rWIN-GITY DAILY SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS iWOESiOEEN ' 111 SUICIDES BYiSECRETflRY OE WARIkew york miff nnSin jih- . -. Li....... .... mill i.r irn nniiiiiiriniiA rnu '.-rrn MP PtflRlrJU MM K ! I MP HE Ill V iirn run uuiiimiu iiLniunu : uuun mu in uni 1DIEU CITY OF ATLANTA: flm i Lies Have Sur Jier Large Bod- WsAnd s Trouble Come. p ly TEMPORARY Burst Frth Anew un Was KiHed And And Several Negroes Exact Number Was -Trouble Near At- Ining.-Mayor Wood- irdfr to Effect i ni 21 Shall Be Allowed tr E gut O'clock at -he rs' Press.) . svir. 2.V-Fifteen jr!ii'I l fady !o fight. :i itiawtisviile. An audi' M arrest them sun' to follow. Only Mili'r will proveni :'itH'. IWII) SlIKil-lltS, Will) TAFT ASKS FOR IE M SHIPS Resident or Danville. Va.. i He Alsa Wants 10.000 AddM PLANS FOR THE Jl Takes His Life In This Way At Spencer. I ST I FAI Uonal Marines Ready for Landing On Cuban Coast. I Preparations Being Made For The Bid Event On An Elaborate Scale. I Made 0-e Unsuccessful Effort -to Kill! j Himself Before He Succeeded Sent Word to Relatives In Danville It Seems Evident from Tone of Dis- of His Purpose to Take His Life. Told Trainmen Just Before Commit ting "Rash Act That He Was Tired EVENTS OF NEXT WEEK IN CITY Several Notable Features Of Coming Week In Wln-ston-Salem Given Below. Among the Noteworthy Exhibits Will' Bs Torpedo Launches, a New Style of Torpedo Boat Being Experiment ed With by English And French Navies. Preparations for Big Ex 1 position. (Special to The Sentinel.) . NORFOLK. Sept. 24. The British and French navies are now experimen ting with a new style of torpedo boats which promises to make torpedo war fare more menacing1 than ever be fore. This is nothing more than a torpedo launch, which may be carried in large numbers on the deck of a bat tleship, armored cruiser or transpo:: cut loosed when the enemy is in sight. The boats run in size from a small ship's launch up t a sixty foot motor boat. The maximum cruising u f Clark I'ni ver- rarUtis is three hundred miles. -roiiiiiltd by soldiers. It Is probable that several sprci- n tlic-e sl.iilents are '"ens l mia ssij w 01 km peuo crau 1 u'lll I, a ti.'r.i.nVi. t r lha I'iniDulnu'll T.-v.. attack on soldiers! ,'.., .,,., ,.,. '., , ,:, !v,.-,i i ivii uiui jia... u uir .io in iiau.i the larger stvles of war vessels. These ar H.iweK's wan' little craft, which are nothing, more wf.iie silling tit his' 'ha" 'unusually high-powered 'ni.otui . . . . I lioats cnntnneil, tt'frh a tnrnpil:v tiihe J.M1 a llidll Willi llltll , I 1 , II , l ndul. nili'ary fear today's in the country dis- of Life. (Special to The Sentinel.) ! SPICXC Kit, Sent. 25.-CharI.-s U.i Inns. f l)anv:!U V.i.. was patches Received from Secretary: Taft That He Considers Situation In Cuba More 8erious Rather Than Improved Marines Are to Be Sent Opening of New Hotel Zlnzendorf. For- at Once In Order That They Mayj Be Ready In Case They Are Needed.! (Fly Publishers' Press ) I W xSHINOTOX Sent. 2.V Serre-. I killed here this iimriil ntr by j unpins tan of War Taft has requested that. ; !:! liuiial ' war vessels with 1.000! marines b8 Kent to Cuban waters; without delay. A telegram was receiv-j in fiont of a IiK'omotlve on the Spencer yards. His body and lower syth County Fair and Horse Show, Reception To Governor Glenn and Other Distinguished Guests, Two Dances, Fine Theatrical Attractions And Other Things During the Week Beginning Next Monday. Next week will be a notable one In Thon- toes have gone for i npiiiiiiing. nu liins attested I'll; for the shooting three policemen were and riddled witiv bul- tlie situation that !1 proou )j ! y lie called asion Is Mr that the ' hot: is