TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N . C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 19. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS TREPOFF BURIED. SULLU'S REPLY. Funeral Services of The Most Mated Man ln Russia Not Disturbed. Says He Was Misquoted ln Statement bout Sena tor Bailey, of Texas JffllTES rUHMNUH j ; III BE HEARST Hi HIGGINS J j., .The BRITTOH IN RALEi g:;:ur (Special to The Sentinel.)' ''"-' V '.'"' ' ,''; ! Tn ' RALEIUH. Sent. !. At 'HI o'clock .'- 'l. v ' .' ' f ! MKELY 1" ' vesterday morning In Edeuton Sueet W , '. s rrnPnFMOCRATS Methodist church Mr. Edward K. It, it-' V'" J ' ' " that Candidate L LMgue Will Be Endors- York State Democrat L ,t Buffalo September 25 trtior Higgms t-an itlica" Notiination Publisher?' Press.) M Sept- '". , SUtr fi'im pn-sfiii "ruminate William Ran ., n,.i'n'lnnv League ,r' tm .'I nor. at Buffalo pi ;i'iai if.s Hearst 'ujutsW strength. Syr llak, elected Hi'1!! friendly :;.,i,v, f Tammany Hall, aij acri.iiiil Major Mc '.tiers. Murphy says the ,11 prevail at the ronven 3ieat:s the delegates will t it he ays so. Lenders Kir in Murphy say lie may : si pp : t :o some one else Thus far Murphy lias ex iMice but has said Jerome she man. evclt. Htggtns parsons defeated the Odcll-Wig- : this city. Tin' Oclell op viciuiiniis throughout the means Biggins can have in if ho wants it. ili-Hearst Editorial. iw's .New Va: k World in makes a final appeal to Sla'e Demoerais to have !o wi:h ilt-ai sr. The title rial. is. "Shall Democratic What follows declares hat Hearst Is not a Dem- tewi-Stcialfcst, who, .urges to seize the government to niaiiitain better order, to administer more even re h:;! in obtain for them hours nf work, more i-fr foot!. Letter houses, and cheaper rrausporta t Is (uniparni to the ear- ."li'ifians In the South af- " country." ilorlares the a inlitical interest at Buffalo rniiventlon. If the if New York." sav Hie t" he delivered over tttce League and advn- pi-sofialism, what is to he. e Democracy 0r the i:a- world's editorial will have cse is believed ,y manv ?' "rti 't it will put n(.rvc ln. ff'T limn ll, I , '""i " "lIOSII ion 'xratif party is questioned. hi, W i- u iisiiier IP lu RK. s, NEEfiT PLATFORM Sin I''. IT-- Miss Clara .Wilted -daughter of i- ' make her Amer a " "M't-n siiiKer at a 1(J- i" ' onior zz at. Nor 's hi be assisle.i In Ho;iiii vioiini.ste. is sail) to poshes.-? I-'"' ami sweet coiitliil ! , "'Hl I'Twir to muisc . !l"r ie.l(,.Hc al.road . " H lather lmvlnir "Pi'iinitioS. Her iti Flor- warmly P'eiriiHi """t w,,s made lvirk was l.( n l n;n im u " '": sin,.,,,. -., f '-.-'".nrv fu ll limited pe- JI H WEBE- H,,. '! ""'.I'y yeMcrday's T ', , ns ls ''etween COD ,"., '"''H can never U'' 'hat main ;.',,;";1,;V(''1' to have ,,," ,"' liarbor. Or-.-h.-r,T 's(a"'li'nK the - r.r.,.','r"n !'" h"mS ii! , dipping ''''en into the rf in " - "Hi 1 1 u "Pni it.K ,,)m. ' a,n. prom- (Special to Tha Sentinel.) RALEIGH. Sept. 11). At in o'clock yesterday morning in Kdcnton suew Methodist church Mr. Edward E. Hi it ton, city editor or the News and ob server, was united in mamupc w Miss Norma Safford llanly. daiiKhter or Capt. W. T. Hardy, of Vance conn ty. the ceremony lieing hv Rev. R. II. WhitaVei, ' who has for many yea 4 been a regular contributor -to the! columns of the News an l Observer. The church was prettily decorated for the occasion and there wi re pres ent a large number of relatives am: friends to witness the ceremony which was one of the prettiest of thei season. The dame or Tumor was Mrs. Gil bert Ottnmnn, of Savannah. Ga., a sistet; of 'the bride, and the best man was Mr. Henry Jlagley, liiisiui ss manager of the News ami Observer. The bride was given away by her father. Capt. Hardy, and the ushers were Major Charles H. Galtis, Mr. W. 11. Jones, Capt. Van Ua,en Stronaeh and Mr. Geo. P. Hardy, of Atlanta. The bride wore an especially hand some travelling (tress or Alice blue. She carried a lovely bouquet of bride's roses. The bride is a talented young wo man of attractive personality and has during her several years residence m Raleigh won for herself many admir ing friends. The groom is well known in this State and South Carolina, hav ing achieved success as a . school teacher for a number of years and later entered newspaper work, in which he has been no lecs successful. Their many friends wish for them an abundance or happiness and 4 success. Mr. and Mrs. llritton lert