THE TWIN CITY DAILY SENTINELWINSTON SALEM, N. C. OCTOBER 1 Si HIT ISi fiin co!pML!iinEiSriinf: Worth Your Thought Our Handsome Store, Our Courteous Clerks. Our Quick Service. Our Effort to Please. WHY NOT tic V U IN SESSil- AT GREENSBORO LEARN THE av m ciiinpniup umi iu oiiiirouii o I lEntiro iMornfng Session Occu j ' pled Will) Judge Boyd's ! Charge To Grand Jury Arrival of Trains a. fioui lireensboic. . Kiuiii ciiLi-"-ljo:o . . p im Gree:isb"to . . From Muur-s ille . . Kii.iii Ch.ulotto . . . . h': 0111 Wiikesbolo .. Kr oiii Wilkesboro .. fiom Mt. Air.v .... V..,t:jn Salem. . . ;uii A. M. . . -:-Aj p. m ..'SJi P. M. . . 5:(iu A. M. . . 2:15 P. M . .10:45 A. M. . 4:5S P. M. .. 6:30 P. M. ENTER CAMPAIGN LZZJ CZ3 EZZ1 (ZZ3 c7 f From London, England, X, White Star Co. D A Choice Shipment of . Crystallized Ginger. Quality Most Excellent Phones 98 and 284. I of the Alleged Revenue Fraud Cases Will Probably Be Tried at This Term of Court Winston-Sa- !em Lawyers In Attendance On Court. (Special to T!io Sentinel.) Departure of Train from Winston , Salem. To Greensboro 5:ft.r A. M. i'o Greensboro ln:3u A. M. I'd Greensboro 5:03 P. M. To Charlotte . .... 2:23 P. M. To Mooresville 5:30 P. M. I Wiikcsboto :12 A. M. To Wilkesboro 3:15 P. M. To Mt. Airy, .. .. 8:30 A. M. Collection is made at Greensboro .vith through trains as shown below. )f these only Nos. S and 12 north- ioi:nd are local. Connection for GRKENSBORO, Oct. L Federal I outhlmuiid locals Is made at 6:10 a j Tuiin convened this morning at lt):3t i i'i -lock with Judge Boyd presiding, i'l.e charge to t lie grand Jury con ' I vimed all of the morning session. Tills is the regular October term j u;d a large number of peylo aYe- here I o attend the session. All of the fani j nis levtnue fraud cases that have nut teen tiiid timing the special terms I I !ils year have been continued to the I ivnhir term unit i! Is nrohalile that l-iome of these cases will be tried at l this term. J District Attornev Ilolton. .1. E. Alex ! inder and Clement Manly are among I t Ik. lieie attending com t PRECISION IN PRESCRIPTIONS use precise ways of filling pre Stilpllbi.s. We fl'np! i.v otily precise ly pure drill's. The benefit ytiu get bythesn'melhods is precise, exact. We work In harmony with, your d.,ctc:- always. Whatever 'he. di jects we do, cniploying a decree of kill in the doing that Is not equal led In an v drug store. Landquist d Pfohl The Corner Dm" Store (The Knox Hat "'''"'''pv'y F ' ! l a L . v 7- o For Good Dressers For Sale hv J. M. Woodruff 6 Co. JTL. MAN'S STORE iC store thatSavej You Money. PERSONAL NOTES. Rev. .1. K. Pfohl went to East Bend today. W'. Oimmette, of Greensboro, was l.oio yestcrdav. A Nance, of Charleston, is-visiting Ins son, I). A. 'Nance. ' Rev. p. H. .lonesXf Ueidsville, was in rite citv todav. Dr. 1). Clay hilly went to Charlotte tins alternoon, He will return tomor row. Mrs. I. Roseustock. of Danville. Is visiting her dster, Mrs. Carrio Rosen bacher: Joe Jacobs, who lias been In New York for several weeks, arrived In the city this morning. 1). A. Sheaf, of Lexington, who trav els for the n. .1. Reynolds Tobacco Co., was here today. Dr. .1. .1. M-alt.-the ltl'MM hltrin "hnac" In Iredell county, spent Sunday III the cay, sioppmg ni tin- t'iio?nlx. -Miss Nellie Cowles, of Wllkesboro, who lias beta the guest of her sister, .iiis. II. V.-Hoi-ton,-wont home tod.'