t i WIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS IK. ''lit SSJEB IBM II MAY NAM HI TQMORhUW lllj . - ' TomisesGoodl irTtie Big slon. rHAXGES IE PROGRAM r l. .w ,i 11 O'clock , On Stand Erect- M,sms Martins l!nlliS fg rami w )t tl m Which , warehouse. i .. indi-ome ami a ,;y,V TiiC Weill h- Ld fall- weather. . a: Jl Hie com- Lntu-ii in lhown's J.,-,! iwimii:tee is from i:iits- JlartKvi!!e. A wild! stales thai ;j miki a big neather is favor- Vlwr a brief i flit l!f or w III- mr:ico Ht re.silcix'p, Mr. and ruktn from tilt' .-' a : : 1 1 ti as soon as Ik, to the elegant l.n u'li'iv thev vi!l I the hour for Hie fm in on East IstcaJ of Tliinl. as Mr. ,.m! Mrs. Bryan o'her in'in!i( i s of taUu out to .Mr. M-f. The Win- Isalem ileus' hands I wan house square. a; the corner of ami the other at ::a ar.i! UhPitv. fiw'i'ii io.li v In lartin's s.ore. on r uin house, on H stand while ui no passenger 'w uiy.ui special at between (irpeus- Tliennh ston will i K'-;u. isiie, where "ill nuke ii hl'ief 'if Hie rcrcnlinn F af,"nmi,i .,t ii,,, ".IHioti, il was tin ,ISi!' nir,i! not he :"i ""t". Airauire- tale to liave liuira 1 INHlllieis of ll,.. : !llf" "ii llie train. "f the Tecent inn i s:i in., 'i Itrvnii ninl 'l'al(in tumor- h" Big Crowd. "'! rer-eivHt Hip f , 1 imav r,, l ii .i r. P- "f Si.rav: r- win ' ,., atifl Winston! "" '"J will win out P Escort. will ae- 511 '0 Cl.:i.-',,t F he composed n ..., .; p As Nissan ll a fY'S WORK. J!v,tl" Assisting - 'nut, t';Vu'lv'Of this citv, r ti.is i,i n... . ' ' It.'. " '"'V. R (::t ith Av , ''ar!"" The Oh- "i me eailf,p. V'!aim to be -a "S:V "' sue C(, .i"',N I'i---;ifhiiiK. , i',".!'"'" 'v ;i "1011 ":V'1 'horehoH, ' "' kh of :h. "jf't k-s ad- ..... Clirisfs "Kilt .. .""'y your ;Pvi.'' ." is most a .f..in "tl,! ve,, 11 "sf"' t l':s rail- : j,h .. P;"t.v which :tn.ill(,!"s 1,f'ffrs. He " ;m'h f""- ,he - :ti Anim peo- -i,.r f"7 r,rr A!is- .;,-;:, '" in the new CONNECTION IS MADE WITH NEW YORK CITY (Special to The Sentinel.) NEW YORK. Sept. 1". After two eais anl a half of continuous work Hie eustbiiiunl and westbound shields in one of the 23-foot twin tubes, which the peni:sylvania',"Rallrou(! has been drivini? under the Hudson river to con nect New York and New Jersey, met on Wednesday. Now men may wa:k tliiotigh dry-shod from one state to the other. The second tube, a lew feet to the south, is expected to j.in ihout October 7th. The meeting of the shields marks tne Den.nn.ns or the compleHou of one of the most astonishing engineering feats on record. It means the realization of the long-time dream of the Pennsylva nia Railroad 10 lanu us paMeusers in the heart of Manhattan Island. Probably no feat of railway strategy ill the nisioiv Ol uir t-iiuru oi.iu i,i,c uttractetl more attention through out the world than this one. Its com- i..ii.n w II mark, a triunipli over dit- iiculties of tremendous magnitude, as ihie will be the longest tunnel ever bored entirely underwater. w.r manv vears the rennsvivania Railroad has brought its passengers to Jersey City, and there they nave had i etini.. ' he conmanv looked Ions- ingly across the Hudson river, but for decades it seemed impossible that this longitis could ever be gratified. Kngi neers wagged their iieas iloubtfully when the .project of a tunnel was broached, and financiers were over come at the thought of the expense of building a bridge across the river. Soon after President Cassatt took office, however, at the Jieaii of the Pennsylvania system, he determined that the ambition of the railroad should be realized. Perhaps there has never been an engineering project in which theory it iid practice were so nearly in agree-i inent. The engineers calculated the difficulties closely, and a really re iiiiirknblo system of reports has been in effect from the first (lay. .Every morning Mr. Jacobs has known the progress made the day before, to the very inch, and the amount of rock ami soil excavated, to the cubic foot. The Pennsylvania Railroad officers- and the contractors hold this perfect sys tem and the thoroughness of each day' work chiefly responsible fop the promptness of the meeting of the lubes. Engineers say, too, that no-project was ever carried out where the cm phnHs was so entirely upon the re sults, rather than upon the money it costs to attain them. Records have been kept with unprecedented accu racy and fullness, and they have been corrected, revised and ro-revlned with bewildering frequency. His Endorsement By Buffalo Convention Regarded As Quite Possible. Independence League's Candidate for Governor of New York Seems to Stand Good Chance of Being En dorsed ty State Democratic Conven tion Chaices Have Greasy Im proved Recently. ( Hy 1'ulilMn :s' Pre.