IN-CITY DAILY SEN 1W TINEL. WINSTONALEJI, N7C.; MONDAY EVEXINgCTOBBER lV 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS thing Quiet The Island Of Cuba At Present 1 1 1 1 n r i i ! MM ILL BE ! FRi ISTHMUS ! STAMPED j Jf lfl! RETURNS REPORT THAT CZAR FORSYTH FAIR WILL ABDICATE or 1,1(101 vER. SOON This UiERICW jMARINES and bluejackets Uiy RECEIVED BY THE INHABl- ! provision of ew ,lift,ii;r,ir ,v , , I Ul I1IH UUYCUIUI liispt-tiiun low is- Put Into Effect Today. Zone Saying Work Is Go ing On As VeJl As Could Be Expected of Canal This News Coming From Rus sia Is Being Freely Dis cussed In Paris. II Governor Glenn Will Formally Open Big Event With A Speech At 1 O'clock In Afternoon. BEING CONSTANTLY 1 were Sent Ashore I . , .. -r Kenucsy ted to Arrive Wjhips.-Secretary New Ministry In Are j Ept I of Vanaus Depart- (!!. t . f:-i: .ps I" ii, this bet'ino amp at ;il loiti the J...-k. lO.ii ' it Jay i.. over. jbi of rVima g.ivcrn- !MiW liv Tiifi that' ministers within ten , iii.-.iii'iinc :bi ::!-krfr.i-tii h.. w..rk. . 0,1 l.-ri.':ij rc.m r.i:i.!.-i. j. ha li;i;i n'l invitation I1'"1" hi- in Slip -aid. this iiU f-.r .f '-h'-li ., :;!. lighting '"III ii ,IUs tile iimo- , ( funds. '); a- ilH' lies; n. In', ii pi! I rio- iit' CISC Of Ills kMcent Busy. i', fifi. I. The war tiii- i-rsavd today If lil.UIIUI, ,)f till' -'in tut Cnha. The Mil Mm Ni Yen k Interstate Shipment of Meats That Fan to Carry Official Stamp. 0f' the Says the Difficulty Being Encountered is rruniDiiea oy This Law. F.fteen Hundred Inspectors Busy Today Inspecting And Tagging T Meat Products. (IV Publishers' WASHINGTON. Oct. -ry I'm ;sbt ii i eh in- ,, Now Is the Labor Question. Organ ization of Labor Force So As to Se cure Most Effective Work Is No Under Way.-- I - -Wiii in i.r iinii.'ii! Tonight There Will Be An In formal Dance At New Hotel Zinzendorf.Tomorrow Night Reception To Gov. Glenn. Wednesday and Friday Nights Horse Show Dances Other Social Affairs. Tiie will: beginning today promises ii bi' a notable or.e in a social way as; far as Winston-Salem is concerned. ! The lair ami the horse show wJl! j i.iiiig scoie.s (if visitors tu the Twin j City an (1 it is quite natural lhai social i , ft' st t ities should not be ove rlooked. I Tonight there .will be an yitornial dance in Hie palm room of the new .l-l'.-i:: p: n i., which of in,- f'tauip ol lit i 1: today in in linn. ii.o:i a-. a l.iday i an ii put .;i op, ill-pr 'tP.v Publish 'is' Precsl NEW VOIIK. Oct. l.-rAliKtllK pas us at 1 1 iv- Item Colon today a - i i , i i in r M, i. in. of i i e canal i.i it left the none "I do ni it kills llilllllils t- tha: 1'. t.l Cll '.t s It. -n h- d p -Nile lilllllll lean. tile iiHuoai Mo;.- thai. us of an at are gging pi'-iiliict -i ir inn -. pa- n-,1 inc. (,' c i i as wel' ; dillicuitv ac. ' i on I he s (-.mid Is the 1 Is Hi. It, -aid p-.., I He : ' II W 11; S'lCCl'll l.llllls 1, c.-HIHi i.c:e.!, -V.. Ian iin-sM'i:i. Wl: .anh.aiioti uf' iai...nis and t'lt'tr hi-, :iuaiu:id with skilled men at !' load, i ii -1 1 iir-1 Tu i; ilvm and ad-, iiK-oit' thise men who Icirtt. Thus' i v.. ilk win j,: ui"-i sw, fills oij-'aii-..tioii ;s in d.'i' wa now " SALISRUfiY CITIZENS i It Is Claimed That Czar Nicholas Will Retire And That Regency Will Be Formed to Run the Government. III Health Is the Cause Assigned (or1 This Supposed Early Action. j (Ily Pulillr-her Ii ss.) ' PAIUS, lint. 1 Thai Czar Nicholas' is tu abdicate an, ici;e:'.e to tin finite id to.uoMin Itu-i-ia is tin- Miisat i.iiial it-iKiil liorii Itn-.