'WlM-CiTY D.JLY SENTO t 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS - A CASE FOR THE POLICE col: ENJOYABLE AFFMfl.-AT FORSYTH FI. "Jirco Reception To Governor Glenn Bigger Crowd At The Grounds Last Night Was Success Today Than Yesterday. In Every Way. j Despite The Rain. f-e At All Attends im Carried I IB. i CtCa i' "..'tv.,-.. ; - 'in CubJ. i re seem XRECOXCILLU, . . uje Been Sent , jell Trains A"d Nor-j ion the Island Are j t r-.Mir r.on- d A'" v."""-" Several Weeks e This Evening- ,i,s' Vr-s.) ;T':.- di.-.i fining .k,. jnnn li.ite vie- ti i I' I! l n K 11." , !!.( nf mis rs.n'.ii l"'i" a:; i" II"1 ins tilt'tll liirh lilt' SHI. 1 I" have lie ; i-imid. iri; made at the there late tilts II OCT. 22 Mtmr. of ilif Win :i; Amis I'd., was' ill ni.ik; arrangements ic-Saieiii (inn Club t Ivoiini: exhibition here tiay afternoon, iter Repealing' Anns !?! w.th hix nf the ion shuts in give the m l'l he Mr. W. I. R. Tay.r. Mr. .1. M. John B;.a ami Mr. .mid in. invited whether they i"' but ft.r ih.i- thiil ttif- c!ali li,if, arranged iffi a::rt as taigfts will ie crnt i noh it will be Brl:i ,)iir guns, ciaiiy invited to attend ! fHl shoeing :f a !:. is the arknow- slut riilf an. Officer Undo Sam: "Now, tell your troubles to the judge." '. Dornetl in Chicago Chronicla. IH FEDERA I Several Defendants Were Found Guilty of Illicit Dis tilling Yesterday. Negro Alan Shot At Camp Of Working Force Near Whitney Yesterday. I LLED fif UN If LET NTIUC1 s this r iiiinii. ar li 'I" T j)jht .vein Dili's, marbles, ' tin iwn in t!io 'vli a solid i i s.Ki:i witti tifxasion will ' i t:j V. S. ste Tun Jji'iitinc! I i i a sin " - 1 e Rowan n'-s vp taken ' ';'!. a Iiiikc lines l.MV Sas. i:i! ln.-e of iii which 'I lleiell sifk lleill;!,. Thp tin- water I hat all th. ,; if il;e, coiiii- liiion. The mer.s was "f a iat-Rc 'i il liv At-' However, They Have Not Been Sen tenced, by Judge Boyd Yet. News Items Reported From Federal Court In Session at Greensboro This Week. (Special to the Sentinel.) GREEN'S BORO, Oct. 3. Several I rai Iv i cases for illicit distilling were tried in; a ni Negro Cook Kills One Man fid Ser iously Wounds Another. Woman Claims Self-Defen6c But She Is Be ing Held to Answer Murder Charge. fSpecia! to The Sentinel.) SAl.lSHl'RY. Oct. At Whitney yesterday iiionilns Mat Brown, (i cn'.k i" one of tilt' ramps at I i ' fall , ''' iI: I i'S ., eleien :.:.)! ri-iit-i.,, :'v ef i! f I '.Ik.llr, city. The will roach United Slates district court here yes terday, but sentences in none of the cases wore passed. The following were the men tried: Charles Martin of Rockingham county, guilty; W. R Combes, of Wilkes ct.iinty, guilty; Sam and William Jones, of uM I by Guilford county, pleaded guilty; Hayes n si10t r-'lyiin-. of Stokes county, not guilty ; I tfu. m,. W, W. Atlklns, of Caswell, guilty; lehit Adkins. of Caswell county, nn! guilty; V. A. Spi.as, of Forsyth, former revenue ganger, making oppor tunity to defraud the govt rniiienl. guilty. X. K. Oliver. Illicit rltsiilline. guilty. Judge Adams represented, the defendants in nearly aH of the illicit distilling cases. C. H. Walkt-r, of Wilkes county, a. former deputy ree nue colleclor, jileaded gniity to mak ing false reports of the destruelion of illicit distilleries. , thill place, s'lot and instantly klUe.'l Jim (irifliu. a toiored employe of the roati actors, on the big power plant ul the nariows on I lie Yadkin river, and seriously woun.KCl auoiiicr negro in pleaded ! the tight which fi.liowe 1. The wt irpoii 'l,e. woman wa a double bar gun. It is al'egi .J s'le shot linn in i-"lf ib fetise though i -a i rit d to A'bei niarle when" iaili d it !snir bail I , await murder. Possible That Panama Cana! Officials Will Decide fa Have Work Done By Contract. sue w: .111' w.i . I rial for IIS m STORM man i'.as i ti:, Arrest .special " !r'tal tle ie'iiiks, Ala., ''. during which re- sfction i ought, MAul, lost fn ';le town in ''as been ''o- I'eiisa :' '' ''is tour to the :i the neigh- STATE OF ed. . niiHiorities ili.it ;iy,v 'd lu re for '""I'm, of '' Cll'nnililo ,.r..r,.a from !'". Hie gov re to stand ';,n';,.;i -nrt had a' ."" k,-Pt in , k Faisou ; : "',' for his "e state (liv Piiblisliers' Press.) ST. PETERSM'RO. Oct. 2. The Russian governnient is preparing to take inure aggressive action against rev-olutionarles who are exerting ev ery Influence they possess to over throw the nionarrhy. Having seen ml the upper hand within ihe .orders of the country and having driven the revoliillonists to cover the authori'ks arc planning to extend power to reach offenileis who may seek safety in for eign countries. As the first step in this direction the understanding be tween Russia and France in regard to the return of political offenders is to be strengthened. Krnest Valle. formerly French senator and at "U1 time, minister of Justice, is here m conduct negotiations . Rtissia wants the agreement extended .to mak,- t' Pos-sible for her lo extradite eery nolltical offender who se ks refuge in France. PRESIDENT HIS I I ILK MTU IGfi Chief Engineer Stevens And Chair man Sbonts, of Canal Commission Have Both Considered the Mattel Thoroughly Although No Definite Decieion Has Yet Been Arrived At. I Hr Publinhers' Press.) WASIII.m; TON'. CM. a The Pan ama canal may be built by contract. The canal commission has Issued In .confidence to practically all of big con tratrois (,f the country tentative speci fications of the work. As a result tJjete are btlng received a great many proposals and suggestions. Thi nubjer't is the irlnclpul one upon which Chief Ktiginetr Steeni and Ciiairnnin Shonls, of the commis sion, wotked during the six Weeks that the latter spent on Ihe Isthmus. It has also been the chli f matter to en gage shouts' attention during Ihe last two months. It Is not probable the decision will lie reached for sometime. .arge Number of People Called at' Horse Show to B Held Friday, Thli Rooms of the Twin-City Club And. Making Fair Last Day Longer Than Paid Their Reipects to the Chief ftlr jast Ons Day Longer Than Executive of the State. ' Advertised. If Weather Is at Aft The ucepiiou tendere.1 Cou-r.ior K j Favorable Big Crowd Will Attend ! .(ili'tiu on la M euning at the Twin-' Tomorrow And Friday. ' 'Ity Club was u nm.-t divided mutc.-s' Ifcspii.- drU.Unn rain, praetli -ajly Mid Hieatly l-ujoy(Hl. ,ttl n. ! , iidanee upon th. For- I'he nfimi$ had lit en tuns- attract!.--j tu cinu.ty fall tt l.iv was largi-r tlmii decorated for the ortasi in In c.tlir, on ycle: lav. The maiuigeiiieiit l ins. laurel, golden rod and uuiiiinii , niakltig an t flf x t to Ret thf iuHetn eaves. !( ()1 raH ti.'ilns between th city ami The ft.Ut.4rt tt the dreary seeti pietlmont park on Friday. provWtvl .vltlmut only emphasUed Hie blight ..tlier rondlllotm nt favorahlc aml- less, brilliancy ami beauty of Hint, if this arraiiceinent In niatle tha fair will be eiintlinieil one tiay loiUtT tliau within, all present i-ntl. vr.ri iig to do honor to our popular ami well bc!oci! ;orrnor. Kxquisite mil-tie was iPiidcretl din ing the entire tenlug by Kaltdgh's fa nous string orchestia. Delicious punch was nrnt'-tl by Mrs. tettle Woo.lruff. Mr. Walter Nadiug md Miss Annie l.udlow. Teniptlng Ices and take were eerv tl by the club. Among the out-ot low n gucKU were, .lesilames W. K. Sliilip. Eilwln cht'r- nan, .Misses Rcinliarl. Illue. l.tiulse md ICthel Carr, Maiy Iteubow, Maiv tunli r lt t h !. Robinson. Itinwn, lernhart. Not II, l,ewl. Swank, Duke, I .a ura untl l.nia llalrston, Susie unit llirdie Hilling. Ann If and ' l.oulse .lutchlnson. M s.si's. Caldwell, l'oe Hid McNeill. FALL OPENING If ( liv I'llbllshers'- Press ) WASHINCTON. Oct. '. - The presi li'tit had a long conf mice this mm li ng with Judge- Chilli' - K- Mau-ion. tecr ntly governor !' Panama, a: the lose or which it was announced that ihe president, had decidt d uM to send PRESIDENT TO IKE S Iagoon to Cuba as coii' lleekman. Winthiop. pn-s' tit of Poi'o Rico, wili probab; noiuled prmi-iunal governor mpla'ed governor , ri)Vi. ' !' "I1" J and of ( uba Are They Liable to Tax. (Special lo The h:uUiicl.) h t kk;H. Oct. The nueslion the liabiiily of fraternal onleis ba'.'i a bent lit liiandi for i's nenili.t pa." the State licenses, i.tx u:I f N.u'h Cdiolitia insurance I::w, n tfi snliji ct to the in sura nee laws of ' Sti-te is being pre: sed on f'oimi. siolieiA of Insurance J. R. Young now. for a t uiing Mr. William .1 ,!ann. of WiliiiijiK'"". is here as r ney for the Older of Kaeles in-"i --r-ate I undt r 'lie laws of ' Wa.-li-t. state lh auihority to nig.tn,.. :: fra'ei'tial K;ic"tv or order wi". t.-ttr fits nfr i's niembers and is r-nferr us with .'in- insurance commis-i'ii : L'atiiiug this matter. Other efi- i.1 of the sanre character doing b'iic - In he State aie much 'liter. -s'e !' f. '.) moi iii.'ir. No figiil is to be m;t :. :' being the i)iii pii.-e of th- oner '" ;... th, t,i a: 1 cr.nipiy J'i- II' ,'. I ublishers' Press.) ! WASHINCTOX. Oct. - Rtxis'-velt i will It .ue Washington at 7;f0 totnor- mnrning for a trip to Harrisburg Yoik, Pa. The magnificent new state capitol Is to be dedicated at Mar- rislitirg and the president Is on the piogtam for all atldress. ll'T'-tf'ill take !lui(heon with (iovernor Penny-packer and a select gathering of KeyHtonf S'ate notables- On the way back to W tshing-ton he will stop at Yotl:. where he will make an adilnss at the Hearing county fair. I' Is stated tiie. president's remarks will contain tefereiict; to political affairs in Ihe ;uje. M" will rta'h Wasiiington on : his return 'at 7:ilu p.-ni. -' Decidedly one of the most beautiful ml artistic i. pollings ever shown in he TwIii-CiU was the one of last veiling at tile handsome department tores of Itosenl.acher ti Hro Notwithstanding the very; Inclement veather, hundreds of people were een wending ilieir way to this sulen- hi display of ladies' and geniUinen's lie wearing apparel. Cutler the deft Ingn's of the decorator ami his ef lclent co-wmkt is, the store hud been (inverted Into a tiling of beauty. The vlndow on the right was nn artltt's t ml v in red, handsome drest goo'Is ii all the - i ntltlj lints, lw lug Ingen- tiuslv arrangetl, with all 'he novel- les.ln braids, etc. The centie window leplcteil a perfect aiitunm scene, In he. spacious park, which was strewn vlth autumn leaves. Two figuies. andsoinely gowutd, weie stolllng in- !de of the niost unltiie fence of wliltf md uold.- Out was gownetl In a most iegant evening robe of French cream 1,1 inputted lace over cream laffeta. a 1 1 h a lovely opera cloak of lavender. vhlle the comi anion figure, was most it'Coniii'gly tin sseil In an eltgaiil irown tailor made costume, hat. loves and a magnificent set of brown iiirs to match The whole pretty sretie was lighted by iiiimbcis of dectilc bulbs, eulwln 'il about the large while columns Aire myriads of auniuin haven, while tn attractive luickgiouud for the whole picture whs th beautiful forest ceuory exiilbiled. (In entt ring, going down the light, i Southern anlunin itene whs por trayeii. the alcoves of grti n on oin sbie ami green and wIiI'm on the other, howing Hdiuirably the inagniti'eni line of Roman slrl.pt. and tancy plaid 'llks, t ie. Here were seen novelties of all kinds; all tb different shades in long, and short Ct'iiiemerl gloves. exclusive line of the onyx hosiery. in w creations in etc. Magnificent advertised. The .alii prevelittMl the jra.es fcfhidiil. I for litis afternoon. I T!i,- exhibits of final producta tl I oilier aitia-'lions surpa'f all formerj efforts matle. ln lite asviM'liition, ; (iovt rnor Ciieiin's Bildrtv!., at the j formal opening of the fair yesterday ' artet in, on. was pat tletilarly arpron jrlate an dliiten sling lie spoke of 'the gnat lieattlts to be derived from I thp I., iltling "f 'iie-e annual fotiniy fairs anil tlst'Uhed the iirogrt being male In larniliig an I all tMher luilu trlo in the old Nmlh Stale, The atl dress was op Industrial Hue atnla heard wth getiulno Interest. Horse Show Friday. The Sentinel U requested by lie fair management to state that the horse show will take place Friday. Instead of tommiow, as formerly announced. There wilt nlso he racltiR, Imlloon a censl in amrother attnitclotia on Fri day. None of C-ie exhlhlta "III ho re in jcd before Saturday. Th tralnt to the fair grountls will he operated ,im half hour schedule on Friday. WUU favorable weather great crorwiU r j exp'ecte.1 at the fair tomorrow nd Fri- I day. J Racing Events. I The racing contests yesterday afi" jnoon opened with a 2 20 trot, which I was won bv Kieclor, owned by (I,,. T. Dyer, of Roanoke; Capl. took, owned by W ('. Dyer, was neeontl; Kate Campbell, owned by W. W. Smoak. third, ami Piirtsnioiith, owned bv James P-iotht-is. of Yadkliiville. w'jis fourth. The llinc was Z.W an'l 2.r.t!4. The second event on the card wan the 2. It; pacing nice. It wan Won by Ht I.ouIh, W. W. Murgcstt owner, the time being 2.1!) and 2.2dH, I.uxttiKK ft and Catntgle (llvldltig thtj fecotltl money. A 2 2j pacing race followed, .fei"lo C winning. She la owned by W. (,'. Dyer, King Max and Karris took tha honor oT dividing second and third money, while Serior Woodland tan The Hun was 2-2V and 2.29. J ,11. Dyer acted as starter ant Robert S. (ialloway. I). Rich and C. E. Hht lion were the Judges, Today's Races. The events iiiinounced for today ate as lollows: i 2 ,',ii tiot I) mule llenton, Venlo, Cajit. niokRoso l.eo, Kolor. 2"i 'I'lot or Pace - Setmr WoiHlland, Toiii Howe, ('aid C ink, MagHilli". Ro-e l.eo. Lucy Hall 2.19 Pace Jessie C, Hadle Teniple. Maude Adams, Carnegie, Ik-lb Pal Medium. Chorus Girl Recovers. RAI.KKIII, (Ktober il.--Jiephen I Hut us, one of tlie t horns glrla of thu "Utile Durht'MH Company." who wax injured' in a runaway here ami bad convulsions all day Monday from Ihn effrcta of Internal Injurlen, expr It net d a stuMen and remarkable turn for the better, wlibh euablol Ver to neckwear.' q, hi n,.r i.,i within an hour and take Importeil I H.r .,.,. Wfn n, "ijtiu, ichfsa an 'all II I K..U .. Oi l I H, Ulcus viw 1" rrencti liamt clotn, , Company." Die mipiiositlon Is that a suiidow pialds, Scotch mlxliiies ami I rib was wrenched out of position ami nil the alty, dainty materials with ex- ,lut one of her violent convulsions (pilslie braids. applliiieH, etc., lo forced (t hack Into Ha proper plate so match, wete attutleally shown, In-j that relief was ItmtU Instant. r terspersed among tlose dulnly fabrl's rase had baffled several physicians. were lovely 'palms, ferns, begoli'as. . - . , , - roses and dozens of silver tin tt. 1 1 sii a ble make, style, price ami ' kind (fiiarles. Imported for the occasion In; may be found, for old nnd young;, Ren their .gilded rages, which view with j tieni"ti f.nd ladies, la'la a'ud lassie ihe loVely tiinslc furnished by the ' f- j it ; j can be nil'ed. rhestta, in filling the air with dlvloej i,,n,. thouKh was the gentler melody . Here also was shown a j ,,cx s fan' y catered to, for Mr. Haudcll Marge Hue of papery, similar to thai o: t nbHClier (,' motist rated fully In i fiu tilslieil for the m w Zlnzendorf by'lii" incemoux display of K-ntnmeu' this