- t NEW YORK. Sept. IT. - Exhaustive llnmiirifn made (,y Publisher Pi.v j representatives indicate tli.i; as things stand today William Randolph I Hearst's chances for securing the en '!orseniei:t of Hi,. r)i niiicraiic conven j t ion at Hiiffalo have gieatiy Improved. Even s iriie of his strongest opponents admit that the opposition is diMnsun- ized and that the situation fro miheir ! point of view, is desperate. New ik i politicians say Hearst will cotitiol the delegates from iiearh twenty :u slate count:.. s and that if he can gel either New York or Kings he will be master of llie situation. What really alarms I 'lie Deiiioctaiic machine politicians. however, is the eviileiue or the grow ing demand for the editor as a candi date for governor. E HEARST REPLIES TO SHAW PRESIDENT PALMA IHISEfJI IN HANDS OF RECEIVER. '! s!:ii i I ... " l 1 "'"'lit $ir,f,. """muted to W:rl . . '.rt ,. r,f'l!tv. l,.fl W "'o'r ( "'iiiiibla "lulled a K'"'tvti (iistl Conservative Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Charlotte, Formerly Repre sented Here By Mr. Walter Crouse. Conservative Mutual Life, Insurance Co., of Charlotte, whirh was represent ed in Winston-Salem by .Mr. Walter Crouse, has failed. The license of ihe concern was, revoked by Insurance Commissioner James R. Young after a thorough examination of the books. Cpon application of Mr. Young, Judge Peebles appointed Thomas Run"u, of Charlotte, receiver. It is stated that the company had In force over $500,000 In policies in the ordinary life department and $200.0in! in its industrial department. It is pos sible that the policy holders may be protected by reinsurance in other companies. The company was organ ized at Washington, N. C. four years ago as the Eastern Life . Insurance Company with an authorized capital of $100,000 and paid In capital of $1".- noo. When the company was moved to Charlotte it had $14,000 capital and to this Charlotte policies added $j.nmi. Who Killed Joe's Baby? This Is the title of a dramatic lec ture play written by Dr. Ciins. M. Sholiou, founded upon n tragic ' inci dent. In real life. Mr. A. I). Wilcox presents this tonight ai the Pieshyj teiian church in the last of his series of illustrated temperance enteruiiiii 'lients. The story is wonderfully In teresting and effective. In addition !o the story Mr. Wilcox will present three illustiated songs, one hundred Treat dissolving scenic views and looo feet of moving pictures. , This is the last and best of the series. Admission free. At the close a free-will offering will be taken to defray the expenses of the series of lectures. Everybody invited. Dr. Clewell will esrorr the young ladies of the Salem Academy to the home of Mr. J. C. Buxton to hear the brief address of Mr. Bryan to the graded school children and the other pupils of the local educational insti tutions. It Is understood that the Salem Boys' school and the East and West Salem schools w ill also go out. Mr. T. A. Dean went to White Road, near Walkertown, this after noon in resM)iise to a telephone nie s.ige stating that his father, Mr. Thomas Dean, 'suffered a second stroke of paralysis last night and was in a'crltical condition. ' The latter is XK years old and has been feeble for several months. The banks will be closed tomor row from 10:4 5 a. m. until 1 p. m. Mr. Bryan Makes The First Speech of His N. C.Tour At Kaleigh Today. TO THE HOLDING OF AN ELECTION STRONG TICKET IN SURRY. Democrats Name Dr. C. F. Holcombe: for the Legislature. Convention! Addressed by Hon. W. W. Kitchin.j (Special to The Sentinel. 