rWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS itA' 1 r liES DEU AS RESULT E RUT IN ATLANTA THAT STARTED LAST SATURDAY NIGHT SEVEN NEGROES LDIHfiS BE ING PUT UP RAPIDLY .Military Seems To iuation unaei ;ontrol. Quiet BiDflNOW. ON WHITE i CAUSED RIOT u.oki There Had inc ,it. And At- i.n su" f. I.. hi Nearoes And lt were Engcd l a ,When Negro Man Si. woman urr oirsci i1' Lt Storm B"rst Fort"' Lt, Issues Address to ARE KILLED AT T Much Proaress Minn rhim. ing Lines In Winston-Salem At Present Time And More Yet To Come. HEARST AGAINST THE PIELD IS Tl II ADMIRAL DEVEY OH II SITUATION APPEARS TODAY NEW YORK tDITOR WILL CO INTO CONVENTION TO MORROW WITH 120 VOTES. ins EN kss. Early 3 Wishers' Press ) r,a.. f'-p'. !i:ivl!"l men I'niiit, livo nil look o::i JM LoiiR. i gwi'la carrying Thov s'liiiiti liini up 10 ..'li(l sim'. liim ,hdi! r'.-:slf!l arrest nnu ui , ug i he sttects with a i.. .,r il i i r t. in I'll!! control. ijili.ct. of sriious proportions lit! eatimiay ingm as rcptai rd assaults or at- its mi whit o women by :zfn assaults or at s have been commit coum; dming the last jock Satin 'lay night the jtrtit when a negro man soman from the side ha!3 street in a prom- ioim. A negro woman ililtis remark to a white li;ii.s:i red piiiiisiinif :it. began its work. Five It mon and boys filled It-parching for negroes. il was increased to pi,- t'rp maae on negroes anil elscnheic. Many Men and s inio killed. ii .uayor ootivvard ar Irrnwi Imt in vain. Then arm was turned in and r. to dear the streets. liriwn In other streets 'li'rt (inn rnor Terrell "r-i'-r. nut hoops. Six ry companies were ci'ti" al iince, all being vp o'clock Siitifla inurn- fled f loin the H lat nicrlit thinrrs 1cr pretty Rood control In ik tiroes had been Jo Northern Press. r,;l- Sept. 21. John '"llUir mid orator, has i 'aliment, addressed 'ite N'orih on the At- ti'il lis causes, which Race Riot There Following! Tlu wii'.. (Salem une in Aiidiiid Ana ror Same Reason. NEGROES HAD MADE ASSAULTS ON WOMEN. White People, Enraged by Excesses of Negroes, Attack And Kill Seven Because of Four Assaults Made On White Women In One Day. (Bv Publisher?' Press.) M KM PHIS. Sept. 21. The nub spirit that rules af Atlanta lias spread to this city, where a repetition of no sro crimes has stirred the people, and the race war is more bitter if possible than In tho Georgia city. Within two days four women have been atlaeked by negroes and in consequence seven negroes have been slain. Today the city and vicinity are in a state of tur moil that the police find difficult, to hold in chock. The need In call out troops is being discussed. '' W'TI l-C to 11 "f a writ s of women of sons and necessity "ncca.-iiurlv. Tht. iiipcnding and ciiinula-assaults a futc. women, it has '' ti-iTor for " husdnnils. !,(,ii held i ii'in ' more " it has been in 'nchnpe f permanent sl,"dcr foundation, ""ii 'lay lias doubtless ";lr iliMiion but, it ""M'tiere and keen f'ir live vcars In at an end. :l'Ir,'l and hum- 'irt( tent riot HIP If III; ;i,ir appre- said Editor h'tragraphs n 'icre you 1 'I' dr a il!r.C two "" :t I,, hiiiR." li'ima.e ,,,.. , r!"f is the onlv .,,a,:i:..r.',1,,,.,,.'!i- r- iiw , , ,ms 1C -""1 in me ""W ea ,,.r 0 ' P. a:e them."" referee, contest Mr. Lindsay Patterson heard evidence today in over $!M0. The suit was instituted by the county commissioners of Davie county against Dr. James McCuire, ex treasurer of that county. It appears that about four years ago, when Dr. McOtilre was In office, he gave himself credit for $940 and charged it to an error In the county tax, which he still contends is correct. The county com missioners, however, refuse to adnill the contention and instituted suit to recover the money in dispute. Tin matter was- referred to Mr. Patterson to hear the evidence and report his fiudiug to the court. Iiailey and (J runt are the conns' 1 for the county, while Watson and Galther represent the defendant. (SpwIaUo The Sentinel. i KAMCIGII. Sept. 21. The state ment is made In the office of the I'nlt ed States Marshal that, the necessary papers and petition for commutation of the death sentence in the cases of Robert Sawyer and Arthur Adams, now in prison at Wilmington, have been laid before President Roosevelt and action by the President is expect ed very foo'ii. The respite Is until N'ov. 2. Sawyer and Adams are two of the three negroes sentenced by Judge Purnell to be hanged for the mutiny and murder on board th schooner nerwlnd. from Mobile, Ala., to Philadelphia. The captain and five members of the crew w ere killed. Hen ry Scott, who was convicted and sen tenced at the same time, has aln ady been hanged and on the scaffold he made a confession which exonerates Sawyer and Adams. Miss Sarah Rooe. of Walkertown, pupil at the Salem Academy, who went home sick two weeks ago, re turned this afternoon. a; Mrs. W. X. Poindextrr. of Walker town, was In the city shopplne unlay. 