will witness rn. The authorities whin all troublesome r, attempt to do so is f ed b bloodshed. f (laiiiiiion negro sem it'il in' number, and 1! I! wen. of the fac "ll itii'ler arrest in atrimni of the trouble Puis. The governor him "1 to for tio.jiis there ?"'"' and lives. This Ns up to liiiiil, Kverv- ! Belli" m-muto'l and able to live lu. a heavy sea, are I the work of (he "Yarrow shipbuilding , plant at. Poplar. England. Their lat est effort In this line Is what they call a second-class torpedo boat. It is nine Inches In length. On trial It made 26.15 knots per hour. This Is a- tremendous speed for sc small a boat and' .sp'a'Ks volumes for the skill of the builders. There are five sets of engines operating on threi iiuitis were tnglitlu v lining c bv t ic 1,1 h. it... ...- .uuHmMii t.ulnv from wheels of the engine, his lin'ot lee- he. '! iili'sWeut at Oyster Day, in'whleh ! history of the Twln-Wly. ing- torn off. danis was a ras.pnger11"' 'I-'Paitment was or.iereil, In cror- Kinds of visitors- will he hero ami var on an early train and stoi' ied 'att,lttl,ce wi,b Swreiary Tiffs request. j ,ms n,ir8PtR v.ill he offered them o M-.iu u ti.o . i '"'" ' ( ennf-ction with the fitlr ami other marines aboaid the battleship of the .North Atlantic fleet, maklnn a total twite. of -iao mea. Six hundred mora nuir-i N('xt wp' n('w -Iniendorf hotel inc.- which will be taken from the1'" opened. This Is avpieinll.l nival stations of the Atlantic const, I hntitrlr) and lts npenliiR to the travel nig puutlc wit: iniieeii tie a uoiaiiK lr lu pvlilittil I tut t Mi- Tnfl ivmul I. I eveill ers the situation In Cuba rather worse lha'i better. It is lutlmute.l that he Spencer. To bystanders, he stated that he did not want to live an 1 sent a message t:i his people in Danville that he w.-.jhl n u see them again. With this he told trainmen nearby that he u.'ltlll .in,' 111- lilti -il ,oi hi' liiMititnir In fiom of an ei-ine, which he did!a,'f '! ful,"w wl,.M" rew- .teys. iiniiii liately. He made one attempt iind the engine stopped a few min ute Later he threw himself on the Hack in trout of another locomotive and died instanily. Tuesday Ih.. Forsyth, county fair and hotse shin? .open, continuing TRIAL for i mm (Special to The Sentinel. (IHEKNSKOKO, Sept. 2.V The :aie of State against Frank Uohan noli. Klser and Oscar Cnitchfleld. (Special to Tho Sentinel.) oii?vr'i.-ij a..., Of. ii dunged with the murder Of Foreman;..;,. ;f ' .aher ()f y.utig (iray. Wliltaker' who was shot ttv death here Friday bv Conductor It. K. Beaeiimiin, at Hiiltop last July, was called in (iuiifoid superior court ;.)'lay. The entire moiiilng session was consumed in select lug a jury from i he Hit) men summoned as a special venire. The. case will probably go to the jury Thursday. The examliia' ion of witnesses, which was com- These engines were built 'by I nienced at the kcssIoii this afternoon, 'Atlanta raco war Suitillel yesterday "H IHnriK' wen, cin. !u" killed, i hough 'mu Melinite,- ;,iown to I l;-fft:t tim i idling was a result of a conflict II 'flThoemen and ne V,.ni:a one mI!e.m:in F otheis woundo'd' and " not known how kl-ed but th ,,ffi- llim' 'onnled rr, six ' '"' ,,-v-11? negroes on p-'nian and his asso V "'a: nejrroes were f'lli Atlanta, went to As they annrnahoH shafts. Messrs. .Napier 'from designs furnish ed by Mr. M. Napier. The propelling engines are located In a small cockpit in tne center of the boat. The tank I Is located on the stem of tho boat ! above the half deck so that in case I of leakage the petroleum will drain I into the water instead of Aie boat. Above this, is a torpedo tube which may be flied over either side of the stern.' The advocates