-ia and ali Paris is di-un-Miic, 11 il'i Ritat ii.tiicsi. I .o:: n c.i.tituie.l tilisi-nce of ' tin c.u' o l .1 j ciilise in 'he Finnish w.i'i-i'.h K i;Iwii as appaii nt larltnoiiud to the rcpnil.l liisp.ttclies tu ,1'aiisian ncwpapeis from St. ! ti rslnit'K say In rniirt rn ,i ! . .toi,.,ci ri'Ketii'y i',iscus.,ist si-r-Inily.' health lias about LARGE CROWD OF VISITORS ARRIVING tilnki a i.n.ti T the s I, .'IV, bi i II j.niij'M t, d II tiie ini.narcii a i.lieat I U II tl -1111.1,. .m .. . 1 if pioPahly In- tin- 1 1 a-i n his action I'eur fot his 1 rain to hii h he s his throiie hcaltli will as,!.ue,; or lite, tit view Hotel Ziiizemiort Tomorrow nlsht in the rooms of the Twin-City Club a reception will he iciidcrpd Oovernoi (Jleim. Wednesday and Friday nishts the Mors-, Show dances will be held, prob ably at the Twin-City Club. Thin s.lay ami Fiiday nights Arthur P.niii will appear in "The Utile Inker" at the Elks' Auditorium and a lai'fip number of society people will 'l.'iihtless lie in attendance. Ii is piobnble that a number of social affairs in honor of visit ins -youns ladies will be given dut'iiiK Hie wctk. Invilatons have already been issued by the .Misses Hauvs for a barlni'ue to be aiven at West End farm Thurs- S.-p-It of! haf Hie Tiie 1 af t' in'ii-i aiSKH-ttaivil oimht $i;:i,!i7!i ni. ahoitt 7 ceiil-. Tin s lid wa i pi iniing a ' rajte is co'isiden Tile sales on the as give-, h i lie lews: Total sales of leaf tobari o. made in Ii vilh fe.r inontii of Scptemlier. sah s dm l.'.i'L'.r.i'ii. an averagi bulk of the i, Ihefi'lnie d a good one. Danville niaiket ?ister. ate as In! of tt p.iited tut witlt Nicholas, coin i ihiit ing eai pnrt i iieulal, -I lends ,i go to ma i k and Uiis 'list phit.s .to do wa will iindnulilediy lie -i'.- however. "One le- -;is ihaJ the n'r in .Muieleiihoiig. In lieu Is leganled tn iiniiiy liniii, Sab lelllhe 71 Salt pun;. Sab l..V.i.i,!i77 pounds, for $117,411'.,"'. s for Scp'einhei . 1!MHi, over S'-p-i. ll'ii.",. ,iN.i.."i!ifi pounds, tot $i;, Ihii'i. !l.:.ll 1 lliciease. ."el 77!i 7u. I'm August and !,'iii.iil7 pounds, for tor August and pounds, for ,.'iill pound September; $1.Vi.!ii;l.S;!. September, $112, is::. 11 s. I'm- $i::.- day evening- in lionor Swank, Bolton and Duke. of Misses "'a! ir 1,'S in w lilt now N'i wpoi t "f Fif.h in York short ly I Hi mm 'Hi '. Tin !, pi'cai-! illlir, Ir i ti: '- dopait. I'V at Buik liuily a: II Ti,".i. was a 'lia.-.tni-, Rev. il a strong lev; beiiis; 'J'': "Be strong k" '!." The '1 ''I Wiih LTell- 'tlll-nll s-iw,bQ f WMhlliiliMes de ii;,"";"' Miing- tha-f-f. 'a tll'l y . v. Sir W Hi',' brains. !i.iiii,-ter to "Tlhiped liie i; Ms mie of tile service. p'.ll'.S (, rhi- 'fiely of tilt .';' ":" sni a fancv I'P 'All- I.. T f, Wei,,!,,.;- I A new chemical I hi en installed in the (Hv Publishers' ATLANTA. Oct. 1.