IN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL, " WINSTON-SALEM, C, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS Scon seem to have ie ahead of them ni I . 15 ARE KILLED H MM NTS DO FACE AS NOT APPEAR AS ANXIOUS MIGHT BE WISHED. HIST NEW ELECTIONS BE HELD. ! I niAar nf Incnrrrontc Sjm rri frillOIfJtJl iuuu(ji ui uijui y vino, ou; j insent To Cessation of Warlike Operations Terms Necessity of Dealing With Insur Held Indirectly Makes U. S. Envoys' Task: i Than It Was Supposed To Be Small els Fire On U. S. Blue Jackets And Ar after Several U. S. Warships At Havana , Giienas statement Is really Also One Hundred Persons Badly Injured At Jellico. Tenn.. Today. Explosion, of Dy.nnite at Standard Oil Company's Tank Caus;d Large Property Loss In Addition to Loss of Life Expected That More Dead Bodies Will Be Found". SHERIFF fsmra op sour a -LIFE OF MHO HORSE SHOW TO BE BIB EIIEIIT kes Him From A Georgia' Mob and Prevents Lynch ing For Crime. Mob Had Already Seized the Negro But Were Compelled to Give Him Up. Sheriff Then Made Daih for Jail Witn Him. Audience Delighted With The' Splendid Musical Comedy ;()noTo Bc UMln connection I' ) Pre-.- I -pc i n ii i fa js witli insur 5, ,; Secretary a:-.:;,cr - . a mi , Gee served on Commissioners Taft i ami llarim that Insurgents, in tin; field j must be laken into consideration and ; accorded concessions. They demand . , !i jiii si n-1 a new election. If tic peace settle ,1 lius'ili- j meni is not on terms satisfactory to mih tided i insurgents it will mean the Pulled j cinler t ho 1 Stales will have to keep an army In ,ri.s more Cuba to preserve peace. This is far j , i! al ouly j from what President Roosevelt wants1 land it is pro'-iable, therefore, that Sec-. ;; nf :lie ; letarv Taft will he forced to leoogl um'hI t'.ie ni y.c the insurgents and consider thoirj the nil .'Is 'claims in making adjustment of the' ti,.;a. sav-'. tiiinhles. I Illy PiblP-hctt KNKXVIl I II. ieie. ;.v patch fn.iii .1; ;i;c:i f!c" ear Nads el d;ia'ni!e oxpli le I hfi'f this im.rtiimr at the Xinhd.ii.l (li! i Jackets And Are buildings wcte destiny ( ii. It is reported Hani ,ii .i mi w cr Kili I. The r;!:i-i in nccaiied 11:1 ;!ie l.ou.s villi iind Nashville hacks Lillet. .. A ,i rial I : ain cai i v nc ilnct'iis has left note I'oi .lellioo. The . property loss is t slim. tied hi a mil linli. Five unidentified bod a s and the follow ilia Known dead have- beeti ic muvod I;. on the Walter R.idg-; ii.-. John Cordon, .lulm t'ook mid George Win kins, I Later.--Number nf det'd in explo sion at .li'llico is kuown to lie ft t' t . n ' and a huinheil injured. most of them slightly, i The entire limitless section is! damaged to i ho exti lit. of a million, j ICvrry warehouse In .Milieu along the 1 . . I : - v ilie and Nashville road isi i Presented At tlks' Audito rium Last Night. "The Sultan of Suiii.!' George Ade clevi r sa'iie 0:1 the colonial policy of the I'nited States, was presented at the K'ks' Auditorium last night and for two hours the clever line, the catchy music and the gviatlons of well costumed chorus glil kept lh t With Forsyth Fair Prom ises To Be Great Success. LIST OF VARIOUS GLASSES PUBLISHED (l, l iihllsticrs in'ss.l -production altogether being one of I'l.A.VlA. (ia. Sept. it. Sheiiff Ui,)-,( successful musical comedies , Va savin .Will Tioy. the mpn bs- ' h.i boon preseniist here In ; hi. of .Mrn a H4-Bgmt. m-hm-.There was ptetit of Jimp' fi huching last night. The negro jaa.i ucilon almul tin" performance.) had heeii taken f.oin jail at Oakland j which called forth a hearty response: City to a mob which stunned the Jail. ! fniin I he audience, the muilanse be-lB'99e' five hundred mm a wvre enryale toilng frcqsmt and gencum. Although! r. Iv iinn-l home fur idem llical ion ' I he audience was