of this boat claim that Inasmuch as, it can be built for one fifteenth of the cost of a (U'sti-oy-er. Is a good sea boat and has but lit tle machinery to get out of order It of feis many advantages that larger eraft do not. The moral effect of a large number of these vessels y:uld. it. Is believed, be far greater on a blockading; fo.iia.lron than a smaller number of the larg. r boats. The ves sel weighs hut fight tons with en gines and full onuipineiit. They can therefore be easify carriiyl on fhe deck of a ship. The French naval authorities are experimenting with similar styles of torpedo eraft. Jamestown Exposition -Notes. Four thousand members of' tile An eient Order of Hibernians will meet In annual convention at the James town Exposition in 1'JoV. This order with 'Its Women's Auxiliary numbers nearly five hundred thousand members. ha wm iieri the nrrslifW Ms . thr.;uAtl Wednesday and peace mission to Cuba is likely to full,1 Tuesday night "a reception to (rv- ami has requested that Immediate "' " "" ', "' preparations be made fur 'forcible Ih-'k1'1! " '" ' M,i ln tci ventlon by both the atmv and navy. f Twin-City Club. L I Oji Wednesday p.l Friday evenings I the Horse Show dances will be held In the Twin City Club iootns. Two nights durltis: the fair Arthur Dunn will appear in "The I.lttle Joker" at the Klks' Auditorium. ThU is n luuslcal comedy with a company of fifty. In addition to the events montloued other social arfairs will jirobably be given. A ialge number of ylsltoi l expected and the week will be n bin one in runny respects. ' ' . E Phillip Hedilck, wa-i in Spencer last night looking after the prosecution In the Case against lledriclf. Mr. Whlt aker,,whp was himself a law student, Is employing able counsel to assist Solicitor Hammer when the case Is tried, lie states that he finds -nil the! ls' night ear At. ycnlay lssed '"' under 21 va... h'!l.(r the streets 'after iiEht. -"i a voney withj the landscape effects and water views at" the Jamestown. .Kxpositl.m will out-class those of any oilier great exposition In history. The site of the Ter-Centnnial Is unique anif the mar vels that nature has already accom plished' will be supplemented by the genius of art and science. not expecteo to consume more than(ev,(m,e (1(,simI ,, ,nil, tle pns(l , i dav. Tlie defendants are repre jented by Judge. W. P. Byiinm. Jr.. Col. John A. llaninger and O. S. iiradr shavv. It will lie remembered that HohatK after having been discharged I'yryoung man has len prostrated since Foreman lleuchmaii July :10 last, came from the double-tracking force of the Southern to this city tind seemed a 'Via. The two Crutchfields furnished liim the hoiM' and buggy to come to ;he cin. and one of them came with 'tim and, it is alleged, urged him on i.) the bl.,o(ly deed. (Dv Publishers' Press ) JACKSON, Miss., Sept. 25 "In my opinion, the only solution of the race question," said (Jovernor Vardamau, In discussing the Atlanta riots, "is a lepeal of the fifieenth aineiidmeiit and niodlficatioii- of the f teenth. The. civilization of the white man cannot lie suited io Hie semi-savage negro. When von nnder.alio it. you demora lize the white and sixiil the negro The civilization of the negro lasts just so long as he is under the control of he white man who inculcate It. i.'v, n.rt to himself he naturally 1 plain one. Young Whltaker was a mere youth, belng'only 17 years of age, and came of a model famllv, of which Mr. Whltaker Is the head. It I learned that the mother of the the death of her son. Capt. Hedrlck, who shot Whltaker in the alleged defense of the honor of his home',, has dons nothing beyond employing counsel. The dato for preliminary hearing; has not yet been set and It is not known when the trial will take place. For a time after the tingdv Mrs. Hedrlek'a condition was sfilous us she was rendered uncon scious from the shock after witnessing the shooting y her husband. The general public taking the kei'ne-f Interest in the development .of the case. JEW LOCAL CONCERN MEETING CE. NiTOIl . BOARD OFlDEfffJEN The Winston aldermen held an In formal meeting Intrt night, at which lime they discus.'