-,'. P(.s:mastn- C. A. Reynolds went to Mocksville this evening. Hr will nrt. ! dress he Republicans of Davie there tomorrow. .las. A. Gray, Jr., was here this I morning bet ween trains enronte to Chapd 'Rill from Charlotte, where he attended the football game playcj Saturday between the University and Davidson College teams. The score was 0 to 0. , t A GOOD JlJDGE OF rEED ietldes In favor of the sort of good tilings for horses, cattle, plga and I'oullry to be found tinder our roof. If you are as careful about the food for your animals as you are about what you eat yourself you'lu do your marketing here, Prices fair and square G. L. Dull & Co. Phone 176, 198 Fifth St. Of course we always make good what we promise, and we promise nu Hint tlu quality 'of our Rilles is , No. 1. The Rest Ever. HerY's where von get something special (goods and prices); Savage Repeater Hanim'ei less, 22 cat. 13. nit; fM;vrliti .Ruby. Repeater' 22 cal. JlflliO; savage Jr..) single shot', 22 cal. SaviRe. Trfrgef (heautv) 22 cal. $i;.r,D qof n npw sh,mi(int )lf those Carbo baguette Razors yester day. brown-roge:r3 company. f CHEAP FUEL In order to Induce everybody to lay in a good supply of fuel while the, weather is gbod,ewe are offering, until further no tice, our famous "WIDOW KENNEDY" Coal at he very low price of $5.50 per ton. This is cash -price. Put in your or ders now for your requirements i and pay cash, on delivery. See J us and get prices on all fuel be 4 fnre buying. Peoples Fuel and Ice Co. THOSE MENTIONED AS DR MIVER'S SUCCESSOR (SpHcIal to The Sentinel.)4" RALEIGH, Sept. 30. The impres sion grows here that the successor to ne late ( has. I). Mclver as president of the State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro will be Mr. .'( Y.Njoyiigr, now state, superintendent !of public Instruction. As this talk Inci eases the number of candidate? for state superintendent of public In struction to succeed Mr. Joyner multi Plies, too. Among those who are known to be active candidates or be ing urged by their friend's are rof. I. I). Carlyle, of Wake Forest College Prof. J. A. Holt, of Oak Ridge Insti tute; Mr. R. D. W. Connor, of the state department of education, and even Mr. C. H. Mebane, who was state sup erintendent under the Republican ad ministration in 1SDS is known to be in uie neiu. n. and 1:22 p. m. Northbound. 6:45 a. m.. No. 5, daily for Rich cond and local points, connects at Danville for Norfolk. 12:20 p. in., Xo..3G, daily IT. S. fast mail for Washington and poluU lorth. Pullman di awing room sleep ,'rs to New York and Richmond. Day oach Jacksonville to Washington. Dining ear service. 12: r,S p. m.. No. 30, dully. Pullman drawing room sleeper to New Y'ork. Day ccach4 Jacksonville to Washing ton. Dining car service. 10:35 p. m. No. 12, daily for Rich mond and local points. This train han dles Richmond and Norfolk' Pullman sleeping cars. 10:31 p. m., No. 3S, daily, Washing ou audSouthwestein Limited, Wash ington and all points North. Pullman deepers and observation car through to New York. Solid Pullman train. 1:13 a. 111. No. SI ilailv Veil- Ynrli and Florida Express-. Pullman draw ing room sleepers U New York. Day coach to Washington. Liiri a. m.. No. 40. for W.iKhinctnr, andpolnts North. Pullman day coach io wasningion. Southbound. 4:12 a. m No. 3!, dally. Atlanta Ex press for Salisbury, Charlotte. Atlanta md points South. Carrier, sleeper to "olunibii3 Ga. 5:53 a. in.. No. 2?,. d.iilv Npw Ym-k jnd Florida Enpress. Pullman draw- ug room sleepers to Tnmnn .nut. An. tusla. Firs.t class coach t'n o ich from ' Washington to Jacksonville. Dining "ar service. 0:55 a. in.. No. 37, dailv, Washing on and Soutliwestein Limited. Pull nun' drawing room sleepers to New Means, Macon. Hirmiiiehnm ami N'ashviile. Observation car. Solid Pull- nan train. Dining car service. 