SEPTEMBER 25. THE TWiN CITY DAILY SENTINEL W, PERSONAL NOTES. U. V. Hiiiihaw went to Glendun to- hflCV FROM A MULE. IF YOU WANT GOOD ICE CREAM FOR GOODNESS SAKE Boy Badly Injurtd at Staneville Thcughi That Governor Will Pardon a Wife-Beater. (f,peciu! to The Sentinel.) si-nvFAlLIK Sept. IN, Johnnie 0 " LEARN HEW 10 SIMPSON'S 3cn czi cn CZ3 H.'Uw Thomas made a business trip j lu Durham today. j tKn lil-K,. train Watt Manm .r.t uu u iv... . ., hadlv W. A. Bailer, of Advance. was he,e n V,,,- m..!e.. The animal today euioute to Danvule. t , j ni; t by a c'.ap of thunder. J. F. .Miller, t.f Kural Hall, was here S;,.-;.U1 was called to fee him. la.-t eveuing enroiite to Charlotte. - ' 7' i-;0 Mitchell and family have . . . ... ... .- " , .1., f I. I....... llearv Marten returned tuis mo... moviu 11110 me nan ju.h- uuu.i ing from a pleasure trip to Canada, j Their many Mend gladly welcomel Or J L. Hanes went to Baltimore j them back. - last night. He will return lu a day or Mar!? siddali. 01 .Mauisjn, 1, in a visit to Dr. Smith's itnily here. Rev. J. A. Spenei r preached in Stoneville Sunday at 11 a. in. am! at .lovca's chapel a p. ni. ltev. T. J. ICleiin pleached at night for the pas- to; T,,E WHITE STAR CO. i Caters to the wants of Good" Housekeepers. Our Aim is to Please. Phones 98 and 284. two. T. C. Mock, of Davidson, has ac cepted a position at l.ashmlt' shoe store. Mis. J. A. Call, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. E. B. Kearns, went ,, .,,.; Tumor. Ss(i.. in his SSlh to Mocksville last, evening, year, was in' town a day or so ago Many C. St. Clair, of Salisbury; land is as robust as a man of M years, James M. Hill and Mrs. W. L. Cfiatin, alU ,.a:i keep up his: row with any of Cei m.ttiton, were In tne city jester- harme Jay. M - Something new, Kruse's lime mints, thev are delicious. Joyner. No flour walks around Royal Crown. . T. Joyner. TAPERS WANTED Work done at home. Apply at Mills, Salem. can be Valine Chase and Sanborn's coffees and teas are old in name but are being I used byew trade iTaily. Only at J. T. i.Ioyner's. Toothache Cure it with Tooth Gum, 10c will buy enough to last, you () mouths It hrins in stant relief.... Landquist 6 Pfohl The Corner Drug Store The Knox Hat On the Fair Grouna. Madame l.e Dell, the celebrated palmist,! now located over Wade's bank on Liberty street, will have two tents on the fair ground nexHweek. Seeded ner's. raisins and currants at Joy- New ner's. walnuts and braizells at Joy F :SI 'l A ftrf9 L A. H 7 0 L lt6 Arrival of Trains at Winston-Salem. from Greensboro 9:00 A. M. From Greensboro 2:45 P. M. j.From Greensboro 8:30 P. M. Krom Mooresvllle 9:00 A. M. From Charlotte 2:15 P. M I From Wilkesboro 10:45 A. M. !Krom Wilkesboro .. 4:58 P. M. From Mt. Airv 5:30 P. M. For Good Dressers For Sale bv J. M. Woodruff 6 Co. Cn,. MAN'S STORE i Store thatSaves You Wor;ey. A GOOD JUDGE OF twEED decides lpj favor Ol the sort of good things tor horses, catlje, pigs and poultry to vbe found under our roof. If you are as careful about the food for your animals as you are about what you eat yourself you'll do your marketing here, prices fair and square G. L. Dull & Co. Phone 176, ' 108 Fifth St. 9 rlrvjv Iri 1 1 1 I K r murium Mimmnuui,J3Esa I FlfiLE DRO.'S GO. CHEAP FUEL j In order to induce everybody jj to lay in a good supply of fuel while the weather is good, we jj are offering, until further no il tice, our famous "WIDOW i KENNEDY" Coal at the very J low price of $5.50 per ton. This L Is cash price, Put In your or j. ders now for your requirements j. and pay cash on delivery. See f us and get prices on all fuel be j. fnre buying. I i Peoples Fuel J and Ice Co. 4 Of coins vi! uIwsvh mUe i?wh1 wlmt we piomise, mid we .m tlia! the i,.iaHly of our Kllles is A No. !. The llest Ever. Here's where you gel something special '(goods and prir'esl: Savage Kepeater llanimerless. 22 en!. l:l.O0; Matlln Hahy Repeater. 