1 j MOl'NT AIRY, Sept. 10. The, Democrats of this county met in Dob-1 son yesterday and nominated a strong' ticket headed by Dr. D. E. Holcombe. .if Rcckford. for the legislature. C.I II. Hayues, the present clerk, was r- nominated, and Capi, S. (!. Pace, of' this city, was' nominated for sheriff, j At the conclusion of the conveiitioni Hon. W. W. Kitchin, congressman from the fifth district, spoke to a large crowd. His speech-was an able effort and marks him as one of Hie, -irongcst advocates of Democratic! principles. His speech was a vote-1 make:' and Indications point favorably to the election of the entire ticket in Surry. Addrett There Was Largely In the Natur of a Reply to Secretary Shaw' Recent Speeches In North Carolina. Bryan Will Make More Extended Reply Here Tomorrow. (Specif to The Sentinel.) RAI.EKJli. Sept. I?. Williuiii Jen nings Hryan received a splendid ova tion here1 in Metropolitan Hull today. Trie ftAt .tmrt n Mr.. Dryan'a ad dress was delivered in answer to Sec retary's Shaw'H' recent speeches in this S ate He will answer Mr. Shaw mote esjecially at (Jreens'hiuo -tonight and Wiimton-Saleni tomorrow. Mr. Btyaii was heard here by a hit.' audience that packed the hall. Addresses Overflow Gathering. l-'or an iivei How nniiini. ,ir two thousand neonle In the canitol atier a pee:-h 111 the hall, (inventor lili-nn Iti ri.duced Hrjan as the man whom he hoiHxl and prayed would be Hie in xi president. Hi van declared he confidently expected a Democratic titumph two years hence. Mr. Bryan declined there Is less reason than ever to make, speeches In this Slate, li said he had tried to show that IliHisevi li's popularity wa due en tirely to Democratic Ideas he had adopted He had proven that where ever a Republican talks boastfully of anything his party has done that has io.il! been ft good thing It would de velop that each and every ground for boasting was carrying out of some principle contended for tiy the Demo cratic, party ami the Republicans had been successful only where they fol lowed Democratic Idea. H. sntil . if the principles of Democracy could only iie patented seventeen years so that the Republicans could not usury them the Republican party would be dead long before the seventeen years had passed. THEFT IF STATUES I iSpeclul to The Sentinel.) j ROME. Sept. IT Word lus been ! st nt to the iwiliee of ail Important cities of the I'nited StaiCH and En trope asking that watch lie kept lnt.ee If valuable art teles stolen from gar (dens, of Vatican impel villa are of- fered for ale. The heads of five val uable statues in the (tardea of villa where ihe late Pope Leo XIII i customed to spend, his summer have jtieen stolen. There Is no clue to the 1 thief but it Is believed (hat the theft I was committed with the intention of loffering the relics f'tr saltans was , Asollcop. which was sold to J I'. Mor gan some time ago and returned by 1 hi in when he discovered that his i treasure Jiad been stolen. SMALL FIRE LOSS. GRAND DUKES FLEE They Seem To Consider Rus sia a Very Uncomforta ble Place. Since Death Saturday of General Tre poff There Have Been Signs of Un easiness On Part of Government Authorities as Trepoff Was the Strongest of Government Officers. (I!v Publishers' press.) ST. PETERSIU'RC. Sept. 17.-A geneiai exodus of Rus.-itiu grand duke Horn the city set in following ilip death Saturday of (i nil Trepiiff, owing to fear which exists generally that fresh troubles are now bound to occur In Itte-sia since the strongest man in llie empire has been removed. Going to Africa as Missionary. Rev. O. ('. li'.-niiieke, of Wilier town, Wisconsin, who has been doing pastoral wmk in the Southern I'rir vince of the Moravian church, during D.shop Rondthalei'a absence in Ku tope, left today for home. After Ink ing a medical course tne voiiiig divine will go to Africa as a missionary of the Moiavian church. During his stay liete he won many admiring friends. The leaf tobacco sold on Winston market the past week agr'regiited 10:;,r,i:0 pounds, this htinging $';.'.uVM. THE ATLANTIC COAST (Hy Publisher?' Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 The weather bureau issued the following special bulletin today: a northeast storm wainhig was ordered set along the Atlantic Coast from North Caro lina, northward to New York at M : rso o'clock this morning. Severe distur bance is approaching the Carolina const, probably moving northeast ward. Strong uortheasr winds are In dicated for the south and middle At lantic coast this afternoon and evening. New Advertisement "Talk It Over With O'Hrlen." Nlsseii Park.--New lot of moving pictures. Hiintley-llill-Stoeklon Co Favorite ranges are the best. W. O. Sensenian. Sloven and re pairing. C. II. Wilmotli, Mgr. Stleff Piano Co., Charlotte, N, C. Tlosenhncher & Bro. Exclusive styles tn ladies' suits iniJvIng by ev erv train. I). 