I fTWINgTY JDAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. CM FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS OF THE CABINET TALK fi W Ml SITUATION Wi speakingTfire loss S400,ooo "farewell hut PALI ANXIOUS Taft and Bona- rj Assistant Sec- Baconat oys Bay Today. k SITUATION THE PREblDtM. :.,rfltPts Are Prepar- L' an Attack on Havana ' tnis Resulting There- president to Summon Summer Home L t, preparedness for L,tiont of Army And l,.,..d. tf Situation In I improved at Once This Probably Take a nana. Regarded as Serious. Excursion ' Be Run ToXudaliy Packing Plant in Su This City from Martins- j burb of Milwaukee Part villc Tuesday. j y Destroyed. fsitfil hllil laillieu .1 L-n !!! stationed them 0f P,iin:.' palac? shnhii-tiation. l'ntll jr: shall nave' won te- vjji j-idswat will 2 stoher he exct eled He i;is I hi in avoid cil:!: hat could I;1 con v:ui:.;oii. Apparently :,: he was justified in re ft rce. . The celerity :,e ni'.'i-iili'iil count er- ll's action U in line am! poiiry U refrain tj.tibic from any. rung rii!!,t,,. m as ii desire ,f :k( I :. '1 Stales to wlmle t-itnat km will canvassed today hv the ran Benai'iirte. anil ;ary of State Iiacon a! I AY. Sept. li The presi- t an i in ;ri i mi p l si ea.nr.'Ji fiior the Cuban situa- tfai'y of War Taft. Sec ; Rmia pa : t and Assis : : Bacon, who what i 1 1 f irniaiion the;. ia" lirake his vacation er the president's plte HTsii;eiit mi: for pattr- Trr ascertain tlio )"'i'(!;c.-s of the anm am an niieipeiiry arise in '"iiiM be II, edi t I'm- f(;ri' enii.c to Saaamore fcifi landing of sailor? nOil-m soil v,ls for the rf nte-tecting American SSI til Tllfl Sr'ntlnal . fiK, Sept. ! I Tiif Ponn. ('''WI'an has made ""la flailioaij Conipa- ' Hiat it has ., tv if !!.,:,; " " '. . "i-or.i wharfs. These iurchafri some six years Pr)..se f establishing 'he managements an won-,) incline "' -I'l'tinMlvMnia Rail- f " "It ii Sel fnrlh wort i.r ii,,. .11.. . IvmI, u ""W"",S "1 , '". -M"''h. Dion. k' l,e"" f'".v """iiient .nte,.. ,.'' Ila' ,h" railroads of fa!n,aek into I tVnr'h,'""'"' "f i Hi ! levf. orn-h,:,- .. " ap- iiu.i. ' . , l S holdincK ir :'Nj "!!"" '-""I- ft Co. te,;,,;,,,,. r,Illeat. 'j'1 '-"tniiaiiv was L ufUr bitn :,! 'v''tors had of" h," r""''- !" the ,?"""n "l0" a'i . ai- td, ,,, .' i'1 oelieved r"'1 wl'hln its .-lviir and hold- '"'lei' elear ""fizes the " ;'d niioiit & Ohio hates of Nor mitiS the aK i ciinsyK-ania i"l cent, in t,. ,na;'- ic t . Tn kivi- one of iar: ch'i.f.i, ."""Kht at ;-.. ' ' " " The TrinU yf iir ,, . "r paint- ',!.'!'''' reliuious V,..,. oe (lain ...i.i. ,! rt r, - - wiui !'' P'liii'v' "l0 fl"ancial I'-a'-a ."r:1 K'" ! of Aces" ""iU',,,, ', ''i'tidid views. ' m- Adrnis- W "dri'V. Capt and C. EXHIBIT HI A Fi IN BOSTON (Special to The Sentinel.) KALK1GH, SeH. 1 1. Secretary T. K. HrttniM', of the state board of agri culture, and Curator H. II. tiriniley. of the state museum, left this morning for Boston to hecin the woik of In stalling the North Carolina exhibit for the Boston Food fair in Paul Revere hall. Mechanics huihline. A car load of material weihim; is, mm pounds went forward ror the exhibit' last Saturday and there, will be small shipmems by freight and expiess ,or several days yet of material that has, been engaged but has tint arrived a, early as was contemplated. There" will tie liberal representations of for estry, truck and fruit growing, agiicitl urc, minerals, building stones and a pictorial preseiviation of the indus trial conditions in the State. The fair opens October 1 and the North Carolina exhibit Is intended