cup has been made to Sir Thom as Upton by Banby Brothers, the well known ship builders of this city. The stipulation is made by the ship-build-, ers that, they shall have a free hand In construction of the yacht. Their plans for the yacht overturn the ideas of Watson and Fife, previous designers for LIptou.biit. they express confidence In their ability to build one which will give a good account of itself. Sir -Thorn as has .the offer under serious consideration. (By I ublisbers' Pr"ss.) 1ST. I'KTKRSBI'KG. Sept, i.i-Her loyalty to the canst of revolution to which' she gave her life proved with dying breath, Zenalilo Koiiohlianikove. the girl assassin of (.etieral Mix. was executed for her crime-today. "Long live social revolution for 1ml and liberty,;-" was her exclamation af ter the rope had been pi'.M-cd around her neck and just lxfoic she wai swung into eternity. The girl never quivered as she laced death. She refused a priest and mounted the scaffold with firm steps. On a photograph which she sent to her sister she inscribed a.-, her last message. "My iif" was ail I. had to give," Switzerland arc Joining Against Terrorists. Other Countries of Euroi; Are Unit ing r, Effort To Put Bomb-Throw-er Cut of Business Are Arranging To Cooperate With Russian Police Especially In Putting An End to Nu merous Bomb Outrages. t By Publishers Press ) ST. I'KTKRSBl'RG, Sept. 13 -All ICuropi . with the exception of Swit zerland .and England, is united in .he iDuuuiu.l. stamp out the tcr n)i ists and in ftinue the advocates of bomb and revolver methods of war "ill?; against constituted governments i!l be hunted down as common ene mies of law kill order everywhere The Russian governmt nt has taken he bad in the movement and has oieeeeded in scouring the pledges 'lorn every government except the 'w,i mentioned of fuM police co-opera ion on Cull part in stamping out the -eciei organizations. H Is a notorious fact that many of In- secreat assassinations of nfllcials n Russia were engineered ill other apitals and there are terrorist or '.anintions in nearly every large city. 1'lie Russian police have been ,litn arid hitherto In their warfare against iiiarchists because the latter sought efiige In other countries while plot In g against Russian oflicials and then lispatched emissaries to carry out ,i ir conspiracies. In future the Rus in secret police-!!! be allowed t.i -ecure terrorists wit. unit warrants In ill countries which have agreed to the new pad. T ROUBLES IN CUBA Those picM-nt last night a' the Klks' 'Auditorium witnessed a pretty pl.lj weii presented by : cnir.p.tny . niot of the tuemlierv of which wiii Huite capable. No prettur nor moic wholisomit play been presented heie than "The I'.ayei Maid " After a Kiit'ct s:oii of ehoitis girls In atiore vlated costumes am! a snpei Unity of horse-play peculiar to musical come dies, real acting by capable artists was indeed refreshing. Miss Floieiicc Davis, who essayed the title role, was already a favorite here, having appeared In the same piece in W'liistoii-S.neni last year Stic lias personal niagneUsr.i and a stage piesence that leaves Utile lo lie de.sii ni. Her work in the Hist two acts wan especially good The support lug company was hard ly as strong as that of Utst year. How ever, Mr. Klllolt Dexter again appear ed in the hading male role and his woik and that of Miss Davis made up for any deficiency In the other mem bers of the cast. It bus been a long lime since am better artists thanl Miss Favls and Mr. Dexter have ap peared here. "The F'layer Maid" has plenty of plot (hough il is not Intricate, by any means. It Is cleverly worked out and provides for a large number of ex tremely ludicrous situations, ; "The F'layer Maid" deserved a larg er house and probably would have had it but for the inclement weather. Insurgent Forces Preparing For an Attack on City of Havana. I (Special to Tim Sentinel.) RALKIGI!. Sept. Li. The corpora tion commission yesterday heard argu ment by counsel for the Southern on iclialf of their exceptions filed some m eks ago to the order of the commis sion for the Southern and the Camil la. & Western Railroad Companies to proceed without further delay with be work of providing suitable'. pa enger and freight facilities at Hick ory. This Iff a" case of long standing. The Supreme Court has reoently made a ruling that the Southern owned the and in Hickory on which the present lepots are located, but that the South ern cannot, after an order by the com mission lo the contrary Improve these buildings. Steps are being taken to take this phase of the case to the Fed- tal court The commission over-ruled t motion by Southern's counsel to con tinue the beailng on account of this litigation. In tile supreme court today Inter est centered In the argument of Ihe noted appeal in the suit