22 cal. $10.00; Savage Jr., single shot, 22 enl. inn. o .... .. i,n .... ... . o fioisr ii.rgei i ne.nii I cal. $i!.50. Got a new shipment of those Carbo Magnetic- Razors yester day.' BROWN-ROGERS COMPANY. I Manufacturers of SCREENS Made to FIT your doors and windows. Phone 85. Departure of Trains from Winston Safe m. To Greensboro 5:05 A. M. To Greensboro 10:50 A. M. To Greensboro ...5:03 P. M. To Charlotte 2:25 P. M. To Mooresvllle 5:30 P. M. To Wilkesboro 9:12 A. M. To Wilkesboro 3:15 P. M. To Mt. Airy 8:30 A. M. Conection is made at Greensboro with through trains as shown below. Of these only Nog. S and 12 north bound are local. Connection for southbound locals is made at C : 10 a m. and 1:22 p. m.; Northbound. 6:45 a. in.. No. s, dally for Rich mond and local points, connects at Danville for Norfolk. 12:20 p. m., No. 3G, dally U. S. fast mall for Washington and points north.' Pullman drawing- room sleep ers to New York and Richmond. Day coach Jacksonville to Washington. fDlning car service. 12:58 p. m.. No. 30, daily. Pullman drawing room sleeper to New York. Day ccach Jacksonville to Washing ton. Dining enr service. 10:35 p. in. No. 12, dally for Rich tnond and local points. This train han dles Richmond and Norfolk Pullman sleeping cars. 10:51 p. m., No. 38, daily, Washing ton andSouthwesIern Limited, Wash ington and all points North. Pullman sleepers and observation car through to New York. Solid Pullman train. 1:13 a. m No. 31, daily New York and I'lorida Express. Pullman draw ing room sleepers to New York. Day coach to Washington. 1:55 a. m., No. 40, for Washington' and points North. Pullman day coach to Washington. "Southbound. 4:12 a. m., No. 39, dally. Atlanta Ex press for Salisbury, Charlotte, Atlanta and points South. Carries sleeper to Columbus. G. 5:55 a. m.. No. 33, daily. New York and Florida Express. Pullman draw ing room sleepers to Tampa and Au gusta.. First class coach through from Washington to Jicksonville. Dining car service. C:55 a. m No. 37, dally, Washing ton and Southwestern Limited. Pull man drawing room sleepers to New Orleans. Macon, Birmingham " and ! Nashville. Observation car. Solid Pull man train. Dining car service, G:44 p. m No. 29, dally, Florida j Limited, Pullman drawing room i sleeper and first-class day coach through to Jacksonville. Dining car I service. j 7:22 p. m., No. 35, dally for Char lotte, Atlanta and all points South, j Pullman sleeping cars to New Or leans and Birmingham. Dining car ser I vice. I This schedule subject to change There were more members initiated in the Masonic Iodga on Saturday night. v Mrj. I.ula W. and daugh ter, Miss Nannie, of Price, will spend several days at the Roanoke fair tuis wee"k. John Evans, win has been serving out a term for wife beating on the county roads, it is thought will be par doned by Gov. Glenn. Mrs. Marv Scales, of Philadelphia. who has been on a visit to Dr. Smith's family, has returned home. Tianslers of real estate are quite frequent of late. Mr. her Matthews has bought the P. M. Stone heirs' land near the Baptist church. The heirs live in Baltimore. Mr. C. K. Noh-n has moved into the cottage of Mr. l. n Mattihews near the Baptist church. That section is get ting to be i lie piettiest part of town. Dr. Blsentine, who lives near i I.eaksvllle, was in town on Tuesday with a load of tobacco. The doctor! is 77 years old, but quite active. WANTED. Experienced clothing and, shot salesman, at once. Good sal- j ary. Apply in person at Shapiro's. jLa H 'r " M - c3 CAN TOU S0L THIS Maws newspaper BIG LOT of dolls to coat. C. L. Sharp. . So at once at Mrs. li. H. Marph and son, of 4pr Bdrsville, were in the city. To Remove FrecKIes tt Pimples nauiuuia A new diooTery, sold tinder a positive nu&r ntee and money r f untied in every ease where Ik fulls to remove freckles pimples liver ipotSt SUD-Uho, sallow new, collar dlscolora tloDi. blackheads and, all eruptions of ibe skin, no matter of bow iong standing, Cures ordinary In 10 duys,aud the worst In 20 diiTS. After these defects ar removed the skio will be ciear, soft, healthy and beautiful. No polbte barm can resnlt from its use. 60 cents and I1.UU