- Wesl Point, (la. I.on, Press.) A special from tells of the killing of Cabe Mr-Antes and Nick Sprattling and possible fatally wounding of Tasl IJurdette, all lie iroes. aii.l by a party of mill opera ,ives who fired on the negroes from a moving train. The whites had a diffi culty wit'u the negroes earl-y in the hi. ' A neftro, after drawing his knife, escaped by running into a store whete while proprietors protected him nnd placed him on hoard a dummy train. Whites .followed on next train and passing the negroes opened fire front the train upon them, with fatal result. No arrests are reported. appata'us has Winston lire de- pniiiiicnl. The apparatus is In the shape of two small tanks, with a pies sure of .'l.'i'i pounds. The. e tanks ate tilled with a chemical compound and in the rase of a small fire It will ex tinguish Hie Haines without the .neces sity of using water. The new fixture is "attached to the hose wagon of Sieaniei Co. No. -. nnd will no doubt prove a mo.-: valuable addition to the fire lighting e(iiipinein of the city is capable ef throwing the acid ' ;:n -feet ar.d can be op-raii d by man. - '' - L ZINZENOORF !S OPENED TD PUBLIC (Special to The Sntne) s.M.lfclil Hi, hip,. A mass s t:(. fon-ninmr or hi iihdicatlnii. meeting of the cllizeiis of Salisbury I Ken in olll.ial ciicles oiisiderablc was held last night for the purpose of n. lem . u given to tnosperts of eom devisiiig ways and mean for seem inx t nK rellrenieut r Nicholas and an hii and nia'uiiiiining a hospital in this I'lie uice unmi to that fleet wnub. not city. The meeting was piesided over be- mrjn ising. by Mayor A. H. Ijnyden and nearly all - tiie physicians of Salisbury were pres ent and gave their endorsement In the movement. The promoters of the pro ject wiie ronlioined bv a lack of the necessary funds when to the surprise of aii a liiepositioirwas made by Mr. W. K, Snider, cashier of the J,Vachovi,i I . ...I T. .,wf .i.iikiii. ii.,, .. In ,1,.. Halt tu Hie city of Salisbury a building'! and site valued at $n,niw. the only re-( strict ion being that Hie same is to he I used i xchiMvolv for a hospital for alii the pi opb , The pioposlliou was glad;! iy aei'i pled and a splendid hospital is I assnted. .Mayor Hoyden has appointed j the necessary committees to look nl'-j lor i he details of the arrangement audi It Is rxpicted to expend an additional j sum of jr.111"! at once and open the! inslitnldiii to the public. The gift) from Mi. Snider, who Is In every way! a public spirited citizen, is greatly up-1 piecialed by Hie ily and Ho palus or) cxpenye will be spared in equipping-1 an- up-tn'laii' hospital. It i or one Sudden Death. j Mr. J. M. Lewis, of Walkertown.j , . v. ditd sudilenly at ftve o'clock this ;ia. iwo morning at the age of XV years. I'e-'nf hit in ceast (1 was highly esteemed by alMiheie. I who knew him. The inteinient be at. Morris Chapel tomorrow'. I". Martin went to Mobile, weeks ago to leok after one ,ctlHoils being nialiufactU! ed is family here had heard noihiirg l'toiii Mm which wrought so vi-steidav. when a since the siorm 'much havoc until mossace came stat- notible sales were started at Ihf i inK thai he escaped Injun. Mr. Mar tobacco waiehouses this mooring. I tin was ten miles in the coiiiiiiy.when Thev will lieein at nine o'clock dnrins,llte Hood of water d'Stioyed tin- hotel fair week. ' I in Mobih Illy Publishers' PriVhi.t NEW YORK, -Oct. 1. Adams, the poiiey King, coiiiiiiiltf-il .suicide by she.ntro' liiiiisetf tn the heail nt his apartments soiiw time this nioinlng ""'"' Worrv over tiie failure of his bucket lop Svhe he was snipping. 