to ittract the attention of visitors to the mportance and advantages of the State. Literatute will he distributed freely and will be in such form t'.iat it an be ieadlly carried along by the ,-isitor and attract and hold attention 'Quantities have already been contri buted by Asheville, K'inston. Wilniing tor. and several other enterpi Ising towns. There will also be a libera! supply seat from the state depart ment of agriculture. Secretary Brunei is In correspondence with a civie lea gue of Boston which has a client ?ie (, fifteen hundred, Engiisn, Scotch. Canadian and American small farm ers w-ho desire to move to more con genial sections and buy small farms. These are to be attracted to 'the fair and brought in contact with the Notth Carolina exhibit. There will be spe cial excursion, rates from all over tl New Kngland states and It is esti mated that the attendance fiom this source alone will he four or five hun dred thousand. CASES TRIED TODAY T Today's session of the superioi court was taken up In hearing evi dence In a suit over the posses.-iou of church property by the coloied Primi tive Baptist denomination of this city The trial will not be coaciuoed befoi'f tomorrow. Both sides are represented bv able counsel. . The plaintiffs a;f Kit Blown, John1 Hill, .latut.-t Boyd, and Moses Hawkins, trustees-of the Winston Primitive Baptist church, and they are endeavoring to secure from John T. Martin and his asso ciates the property, which tin y now have In their charge. A year or more ago dUcufslon arc. e in the congrega tion over a proposition to use the house of worship for a public school. The cas- went tiitough a magisTate's court and an appeal was taken to the higher court. The Cumberland Glass Manufactur ing Co. today secured a judgment in the superior court against the Old Nick Williams Whiskey Company for $2.K2fi.56, with - interest on 2f,2; from September to. 1 until paid. By consent or all parties concerned it was ordered that, no execution tie issued on the judgment until January 1, t!H7. Dennis Allen, by his next friend. Caroline Allen, was given judgment against (he Fries Manufacturing and Power Company. Several weeks ago Dennis Allen drove into a live electric wire on North Liberty street, the ani mal sustaining Injuries which tesulted in the suit. Three divorces were granted by the court yesterday, two being colored couples. They are as follows: Arthur Toince vs. Hannah Toinc'e. white: Amanda Waugh vs. (ins Waugh; James Geoige vs. Mattie George. (Special to The Sentinel ) RAI.EIGH, Sept. 1 i. Arrangements have just Leen perfected at Democrat ic headquarters for a special train for W. J, Bryan throughout his North Car olina tour. It will consist of an en gine and two coaches and will have on board besides the distinguished Nebraskian a special escort to be an nounced later and composed of repre sentatives of the various cities and counties to be visited. It will leave Raleigh Monday afternoon at : 1" and will observe very neatly the same schedule last announced for the trip Provision Is made for short speeches at. Durham, Burlington. Kernersville. High Point and Lexington beside the regular speeches at Raleigh, Wins'on- Salem. Greensboro. Salisbury Con cord and Charlotte. jTram for That Purpose Chartered by M. D. B.nley, Jr. Place of Holding ' Speaking May Be Changed by Com i m'tteeo In Charge. It! s Argued That Not Enough People Could i Hear Bryan at Court House Square While Sun There ,s tspeciiuy Hot In Middle of Diy. Speaking to Be I at 11:30 Instead of 11 And Train to ' Leave at One. j