.! several luatleis pertaining to the municipal affairs of the city. Nothing w given out for publication us to the object of the meeting. Tonight, however, the board will meet io Itenr the objections which will he made to the skating link now under const i url ion on West Fourth street, The new l ink Is situated near the Christian church ami the official of the church nnd some nearby resi dents, it is understood, wlH object to 'he board granting" license for a skst Ing fink lu the new building, owing to tho noise. Mrs. I. T. Critmpler, of (i maiiton. I; visiting Mrs. N. K. Ktewait, out on North Chestnut fctreel. Mr. P. M. Colbert, of the V. A. s confined to his room at Not fleet's by sickness. M. C. K. C. Convention Organized At Buf falo Today With Nixon As Its Temporary Chair man. This Being Victory For Hearst After Organising the Convention Ad journed Until Tomorrow When Nomination of Candidates for Gov ernor And Other Offices Wll Be Taken Up It Looks Very Much Now as If Convention Will Norn-' Inate Hearst Republicans "at Sea." rjy Pulllsherf' Press.) lll.'KFAI.O, Sept. 2f.-The nemo ?ratie enliven: Ion was called to order .it iiooii ti'Jwy. l,ewl Nixon U tun notary thill: man. The kilter's selec Ion Is considered Hearst victor)'. Kvi rythlng now points to the endorse ment of Hearst. After ronclwlliiir. the jsiinl organization pioceeillns 'the .invention adjourned until l.miotrow A'hon candidates for governor and tier offices will be nominated. Republicans Undecided. 8ARATOOA, Sept. r The ft.-ptli-Ican convention, which organised lo lay. Is up in ih air over the selfctloit if a camll.late for governor. cnant (iovernor Ilruce and Cbailes K. tughett are inot plonilnelit candi lilies. It Is hejleved by the delegates hat IlooKfV.'lt will filially name a liaice uud that his select hm will lie named. I DISCUSS CLOSING HOUR At the meeting of Hetall Merchsnts' Assuclutloii last night a " resolution was adopted requesting each member of the association to have a placard posted In his or firm's store or pWet of business Mutlug that they ar a member of the association. The hour for closing- afore was ills- us.d, but no definite '. action u taken. Ncailv all of the nverchaiils are closing at 7 p. m., except on Hat in days, and iiiiiny are In favor of cm-. : hiding this plan until December 1. The tit tin uey for Ihe BusoclntUm was authorized to advertise for sale property of delltiqiieiits against which judgments have been secured. The association now bus 10S inein bets, it is one of Hi" city's most en thusiastic organization. WED AT CRUTCHEIELD The marriage of Mips Ida TV Heire, of Criitchflel.l, this county, and Mr. Chat I? (iough, of lllriiiliixhaiii, Ala., was releluuied at the twune of the bride's father Monday afternoon. The ro ipie piiise.i through th city last evening enroute to Hlrmlngbain, wh.-re ilii v will reside. The bride Is a sister of Mts. f. 0. Tucker, of this city. Tho K.roorri Is a iiutlile of IPsuivllle, Vudkln coitntj, but tins been a tedd.'ti for two years. 'tit of Alabama T (Special to The Sentinel.) RAI.KIOH, Sept. 20 A charter war. issued today by the secretary of state to the Foisyth Sporting Hoods Com pany, of 'instoii-8alem, wiUi an auth- . . i i,.,i n. tnr. iii I t r iii paitl ln. The Incorporators and stock jCaSeS 01 Qllite A Number Of holders are: Chap Bodenhamer, Uus-' tne liar narisiii i i.'r sell viiugtiii, u. I nomas anu v. r,. rs Press.) Va., Sent A lan ci'!' mu ; ' ll'llUhe,' 25. ! brings ne il' are panic have an-iyed 8,1,1 ''e.s.are on. the 2 r';'"s !l,r" last night - "''!"i for Vilu.hogter """''''Hi fiom j)r, en. lies in a' W'hn iravo l.f : ill', I ' : Miiii,,,,.,, 1 """"Mni- "'i.iy. ' sPendlne his M,is here, 'left resume his s i i v ... ''or;,,,,,.,.'"?'1' -man nis medical " ' ' n inn .i -- 'U tio bv of pi,;.::. ,,ie i,ai- .i, it i -y -ri,.. i in. in two fisli hk '""""ley LEAVING HARVARD MEDICAL Q HOI SCHOOL'S HOME ! f TRAIN DEDICATED. .Ir'fic hnck to jingle The cilllie of crilinnai asMiun ;Beck. is a brutal manifestation of tii ne- gro's aspiration for social equality. xtn Forsyth Sporting Goods Corn To sitppiess that asplJ'aiion it Is ! p;mj- wiil handle all kinds of sporting therefore necessary to separate the j,. aU(j niuke a specialty of auto races in echools. in politics, on 'rail-! mobiles. It wll,opei for bu.dnes'i roads awl street cars, in church Hud ; alxnit the first of November, or Just industrial pursuits as much as p"si-,ai M)on as the Wall & Huske Co, vacates its present stand In the nugnn mock on west i-oiuin street. Tlie officers of the company will be as follows: President, Chap Ikidcij ii.uuer; vice-president. Rtisscl Vaughn; ivretary and treasurer slid general manager, O. C. Thomas. PERSON IS KILLED (Special to The Sentlne' I'OrtTI.AND, Maine, Sept. 2." -Ibnl lodav was furnished for Terry Martin, of Pliiiadeiphia, who last night knock- 25 Over led - out Jack McKenzie wu.i a ',..ur l ie ni',111. -wmcil i-miA'-o inqiie.-t is new Martin will be p:o..-i- i g titer Offenders Disposed Of Yes terday Afternoon. Alleged Offences Being Larceny. Nuisance. Drunkenness and Running "Blind Tigers." Mayor Katon passed judgment oa a large number of lawbreakers in the city court vesterday afternoon.. All I those charged witii drunkenness 'and i nuisance were fined ami frwd. Henry Tatiim, Kinesl Malistnn. Ku gene Caldwell and JaiiK-s Miller, all colored, were sent on to the higher conn for larceny and in default of ' bonds were taken to Jail. I llert Mauser and Charles Caldwl!, two ,f the "blind tigers," were fined $l'l a':l fots. Mauser had the csnh and readily paid his fine. Caldwell I had not rained the $10 this morning (Special to lie Sentinel.) if" as awattlon .Jeveiopn,e.i! in the eptrvcrn c...,i ,. t It ' lek-np ! ins Inoinlng. Mack Malrston, IlJ.iiichard, of lie.Soto. Mo., has accept SPENCER T. I. C, A. eouinment the new branch of the University exceeds any other medical institution In existence and the ceremonies attending the onenliiL- wcip Jn accordance with the impoitance of the event. The build- j I'm tugs occupy a comminuting i" l.-d a call to the general sece'uryshlp if tlie Spencer Raliroad Young Men a (By Publishers' Press.) BOSTON. Mass.. Sept oiib ttwmu iiiri nhvKlrl.ina renreselit i ng , over nearly, everv important nation' In the death. The eormier s ,,...!.. ... ..!, .i,.,ti.gii.n ,f the 'ill iirogres. .Manin "Willi Blit'tlUrU i.i- iir.nvu.. .i..,,,. ..f i,i'i. i ,. ..... ... .i nw..ivl : n!e.l on t ie fhatge of new DtlllUlIIgs or llie H..1....U ,...,..- .. -.. yheeban or P.osloll school this afternoon. In cost and and R. ; e . l M e ban home of tins j Met nni i ';. i Christian Asenclatiou ami will enter .YlJliagri .i"'. ... ....... ... ., , , o' i, swill'! tor:on m mines i oiir. in- iii''-. ,ll a'e on bail. 'here tonight and Is being given a cor to be liat'd in! dial welcome to Spencer. A big re ception has been arranged for Tburs- 'day night ut which time Mr, Iilanch- Me ant win ue greete i nv re preseniaiive railroad men from four ilivlsiotis yni was given until Satur- ('arm. of Boston ; of Portland, will be aiding and abetting. Sparring matches are Hand. ... I.-..I. ...... ll'.i! , . ... ...... e ,i Ti..v. r. I iaiit-- ... in l.ongwoo.t tlisii i i oi ixihu. "'.. . ... ...... ..,,-i,.. yen' e are built entirely of white ninrble ami (diploma, ao.. .... . . ()fi,hp g,,,,,),,,,,, Raliwa, touching at tht.4 consist, of four Immense laboratories, man. l:-' ' ;" .,'.,, , f,eign point. Mr. A. C. Vanfanipen, who has leading up to tlie magnificent admin-, the .lanie-vo ' nh j.i,.., I been secretary of the Spencer aawe Inflation building. The cost. - of the; go v e. .in (, , ir!g 1 elation for five yenrs has accept .'d a whole was over five millions and fivej :e Is ni ..i i, B, rail, to a new association at Umberfs years weie taken In the construction , the co-o iu f fh h)jnt m,ar Nor(0k. Vfl.. on the N. & J. I'ierimnt Morgan and John P.ismal nations n.n i , h;r ,, w. lallroad, Me ex ecm t move to Rockefeller cave a million each. lei . '"' ' " i.that place at- an early date. The another "tiger 'day Io uet. hllUhIf iiwhv ftf.iA town .Mack's leg are off Jiu.( above, the ) knees, Instead of W, as The Sen- tine inadvertantly staled yesterday. Dora Cook and (Juce liege, the two coloied "tlgetPv,K4-s," were not read for dial .eti'rd,i). The) will be tried ialer. I aM night the officers arrested two iiegwi wonn ii fc dintlk'-nness They will b tried this afleiii.Hiii. ' v Mrs. P. H. ttnoon from l..--SVlll Hancs returned this af a visit to relatives at is pll.'t --The I e in se Family Reunion. Mr. M. F. H-Hletibainer, of Abbott's Creek township, Dividxni county, held a family reunion Uundav. Ills ten children and 15 grand ctiildien ere piei-eiit. In al! .".'1 ienpli. I. ok county coniuiissioiieis aioii next .Mon.lai. !S;tiicer os.ocltlon has arq.ilred a dinner with Mr. iiouennnmer. t i.e will tuiilsonie lie building under his man occasion was one of geniilim Piterem jsseuifiiit. jand i!elit;)it to the host and till guet EARLY THIS LIB But Only Slight Damage Was Done By Pre Alarm Turn ed In From Box 32. Fire Being At Residence Occu pied By Mr. Goldstein. For the first time since July 25th the Winston fire department was call m) out In response to a (lie alarm at CiO this morning. The alarm was turned in from Hot !!'.', located near the reservoir. When the ntetiiii ra'hed ibe scene they foiiinl that (lie house .Mcuplef l Joseph f ).lsleln. Kiglith and Trade st reels, was afiie lu several places, but the flames Wftn quickly extin guished. H seems that the lire started behind a .Px.r lu one rim, binned a hole In the floor, ami a bed in another room was binned It Is said that wh.-ii Mr. Goldstein found the bouse afiie he tan to the front door and found Ii opened. He kj he k coiifl dent he locked the door hist ttlght. Insurance Paid Today. The officers of Liberty Council No, 3. Jr. O I'. A. M , today paid to Mrs, Kaiah llrewer, widow of the late James A. lltewer. a member f tbls, the li'ib Insurance which Mr, Hrew.-r had In Utlx oid.-r. Mr. Brewer died Anglic' l.'i'h. This' council cani.'s more Insiiranca tsli n liny other council of tblw older In the city, ea b member having Hm. The Anu'riiaii Federation of Ijihur ha endorseii Hie .lamehtown Kx posi tion and in resolution paed b) the exnt;vf. I,irird has raJlrd ti poll Its member to in every wav promote the welfare of tne TeiCenteimlal eelenra- ' ton io the etui (hat there may be tio s i Ik.s or other trouble to delay the jnat Moik now going forward.

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