of C. E. Foy ind other stockholders against the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad !'o. to break he lease of the property o the llowland Improvement. Co., by the State during Gov. Aycock's ad- liiiiisiration. W. W. Clark, of New Rein, is leading cuulixel for the plaln- Iffs and Attorney General Gilmer, ex- Govenioi- Aycock and A. D. Ward for he state and railroad company. (By Publishers' Press.) miKSSA. Kent I.I. F'racllcallv ail the Inhabitants of the little Jewish vll h, it i,f ConriiiL' In district of Kaniclz have been murdered by the peasants wlio aitarKoci tne village iinti ourneo the place to the ground. No definite idea is contained in the rcnort a to the exact number of persona killed but, few of Ihe villagers escaped. Many of them were burned to death In ihflr homes. Others were killed Irv ing lo escape tie unfiles ot many or those who escaped were iulally maltreated. SUPREME COURT HANDS (Special to The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Sept 12. -The Supreme Court last evening delivered opinion? in eleven cases on appi al from first ami second distilcls as follows: Thompson vs. Sllnitbron, Beaufort, n fll rmed. Sawyer vs. Noifoik & Southern Railroad Co., Ciiindi n, affirmed. , New some vs. Hunch, Chowan, re manded for additional findings. Lanier vs. Eastern Life Insurance Company of America, Beaufort, no er ror. Brewster vs. KlUaheth City, Pas quotank, no error, Lili'tt vs. Foszttrg Lumber Co . Hali fax, no error. Smith vs. Railroad, Halifax, no er roi. Gerock va Western Cnlon Telegraph Co., Bertie, new I rial. Jennings vs. While, two cases, per eurliim, affirmed. Eborln vs Pine Imtnber Co .Craven, dismissed for failure to print. THREENEGROBDYS STEAL Carey Smith, Naude Smith and Fiance Wilkinson. Ihiee negro boys, are in the city lock-up awaiting trial befoie the mayor on the caarge lit stealing about $!b from Mm cash drawer In Ihe store of Charles Jones, coloied, on East Fotiith street. Ten dollars was stolen Tuesday, but Jones had no clue until yesterday af 'ernoon. when the boys returned am; attempted lo play their game of theft again. Naude Smith and Wilkinson were entertaining the proprietor of tV stoie In conversation while Cary Smith, who Is about lit years old, was to steal the money. He succeeded In getting fiver six flollais out of the drawer, hut was delected before lie got, out of the store. Smith was a good runner ami he used bis legs:, giv ing Jones and others a lively (base before he was raptured The Iwys have confessed. They say Naude Smith got the $10 Tuesday All of tills had been spent. The six dollars were flonnd n the ios-.essloti 'of Cary Smith. A rather con. plicated cae was con cluded In the Superior Court today. It was entitled Amanda J. F- It ts vs. A. f. Moses, J. S. Fltts, A. H. Eller. trustee. W. A. Walker, executor, and A. F. Messick Grocery Co. A few years 'ago, J. S. Fills, color ed, who was made one of the defend ants, and his wife, the plaintiff In the suit, brought a stock of goods rroni the A. F. Messick Grocery Co. and in part .payment gave a, mortgage on soma real estate for $;imt. Later Uj deed of trust, was executed and other j parties became Involved. The plain-1 tiff and her husband, the latter being a lawyer, separated and the wife in stituted suit to recover the property. The jury, however, ifnswcreri the is sues against her. The amount now- due the Messick Grocery Company is $321.55. John Tate was granted a divorce from his wife, Rosahell Tate. A non-suit was taken in another di vorce case entitled ('has. Colelraine vs Thessia Colelraine,- plaintiff and de fendant being colored. A l-ircr fnl It'irn riU' )u Ml" K. ! W. I.invllle of Walkertown. was des-; trnvprt hi- flro hunt i!v o'clock yes terday afternoon. A straw stack ticarl uie Darn was, struck ny iiginiiiHK i FVrtm thlo lKn KxiMirio. u lllrh u ns A . into tut-, uiiiiumn. ' - j frame structure. Ignited. Mr. Llnvi!!e saved his stock, but lost, his reaper, j other farming machinery and a quanti f X $F Tomas Estrada Palma. president of Cuba. (By Publishers' Press.) NEW YORK, Sept 11 Moping lo eomiiel the directors of the Puliiiati Company to distribute ynlioim of dol lars of the earning which the sv lis lieit.r held from lio-in. htockhoiili is i of tin- company arc banding InjjefriPi to force Hie issue with the present management In (-barge. The .Pullman , Company's stirpius is $J7.oiiii.immi and j Edward W. Ilerick, who Is leading the iiiovemi m to make the eompanv dis gorge Its millions, demands to know j why the coiiipujiy U aei ulioiiatliig a surplus which Is now about' foitj per : cent, of the capital stork. I llenck believe that the millions in jthe surplus fund may be diverted In i usen which will benefit oMrittUjf- (tie company Inn not the tttnckhnhlets Angry stockholders say tliu rqnds