j An exclusion will lie nil fnnii Mar tinsville to Winston Sa'rin next Tin's- jdaj lor Ihe. llnan speaking. ' Tin tt.iin was rhatti ii'd 'mlay ,nn! Ihf contiaet signed fii- a't' rrm-ii In I Mr. M. D. lui'u-v. Jr.. of this ,-in. I Tile exi-nision will leave Martins- f vlll( at T:"o a. nr. anil in" !u; i. ab ut! in o'clo.k. It will leave lie re f Mar tinsv'hle at p. in. Till 5 will give tln H'ople ail along 'he line an -opportunity to visit Win- I ston-Saioni. jhear the Nebraska orator I and return to their :esieet:ve lionie t lie sann- day. Ihe committees appointed to ni range for -he Bryan speaking are veiy much perplexed, owing to the pros pects of such an enormous crowd, as to win re the speaking should be. After a can ful inve- Igutioti th morning it was practically d.-cided that the first p!act chosen, iii from of the court house, will not be suitable for sc viral reasons. First, in the nml dlt of the day it is the hott.-st place in. city, the snti c iniug down ver tically upon it and t J re not being a particle of shade. Then again it will ti.,1 halt accommodate -the crowd, es pecially if comfort is taken in o con sideration. At least 20.1100 people, and possibly "aHinu will want to eiowd into that space. It might hold 1n.iM.in hut 'they would lie jammed together and if iie sun should same upon tn m :t would be awful. Again, the ladies, wo, ild be completely- barred, unless 'hey seem ?d windows. Another vei serious objection is the fact that it is only Ii;5 fret from where the speaker would .-'and to the Phoenix Hotel, while there would be 1 7" feet of peo ple on his right and left and he would have to speak with his back toward twotliirds of the people It makes no diffeieuce which way he would tuin. The committee is endeavoring to find .u mort: suitable place d ar inen to suggestions. The hour of the speaking has been charged from 11 o'clock to little. The 'rain will anive about in o'clock. It will be a speclaUconsisting of an en gine and two Pullmans. The special will leave heie at one o'clock. It Is net kr. ,wn just how long Mr. Bryan can sptak hcie. Of course he must husband his fences as be s vaks ven times the same cay. He speaks fifteen minutes at Kernersvill:1, High Point, and Lexington and" about arr hour each ir this city. Salisbury, Con cord and Charlotte. 'One Mm Loses His Life In the Flarre;. Fire Department from Mil- i waukfe Responded to the Alarm ! Detenu cf a Most Destruct ve Con flagration. ' H Pubii.-hers' P' ess ) I MILW'.U'KKK. S pi. 1 1 -The big tlant , i Um Cud ihy Parking Co., at it'iulain was- partially ibs,ioyed by lire e.ulj l!ii morning. The loss is isttmuteii at $ ion. nun. One man was ; killed and s 'eral firemen are re pilled sive.ely injured. The build , ings ilest i oed were the lard lelinery, where the tire s artcd. llei f house, glue works and killing clfpiiitmont. The Milwaukee fire depa 1 1 nit nl sent ap pata us to help check the (lames at the main building. EFFORT TO ANNUL LEASE OF A. & N, C. I Special to The. .Sentinel.) ' RALKIlill, Sept. 1 t.-Thcro is a di jveisity of opinion as to the probable Insult of the appeal just presented to I Ihe supreme couit Ir.