at leadlnf Aiug stores or by malL NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY. Paris. Ten Sold in Winston by Simpson Drug Co., E. W. O'Hanloo and other drug- All the readers of this .amuuu win. me mterestine xxrhl'n nivrn nnrMr,.1 .l . .. nil tfAm f i m s i nil iiuiu lime LJ lllllC, Wo h . ., ,. ior us a RJ annual nuts, auu we win give five prizes ents of value to the first five persons wh the Rehus correctly. xir .i. a . v c aie sure uvdl tins contest will c,J tcrest in every home reached by the Sen! i ne oniy condition ot the contest is answers must be sent in before 12 o'cl J MUINUAY , Lf i". i4th, and no answers' accepted later than 12 o'clock, noon MO' OCT. 1st. ' '' In writing your answer write on one the paper and do not write anything exJ answer to the Rebus, your name, street a? address. Address your answer to the REBUS EDI70R Mail Order Departmef Care of Rosenbacher& Winston-Salem THE REAL TEST Of Htrplelde la la UlTln It Thor. ougli Trial. There is only ono tost by which U Judge of the efficiency of any article and that Is by its ability to do that which It Is Intended to do. Many linii vigors may look, nice and smell nice but the point Is do they eradicate Dan druff and stop falling hair? No, they do not, but Herplclde does because It goes to the root of the ovl and kills the germ thnt attacks tli papilla from whence the hair cet3 it life. Letters from prominent peoplo every where are daily proving that Newhro't Herplclde stands the "test of usr.." It Is a delightful drcslnjr, ele;;r, pure and free from oil or grease. Sold by leading druggists. Send 1ftc. in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. B. W. UrlANLON, FrwwTal kfL how about Brightsbane Your Old Roof? Why not let us stop the leaks while the weather is favor ahle? New roofs and roof repairinji; a specialty. Morgan atf Cuthrell. "Favorite" Ranges. Are the Best. Notice of Sale By an order rr re-sale of the Su perior Court of Forsyth County, x. c, I will sell for cash at public' auction at the coui'thoust! door in Winston N. C, on Monday, the 15th dav ot Oc sober, isnt;. at 12 o'clock M.."the fol lowing described parcels of land: Klrst A parcei of land containing nine and thirteen one-hundredtus ('.) 13-liiti) acres lying and being in South Fork township In Forsvth "miily, X. C, adjoining the lands" of Kineline Harper, Keberca Ellis and others. Second Also another parcel of land onlaimng eight and flftv-one hun dredths (S 51-imi) lying and bo Ing In South Fo,k township In Fjr syth county, X. c. and adjoining th ands of Kliphaz Harper, Creorge Hir per and others. This St h. day of laeplember, litor, hi..'. Vj- R- gray." Administrator of John Uoyer, dec'i. " ARCHITECTS. Rooms,13-14Tise'Bldg. VWnston-Salem. FALL MILLINE OPENING Thursday and Friday, 27th and 28th. Miss Agnes Toussant, Head Mi Mrs. M. D. Lassi SOLID, SOUND. - sucassFi Southern Life and Trust Company Last year f 65.000,000 was paid to foreign life insurance by the people of the Southern States compaicl Thla enoniious drain is ruinous to oar section and should be stopped. Th patronize our own deserving life insurance companies and thus build them. The Southern Life and Trust Company-Is a DESERVING company. Us ma;::. Is 110 business involving such resm.iiKililiitv an.l therefore rpnuirillg such c " of lire iusmance. The insuring public has already been convinced that it's l"! ' Hon. From small beginnings it has grown Into the largest life Insurance contpan. . South. Surplus to policy-holders July 31, 19X1, $300,000 and not a death from na-ms! company was organized three vears ago. It Is the only company that proposes to Invest in erfch locality the not !i,i:ttn" callty. . Take a policy in the Stmt hern Life and Trust Company and you get ""' ',' ' " UI1,P '' P your money at. home to help buikl up your own iimne .... ... y .m.ioiis drain ot money from your State. The net premiums . uc tua.ieu Llliougn fffcCtllH ,'iirU! ,,,.! ..iim-n' . .. i nut . ,ed f" ? OGBURN-VEST CO., District t ! W mai icTrn v i noartmeDt. 3 ;ft.M