on the 10:30 train Tor Norfolk, where they will take a steamer for New York and other points of interest North. On their return to Raleigh they will keep house on Oakwood Avenue. THREE KILLED IN (Hy Publishers' Press.) LAWTON, Okla., Sept Charles Duncan Mciyer, Late President of North Carolina State Normal. F HI D GHAS D. PER Y II BY HUNDREDS People From All Parts of State Gather To Pay Tribute Of Respect To The Distinguished Educator Whose Sudden Death Came As Such a Terrible Shock Funeral Ser vices Conducted By 1 Dr. L. W. Crawford, of Reidsville Interment Was In Green Hill Cemetery. Reports from the scene of the Rock l lelaud Railroad wreck near DovefT on the Cimarron river, do not bear..ut the early estimates as to the loss of life. Railway officials insist that only nine persons were riding in the smoker when it plunged into the river, all of whom have been accounted for ex cept three. No bodies .have been re covered. The inaccessibility of the place where the train went through the bridge makes the work of search ror the missing very difficult. I Special to The Sentinel.) GKEENSHORO. Sept. lH-Thc fun eral or Dr. Charles 1). Melver. presi dent of the State. Normal and Indus trial College, who died 011 the llrjan special train near Durham Monday, was held from the First Presbyterian church this morning. The attendance was the largest that has ever been seen at a funeral in this city. Many were turned away from the church on account of a lack of seating capacity. Never has virh a- cortege been seen in Greensboro or surrounding country. The service was conducted by the liev. Dr. I... W. Crawford, pastof of. the Main Street M. E. church. Iteiils- ville. and a life-long friend of the (le ased. Assisting him in the service were the Rev. Charles E. Ilodgin, pas tor of Westminister Presbyleiinn church, ami the Rev, R. Murphy VVIl T (By MOBILE, Publishers' Ala., Sept Press.) HI. News re ceived here from Igo, Miss., tells or a desperate attempt to murder Joseph Samms, a well known lumber man. tor the purpose i( robbery. Samms was on his wav to a mill which em ploys several hundred hands with the week's pay roll, amounting to several thousand dollars. He was shot from ambush and fatally injured. At the first shot, the horse look fright and ran away and this saved his life as five more loads from double-barreled guns were fired at him. Hams, pastor Presbyterian church. The Winston lodge of Masons, or which the de ceased was an homnod member, also participated In. the service, a did local fraternities. Dr. Crawford paid a splendid tri bute to the life of the deceased, and in glowing words told of the woik he had done for the uplifting of Lie masses In North Carolina and the South. The exercises ai the grave were' most impressive. In the large number of people ihal attended the servieis today were many I'onui r students of the college, as well as a number of ihosn whoar I students at present. They came from rar and near to ;i I '":ic tr,e service. There vveie also present nearly ail of the members of the Icard of iiuMkh. Dr. E. A. Alil'j man. president of the I'liiveisity or Virginia: Di.. Eben Alexander ami M C. S. Noble, of the I. T. Winston, . Kaleiali: U'al Win Id's Work, get!' ra! s''ri' nea':on Hoard, Toil;, Tomorrow is (lie time for the open ing ot the college and on this account many of the students thai have not graduated were here today to attend the funeral services. Tomorrow they had (xpected Dr. Mcfver to welcome them back to the college, but Instead they eatne a day earlier and saw him laid to his last resting plHce. Many were the tears that th school glrU shed over the grave ot their former teacher 11111I friend. From the trend of the discussion of the question of who will he the suc cessor of Dr. Mrlver as president nf the State Normal and Industrial Col lege it would H"cm that the concensus of opinion Is that Stale Siiperluten .1. Y. .loyner, of Raleigh, Is tlie man for the place. Mr. Joyner was formerly a member of the faculty and was one or Dr. Mclver's most trusted Slate 1'nivcrsiM ; Dr. of I he A & M- College, j ler II. Pnge. editor of land Wallace lluniik. ; tan of t he Genei al Jvl I the' 'two latter of New or t!ic Walker Aventmrrlrnrtw. - He has done much work ffw the college Hud Is thoroughly familiar with every detail of the work. That he would make a capablu and able president all admit. While there are others whose names are mentioned for the place