'a - ' iK ' Vv f PBESIIFS STAY III lerprises is supiKised to have been t lie cause. The bullet passed through his iiead and lodged .in the wail of his private hallway leading to Adams' apart ments He was found lying on the floor in his night clothes, lie had 111 ed the shot standing in front of a minor. II'- was dlscoveied by the I hall boy i - Accni'hng In Coroner Harbinger j leiteis found in his rooms would lu- dicnte that Adams died worth eight to I ten niiiii' n doilais and the corotier' insisle,! ilieie niiisi he some leason other tliaii heavy financial .trouble to promp' the ex policy king to take his life. 7c haves a wife and five children First Meal Served There This Morning Hundreds of Peo ple Visited Winston-Salem's New Hostelry Saturday. .The new Hotel 'Inzemlorf was open ed to kuohih this nioinlng, breakfast being the flisi meal nerved In this liioilern and up-to-date hostelry. Al ready quite a il u Til J if r of guest haw legistered. Tin- Arthur Hniin Com pany has engaged twenty 'rooms for Thursday and Pridiiv nights. Sal in day night the Zlnzeudoi f was open from 7 to In;. In o'clock for In- pectlon by Ihe public Hundreds called during these limits and admired ihe hotel and Its equipment The first, second and third floors woe opened to the visitors wliu went from one room In another while spVndld mill !c was (llscrnirstd by a Htilng orchestra. The dining room with Us diilni. table linen and pretty silver whs much admired ns was also tho piilm room nnd Dutch room otv the second the kitchen furnished with Hie lat 'I .utensils, and other depart iiieiws Thine are s onm flnlihlng touches yel to be added In diffiuent pailw of the hotel, which will make It. even more attractive than ni ireseul. The elevator will lie Instilled In d f"W days. 4 At. th'' opening of the hotel Satur day night a large rloial hoise shoe on the clerk's i!c.,k was much ndinUed bv the visCloij. This was sml in 'ie inz'uidoi f with the compliments of Kosehbaeher am) Pro. Forsjth superior court, for the i trial of criminal casus, will convene next Monody. Racing Feature Promises to Bt th Best In the History of the Forsyth Fair. Something of the Horsesnd Horsemen Already Mere. Splendid, Exhibits Being Put In Place Horse Show to Be Held In Connection With Fair Attracting Much Atterv tion. E.ciythirig Is In readiness for the opci.lng of ihe Ki.rsyHi Counl) Kulr tomorrow, tlmn nor (itenn will nuke an ai! If ' ' 'be Jfi.itin bt at t o'lio.'k and Ir Is q ilte l;i i t.liu that ail im tio ne ( inwd will In' on hull I To lay i lie nl Iculiural poulti y slix k culiiuiiy nnd n: edln woik exblbtlh ie In-liig p'icisl. Ali thoM' who did not send out their i xblldls today ar" in (led to have them ready as early Mi-Nible toiuoiiow llioililii.V TtlH fair ass H-iaiioii will 'have ri potable em ploy ms on Hie grounds In look after all I'xinblls. The tiabi to ihe fair ground will make Its first trip nt ,H o'clock tnmor low mm plug ami for the 'next tluee llti h II il" liiinute sin lille wil iC iqiel at, -1, affordiliK ample sci thini for all The fare for round tlip Is otiy l.'i cell's. A booth hH beioi erected under the shed at tlu! iltllo piissengi r 1. 'ii Ion and two HckH igentH will be on bund to- sell the tickets. Si vi lai thotsand people vlelled I list mounds inteid,iv to witiicus Ihe r rival of the show people and other ill i actions. Today the (tiwind.i re semhleii a ti nted city aiirl mori of t innn tire yet In he el eCled. 'liie ra-i s will he called at t : :t'i In mm low alii I noon. 