-fie noted A. & S. 0. Railr,".;i'l lease case. It. Is learn ed that a plan is on fool to have the dint'tors of the road at the meeting ho be held Sept. 27th ie-atlirm a 1 proval of the base so as to establish Mi whatever may be tlr.' outcome of ithe appeal. It Is thought that Gov. IGler.n will not nermit the states mox 'o parlklpate In such a vote as hel foils that the lease should stand or fall on its merits as presented before ithe supreme court and lie don't want !any hedging to forestall any action '!!.! court may itake. One piomineul Fast Carolinian said today .that. In 'Is j opinion the sentiment of the stiite , will turn very largely to government 1 ownership and operation r roads wVliln the next yiar or two and he ! don't think any further action should i he taken toward confirming the lease, i.lust leave it as It h in tho hands of Ithe court and an annulment .of the l?ase might be the very thing Ihe peo ple will ultimately want. . ' BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. Tl (By Publishes' Press.) KOMK, Sept, 1 1 Carrying scores of holy images in their ranks, slopping frequeii ly by ihe ro,id-i"s to pray for deli tance (mm prevaiiini; enrt.h (piakes, long . pioci -siei.s of panic sliekeu Sicilians aie inarching from llnir homes toward the sea. The whole (oiiiitry in the legion of Paler mo has been' thrown in a state of great alaim, owing to a continuance of shocks and then1 has been a general xodtis from all villages toward the coasl. The pilgrinls are nlioa iy suffering from want of food and serious famine is threatened. Relief is being hurried to the island ?iy the govio imient. The people fear an erupt ion from Stotnboli but so far tie- volcano has re mained inactive. Another Delightful Entertainment To Be Given On Courthouse Square. Below Ts given the program arrang ed for the hand concert tonight: Part I. March I). S. H. Cinsby. March Indiana State Band Fai rar. Overture "Ail Mills" Am her . and Mali!. Waltz ."Santa Luoia"--Bosro!l, Two Step- Waiting at the Church Dai and Hunter. 'ali.-"Al! Hits" AM'hor ft Mabl. Beckei. Part II. Maich Albanian--Hall. March -Th" Rambler Rosen k ran s. Overiuie - Down on tlio Fhiiii V'ou Tilzei Waltz Dearie Recker. Two Step I Would Like To Marry You --l.ii.-ka. Illy Kcipicst.) Two Step George Wasningloii, Jr.. (Inho "You're a Grand Old Flag") Cohan. Th.s progialn subject t() change. CHANGE IN LIVERY FIRM. JONES-LINVILLE. Young Physician, Forrocrry of Ker nersville, Marries In Goldsboro. Dr, Carey Smith and France Wi.Kin-.; son, two young while boys, were tried! by Mayor Eatoii vesterday on the I charge of taking fit! from the casfi drawer of Charles Jones, colored, j The parents and guardian of the boys, at the mayor's sugges' ion. gave, them a good whipping. Nando Smith. I also white, was placed under $j'.i bond, in default of which he went Jail. to W. C. I.iuvilie. a pnuninen young physician, foitneiu oi Kernel: villi, but now of Goldsboro, and Mi KntncHK .liiiii .s, a ioiiiii.ii' oiing wmu ,in of Goldsboio. were united -in ln.' riace in that place at m.rm W'dte- dai. The Kerm rsvlile News y,is Dr. Linvi.'le and bride arrived .n '' on the e:0S nam t dne.i.a , oni: - and were driven to the home of t.e groom's parents. Mayor ami i - " S. Linville. where they were on e-i", a reception. many relatue-, n.vl friends being in attendance. In Lu. ville left this city several nn.r.::.. as and located in G ddsboro for t.e p:a--tire of his piolession. M -- N,'i;''i' Llnvi'le, sisl-r of the gro-mi. "e"; the marriage. After spending a ! r,u, here with reia'ives they .:: .' urn to Goldsboro, wlier they w ol t' .-id.'." In l.iovlHe and his bride s;i. t .' -t ( i , ;' t art. inKm In Win. ";" returning to Kernel sviile la-' Free for the Asking. The Ladies' Home Joiiii;.i: i. fall stle Were received ' : '' -Ri.si r. barker's and one i. f;ee f o 'he ask i iii. WWTKD AT O.VCK.-Mati to woik in repair slt.-p. to do !-'; '"! arl epbidsiery wo. k Go-'-i 1 "'" rth- - pi.it- Hm.'