of the company have been hanked in the Pullman Savings Bank and tlutf there tbe big surplus fif the Pullman Com pa ny is used t, make money fm (he ctm-kholders of the bank. It Is Thought That As Soon As DlfTsr ent Revolutionary Terete Get To gether They Will Unite In Aeeeult On Capital of Cube United Stales Attitude. (Ry Publishers' Press ) HAVANA, Sept 111 Castillo ami CoIUhcrt with J.nnu Insui gents are ramped t. miles from Havana. Gm'i i a s army from Plnsr del Klo province is moving toward Havana also. Col, Arnles's loyal army Is stranded at Consebiclon and Is cut off (ram Ha vana. The comMned insurgent arm ies are preparing to attack the capita! when Guerra arrives In Kinking dis tance. The Insurgent plan Is to establish a provisional government with Sennr Si as as piesldeitl. A 1'nltod Stales cruiser Is In Ha vana harbor ready to protect Ameri can Interests. A fight between Ihe advance guards of Caslello'g army and loyalists U ex pected niomenlarll) , HAVANA, Sept. LI Information iiimiii which President Roosevelt de cided to send whi ships to Cuba came Irom President Palma. When the revolutionists were threatening Cuba's capital Roosevelt directed the State department to In struct Charge d'AffalreH Sleeper at Havana to obtain from Palma Infor mation as to the situation, He learned that the revolution was spreading at alarming rate, not only In provinces hut In the very city of Havana, that the administration was very doubtful of Us ability to crush the uprisings, In fact that Palma and bis advisers were on the verge of becoming panic, stricken Whether J'aima actually suggested the presence of the Ameri can warships has not been diademed here. Al any rale the Information lie gave SlecpeT was of sufficient gravity for. Roosevelt lo take precautionary measures he put Into effort yesterday, It may be slated positively that President Roosevelt's course does not contemplate Intervention at this time. S,hould Intervention, however, become necessary In order lo preserve the Is land from anarchy he will have the means at hand. Other vessels will probably j. those already on ihe nceno. IBfilTOW ILIE Mr. Frank P. Kerner, of this city, Is In receipt of the following letter from State Chairman Simmons, which ex plains Itself; "After writing you yesterday I re ceived your esteemed favor of Die loth, saving that you had arranged for the Main to stop at Kcrnersville for ten minutes. This will be al! right. Mr. Bryan win make .von a speech at Kcrnersville. I also have your favor of the 11th. I certainly did not intend to convey lo you in my former li tter Ihal. I had any objM'tlon to Mr. Bryan speaking at Kerneisville, hut I did not think the railroad would arftingo for a stop there. However. I am glad that you have arrauged for (bis stop and that your people will have an oKrtunlly to bear Mr, Bryan, "You will see that Ihe New end Ob seiver publishes the slop at Kcrners ville in the list of Bryan appointments." At Three More To Be Tried. Jaiiick W. McNeill, of Wiik( Hlo,o, who represented ' some of the de.fedatil ho have on Mini In Federal Court, at Greensboro, passed through the dry this morning There are thn-e more ex teveinie officers o be Mlcd These are John H Smith, G H. Wat ker and A. (.'. 'Bry at. Smith was pn-a ent. i.nd would have lieen tried ' rhi Uperlal term, but for hi object inn to line Jury that sal upon ihe Hardin case COMMITTEES MEET TONIGHT. Every Member Is Urged To Be Council Chamber at 8 O'clock Sharp. There will be a meeting of Uie va rious committees of Ihe fslr. horse how, etc, tonight at K tt'rlock.. All those who are Interested are request, ed to come to the council chamber at o'clock sliatp. Following are the committee: Horse Hhow Commit lee W. SinoHk, George I'wlre. Charles 'on. Alex Hanes, John McCreary. Race Committee W. N. Reynolds, R S. Galloway. George I), Hodgln. Committee on InvltaHnn as to Die 'Ingulshed Speakers W. T. Brown, P II. Hanes, Gov, R. B. Glenn, J. C. Buxton, Clement Manly. II K. Fries, H G. Chatham, Judge H. R. Starbiirk. ). II Eaton. Social Committee Floury Khelion. chairman; p, H Hanes, Jr., W. Maslln Committee mi TriiUKHirtatinii-- W, Hinshaw. A II Loer, J. J. man. W. She!- II i-O. Nor TRIAL OF LABOR IS (By Publishers' Press.) CHICA"rO. Sept. i::. The trial of Cornelius P. Shea and sixteen other oflifia's of Chicago lalior associations connected yiiii, the teamsters' strike in HUM began today The cases have ln-en perilling In the criminal docket mine June, llt'l.V The piedtrtlnn I made that the triain will cost $200,000. - The Republicans of the Hennto rial district composed of Stokes and Surry eouiili's have nominated Mr. Guy Carter, s young lawyer, now liKta- ted at DnliMiu Mr Carter ts a native of Foray 'h and began the practice of his profession in this city a few yekrs ago. ty or leed stun.