not the largest of! win n I' r m-cro was taki n fioni them ; the reason Ii was of Kixllly pinp.n-j iiil ih: t li i'l Foil Mel'lierson. , The . liuns. siiftleleutlv larso io demon- niiiiiar; had heen called out hut In'stiate t!ial WinstonSaleni, In then the no ;ml into the slieiift reacitm liieltr'.cal parlance, is still a musical f :' in an .uiliiinoliile attd wcreled 'he , coineih low the car, then The tact that ("Jooirv Ad The troiips the lines in "The1 Sultan in. weir ii aiitotnoldle a i ai 111" li.iltoin ii a (las'.l far Jail n lui in d to qua l lets. i .:; It; arms OeIllllllSl.i'llll I S ;'tt' that new spi eilily. I'ro r miaranleed .ir-rra :-e'.m d T,if: has ilealt Rilie!., never It was a plan ra; :es !u avnid Sena rm .t'aas iKiki-nuin hut in p.ilitieian. The altiisi'tlier pleased IKilitlciau and is :.,.) suK'i'pti !!! for the fli thev would Americans Rout Keoels. Itilaih Later. Oisctission puhlishes a dis-jm ihe i patch front Clenfuegos saying hlti" ni -damn; jackets from American gunboat lUr- ruins, ietta. who were garrisoned at Solodad .lillico su;;ar estate, have been fiied on liy , 4, nun. rehels. The Americans returned thei fire and the rebels fled. United States Warships at Havana. WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 The navy department received a dispatch from Havana this morning announc ing the arrival there of the battle ships Virginia and Louisiana anil cruisers Tacoma and Cleveland. The latter will be sent to Clnfuegos to re place the Dixie sent to Santo Ilom ingo. The Minneapolis and Newark are expected to reach Havana this evening or tomorrow. destroyed. Neatly every store 'own is either blown to pieces id to vich an extent it is in has a population of nearly ST. MARY'S SCHOOL Km:: STATE fi TIE SUPREME COURT (Special to Tliu Sentinel.) ItAI.KI'iH. Sep'- 21,St. Mary's1 School opened today for the tornij with the largest attendance in tne iiis-;xh,, t:ny ot the institution. Several hoard ing pupils were turned away for want r.f room. The enrollment from the city is also unusually large. This is the last of the Raleigh, colli ges to open and it is a notable fact that there are now moir than three thousand stud ents in the colleges here, .) lie conviction (lovertKir the exeeu- the lower si S'T,t;i:i l i ( to "Hm Sentine Secr. litrv UA LEIGH, Sept. 20. I'mk'r .mii 1 11 (.1110- cisiiui just rendered by the supremo ii'-iil here 111! court Sylvester Barrett must hang in fa : ills tor siiace. Pitt cnuntv for mnrrler in thp first ele ! ha. .8 ami in the grep in t.iat. he killed Walter l.ovett very rap-1 near Farmvllle In .January. The court U! 'Here is everv .-itflrnic (tin Ifvwi. fnnrl In :!(' will, he and sentence to bo hanged r i , ur h 1. anil I Cleini u-ill fiv ' ihn itut... fm mi- had titi:: I' VlliL' to the The court also affirms mi. 11 01 uie noien case. or mate vs. 1:1 ,, 1 c.isi- oiioon iroin rsew wern n wnicn inPir,,,,,, n ,1,, 111 e 1 prisoner was sentenced to five months ; 1,. ,h ' staU i,,,,..i.-i,m....i r,i,t t II .'.(., 1.-,1. iniriii. aim f.),tu uiir 11,1 sen- ( iif;fj; J iug liquor without license. Hts was a',., .!,... 1.. ie. , nines 1 .-.a, 0011 Keeper nelors New Hem went ii- to get I prohibition and at. his trial his counsel special raised the point that no member of 1 h'nki l the anti-saloon leacne vhouM sit on the jury for his trial 011 the ground 'hat they were unduly prejudiced against a defendant charged with re tailing. The trial judge held that, the STATE SCHOOL FOR take the w lin was il.ns lo 1 "'i'-i: to ' i-eve't Wil-uin una 1 'i'l'. (3in ''"it lo h la:.ilue Nmilica. K'ti'il that 'or- (Special, to Tho Sentinel.) HAl.KKlil. Sip', a I. -'The Slate Scliool for the Fill nil opened today, Superintendent John K. Itily reports time hundred emolled and more to entile within the next few weeks. Sp- operated to Raleigh principal tailroad centres especially for the accom- the blind children. I h( iiw voi low rates ! foi them. The jiity in the case entitled II. ('. Tavis vs. Mary Moiohead. afte& being 1. nt for 21 hours, was discharged this afternoon and a mistrial ordered. It is icported that the Jury stood 11 to 1 in favor of the plalut.iff. The jury spent the morning In the hand stand eating cliimiueplns, read ing, etc, The names of the jurors are as follows: .las. H. Sprinkle. J. H. .McCuistiin. T. T. Westmoreland. John Ouss. I). F. .YoiinU. John Siinnions. J. K. Marshall. S. O. Uertnotl, II. H. Lab herton, H. 11. Money, C. O. Deck, J. A. llean. The jury now has under 'considera tion the case of Harris vs. Fries Manufacturing and power Company plaintiff Is suing for $2ihm' dam ages for alleged Injuries received from the defendant company. The Jury had not returned a veidlct at '! : oi this afternoon. The case entitled T. K. Roberts To bacco Co. vs. J. .1. Norman Co. Is now being tried. Court will adjourn tomorrow after ntnn with only a few cases that were on the docket being disposed of. The civil coin t docket Is: never cleared and eases are carried over from one court to another, some of the cases dispos ed of at this term having been on the docket for sevcial years. composed 1 THERE WILL BE B CLASSES Hor Show Ever Held In Thu Section Will Tka Place al Piedmont Park One Day During Fair, Probably On Wedneeday, Oct. 3rd. Preparation for - Big Recep tion to Dutingunned Gueite Being Made In Connection With the Fair. of Silln" was sufficient to guarantee their cb- ' verness Al Ills worst the llooslerj humorist does not know how o write! aiiv nthi.r Uin.t mill "The Sultan til s.-'lii" is ....nsl.lrie.i ,01.. ,f hU best ho held on Wediiesdnv,, October 3 w.iiks. The nbsonro, in, larg The hoi se show to l- held In con nection wllh the spprmichliig omnity fair piomlM'S to he a notable event and one that will attract a great milli ner or people 1 ne norso show Will ii F: in 1,, iliglll Ol ami if the assured the wi'hoiit de- anti-saloon league nieinhe onipelent. jurors and the court affirms the ruling. rs were : supreme I ANOTHER PLOT AGAINST AGAINST THE CZAR (Rv Publishers' Preis.) 1 ST. PKTKllSril'KG, Sept. 21 Another pint against the life of the czar has been discovered through the an est of foilileeii social democrats last night. The ra'urp of the plot is kept a sterol by authorities who re fuse to discuss the arrests. That the czar's life was aimed al by the men taken in custody Ik admitted. uieasuie, of the boisterous horse play 'hat characterizes many so-called niifVieul conn dies was Indeed refiesh lug. In Its stead there was some real humor. Mr Albert Svkes. who plaved the title 10I0 of Kl Ham, Sultan of Hulii, is a clever comedian with a singing voice that Is good enough for the part and a facial expression that Is suffi cient 10 make an audience laugh, even without his clever Hues. His song, "Retnuise." ixutrajlng the "cold gray dawn of' the morning uf'er" ho had been Introduced to the American cock-tnil, was one of the decided hits of a perfoimanee with many hits. Ills presence on the stage never failed Ui produce a laugh. Miss Stella. Marline-, as "Cliliilltu," showed diatnallc ability and a win some personality coupled wllh a good voice, Although Miss OtHvIa ltroske as "Henrietta lludd" did not have the op portunity to display much dramatic ibillty her singing was a decided fea ture of the pei formance. Her sweet, "osonnnt voice was heard to espep ally good advantage. In "Annie U111 te," with which she responded to to aeated encores. In addition to an ex ceptionally fine voice Miss Hroske possesses an attractive face attd man ner that gives an added charm to her solo work. The chorus Is n average one In size and looks, sings well and puts plenty of life into Its work. The cos t nines In the second act were quite elaborate and the electrical effects wen; used to good advantage. There were nianv mnsical numbers, most, of them being of the "catchy" variety and of the kind calculated lo please an audience of mimic lovers. The linen were clever with no suggestion )f anything outside the realm of clean and wholesome w-t, .Altogether th-' performance was considerably above the average. N'KW YORK. Sept li. i'ari.huis' rein:: f t mii u aliendy the ii However, the p by court martial 1,-uliers will be tried 21, - lb . (Italics 1 1 1 th:.; mot nine allium' 1 vacation abroad and ih. iHililiciatiK and police nh AROUND THE CITY. licials as' well as other alleged grad ers are taking notice. The doeior did nut deliver a. bioadsido today bill an Pic is ) Sep'. .' til- Ui TBi lllll '.inrh 'it',! f .r ., nf '111 (Ail 11 shi and 'l' III, n (Special to Tho Sentinel. I HA LICK; H. Sept. 20 State Chair man Simmons, of the iVmocraiic ex ecullve committee, Mr. A. D. Watts and Secretary l.einsler, of Democratic headquarters, have returned from 'heir trip throatgh the Stale witli Wil liam Jennings Bryan. Governor Glenn will not return fni- a ilm or 1 vv.i et. left the party in Salisbury none to Stanlv county to deliver campaign speeches. 'Chairman Sim mons says that, barring the terrible calamity that befel them in the death of Dr. Mclver oil the Tiryiin special, the trip was a gratifying success. Un distinguished NelH'f skatl being receiv ed with great zeal bv the people all ( xplosion may he has looked around. expe cted aflet he I AM is at-. '0,:ia Is siiPt-iff I'.ai'ch, t"is r,o ' vein i men '"is of 1 having pel ate -'tolllco their 11 .'tiii-n the '! tll'eir tiifii). :in 11. ii. I .1 1 tv,.,,i,,,,.t with tio. heart v sunuon "f ... (nr 11,1111-. in- inrnii'-s """j"" ' -- , : tuns 1 luobal.iv ihu ,., ,, i,,re ,-wi,i 1, ,11 , local mess and nubhf gencia. k'iven Mr. Bryan was at Winston-Sa-1 leni. I New sovernw"it" The lice Hive.- Mpeciai Advertising Special- 1 WASHINGTON. Sep:. ' ' L'n. -the Cvial.ei- Washington special, a mi'iila ii:re exposition on wheels of local In dustries, started from this city. io-! on a l'l'iu mile journey throug'i Vir ginia. North Carolina and inn's of West Virginia and Maryland The trip will iast iwi ntj-thiee days. It i- I'M the purpose of fut'iln ring a movement which long has been under way for a Greater Washington. In addition to travelling representatives of the various houses having exhibits on tin; train, there will be pn-ser.t seieiai Icetiirers wlio will make known at 'la place visited 1 lie. ei.liuiien.'ia! a lvan lanes of this cil. The niovcuiriii ha . 0' Crist . who has been ., ( onvalesciiig. icled meellng will be ni x 1 Sunday at eom- Gi ace 1 lliu- (IT TONIGHT the ti'ia - II.,' liig.. I.I1' ''ll liegp l'k--I)eVilt. V'"l Tty. ;-H-:,ry. '- H.ange NO CONTEST OVER RUSSELL SAGE WILL Off' week. 11t111i111 ff. :- T! which died (By Publishers' Press ) NEW YORK. Seui. 21. Senator ritackett. attorn foi" heirs at law to Sage's millions, 'announced in surro gate's court this morn inc when lhe,niion R'alt-' will w-as offered for probate that there 1 muducliig would be no contest. He intimated! - that, satisfactory settlement had been j Kut -n-reached between the executors and jtuiie id gei' heirs but. just, what lhat settlement hight hand ws he would not sav. He staled that chine for Satunbn ami an ';' m.., .,, .U'i s'blonk Go. fnotvu-ar for men and specia ings it: suits K.-.seiibachor Bro.-AnnMi"ce special :-ale on embroiiieries lor s i, mi, mow nun liilig. troin I' ( 11, ,1, , : I 1 o'clock -Miss I! quite sick, i - A proti mi need on church. W. C. ('list, who has been de tained at hi- limn' by sickness, was out today. j --I, inflow lliidsong, prescription jelerk Hi l.atrhi'iisl K Pfohl's, is con I lined to hi.- . " 'in by sickness. I Miss Kniina ('iirltoti. of Sparta, is the guest nf Mrs. Ilege at Mrs. A. W, ! Wilikler'j on Main street. Salem. i - Wo are requested to announce ::ha! their will be pleaching al South 'Sale Moiniian church Sunday uiorii ' lug at 1 1 o'clock. I --('apt. It. It. Crawford has been ap- pointed assistant sup' 1 intendeiil of it he South Side Methodist church Sun- -,iv i h.'.ol. ti.itn belougli.g ,0 Spach Bros., lf ,-"ie:!hside, ran away this afternoon , ;i Main street, Salem, completely de- naiiMiii k 'he wagon, j - (Inly three cases aio on the i ui, ,-t fur the mayor's court this af - ' rti'",ii. All of the (left lidanls wi.l li ,-,,. to answer to the charge of ; oui-au'-e - MAN ATTEMPTS TO TAKE HIS OWN LIFE (Sp'-clal to Tha Sentinel HALMIGII. Sept. 21. Sheriff K. S Normiin was lleie fiom Ivh'iiloii lodav to bring .1. S. Sniiiui for special treat ment in Hex Hospital. Sutton is u would he suicide and Is suffering from thol effects of a ilslol shot III the head, lireil with the intent to put an end to his life. For moje than a month Hie man has been necking to end his life, which lie dedal-en has become loiidennune iiecause of the death of his wife and financial losses. He Hied for some davs li gei poison ami fall ing to do ibis be shoi himself. He al-.-o tried to diown. himself. For Hie past few weeks the sheriff has kept a guard on duty with the man to pre vent hlni from taking his own life, Sulloll Is a butcher, wlio has re i'(l"d In Pldeiiion for iiiiinj' years and succeeded well for a long Jime. He was twice married. Tilt? first wife died leaving three children and a short time ago the second wife db-d leaving two. so that he has five -itl-'lieti, th" eldi-l of whom is about II and the committee u charge Is doing cei thing in Ms power lo make It a splendid sun-ess In every particular, Fallowing sie the classes and the rules governing the horse show as found In the progrsm of that event: I, Single roadsters, open to all 2 Double carriage team, not open to dealers. II. Saddle horses, open to all. 4. Ponies to carl. 5. Double carriage team, open lo all. fi Pair roadstors, open lo alt. 7. I adb s' saddle horse, h. Single toadstcis, driven by lady N Four in baud loam. All hoi sos to be romldered for an award must be scrvlceiibly mitinil. ami all hoi sex in harness classes must I shown to appropriate vehicle for th class, Ribbons will lie awarded aa follows: First, bine ribbon; Second, red rib bon: Third, whllu rlhtion. In class seven. If live or more entries the win ner of the ltliie will be awarded a genuine pig skin ladles' saddle. In class eight, if five or more entries the winner of Ihe lllue ) he awarded a sllvei loving cup All entries for any rlass must ha ready and In place alloled them 20 minute before the time for culling said rlass. Arrangemente for Reception. The Piedmont Fair Association Is making extensive preparations for a reception lo Governor Glenn Btld Hon. alors Slmineiis and Overman in th rooms of the Twin City Club during the fair T IS QUITE ACTIVE (By Publisher' Presa.) NF.W YORK, Sept 21. -Not in years has 1 hi t e been heie such a combina tion of t-dllollal and political thunder-' Itign. The opinion In Wall street, and sporting clrclea ne-riux to In- that Hearst s'"' k ha declined somewhat. At the sa out time, however, It la pointed out that If the Democrat, do not take Hearst they may run a er' mils chance (lf coming mil third In tllti triangular contest. Politicians Inside the machine have not in war seen hii'Ii a strain put upon their wit mid they are rapidly acciimulat.liig wrinkles and gray hair. Whatever the outcome they will lie in some measure relieved when th Buffalo agony Is over. T RELL CO. (Special lo Tliu Sentinel.) HAI.KIGII Sept 20 -Ther was a In 111 lug today before Ihe oororatloii commission on tint charge brought by W, II Maun, w merchant here, Hgalim' the Southern Bell Telephone Co, that, there Ik sill! discrimination In Ui4 rates of the company for txchange H ivlie hire. A B Andrews, Jr., ap- w-ais'il'l I lie toss r Hie second wile 1 ,..,,, a f,. t,e ( ,! Manager and recent financial reverses corn j Wi! ,, f tl, tUleigh Tel pletelv imbalniici'd his mind. i photic ;o (opposition u, the Bell e. 1 in- uu (Kitv i.iin,K Irhaiigel. for Mr. Matiti. The conii .lie Case liere say ineru Is not, any ml,,i,.., i.j, ,.... ,, ...ii,.,, i tm waiter. oooiim'I for the (c r omimny having assured the coinmlsslon that all 1; ! si"-1 1 111 1 ii a' inn whs alieadv ellm- chance for Sri' ton's recovery and that In- can't lin moie than eight or ten day s. 1' I Inated. lb ear old child of Mr " Mr." Howard Brown. 01 n-''ii. .j yesterday, was " today. Rev C. V. Gr he funeral n vvi'-e Ma a statement would "ut following the be probably given probation of the atterno wound' U'li-.-tur had ing the foie-tiit-'-r "i ,,! toin off ny a s'injui,e Sal' ill Iron Woiks ye-te Hr Kapp dns-'-'l m.-nilier a' the hospi'a! Illl.-fo The statement made by Mrs. Sage's lawyer after ihe will was adhiltted to probate is that Mrs. Sage intends giv ing to each of the beneficiaries an amount equal to the original legacy Mr. Hubert Binkh Nora, Swaim bo'h of. unit ii in man lag" ho o'clock a: th" M'ho'li put -ullage bv Rev ' I'- a 1. 'I Sab 111 t night a Prn'i William M s" Congress h,tt Dead N yRH.AGANSKTT PIKR. K.A S'-pt. ' I D r fl N f . 1 1 li t ft .1 Y Af T fi H 1 Lost Off Hatter.a. Congressman 'Robert R. Hill, ofi wl" ,,,,uufc" e.evi -n w , nkvV YORK Sent 2.New of nii., died at his summer home j If 1 1111 P IDHIIT 011111 i""' '" "''''' the British bark . 1 day V rIAIl fill I Itllnfl I Aiistiia was brought Into port bxlay t failure following a long p.- " IIUUU I UWUIIibv the A 1 las Line s'eainer Atal from if iifereasing physical weakness. . . West Indian sirt The Altai brought iy canst d the dea'b of Cmigrtss-i (By Publishers Press,)', t, X'-w Yoik Captain Robinson, Mr. Ilitt, Mrs Hltt and her two sons, I TOKIO, Sept. 21. The annexation Robinson, and Ihe crew nf sixteen S Ilitt and R. II Ilitt. were at of Cuba by the Culled Slates is urged men, of Hie Austria, having taken bedside of the Congressman wheiijh.v the t.ewspaper .liji In an editorial j them off their water-logged ttark li'd. 1 today which may be nab) to ef)r-ss ; while passing Cape Hatter. The Mr liitt cinie tore last June and 1 1 he opinion of niativ throughout Japan iAusiri.i failed from (Julfport, Miss.. iery 111. . The paper that Culia's notiiliiai , for H o d" Jt-nelio with a catgo-of fhe con- ' indept'iideiice at present is no; t-ne- i iiml-r On Miindiit. Sepiembt-r Ifith, and physic- flelai to a majority of Cubans and Is .she ran inio a gale, and after lalstrihg a source 0 danger to other nation - I Mrs. Jcepfilne Srhroeder, of (' m may call a fellow a bi if k. bill! sell, (ieiman.v, at rivet) here thl loorn only clay after all. iwn 'o sp-nd some time w i'h hot i is prelly tough on the fat'ed calf daughter. Mrs. J. F, Shaffner. Jr. Mrs j .1 I Now man ami II, B Piilllam re it should have to suffer for the , Sehroeder wag met in Hal'tmoie Uy t turned l'lay fiom Troy where they of the prodigal son. j Ir Shaffner. lailelided the funeral of their nlc. lice that time he has been ,(iiii:i:g most of the time. mii' attention of nursejt i i , His condition was due to ad- g wars Mis aue was ,1 wars. In ti.etneiiilous ses, sprang a lea. ' Hi r pumps were choked and her con dition hopea-ss when the Altai hv ill sight and went ',, her assistance.

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