8. Reld.-A big hit In the Jard iniere line. Smokers' Den.--TUi Cuban cigar ami how its built. J. T. I'oiudexler & Co. A g'Hid aigumeut in favor of the shoes sold by this firm. J. W. Hester Co. Announce big special sale on embrojflerleH for Wed nesduy. The Fire Losses In Winston-Salem In Past Three Years Do Not Aggre gate $50,000, There Is no city In the I'nited States that has u belter record In re- jgard to tire losses within pusl three iveats than Winston Salem. This Is making a bold statement bur the facts and figures will bear out the truthful ness of this saleinelit. The total Die losses In Wlliston-Sa-lent during the years VMH. 1W5 and I9ti(i will hardly aggregate $ft(l,0IM), and the Insurance will nearly cover this loss. When we consider that there Is over $tS,uon,Mio worth of property In Wliiston-Saleni and only abotii $'.o,omi worth of It was destroyed hy fire In three years the fact stands out bold ly in oui favor. The town of Salem has the best recotd of any town In the I'nlled States. The fire losses in that town for the past i:;:i years, or since the department was organized, taken hk a whole would not amount to $.Vi,iWMi. The town has a rigid lire Inspect Ion law and this law Is enforced to the letter. Hut while the TwIuClty has beeu steadily lowering the number of fires and fire losses the old saying that "In times of peace prepare for war" has not been forgotten, and lo the ftre lightllig forces during the past few years have been added two huge steam ers. three additional companies, a $1uii.(mi0 water works system, to say nothing of the pinny lUiuies that have been installed. WliiHtoti Siilein has a splendid fire record and we feel Justified In bring .tig Hie fact to the attention of tho jut side world. William J. Hall, son of Rev. Mr. Hall, of Cli iiimons, left this afternoon for Bethlehem, Ph., where he will en ter the Moravian College to take a preparatory course before entering Lehigh I'nlversiiy. He will take an electric engineering course. K, r . rrl Hi .1 n Ma who is doing Henry C. Ide. Governor Genfral of the Philippines. (Special lo The Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Sept. 1 ii. Insurance Cnminlsfclolier Young has revoked the charter of the Conservative Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Chariot ie, to do business In Ibis Suite, on the ground that the coinpiiiiy's financial condition makes It unsafe to policy holders for the company to dj busi ness longer. AROUND THE CITY. J. H. Clewell, .It., left t.hls afternoon for Bethlehem. Pa., to resume hi studies at Lehigh Cnivrslty, Theie will be a "tacky party" at the skating rluk on Chestnut street, to night, beginning at ":"' o'clock. i Miss Kuhns, who made three ad dresses at the M. P. cTiurca yesterday, went lo Mocksvlile this afternoon. Dr. Stokes, of Salisbury, was here today atid'petfoim' tl an operation up on Mr. J. H. Douglass nicely. Rev.. George S. Heatden, pastor of the Lutheran church, went to Char lotte this afternoon. He will return Wednesday afternoon. Edwaid Robeits. f llaHlntore, I visiting his son, E W. Roberts, supei-intend'-nt Of the consru''tlon work (in 'he government, building.. , . MiH Daisv Tin iff l"f ")i'v '"' Njark. N Y , to enter Hie Hilile Tralliitig school t,i prepare herself for missionary work In (he fomlgn tlelds Eugene Simpson, of Rockingham ; county, has accepted a position wimi tne Joe Jacobs Clothing Co. He is a brother of J. T Simpson, of Biowii'h warehouse, --Several neighbors and friends of i Mr. Joe Thomas, who resides a f'?w ml!eS south of Salem, took ' dlnr.fr with Mm yesterday, the occasion be ing his 5fnh birthday. ' Mr J C, Chaiubers' horse ran away tbla morning and broke one of It-i iegs. The animal ran away ia. t Monday arid threw Mr. ClimbeiV a -i out of the delivery wagon, bieakli v his leg. The horse will be killed. The colored Primitive p.ap'isl church case went to the Jmy shout ;!::!' this afternoon. The fiiorning ses sion of court was taken hp with utgu riients. fr J. C. Itiixtoti mad" the concluding Kpeech this afteni'Kin. The receipts from the lawn parly f Walkermwn Saturday night amounted to $.''. In the voting con test Ml- Koii Carmirhael was awarded the prize, declaring her the motftt beautiful lady In the town Influential Rebels Say This Ac tion Would Stop Disturb, ance In Cuba. BELIEVED THAT PaLMA WILL TAKE THIS STtP. Althougn Closa Friend of Cuba' Prea n Say Ht D Not Think Palma Will Consent to Holdlnf of Presidential Election Thar Is Growing Belief That He Will Adopt This as Only Method of Bringing Order Out of Chaos. It Is Believed Taft's Visit to Island Will Result In Good. President Postpones Trip to Panama On Account of Cuban Situa tion. (Special to The Sentlus! ) HAVANA. Sept. 17--According to a rumor given wide circulation hem to day Palma will, within a few ilayK, Issue a cull for a special election a the easiest solution of the present Cuban ctlsU. While the tunilir Is de nied by Gem nil Ereyre Andre, one of Palma's closest advisers, there la rea son to believe the action will be taken by the Palma administration rather than pel mil Intervention y the I'nited Stales. Rvhels say that such mi act will Instantly quell (he lusur lecdoii. President May Delay Trip. WASHINGTON, Sept. IT I'lilesa peace ami order are completely re stoied In Cuba within a very short lime It Is unite xxslh!e that lUsise velt will aim ndi m Ills ronlenipUted trip to Panama. When plans wefe formulated there wa no expectation that- dissatisfaction with Palm regime would reach such proportion as to a mi hi at tit actual revolution or that Intervention by the Culled Slatea might be required. Seci clary Tuft hope to be able lo complete his mission wtiiiin ten day after his arrival al Havana Even If Kuccesa crowns his efforts as every body believes it will. It la exported It will take many week of simmering and settling before the entire Island of Cuba can be said lo he pacified and normal conditions restored. So long as there Ih any possibility of further ouibwak In Cuba or the least likelihood that, action of any sort by the I'nited . Slatea might become' necessary It Is not probable tH presi dent would leave the Culled Stale. While the Panama trip has not there fore been abandoned, there Is consid erable doubt at this time whether the piesldent will be able to Ink it If ho should dei m It unwise lo altscnt him self from Ihti Chlted Slates. Under the condll Inns II Is possible he may ask Secn iaary Hoot, who Is now on bis way lo Piuiiima from Heru, to make a more extended stay on the Minnas than he contemplated, no u in be able to make a full statement to him, iiiherwU Secretary Tafl will probably make his unriuul trip lo th canal stone alone. Many Wires Cut. WASHINGTON. Sept. 17 The navy department recerve word this morning thai Ihe ruble between Cleu fiiegns and Bermuda had been cut. The nihil 1,1.1 wi i i, Havana and Clen fuegos wan cut Saturday and the land; lines have been nut of huttlm v eial days, Thl cuts Clenfiiegos off fiom all wire communication with outside. Opinion of On Officer, WASHINGTON. Sept. 17 In tin opinion of officers of the navy who have been n close communication with Commander Coiweii at Havana the bottom has fallen out of Cuban revolution As one prominent officer of the navy expressed t : "The Cubans have made a spectacular exhibition and have bhown they are entirely un fit for Kclf-Rowmmciit, tint when they found how much In eatuesi thu l'nMe Slate Ik both aides became fright- eind, and ate now doing their utmost to come I,, m agreement before Ihe an Hal of R'KtH.velt'a etularies," TO REST IN HISTORIC GROUND. Remains of Late Governor Jes Franklin Exhumed and Taken to Guilford Battle Ground for Final Interment. (Special to '('ho Sentinel ) MOl'NT AIRY, Kept Hi -The re mains of the hiu, ;i,vcrnor Jesse Franklin, which p-slen at the foot of the Blue Ridge moiin;urv, near low Gap, in thK county, srnce his, death In 127. were brought to this elly this afternoon and will he taken to Guil ford Ha'lle Ground for filial inter ment tomorrow Col Thoin.i M Motehead. of Greensbiitn, , ,,., Hn,j i(rcoui patiy what remains f Surrv a IM'is trlmis mm t where a fitting inotiii in nt h.it been tr.( iei in his memory. He was a participant in Ihe famous biinle for American independence at hat place arid, was perhapv the last lo leave the scene of haPle, hence h b'idv will, lie amoiig the heroes of tbsl oTTasInu To Prepare Himself for Ministry. Mr t'ailton Wlil'e. who graiiua'ed from the Salem ISoyV scIiikiI two vears sko, left i,Kiav- fnr Heialehem, Ph. to enter the Moravian Theolo gical Heriiin.iry u, prepare hlmvlf for ihe fnititrt'i It win require him si jean lii eninpit.it. ,U Cnpr V