none meets with general appioval so much as does Prof. Joy ner. Among the others mentioned for the place are President E. A. Alder man, of the I'liiversity of Virginia; President G. T. Winston, ot t ho A. & M, College, Kalelgh; Dr. C. Alfonso Smith, of ihe State I'nlversity. and Pmr. i; P. Ciaxton, formerly a teach er in tin- college, now superintendent of Ho summer school of the South at Knoxviilo. A iiieetii,;: of the board of trustees of ihe college was held here last night and it. was decided to open the eol !cki tomorrow morning according to ihe His:-announcement. The board announces Ibai it will do everything in i's power lo maintain (he same high 1 'xei lb nee of Ihe school III the futuie that 11 has elijoved lu Ihe past, and in nil?, hour 1 f calamity calls up on i In' people or 01th Carolina to give their Mipport. DAMAGE SUIT IN COURT. Negro Boy Suing R. J. Reynolds To bacco Company for $2,000. Today's session of the superior court was iaken up in the trial of a damage suit, against the R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co. The plaintiff is Willie Rowland, colored, whose par ents allege that he Is, only 11 years old. The boy had one hand torn off in a lump machine while in t lie em ploy or the Reynolds Company. The case came up a year ago. but was non suited bv Judge E. B. Jones, who was presiding at that term or the court. Counsel (or plaintiff appealed and the supreme court decided that the hoy was entitled to a trial before a jnr The plaintiff asks tor damages 1" amount of $2.0011. The case was given initial! to the Jurv late this afternoon. reduce IE NOT AGREED. OFFICER IS KILLED. Cuban Government And Rcb-'f Russian Colonel of Artillery els Unable To Make A Compromise. Secretary of War Taft Arid Assistant Secretary of State Bacon Arrive at Havana And Find Things Still In An Unsettled State. Is Murdered By Band Of Terrorists Today. It Was Feared That Terrorists Would Attempt to Blow Up Church In Which Service Wert Held Bui Strong Guard Was Present to Pre vent Anything of Thu Kind. Ciar Did Not Attend Funeral. -(Hj Publishers' Tri'SK ) ST. I'KTERSHCRG, Sept. IV Theie was a strong military guaid at the funeral of General Trepoff held fiotn the church at Peteihof this morning owing to fear of authorities that terioiTsts would Tail, nipt in out rage in connection wit a iue itim ral. The gicslcst precautious, were taken so that an opportunity for a ilcmon stiaiiou of any kind was not given. Every available Cossack was used to guard the church and all approaches thereto and soldiers were stationed at all points of vantage. Inst ructions were jjlven guards to shoot anjotie Irving lo approach too near to the church. The emperor was not In attendance at Ihe funeral. Arrangementa were made for him to attend but the royal yacht, after remaining several hours al open sea yesterdiiv walling for a chance to run Into Peterhor suddenly stalled for K uTie, where the riar will remain until tomorrow. - T APPEALS ARGUED G CONCERN IN (Special to The Sentine l RALEIGH, Sept.1 l'..-Thc argu men! of fourth district apieals begun In the supreme court yesterday and will continue for the greater part or the week. A notable state caso is Slate vs. Shepherd from Nash county In which the defendant was convicted of selling lightning rods without pay ing the license Imposed by the reve nue act. The contention of Shepherd Is that he Is not liable ror the tax and the manner In which he conducted it put it under the jurisdiction or the Inter-slate commerce law In that he made 110 charge for pulling up the rods and shipped them lo Ihe pur chasers from without the stale. Gil Ham ti Gilliam represent defendant and Attorney General Gilmer argued for the stale. State vs. Burnett Is another case of interest, the defendant .being charged with abducting a girl under 14 and Inducing her to go from her father's house In Vanre county to McCall, 8 C. to work In a cotton mill. In the trial beloW litirneit was sentenced to work two years lu the penitentiary. NEW ADDITION TO CITY MARKET. m oroiiii Hia'i il'iop' Fine Show Tomorrow "The Sultan of Siiln." be presented hen a splendid ins Un K- ... f f h a: , ' -Over t;0 " ' "'r rent midlr UP''n,:';r- "';'1 M'M SpK L'5 s"'iw ('.. ,, ,. fci h'iS ' '"--Sprfl Xa.:r.. .. I V 1.11,1) ,, e.i'-ior Kef " "K1 'rk. JC Night. which will tomorrow mgni. o musical comedy by George k a r. 1 i. i.nn j'irmit erected by itnu 110 11 r. theatre-goers wherever it has ap peared, The company appeared In Norfolk and Wilmington recently am. ihe papers or both cities have spoken in highest terms or the performance "The Sultan of Sulu" has many hue song hits, beautiful scenery, hand some costumes and attractive chorus elrU The comnanv is a larte one and nf a hleh class In every respect according-to the newspapers towns where it has appeared. Seal's on sale at O'lianion's Zimmerman u red (HV Publishers' Pre.