!ey-H:!I.S..'kton Co. Mr. Casper R. Bitting Purcnases Dr. Fleming's Interest In Livery Firm of Blum A Fleming. Mr Casper R. Milting has purchased from Dr. C. J. Fleming the hitter's In terest ill the livery firm of Blum ft Fleming, on Soirl.li Liberty street, and j hereafter ihe style of the firm will be ( HI ii in ft. Bitting. The flea; was closed ycsteiiia and w ent Into i rfuct inls i morning ' This firm has one ,,( the best eepiippod establishments In the State today, and it Is the intention of the g n'ieiu, n composing Ihe linn to add additional vehicles and stock in the i:ar future. Both Mr. Blum and Mr. Hiltimr rue experience! men in tlie ;ouiy busmers and' will nj ifoubi itt 't'l wlt!i Hiiccesu, as Ixith ie c:ie able and popular young men add have j many fi lends, TOLE EIGHTY POUNDS OF HAM. Exercises At Y. M. C. A. Rooms Tomorrow From 5 To 10 OTlocK 1 M. Occasion of These Special Exercisef Is Suspension of Y. M. C. A. Work Until Erection of New Building Every Department of the Work Will Be Represented. , The locai Young Men's Chilsllan Association has hsuj attractive lu Vitatieiis to the exeicises of "Fare widl Nigh." to be held lu the rooms of the local association tomorrow nf teruoon and iviliii.g fi,in' ,ri to in o'clock. The hoys', hih'uiI. iidigloiis, physical and educational departments will he H piesented oil tin pioilialll. The occasion for the exeiidses Is the suspen-ion of .lie iecal Y. M C. A work until the new $.:ii.iio() building is eiectid. Follow :m: Is tin- piourain iiri.inged : ," P. M. Iliys I lepai Iment. Volley Ball (lame, l!e d end Black vs. Orange ami Black: John W Mane's and Cecil Hii;i cap, ail. s. l P M - Social IVpuilmciil. Mem bersliip Tea. 7 P. M Religious Department Song service. Subject, "The old and the New." John A. Naylor. leader. S P. M. Physical Depaituient. Bus ki t Bail Game Remnants v. King meuts. i id Niiun and C. Maxwell, captains. !t P. M--Fduent ional lb part men Mock Trial. Triangle Literary Socie ly. Charles Hollon. Judge. Defense, Frank Stilh. J. R Blackwell: prose cutioii, T. W. Blackwell, iiing Fulton. (Special to The Sentinel.) NORFOLK, Set. 11 - Kver In the public eye, I lie jlf ogi essh e. little na tion. Japan, will occupy a place of prominence at the .Jamestown kxpo silion. as It has dime at lhoe of the past few years. The man at the helm, Yumalo Kitshlblkl. has looked after "Fair Japan" at every -Important ex position in Aim rlea for the past (If loon years and has become a most pus i exposition expert. At the S' Louis Kxpos'.tb n "1-air Japan" was an attraction which won tin; admiration of millions; ai Ihe Jenievtown Kxposl tlon It promises to be even -better than at St. Louis. "FJHr Japan ' Is a concession grant ed exclusively to Mr. Kiishlbikl and compi ises every! hii.fi ai the w ay of a Japanese exhibit at the exposition, Japanese tea gardens, bazaar. lliMilie, nutaiiranl and other fiaturcx ol Japa nese homo life. The Imperial Garden if ,laan will in- reprodiiceit in a spare of iln.imn Mpiare f- 't, n ar the centre of the exposition giounds, Here will be located a plctun sipie Japanese ti a houf.-, with pretty Geisha' girls nt-iviug tea ami ilce cakes, and pre senting every tea di inker with some pretty little souvenir of "Fair Japan.'' Cjuaint .lapani..e dwarf trees, (towers and hoi ticiiltui al products of all kinds as grown In Ihe "liml of the Rising Sun" will be seen growing in Ibis pn !. tv little gatdeii. Aii'dhcr feature of this garden will be a model Japam home, showing the social side or (hi interesting people On the "War Path." among Hit otti er ailiUfeinrnl, features. Will be a Jap anese bazaar, a Japanese I heal re, a Japanese-Ann i ic:ni 'restaurant and Japanese spoils and games. Tlic-c also are part of "Fair Japan." owned by Mr Yumalo Kusinbikl, Hie popular .lauanese curiee.