0:44 p. m No. 2!), daily, Florida Jinlted, Pullman drawing room deeper and first-class day coach hrongh to Jacksonville. Dining car iervlce." 7:22 p. in., No. 35. dally for Char otte, Atlanta and all iiitc sfiih Pullman sleeping cars to New Oi- eans and llirmiu):haui. Dini nt' pnr cur 'ice. . This schedule subject to change ( to Ihe Si--i,tii,e! I SALiSBl'HY. Sept. 2:'.- 8. .. Lie S. Overman,' who.-.'- I.v.;;,t i i Saiisbuiy, is spending " -. -ul -1 ;i : . ; . . rtjinpiapr a iait of :;., ulstrict iu the hw-;,. of the D':n.iciatic tick.1; ;;.ni u--.,,. I.i vi ters to cai: thilr ball.ilj, '(.. i.en. K. N Hackett fur c oure: .-:. T .i , wick r- ias Leeu in, Koa;.,! : Slanly couutit'S whcie h,- has 1 gieetej by laige and eiKluui:,.-,, j . ciowds. Yes;erday he spoke at .!l I marie and today at Levd. ! Conu-ssniHii Tiiro. V. Klutiz. u( y-J , city, today addressed tiie vo;e;s"of.: Iredell county at Mant'sville. j!i;i-t M. Julian, candidate for the i.siv;-i. . I iure from Rowan, aad Wliiti-h'e! !" ; ' Kliiitz. nojuiiit-cfor the stale s. ;r..'.' .ne each slumping Rowan tmmn i'i ' the interest of Democracy. ':, i i; Vi "Dick" Hackett Given An Ovation.. .Mr. R. N. Hackett. Demociaiic 0.1U. dldate for Congress in the eighth dis ttict, was given an ovation at ihe I) ni ociatic conve.ition in his home counn fWilkts) Saturday. Dr. J. M. Turn.'. .vas ujmiiiated for representative ir :he ieisiatme and N. E. Parlier for ,ou:ity conuii!ssio:ier. A. M. Vanho-, i wa-i endorsed for sheriff and every-; Cody urged to support him regardh sJ of party. i I . 1 Mr. Hacked addressed the cmiv.m.l',' tlou and his speech was receiv.d wii'i'i'' sreat enthusiasm. At, the close of " petch he was piesente,! with a hcau-' " Lfnl hcuiiuei of flowers bv the ''id;, s i ' present. ' ' ' i d I. "-Strato, -'a;.. f - h i., All j:oid d.'aiers.sell poituei's II.,''-' nan. Cail for it at the bars ,.i..V: ji case for the home. ' ! -.iio- w: -:i:. . - . "" di'' " ! Sept. I'.Mh V.,1 111! V. P. Kemp, of Mayodun. is iu the OTIS HOW ABOUT Your Old Roof? Why not let us stop the leuks while tjie weather is fayor ahle? New roofs and roof repairing a specialty. Morgan aH?CuthrelI. FUGLE BRO'S CO Manufacturers of SCREENS Made to FIT your doors and windows. Phone 85. Administratrix Notice. an tUir Estate of Samuel H. Taylor icreased, notice s herein- irlven tn nelsons indehten in cool t- make immediate payment; and all persons having claims against the said estate are rennlrori tn nrooct ... I'lVCtllL lie same tn me Tm,- n'i-r,r,.,. .t.i.. - ... Fwj,ncilL wuiuiii twelve monllia frn n dm urn, l oci"LII"l. . or tills notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. r A A A 1 K R. TAYI np iinilnistratrlx of Samuel H. Taylor, 2iigene E. Gray, Attorney. Mrs. Virgil E. Ilolcomb. of Mt. Airv vho has been visitin,,er parents at iveinersville, returned home this afternoon. NO) -ax pRICES:Ho,lowGf! HONING C 'OJW HP.' s.P,ifi"Ul GRINDING . ThvJ NO NEW BLADES v. O&s. ' NO ANNUAL TAX NO NEW BLADES NO ANNUAL TAX THE FIRST PURCHASE PRICE THE ONLY EXPENSE Your Hardware Dealer will Deliver to' .TKflW I 2l T7JK.ltn on 30 days trial without obligation on your part to SELLING ACENTS nutnis BROWN-ROGERS CO ous PUHELYVEG! :lied with vegett Mrs. J. G. Vawter went to Graham '"day to visit relatives and friends. New Advertisements. Huntley-Hill-stocHton Co. Some of the leaders that Identify this store Meyers-Wcstbrook Co. In an ' at tractive rftilf page ad. call attention to Jiutumn exhibit of women', fash ionable fabrics and apparel Rosenbacher & Hro.