etiterpt ising linn, dtawn wot k i flNe ijicss suits, that hand'iomp shir', of a!! kinds, exclusive lines In t run i elegant ties, nobby hats, fancy veta mings. artistic display or ribbons Inland stylish collars' could be- artistic all tin new weaves, etc. With (ilffleiillv ;M;V Hrr:iiiged Mis blue show eattt on a'coutp of the tbrt.lig (die asretided i Wi, ,lrts, lies, hose find collar lo ith 4 New Advertisements. , Vthilo JMar Co. Aunouuces . mar 1 ring of 'Mr. Wa-hlng'ou IJr ad Ui I Mis White House Holier, i Itosenbarhcr it liro. Looking into j i he 'future. - Ntwmi.n's Variej Store. All- .st and' lina' an ai-tnanv ihe 'taitway, wlote autumn reigns amid winter sin rountiliigs. Magnifl- rttit furs' In all the latest styles, from .in elegant set costing $l2.'(im to the ItiOM moderate price, gretts one, jwljile it would !fIl-i;t to duplbale .In style, eitgance and price, the nOb- by, chic sul's In all the new colors land cuts, complete costumes as well 'flounces tin- arrival of the tar; finest shipmttH of glass and. if I Meyers-WeSi.hrook Co. In tractive page ad ti 'Is of the R. C. Spaugh returned this morning from Concord, where In- aitende'd the funeral of Mr. M. I- -Moore. Deputy Marshal Carroll came m t his afternoon from Mix'ksvill". where he went to look after the sale of some land. ' Rev. and Mrs. .1. . H. TV.winati. Liberty, who have been visiting R v and Mrs. J. D. Williams. retuiiH'l home today. law. M. s ! i'l she it Hie itnnils iperat -ion. in il'. a Cai ritiglo t ,.f Mis., Ks 1 tliis af'Tin. i i 'his r H i pt rials for fair visltoi i l.an'lulst Pfi , knows, ask her i The Misses Martiti ' . d.-. ss " Cea; su.ts will I styles in the best mat s for t 'i is, hi Your Wife -' Distinf tion ITi velvet most approved I lilln.' match, tihowcd real skill In exhiMting goods to the best advantage. Indeed, one dot 6 not need t'i go out of the store.- to lit out either the family or Jiome, as all the needed aeireaivotlea are found here. Tin- openirjg refleeted nitieh credit tin the owtii'ts and employees of Kosenba' lu-r'a vtoto. Especially . la as mpaiate cloaks, skirts, waists, etc. -credit due Mr. Royer, the popular and H.-re, under an experienced lad v. Mm I capable m.-iii.iger, and Mr. Kleteber, .(ffrlea. any needed alteraHon ran he it he artistic decorator who airang"4 made. Curtained gracefully off by j attrat live windows, beaiitilful lace rurtains was.'he com-' A Mr (oyer, the very romix-leM plet and magnitlcent dtsplay (if drug ' managt r said. "It !,, lm,(Wklliie Pa get.,, rugs, caiuets, In axtninster anv mall 1o make a ronitilete succett inoijuetie and tapi-Mn. and f his Itusltie-s without rompetent : No i ris. North a prommet Wilkesborn. II in j r.t . in ;. of Wiil-.fci. tl ip to Ci'-i i I.ashinit's Shoe. S'or ave on your shoe bill. Rest tibacht r Pro it.gers; bird and cage 1 1 -How- to IiiiK,rted .",0 each. N, (iletiu Williamti was afternoon, returning ffdii ; trip to Creensboro, , J here this business curtains or all kinds, while at list !;! '! arranged to show to the best posstolel advantage were the b.vely Huters and drapeiies i,( all kinds Graeefuily-! eiiTirninlng the large while clumiis wete varied colors of au'umii btives.' while potted plants, roses, ferns .nml palms wera artlstlrally anaiigeil in nooks, all over the store , In the shoe department every rie-' help Mirli as Is employ ed here " RoHcrihacher ar Hrt), are u- lie cob giatilat... on : he 'complete success of. their opening. While the community Is ir,1e!it I to these eiiterprlaltiR gen-t"!!ii-u for ;t verv pleasant evening, "lie bi-antlf i! t, t or.ttSons, llttln haml mil rot , which we're given uh soiiveiiiii., ami entrancing music form ing a ttio of pit-ai-a- i t'-coilectlona.

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