'I he fiee shows will kIvb exbibl l ions In front of Ihe gmnd stand dur ing the itltei'ijooii. The county fair will be open for Inspection al! day niwl our people an- urged to visit Him (int ent! departments nnd see the hmiill woik of ForsvHl people The balloon ascension will tuk place at t o'clock. Large Number of Horset. There are forty or llfly linrs' hml forhe lact s, mid among the number ate revinal with maiks below the U' mark. Il Is Ihe best lot of rac holt-en ever Ii 1 1 iitgh I to (bis clly, In cludliig Ada !.. Ib'dwiih, I'ortHinoiith, Had News. Capf, Cook, Ht, Mniln and Miniib' Thojiipeou. The ' following; geiitlenieii huve slable- at the track today: Mi-srs. Ilorton, flrtfllth, James, Snyder, Smodk, Coleman Dyer, (ieoige Dyer, Jatiilsoii, nut((U, IlDln and Cnekrau. Kvrv ntm bus been flllml und the entry Hid Is title of Ihe lai'ttest ever seen heie. The pi Ire of udmlssloti to flni fair ginunis Ik fifty cents. Accused of Robbery. , Patrultueti peniy and Thoittpwil nrrested llen'rv Hiiilanl yetteidy on the chaiKcof lobliliiK Arthur Hlclver son of 2 lloih pnrtle. ari colored. Mallard wim tiled bef tie 'Squire Jen kins ibis iiiniiiliiK and scut up to the -upiolor co.ut In default of hall he was committed to Jail. The ofllcei round some cif the pfoloii money. The banks will he closed Wn!n. dav for Hi'' fair. OYSTER BAY ENBSiu" (I!v Publibbers' Press ) OYSTKH HAY, Oct. 1 -Kiuisevelt? vacation officially ended at '! " morning when be lioarded a spec. a; ot the Long l.-'atid Haiiroad to iei:iu hi joiiriiev lo WiSshiilKKUI. .Hi- i.- dn'' '' ihe eapimi at .1' '-' t his aiieriim.,, About a huoilieil viliaaeis wi-i- a iln staiioii ai. d I'-r 'hue nimiite, pre.sidelil siioik hands vio'o'i-i-- the tiain piiii' il out I'"- stood m- '' real pl.itt'onn and sliouted io.i, i. ' and good lurk. ' (Special tu The Sentinel.) 1 ! I! M.KKili, Sept. ::- I'resliieut (;e. ' Winston, of 'he A. Ai M. Col'i't'e, i a- accepted an invitation U deliver; ,e address oil education for' the leeklenbiirg county fair Friday, Oct. ; 0 The school chihlicu of the city .id county will be ndiU'Hed fne In in- faii that day and President Win-' on. s addiess will be oil "How In, !.',ose a Piofessioli nr Calling for j ,.fe." ' I BU1S FOR ELECTION BALLOON BICE FOB ! IRE BEING SEN! OUT GORDON BENNETT COP Shah of Persia Nr.. Created a National Assembly, and the Per- (5"j., to Til" Senllni ' t ! i:i.Kinil. s-pi. ::.' -i!i.-i- ; I, tor ill.- November " 1 l,aU ju.-t i'1"- 'I s-nt out fi ; wf M-ctelai ' of siah- i.e: ! :) , 1 1:,, ii liter; of all the c, ' i fr ,!.,( imis' The i-i s t of arii - In,,-:-,.;- i.:;.iii. "rli- "f. '"' l..i iisT-eioi'. ,e-rllla:,..tit n i ,,,, ,,!- pi ecini is. - -i ,,f ,e:i;:n-i : n aistratinii, I -, ,,ei ,,t poll la.W cop."., t.) u,';;,;;,!.,;',,!. co,.i -r i , i - ;'i' ill books. I'od Pool:-. :..f ...f.. ': i"'";';i"" - " i n Publisher-.' Press I I ..ON DON, Oct I - Six of oixti en : i.i noi,s whicli left I'.ilts yes'erday in I in. iii'eri.atlotial no lor Ho- (im don ! I ti -ii in -i r cup, ai'e known to haer .,..-.ei ile Knglish cli, urn-!.- Hank is l',i"!"i .i.-..'oioii. Cl' of i .i.i. on.'' and Com.! I'c l.ajdo I. vanix .- French li.t'iooii Watballa. I ov.-r llas'iiiL'.-,- tins moining i';7. ,e oilier biillixiiu haw been re- ;io:ii-d pa-sing -over liiti'sli terii'ory i ( 1 A I " I " ' V' I -Aduils.-loll t.u tin' f.iir gtoiitidtj i,e r,n tent..-. I 1 jonn uarreii. Envoy Extraordinary And Minister P lenipotentiary to Colombia. V ' Say As t0 Their Mode of Covi Government.