-In a page ad announce fall opening ,, fl,4 an; nlversary of nSv Store Smokers' Den.-The Cuban cigar as a trial order.- Notice to K. of P.'s. All members of Salem lodge No r,C are earnestly requested to meet at the ;- e room at 7:, '10 tonight, to-consider ,"" I" ttKcments "of ()llr . late uiuuiei, m. i .ioore. J- H. EARLY. C. C. Slleiiff ftlsnillKrl, l,nJ ...... , JUM pur ( liased a verv Nm,, u . 'ends to beat the' world'', record with 'I'lU'M ltl, Mis. Charles Sink, of North Wllkes- )01'0. is vis!lill!- roliiHi.i,,. .i ..! , ' " ttnu menus here. G. W. Rownian, of Blooimington who has been visiting his son, E. C. Bowman, left today for home kinds, not alone to bcantifv the land, hut to furnish tk i making a remedy for everv ill and ailment of mankind. M from the roots herhs and harts which nature h is p'. k'vd .it t man, act better in every way than ilo stroni; mixtures tiona the nroducts of the chemist 's shon. Mineral medicines ously on the delicate parts of the system, ewci.ill v the stomal by eating- out the lining membrane, producing chronic lyp! entirely ruining the health. ,S. S. S. enjoys the distinction only liurelv webihle rented v on the lnnrket. It is m.l'le oft acting, healibsr. ourifvingr roots, herbs and harks. !Miwilt rf build tip and invigorate all parts of the system, in a.W'ti'Hl impurities and poisons from the blood. S. S. S cures Rhi-imu! Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, C"iit;i:,'MU Hluci I1 disorders of the blood by cleansing the circulation of.t'ac cm safely as '.veil as permanently. It is as safe for rhiMren ' ; .vy j II i lie j II IlllJ Ul MIL, illHl 1,1 l.iLi'.ii. ' . ...v , without fear of bad after-effects. Poo!.- on Hi- M"'"i '"J write. THE SWIFT SPLCifiG CO; ATW Brihtsbanc "Favorite" Ranges. Arc the Best. . Tim cr,,ti...., . . . ,i,uum-i is auiiiorized to M.ue inai no charge will be made to c giunu stanu at lledmont ParU inriiig (iovernor Glenn's address at '"v- uur louiurrow . . -Gov. R. p.. Glenn inafte a political speech at Mocksville todav ' this bt--:ng the opening day of Davie court He was exacted here this afternoon at 2:. 1m. but missed his train. He'wlll in rive tomorrow morning and while In Ihe city will be the guest of Mr J C Huxton. ' " Cream squares. Home Bak ery. . . "Favorite" iang :es. SOLID, SOUND. SUCCESSFl 5- ." " Southern Life and Trust Comnanv Last year S65.000.QOO was paid to foreign life insurance company Dy tne people of the Southern Mates TUI- . tS m i iw 7 18 ,rulBOUS U o n- section and should be stopped. Th- i 2 t" I ' V1Cjcrvi:,s lif,! Insurance companies and thus build them. V i n t,," .'U'rn, Lif.p uml Tn,st Company Is a DESERVING company. Its n.;r t or e r,, ,nvoiK Sllch responsibfiKy and therefore requiring such :(if V "i me insurance. The insuring ni,n t, ;.i i.. . ......,i .i.,.. i,.- iion. t roin simiM ,, i .... i. i . , r o...u vB,.....uiio n uas grow n into t ne unrest lie ins trail imp.'1 Surplus to noliev-hnlii comnnnv uo . ' . JJ I"- iu,uuu, an( not a ueatn iroin n.t.- compaU) was organized three years ago. cality nly con,,an' that Propose-s to Invest in each locality the net pre-nimi Tnlo ....I!. . .. . ; ,'"l. 1,1 'e Southern Life and Trust Comnnnv nn,l von cet the he i. . .'. ' OVUUII.-I II I, lie anil rilyf 'nininnv on.l pol l ie plnVi1h7enormo:;:l:,r::y:t"!,,ti,ome ,o ho I,,.,,,,. , .i . ""ucj iio.ii your state be loaned through The net premiums are QGBURN-VEST CO , District Ag'en J J. W. McALISTERr Manager Life Department. Are the Best. J ; -: