THE TWIN-CITY DAILl 8ENTINEUWIHST0N-3ALEM. SEPTEMBER 18. 1 f I 1 CZ3 C M1TK IN u If You Are Not Getting b! Proner results from the medicinc'your doc rornrescribcs. Maybe it isn't compounded right, or fresh drugs are not used. This won't happen when you LEARN ME W TO SIMPSON'S n J Prescriptions filled by registered druggists .LI n only. Jj b rzn nzz czu czs czu nzn u COLORED CHURCH CI SE The contest "-,er llt' foloi eil Prinit jjv? liaiiii.-i church property was ton rliultil in tin.' superior court, about t! o'clock vest onlay afternoon by (he Jurv returning a. verdict in favor ol he 'defendant, Itfv. J. T. Martin. The plaintiffs contended that 'hey were entitled to possession of the property. Kev. Martin alleges, that it was igreeil by the two factious for him to onduct a school in the church edifice uid hold religious services on the Sab ;,atli. but after he tiHik charge the opposition, headed by .lames Itoyd. Kit Brown and others, became dissat sticd and instituted a suit, hoping thereby to cntue in possession of the church and lot. Bennett & Co. Bevomlj our expectations we have had to build an ad dition to our already . larjje wood shed we now have capacity for keeping ten car loads of stove wood dry. Now the circus has been, the Great October Fair will be, Jack Frost w ill come and stav, so we advise the people to lay in store enough wood to keep warm when the chilly winds begin to blow from the ncrth pole. Phone 27 Bennett & Co Sale of Land for City Taxes. In accordance with i lie charter and unlitiances r,f the c it v of Winston. hiru.idiui; for the sale of hiinl for un paid taxes. I will sell on Friday, the 12th dav of October, 1 !(. at 11 o'clock a. ni., at the court house door in Winston, the following lotg or parcels of real estate, on which the city taxes for the year P.uiu have not been rl'L t r Flrtt Ward. ' Mrs. Sa.ah lirewer, lot Reservation, s !;. I.. J. . Johnson. lot Hickory street, Oscar (Irogar, Startmck lands. $1.57. I) .1 llairsiou. lot llickorv street, $1.7:'. Hubert Wilson, lot "City View," $i.r,7. Third Ward. .1. K. Marshall, lot Spruce street, $7.1'i. Mrs! I.ia Leslie, lot North Liberty street. $x.l!. Anderson Allen, lot Seven and Half .street. $l2. .Maltha Alspnugh, lot seven and Half street. $..:!:. 1'. W. Kasley. lot Trade street. fM.W Wiiliain Jones, lot Hickory, street. $::.!'(:. .1. X. Neat, lot Maple street, $n.'(l. Alilie Robinson, iot Maple street. I hi'.. Robert Russell, lot Seven and Half street, J2.C.7. W. A. Wright, lot seven and half strep', $:;.:;:i. This U'lh day of September. 1000. T. 1,. FAR HOW, City Tax Collector. TIE CHEMICAL PUNT The Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. is spending in Improvements in its plant here $:in,0iii), of this $25.0W he me for n'oairs mid remodelling and $."i,iiim) for new buildings and atldi-i lions.. The company will increase the capacity of their plant here from "e. imo pounds daily to on.nnti. This vili make the Winston-Salem plant l next to Wilmington in capacity, Wl;- niiiigtcn having the largest plant in the St.ue. The improvements on the! plant here are now in progress and! vill be completed some time in Nov-j ember. i TONE The essence of piano quality is tone. The goal of all piano makers should be tone. property without which the most elaborately construct ed'' piano is valueless is tone. Withouttone tlnrabiltty is a mockery. Without tone a piano is a "thumb box." Tone in a broad sense means chat actor. Synonym for tone is STIEFF Southern Wareroom, 5 W. Trde St. Charlotte, N. C. C. H. Wii.moth, Mgr. A GOOD JUDGE OF rEED decides In favor of tie sort of good things for horses, cattle, pigs and poultry to he found under our roof. If yoii arc as careful about the Food for your animals as you aro about what you cat yourself you'll do your marketing here. Trices fair ami squat G. L. Dull & Co. Phone 176, 108 Fifth St Nissen Park Open Each Night A Grand Program Cik Walkers Fisherman's Trouble Chooselng a Servant Love vs. Trouble Room to Let The Little Train Itobbery. Fries M'f g. & Power Co The Publishers Claims Sustained United States Court of Claim8 The Publishers nf Vfhttr' International Dlttinn-irynllei.etl((t. it ', i,i t.ui.llie hu liir 1'tiHin nlifed tliernuirhly re-eiliteil ine.verv del 11 it. mill vilely cmii-h in every pint, with the piiriie ef adapt inn it. M meet the. larner nml m'vomt roiiuiromeuts el another Kenura tiiin." We bio of tho opininn that this nllcimtlnri most eiemty an 1 ii.x-uniuty ilescrilic; tho work Hint lins l.ecn aeei mplMieil and the I l'(lllt t tntllliw Ikhhi rcr;,;li:il. T!te I Met HUlllry, ns It ninr sliiuK I'as Iwcn ttinniutflily re I'ltileil in every detail, hsii liecn enrrei led In every purl, mill iaiulinii'iiM.vii'lnptisI In meet the Iniuer mid pcetTr requirement of a (reneriitieii which (1eni(rH nioro'ot popular ptiiluiiitfH uJ louv.vluWo tlein any rcntraUun tlmt ttin wnrld r-'uru-rcoutntne'l. It. Is perhups i I ti-"i to R'iil that. m refer tn ttio ilit'tieni'.ry tn our jmln ial wnrk nsof the liijftii'st mi! Itnrity in neeilriiey of iletlni tii in ; ami Unit tn i he f iiturens in Ihepiujt it will be the source of cimsluut reference. CUAULE8C. KOTT.CliWJiMllM. . l.AvRKxrr, vEUKix, JOHN IUVIS, STANTON J. PFKT.T.K CUAllLW L. lloWUV. Jiidg... Thr nhnnt r'fers to irr.nsTKR'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY PONY AND CART COMING. Marion Nash Wins the Prize Offered by the Saturday Evening Post. Mr. A. V. Nash received a telegram yesterday afternoou from the publish; 'rs of the Saturday livening Post. Philadelphia, stating that his seven-year-old son, Marion, had been av.-ar led the pony and cart, the prize offered by the I'ust to the boy selling the largest number of paper. during ihe month of August. The Sentinel congratulates Master .Marion uiVm his' good luck. The .lainlsonie prize awarded to tuiu was won-by his pluck and eneigy. 1 tie arrial of the pony and cart will he awaited with interest by .Marion and his many admiring friends. TO HAVE JOINT DEBATE Solicitor S. Porter Graves, of Surry, was one of the visitors here today to hear the great, commoner. In conversation with a reporter the popular solicitor stated that he anil his Republican opponent, Mr. John Dobson, had agreed on a joint, canvass of district, though' duties in attend ing courts necessitatcf! their joint dis cussions being limited to the county seats of tho counties in the district. Their appointment for Forsyth is October Hth, the second day of the October term of court. Mr. Graves will make a thorough canvas of the district' between the courts and the Indications are bright for Democratic success throughout the district. Mr. laves is very popular in this county uid he will carry it by a sale majority. Beef, Iron and Wine When you fee! run down, you need an invigorating tonic. Ucef. Iron and Wine is stimulating' and nourishing. It braces you for-a day's work. It accelerates the cir culation of your blood. It builds up your muscles, it is an agreea ble beverage. Acceptable to the most squeamish stomach. A boon to weak children. But it must be pure, of full strength and. fresh Our Beef, Wine and Iron, Price 50c. Landquist & Pfohl The Corner Drug Store THE GRAND PRIZE Orinliitflu"! nwRnl) was yivon to the lutorna litmnl ut thy WurliTs Fair, tit. houis. GET THE LATEST AND BEST I'm will hr liitrrrttriHnmtr T npffiriiru fi(s, Hfllf TC. G.