-siouaire, exHihiion expert and globe t roller, a sliiei bu sinesH man. a worthy leprcsintatlve of his progi'is-ive nation, a man who is democialic In tastes, a Iriend of TO STEP DOWN President of Cuba Wants To Resign On Account ofTtio Revolutionary Dis turbance Now In Progress URGED BY ADVISERS NOT TO RESIGN NOW. GET OUT ANYWAY. Announcement of Early Attack On Havana Causes Much Consternation On Part of Palma And Hit Advisers. Insurgent Forces Near Capital of Cuba Now And Others Joining Them Constantly. Disturbance On Island Show No 819ns of Decrtas Ing Just at Present. (Ry Publishers' l'ie II A VAN A. Sept 1 1, - Prnidnl Palma .summoned his closest frlemH to tho palace this morning nnd nouneed to them his intention of resigning his office. The people ex I ect Commander Colwell, of til" Denver, to pacify tin' Island, achiig ill the capacity of releree. Tho com mander sty he can do nothing with out instructions. Rebel rmtimllon eis Zeuyas and l.oyniii went otv hotirit th Denver this morning and urged him to act An extiaordiuary cabinet cminell wan In session this morning. It Is the opinion of Secretary Mootalvo thai Palma should nnr resign. It Is understood that the president Is Hitt ing under tin. Inflieirc,. of fil family. Ills wire Is the daughter of Preiildent Curdlolu, who was murdered by the t'evolulli.nlHlH. She has been begging Palma ever since tho revolution mas laitid to tender hts resignation. President Palma rrbil like a child when he the AnifrrcHim land )'" tcrduy. He ald his work of fori if years lor Independence of Cub had been destroyed by the revolution. Revolutionists Active. WASHINGTON. Sept.- H.-Th slate department today received two dispatches from charge il' affaires Slei ie r a-1 Havana. On of them says the Western RailiiMid bridge at Calabazar and Ihe bridge of I'nllid Railways at B Jucal and Klncon, all In Havana province, were destroyed by rebels. The governor of Santa Clara" pro. vliife nay the city of Ha 111 a Clara l tin ealened. A second dispatch from Kleeper, dated lust night, says It In reportixt that "mi Insiiigents attacked rural guaids orr tic morning of 12th at HcH'.adi I Medio and that the govern ment lost 111 1111 n while the loss of thft lusuigfr.'s is not known, HAVANA. Sept 14 Thft with drawal of r jilted States mi lor from Havana caused tenor among the In habitants. Every picpiniiHoli has In-en made for the Might of Pieoldent Palliut alHianl die Isuier In the event of rebel attack on Havana todny. It Is believed the Incident of latid- ng or American- sailors will make It neiessiiy f ir a conference between leaders of thu Insiirgentji befiie an at tack is made on llaiana, This may canst, some delay In former plans t take tUe city immediately. Anierici ways a . but a loyal citizen and al Japanese patriot. (By piibli: A NAM A. Sept. New Advertisements. The .1. W llesliir Co. Aniwnilic a big special sab- for Saturday to df- moiistiaie the stoic 'hat saves 011 money, floseiibacher & Bro. Pariamii suit ing In all colors at l.'e tb yaid Mevers-Wi si brook Co An atlrai live half page ad. on fall style and weaves. . Newman k' Vailctv Store - KpeclnH lu enamel waie, pi Io-h (looted. The Gas Co -Cook with gas, a hot fire, a cool kitr-ticn. The (let- Hive Call attention to specials and dally arrival of new things. : u ; , .wj, ., rk,-,... -1.1.,.