-s.) HAVANA. Sep,'. I'.'. . Sect'"';' and party anivd n ti. Moines at - o'clock t is reported that the! hitch in peace ti" rebels, it seem?, iiavi attitude an are their demands. I' here as probable, that nni of aiding Pa'ma in his pi ing American interfercm genls have in nali'y I" negotiations purposely ro aid iiecssaiy. if be un sign laced Mai tin. the completed ami p Shoffner 011'e of hands of sign work ever en co Salem. Tin- sign is i' and raised gold letter. ! : for :g'-r .v This Is In Line With Recently An nounced Terrorist Scheme to Kill All Army Officers They Can. Other Attempts to Kill Officers to Be Made Soon. (Hy Publishers' Press.) WARSAW, Poland. .Sept. Ill Ter lorisu heie to, lay is-ued a proclama tion giving not ice thai Ihey had de if 1 mined upon the murder of officers "in masse." In fulfillment, of their threat five ftronsta shot, and killed Col. Nicholaeiff, artillery officer, wiiiie be was walking in the streets Tii'' liiuideieis Cr.caped. Fish And Game Department. Will Be Modern In Every Respect. Plans are being diawn for addition to be billll to Hie city market for the fish and game department. The addi tion is to l) Ullxln? feel and will join the present market building on the north. There will lie alxuit twelve stalls In the new addition. Thev will be finished and tilted with all modern conveniences. Each stall will have a distinct basin tor displaying flsh or game with fountain attachment. The new fish ami game building will he strictly sanitary. The floor will be cement, with n center drain from nil stalls, Woik oil I lie building will be com liu-nced as soon as the plans ctjil lie (Oilipleled hy Messrs. Zimmerman and Lester and the contract awarded. When completed Winston will have a market house second 10 none. In the State. BLOCKADE PLANT DESTROYED. Deputy Marshal Carroll Assist in Raid in Yadkin County. Deputy Marshal Carroll left, today for Wilkes and Ashe comnies t. anslst deputy collectors In koiiic field work He-relurned jfsterday from h raiding Dip In ludkln couiilv. Assisted by Di put) Collector llarkliin and special deputy Myers bf destroyed a blockade plant half a mile from Footvlilc The officers found only one gallon of whls K'.v, but several hundred gallons of beer. A young man was In charge of the still, but lie ran when no caw t;i leveniif is approaching. Saul Kevin-. 011 whose laud the plant was found, was i.iieAre(l and will ,e irie on lie- 2."lb Inst. Tin officers nift him going In the direction or the "moonshine" house, though he denbd having any knowledge of the plant 1 I Illinois National Committeeman lay Statement Purporting to Com frm Him And Which Brought Forth Heated Reply from Bailey Did Him a Great Injustice As He Did Not Say What He Was Reported a laying.. (Hy Publishers' Press. ) CHICAGO. Illinois. Sepl, III. Ilogef Sullivan, niitiou.i I committeeman of the DeniiM tatic parly of Hlluols. Is an gry iM-canse of Ihe publication In th Chicago papers of au Interview In which Sullivan Is mad to a If.b was to he read out of the Democratic party because he was connected with the Ogiletl Gas Co . then Senator Bail ey ought to be treated similarly, because- he was Interested in Standard Oil Co. The story went out and Bailey cam back last inight In a hoi reply. He said if Sullivan said what he was reported as saying then Hrvan was right lu de claring that lie was not a t)t commit teeman. When Sullivan read thin statement from the Seuaior from Texas he de clared he had been misrepresented am) misquoted and denied the state ment attributed to him lu (he publica tion "The Hist thing I will do." he said. "Is to semi a telegram to Bailey tell ing him the story Is a lie out of the wliole cloth." (Special to The Sentinel.) HALKIGH. Sept. 19. A charter I Issued for the Edwards & Broughtou Printing Co., of this city lo take over 1 lie business of Edwards A llroughton, conducted for ihe past thlrly-flv vears by C, II. Edwards and N. B. Bioughton, printers and binders and makers of ottlee supplies. The capital Is $2.1,110(1 subscribed and IHm.Oml authorised. A lithographing plant Is to he add d and the company will erect a building of Its own. Messrs. Kdwards ami Hioughtoii own the principal stock. ON BIGAMY CHARGE. (Special 10 The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Sept. lH.-Hherlff Daw son. of Edgecombe county, was her vesterday to deliver to th peniten tiary ,1. P. Aiuleison who Is under sentence to servo two ypsrs for big-, amy He had two wives living with in three miles of each other. Th first wife testified on witness aland that she did all she could to keep her hus band from marrying the other woman bill In; would marry her. He didn't profers to bo a M01111011 either. Vv. II Doner, a native of Salem, bill I for many years a resident, of Philadel phia. Is expected here tonight or to morrow lo rlsit relatives. II.. has been at Blowing Rock for several weeks. d in Mr, Aldim- RoHenbachcr. buyer for the Bmy Store, has leturneii from rhree weeks spent oil the Northern markets.. Mr. Koseiioachcr bought a tremendous stock o fall goods, which N now arriving and will all be placed before the da'o for ihe fall oscning Is aiuio.ilK cd. LOST On street between Allen's store and Lutheran church, broot h, set with pearlnl. diamond lu rier Reward to finder Leavo at llils of flee THE BRYAN CROWO. ' Greatly Underestimated by Our Own Citnene. To the Editor: Our own peopl have shown themselves Mer estima tor irf crowds, I see The fln!lnl Nays t here were from six fo eight thousand that liesid Mr. Bryan. Thl was an uliderehtlinile as is apparent to anyone who saw the crowd at Mr. Ilmtoii's home. There were Hidil at Mr. Buxton's when Mr. Br) an spoke to the school children. This Is easily shown. Th Salem Academy, Kalein Hojs'KYImxiI and Graded Schools made I'.IIO and there were certainly 70 others, am) e! the lawn was not covered. Ther were at least five times. If not eight 'lines as many H.,plo al the court house rront. lo hear him; Anyone , wHh f ye can easily llgure It out thai there were a many people In th windows of the buildings behind Mr. Una 11 lis could possibly get on Mr. Huxton'a lawn. Mr Red Buck Bijant, nf the Char lotte Observer, says thero were ovr ri.onii (ti Ihe group Immediately In rront or Mr. Br) an, and- he toM a party here h- counted- over a thou sand In the three balconies of th court hoiie The Ht, I-oiils Republic repieseniatlve am reporter of th A"oc!ijter Press estimated the entlr crowd st in. oou, while Mr R. I, Grav, of the New am! Obwivcr. says ther were siiiiu .op. ho could catch the drift of the argument and LVmn in all on the square and In the window of the buildings and on the grandstand. A Confederal!' soldier, accustomed to S'eli.g troops n solid squares,' stales lhal bad the entire front, of Ih court house square and street been f "11 (d soldo-is, standing In lines two feet, apart. t would have held 17JK0. Th" Hrvan crowd, exo-pt on the out skills, was like sardine packed, and It taken one experienced to estimate it KEEP HISTORY STRAIGHT. Ill the and Lester have se- iha rmtruct to draw the p alls UrT-Cbr a fine residence to be built at lount Airy by Mr. W. F. Carter. - Dr. I). N. I tailor. tet.'i,! n tcrnoon from Pirn- Hal! vv formed an o'ration upor man for apiciid!ciiis- Hi is regarded serious. FOR SALE - Mv fine .1 R. Shepherd driving horse Dr. and Mrs. and Mrs, II S. funeral of Dr. today. .1 II if Galloway Melv.'l ,i o il t -ti-bo Fifteen Wlliston-Salcni Masons 'attended tiie funeral of Prof. Mclver I ai Greensboro today. Deceased was a j member of fhe Winston lodge. Among 'the member or the order who. went ; down from here were Dr H A Brown, I D I juiglienour, Leon Cash. Di. R ' H Jones ,, K and R. A I Wonimack. T. H Apperson, salesman for the Gilmer Bros. Co, left ih;s afternoon for South Carolina and ffcorgia He will be lu those two stale until Christum. -The "tacky party" at the Twin (Tiy KkaUtig rink on last Monday jiiinhi was hlgle) enjoy e. by all pre- en'. Tli" Judges wen- Messr. Dean. Whaling and. Lliivllle, who, after pas j Ing- Judgment on all the ' tackle," awarded the skate to Master Allstoti j Palmer There were nearly & pc- pi" present. The boys Intend giving (a masquerade patty on Friday night, j '!.'' Il'h of this month. The Misses Fllnn. of Pin" Hall. ft H Wheel-i was In (he city last were In the city this ifternoon. jtilghi. stopping at the Wlustonla.

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