&C.MERRIAM CO., i PUBLISHER!!, BPRINQFIELD, MASS. v I WIMTtin llNTERN AT KMAt.f Vwr-noNAiryy pair of steel Roller Hail liearlnc Skates, and yon p'l your money's wotlh. I'toi'iasliuatinn is til thief of time and your, pocket book as well. Call at our store today and save mon ey by investing In some of the roll ItiK Items. - Niikle Plated CutTee and Tea Pots, ClutHiiK Dishes. Xiekle p.lated Cream Pitchers, lOnamellei" ware of all kinds, (positively no ends). Most complete line of Kitchen Furniture. BROWN-ROGERS COMPANY. HOW ABOUT Your Old Roof? Why not lot us stop the lwiks while the weather is favor- ahle? New roofs and roof repairing a specialty. Morgan arid Cuthrell. "Favorite" Ranges. Are the Best. (Speelal to Tho Sentinel.) (iRKlCNKBORO. Sept, 17. Guil ford Superior Com ( for the trial of rlininal cases convened this morning vith .Indue Fred A. Moore, of Ashe '.illo. presidins. This is the regular September trim and will continue for me week and will be followed by a ipecial term of one week with .Indue II. F. I.onfr. of Stalesville. preslditiK. There are lij'i cases- on the criminal locket and of this number ten are for apiial offeiices. The jail cases will e tried lirst. Its economy to use the best. SJ.Nissen Co. Administratrix Notice. ippilitlei' a administratrix on the estate of Samuel 11. Taylor, deceased, notice is hereby given to all pel mi. is indi btee. ;o said estate to make iuuuediaie payment; and nil persons having c'nitus against, the aid estate . are required to present ih same to me for payment within twelve months fi-o.ii the loth day of September, Pirii, or this notice wili lie plead in bar of thiir recovery. KAN. NIK K. TAYLOR. , Administratrix of Samuel II. Taylor. deceased. Kunetie K. Gray, Attorney. Dr. Matthews in Greensboro. Di'. J. It. Matthews, who was con victed of wife murder at the last He emher term of Cuilford stiperioi .nut and sentenced to twenty years! !i the penitentiary, arrived in Greens nnro Monday and is staying at the Mc doo. lie has been under treatment it a sa'tiiaiinm In-Maryland since he vas leleaseil on a $." i n to lioml slue ilv iftfr his trial pending his appeal to he supreme court. The Record says lie obj"ct i,f his visit to Greensboro o'.v is to ron his bond at. the tenn if Guilford siipetio, court now in tssluii. Judge Beer By Its True Worth Progressive Men and Women Consider It a Means to National Temperance. We have reecntly published a num ber of articles on the fend value of beer, and we believe that sooner or later beer will be reeoKtitzed sit its trim worth, as a foml beverage of splendid tonte effect and higb nourishing value. Noted men and women of this country are already alive to the situation and besides Miss I'lioebo Cousins and Dr. Joseph Keisler of Northwestern Uni versity, many others of note give, their endorsement to beer as a means to na tional temperance. Miss Cousins, for a quarter of a cen tury the most eminent woman suf frage advocate In tho West, said In a recent Interview: "There never will be n law that will compel prohibition, and tho sensible tiling for the Women's Christian Temperance. Union to do Is to aid In the substitution of mild, nourishing drinks like brer, which sel dom produces drunkenness. A promi nent army officer who served in the Southwest, operated canteens at three different posts, lie made the canteens so acceptable to the soldiers, who found beer satisfying; their demands, that he m tnally ran all the low dives of the surrounding neighborhood out of business." Pabst Hcof meets nil the demands for a mild, healthful, refreshing bever age such as Miss Cousins suegests. It is made of the exclusive Palist eight day malt, choicest hops and pure, water. Eight-day mult, which Is the only perfect malt, gives I'abst Beer its superior food value and richness. Strong in nourishment tin; bodv re quires, it Is refreshing and satisfying. Perfect in age, purity and strength, absolutely clean anil containing only three and one-half per rent of alcohol, I'al-st P.cer Is the Ideal tcmpcran -i beverage. No other is so healthful. New Advertisements. Meyers Westbronk Co. Splendid diowing of lull styles. Auditorium. Thursday, He pt ember Huh, Sultan of Sulu. Riisenbacher k Hio.