5 11 THAT THF MIIR(1PR ?.M ... ' "M I L IIIUIIULII UIIUL.U OT TO BE CALLED biishprs' :i - o!)Vi His- 1 "K candidate i:.oi, f,r':,Iy bfe is 'c mat 'u uiaKe 1 1,1' 'Pe7ran. ""!"- Miss P spent iiker, editor of TUESDAY (Special to Tim Sentinel. ) GREKXSRORO, -Sept. 21 A special term of Guilford S'fperior court for the trial of criminal ra'es eonver.ed this morning, with Judge 11. P. I-ohk. of Statesville, presiding. Only eases of minor impnriaiice were tried today. Tomorrow the case of State against Frank liohaiiiioti. charged with the murder of Foreman Heachmau, will be called, and will in all probability be tried- at this ti mi. Hohannon and Riser an t Oscar Crutch field are also charged with complicity, to murder Ileachman arid other white men on the Southern's doiibletracking force between here and High Point. j Partial List of The New Buildings of j Various Kinds Being Erected Her ' and Progress Being Made In the j Work of Constriction. i' ding movement in Winston- (fsiieiu si ems to lie contanii inert us ing. New business houses and lesi deuces are being started with greater friii,encj row than ever before in the hist ux of the city. In ;-.!iiit ioi to the j buildings of various kinds now in pro (cess of erection others will be aii ! nminrt : kioii. j The Caldwell Memoiial luii'ding of jthe F:r-t Piesbv lerian chiiith a. if jeenlly fiiii.heil and tlie'tipttiiug ever fciscs held. The building is Ju-t in 1 1 he liar of the Presbyterian church and is use I a.- a Sunday stlu annex I The building U constructed of jr I .'nick. The Saieni Ft male- Academy Alum UHi' Hall is neaiing completion and vill In- u-t'il iliuiug the coining spilng The second lloor is already occupied The large new )iipe organ will he erected therein. The building is of red oiick and well arranged through. nit. The Ti.-e 'buil lings on Main street and F uith street have been recently completed ami most of the offices are occupied. The outside work on the new Ok-burn-.Masleu building on Fourth street, just be! iw the Tise building, is about finished. There are two store rooms on the first lloor and the upper floor will lie used for offices. This build ing Is connected with the Tise build ing and one llight of stab-siis used for both on Fourth street. 'Th Ogburn Masten building is three stoiies in height. Work on the Ogburn building on Main stiici. to be occupied by the Crim-Cantrill Furniture Co.. is pro gressing rapidly and two stories In front have beeu erected. The build ing will be occupied about October 10. Tht new hotel lia-s been finished and is now being furnished throughout preparatory to the opening October 1 Work on the Masonic Temple is going forward rapidly. The stone work is now being put in place. The outside work on the new gov ernment building has about been fin ished. It is hoped to have the build ing ready before Chi Istmas. The Wall & Huske-Ri ynolds build ing is being erected rapidly, the brick yvoik for two slot-it's having been fin ished. . Tlie Iirown-Rogeis Co.'s building on Main street is now up two stories and work is being pushed rapidly. The KIl'M- building on Main and Fifth streets is Hearing completion, A new front will be started In a few days for the building at the cor ner of Main and Fifth street, occupied by W. C. Tise. ' The Haibiv skating rink is being ncckd just west of the Walker Rms.' factory, on Fonrl h stn "t. The' new '.addition to the Southern freight depot has In'Mi completed and is now occupied. This addition ex tends from the old fitight depot, to Fiist street on the south, almost doub ling the former shed room and more than doubling the office room, the offi ces now being on the second floor. Pavements are being'laid so as to per mit wagons and drays to get to the freight depot with less trouble. Finn RALEIGH TODAY (Special to I'hi) Sentinel.) RAI.KIIill. Sept. 2t.