- ,ui ers Press) ...... , . .. "e ' nappen wjo n jou icarii me way 1- 1 ii"i'iniiji Mnnpsoii , V.. Magoon, ii ihiiig .. , canal zone, who iH to' 'Negro Broke Into Hansel Thomas' Storage House. I A few nights ago a negro broke ln ,'o the storage house of Mr. Hansei Thomas, on the X. v W yaid. and laflr-r carefully going over the stock '( inials. which consisti-d or over hilly thousand pounds, coio-is'inv or I fat back, rib meats, flue breakfast 1 bacon and hams, he decided that ham was his choice and canted off elKhty pounds of fine "Rex Hams " The lie zro, after a feW ,j,,ys f IHm fea-t, has been placed in charge of Jailei Hanner. H,ul his' bill of fare, fat, back, will be substituted for Ifx ham. "Peck's Bad Boy" Tonight. ! "Pick's Had Bov" will be the atiraf M1011 ai the Klks' Auditorium tonight i ind an enjoyable evening is promised those who attend by the management I of the .'bow . The performance ron- tains many ludicrous situation 'hat i cannot, fall to produce much merrl , ment. The show Is said to contain abundant opportunl.' 1 for good coined woik while the other features win also ho well worth the while. ,' boom for Cba. governor of 1 be go to the Philippines, has been launch-j ed here. The boom is the Inspiration of lite mono i.t and was given lu first Impe'ns by memlier if Hie Panama Congrcs, tint il M.iliy rallies IH tie weiuhi s, far as piactlciil politics is concen ed, but ad.ntreu of the gov 1 ri:or aie h,,pi!j liiat their action will call for'h a response in Ihe Cnlied States. Senator Ai-iseuirna. retiring vice ..president ! i,e Dtr Je republic, -piuiig the boom at a meeting of cm cro yesterday- wleo, Governor Magoon called n,n ihe lnlv lo ex prpss thanks of (be I'lnled State fur the adoption of i'Ii- Morales, resold Hon. pioibling fur the entertainment of Preslednt Reet in ,H ror'h coming visit to the ImIiuhi.v. Announcement. La-hmii, the xhoe man. Is now occu- pitng the, new addition lo his Moie, (His fall soxk of nhoen. which Ik the jlaigesf no carried by this Wore, now In, emlitHelng ail the new sty lea I ami leathers In foot wear and a snap I for every f.K.C Nti matter the shape 1 or size (.t ,(,iir fii La.shmit will f)f 'it correctly. Here you will find shoe ;ror 1 he whole family. llern you will jfliid vhI'kh In foot wear that, la ap !plec,aie,l r,n ,0,5111 W'(. want to m w jure r'ady for your tigcks. We want jyou to see our new fail linn of foot ,: wear We w ill look for yoij tomr.rrow, LASIIMIT, THE KHOK MAX Two Deaths. abeli -"ylosei- died the ho.Miita! l.-isi night after a month's nines wph typlrild feyer. He leaver a wife and one small ctijM. His atte was 21 ears The interment tie a' Heiiol church. Rufiis Thomason dbd las' night t his home is r Muddv r'leek. nx miles north or the eltv. H,. ..ta, i,-K ;;,reo or four week with -fever Deceased, befoie his illness wo, ke-j ui , Vance's machine shop His sister U danvi iou-., il; with fever. --Mr J A llollornan, of Jack-ui lille, K!a . who was ill one lime a ! member f The seniliiel si.iff. will bo ibire Tuesday to extend an invlta. Ion. ; In behalf (,f tjic board or. t rati. of ; lackstmvin,., t., Mr Bryan to visit tliat city and make a address A Shapiro relumed this afternorf fiom a Intsliieim tr.o Vi New York, where he purchased a Luge (j k of H'xi'U for his ileparltueiit stores KHH iter dav ,ilil II., th - at b train af'e. 1 : unci ileiallmeui of a freight en o. the Vlisiresvlile pasm-n-I'-awng here at 5:31) yisler .xai did not reach Moored suiulse this moriilng

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