-Sale of rem um.s continued. Date of fall p,.n in to be antio'im ed shortly. A Perfect Baker. Kvery convenience and feature or utility known to modern construction s obtained in the (;;,P,and R ,-mini;"!- - P.Jackbuin Co Brightsbane Wood's Seeds ron FALL SOWING. Every farmer sliottM have, a copy of our New Fall Catalogue Tt fives best methods of seeil imr.audifull information about Gimson Clover Vetches, Alfalfa Seed Oats, Rye Barley, Seed Wheat Qrasscs and Clovers Descriptive Fall Catalogue mailed free, and prices quoted on reijuot. T. W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, .. Richmond, Va. Our Trad. Mark Brand Socds are the nest and cb-anu-t ipimulc, ohtiuniihie. The Busy Sk n M n U n The Sale of RcninaJ continued until Frida' This is a clearance of n w ii short lengths rangir from 1 yd to 10 JH Desirable lengths in Dress Goods,- Silks, Linens, White Goods, Ginghams, Domestics Saving will average ov ONE-THIRD. You are invited to call every day and sec the new things as they arrive The4 date of Fall opening ail anniversary will be announce at an early date. losenbachers "Distinction in Dress" Waists in I lie .Newest and Most. At tractive Stvlrs at the Lowest. Prices. in i.ace. Net, Taffeta, Loulsane, "Jap" and IJnen. 1 M'-M n x . Ai-k lo see the "Bargain TaiHc" Gar ncnts helow cost. The Misses Martin. I'hone 071 yufs Liberty St. I! I r Sale cf Valuable Farm Li liy viitue uf an "I'll"' ( l rior Court of i'";-.-'h f . ti ut t special pi i in e,;:,in;f, inlil'ol A tier and ol tiers s rljvlf P! will soli ,(i : putiiic ii ir-1 in:; In ti est liiililtT. lu; in-li. '' ,-U till' !;i!e r. -.ill i( .1. T. ilecciiscil. oil S.i t i . da v. :in :: of Septetnhi r. It", at 2 tit I tie binds of ii,l ,!. K. lMW ed, co:i--:sii!!i i:i. tils liat as'llte h-illie p::i''e. "!: !'.irlt- I'll tl'C 11 .-i-ielle-. ti""' nml iitlin ea :S'Ai"-i- 111 1 in ;icn- ,iul :.7 I""1--nm- mini.: I'j J- -V Ll"ltl set forlli in i!'1'! l;t i;m b v K ::i:'' li-nii"'3 hp nt. to .1 II I'' liiiiiH el l'e I."""-'-;1 raid ii-. u as fi ' ' ' ' ' lleed. No. C. I'll K,-i,-:er of i.-;l Seeolne.. . '( '' Joining eiieh Him the home liar!. nmlaittit'y ' ," joinii;;:, l.-in.U I1'- ' J ni'ii :i n.S i ! I . . i - s. " ; . .- i. ei 'j.' c:" i . i . f . t . - i.i-iiee- I. ' i e- u I..H' Weill , u:ie ('! :l pule.-!, more lit' ti:ti::a . " ,- less. Tin' it' ¬ ll ,r Ml Tin- I VI H-!' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH. j joiiiin- tiy .it II; Uost .Notable Engagement of Season I tninlns ' a'' (1EORGE ADK'S I !',-"' 8v'".'r"t''--'' TUH'MF'IIANT COMIC OI'KRA l!'.'' ri', '.;:, roinls .V H'i', Wi Ml. T;il".f chuf l : 3i hems. : i not 7,1'i l at a P:' 11 Original gorgeous pro.liictioii thai j Tlo.- -!':-: V1-"; CiinHvi.te,l New York for six solid 1 .! I!. I'l-1 months. 27 song hits, ttngnienini ! .it c.'.ii-M i a. Prize beauty chorus. Prices: $.Wt, l.tlh, 7n. oil itni 2.. , Seals on sule Wednesday at O'Han-j Ion's. I Tobacco FLUES. Peter W. Blum Winston-Salem, N. C. ..... mnlirl, jy s., MtH ANU Kvurncrii V 'I'tUKsiSf"-! I'm I'.iT fir nnnntnml y lll.d.t.f lii liarErS.ilillioiil'ii'U 'll". li t Ooiruirrj IB irri'.iiteinn or n:nMnnj 4bt? m.m,ii.h H -t ,... Ti,nihrftniiA. rr.,.,i. I'oniuw pjinlom, nml not nirln !VlTHEEv;NSCHEMIMI H"). c or pii"in'- CUC'HMTt.O.ff "9 7 oroge-."-. k 1.3.1. a j ir ent in plain wr" l nr.nkhl. ii.r ', ""f'lB I.OO.'otS hottl W.7S. ICE Prompt shipment U all points. I C.M.THOMAS Winston-Salcm. "Favorite" RangeS Are the Best i "' ' ' ' - - - -, , : - Y A N TALK.IT over with o lit MASS. MUTUAL

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