-The sales or leaf tobacco in the two Raleigh ware houses are unusually large just now and the prices are very salisfactoiy to Hie fartne's. The sales are held daily. Last, sea.son the sales were for only every other day. The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce has a commit' tee with a special appropriation to flit! the warehoitst men in their effoits to attract iobacc to this market. The Capita! Club of .this nit) lias just completed about'l of impnut merit on the club building, which orig inally cost J-'lo.oeii. The Improvenietitr are in the way of interior deora'ions made necessary by the fire in Hi' building several months ago. The club's apartments are now by odds ilie handsome. -t in the State and ai" by Cie same artists who decora ed' the lobbv of the Astor House. Now Voik NO CANDIDATE BEF0OEI1 1 THAT MAIilT VOTES However. There Are Several Candidates And There Is No Way of Telling Who Will Win Out In Contest For Guber natorial Nomination In New York State Democratic Convention at Buffalo Tomorrow Murphy Is For Hearst Under Certain Conditlons-Sheehan Leading Opposition (By Publishers' rress.) HI FFA1.0, Sept. 21. This morn ing it is -Hear.-1 agaliiit the field. It is piaetically conceded that the New Yt ik .editor has at '.east 1 2" delegates, the- largest number with which any candidate has entered a IHmoeiallC date convention in yt ai s The field is still divided MeCin ren s for Judge liayn ir; McClcllau for letonic; N.rntan K. Mack for Mayor Adam, ;f Iluffalo: Sallivaiis for ('on sMcsstmin Sulzei, while several un known candidates are enthusiastically for themselves. Ftunier Lieutenant Governor "Hilly" Sheehau is the only anti-Hearst leador who Kerns to have uuy definite par po: tp bring anti-Hearst elements tt gethcr. So far h has failed. Murphy, of Tammany. Is yeady to support Hearst but only on couditlona that he. lias Independence League state ticket wilhdiawn and a promise from Hearst not to oppose local Oemii cialic tickets In Now York and Itiook It is kt.iVd h: but one of the iMiiepeuuetice l eague nominee are willing to (iit. The exception I., jonn rorii, lornter liepulillcan slate senator ninilnated for compttxller. MATTER EIGH T OVER ALLEY. SUNDAY Motion Argued All Day Sat urday Before Judge Ward In Superior Court. Ruled That Alley Was Public Trior oughfare And Injunction Gotten Out by J. C. Tise, Plaintiff, Was Con tinued. Counsel for Whitaker-Har-vey Co. Give Notice of Appeal to the Supreme Court. The next term of Forsyth superior court will convene two weeks from to day. Judge Ward, who has held the last two terms, will preside. The closing day of last term, which ended late Saturday afternoon, was taken up in the argument of a, motion In the 'BHe of J. Cicero Tise vs. the Whit ikei -llai vey Co. Judge Ward signed in order lo the effect .that, "the plaln 'lff has made out a prima facie case that the alley In controversy is a pub lic alley or lliorougtirare and that the notion to continue the injunction to he hearing Is allowed, and that the laid injunction be and is hereby con 'liiiud in force until the final bearing f the cau.c." From this Judgment he defendant gave notice of appeal to lie supreme court. Judge Ward stated that there were tome inter sting points connected with the case. From the argument It leveloped that the ground, over which 'here is a contention, was bought sev eral years ago by Mr. S. A. Ogburn 'rom his brother-in law. Mr. J. C. Tise, he consideration being $.Vin. The i Hey extends from Liberty to Seventh streets, and runs between Hie home llaci of Mr. Ogburn and the Tise 'tats After the sale Mr. Tise secured in Instrument of writing from Mr. Og ')Uiii, giving Tise permission to use 'he alley, but wilhout. any limit as lo 'line. Afterward Mr. Tise built ,1 row if llats'aml a large brick building for 'he storage of leaf tobacco, while Mr. Ogburn erected a brick building In which he manufactured tobacco. A 'ew years ago the tobacco mnnufaclui lig plants of the Wliltaker-IIarvey '.'.(. and 8.- A. Ogburn were consol idated. The Whltaker Harvey Com pany, after being burned out, movd 'o the Ogburn factory, the business being conducted under the namo of 'he Whilaker-Harvey Co. A year or noie ago the company decided to en 'arge tb" plant by building an addl 'Ion. which would nnan the closing up if the alley at that point. Mr. TIs ibjected and secured a temporary In iunction against such action by the Whltuker-llarvey Co. Mr. S. A. Ogburn holds that the tlley belongs to him. Is no; a 'public horougbfare and that he has a right o close it. However. Judge Ward held wiih Hie contention of Mr. Tise to the effect that the alley has been used nid recognized for years as a public pasc-way. It is left to the supreme coiul to say which sitle is right. SCHOOLS Winston Township Conven tion Held Sunday Night At. Calvary Church. Reports Read from Fourteen of the Nineteen Schools In Township Delegate to State Convention Made Interesting Reporti. Rev, J, A. Hopklne Elected PresidentOther Officer! Chosen. Tho Winston Town-dilp Sunday School convention was Jutl'l at Calvary Moravian church last night. There was a large attendance. Capl. IL It Crawford presided mid Rev. K. H. Cioslaml, pastor of the church, eon ducted the opening, Dr. R. H. Joins, secretary, rcml re ports from fourteen or the nineteen Hiinday schools In the township. Thisc showed 2.477 scholars In the M schools anil 2,'II officers and teach ers. The nvctagc attendance for the past year was I, sol. Collection ag gregated 2, 721;. 07. Seven -schools re gregated 2.72i.n7. Seven schools re Kight schools reported HC, conversions during the year. Rev. J. A. Hopkins and T. S. Sprinkle made lutei estnK reports on the Sunday kcIiooI convention. Officers for the year were eleclul as follows: President. Rev. J. A. Hopkins; vice president, T. S. Sprinkle; treasurer, K. II. Stockton; secretary. Dr. II, II Jones. Announcement was mad" that the county Sunday school convention would be held at Centenary M. K. church October 2ltil. T ,S. T (Special to Tim Sentine' It M.KKill. Sep:. 21. -The ry of State ' Flow-'Reiife.l'll rrcta- Sanirtlay chartered the Flow-Re'ife.rn Mercantile to, 01 . roe. with SHi.iam capital lo I' Flow and ethers. A charier Is issued by the commis sion' r of insurance for the Liberty Mutual Health and Life Insurance Co.. of Newbrrn. Tbf InrorporH'orii negliies. CRHSAOE III RALEIGH (Special lo The Sentinel.) RALEIGH, Sept. 21 Rev. J. C. Mas- -1 e. of the Tabernacle liaptist chinch, I has started up his gospel service a K'on each evening in the "red light'' jdistilct of the city. He Is assisted ; iv Rev. Mr. Ham. Mr. X. H Brougli I 'on and others. Lat fall there vat lulte a stir made by these meetings. !A number of women wr-ie re-:ialinv. Hcwever, most of them have letiirned o th'-ir old lives are Dr Watldns, of Advance, wa here t'Klav. He was nominated for roroni by the Republicans of Davie count Saturday. fRy Publisher' ProM OYSTKR HAY, Sept. 21. President Roosevelt has determined that the uniform of the t'nltcd Slates must be respected, no matter whether II Is worn by an admlrs!, a general or an enlisted man. Just to prove that he is in dead earnest over the mutter he las sent a cheek for one hundred dol ats to Admiral Thomas at Narragan elt pier to be used In pros'-ciil Ing a lance hall proprietor who refused Hi. mission to 11 Jackie, because of his inll'oi III. Says United States Is Now World Power and Must Act As Such. Intima ting Cuba Should Be Annexed Hero of Manila Bay Say This Coun try Should Hive a Larger Navy' In Order to Take Its Rightful Place as a Leader Among the Nations of the World. rty Publishers' Tresi ) WASHINGTON. 8c. Jt'ln spite of oiiist Ivts. we have bveoine world power and have to do a world power's work." Invigorated by hla summer anting Admiral lewey msde the. above statement apioMH of th Cu ban hlliintlon. "I hrtlly approve 'he rauthius policy the administration Is pluming." he salt) thoughtful'. Hut while the ulniiial did Dot allrw himself to go so far It was evident bw believed that the only Vitlsfuct')" solution of the t'uhnn tangle Is th' annexation of the Island. "lu'encutlim In Cubs was forcrd U 111 us l:i L'ls lij Into'eiiible rolirH t!oc,5 which prevailed," he suit!, "Itltd toiiilltloiis ni ilvebtilng which may niK'essltate a like course at Ihr pr fill time. In caso the t'nltrtj liPates occupies Cuba Insurgents may Mijoy Hie suppei't of Kuropean nations, a ihliig American people would be Jilick to resent." Admiral Dewey wants ttw l'nitid .States to be so trou upon the tm that no government would he Inclined to display even a benevolent iicutta llty In behalf of the Cubans or any other riieni!e of our country. "AVe must have more ship." he declared, "especially Iwlllnlhlps. We rfhtmltl have lots of tht 111. The rest of the world Is building them and If we hav enough battlesblui w won't hav war. Our world-wide hiiewti ntij our respouslbllltles as wqtld power which were thrust upon ua 'inlre us lo keep on building until there shall be no danger of war." Admiral Dewey has never IiikI a high opinion ot Cuban character. In a telegram he sent to I he navy depart ment. In iHtr. from Manila Day a as pressed the opinion that the Flllplnoi were "far ulterior In their Intelll. aence and iiintapabe of nelf-attverns meni than the natives of Cuba mid I am familiar with both races." ESCAPED FROM ROADS Alexander Mason, roiorwl, who wts sent to the county rouds two week ago by Mayor Kalon for a term of JU days for stealing harness from Dr. Daltott aitil Charles Norlleet, escaped tod.iy. Mason Hitt'tiipitMl to gel aay las' week and was khot In the b'f by on of the guards. He was carried back to the camp ami chained Hla condi tion did not permit of him worklnK This morning fie broke the chain and hlippt-d away, all of the guards ttng 1. it watching the convicts at work on tlm roads. EMPLOYES INT AN ION MADE AROUND THE CITY. W. A. Iiailey,-of Advance, was here 'oday. Register of Ileitis Llnflsay Is in- dispi.-ed. E. L. Gaither. of M'H'ksvllle, was one of our visitors today. .lames Crews, ;f Keineisvllle. was in the city this afternoon. -'The .liizeniloif will be opt ne, 011 next Mondav. Dinner was seivetl tis day to the help now employed. -The fair officials have made nr langemeiits for six excursion trains to be run from Manlnsvlllc. M'Kires vllle and North Wllkesboro next, week. Iputy Register of Deeds Mr Kaughati returned to the office this morning .after spending a week in the country. IJreakH al thn ar"hoohs cou 'inue light. ReKnts tolltlriut, to come In to the effect that, the tobacco crop throughout the .Piedmont section will be of, an inferior tpialut . The big formal opening of the Meyers-W'stbrook Co. will be held Wednesday and Thursday of thlr W'et'k and iiromiKt-k ti 1.1. ifii.u at tended and successful n every' par-1 tlriiiHi, A page "ad," or this opening! apepars In ihls Issue of The Sentinel I and fuiiilshis Interesiiiig reading (Ry Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON. Sept. IM.-Con-ti -I'Hial Investigation of printer Slillliigk and lulininlstiatloii of the government print ing office Is being urged by angry officials of book-bind-its and typographical union and dis gruntled employe. The recent 01 tier of the public prlnler that no one would Jet.pii 1 tli.e his po'lilon bv falling to obey (he iliclalts of his labor uriloB was, followed by the refusal of soni piin't'ta to pav assessment to their union. Their dismissal from the local ty pogtapblcal iini in followed. Al though noiie has declared openl) that 'ha 1 gen will be preferred to Congrem it Is: slated on good authority that a record of Slllllngs' official acts hta been ( 'implied for Representative Sherman, of New York and Senator Ituirow sod Hale. F.inplovea who are unfriendly to the public printer ate said to be keeping accurate record of what i now transpiring inside the big print shop Stilling says be will welcome an Inquiry by the president. A Pleasant Surprise. A pliasant surpMse wa given Mr. II. II. Harries, superintendent of For syth Chair Co. today A beautiful gold ling was presented ( him a a gift by the employees under his 'barge j) r. Harnett Is an excellent young business man and we hope he may live to enjoy many more pleasant , Hiirprlsis In bin employee. KMPLOYB. Mi Real Estate Transfer. rsis. K W O'lfariloti and Curge F. Dwirc have purchased from Oeurge K. Niss.tri and Co the llatiea Tiouse I operty at the corner it Hecornl and Main streets l:i addition In rhe plays men tion d In fit- theatrical column of ThM V, ntltil.l l.ihtv "K,.rlrani lttK " that splendid musical comedy, will be h rj Friday iii(tlit

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